Witch Knight

by RandomBlueGuy

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"TRIBE (Characters)" By Joel Codina.


Martial Archetype

Witch Knight

Outlanders, wild ones, cannibals and even druids. These are some of the names common folk use to refer to the Witch Knights, and even if some of those might be true, reality is that these warriors have a unique relation with ancestry, nature and magic. Witch Knights use strange and unique rituals to overcome adversity in battle while they strike down any creature who dares to oppose them.

Arcane Sentinel Features
Level Rituals known Features
3rd 2 Rituals,
Cursing Strike
7th 4 Ritualist
10th 5 Hexer
15th 6 Eternal Rituals
18th 7 Unsealed


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain access to a set of ancient and forbidden rituals used by tribal warriors to imbue themselves with the different forces of nature, and release new and uncanny abilities.

Whenever you finish a long rest, you can perform one of these rituals by painting up to 2 intricate designs, also known as ritual marks, alluding to the type of ritual you chose into your body or armor. These marks remain on your body or armor until you finish a long rest.

The amount of rituals you know and can perform increases when you reach certain levels in this subclass as shown in the table above. Additionally, each time you gain a level in this class, you can replace one the ritual marks you know with a different one.

Cursing Strike

Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to imbue your weapon with necrotic energy. As an action, you channel necrotic energy into your weapon and make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet. on a hit, the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage + the weapon's normal damage.

additionally, you can use your bonus action to apply the effects of one of the rituals you have prepared and requires the use of this feature.

The damage of your cursing strike increases by 1d8 every time you gain the extra attack feature provided by this class.

You can use this feature times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain 2 uses of this feature at the end of a short rest, and all uses when you finish a long rest.


Ritual/Spell/Cursing Strike saving DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.


At 7th level, your ability to perform rituals have taught you the basics of ritual casting. You learn two 1st level spell from the wizard spell list. You can only cast a ritual spell through the use of this feature once per day.

You can learn a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier and every spell must have the ritual tag. If you want to do so, you have to find every spell in written form before you try to memorize it. The process takes 1 hour per spell level and it can't be higher than 1/4 of your fighter level rounded down.


At 10th level, you have discovered how to enhance your cursing techniques even further. Whenever you use your cursing strike feature successfully, you may also inflict one of the following effects on the same creature:

  • The target's speed is reduced by 10 feet while you gain the same amount.
  • The target has disadvantage on ritual saving throws.
  • The target cannot concentrate on spells if you are within 10 feet of it.
  • The target cannot take reactions until the end of its next turn.

Eternal Rituals

After you reach 15th level, whenever you use your second wind feature you regain 1 use of 2 used rituals of your choice and 2 uses of your cursing strike.

Additionally, the damage die of your rituals changes from 1d8 to 1d10.


At 18th level, you have become a master of hexes and rituals when you created one powerful ritual of your own. Activating said ritual gives you access to your full potential for 1 minute, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain immunity to necrotic damage and your attacks ignore necrotic resistance.
  • Your skin emanates a necrotic Aura of 10 feet, any creature that comes in to contact or begins it's turn on it takes 1d6 necrotic damage.
  • You can use your Cursing Strike without spending a use of this feature, this doesn't apply to your rituals.

This ritual doesn't count against the maximum number of rituals you know, and its effects can only be used once per long rest.

List of Rituals

Depending on the nature of the ritual, its effects might always be active (passive tag), require the use of your Cursing Strike (Cursing Strike tag), hitting an enemy with your weapon (Activates on strike tag) or need the use of your reaction (reaction tag).

You regain all uses of your rituals after you finish a short or long rest.

"Blacksmith" By Tatiana Vetrova.


Ritual of the Bear

By the strenght of the mighty bear, you gain +2 AC and your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage.

Ritual of the Fey

Requires Cursing Strike to activate
Inspired by the duplicity of the fey, whenever you hit a creature with your cursing strike, you can activate the effects of this ritual to attempt to turn the creature feral. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or become charmed until the end of its next turn. While charmed, the target has to use its action to attack the nearest creature, other than you, be it ally or enemy.

Ritual of the Fiend

Requires reaction to activate
When you choose to wear the ritual mark of the fiend, you gain fire resistance and you can use your reaction to transfer the effects of any fire based spell that targets you to a creature you can see, other than the attacker, within 30 feet.

You can activate the effects of this ritual times equal to your intelligence modifier.

Ritual of the Hound

By using this ritual you become a hunter with no equal. You ignore nonmagical difficult terrain and gain proficiency in Perception checks.

Ritual of the Moon

Requires reaction to activate
The ritual mark of the moon evokes an aura of deceit and mystery. In the same way, whenever you or an ally within 10 feet of you is hit by a melee attack roll, you can use your reaction to reflect the attack back to the creature using that same roll.

You can activate the effects of this ritual two times per short or long rest.

"Conflict" By Victor Tan.


Ritual of the Owl

The constant alertness of the owl aids you at all times. You cannot be surprised and other creatures don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being hidden from you.

Ritual of the Poisonous Frog

Requires reaction to activate
Taught by nature itself, whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to inflict poison on the attacker. The creature must succeed on a constitution saving throw or take 1d8 poison damage.

You can activate the effects of this ritual times equal to your intelligence modifier.

Ritual of the Snake

Requires Cursing Strike to activate
Imbued by the strenght of the snake, whenever you hit a creature with your cursing strike, you can activate the effects of this ritual to summon a spectral snake to immobilize the creature. It must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to free himself from the snake. If it fails the saving throw, it takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage.

Ritual of the Steed

Activates on strike
Whenever you hit an enemy, you can use the blunt side of the weapon to replace the damage your weapon would normally do to bludgeoning damage of the same amount, then force the target to make a strength saving throw. On a fail the creature is knocked prone.

You can activate the effects of this ritual two times per short or long rest

Ritual of the Storm

Activates on strike
By channeling the power of the storms, whenever you hit a creature with a metal weapon, you can magnetize it to and disarm your enemy. The creature most succeed on a dexterity saving throw or have its weapon fall to the ground. If any creature tries to pick the weapon up, it takes 1d8 lightning damage.

You can activate the effects of this ritual two times per short or long rest

Ritual of the Sun

Requires Cursing Strike to activate
You can harness a little fraction of the Sun's power in your body. Whenever you hit a creature with your cursing strike, it deals radiant damage instead of necrotic, and you can activate the effects of this ritual to blind your enemies. Every creature of your choice within 10 feet of you must succeed on a constitution saving throw or become blinded, granted it has eyes, for 1 minute. The creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect. If the creature you hit with your cursing strike is an undead, it takes an extra 1d8 of damage.

Ritual of the Undying

Requires Cursing Strike to activate
Using knowledge inspired by creatures beyond life and death, whenever you hit a creature with your cursing strike, you can activate the effects of this ritual to leech the life of that same creature. You regain hit points equal to half of the damage of your cursing strike (rounded down).

Ritual of the Unknown

By communing with an entity of unknown powers you gain some of its powers. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The creature doesn't need to have a language in common with you to understand you, but it needs to be able to understand at least one language.

Additionally, the damage of your cursing strike deals is psychic instead of necrotic.

Ritual of the Wise Man

The tales of old wizards, capable of bending nature to their wills inspire you. When you you perform this ritual, you can choose two cantrips from the druid or wizard spell list. Your spellcasting ability for this spells is Intelligence .

Ritual of the Wolf

Requires Cursing Strike to activate
There is strength in the numbers. Whenever you hit a creature with your cursing strike, you can activate the effects of this ritual to mark the target. Your allies gain advantage on the first attack roll they make against the marked creature. The effects of this ritual lasts until the beginning of the targets next turn.

"The Nest" By Anato Finnstark.



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