HK Butterfly

by Hollowed Kingdoms

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Last night was the opening night for The Regal Garden Theatre’s new emotional musical ‘One More Sunset.’ It was also the grand premiere of Songstress Lilly. Though she may be a newcomer, her tremendous skill and voice showed why she was cast as the leading lady of the musical. However, upon interviewing her I quickly learned that the songstress is more than she appeared! She not only has a career in theater, but also a career in medicine! Working part time at the St. Nymph Hospital, she shows that if you are strong enough you can do hard work, but also can still be absolutely beautiful.”
-Article from the Stonecarver Times

These bugs, similar to Common Bugs, can be found almost anywhere. Their beautiful wings define these bugs along with their generally good nature. Each Butterfly is unique in its own way, whether it be by the color and shape of their wings, their personality or their skills.

Pinnacle of Beauty

Throughout history these bugs have been known for their natural beauty. A lot of bugs see them as the pinnacle of beauty and strive towards it. This, along with their good nature, has led them to being welcomed into most kingdoms while also easily allowing them to get ahead of their competitors in whatever career they choose. Most Butterflies choose to be entertainers, whether it be in the form of singing, acting or dancing.

The Curse of Beauty

However, there have been downsides to their beauty. Some bugs only see them as weak fragile bugs that need to be protected. Their intelligence is sometimes overshadowed and so they are thought to be naive. This happens to both males and females, but it is more common for females.
This has caused resentment for some Butterflies. This resentment has led some to be more chaotic in nature using their beauty to get what they want while other Butterflies decide to take careers as adventurers to prove that they can be strong. Others decide to devote their life to the pursuit of justice and knowledge.

Natural Healer

Though they are most recognized as entertainers, another common career path for Butterflies is to become a healer. No bug knows how or why, but Butterflies have a natural ability to heal other bugs. Butterflies have a wellspring of healing energy that they can draw upon to heal the physical wounds of bugs. A normal butterfly can easily heal a small wound, while a fully trained one can quickly heal the most life threatening of wounds. Some also have gone down the path of providing mental healing along with spiritual.
Some Butterflies believe that their career of entertainment is a form of healing. Instead of healing the physical form, they heal the soul and provide ease to those who may be having a rough day. However, this opinion is very much argued on by their peers.


Butterflies are defined by their beautiful wings. These wings can come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Most butterflies’ bodies are black, but some are either gray or brown. They have white mask-like faces, with some having small designs on them. Their eyes come in all different colors, usually matching one of the colors on their wings and their hair, if they have any, ranges from black to blonde (curly, kinky, or straight).

Butterfly Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases 1.

Alignment. Butterflies tend to lean toward good and lawful alignments.

Size. A butterfly's height can vary between 5 feet tall to a little over 6 feet. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.

Languages. You can speak, read and write common and fly.

Compound Eyes. You have advantage on saving throws against the blinded condition.

Mystical Charm. Butterflies have innate magic. At 1st level, you learn the minor illusion cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the Charm Person spell and can cast it once with this trait as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot. At 5th level, you learn the Enthrall spell and can cast it for without a spell slot as a 2nd-level spell. You can only cast these spells in this way once per long rest. You can use INT, WIS or CHA to cast these spells

Natural Healer. You maintain a wellspring of natural energy which you can call upon to heal your wounds. As an action, you can concentrate your energies to regain hit points equal to your level + your proficiency bonus. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this ability again.

Revitalize. The natural wellspring of energy can be used to revitalize your allies. As an action a creature that you can see within 30 feet gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your level + your proficiency bonus. These temporary hit points last until you give another creature temporary hit points. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your PB per long rest.

Game Credit

This Race was inspired by the game Hollow Knight by Team Cherry. A labor of love made solely for entertainment purposes and not-for-profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

Background Art made by: Sol-lar-bink
Character Art made by: Saphir-chan22


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