Kobold Feats

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Kobold Feats

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Apprentice of Bahamut. v8

(Focused much more on Charisma)

Prerequisite: Platinum Kobold, Proficiency in Persuasion

The teachings of Bahamut are within your soul. Perhaps you heard distant whispers in your time alone, or that your dreams were invaded by the divine presence of Bahamut.

  • Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You've learned how to speak, read, and write Celestial as a language.
  • Inspired by the legendary charisma of Bahamut, you gain expertise in persuasion checks, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose must be one that isn't already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.

Scaly Strategist.

Prerequisite: Kobold

Most kobolds serve nothing more than to be a minion or punching bags for lowly adventurers. But, as some of our long lost wise ancestors used to say: "You must ascend past CR 1/8..." And so, some of us did. We learned to use our brains when fighting!

  • Increase your Intelligence or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • If an ally within 5ft of you gets hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to have your ally no longer provoke opportunity attacks until the end of their next turn. Additionally, if the ally you use this feat on moves out of the range of an enemy, their movement speed increases by 5ft until the end of their next turn. This can only happen once per round.

Tactical Meatshield. v3

(Added ability scores, removed prof. with shields, fixed wording.)

Prerequisite: Kobold

A kobold's body may seem fragile and weak, but that doesn't stop them from doing the impossible! Or rather, doing the stupid.

  • Increase your Constitution or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • If a creature is within 5 feet of you and must make a Dexteritiy saving throw to dodge a damaging attack, you may use your reaction to jump in front of that creature, shielding them with your body, rendering them immune to the attack's damage, but making you automatically fail the saving throw. This must be done before either you or that creature rolls their saving throw.
  • You now provide half-cover to medium-sized allies.

Wastes of Daurgothoth.

Prerequisite: Black Kobold, Copper Kobold

Your acidic spells or magical abilities are exceptionally potent. You've learned to masterfully utilize acid. Through a magical spark deep inside you, or years of training and knowledge, you have now learned the following abilities:

  • If you inflict acidic damage on a creature or their armor, their AC is lowered by 1. The acid eats and melts through organic and inorganic material. This does not effect magical items or shields. (Works on natural armor and unnatural armor e.g. breastplate, leather armor, and lizardfolk's natural armor.)
  • As an action, your body becomes instantly wreathed in an acidic liquid. You are resistant to acidic damage until this effect ends. You may end this effect at will.

Shiny Scavenger. v3/2

Read all the way to the bottom to find out what this feat does. Combine the v3 abilities with the v2.

Dragon Breath. v3

(Removed hardened scales.)

Prerequisite: Metallic Kobold, Spellcasting

You manifest the breath weapon of your draconic ancestors. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase an ability score of your choosing by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry of metallic dragons determines the damage type of the breath. When you use your breath weapon, you exhale energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 damage of the chosen type (determined by your ancestry) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The DC for this saving throw equals your Spellcasting modifier. After you use your breath attack, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Library of Feats

Not counting my favorite feats.

Dragon Breath.

Prerequisite: Metallic Kobold

You manifest hardened scales and the breath of your draconic ancestors. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Your scales harden. While you aren't wearing armor, you can calculate your AC as 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
  • You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry of metallic dragons determines the damage type of the breath. When you use your breath weapon, you exhale energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 damage of the chosen type (determined by your ancestry) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. After you use your breath attack, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Dragon Breath. v2

(Changed DC to Spellcasting Modifier)

Prerequisite: Metallic Kobold, Spellcasting

You manifest hardened scales and the breath of your draconic ancestors. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase an ability score of your choosing by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Your scales harden. While you aren't wearing armor, you can calculate your AC as 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
  • You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry of metallic dragons determines the damage type of the breath. When you use your breath weapon, you exhale energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 damage of the chosen type (determined by your ancestry) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The DC for this saving throw equals your Spellcasting modifier. After you use your breath attack, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Dragon Breath. v4

(Removed hardened scales + Ability score increase)

Prerequisite: Metallic Kobold, Spellcasting

You manifest the breath weapon of your draconic ancestors. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry of metallic dragons determines the damage type of the breath. When you use your breath weapon, you exhale energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 damage of the chosen type (determined by your ancestry) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The DC for this saving throw equals your Spellcasting modifier. After you use your breath attack, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Hardened Hide.

Prerequisite: Kobold

You manifest hardened scales reminiscent of your draconic ancestors. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Your scales harden. While you aren't wearing armor, you can calculate your AC as 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
  • You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.

Scales of Frost.

Prerequisite: White Kobold, Silver Kobold, Platinum Kobold

Alike the wondrous magic dispensed to sorcerers, arcane magic awakens within you, changing your body in astonishing ways.

  • While you aren't wearing armor, you can use your action to wreath your body in water which freezes instantly into magical armor. Your AC becomes 16 until you end this effect. You can dismiss this effect with an action and it automatically melts as you fall unconscious. You can still gain the benefits of a shield with this effect. As a downside, your vitality is drained by the freezing cold and you take 1 HP of cold damage at the end of each of your turns until this effect ends.
  • You can instantly freeze a 5-foot cube area of water as an action on your turn when you touch the water. Creatures cannot be within the water when you do this. But any creature but yourself walking on the ice has it's footing unstable. Your allies gain advantage on any creature standing on the ice.

Scales of Frost.

Prerequisite: White Kobold, Silver Kobold, Platinum Kobold

Alike the wondrous magic dispensed to sorcerers, arcane magic awakens within you, changing your body in astonishing ways.

  • While you aren't wearing armor, you can use your action to wreath your body in water which freezes instantly into magical armor. Your AC becomes 16 until you end this effect. You can dismiss this effect with an action and it automatically melts as you fall unconscious. You can still gain the benefits of a shield with this effect. As a downside, your vitality is drained by the freezing cold and you take 1 HP of cold damage at the end of each of your turns until this effect ends.
  • You can instantly freeze a 5-foot cube area of water as an action on your turn when you touch the water. Creatures cannot be within the water when you do this. But any creature but yourself walking on the ice has it's footing unstable. Your allies gain advantage on any creature standing on the ice.

Scales of Frost. v2

(Removed HP drain, gave fire vulnerability; cold resistance.)

Prerequisite: White Kobold, Silver Kobold, Platinum Kobold

Alike the wondrous magic dispensed to sorcerers, arcane magic awakens within you, changing your body in astonishing ways.

  • While you aren't wearing armor, you can use your action to wreath your body in water which freezes instantly into magical armor. Your AC becomes 16 until you end this effect. You can dismiss this effect with an action and it automatically melts as you fall unconscious. You can still gain the benefits of a shield with this effect.
  • You can instantly freeze a 5-foot cube area of water as an action on your turn when you touch the water. Creatures cannot be within the water when you do this. But any creature except for yourself walking on the ice has it's footing unstable. Your allies gain advantage on any creature standing on the ice.
  • You can't seem to stand the heat, the cold being quite comfortable to you. You are vulnerable to fire damage and resistant to cold damage when you pick this feat.

Scales of Frost. v3

(Completely redesigned)

Prerequisite: White Kobold, Silver Kobold, Platinum Kobold

Alike the wondrous magic dispensed to sorcerers, arcane magic awakens within you, shifting your scales to adapt to a much more cold environment while also proving effective against keeping heat away.

  • You are resistant to cold damage.
  • All fire damage you take is reduced by 3.

Apprentice of Bahamut.

Prerequisite: Platinum Kobold

The teachings of Bahamut are within your soul. Perhaps you heard distant whispers in your time alone, or that your dreams were invaded by the divine presence of Bahamut.

  • Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You've learnt how to speak, read, and write Celestial as a language.
  • Good; metallic dragons see you as more akin to them. Through scent, or intuition, they will know of your relation to the platinum dragons.

Apprentice of Bahamut. v2

(Added Auran as a learned language)

Apprentice of Bahamut. v3

(Removed learned languages, learned Tongues)

  • You learn Tongues and can only cast it at 3rd level. Once you cast it, you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again using this feat.

Apprentice of Bahamut. v4

(Added onto the 3rd ability)

  • Good; metallic dragons see you as more akin to them. Through scent, or intuition, they will know of your relation to the platinum dragons. Because of this, some dragons may become indifferent or friendly to you if they weren't already. Depending on how they view the platinum dragons.

Apprentice of Bahamut. v5

(Reformatted, added a more unique ability.)

Prerequisite: Platinum Kobold

The teachings of Bahamut are within your soul. Perhaps you heard distant whispers in your time alone, or that your dreams were invaded by the divine presence of Bahamut.

Good; metallic dragons see you as more akin to them. Through scent, or intuition, they will know of your relation to the platinum dragons.

  • Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You've learnt how to speak, read, and write Celestial as a language.
  • In a bright beacon of light, you can choose to make your platinum scales flash with a radiant light in a 120ft sphere around you. The light pulses quickly, and after one second the light dissipates. This light will penetrate and dispel magical darkness it hits. You may use this once per short or long rest.

Apprentice of Bahamut. v6

(Added additional abilities to make this feat more intriguing in comparison to other feats)

Prerequisite: Platinum Kobold

The teachings of Bahamut are within your soul. Perhaps you heard distant whispers in your time alone, or that your dreams were invaded by the divine presence of Bahamut.

  • Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You've learned how to speak, read, and write Celestial as a language.
  • In a bright beacon of light, you can choose to make your platinum scales flash with a radiant light in a 120ft sphere around you. The light pulses quickly, and after one second the light dissipates. This light will penetrate and dispel magical darkness it hits. You may use this once per short or long rest.
  • Inspired by the legendary charisma of Bahamut, you roll persuasion checks at advantage when talking to friendly or indifferent creatures.

Apprentice of Bahamut. v7

(Made it more versatile, less of a confusing ability)

Prerequisite: Platinum Kobold

The teachings of Bahamut are within your soul. Perhaps you heard distant whispers in your time alone, or that your dreams were invaded by the divine presence of Bahamut.

  • Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You've learned how to speak, read, and write Celestial as a language.
  • While your platinum scales are revealed, you may focus for a moment and make your platinum scales radiate a magical light around them. As a free action you may make your platinum scales glow brightly, emitting bright light in a 20-foot-radius sphere around your scales and continue to shine dim light for an additional 20 feet. You may dispel the light at will. This light is enchanted by a platinum dragon's magic, and will dispel any magical darkness it touches. Once it dispels any magical darkness, it cannot do that again until you finish a short or long rest. Completely covering your scales with an opaque object blocks the light.
  • Inspired by the legendary charisma of Bahamut, you roll persuasion checks at advantage when convincing a creature to trust you.

Tactical Meatshield.

Prerequisite: Kobold

A kobold's body may seem fragile and weak, but that doesn't stop them from doing the impossible! Or rather, doing the stupid.

  • If you and an ally you are within 5ft of are both within an attack's radius and you both must make saving throws to dodge this attack, you may use your reaction to jump in front of your ally, shielding them with your body, rendering them immune to the attack's damage, but leaving you vulnerable to it. This must be done before either you or your ally rolls their saving throw.
  • As an action, you may try to dissuade an enemy from attacking one ally you stand beside within 5 feet, you do this through means of pity. You and your ally cannot attack or cast spells on the targets of this feat. If you do, the target instantly succeed the saving throw or the effect wears off. Any enemy within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (your DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier). If they fail the saving throw, they cannot attack or cast a spell targeting you or your ally for 1 minute until they are attacked. If the target succeeds, the effect fails. The target can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns. This doesn't protect you or your ally from area effects such as Fireball.
  • You now provide half-cover to medium-sized allies as long as that ally fills a 5x5ft space, abiding by the rules of cover.

Tactical Meatshield. v2

(Removed vulnerability to prevent being instantly killed. Changed 3rd ability.)

Prerequisite: Kobold

A kobold's body may seem fragile and weak, but that doesn't stop them from doing the impossible! Or rather, doing the stupid.

  • If you and an ally you are within 5ft of are both within an attack's radius and you both must make saving throws to dodge this attack, you may use your reaction to jump in front of your ally, shielding them with your body, rendering them immune to the attack's damage, but making you automatically fail the saving throw. This must be done before either you or your ally rolls their saving throw.
  • You now provide half-cover to medium-sized allies as long as that ally fills a 5x5ft space, abiding by the rules of cover.
  • You gain proficiency with shields.

Kobold Flight.

Prerequisite: Kobold, 6th level

From a deep ancestral awakening, wild magic, or pure chance alone, you gain this new power from. Draconic wings sprout from your back, which allow you flight. Perhaps there was skill or training in this, but it does seem quite chaotic to have these. Whatever the case, this is further proof of your draconic blood.

  • You gain a flying speed of 20 feet if you aren't wearing heavy armor and aren't exceeding your carrying capacity.

Shiny Scavenger.

Prerequisite: Kobold

Villagers know to fear the night. It's not monsters, demons, or the undead they fear. No, they fear you, a kobold. If they don't keep watch, they're sure to wake up without the forks in their drawers or the buttons off their coats. Horrifying.

Something about treasure has taken such a toll over your mentality that your fighting style is able to change because of it.

  • When you have valuable material on your body that is visible to an enemy and the material equals more than 50 gold in value, you gain a +1 to AC as you start to fight more defensively, protecting your wealth. This does not apply if you see more than 50 gold on an enemy's body however, and instead you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls to that target as you become more aggressive, craving nothing more than to have their wealth.
  • When searching for loot you now roll investigation checks at advantage.
  • As a bonus action, you may attempt to steal something from a target as long as they aren't holding it.

Shiny Scavenger. v2

(Made the first ability more readable, added a penalty to AC)

Prerequisite: Kobold

Villagers know to fear the night. It's not monsters, demons, or the undead they fear. No, they fear you, a kobold. If they don't keep watch, they're sure to wake up without the forks in their drawers or the buttons off their coats. Horrifying.

Something about treasure has taken such a toll over your mentality that your fighting style is able to change because of it.

  • When you are visibly wearing or wielding something that is worth 50 gold or more, you fight more defensively and gain +1 AC.
  • When an enemy is visibly wearing or wielding something that is worth 50 gold or more, you fight more aggressively causing your attacks to gain a +1 to both attack and damage rolls. You also suffer a -1 to AC and don't gain the benefit of having wealth visible on your body.
  • When searching for loot you now roll investigation checks at advantage.
  • As a bonus action, you may attempt to steal something from a target as long as they aren't holding it.

Shiny Scavenger. v3

(Removed bonus action steal, added perception)

  • You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks when searching for loot.


Prerequisite: Sunlight Sensitivity

After months or years of being exposed to the sunlight, you have finally become used to it. Who knew that all you needed to do was to just become used to daylight!

  • Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You no longer have Sunlight Sensitivity.
  • You gain proficiency in Perception checks.

Koji's Stamp of Approval!

"Don't eat slime!" - KonaKoffy

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