Blood Hunter Revised

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Blood Hunter Revised

Class Name
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Crimson Right Damage Die Blood Curses Known Blood Maledicts
1st +2 Hunter's Bane, Crimson Rite 1d4
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Blood Maledict 1d4 2 1
3rd +2 Blood Hunter Order 1d4 2 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d4 2 1
5th +3 Extra Attack 1d6 3 1
6th +3 Improved Crimson Right 1d6 3 2
7th +3 Order Feature 1d6 4 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 4 2
9th +4 Shadow Walker 1d6 5 2
10th +4 Guard Against Evil 1d6 5 2
11th +4 Order Feature 1d8 5 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 6 3
13th +5 1d8 6 3
14th +5 Hardened Soul 1d8 6 3
15th +5 Order Feature 1d8 7 3
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 7 3
17th +6 1d10 7 4
18th +6 Order Feature 1d10 8 4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 8 4
20th +6 Sanguine Mastery 1d10 8 4

Class Features

As a Blood Hunter, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per Blood Hunter level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per Blood Hunter level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: Alchemist’s supplies

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Investigation, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple weapons
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) a hand crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail armor
  • an explorer’s pack

Hunter's Bane

Beginning at 1st level, you have survived the imbibing of the Hunter’s Bane, a poisonous alchemical concoction that alters your life’s blood, forever binding you to the darkness and honing your senses against it.

You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track Fey, Fiends, and Undead, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them. If you are actively tracking one of these creature types, you cannot be surprised by any creatures of that type. You can only be tracking one type of creature at a time.

Upon reaching 11th level, you can flare the internal toxic scars from the ritual, using the pain to give clarity, or promote anger. You can choose to suffer damage equal to your crimson rite damage die to gain advantage on a Wisdom (Insight) check or Charisma (Intimidation) check.

Crimson Rite

At 1st level, you learn to invoke a rite of blood magic within your weapon at the cost of your own vitality. Choose to learn one rite from the Primal Rites list below. You cannot change this choice.

As a bonus action, you imbue a single weapon with the elemental energy of a known rite until your next short or long rest. While active, attacks from this weapon deal an additional 1d4 rite damage of the chosen elemental type. Rite damage is considered magical. The rite damage die changes as you gain blood hunter levels, as shown in the crimson rite damage die column of the blood hunter table. Should your weapon leave your grip, the rite fades immediately. An active rite on a weapon thrown fades directly after the attack is complete.

When a crimson rite is activated, you suffer damage equal to your character level, and you reduce your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your character level. These lost maximum hit points return once the rite fades and cannot be restored otherwise. When a rite fades, no hit points are regained as part of the restoring of maximum hit points.

Crimson rite can be used on multiple weapons, costing additional hit point loss. Most weapons can only be subject to a single rite at any given time. Each end of a polearm or quarterstaff is treated as a separate weapon for the purposes of this feature. A rite can be allowed to fade at any time (no action required).

You gain access to an additional Primal Rite at 6th level and 14th level. You may learn an Esoteric Rite at 11th level and at 20th level.

Primal Rites

Choose from the following:

Rite of the Flame, Rite of the Frozen, Rite of the Storm

Esoteric Rites

Choose from the following:

Rite of the Roar, Rite of the Oracle, Rite of the Dead

Rite of the Dead

Your rite damage is necrotic type.

Rite of the Flame

Your rite damage is fire type.

Rite of the Frozen

Your rite damage is cold type.

Rite of the Oracle

Your rite damage is psychic type.

Rite of the Roar

Your rite damage is thunder type.

Rite of the Storm

Your rite damage is lightning type.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Blood Maledict

At 2nd level, you gain the knowledge to further channel, and sacrifice, a part of your vital essence to curse and manipulate your enemies. You gain two blood curse of your choice, detailed in the “blood curses” section. When you gain certain blood hunter levels, you gain additional blood curses of your choice.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the blood curses you know and replace it with another blood curse.

When you use your Blood Maledict, you choose which curse to invoke. While invoking a blood curse, but before it affects the target, you may choose to amplify the curse by suffering damage equal to a roll of your crimson rite damage die. An amplified curse gains an additional effect, noted in the curse’s description. Creatures that do not have blood in their bodies are immune to blood curses (DM’s discretion).

You can use this feature once. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Blood Maledict feature twice between rests, at 11th level you can use it three times between rests, and at 17th level, you can use it four times between rests.

Blood Hunter Order

At 3rd level, you commit to an order of blood hunter martial focus. Choose Order of the Bat, Order of the Spider, or Order of the Tempest, all detailed at the end of the class description. The order you choose grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Improved Crimson Right

Starting at 6th level, weapons imbued with your crimson right count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Shadow Walker

When you reach 9th level, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range increases by 30 feet. In addition you can take the hide action while you are in dim light and darkness as if you were in full cover, creatures with darkvision are still unaware of you when hiding in dim light or darkness unless they beat your stealth check with their perception check.

Guard Against Evil

Upon reaching 10th level, you can choose to suffer damage equal to your crimson rite damage die to cast ceremony, detect evil and good, detect magic, or protection from evil and good at first level without material component. When casting ceremony with this ability you can only use the effects of Atonement, Bless Water, and Funeral Rite.

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Hardened Soul

When you reach 14th level, you can no longer become frightened, and you have advantage on saving throws against magical Charm effects.

Sanguine Mastery

Upon becoming 20th level, your ability to harness your pain, and the pain of your foes, is perfected. When you are below half your current maximum hit points, all of your crimson rite damage dice are maximized.

In addition, when you critically hit with a weapon attack that bears your crimson rite, you regain a use of your Blood Maledict feature.

Blood Curses

The blood curses are presented in alphabetical order.

Blood Curse of Burning

You cast the Burning Hands spell at first level using your Blood Maledict saving throw for the spell.

Amplify. Creatures that failed the saving throw take an addition 1d6 fire damage at the start of their turn. During the end of their turn they can make a Constitution saving through to end the effect.

Blood Curse of Betrayal

Target one hostile creature within 30 feet, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of its next turn, fighting for you even against its allies.

Amplify. The target will remained charmed for up to 1 minute, at the end of each of its turns, it can repeat the saving throw. On a success, this curse ends. You can end the curse whenever you like (no action required).

Blood Curse of Binding

As a bonus action, you can attempt to bind an enemy no more than one size larger than you within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier) or have their speed be reduced to 0 until the end of your next turn.

Amplify. This curse becomes ongoing, and can affect a creature regardless of their size category. At the end of each of its turns, the cursed can make another Strength saving throw. On a success, this curse ends. You can end the curse whenever you like (no action required).

Blood Curse of Denial

As an action, you create a mystical barrier within 5 feet of yourself until the start of your next turn. You can make the wall up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick, or you can make a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick.

If a creature tries to pass through the barrier they must use 10 feet of movement and make a Charisma saving throw, on a failed save they can use their remaining movement to try again so long as they have enough movement left. Any ranged weapon attack that enters the wall's space has disadvantage.

Amplify. The barrier lasts for 1 minute.

Blood Curse of Mutual Suffering

As a bonus action, you can link to a creature within 30 feet for up to a minute, forcing them to share in the pain they inflict upon you. The next time the cursed creature damages you, this curse deals necrotic damage to the cursed creature equal to half of the damage you suffered. This curse then ends.

Amplify. This curse instead deals damage equal to the damage you suffered, and it ignores necrotic resistance.

Blood Curse of Purgation

As a bonus action, you can manipulate the vitality of a creature within 60 feet to expunge a corruption in their blood. The target creature can immediately make a saving throw against a blinded, deafened, paralyzed or poisoned condition afflicting it.

Amplify. Your target has advantage on the saving throw the end the condition.

Blood Curse of Spell Sunder

When an enemy casts a spell within 60 feet that requires a spell attack roll and targets you, you can use your reaction to rend the spell from the air, imposing disadvantage on the spell attack roll.

Amplify. You make a Wisdom ability check. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the creature’s spell misses you automatically.

Blood Curse of the Coward

As a bonus action, you can target an enemy within 90 feet. That target must make a Wisdom saving throw or use its reaction to move up to its full movement in a direction of your choice. If that movement would force the creature to move into hazardous terrain or off a cliff it can repeat the saving throw before moving into that area.

Amplify. At the start of the target's next turn it uses its full movement to continue moving in the direction you choose.

Blood Curse of the Eyeless

When an enemy who is not immune to blindness within 60 feet makes a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to impose the blinded condition on them until the end of its turn.

Amplify. Following the triggering attack, the affected enemy remains blinded until the end of your next turn.

Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet

The moment a creature falls unconscious or dies within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to give that creature a final act of aggression. That creature immediately makes a single weapon attack against a target of your choice within its attack range. After the attack, the creature returns to being unconscious or dead.

Amplify. You grant a bonus to the attack roll and damage roll of the cursed creature’s attack equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).

Blood Curse of the Fending Rite

When an enemy casts a spell that requires a saving throw, you can use your reaction to deflect the spell with your crimson rite. You gain a bonus to the initial saving throw against that spell equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). This curse is invoked before the saving throw is rolled.

Amplify. You grant all allies within 10 feet of you this bonus to their saving throw against the triggering spell as well.

Blood Curse of the Marked

As a bonus action, you can mark an enemy within 60 feet. Until the end of your turn, all crimson rite damage you deal to the target is doubled.

Amplify. You cause the marked target to also lose resistance to your rite damage type until the beginning of your next turn.

Blood Hunter Orders

There are a handful of secretive orders of blood hunters that guard their cryptic techniques and blasphemous rituals. One must adhere to one of these orders to even be granted access to the Hunter’s Bane rite that starts their journey, and only once they’ve proven their ability will the secrets of the order begin to be revealed. Some even wait a few years before they are sure they want to continue down this cursed path. Either or, it’s within these small, enigmatic sects that the real power of a blood hunter is learned.

Order of the Bat

The order of the bat has recognized the powers that vampires possess and have worked to integrate them into their own bodies by altering the process used to create blood hunters with the blood of vampires thus giving them their power but in a weaker state.

Though some would use this newfound power against vampires the order recognizes that their abilities are not as effective against that particular pray.

Right of Blood

Starting at 3 level, you learn the esoteric rite Rite of Blood (detailed below).

Rite of Blood. Your rite damage is necrotic type. At the end of your turn you gain temporary hit points equal to the total rite damage you have done since the end on your last turn.

Vampiric Charm

At 3 level, you can cast the Charm Person spell as a first level spell using your wisdom modifier for your spellcasting modifier.

You can use this feature once between long rests.

Mist Form

At 7 level, as a bonus action you can enter a semisolid state, while in this form you can move through other creatures spaces without losing movement and do not provoke opportunity attacks. This form lasts until the end of your turn.

If you end your turn in another creatures space you are moved to the nearest unoccupied space and take 1d10 force damage.

Syphon Life

At 11 level, you can transform a portion of yourself into mist and use it to drain an enemy of their vital energy. Use one of your attack actions to make a ranged spell attack against one target using your wisdom modifier for your spellcasting ability, on a hit that create takes your Crimson Rite Damage Die in necrotic damage. You gain temporary hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.

Blood Wings

At 15 level, you gain the ability to manafest a pair of ethereal red wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.

Dark Metamorphosis

At 18 level, as an action you can excite the vampiric blood inside you gaining the ability to siphon the very life energy from those you are fighting. When you deal damage from a melee weapon attack or any of the Order of the Bat features you gain hit points equal to the damage dealt, if you would gain temporary hit points from a feature other than this one you do not. If you are at your current maximum hit points then you gain temporary hit points instead.

Order of the Spider

Found most commonly in the underdark the order of the spider is typically made up of either male drows or slaves used to hunt down creatures to bizarre or dangerous for a normal warrior.

The order focuses on poison's both using them and countering them as well as the strange creatures and locations that haunt the underdark.

Right of Venom

When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the esoteric rite Rite of the Venom (detailed below). Rite of the Venom: Your rite damage is poison type. Creatures do not benefit from poison resistance from your Rite Damage.

Upon reaching 11th level, creatures with poison immunity take half damage rounded down instead of no damage from your Right Damage

Uncommon Hunter's Bane

Upon reaching 7th level, you're hunter's bane can now includes arbarations and monstosities.

Toxin Resistance

Beginning at 11th level, you gain resistance to poison damage and advantage against the poisoned condition.

Web Walker

At 15th level, you gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed, in addition when when climbing you can climb on horizontal surfaces at half your normal climb speed. You also do not suffer the effects of difficult terrain from nonmagical sources.

Poisoned Blood

Upon reaching 18th level, you now gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. You also gain the Blood Curse of the Poisoned Blood for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against your blood curses known.

Blood Curse of the Poisoned Blood: As a reaction to being hit by an attack, you can target one creature within 5 feet and force it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save that creature takes poison damage equal to the damage you took from the attack, or half as much on a successful save.

Amplify. Until the start of your next turn each time you are hit by an attack you can use this blood curses effect on a creature within 5 feet of you.

Order of the Tempest

The order of the Tempest is made up of those that have focused less on blood itself and more on the primordial power that can be found within the crimson right, unleashing it as a powerful aura all around their body to gain additional effects and powers.

For this order mastering the elemental power in their veins is the key to defeating the evils of the world.

Crimson Tolerance

When you join this order at 3rd level, the damage you suffer from activating a primordial rite is halved.


At 3rd level, when you activate a primordial rite or as a bonus action while you have one active you can amplify its power by expending a use of your blood maledics to enter the state known as Tempest, when you use this ability you also take the full or remaining damage from activating your crimson rite. While in your tempest state you gain the following benefits:

  • Any creature that makes an attack against you within 5 feet of you takes damage equal to your crimson rite damage die and the damage type is the same as your active rite.
  • You gain resistance to the damage type of your currently active primordial rite.

Enhanced Tempest

Beginning at 7th level, when you enter your tempest you can now gain addition benefits based on one of your active primordial rights.

Unquenching Flame. While you have rite of the flame active, your strength modifier is increased by half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

Frost Armor. While you have rite of the frozen active, your constitution modifier is increased by half your proficiency bonus rounded down, any additional hit points are lost when your tempest ends.

Fury of the Storm. While you have rite of the storm active, your dexterity modifier is increased by half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

Twinned Rite

Upon reaching 11th level, your weapons can now have two primordial rites active on them at a time. You take damage from each rite and when you hit with that weapon roll one crimson rite damage dice for each of the active rites, all other limitations for crimson rites are still applied. You're tempest only benefits from one crimson right when it is activated.

Superier Tempest

At 15th level, the power of your tempest grows giving you more opportunities to harm your foes.

Flaming Chain. While you have rite of the flame active, when a creature enters 10 feet of you for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there it takes fire damage equal to your wisdom modifier and each time you hit a creature with an attack they take that same damage.

Bitter Chill. While you have rite of the frozen active, on the start of your turn you gain temporary hit points equal to the die used for your crimson rites and any creature that hits you with an attack takes cold damage equal to your crimson rite.

Ride the Storm. While you have rite of the storm active, your tempest now doubles your movement speed and allows you to make one additional attack during your attack action.

Tempest Master

Upon reaching 18th level, now when you enter your tempest state you can do so with two primal rights, you take no damage from activating your tempest's second right.


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