Pedminara Vol. I - Rulebook

by Stephanie

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Welcome to Pedminara!

Hello! This is our...fourth campaign guide? How time has passed. This all began with the efforts of Gingy, owner of the Alestria server, wishing to expand outwards and explore all the other continents the creative minds of our game masters have created.

Pedminara is a foreign land a bit out of our comfort zone in terms of roleplay and creative writing (what? not medieval fantasy?), but amidst the old and new faces that will find their way to this server, we look forward to the journeys still unwritten. I've spent just about a year on the Alestrian server, and my love and appreciation for all of my peers have led me to moderating for Pedminara. There are countless memories I've cultivated in such a short time, I look forward eagerly to what this new continent has in store for us. To all the new faces, you're in for a ride! Buckle in, grab a boat, keep your eyes peeled, and get to sailing - there's adventure straight ahead!

-- Dante, Moderator of the Pedminara Server

This is your life

"Oh, look what we have here? I haven't seen a boat like that in our harbors in quite some time. Are you from the neighboring islands, or farther than that? Come, lower your bag by the bonfire. We've got a hefty catch today, and there's plenty to share.

"What? You're new to our shores? Well, allow me to formally welcome you. You've landed on the docks of Akamu Village - a fisher's port through and through, since as long as we've been around. Plenty of sailors spend the night by our harbors before returning to the seas, off towards another adventure. Stop by the Voyager's Rest when you have a chance - I'm sure a crew could use someone like you around.

"Now, see that large waterfall? Resting at the top is the Rangi District, my community - I happen to be the chieftain, actually. A great number of warriors in training congregate at our temples, looking for test their mettle against talented individuals from all over the world. If you hope to survive the challenges of the Oe Provinces, you'd best find some peers of your own - the wilderness is startling and untamed, after all.

"...Oh! Almost burned the fish. I'd hate to take up your time, but do enjoy yourself. Akamu Village and the Rangi District are quite different, but we are two halves of the same whole...the province of Ai'Lani, that is. Ai'Lani is 'the union of earth and sky', a promise our leaders made with each other generations past. I wish you the best, my friend. I hope you find what you've always been looking for."

- Shogu

21st Chieftain of the Rangi District, Head of Ai'Lani

Inspirations of Ai'Lani

This setting is heavily influenced by Asian and Pacific Islander culture. The Rangi District is inspired by the Edo Period of Japan, while Akamu Village delves into Polynesian, Filipino and other islander influences. The name Ai'Lani comes from the Samoan name 'Ainalani', which means 'heavenly land.' Similiarly, the words Akamu and Rangi are Polynesian words translating to 'earth' and 'sky' respectively.

Many thanks to Gingy, Everto and Hellion for their help in this book.

Server Rules

  1. Be mature. Treat everyone with kindness, empathy and respect.

  2. No inappropriate language (excessive swearing, racial slurs, derogatory comments, sexual harassment, deliberate attempts to illicit negative reactions, discussion of performing illegal acts, discussion of minors in a non-wholesome manner)
    a. Excessive swearing is defined by the continual usage of words to harass or greatly disturb a person or group of people.

  3. Keep drama or fights in private messages only, or send feedback directly to the mod team.

  4. Don't metagame. In text or live RP, your character only knows what their backstory would dictate - pulling from out-of-game knowledge ruins the natural discoveries of other players and spoils the fun of everyone involved.

  5. Do not use the @everyone ping outside of the Game Master team.

  6. Do not post copyright material unless the official publishers have made the material public or have granted you explicit permission.

  7. Read channel descriptions and pinned messages before posting in a channel. Feel free to ask in #help-center-chat if you have any questions.

  8. No NSFW posts in public channels. Utilize “fade to black” if necessary.

  9. No spam.

  10. There is a two-strike warning system in place for those who break these rules, though if the rules are blatantly disregarded, the Admin reserves the right to kick you from the server immediately.

Character Creation Guidelines

Take a step off the ship and explore Pedminara, the high waters of an unexplored world where the pursuit of discovery is in the heart of most everyone that comes here. Make your own adventure and decide who you want to become in the new world. This is a relatively new living world taking place on the planet of Lyndria. We have a large focus on text roleplay in between adventurers and players are able to decide what quests they want to take and make their own. It's a full homebrew world is select homebrew materials cleared for play. We play on Discord and use Roll20 for games.

Making a Character

You won’t be able to see most of the server until you have completed the tasks outlined below. We are glad to have you here!

Step 1: When you first join the server go to the channel #character-applications, and submit your character idea in the player application channel with the template provided in the pinned messages. Ping a Mod or Game Master for a blank character sheet on Roll20 in #character-discussions.

Step 2: Once you finish your character sheet according to the rules below, ping a Mod or Game Master for them to look at the sheet and check your character’s backstory. Having a backstory is mandatory.

Step 3: Send them the token you wish to use and you will be cleared for play. They will give you the @adventurer role.

Step 4: Change your name on the server.

  • One character: Name/Race/Class/Level
  • Two or more: Name[15]/Name[10]/Name[5]

Character Rules

Here are the requirements for designing your own character.

  • 1. A Character starts at level three (3), and their stats are chosen with the 27-point buy: Min. 8 and Max. 15
  • 2. A Character's health is decided is average, not rolled
  • 3. A Character can choose from the default starting equipment, or simply take the average gold for their class.
  • 4. Backgrounds from almost any official product, including adventures, rulebooks, or AL-legal material will be allowed, or using the PHB customization variant. The exception to this is backgrounds from Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica, which will not be allowed.

Allowed Content

The content that is allowed on the server may change over time as the Admin adds more content in the future.

  • Player’s Handbook
  • Dungeon Master’s Guide
  • Elemental Evil Player’s Companion
  • Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
  • Volo’s Guide to Monsters
  • Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
  • Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
  • Mythic Odysseys of Theros
  • Tortle Package (Tortle Race only)
  • Eberron: Rising from the Last War
  • Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica (Races & Subclasses only)
  • Explorer's Guide to Wildemount (Races & Subclasses)
  • One Grung Above (Grung Race)
  • Advenure with Muk (Dankwood Goblin)
  • Ghosts of Saltmarsh (Locathath Race and Backgrounds)
  • Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (Artificers, Subclasses, Races, Features and Spells)
  • Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft (Subclasses, Lineages, Backgrounds)
  • Dark Arts Player's Companion (Subclasses & Spells only)
  • Genasi Subraces of Pedminara
  • Matt Mercer’s Blood Hunter (2018, 2020)
  • Monk: Way of Four Elements Remastered
  • The Witch: 3.0P, Pedminara Revision

The following Unearthed Arcana has been approved for the server, with some revisions and restrictions. We document all of our allowed UA with their revisions here! (Full Directory)

  • The Ranger, Revised
  • UA 2017: Feats for Skills
  • UA Giant Soul, Sea & Stone Sorcerer
  • UA 2021: Gothic Lineages

Multiple Characters

At some point, you have more than one good idea. To obtain a second character you must raise your first character to level 5, and follow the same rules for applications as above. For a third character, you must have a total of 15 levels between your current characters. Players cannot have more than 3 characters at a time.

Make Sure You Have Everything!


  • Ability Scores (check if possible here) + Racial Bonuses
  • Initiative (modified by Swashbuckler, Alert feat, etc.)


  • Movement Speed, Size
  • Languages / Proficiencies
  • Other Race Features


  • Armor, Weapon and Tool Proficiencies (+/- Expertise)
  • Max HP, Hit Dice
  • Saving Throw Proficiencies
  • By-Level Class Features
  • Spell Slots
  • Starting Equipment (or average gold), Armor Class according to armor/shield
  • Feats and ASI


  • Skill/Tool/Language Proficiencies (Possibly custom combination)
  • Background Feature, Items and Gold
  • Backstory (makes sense in setting context)
  • Physical Description (and Character Art)

Modifying Your Character

Reworks, Rebirths, and Retcons

Once your character has been approved, you may use these rules. If you decide there’s something you don’t like about them, or would rather keep the level, but want to start with a new character you have two options: Rework or Rebirth. Each character receives only one Rework, one Rebirth, and one Retcon.

  • Rework: You change up to 3 aspects about the character such as: Spells Known, ASI/Feats, Subclass, Class (with approval), and Subrace (with approval). Post the details of the changes in #character-applications, and if they require approval make sure to ping a DM or Mod for assistance. You may use the Rework option as many times as you'd like before reaching Level 4 with your character, as long as you notify and receive approval from a Game Master or Mod. Once you reach Level 4, you are allowed one Rework as per rules above.
  • Rebirth: This allows you to recreate the character without losing their experience and gold. Post your request in #character-applications and request another character sheet (in case of Retcon) before you proceed. A DM or Mod must approve the character change before it takes place. Note: The only things you keep after a rebirth are XP and Gold, everything else is lost.
  • Retcon: If you absolutely hated your Rework or Rebirth, you have a chance to pull it back within two (2) weeks of the request approval. This will revert your character to the original state. Make sure to post your intent in #character-applications.

Option: Freezing a Character

In times when you are unsure of your character's direction, a player with two or less active characters may freeze one of their characters to free up one of their character slots. To freeze a character, make a post in #character-applications stating which character is to be frozen, and add [Frozen] to their name in their Roll20 character sheet.

  • The frozen character retains all gold, items, experience, and engaged storylines roleplayed thus far. While frozen, the character cannot be roleplayed, cannot participate in sessions nor downtime, nor gain any gold, items or experience.
  • A player can only have one frozen character at a time.
  • The frozen character's levels will not count towards any level totals required to gain another character slot.
  • At no point can any player have more than three characters, frozen or otherwise.
  • When a player unlocks their second or third character slot, the character slot is immediately filled by the frozen character, now unfrozen and active.

If you wish to have a frozen character while having three active characters, the prerequisite is your total active character levels must be 25 or higher, and cannot dip below 15 total levels after the freeze. Please do not freeze excessively, any signs of abuse of this system will be brought to attention to the server mods.

Custom Lineages: Pedminara

As of 2021, we are allowing Custom Lineages, as defined by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything! As homebrewed races might become a bit overwhelming from a continuity standpoint, we'll be setting a few rules to introduce your Custom Lineage to the greater world.

  • Your lineage cannot share a name with any existing non-humanoids. Harpies and dryads, for example, have pre-defined lore and statblocks that cannot be overwritten. You're welcome to touch upon similar character themes, but the name must be unique and distinct.
  • Race-specific feats are off-limits, i.e. no "___-elves" to access elf-only feats.
  • Lore of your lineage will be added to canon! That means defining where they reside, why your lineage is not common knowledge, and what motivates your character to leave a relatively unknown community. If your character is approved, lore of your lineage will be made public to all DMs, that they can adopt it into their own storylines. Thus, make sure it gels well with the Pedminaran setting.
  • At least one Mod must approve your character sheet, and no ability score may exceed 17 at level 3.

Extra Spell Options

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything provided a ton of new options to switch out spells you've grown out of. We've adopted it for our server through the use of Downtime, which you can read more about later in the rulebook or in the Discord #downtime channel.

Expanded Spell Lists

Every spellcasting class now has an extra pool of spells available to them, as allowed by a listing within Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Check it out!

Spell Versatility

1st-level feature (Bard, Blood Hunter, Fighter: Eldritch Knight, Ranger, Rogue: Arcane Trickster, Sorcerer)

By spending 2 Downtime Points, you can replace one spell you learned from the Spellcasting feature with another spell from the class spell list. The new spell must be the same level as the spell you replace, and must be gained from the same class spell list as the spell replaced.

Spell Versatility: Warlock

1st-level feature (Warlock)

By spending 2 Downtime Points, you can replace one spell you learned from the Pact Magic feature with another spell from the class spell list, or replace one spell you learned from your Mystic Arcanum feature with another spell from the class spell list. The new spell must be the same level as the spell you replace.

Cantrip Versatility

1st-level feature (Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Witch, Wizard)

By spending 2 Downtime Points, you can replace one cantrip you learned from this Spellcasting feature with another cantrip from the class spell list. The new spell must be gained from the same class spell list as the spell replaced.

Experience System

Gaining XP in Pedminara works differently to the PHB rules. You gain XP through different kinds of encounters, exploring, social and combat. Max XP is 45 XP per session and average XP per session is 20 to 35, based loosely on the UA Three Pillar System. You start at Level 3, with 0 XP. All experience is cumulative - track how close you are to the next level or how much total XP you have in the Experience section of your Character Sheet. Two ways to document your experience progress are described below.
Experience System
Level Experience until next level Cumulative Experience Required to Level
3 80 80
4 100 180
5 120 300
6 140 440
7 160 600
8 180 780
9 200 980
10 220 1200
11 240 1440
12 260 1700
13 280 1980
14 300 2280
15 330 2610
16 360 2970
17 390 3360
18 420 3780
19 450 4230
20 500 Epic Leveling System - Beyond Level 20

Your First Day in Ai'Lani

You've made it! Your character is approved, and you're ready to start your journey in Ai'Lani. But where do you start? What do you do? Here's a quick guide for all the new people who arrive on their shores.

A Grand Entrance

Ai'Lani is a lively province in the center the of wild continent of Pedminara. It rests on the southern tip of the landmass of the Oe Provinces. There are only two ways to arrive in Ai'Lani - by land, or by sea.

If your character was born in one of the neighboring Oe Provinces, you're likely to have arrived by land, perhaps by mount or caravan carrying you through the Oe Forest. Thus, your first post should be in the #gates-of-oe channel, briefly detailing your character's first impressions of the Rangi District, a high-towered impressive settlement atop a sky-high waterfall. Be sure to include a description of your character, as well as your character's artwork so the rest of the server knows what you look like.

But what about if your character hails from another continent, or a far off land like Wuprara or Strojan? In that case, it's more than likely you arrived by boat in the wide docks of Ai'Lani Harbor, upon the shores of Akamu Village. Feel free to make your character's first post in #shores-of-ailani, taking in the sights and sounds of the busy harbor.

Whether it be the gates or the docks, take this opportunity to introduce your character in detail, that others know exactly who they're running into in future interactions.

Settling In

A new arrival needs a place to rest their head, right? Luckily for you, there's a number of locales ready to accept every form of visitor.

  • The Voyager's Rest is a large guild house where all sailors and seafarers congregate. It's a place to post missions for expeditions, find crews, and share new discoveries about the waters of Pedminara. Inside are plenty of tables, hearty meals of mostly seafood, and a couple of barebones living quarters, usually only occupied temporarily. It is a lively establishment, with plenty of folks always having a new story to tell. The Voyager's Rest is famous among many harbors all across Pedminara.
  • Taverns are more than willing to take in all wandering stragglers. The Jaded Serpent Inn, for example, is notorious for welcoming all sorts of unusual individuals, and carries a myriad of curious drinks. The Lofty Landing in the Rangi District is perched atop a high hill and boasts ann unusual set of helpers.
  • Player Businesses are also a popular choice, owned and operated by oftentimes veteran adventurers. Expect an unusual cast of hirelings, or more often than not a unique flair to each estblishment.

Akamu Village

The settlement of Ai'Lani is split into two halves - those who arrive by ship will be greeted by the weather-worn homes of Akamu Village.

  • The Ember Pools are a collection of natural hot springs hidden away in a private alcove. The water constantly churns gently, as if enchanted by an elemental force. The 'ember pools' gained their name from the naturally high temperature, making it a popular spot to relax.

  • Fable's Stables preside over a wide ranch, with heavy fences to contain the unusual mounts many voyagers return with from their travels. The Fable family tend to the beast, keeping them well-fed and rested in the voyagers' absence.

  • Quetzal Falls are the widest waterfalls in all of the Oe provinces. While lifts have been installed to carry passangers upwards towards the Rangi District, many revel in riding the massive quetzalcoatl that ferry passengers to both communities.

The Rangi District

Resting atop Quetzal Falls, the Rangi District is a lively business area which connects to the rest of the Oe Provinces.

  • The Sunset Market houses a great variety of wares among the weather-worn stalls. During the afternoon, as the sun sets beyond the horizon, the cobblestone paths are bathed with a gentle stream from the rising tide that cools the feet. Children can often be seen running playfully down the paths, splashing at every footstep.

  • The Crimson Courts are home to Chieftain Shogu, head of all of Ai'Lani, as well as a military of trained soldiers from all over the Oe Provinces. Quite often only a personal invite allows you passage into these walls, though as your reputation grows you may find yourself in positions of leverage to request an audience.

  • The Sanctuary is a holy building constructed by elven nomads. Although most Pedminarans revere the powers of the Elemental Planes, some from foreign lands prefer to worship the globally-recognized Nine Prime Deities.

We hope you enjoy your time here, don't hesitate to explore! There's plenty more to uncover right in town, for those who choose to pursue it.


The Western Isles, The Untamed Jungle, Home of the Ever Burning Peaks.

"You speak of a forbidden jungle? Ha! A child's playground compared to the majesty of Pedminara. The canopies are our rooftops, the mountains our castles, our queens adorned with crowns of fangs ripped from the very maws of the sky sovereigns. Your people waste away, waiting for food to be brought to their tables, while we speak to the unturned soil, receiving the blessings of nourishment straight from Patuanu's arms. You are soft, spoiled, unmarked by the breadth of the elements. You have no claim here, traveler, and sworn by the ends of our spears, you never will. When the waters rise, it is not Galia's mercy you will be praying for...but the heart of the ocean itself."
-- Nakastai, Warmother of the the Scarred Sky, Daughter of Yeskil


This setting is heavily influenced by Asian and Pacific Islander culture. The Rangi District and the rest of the Oe Provinces are inspired by the Edo Period of Japan, while Akamu Village and most of Pedminara delves into Polynesian, Filipino and other islander influences.

Pedminara, The Ever-Shifting Isles

While the other continents lean more heavily on the teachings of the Nine Prime Deities, ever since the events of the Tribulation, residents of Pedminara have always felt more deeply connected to the forces of the Elemental Planes. Perhaps it is the might of the roaring volcanos, or the rapidly shifting tides that level entire landmasses and reveal new ones. Pedminarans have learned to adapt to the wild, unpredictable nature of their environments and over the years have harnessed its power to survive.

Most travelers to Pedminara are drawn in by the mysteries that lie within their dense jungles and underwater caverns. Creatures from ancient times walk freely among the residents and a great number of the population are blessed by the elements themselves. Schools of elemental arts dot the islands, hidden away from the public eye, training warriors to defend their homelands. Promises of discovery tempt every wayward sailor, but not all are equipped to handle the terrains that lie ahead.

Traveling to Ai'Lani

If you live within the Oe Provinces, Ai'Lani rests upon the southern tip of the landmass - many roads lead towards the waterside settlement.

For all other travelers, especially those from the far corners of the world, there is only one way to reach Ai'Lani - by boat, of course! You have likely braved the perilous sea - either through your own talents, or by gaining passage - and have landed upon the sandy shores with little but your alms and your ambition.

Lore of Pedminara

Click here for full descriptions of all locations in Pedminara.

This is Your Life

The stories below are just examples of a life your character may have lived before arriving in Ai'Lani. Be creative!

Your Journey to Ai'Lani
d8 Backstory
1 I was born and raised in Wuprara, son of a proud halfling clan. I sail towards the Rangi District to seek fortune for my family.
2 My heritage carries thirty generations of Oe warriors, and I will be no different. My journey begins in the Temple of the Four Paths.
3 I hail from the flatlands of Voskyae, hoping to make a name for myself beyond what my genasi bloodline speaks of me.
4 I was a slave who escaped the tyranny of the Skay Cror yuan-ti. With little more than a rowboat I sail to Ai'Lani for respite.
5 My tribe disowned me, leaving me for dead. I've sailed from the mountains of Yeskil seeking a new life, and freedom from my warmother.
6 A bad bet left me without a ship and crew on the docks of Lanun. I hear Akamu Village is in need of some capable sailors these days.
7 I've lost everything in a demon attack that ravaged my village in Tobolsk. I must go somewhere, anywhere, to rebuild my life.
8 I've traveled westward from Frolois - after completing my studies, I knew I could make a name for myself in the untamed lands of Pedminara.
9 I come as an emissary from a dying clan in Vocob-Caquix, searching for something that will help revitalize my clan to their former glory.
10 I've fallen through a portal, exploring a land entirely off-limits. Thousands of miles away from home, I seek allies and answers.


  • Ashana
  • Brua Speau
  • The Breath of Pedminara
  • Efral
  • Lanun
  • The Oe Provinces
  • Roxmar
  • Skay Cror
  • Strojan
  • Utren
  • Uskines
  • Voskyae
  • Wuprara
  • Yeskil


The quintessence of possibility, the land unclaimed, the crossroads of Lyndria.

"Only a few centuries past, Alestria was but a fable to most; in the eastern hills of Frolois, explorers often dreamed of crossing the western mountains to a domain uncharted. Sailors in Tobolsk would take fancy to traveling south to warmer waters, but were simply derided by their peers for their lofty ideations. While scholars could never pinpoint exactly who the first settlers came to be, it was quickly discovered that this vast land held more than a few surprises. From dense jungles to frozen mountains, arid wastelands and darkened forests, the land that would come to be known as Alestria soon became famous as a realm wholly unpredictable.

At present, only a few cities have found refuge and bolstered themselves to flourish for the centuries to come. To the north lies Thrandul, a bastion of craftsmanship and naval prowess, home to the hardy folk of the wintry frostlands. To the south, the trade city of Mulac-Caquix thrives atop the scorched sands, home to a plethora of monstrous folk from Pedminara and Vocob-Caquix.

And of course, we have our brilliant city of Grimhollow, what I believe to be the crown jewel in Alestria's hillscape, a symbol of prosperity to all adventurers. It serves as an ever-present reminder that even the most perilous terrain bows to the tenacity of the stalwart pioneers of Lyndria.

With every passing year, while many continue to study this land and understand its mysteries, more and more researchers now realize that we have only scratched the surface as to what this continent truly holds. What discoveries await us? Only time and curiosity will tell!"

-- Cearovi Eroth, former Loremaster of Grimhollow

Alestria, Continent of Crossroads

Alestria is a frontier land with an almost endless variety of perilous landscapes, just waiting to be explored. The recent settlements like Grimhollow, Thrandul and Mulac-Caquix only occurred within the last three hundred years, making its development entire centuries behind its neighboring continents.

Many explorers are drawn in by the promise of fame and fortune, seeking acclaim among their peers as the first to uncover its many mysteries. A major factor in Alestria's truly diverse landscapes is the sheer number of scattered portals across its land, serving as a door between multiple planes and distant realms. Every sort of creature would wind up on its shores without warning, throwing the land into upheaval. It is this unpredictability that makes Alestria both so dangerous and so appealing.

Traveling to Alestria

From Pedminara, a boat from the docks of the Oe Provinces or Wuprara is most common. Most foreigners pass through the Port Town Wamu on their way towards the city of Grimhollow, which rests almost directly in the center. A journey from Tobolsk or Frolois might take one to two months by boat, and is not always the safest journey. One could also land upon the desert town of Mulac-Caquix, and continue the arduous journey northwards through the arid desert.

Lore of Alestria

Click here for full descriptions of all locations in Alestria.

This is Your Life

The stories below are just examples of a life your character may have lived before arriving in Alestria. Be creative!

Your Journey to Ai'Lani
d8 Backstory
1 I was born and raised in Smallhollow, and always dreamed of leaving my family's farm to sail the open seas.
2 I grew up in the villages within the Frostspire Mountains, and I've always hated the frozen landscapes. Pedminara seemed like a perfect contrast.
3 I lived my life in the ports of Wamu. One day a letter arrives from the country of Ashana...I have family? Looking for me?
4 I'm a tradesmen in Thrandul, and my family's shipments have been routed by pirates from Lanun. I grabbed my axe and boarded the next boat, ready to solve the problem myself.
5 I've spent a great majority of my life in Grimhollow, but my parents always told me I was born in Voskyae. After their passing, I seek truth to my origins.
6 While you were adventuring, I studied the blade. While you started a business, I studied the blade. A war rages between Skay Cror and Ashani, and all are unprepared except me. For I studied the blade.


  • Alestria Summit
  • Bloodwood Forest
  • Breathless Morass
  • Crags of Atlas
  • Dragons Teeth
  • Dunes of Rust
  • Everlasting Grove
  • Forbidden Jungle
  • Frostspire Mountains
  • Graven Hills
  • Grimhollow
  • Mirkwood
  • Moonglow Isles
  • Mulac-Caquix
  • Port Wamu
  • Rotten Bog
  • Savage Divide
  • The Southern Wilds
  • Thrandul

Note: The Alestria server was the first of now four servers hailing from the world of Lyndria. While it is closed to new members, many players from the original server continue to play on the others.


The Eastern Elven Lands, The Bastion of Culture, A Land Settled and Storied.

"Ah Frolois, the pinnacle of all that is arcane and beautiful in the world, second to none as all others pale in comparison to the grace Frolois carries. From the floating marvel of a city known as the Shire, home to a many Gnomes and humans, to the bountiful fauna and flora of the Preshorn Forest. Regal in design and glory, the lands of this noble Continent only highlight the citizens prowess.
They outclass many in the ways of the Arcane, multiple prestigious schools and locations to gain knowledge dot the landscape of Frolois. And with this magical prowess, follows the military fortitude the continent prides themselves in having. These lands, overgrown with greenery and natural youth from the forests and woodlands house races from the short in stature but large in spirit Gnomes. Ever galiant and regal elves, humans of all shapes and sizes, these races rich with potential only matched to the influx of Hobgoblins and Goblins that reside near the rich, mineral-filled mountains of Kazag Gaz. Frolois, put in simple terms for all foreign to our shores, is the pinnacle of everything that matters in the world. What’s not to love about it?"

-- Isaiah de Pronteau, Professor of Divination at the Traefmorth School of Sorcery


From a lifestyle and architecture standpoint, much of Frolois aesthetic pulls from 15th century Europe, specifically England and France. With the outer regions displaying a 14th century Spainish flair.

Frolois, The Eastern Elven Lands

To the east, the land of Frolois has entire centuries of wars and civilizations and histories already written into the prosperous land. Once ruled by the powerful elven empire of Rolandeaux, the continent has since fragmented into separate settlements, each marked with its influence. While Frolois is heavily shaped by elven culture, many races have come into their own - the halflings and gnomes of the western Shire have boomed in population and technological advancement, for example. Humans and other races have arrived through the docks of Cashel, and the Kagaz Gaz territory to the northeast of the continent is populated entirely by goblinoids directly in opposition with the eastern Krisifel armies.

In contrast to its sister continent Alestria, much of civilization is already present and thriving in Frolois, and as such, towering structures loom over massive plains, schools of magic and military are filled with young prospects, and naval travel is more than common. Frolois is a land since defined over two millenia past, its mysteries buried and hidden away in its forests and mountains.

Traveling to Frolois

From Pedminara, there are two routes - the first is the journey eastward, resting upon the harbors of Mulac-Caquix before sailing past the Dragon's Teeth into the Fallohinds. The second option is much riskier - sailing west from Ai'lani. This route is yet unmapped, but expert navigators believe vessels should land upon the eastern shores of Krisfiel.

Lore of Frolois

Click here for full descriptions of all locations in Frolois.

This is Your Life

The stories below are just examples of a life your character may have lived before arriving in Pedminara. Be creative!

Your Journey to Ai'Lani
d8 Backstory
1 I grew up among the hills of Fallohind, but I've heard tales of halflings taming beasts in the western isles and must see it with my own eyes.
2 I grew up in the industrial city of Cobalt - eager to prove my worth as a sailor to my gnome companions, I made it my goal to sail to Pedminara.
3 I hail from the Norwich Mountains. An orc from Pedminara insisted there was someone I must meet in the Oe Provinces.
4 As a hobgoblin from Kazag Gaz, my goblin in the Oe provinces intrigued. I left my conclave to journey eastward.
5 I've been cast out from Rolandeaux due to my impure bloodline. I've sailed from the Cobalt harbors seeking a new life, and refuge from my exile.
6 I come as a prospective graduate from Valkur Military Academy, eager to prove my worth as a soldier in a mission abroad.


  • Forests of Herynore, Preshorn, Ruvingal
  • Kazag Gaz
  • Krisfiel
  • Morvengard
  • Norwich Mountains
  • Rolandeaux
  • The Shire
  • Theywynn

Note: We have an entirely separate server for the continent of Frolois! Ask a Mod or Admin about it.


Hearth of the Northern Seas, The Forge of Demons, Land of Eternal Winter.

"A traveler, you say? What else could you be with that overcoat of yours? Aye, every sailor knows a tenderfoot when they see one. Fresh, unmarked, likely a shiver or two. Hope you're not here for sightseein', chickling. Ain't nothin' but mountains, trees, and dark beasts hidin' behind 'em. Ride the eastern shores if you're the merchant type, head west if you're lookin' to disappear. The Wilds will come for ya all the same - they got a nose for your blood, I reckon. Ah, you're the adventurin' type? Shoulda known it all along. Buy yourself some proper boots before ya head out there...and never, ever travel alone."
-- Brumdal Bronzemane, Tavernkeep of the Bellowing Bramble, Seumas


Inspirations From a lifestyle and architecture standpoint, much of Tobolsk and the cities within are reminiscent of 12th century Norway built around relics and ancient religious sites. There are also 3rd AD Russia and 790's era of Vikings.

Tobolsk, of Frost and Forge

Across the northern Ceso Sea lies a land rich in history, from its carved mountains and weathered harbors to the massive stone monuments of civilization. Tobolsk is recognized for a number of things, the first and most obvious being its frozen climate, with layers of snow accross every field and forest. Tobolsk is also home to the dwarven heritage, named after the god Tobolsk, who is said to have molded dwarvenkind himself on an otherworldly forge.

The third and equally prevalent mark of Tobolsk is the darkened stain of demonic influence that lay beneath the wintery surface. Since the dawn of civilzation on Tobolsk, demons have always terrorized the communities with little care for their wards or defenses. Every Tobolski nation has refined and prepared their own unique methods for dealing with this threat and protecting their people from its horrors.

Tobolsk boasts a wide variety of communities, from the hardy dwarves of Soskos and Orsaun, to the Urul orc tribes of the Wilds, and the highly learned nations of the Dolwich Commonwealth and Novograd.

Traveling to Tobolsk

From Pedminara, there is only one true path - you must board a ship from Thrandul northwards across the Ceso Sea, into the ports of Seumas. Alestria's Thrandul was born of a naval venture by the people of Tobolsk, and over the course of over two centuries the journey is well-documented and practiced.

Lore of Tobolsk

Click here for full descriptions of all locations in Tobolsk.

This is Your Life

The stories below are just examples of a life your character may have lived before arriving in Pedminara. Be creative!

Your Life in Tobolsk
d10 Backstory
1 I was raised in the humble town of Thokodolf. I grew up hearing stories of heroes from my town, and aspired to do the same once I was of age.
2 I grew up within the walls of the Dolwich Commonwealth, eager to share the learnings of my holy and benevolent goddess to the world.
3 I hail from the caverns of the Orsaun Range. Seeking riches beyond that of the mines, I've decided to explore a continent entirely separate.
4 I journeyed from the high halls of Zizranor, descending from its towering peaks to learn of the lives of those living below.
5 I arrived at the House of the Rising Sun, battered and bruised, and there I was guided to seek the temples of the Four Paths.
6 The college of Novograd cast me aside, claiming I tampered with dark magics. I will prove to the world my talents will one day save them.
7 I come from a long line of warriors loyal to the Urul. My warfathers from Karguk have divined me a new mission in the isles of Pedminara.
8 I once worked upon the Shield of Tobolsk. Exhausted by the terrors of the demonfolk, I fled to Port Dom Moldir, and found a boat willing to sail me elsewhere.
9 I've always been a bit different, as is everyone in Torashtal. It was only when I heard voices in my head that I decided I needed answers.
10 My home and family were stolen from me by demons. Luckily the orders of Ivar Bailiwick took me in, and introduced me to a power necessary for revenge.


  • Blackspire Mountains
  • Demon Pits
  • Dolwich Commonwealth
  • Novograd
  • Orsaun Range
  • Soskos
  • Urul
  • Valakhad Dominion
  • The Wilds
  • Ymir Mountains
  • Zizranor

Note: We have an entirely separate server for the continent of Tobolsk! Ask a Mod or Admin about it.


Spires of the Searing Sun, The Nest of Dragons, A Land Scorched and Scarred.

"Come, Toovir. The caravan waits no longer. You say you hail from the North, yes? You must shield your eyes, then - the sun will be most unkind. The fields are not safe for you - warbands rest beyond the plateaus for tired Toovir, lost and helpless. The land belongs to all, as Surya decreees, but some profess to hold claim to it as their birthright. Your peace is foreign here, Toovir, but we will protect you. Not all of our kin see eye to eye, you must understand. To us, you are simply vrak, armed with quill and parchment. To others, you are you say, 'dinner'. A delicacy, like roasted hog."
-- Calugrax, spearborn of the Bronze, guard of Cualtzi

Vocob-Caquix Lore: Under revision

All lore pertaining to the continent of Vocob-Caquix is currently under revision, keep in mind that everything written in this document is subject to change. Thanks!


From a lifestyle and architecture standpoint, the larger Marquessian cities have a 12th century Turkish flair, with smaller villages being comprised of large tents and mud brick buildings via early Palestine.

Vocab, Spires of the Searing Sun

To the far south, what some might call the heart of the world lies the continent of Vocab, favored by the goddess of the sun. This land is first seen as heat waves upon the ocean to those that travel towards it. Light seems to shine even in the darkest of hours upon this large land mass. One from here might speak of the varying people speckled throughout the harsh landscapes, other might speak of the cities tucked away in oasis and jungles at the edges of the desert.

The people are as varied as the land they tred upon, from the dragonborn in the south to the sunkissed people of the north; people here have learned to thrive upon little, and not all people are friendly to outsiders. Tieflings have crafted safe havens, conflict abound between dragonborn and goliaths, and the yuan-ti and lizardfolk laying in wait to strike at those who enter their jungles.

No matter who you are in Vocab you most assuredly know that the Spires of Nupherzer is a place to avoid unless you seek to be something's dinner. Perhaps you are one of the rare few that escaped and has not met death...

Traveling to Ai'Lani

From Vocab, one might hop on a longboat at the city of Tupac and travel (fill this in with route)

Lore of Vocab

Click here for full descriptions of all locations in Vocab.

This is Your Life

The stories below are just examples of a life your character may have lived before arriving in Harrowhold. Be creative!

Your Life in Vocab
d8 Backstory
1 You were a merchant seeking riches, but as with all things the winds of fortune changed for you and you found yourself wandering elsewhere to seek your fortune.
2 You need to leave your home under dire circumstances, and the first ship you boarded brought you here, no one should find you here right?
3 You have escaped from the hands of slavers, fleeing from the land by any means necessary to avoid the weight of those chains.
4 Tired of the heat and sunshine always at your back, you've decided a change of scenery is much overdue.
5 You feel a need to prove yourself strong, but your people won't give you a chance, so you've gone out to find your strength elsewhere.
6 Many looked to you for answers, and now that you've brought another up to your place within your clan you have drifted away to find your own adventure without as much responsibility.


  • Kingdom of Xoco
  • Dokas Dominion
  • Mansuis
  • Cliqazaki
  • Kingdom of Voltan
  • Spires of Nupherzer
  • Sombrio
  • Itzamatul
  • Republic of Yaotali
  • Balam
  • Q'uq'umatz
  • The Ivory Isle

Lost Isles


  • Apollox Society
  • Sekolah Kingdom
  • Palapheme
  • Kar'i'nas
  • Nurm

Life Elsewhere

Why is this place cool? What makes it unique? Why would people want to come here?

Chapter 3: Character Customization

The following charts are subclasses and races that you may choose from within our world. If you have any questions, tag a DM.

UA2019 refers to a collection of UA documents detailing experimental WotC subclasses. These have been compiled and revised for use on the Pedminaran server, and cannot be multiclassed. The (*) symbol refers to Homebrew resources, linked in Chapter 1.

NOTE: This listing is rarely updated, last edited Fall of 2020. The Character Creation page towards the front of the rulebook is the most updated list.

Available Classes & Subclasses

Subclasses, page I

Class Source Subclass Description
Artificer ERLW Alchemist The greatest of healing artificers, most adept at wielding dangerous chemicals
Artificer EGW Armorer Join the front lines with electric gauntlets and a fortified shell of armor
Artificer ERLW Artillerist Specializes in explosive magic and defensive positions, magic-infused sidearms and wands
Artificer ERLW Battle Smith Combination of protector and medic, expert of defense and all forms of repair
Barbarian XGE Ancestral Guardian Calls on the spirits of honored ancestors to protect others
Barbarian SCAG Battlerager Charge into foes with specialized spiked armor, giving over to the fury of battle
Barbarian UA2020 Beast Transform yourself through the gift of the wilds to tear your foes with fang and claw
Barbarian PHB Berzerker A path of untrammeled fury, thrill in the chaos of battle, heedless of safety
Barbarian DAPC* Blood Rage empowered through blood magic
Barbarian XGE Storm Herald Filled with a rage that channels the primal magic ofthe storm
Barbarian PHB Totem Warrior A spiritual journey, follow spirit animals to be filled with supernatural might
Barbarian UA2019 Wild Soul A vessel of errant magic, this warrior releases the wild magic of the Feywild
Barbarian XGE Zealot Fueled by a religious zeal that visits destruction on foes
Bard UA2020 Creation Utilize magic fueled by imagination to bring everyday objects to life
Bard UA2019 Eloquence A diplomat with a silver tongue to persuade the masses
Bard XGE Glamour Wields the beguiling, glorious magic ofthe Feywild
Bard PHB Lore Taps into the knowledge of all other arcane studies, connoisseur of magic
Bard DAPC* Shadowfell Specialized shadow magic, more inclined to creating stories and manufacturing history
Bard XGE Swords Entertains and slays with daring feats ofweapon prowess
Bard PHB Valor Battle skalds who sing the deeds of the mighty, inspiring other in battle
Bard XGE Whispers Plants fear and doubt in the minds ofothers
Blood Hunter MMBH* Ghostslayer A warrior attuned to the ethereal realm, sworn to fight the terrors of undeath.
Blood Hunter MMBH* Lycan Cursed with the blood of the beast, harnesses their feral prowess to terrorize the battlefield
Blood Hunter MMBH* Mutant An unnatural power gained through potent concoctions and self-experimentation
Blood Hunter MMBH* Profane Soul Hunters of evil who have formed pacts with otherworldly beings
Cleric SCAG Arcana Serving the divine that know the secrets and potential of magic intimately
Cleric DAPC* Blood Paths of slaughter, violence, and bloodshed, using blood magic to fulfill this
Cleric DMG Death Concerned with the forces that cause death and negative energy that gives rise to undead
Cleric XGE Forge Clad in heavy armor, serves a god ofthe forge or creation
Cleric XGE Grave Opposes the blight of undeath
Cleric PHB Knowledge Value learning and understanding above all, studying and delving, learning all they can
Cleric PHB Life Focused on the vibrant positive energy that sustains all life, promoting vitality and health
Cleric PHB Light Enlightened souls infused with radiance, charged with burning away lies and darkness
Cleric PHB Nature Revering nature, blessing harvests, hunting those that would despoil the woodlands
Cleric DAPC* Night Using the cover of darkness to aid both battle and attempts at subterfuge
Cleric GGR Order Commands discipline and strict adherence to the law above all else

Subclasses, page II

Class Source Subclass Description
Cleric PHB Tempest Harbinger of divine wrath, commander of storms, inspires fear in seafaring folk
Cleric PHB Trickery Challenging all order, preferring subterfuge, pranks, deception, and theft.
Cleric UA2019 Twilight A guide in the darkness, providing an umbral blanket of protection
Cleric UA2020 Unity The bonds of your companions fill you with the strength to seize victory
Cleric PHB War A holy warrior who commands the battlefield and supports in the front lines.
Druid XGE Dream Mends wounds, guards the weary, and strides through dreams
Druid PHB Land Use magic influenced by the land where the circle initiated
Druid PHB Moon Changeable as the moon, let loose the forces of beasts as fierce protectors of the wilds
Druid XGE Shepherd Summons nature spirits to bolster friends and assail foes
Druid GGR Spore Communes with mold and fungi, transforms lifeless material into strange, but abundant life
Druid EGW Stars Channel the magic of the cosmos and transform into a shining beacon on the battleifield
Druid DAPC* Twilight Perform blood rituals and sacrifices to call upon strange powers
Druid UA2019 Wildfire Death and rebirth by fire, a druid who believes in the cycle of life by flame
Fighter XGE Arcane Archer Imbues arrows with spectacular magical effects
Fighter PHB Battlemaster View combat as an academic field, employing advanced martial techniques
Fighter DAPC* Blood Knight Utilize blood sacrifices to cast spells and grant additional offensive and defensive capabilities
Fighter XGE Cavalier Defends allies and knocks down enemies, often on horseback
Fighter PHB Champion Focused on the development of raw physical power honed to deadly precision
Fighter EGW Echo Knight Call upon the strength of yourself from fading timelines to stand beside you in battle
Fighter PHB Eldritch Knight Combine martial mastery with a careful study of magic, using both in tandem
Fighter Psionics Psychic Warrior May the force be with you, always
Fighter SCAG Purple Dragon Knight Spearheading an attack, awaken reserves of courage and conviction in allies. Also known as Banneret
Fighter UA2019 Rune Knight A warrior summoning the might of giants through inscribed runes
Fighter XGE Samurai Combines resilience with courtly elegance and mighty strikes
Monk UA2019 Astral Soul The discovery of one's true self through arcane materialization
Monk DAPC* Bloodied Fist Exerting control over blood, both in self and in foes, to powerful effect
Monk XGE Drunken Master A martial arts tradition inspired by the swaying ofa drunkard
Monk PHB Four Elements Align with the forces of creation and bend the four elements as an extension of the body
Monk FE (R)* Four Elements (Revised) Align with the forces of creation and bend the four elements as an extension of the body
Monk UA2020 Mercy With hands to heal and harm, your bolster your allies and poison your foes
Monk XGE Kensei Channels ki through a set of mastered weapons
Monk SCAG Long Death Obsessed with the concepts of death, using the knowledge to yield a deadly fighting style
Monk PHB Open Hand Ultimate master of martial arts combat, armed or unarmed, using a wide variety of techniques
Monk XGE Shadow Follow the tradition that values stealth and subterfuge
Monk XGE Sun Soul Transforms ki into bursts offire and searing bolts oflight
Paladin PHB Ancients Siding with light against the darkness, committing to preserving life and light in the world
Paladin XGE Conquest Strikes terror in enemies and crushes the forces of chaos
Paladin SCAG Crown Led by a dedication to society and law, bolster allies and guard against chaos
Paladin PHB Devotion Bound to the lofties ideals of justice, virtue, and order, protecting other and defeating evil
Paladin DAPC* Grave Protecting the sacred passage into the afterlife, struggling against the abomination of undead
Paladin DMG Oathbreaker An oath broken to pursue dark ambition or evil power, only darkness remains
Paladin XGE Redemption Offers redemption to the worthy, destruction to those who refuse mercy or righteousness
Paladin UA2020 Watchers Reprimand otherworldly forces and defend the Material Plane
Paladin PHB Vengeance Deliver justice, right wrongs, punish those who committed evil

Subclasses, Page III

Class Source Subclass Description
Ranger PHB Beast Master Work in partnership with an animal as its companion and friend
Ranger EGW Fey Wanderer A warrior enchanted by happenstance learns to tap into the errant magic of the Feywild
Ranger XGE Gloom Stalker Venture boldly into the darkness, seeking to ambush threats, at home in the darkest places
Ranger XGE Horizon Walker Guard the world against threats that originate from other planes, seek out planar portals and keep watch over them
Ranger PHB Hunter Learn specialized techniques for fighting the varied threats you face
Ranger PHB Monster Slayer Dedicated to hunting down creatures of the night and wielders of grim magic
Ranger DAPC* Nightstalker Emulates a unique form of shadow magic, accompanied by shadowy familiars in battle
Ranger UA2019 Swarmkeeper Holds command over an army of tiny fey to control the battlefield
Revised Ranger UA Beast More at home in the wilds than in civilization, develop a close bond with a beast, strengthening it with magic
Revised Ranger UA Hunter Specialize in fighting techniques against the most dire threats
Revised Ranger UA Deep Stalker Strive to uncover and defeat threats in the darkest of places
Rogue PHB Arcane Trickster Calls on the spirits of honored ancestors to protect others
Rogue PHB Assassin Stealth, poison, and disguise help eliminate foes with deadly efficiency
Rogue XGE Inquisitive Keep a sharp eye for detail, read other creatures to determine their true intent, and expose hidden evils
Rogue XGE Mastermind Focus on people and on the influence and secrets they have, words are weapons as often as knives or poison
Rogue UA2019 Revived Having died once, they boast a deeper understanding of death's boundaries
Rogue PHB Scout Combines stealth with a knack for survival
Rogue DAPC* Shadow Delve into the intricacies of shadow magic, enhance talents of stealth and deception
Rogue Psionics Soulknife Conjure psychic blades at your fingertips to destabilize your foes
Rogue XGE Swashbuckler Delivers deadly strikes with speed and panache
Rogue PHB Thief Hone skills in the larcenous arts, as well as improving agility and stealth, and other various skills
Sorcerer UA2019 Aberrant Mind An alien influence grants you psychic powers, mastery over thoughts
Sorcerer UA2020 Clockwork Soul Law rules over all, calm the chaos of the world with the might of Mechanus
Sorcerer DAPC* Deathtouched From a past encounter with death, this dark magic now dictates your life and greatly augments power
Sorcerer XGE Divine Soul Harnesses magic bestowed by a god or other divine source
Sorcerer PHB Draconic Coming from an ancient bargain with a dragon or dragon ancestor, fuels magic with the might of dragons
Sorcerer UA Giant Soul Command the elements and gain the might of giants, through an ancient connection to Ostoria
Sorcerer UA2017 Sea Mold the tides and command the battlefield with surging storms
Sorcerer XGE Shadow Wields the grim magic ofthe Shadowfell
Sorcerer UA2017 Stone Defend yourself and your allies with a shield of stone
Sorcerer PHB Storm Crackles with the power of the storm
Sorcerer DAPC* Vampiric A mingling of a bloodline with the blood of a vampire, vampiric magic permeating blood and being
Sorcerer PHB Wild Magic Innate magic coming from the forces of chaos, utilize raw magic upon any outlet with unexpected results
Warlock PHB Archfey Patron of fey, an ancient creature often inscrutable, sometimes whimsical, bestowing gifts to match
Warlock DAPC* Archlich Patron is an ancient lich with mastery over forgotten magic, often necromantic
Warlock XGE Celestial Forges a pact with a being from celestial realms
Warlock PHB Fiend Patron is a powerful fiend from the lower planes, bestowing hellish gifts of dark magic and fire
Warlock PHB Great Old One Patron is a unfathomable being, incomprehensible to mortals, with ancient knowledge full of vast secrets
Warlock XGE Hexblade Serves a shadowy entity that bestows dread curses
Warlock UA2019 Lurker in the Deep A servant of an underwater entity, calls upon their might and acts as their eyes and ears upon land

Subclasses, page IV

Class Source Subclass Description
Warlock UA2020 Noble Genie You have found favor in an elemental patron, who bestows your greatest wishes
Warlock DAPC* Undying Patron offers the secrets of everlasting life at a cost, bestowing command over life and death
Warlock Pact PHB Blade Manifest weapons magically bestowed by patrons, facing foes head-on
Warlock Pact PHB Chain Summon an enhanced familiar to assist, capable of much more than the average familiar
Warlock Pact DAPC* Cloak Conjure a magical cloak for protection, and to assist in strange ways
Warlock Pact PHB Tome Receive a grimoire to learn magic from other sources
Wizard PHB Abjuration Emphasize magic that blocks, banishes, or protects, with a focus to protect the weak and banish evil
Wizard SCAG Bladesinger Developed by elves, weaving intricate magic into elegant martial maneuvers for both defense and offense
Wizard EGW Chronurgy Be the timelord and control the flow of battle through hastes and slows
Wizard PHB Conjuration Favor spells that produce creatures and objects out of thin air, as well as transportation and teleportation
Wizard PHB Divination Part the veils of space and time to see clearly, mastering spells of discernment, remote viewing, and foresight
Wizard PHB Enchantment Magically entrance and beguile others, bewitch and charm the violent, or bind the unwilling
Wizard PHB Evocation Study magic that creates powerful elemental effects, often serving as artillery, blasting foes from afar
Wizard EGW Graviturgist Command the battlefield with powerful pulls of kinetic force
Wizard DAPC* Hemomancy Study the ancient art of blood magic, manipulating life force, transforming vital energy into immeasurable power
Wizard PHB Illusion Study magic that dazzles, befuddles, and tricks others, a subtle magic that can make the impossible seem real
Wizard PHB Necromancy Explore the cosmic forces of life, death, and undeath, manipulating the energy animating all living things
Wizard Psionics Psionics Harness the power of mental magic, ascend to a higher plane of understanding
Wizard DAPC* Rewakening Combine necromancy and conjuration, bridging the gap between the two to shape something new
Wizard PHB Transmutation Modify energy and matter, wielding the raw stuff of creation to alter both physical form and mental qualities
Wizard XGE War Mixes evocation and abjuration magic to dominate the battlefield


Your character's background can come from any of the following sources: Acquisitions Incorporated, Curse of Strahd, Elemental Evil, Rage of Dragon, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Player Handbook, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Explorer's Guide to Wildemount and Tomb of Annihilation. Alternatively, you can use the PHB customization variant.

If you have any questions when it comes to which background would make the most sense with where your character comes from, you can ask a Dungeon Master. The PHB customization variant is available in case if you do not find a background that suits your character's needs.

Features & Weapons

All feats from the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Eberron: Rising from the Last War are available for use. Feats can also be found within our Unearthed Arcana Directory with possible revisions. Check #introductory-resources for more.

Unique weapons to this setting include Firearms (Homebrew, read here), the mundane weapon Boomerang and Eberron's Double-Bladed Scimitar. The double-bladed scimitar can only be starting equipment for elves - for all others, it may attained through downtime.

Races of Lyndria

Races marked with a (*) are unique to the Pedminaran setting.

Races, page I

Race Subrace Source Location of Origin
Aarakocra --- EEPC Zizranor, recently Crags of Atlas
Aasimar Fallen VGM Anywhere, Thokodolf
Aasimar Protector VGM Anywhere, Thokodolf
Aasimar Scourge VGM Anywhere, Thokodolf
Bugbear --- VGM All forests, Snog
Centaur --- GGR Bloodwood Forest, Everlasting Grove, Herynore Forest, Mansius, Dokas
Changeling --- ERLW Anywhere
Dragonborn Chromatic PHB Cinder Mountain, Breath of Pedminara, Eternal Peak, Kingdom of Xoco
Dragonborn Draconblood EGW Breath of Pedminara, Mulac-Caquix, Kingdom of Voltan
Dragonborn Ravenite EGW Breath of Pedminara, Efral, Mulac-Caquix, Kingdom of Voltan
Dragonborn Metallic PHB Efral, Mulac-Caquix, Kingdom of Voltan
Dwarf Duergar MTF Thrandul, Seumas, Orsaun Range
Dwarf Hill PHB Thrandul, Seumas, Soskos
Dwarf Mountain PHB Thrandul, Seumas, Orsaun Range, Soskos
Elf Drow PHB Underdark, all continents
Elf Eladrin MTF Feywild, all continents
Elf High PHB Morvengard, Krisfiel, Rolandeaux, Novograd
Elf Mark of Shadow ERLW Underdark
Elf Pallid EGW Morvengard, Krisfiel, Rolandeaux, Novograd
Elf Sea MTF Sekolah Kingdom
Elf Shadar-Kai MTF Shadowfell, Graven Hills, Herynore Forest
Elf Wood PHB Preshorn or Herynore Forest, Wuprara
Firbolg --- VGM Anywhere
Genasi Air EEPC Voskyae, Yeskil
Genasi Ash Pedminara* Mount Sacrifice
Genasi Clay Pedminara* Voskyae
Genasi Cloud Pedminara* Yeskil
Genasi Earth EEPC Voskyae
Genasi Fire EEPC Mount Sacrifice
Genasi Frost Pedminara* Mount Sacrifice
Genasi Lava Pedminara* Blistering Pinnacle, Yeskil
Genasi Storm Pedminara* Voskyae
Genasi Water EEPC Mouth of the Water Goddess, Voskyae
Githyanki --- MTF Kar'i'nas
Githzerai --- MTF Nurm
Gnome Deep MTF Underdark, all continents
Gnome Forest PHB Cashel, Cobalt
Gnome Rock PHB Norwich Mountains
Gnome Mark of Scribing ERLW Cobalt
Goblin --- VGM Southern Wilds, Mor, Kazag Gaz
Goblin Dankwood AWM Bloodwood Forest, Mirkwood Forest, Mor, Kazag Gaz

Races, Page II

Race Subrace Source Location of Origin
Goliath --- VGM Blistering Pinnacle, Thrandul, Ymir Mountains, Dokas or Mansius
Grung --- OGA Moonglow Isles, Straojan, Skay Cror
Half-Elf --- PHB Frolois, Novograd
Half-Elf Aquatic SCAG Sekolah Kingdom
Half-Elf Drow SCAG Underdark (all continents), Herynore Forest
Half-Elf Mark of Detection ERLW Vocob-Caquix
Half-Elf Mark of Detection ERLW Rolandeaux
Half-Elf Moon or Sun SCAG Rolandeaux
Half-Elf Wood SCAG Preshorn or Herynore Forest
Half-Orc --- PHB Frostspire Mountains, Norwich Mountains, Urul
Half-Orc Mark of Finding ERLW Oe Provinces, Urul Forest, Karguk
Halfling Ghostwise SCAG Harad Fields, The Shire, Yeskil
Halfling Lightfoot PHB Wuprara, Fallohind
Halfling Lotusden EGW Wuprara, Fallohind
Halfling Mark of Healing ERLW Wuprara, Vocob-Caquix
Halfling Mark of Hospitality ERLW Fallohind Hills
Halfling Stout PHB Fallohind
Hobgoblin --- VGM Kazag Gaz, Mor, Oe Province
Human --- PHB Anywhere
Human Mark of Finding ERLW The Wilds, Tobolsk
Human Mark of Handling ERLW Vocob-Caquix
Human Mark of Making ERLW Vocob-Caquix
Human Mark of Passage ERLW Southern Tobolsk
Human Mark of Sentinel ERLW Yeskil
Human Variant PHB Anywhere
Kalashtar --- ERLW Valakhad Dominion
Kenku --- VGM Port Wamu, Roxmar, Ruvingal Forest
Kobold --- VGM All mountain ranges, Breath of Pedminara, Efral
Leonin --- MOoT Ashana, Forbidden Jungle, Vocob-Caquix
Lizardfolk --- VGM Port Wamu, Smallhollow, Skay Cror, Stroajan
Locathah --- GoS Pedminara
Loxodon --- GGR Ashana, Balam
Minotaur --- GGR Isles of Emhain Abhlach, Republic of Yaotali
Orc --- PHB Frostspire Mountains (east), Norwich Mountains, Urul
Orc --- ERLW Frostspire Mountains (east), Norwich Mountains, Oe Provinces, Urul
Rakin Urkin Rakin* Lanun, Oe Provinces
Rakin Tanukin Rakin* Ashana, Efral, Straojan
Satyr --- MOoT Feywild, all continents
Shifter Beasthide ERLW Ultren, Ruvingal Forest, The Wilds, Yeskil
Shifter Longtooth ERLW Uskines, Ruvingal Forest, The Wilds, Yeskil
Shifter Swiftstride ERLW Efral, Ruvingal Forest, The Wilds, Yeskil
Shifter Wildhunt ERLW Blou Plad, Ruvingal Forest, The Wilds, Yeskil
Simic Hybrid --- GGR Anywhere
Tabaxi --- VGM Ashana, Port Wamu, Isles of Emhain Abhlach,

Races, Page III

Race Subrace Source Location of Origin
Tiefling Asmodeus PHB Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Baalzebul MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Dispater MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Fierna MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Glasya MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Levistus MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Mammom MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Mephistopheles MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Variant SCAG Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling Zariel MTF Tobolsk, Mulac-Caquix, Vocob-Caquix
Tiefling (Feral) -- SCAG Roxmar, The Wilds, Tobolsk
Tortle --- TTP Port Wamu, Stroajan
Triton --- MOoT Palapheme
Velkaden --- GGR Apollox Society
Verdan --- AI Dunes of Rust, Mor
Warforged --- ERLW Kaghna, Tobolsk
Yuan-Ti Pureblood --- VGM Forbidden Jungle, Port Wamu, Skay Cror

New Genasi Subraces

Within the lands of Pedminara, there have always been communities with an expectional connection to the Elemental Planes. These people are known as genasi, obtaining the gift of the elements through bloodlines or extraplanar anomalies. Despite the rest of Lyndria recognizing four distinct variations of genasi among their peers, a few others have begun to appear wholly unique to the lands of Pedminara.

Genasi Traits

Your genasi character has certain characteristics in common with all other genasi.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Genasi mature at about the same rate as humans and reach adulthood in their late teens. They live somewhat longer than humans do, up to 120 years.

Alignment. Independent and self-reliant, genasi tend toward a neutral alignment.

Size. Genasi are as varied as their mortal parents but are generally built like humans, standing anywhere from 5 feet to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial. Primordial is a guttural language, filled with harsh syllables and hard consonants.

Subraces. Alongside the four subraces of genasi provided within the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, four more subraces of genasi are found among the continents of Pedminara: cloud genasi, clay genasi, ash genasi, and storm genasi. Choose one of these subraces.

Clay Genasi

Clay genasi are descendants of the elementals residing in the Mud Hills, on the border of the Planes of Earth and Water. While earth genasi typically have sharp features upon their skin or rough exteriors, the skin of clay genasi are impossibly smooth and cool to the touch. Their skin manifests in a variety of shades, from a light tan to a heavy brown, to hue of red and pale grey. On hotter days their skin warms and adheres to garments and surfaces. Clay genasi are usually cool-headed and slow to speech. Just like their earth genasi cousins, occasionally fractures appear on the surface of their bodies, revealing a pale light from within.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Wisdom score increases by 1.

One with Stone. Climbing stone surfaces doesn't cost you extra movement.

Binding Clay. You can cast the Maximilian's Earthen Grasp spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Cloud Genasi

Born of the djinn from the Mistral Reach, cloud genasi are very much similar to their air genasi cousins. Their light-colored hair always seems tousled and weightless, and their voices are often wisp-like and soothing. Their dispositions are carefree and whimsical, never being in one place for too long. They abhor enclosed spaces, feeling restricted in movement. Cloud genasi are rarely temperate individuals - either they have more energy than they can handle, or keep entirely to themselves, avoiding social interaction. Whenever they travel, it always feels like a gentle breeze trails closely behind.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Trace the Skies. When you fall and aren't incapacitated, you can subtract up to 100 feet from the fall when calculating falling damage, and you can move up to 2 feet horizontally for every 1 foot you descend.

Words of the Wind. You can cast the skywrite spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Ash Genasi

Ash genasi are kin to the efreeti clans of the Cinder Wastes. Their skin tones typically range from a silver-grey to a blackened ash. Their body is always warm to the touch, and on colder days they radiate a pale smoke from their skin. Their eyes illuminate like a furnace when angered, and their voices have permanent rasps akin a low growl. Ash Genasi are typically introverted or antisocial, preferring time alone. They lean towards cynical in most scenarios; they prefer perspectives grounded in reality rather than idealistic goals and dreams. A smoke genasi has every ounce of passion as their fire genasi cousins, but only ever scarcely reveal it.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1.

One with the Veil. You can detect the faint shifts in clouds and darkened vapors; lightly obscuring fog and smoke do not impose disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. While heavily obscured by fog or smoke, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Fire Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.

Spark and Smoke. You know the create bonfire cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the fog cloud spell once with this trait as a 2nd-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Frost Genasi

These ice-laden individuals are incredibly rare, even within Pedminara. Frost genasi are descendants of the djinns of Frostfell, on the precipice of the Air and Water planes. Favoring colder climates, most frost genasi retreat towards the Yeskil mountains north of Voskyae, living within the cooler caverns for respite.

Frost genasi very rarely associate with anyone beyond their immediate clans, as interactions with the outside world would expose them to the elements. Due to this isolation, they often have strange nuances to the way they speak, foreign to all but other frost genasi. Their skin, hair and eyes are shades of white and pale blue, and their hair often resembles sharpened icicles. A frigid air escapes their lips whenever they speak, and on warmer days they constantly exude a cool mist from their skin. Most frost genasi prefer to be active at night, when the sun has set and the air has cooled considerably.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity or Wisdom score increases by 1.

Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.

Frost Walk. You can move across difficult terrain created by ice or snow without expending extra movement. While crossing bodies of water, you can freeze a thin layer of water below the soles of your feet, and walk across the surface of water as if on solid ground. The thin ice sheets beneath your soles melt as soon as you lift your feet, and you cannot carry anything heavier than your carrying capacity.

Command Over Ice. You know the frostbite cantrip. Once you reach 3rd Level, you can cast the snilloc's snowball swarm spell once with this trait as a 2nd-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Lava Genasi

Lava genasi are a recent advent to Pedminara, only appearing within the last two centuries. Commonly believed to be the offspring of a fire and earth genasi, the resulting child takes on the appearance of both parents. With fiery hair and cracked, jagged skin, their appearance is very much akin to the volcanoes that loom above fire genasi settlements. At first they were revered, said to be born with the might of molten rock, but their dispositions proved to be volatile and unpredictable.

Lava genasi are incredibly temperamental - their hair, akin to charred wisps of smoke, glow white hot when experiencing intense emotions like anger or sorrow. The crevices in their frame emit an orange glow, as if a fire was contained within them, and during these outbursts would be scorching to the touch. The efreeti of Voskyae branded them as a mistake, a affront to the purity of the fire genasi lineage. The lava genasi were banished from the villages of Mount Sacrifice to fend for themselves. In present day, these genasi tend to congregate in eastern Yeskil and the mountains of Wuprara, away from the public eye. A few monasteries have been founded to better control their dispositions, channeling the teachings of the earth primordial Patuanu. They are still feared and shunned from most societies simply due to their threatening appearances.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Intelligence score increases by 1.

Molten Shell. After a long rest, you gain a layer of protective rock. This provides temporary hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifer. When an enemy deals damage to the layer with a melee attack, they take 5 fire damage. If you choose to gain temporary hit points from any other source, this feature is immediately lost. The layer cannot be replenished except by taking a long rest.

Fire Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.

Searing Combustion. You know the firebolt cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the pyrotechnics spell once with this trait as a 2nd-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Storm Genasi

Storm genasi are the wild and boisterous relatives of the more common water genasi. Water-dwelling individuals born within the Sea of Worlds, these genasi are wholly unpredictable, quite literally displaying vast shifts in appearance and personality based on the weather. Their skin matches the multitude of ocean hues, from a darkened grey on cloudy days to a bright cerulean in sunlight. Storm genasi always carry the faint smell of petrichor. During lightning storms, the eyes of storm genasi illuminate with a pale yellow glow.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Lightning Resistance. You have resistance to lightning damage.

Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.

Swim. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet.

Beckon the Storm. You know the lightning lure cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the warding winds spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Where to Find Genasi

While they can be found all over Pedminara, almost all genasi can trace their roots back to Voskyae. Many communities have since migrated, a great number of them moving to the Yeskil mountains.
Mouth of the Water Goddess: Water, Storm, Frost
Mount Sacrifice: Ash, Fire
Voskyan Mainland: Clay, Earth
Voskyan Shores: Water, Storm
Yeskil Mountains: Air, Cloud, Frost, Lava



In secret dens beneath city streets, within the hollowed walls of castles, or amongst thick and unkempt underbrush, the Rakin reside. A reputation of chicanery, earned or not, follows a Rakin through their life, leading them to live out a scorned existence amongst other humanoids, or to isolate themselves with their kith and kin. The masked face of a Rakin is seldom accepted in humanoid society.

Wherever they scamper, be it through moonlit forests or torchlit streets, Rakin have a knack for getting themselves into comically perilous situations. They have a similar aptitude for saving their own hide, unhampered by the destruction they may leave behind. Mischief, whether it be playful, malicious, or unintentional, is the common trait that links all Rakin.

The mistaken spawn of a passionate tryst between deities of trickery and nature, Rakin hold a deep affinity for both domains. Since their creation, they have had little contact with either god, and have learnt to rely on their own wits to survive.

As Rakin society progressed, their culture grew to value trickery and subterfuge above all else. Good-natured pranks sprang from their paws as instinctively as breathing. Honed against the fearsome beasts of the forest, this innate talent to trick and deceive helped the Rakin bloom as a civilisation. Tales are still told of how Gurbo the Wise fought off a rampaging owlboar with nought but a goodberry, a silver needle, and a pig’s bladder.

Rakin politics, religion, and interpersonal relationships revolve around the idea of practical jokes. An atmosphere of one-up-manship and lighthearted merriment suffuses all of their wheelings and dealings. Even when faced with the most horrid of circumstances, a Rakin’s first instinct is to crack a joke.

Ideological Chasm

After centuries of living in chaotic, mirthful harmony and isolation, the Rakin had their first contact with other humanoid races. As the settlements of humans, elves, and dwarves sprang up along the borders of their ancestral homelands, an ideological battle split Rakin culture in two.

Many of the Rakin were intrigued by these forests of stone and steel, organized yet unpredictable, and full of opportunity. The elders forbade them to interact, alleging such civilization to be directly counter to the chaos that nature intended, the principle upon which Rakin culture was built.

The debacle spiraled into a full-on feud between the opposing Rakin factions, sundering the once united race into two. The Urkin broke with tradition and followed their ambition into the cities, whilst the Tanukin remained in their indigenous forests, continuing to adhere to their ancestral ways.

Rakin Names

Rakin naming conventions differ greatly between the Urkin and Tanukin subraces, whose cultural structures irrevocably changed after the schism.

Urkin. Eager to fit in, the Urkin quickly adopted the first and last name format of humanoid races. Despite this, Urkin usually end up naming themselves. Typically, an Urkin will take the name of a well known figure, and wring from it the most humorous pun imaginable. Urkin pride themselves on having the cleverest name they know, and will go through dozens in their lifetime.

Tanukin. More traditional, and with deeper ties to their ancestry, Tanukin stick to one name over the course of their lifetime. Tanukin regard family with uncharacteristic solemnity. Accordingly, Tanukin names are granted by their parents, a portmanteau of the two names of their caregivers. Because of this, gender plays little to no role in their naming conventions.

Rakin Traits

Rakin share a number of traits in common with each other.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Age. Rakin age slightly quicker than humans, reaching adulthood by 14. They live to be around 70.

Alignment. Because of their mischievous nature, nearly all Rakin tend toward a chaotic alignment, as they can’t help themselves from getting into some sort of hijinks. Most Rakin are neutral, taught to fend for themselves by a harsh world, but there are the occasional outliers that stray to the side of good or evil.

Size. Rakin are between 3 and a half to 4 feet tall. They have a light gait but sturdy frames, weighing from 40 to 90 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of gray.

Deft Climber. You have a climbing speed of 20 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.

Subraces. The idealogical schism that bifurcated the Rakin people led to cultural and physiological changes. Those two subraces are the Urkin and the Tanukin.

Subrace: Urkin

Urkin society values cunning, savvy, and – above all – the thrill of the heist. This leaves the Urkin with a bit of a nasty reputation; a fact that utterly fails to curb their ambitions. Adaptable and resourceful, the Urkin embraced humanoid civilization. They excelled as confidence tricksters and pickpockets, quickly gaining prestige with thieves’ guilds and morally-grey professionals. As an Urkin, you’ve likely grown up on the streets, fending for yourself in order to survive and making unscrupulous connections along the way.

Ability Score Increase. You increase your choice of Charisma or Intelligence score by 1.

Streetwise. You are proficient in the Stealth and Sleight of Hand skills. Additionally, you can understand Thieve’s Cant.

Nimble Dodge. When forced to make a Dexterity saving throw against an effect you can see, you can use your reaction to gain advantage on your saving throw. Success or fail, after the effect occurs, you can immediately move up to your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Once you use this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Subrace: Tanukin

Content to stay in their ancestral homes, the Tanukin fortify their ties to the natural world and the innate magic it grants them. Tanukin delight in using their limited shapeshifting abilities to scare off or otherwise vex interlopers within their sacred forests. Tanukin believe that civilization is a sacrilegious destruction of the beautiful chaos of nature. So rarely do Tanukin venture into humanoid settlements, that they are often mistaken for racoons, or worse, Urkin. The times they do deign to enter the ‘stone forests’, it is in order to use their illusion magic to evoke the divine chaos and confusion that they associate with the natural world.

Ability Score Increase. You increase your choice of Charisma or Wisdom score by 1.

Adept Trickster. You have proficiency with the Deception skill.

Tanukin Magic. You know the minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast disguise self once, and it recharges after a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast alter self once, and it recharges after a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Rakin in Pedminara

Since the divide of their communities, the Urkin and Tanukin have dispersed themselves across the Pedminaran isles.

The Urkin have taken on a mostly underground life in the bustling provinces of Oe or the darkened corridors on the isle of Lanun, finding communities among the vagabonds and cutpurses. Their wily cunning and humorous wit finds them in good company amongst guilds and mercenary corps - it is not uncommon to spot an Urkin or two upon a vessel, working as a scout before cresting on foreign lands. A few more scholarly types have even taken to journeying to ancient wonders, exploring the fallen ruins of Straojan or learning amongst the misty draconic libraries of Efral. Their curiosity of the outside world remains endlessly unsated.

The Tanukin, in contrast, prefer the solitary lifestyles in dense forests, settling among the trees of Ashana and the mountains of Yeskil. They are wary of the more human-like kinfolk, keeping their distance from the genasi tribes of Voskyae and the halfling hills in Wuprara. Amongst the loxodon, shifters and tabaxi they find more agreeable neighbors, oftentimes studying with them in innocuous disguises. Their veiled archives hidden within tree trunks and below cavernous tunnels contain the arcane secrets of their protected land that the greater world may never come to know.

This is Your Life

As an adventurer, what drives your Rakin to exploration? Is it an unabashed wonder of the world beyond your forests? Is it a desire for community, beyond that of your closed-minded clan? Has an unexpected discovery led you to uncover the roots of the secrets within? Or do you seek fame, that your self-given name may be inscribed even in the tomes of other kinsfolk? Where do you find refuge in this ever-changing world?


Rakin Race and Subraces: by Humperdink's Wares
Art: Ivy Dolamore of Loot Lavern

Dragonmarks of Lyndria

I t began as an anomaly, surely. A mysterious mark seared onto the back of a humble halfling in the Fallohinds, a foreign pattern traced onto the cheek of one of Karguk’s fiercest orc warriors. A half-elf branded seemingly overnight is cast out from his community, while a dwarf in the Orsaun Range is dignified as ‘the chosen’. The origin of these marks remains a mystery; all reported incidents seemingly began at the dusk of last winter, and continue to arise today in a number of unsuspecting citizens of Lyndria. Some communities have many with brands of the same likeness, while others are wholly singular and unique. Those whose marks have ‘awakened’ may gain an affinity for magic, others gifted with sharpened minds and keener senses. To many, this is a blessing, divined upon them by a timeless deity. To others, it is a curse, a foretelling of an ancient entity making themselves known once more. Scholars of the temples of Vocob-Caquix have recognized symbology resembling an ancient Draconic script, and thus the term ‘Dragonmarks’ was coined. More and more continue to reveal themselves through every continent, but to what cause? Good or evil, one thing is for certain: something looms in the horizon, and the world must be ready to face it.

The Bloodlines of the Blessed

During the Great War that raged during the time of Tribulation, the First Beings formed by Galia were not only different in form, but storied and capable in the lives they lived. Whilst some beings rose to higher states of both mind and body, ascending to a godhood much like the famed Tobolsk, those of humble birth fighting alongside the First Age Dragons were gifted with wondrous ability. To aid in the conflict against the Primordial Titans, the once-allied Bahamut and Tiamat created dragons to lead the people, and from those dragons blessings were given to the worthy. These chosen few came to bear the mark, aptly named Dragonmarks.

The Dragonmarked, men and women bestowed with the blessings from their dragon allies, were enabled to draw upon latent power stored within the mark. Each mark was unique, not only in the design but in the magical prowess it bestowed upon the wielder. Divided into twelve different emblems, the Dragonmarked were able to hold their own and be capable fighters during the Tribulation.

Once the war was over, the marks themselves grew obsolete and unnecessary in the following era of peace. With the Titans they clashed with destroyed and expelled from the Material Plane, the Dragonmarks soon fell dormant, fading from every individual who once wielded them. It was believed in the years following the Tribulation that the Dragonmarks would resurface once more upon the new generations when the world required them. The knowledge of Dragonmarks, their conception and purpose, have been lost to time and history, with only the odd historian or the few entrusted with this information scattered across the lands of Lyndria. The children of Bahamut and Tiamat carried on with their lives, growing to become the Metallic and Chromatic dragons we now know and live amongst on the Material Plane.

Now, in the Age of Man and Beings alike, the Dragonmarks have begun to resurface and appear on select few individuals across the lands. Individuals with strange abstract marks once again walk the lands, an omen to some that the world is once more on the precipice of calamity.

Along with these, there have been tales of those gaining a malformed mimicry of the mark, of similar yet aberrant power. Who or what has caused this shift is unknown - whether these Marks become blessing or curses upon those granted its power, only time will tell.

Creating a Character

Dragonmarks manifest on certain members of a few species, represented in the rules by variant race options:

  • For humans and half-ores, a dragonmark is a variant race that replaces traits associated with those races.
  • For half-elves, a dragonmark is a variant race that lets you keep some half-elf traits and replace others with the traits associated with your mark.
  • For dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings, the dragonmark replaces your subrace.

Dragonmarks on the Pedminaran server do not use the Spells of the Mark race feature. All other features are available.

Dragonmark Appearance

A dragonmark appears on the skin. In the Pedminaran setting, these marks have all manifested within the past year. There are twelve known dragonmarks, each unique in design and power. A dragonmark can appear on any part of the body. One half-elf could have the Mark of Detection across an eye, while another has it in the palm of the hand. Dragonmarks appear with vivid shades of blue and purple and shimmer or even move slightly. When used, they grow warm to the touch and sometimes glow (though this doesn't produce useful illumination). A dragonmark can't be removed-even if a limb bearing a dragonmark is cut away, the mark eventually manifests on another part of the bearer's body. All dragonmarks share a similar initial appearance, but a dragonmark can grow in size and complexity as a character gains levels and uses it to cast more powerful magic. While dragonmarks share the same general appearance, your dragonmark could have a unique quality. Roll on the Dragonmark Quirks table for inspiration.

Dragonmark Quirks
d8 Quirk
1 Your dragonmark is unusually small or faint.
2 Your dragonmark is exceptionally large.
3 Your dragonmark appears somewhere else on your body whenever you finish a long rest.
4 Your dragonmark emits dim light in a 5-foot radius for 10 minutes whenever you use it.
5 Your dragonmark tingles and changes color for a moment when you're within 10 feet of someone with the same mark.
6 When you use your dragonmark, it animates and adopts the appearance of a dragon.
7 Your dragonmark is an unusual color.
8 Your dragonmark changes size whenever you use it.

Dragonmark Origins and Appearances

The following table shows the most likely origins of those possessing dragonmarks. Dragonmarks manifest within bloodlines - thus, those within a community are more likely to possess similar marks. The following locations are simply guidelines; it is very possible that through travel or migration over generations, your character has lived elsewhere.

Dragonmark Race Specialty Location
Detection Half-Elf Bodyguards, Investigation Vocob-Caquix
Finding Human, Half-Orc Bounty Hunting, Investigation Urul Forest, Karguk
Handling Human Animal Training and Breeding Vocob-Caquix
Healing Halfling Healing Pedminara, Vocob-Caquix
Hospitality Halfling Food, lodging, urban information Fallohind Hills
Making Human Manufacturing Vocob-Caquix
Passage Human Land Transportation Southern Tobolsk
Scribing Gnome Communication, Translation Cobalt
Sentinel Human Bodyguards, Mercenaries Pedminara
Shadow Elf Entertainment, Espionage, Assassins Underdark
Storm Half-Elf Air and Sea Transportation Rolandeaux, Northern Frolois
Warding Dwarf Banking, Storage, Prisons Orsaun Range, Soskos

Reincarnation Table

Reincarnation Rolls
Roll (d100) Race
1-2 Aarakocra
3 Aasimar (Fallen)
4 Aasimar (Protector)
5 Aasimar (Scourge)
8-9 Centaur
10-11 Changeling
12-14 Dragonborn (Chromatic)
15-17 Dragonborn (Metallic)
18 Dwarf (Duergar)
19-20 Dwarf (Hill)
21-22 Dwarf (Mountain)
23 Elf (Drow)
24 Elf (Eladrin)
25-26 Elf (High)
27-28 Elf (Sea)
29 Elf (Shadar-Kai)
30-31 Elf (Wood)
32-33 Firbolg
34 Genasi (Air)
35 Genasi (Earth)
36 Genasi (Fire)
37 Genasi (Water)
38-39 Githyanki
40-41 Githzerai
42 Gnome (Deep)
43-44 Gnome (Forest)
45-46 Gnome (Rock)
47-48 Goblin
49-50 Goliath
51 Half-Elf
52 Half-Elf (Aquatic)
53 Half-Elf (Drow)
54 Half-Elf (Wood)
55-56 Half-Orc
57 Halfling (Ghostwise)
58 Halfling (Lightfoot)
59 Halfling (Stout)
60-61 Hobgoblin
62-64 Human
65-66 Kalashtar
Reincarnation Rolls (Continued)
Roll (d100) Race
67-68 Kenku
69-70 Kobold
71-72 Lizardfolk
73-74 Loxodon
75-76 Minotaur
77-78 Orc
79 Shifter (Beasthide)
80 Shifter (Longtooth)
81 Shifter (Swiftstride)
82 Shifter (Wildhunt)
83-84 Simic Hybrid
85-86 Tabaxi
87-88 Tiefling
89-90 Tiefling (Feral)
91-92 Tiefling (Infernal Bloodline)
93 Tortle
94 Triton
95 Velkaden
96 - 97 Verdan
98 - 99 Warforged
100 Yuan-Ti Pureblood
Dragonborn - Draconic Ancestry
Roll (d5) Race (Chromatic) Race (Metallic)
1 Black Brass
2 Blue Bronze
3 Green Copper
4 Red Gold
5 White Silver
Tiefling - Infernal Bloodlines
Roll (d8) Race
1 Baalzebul
2 Dispater
3 Fierna
4 Glasya
5 Levistus
6 Mammon
7 Mephistopheles
8 Zariel

Extra: Verdan Traits Table

Verdans are goblinoid individuals affected by constant, gradual physical change, as detailed in the Acquisitions Incorporated book. Every other week, roll 2d100 for two physical changes that begin to occur. These changes take 1d4 weeks to manifest, rolled individually.

Roll (d100) Trait
1-4 Skin Color: Jade Green
5-8 Skin Color: Pale Blue
9-12 Skin Color: Ebony
13-16 Skin Color: Dark Green or Blue
17-20 Skin Color: Pale White
21-23 Hair Color: Black
24-26 Hair Color: Purple
27-29 Hair Color: Green
30-32 Hair Color: Jade
33-35 Hair Color: Blue
36-38 Hair Color: Black with sheen
39-41 Hair Color: Teal
42-44 Ear Shape: Droopy
45-47 Ear Shape: Long, pointed
48-50 Ear Shape: Short
51-55 Eye Color: Yellow
56-60 Eye Color: Blue
61-65 Eye Color: Jade
66-70 Eye Color: White
71-75 Eye Color: Black
76-80 Eye Color: Red
81 Manifestation: Short Tusks
82 Manifestation: Coarse, rough skin
83 Manifestation: Smooth, oily skin
84 Manifestation: Heterochromia (Roll 2d6)
85 Manifestations fade
86-87 Hair (Exotic): Silver
88-89 Hair (Exotic): Blonde
90-91 Hair (Exotic): Scarlet
92-93 Hair falls out
94-97 Gender: Male
98-100 Gender: Female

Temple of the Four Paths

The Temple of the Four Paths rests upon the eastern waters of the Rangi District, is a grand and storied school well-known across Pedminara. It was the first school in the Oe Provinces to host all four houses - Igni, Aquai, Auri, and Terra - and it is the most famous due to its location and its history in beginning many storied warriors on the path to fame and renown.

Each of the four houses within the temple have a number of sister schools across Pedminara. While most lie within the forests and mountains of the Oe Provinces, many others are scattered about the other nations of the continent to better commune with the elements.

Every school has a signature technique, one passed down to students capable of wielding them. To earn the right to learn these techniques, one must undergo a trial designed to hone their talents and test their resolve. Some schools are more advanced than others, and some are simply difficult to find or reach. However, those who persevere will surely find their way towards a strength all their own.

Your Journey Begins Here

As a prospective student and warrior-in-training, your first step is to visit the Temple of the Four Paths. Cross the Kahana Bridge and introduce yourself. After a brief conversation, you will be asked which house you wish to join, and your journey will begin.

The Four Houses

Each house focuses its teachings on the major properties of their element, leaning to embrace the strengths and weaknesses. How a student incorporates this into their combat style is wholly up to them.

Igni. The house of fire is exactly as one would expect - bold, devastating, demanding of attention. A student of the flame does not falter or shrink away in combat, but rather embraces their role as a major threat. Containing your embers and releasing them at maximum potential is the key to mastering the Igni techniques.

Aquai. The house of water, in contrast, takes on many roles. Does your strength take the form of a rushing torrent? A frozen bulwark? A rejuvenating rain? Mastering the flexibility of water and its many faces allows for the most versatile of warriors.

Auri. The house of air obeys a simple creed - what cannot be touched, cannot be beaten. Students of Auri grow to be adept at movement, weaving in and out of combat like a breeze through dense branches. Wind and lightning are the major tenets of their nimble techniques.

Terra. Many view the house of earth as slow, patient, and methodical. But a warrior in command of the ground we walk upon can be more than surprising, shifting the battlefield in their favor and wielding the might of the earth in their palms.

One House, Many Masters

Across the Oe Provinces and the rest of Pedminara, there are other schools that you can travel to once you are of sufficient level. Should you go there and pass their trial, you will be taught a new ability, unique to the school and your element. As you climb in levels and achievement, you will learn of more advanced schools, which can offer a variety of talents. Game Masters are welcome to invent schools and trials of their own design, as well as reflavored spells, element-based features, personalized weapons, unique familiars and more as reward for their accomplishments. There is no guarantee of success - the elaborate trials of some schools, you will learn, are well beyond your least for now. Your journey as a student on one of these Four Paths may look dramatically different than those of the peers you train beside.

Of course, a student of the Four Paths is given responsibility as well. Challengers will arrive at the temple’s doorstep, daring to test the mettle of you and your peers. The students of the temple are in high demand across Pedminara, often called to resolve disturbances in the ever-shifting environment. Are you up to the task? Do you have what it takes to stand among the greatest warriors in Pedminara?

Understanding Techniques

School techniques work much like the Eldritch Invocations of the Warlock class, in that you must choose which best suit your character. While your character may come to learn and know a wide variety of techniques, a character may only ready a certain number of techniques for a journey, equal to their proficiency bonus. At level 3, you can ready up to two techniques from your house, which will increase at higher levels.

If you know more techniques than your current limit, you may switch one readied technique for another during a long rest. Some techniques will have requirements to learn, similar to invocations, based on your level and house. Learning any technique requires visiting the school that teaches it.

Although the Temple of the Four Paths contains all four houses, most schools beyond Ai’Lani’s gates may only teach techniques to one or two elements. Some practice a singular core technique, which is then modified by the characteristics of your house.

Many of your techniques will refer to your technique modifier, which is your choice between the ability scores Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

All techniques, including spells provided through techniques, use this technique modifier for attack rolls and save DCs unless otherwise stated.

Character Level Number of Readied Techniques
1-4 2
5-8 3
9-12 4
13-16 5
17-20 6

The number of techniques you can ready per long rest is equal to your proficiency bonus.

Technique Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Technique modifier

Technique attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Technique modifier

A House's Signature

The Temple of the Four Paths offers to teach their students a spell unique to their house. This does not count against your readied technique limit, and schools beyond Ai’Lani may offer techniques to improve the cantrip’s capabilities. While they may seem rather simple, their strength can certainly grow further your studies.

Cinder Wheel

House of Igni, evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a momentary circle of flames that sweep around you. Each creature within range, other than you, must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 fire damage. This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Gale Piercer

House of Auri, evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You strike a creature within range with a swift gust, penetrating their defenses. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 1d8 piercing damage. Before or after you make this attack, you may move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. This cannot be used if you are grappled or restrained. This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Seismic Step

House of Terra, evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You choose a 5-foot-square space on the ground that you can see within range. A creature standing upon the ground must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 1d8 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. You must be in contact with solid ground to use this spell. This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Surging Tide

House of Aquai, evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 15 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A rushing current of water surges from your palm, traveling in a 5-foot wide straight line up to 15 feet. Any creatures in its path must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 bludgeoning damage.

This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Firearms In Pedminara

While Pedminara is not known for the production or development of these weapons, one of the few technological advancements that has begun to spread throughout the continents is the advent of firearms and gunpowder. Firearms are a weapon class entirely separate from other ranged weapons, like slings and bows, and carries its own weapon properties, requirements, and ammunition.

The History of Firearms

Firearms were first developed by the dwarves of the Orsaun Range, quickly spreading throughout the continent of Tobolsk in the fight against their pervasive demonic incursions. Over the course of the last two centuries, the craft of gunsmithing has been refined and improved, leading to a variety of different firearms for use of protection and pursuit.

Firearms have since spread throughout the world, from the pirate captains of Pedminara to the religious operatives staving off the fiendish assaults of the Savage Divide in Alestria. They have been utilized in the armories of nobles and vigilantes alike, finding a healthy market in the dredgers and outlaws of the Southern Wilds and the Dunes of Rust. Tinkerers and inventors in technological cities like Cobalt and Novograd have rapidly pushed the craft of gunsmithing into the limelight.

New Weapon, New Proficiency

Firearms are separated into pistols and longarms. They are ranged weapons. To use a firearm, you must also have the firearm proficiency, or proficiency in a specific firearm. Bows and crossbows can no longer be reskinned as firearms.

Only fighters, rangers and artificers start off with firearms proficiency by default. For classes that do not have the firearm proficiency, you may train the proficiency through downtime.


When you multiclass and put a level into artificer, you additionally gain proficiency in firearms.

Obtaining a Firearm

Firearms can be purchased at the market at the prices listed on the next page. Crafting firearms, ammunition, or attachments requires proficiency in smiths tools or tinkerers tools.

Special Cases

In the advent of a new proficiency, a few features have been clarified to extend their utility towards firearms as outlined in this document.

Martial Weaponry: Feats, class features and race features that grant a proficiency in a martial weapon of your choice (i.e. Kensei Weapons, Hobgoblin Martial Training, Weapon Master feat) may optionally grant proficiency in a specific firearm instead. Firearms are not otherwise considered simple or martial weapons.
Artificer Infusion Prerequisites: For any prerequisites in artificer infusions that require a simple or martial weapon, a firearm may be chosen instead.
Artificer's Repeating Shot: Based on the wording, it will also circumvent the reload property. Flavor as you wish.
Arcane Weapon Spell: When casting this spell, you may instead choose a firearm you are holding instead of a simple or martial weapon you are holding.

Firearm Prices and Mechanics

Firearms, Ammunition and Attachments
Cost Damage Weight
150gp 2d3 piercing 1 lb.
   Ammunition (range 20/60), reload (2)
75gp 2d3 piercing 3 lb.
   Ammunition (range 30/120), reload (1)
500gp 2d3 piercing 4 lb.
   Ammunition (range 30/120), reload (6)
   Breech Loader
1,000gp 2d5 piercing 10 lb.
   Ammunition (range 300/600), reload (4), two-handed, heavy
700gp 2d4 piercing 8 lb.
   Ammunition (range 80/300), reload (8), two-handed
   Shotgun, pump/lever
800gp 2d4 piercing 7 lb.
   Ammunition (range 30/60), reload (4), spread, two-handed
   Shotgun, sawed-off
500gp 2d5 piercing 4 lb.
   Ammunition (range 15/30), reload (2), spread, two-handed
   Shotgun, two-barrel
500gp 2d5 piercing 8 lb.
   Ammunition (range 30/60), reload (2), spread, two-handed, heavy
   Bullets (1)
8sp 0.15 lb.
   Shells (1)
1gp 0.2 lb.
Firearm Attachments
   Bayonet (longarms only)
20gp 1d4 piercing 0.5 lb.
   Martial weapon, finesse
   Gun Blade (pistols only)
10gp 1d4 slashing 0.5 lb.
   Martial weapon, finesse, light


Attachments are martial weapons that can be added to your firearms. Only one attachment can be connected to your firearm at a time, and you must have martial weapon proficiency to use them.

Bayonets are long, thin, skewer-like weapons attached to the end of a rifle or shotgun. They are used to supplement a ranged weapon’s close-combat capabilities with a ready-to-use pointed end. Attaching the bayonet to the end of a longarm requires an action to do, and it cannot be utilized in any way other than as an improvised weapon when not attached to a longarm.

Forged onto the firearm, Gun Blades are similiar to a bayonet, used more for slashing than stabbing due to the lightness of a pistol compared to a longarm. A trained smith at the market can attach or detach a gunblade from your pistol for 50gp. Alternatively, an individual with smith's tools and proficiency in the tool can do the same at no cost with an hour of work.

Ammunition Types

It is true that in real life different sizes of ammunition exist for different firearms, but for the sake of simplicity for everyone involved, this system will call for just two. Ammunition is divided into two types: bullets and shells. Any firearm that has the spread property requires shells.

Weapon Properties

Ammunition: The ammunition of a firearm is destroyed upon use.
Reload: You can fire a limited number of shots with this weapon before you need to reload. Reloading a firearm takes an action and requires a free hand.
Spread: When you attack a creature with this weapon at long range, choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target. If the original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal to a roll of half the weapon's base damage die (i.e. you would roll 1d4 for a 2d4 weapon). The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack. Note: The disadvantage at shooting at long range still applies.

Thank You

To Tirion for hashing out mechanics and coding. To the mods for consideration and clarifications (i'm not good at words), and everyone's input and opinions. Couldn't have made this without y'all.

- Maezer

Link to the original pitch, October 2019

Epic Level System - Beyond 20

Congratulations! Your character is complete - maybe. Whether you have unfinished business or wish to sunset your character into legend these rules will give you some new options within Pedminara beyond the 20th level.

Breaking the Barrier

Your character has arrived at the pinnacle of mortality, or so you thought. Navigating the world with a 20th level character and still finding room for growth is a coveted and long-held tradition within D&D. Your character is now among the few who are responsible for the fate of the world. Whether you wield political influence, command armies, travel the planes to dispatch evil, or run a small café you need some ideas on how to move forward. This set of rules that will help your character move beyond the Player’s Handbook guidelines in the Pedminara campaign setting.

Moving Beyond 20th Level

For each 330 experience points past the 20th level threshold your character will receive an Epic level. Upon attaining this Epic level it can be used to select an Epic Boon from the DMG (pg. 232), an ability score improvement (ASI), a Feat, or a level in one class of your choice. An infinite number of these Epic levels can be acquired, so long as you meet the minimum experience points required.

Level XP to next level Total XP at Start of Level
20 330 4,230
20+1 330 4,560
20+2 330 4,890
20+3 330 5,220
20+4 330 5,550
... ... ...
20+100 330 37,230

New Limits

As you gain Epic levels, there are some new features to consider:

  • You do not gain hit dice per Epic level.
  • Your proficiency bonus does not continue to progress.
  • Your Ability Score upper limit is now 30 (up from 20).
  • Primal Champion, Tomes, Manuals, Blessings, and other features that increase your maximum score are extended over 30. This means you can exceed the 30 limit with these features. For example, a 20th level Barbarian would have a STR and CON maximum of 34.
  • You must still meet the multiclassing requirements if you choose a level in a new class.

Ascending into Legend

Whether you’ve continued the legacy beyond 20th level or not, all good things must come to an end. As the sun sets on your conquests, your legacy is forever cemented into history. Your character has officially retired from the active adventuring days. They may live a long life writing books, telling stories in taverns, or teaching up and coming adventurers.

Or, perhaps, you’re not done yet...because it’s time to start over and do it again!

A New Beginning

At any point after attaining 20th level, you can choose to ascend a character. Ascending will permanently and irreversibly retire that character as they end their adventuring days. You can complete this process by submitting a character application in the example format and pinging a game master or mod for review.

  • Ascending:
  • New Character:
  • Roll20 Name:
  • Race:
  • Class:
  • Subclass:

Before you submit this application, you should put to rest any outstanding quest lines or other affairs. Once approved, the process of ascending a character cannot be undone and your character sheet will be archived.

A Very Fresh Start

After you’ve put in all that work, starting over fresh might be a nice change of pace. The following changes occur to the slot you’ve ascended.

  • You start over at level 3.
  • If you choose starting gold, start with twice the maximum amount for your primary class.
  • Your point-buy increases to 33 points.
  • You gain one additional skill or tool proficiency.
  • You gain one additional language known.
  • Your rework, rebirth, and retcon reset to 1 each available.

Part 4: Adventurer Guide

Roles of the Server


  • Be final say on lore, system changes, and implementation of ‘big’ suggestions
  • Administrate GAs, GMs, and Mods
  • Assist players, mods, and GMs as needed
  • Audit character sheets
  • Be the general shot-callers
  • Admin should expect feedback from DMs and Players
  • Players should expect feedback from Admin/Mod and DMs


  • Manage player feedback for the server.
  • Deal with players having to be removed from the server.
  • Address problems when players have problems with staff.
  • Help work on suggestion.
  • Help manage channels so they stay clean and look nice.
  • Work on making the server easier for players to use.
  • Approve Character sheets.
  • Audit Character sheets.
  • Make sure Tokens are made correctly.
  • Help answer questions, in ask-questions-here.
  • Clean up old Google Docs.
  • Make Info easier to access.
  • Manage server channels, keeping the server looking nice
  • Optimizing the server for player usability
  • Assist players as needed
  • Assist Admin with coming up with new systems, and other overarching server changes
  • Kick/Ban players as needed
  • Mod should expect feedback from Admins, DMs, Players

Game Master

  • Running Games that are more than one shots
  • Be influential in decisions, be consulted on finer points of rules and lore
  • Run campaign wide NPCs
  • Provide advice to newer and/or less experienced players (but not necessarily explain rules)
  • Provide an escalation point for issues that players have
  • Give Admin feedback on the state of the server
  • Make compelling and fun games, whether it is running intense dungeons, telling traumatic stories, or just making a fun silly games where you have to take Dracula’s daughter to the prom.
  • Make a friendly game environment where you and the players are having fun
  • Delegate between players, allowing everyone to get time playing, speaking, and others.
  • Running enjoyable games, be they anything between arenas to full and in-depth campaigns
  • Run NPCs as needed in text RP
  • Pitch lore and system changes to Admin
  • CDM for PCs, but only as much as the DM wants to
  • Assist players as needed
  • DMs should expect feedback from Players and Admin/Mod

Game Apprentice

  • Run one shots
  • Engage with newer players and generate interest
  • Provide an escalation point for players issues
  • Familiarize themselves with characters they DM for
  • Monitor IC conflict (not always, but when necessary)
  • Allow players to pursue their character interests, be it in RP or in session
  • Get used to DMing on the server
  • DMs should expect feedback

Downtime in Pedminara

When you aren’t off either trying to conquer or save the world what do you do? A lot of adventurers spend their free time kicking their feet up at the local tavern and getting some ale, but some have hobbies, while others spend large amounts of time studying and training.

Downtime points

Every real life week is two (2) weeks in Pedminara. That means that each Monday two (2) weeks have passed in the world and that means you have 2 downtime points each real life week to assign and do with as you please. Each of these points represents 1 week of free activity that you decided to dedicate yourself too.

NOTE: These downtime points are use-or-lose at the end of each week, which means you do not “store” unused downtime points. The “week” period runs from Monday to Sunday, in your local time zone.


Everyone wants to improve and learn new things. But we often need help from a teacher and that teacher often wants to make some money. So here's how those things happen.

You can learn any skill, tool, language, weapon or armor proficiency using downtime points. Each downtime point spent learning a new proficiency will cost you 200gp. Once you have spent 8 downtime points learning a new proficiency you will be considered proficient with it.

You can train in as many tools, languages, weapons and armor proficiencies as you like, but you can only learn a maximum of two skill proficiencies in this way. You must also progress up the weight of armour; if you aren’t proficient in armour you must first become proficient in light, before you can become proficient in medium armour and shields. Martial weapon training requires simple weapon proficiency.

Class-locked languages (ex. Druidic, Thieve's Cant) cannot be trained at this time.

Each time you spend a point learning a new proficiency make a post with the following template in the downtime channel.

  • Character Name:
  • Activity: Training in (Proficiency of choice)
  • Downtime Points:
  • Result:

Making Money

Maybe you can take on a laborious job, maybe you can strum the lute or maybe you can blackmail someone into giving you money. All of these are valid ways of making money in your free time. So here's how it works.

Choose a DC using the information below and roll using whichever skill you think applies best to the task. Make sure you declare the DC you are going for in the #downtime-rolls channel before rolling there, otherwise the roll won’t count. In addition, if you roll and accidentally forget to add the modifier, then you keep the roll and add the modifier to it.

  • Character:
  • Activity: (include activity description and skill proficiency)
  • DC:
  • Downtime Points:

After rolling, use the template below to write up how it went from your character's perspective in the #downtime channel to reap your rewards.

  • Character:
  • Activity:
  • DC and Rolls:
  • Downtime Points:
  • Result:
Downtime DC Thresholds
DC Fail Fail by 1-3 Success Success by 5+
10 0gp 5gp 25gp 35gp
15 0gp 10gp 50gp 62.5gp
20 0gp 20gp 100gp 125gp
25 0gp 40gp 200gp 250gp

(A clarifying rule: You cannot utilize items nor any sources of advantage for these rolls. Only persistent bonuses like Expertise can be used to improve your ability check modifiers for downtime.)

Crafting Items

But what about crafting, you say? What if I want to make wares and products with my own hands? Well, there are a number of ways to do that, all through downtime!

Types of Crafting

Note for Artificers: On the Pedminara server, the 10th level feature Magic Item Adept halves magical crafting costs as written, but does not reduce crafting speeds.

Crafting Mundane Items

If you want to craft things then you will need the following things!

  • Proficiency in a crafting tool
  • Gold for the materials
  • Downtime points

Each downtime point you spend allows you to make 100gp worth of mundane items from the Player's Handbook. You need only spend half the items cost to make it.

For example, if someone wished to craft Breastplate armor (400gp), it would cost them 200gp, and thus 2 DT points to do so.

Each week you spend downtime points on crafting make a post in the down time channel with the following template.

  • Character Name:
  • Activity: Crafting (Item Name)
  • Downtime Points:
  • Cost:
  • Result:

The tool proficiencies below are required to make the corresponding mundane items from the PHB.

Required Crafting Proficiencies
Tool Proficiency Item
Carpenter's Tools Vehicles
Herbalism Kit Antitoxin
Leatherworker's Tools Leather armor, boots
Poisoner's Kit Basic poison
Smith's Tools Armor, weapons
Smith's Tools, Tinkerer's Tools Firearms*
Weaver's Tools Cloaks, robes

*For more information about firearms on our server, see our Firearms in Pedminara section.

The spell Fabricate and the Channel Divinity Artisan's Blessing allow you to craft items outside of downtime, at the expense of the full cost of the item for necessary materials.

Note: One DT point is defined as one workweek, or 5 days. Potion brewing and scroll scribing as written here is only gated by time - you may pay the maximum amount as limited by the progress you would make in a single workweek.

For example, crafting a healing potion takes 1 day, therefore 5 potions may be crafted in 1 workweek. A 4th level scroll takes two workweeks and 2,500gp, therefore you can spend up to 1,250gp per DT and complete the scroll in 2DT.

Brewing Potions of Healing

From Xanathar's Guide to Everything (p. 128)

Potions of healing fall into a special category for item crafting, separate from other magic items. A character who has proficiency with the herbalism kit can create these potions. The times and costs for doing so are summarized on the Potion of Healing Creation table.

Potion of Healing Creation
Type Time Cost
Healing 1 day 25gp
Greater healing 1 workweek 100gp
Superior healing 3 workweeks 1,000 gp
Supreme healing 4 workweeks 10,000 gp

Scribing a Spell Scroll

With time and patience, a spellcaster can transfer a spell to a scroll, creating a spell scroll.

Scribing a spell scroll takes an amount of time and money related to the level of the spell the character wants to scribe, as shown in the Spell Scroll Costs table. In addition, the character must have proficiency in the Arcana skill and must provide any material components required for the casting of the spell. Moreover, the character must have the spell prepared, or it must be among the character's known spells, in order to scribe a scroll of that spell.

If the scribed spell is a cantrip, the version on the scroll works as if the caster were 1st level.

Spell Scroll Costs
Spell Time Cost
Cantrip 1 days 25gp
1st 2 days 75gp
2nd 3 days 225gp
3rd 1 workweek 500gp
4th 2 workweeks 1,500gp
5th 4 workweeks 2,500gp
6th 8 workweeks 5,000gp
7th 16 workweeks 10,000gp
8th 24 workweeks 25,000gp
9th 32 workweeks 100,000gp

For more information on the uses and intricacies of spell scrolls in 5e, click here.

Herbalism and Alchemy

All throughout the world, there are various forms of plant life, ocean products, and even earthy substances that you can utilize both in and out of a combat situation. Herbalism is the profession behind gathering these types of items, and Alchemy is the profession behind extracting their potential and using the products they produce. While players are out traveling amongst the world, they might want to gather some local flora. This is known as Herbalism. Herbalism is mainly used to gather things like seeds, coral, mushrooms, or bark. It can also be used to gather very potent magical ingredients like ghostly stalks or water infused with the elements. This is to be done only through DT and not during sessions.

There are three steps to the Herbalism and Alchemy proccess:

  • Gathering: Finding the herbs.
  • Identifying: Understanding the herbs.
  • Crafting: Creating concoctions with the herbs.


Gathering herbs and ingredients requires ownership and the use of an Herbalism Kit. The ability score used for these is either INT or WIS. Proficiency in the Herbalism Kit allows you to add your proficiency bonus to your downtime rolls, but proficiency is not required to gather ingredients.

Gathering ingredients costs downtime. During the course of one in-game week (1 DT point) you may make 7 gathering checks, written in #herb-n-alchemy-dt. You must state what regions within Pedminara you wish to gather within.

  • The gathering DC is always 15.
  • For every successful check, you will roll 2d6 to determine what type of herbs you find, depending on the location chosen. For each result, roll a 1d4 for each herb to determine the amount you obtain. Rolling a crit (natural 20) doubles the amount of herbs found (to 2d4).
  • Any result between 2-4 and 10-12 while rolling to determine herbs found may result in Elemental Water. Whenever you roll one of these numbers, you roll a d100. On a 75 or higher, you also find 1d4 Elemental Water.
  • If you plan on spending the week around Ai'Lani, you can spread your gathering attempts between Coastal, Forest, Grasslands, Hills, Mountain, and Underwater.
  • If you wish to gather from any other region (Arctic, Desert, Swamp, Underdark), you must spend all 7 attempts on that alone, as you must dedicate your time and effort into traveling to that specific area.
Ingredient Locations
Biome Region
Arctic Yeskil
Desert Toboru, Southwest Oe
Coastal Akamu Village, Oe
Forest Fey-Touched Forests, Oe
Grasslands Eastern Oe and Wuprara
Hills North of Rangi District, Oe
Mountains Western Oe
Swamp Stroajan
Underdark Roxmar, Northeast Oe
Underwater All bodies of water(*)

*Underwater requires some method of waterbreathing.

Gathering Example

Poffi goes gathering for herbs! She stays close to Ai'Lani, gathering in the Forest, Hills, and Coastal.

Gathering Check

Character: Poffi
Downtime Points 1
Gathering: Forest (x2), Hills (x2), Coastal (x3)

The rolling formala is:
!rrr [Number of attempts] [Herbalism ability check] [DC15], ex. !rrr 7 1d20+5 15

The results are:

  • Forest: 7, 15
  • Hills: 8, 17
  • Coastal: 12, 17, 20
    Four successes!
Rolling For Herbs

Poffi rolls 2d6 four times, once for each success. Check the respective tables for each location.

Rolling for Forest:

  • Forest (2d6) = 8, found 'Common Ingredient'. Roll again on the Common Ingredients table.
  • Common Ingredients (2d6) = 5, found Wild Sageroot.
  • How Many? (1d4) = 3, found three Wild Sageroot total.

Rolling for Hills:

  • Hills (2d6) = 4, found Nightshade Berries. Since you rolled a 4, you might find Elemental Water too!
  • How Many? (1d4) = 3, found three Nightshade Berries total.
  • Elemental Water (1d100) = 89, you found Elemental Water!
  • How Many? (1d4) = 2, found two Elemental Water.

Rolling for Coastal:

  • Coastal (2d6 x2, two successes) = 9 and 8, found Lavender Sprig and Common Ingredient
  • How Many? (1d4) = 1, found one Lavender Sprig.
  • Common Ingredients (2d6) = 10, found Milkweed Seeds.
  • How Many? (2d4 thanks to crit) = 7, found seven Milkweed Seeds.

Character: Poffi
Downtime Points: 1
Gathering: Forest (x2), Hills (x2), Coastal (x3)
Results: Wild Sageroot x5, Nightshade Berries x4, Elemental Water x2, Lavender Spring x1, Milkweed Seeds x7.
Add a small description for flavor!

Gathering Tables

Arctic Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Silver Hibiscus
3 Mortflesh Flower
4 Ironwood Heart
5 Frozen Seedlings Find 2x the rolled amount
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Arctic Creeper Find 2x the rolled amount
10 Fennel Silk
11 Fiend's Ivy
12 Voidroot
Desert Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Cosmos Glond
3 Arrow Root
4 Dried Ephedra
5 Cactus Juice Find 2x the rolled amount
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Drakus Flower Find 2x the rolled amount
10 Scillia Beans
11 Spineflower Berries
12 Voidroot
Grasslands Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Harrada Leaf
3 Drakus Flower
4 Lavender Sprig Find 2x the rolled amount
5 Arrow Root
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Scillia Beans Find 2x the rolled amount
10 Cactus Juice
11 Tail Leaf
12 Hyancinth Nectar
Coastal / Underwater Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Hydrathistle Underwater only
3 Amanita Cap Coastal Only
4 Hyancinth Nectar
5 Chromus Slime Find 2x the rolled amount
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Lavender Sprig Coastal Only
10 Blue Toadshade Coastal Only
11 Wrackwort Bulbs
12 Cosmos Glond Find 2x the rolled amount
Forest Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Harrada Leaf
3 Nightshade Berries
4 Emetic Wax
5 Verdant Nettle
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Arrow Root
10 Ironwood Heart
11 Blue Toadshade
12 Wisp Stalks Find 2x if you have darkvision
Hills Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Devil’s Bloodleaf
3 Nightshade Berries
4 Tail Leaf Find 2x the rolled amount
5 Lavender Sprig
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Ironwood Heart
10 Gengko Brush
11 Rock Vine Find 2x the rolled amount
12 Harrada Leaf

Gathering Tables (page 2)

Mountain Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Basilisk’s Breath
3 Frozen Seedlings Find 2x the rolled amount
4 Arctic Creeper Find 2x the rolled amount
5 Dried Ephedra
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Drakus Flower
10 Luminous Cap Dust
11 Rock Vine
12 Primordial Balm Find 2x if you have darkvision
Underdark Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Primordial Balm Find 2x the rolled amount
3 Silver Hibiscus
4 Devil’s Bloodleaf
5 Chromus Slime
6 Mortflesh Powder Find 2x the rolled amount
7 Fennel Silk
8 Fiend’s Ivy
9 Gengko Brush
10 Luminous Cap Dust Find 2x the rolled amount
11 Radiant Synthseed
12 Wisp Stalks Find 2x if you have darkvision
Swamp Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Devil’s Bloodleaf
3 Spineflower Berries
4 Emetic Wax
5 Amanita Cap Find 2x the rolled amount
6-8 Common Ingredient
9 Blue Toadshade Find 2x the rolled amount
10 Wrackwort Bulb
11 Hydrathistle Find 2x if you have a swim speed
12 Wisp Stalks Find 2x if you have darkvision
Common Ingredients
2d6 Ingredient Additional Rules
2 Mandrake Root
3 Quicksilver Lichen
4 Quicksilver Lichen
5 Wild Sageroot
6 Wild Sageroot
7 Bloodgrass
8 Wyrmtongue Petals
9 Wyrmtongue Petals
10 Milkweed Seeds
11 Milkweed Seeds
12 Mandrake Root


Identifying what an ingredient can be used for requires a one-time Herbalism/Alchemy (using INT or WIS) check per ingredient, with a DC equal to 10 + the herb's DC modifier. If you fail the check, you must use 1DT to try again. You can identify up to 7 ingredients per DT point. Any herb you've successfully identified you may use in crafting.

Identifying Example

Poffi tries to identify Wyrmtongue Petals (DC10), Quicksilver Lichen (DC10+3 = 13), and Chromus Slime (DC10+4 = 14) for the first time.

Identifying Check

Character: Poffi
Downtime Points 0 (first time check)
Identifying: Wyrmtongue Petals (DC10), Quicksilver Lichen (DC13), Chromus Slime (DC14)

Rolled Results:

  • Wyrmtongue Petals: 7 (Failure)
  • Quicksilver Lichen: 17 (Success!)
  • Chromus Slime: 13 (Failure)

Poffi can now use Quicksilver Lichen in crafting, and must spend 1DT to try to identify Wyrmtongue Petals and Chromus Slime.


Crafting a potion or poison requires using Wisdom or Intelligence with the respective tool. Potions are crafted using Herbalism Kit or Alchemist's Supplies. Poisons are crafted using a Poisoner’s Kit. Possession of, and proficiency in the following tools are required to craft the relating type of concoction, as listed below.

Crafting Requirements
Tool Proficiency Required to Craft:
Alchemist's Supplies Enchantment Potion
Herbalism Kit Healing Potion
Poisoner's Kit Poison

Ingredients come in different forms: Effect, Modifier, or Enchantment. To craft a mixture, you first select a base ingredient. Base ingredients are Effect ingredients. When crafting, you can only have one of these base ingredients unless an ingredient says otherwise. Once you have your base Effect ingredient, you can add other ingredients that have the Potion Modifier, Toxin Modifier, or Special term in front of the description. You can only have one Effect ingredients and up to 3 Modifier ingredients in a single concoction.

Secondly, there are Enchantment ingredients. These require Elemental Water as their base ingredient, which then you would select the Enchantment ingredient for the crafting attempt. Once you have selected all of your ingredients, you’d find the total DC number and roll the attempt check.

Note: Potions of Healing (Common) can still be crafted using normal Crafting (Downtime) rules.


There is a maximum amount of Herbalism & Alchemy potions you can craft per DT point, depending on rarity. The cost to craft each potion is listed below.

Potion Crafting Limits and Costs
Potion Maximum per DT Cost per Potion
Common 5 25gp
Uncommon 2 50gp
Rare 1 100gp
Very Rare 0.5 300gp (150 per DT)

Crafting Combinations

Potions and poison Effect ingredients can only be modified by ingredients that share their respective tag, as in a Potion Effect can only be modified by things that have the Potion Modifier tag, and same with Toxin Effects and Toxin Modifiers. Additionally, Enchantment ingredients cannot be modified in any way, nor can they be combined. The only enchantment combinations are Elemental Water mixed with a single Enchantment ingredient.

The crafting DC = 10 + all ingredient difficulty modifiers combined. On a success, you create the vial of paste, powder, or liquid. On a failure, the vial’s contents are ruined and irretrievable.

Determining Rarity

The rarity of your ingredients dictates the rarity of the potion you craft. The rarity of the potion is dictated by number of ingredients (1 = Common, 2 = Uncommon, 3 = Rare, 4 = Very Rare), or the highest rarity ingredient, whichever is higher. If you wish to experiment without identifying ingredients, you may test 3 unknown mixtures with 1 DT point.

Bloodgrass, Lavender Sprigs, and Elemental Water do not affect the rarity of the potion you are trying to craft with them. The rarity is instead determined off of the rarity and number of the other ingredients.

Poisons in Combat

For all poisons crafted, the Poison DC for the affected target to pass is equal to 8 + the relevant ability used (INT or WIS) + your proficiency bonus. Any targets inflicted by a poison's effect may roll a CON saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the persistent damage and poisoned condition of Wyrmtongue Petals.

Downtime Example: Crafting

Using some Wild Sageroot he has lying around, he decides to spend 1 DT point crafting 5 Common potions, as that is the maximum amount he is able to craft within one work week.

He decides to make 5 potions with the Wild Sageroot. The DC for the Wild Sageroot potion is 10 based on the ingredients used.

Character Name: Grog
Activity: Crafting with Herbalism
Downtime Points: 1
Using: 5 Wild Sageroot

He sets about rolling, and gets 8, 11, 23, 20, 18. Grog successfully crafts 4 out of 5 Wild Sageroot mixtures, which he calls Grog’s Fixy-Juice (names not necessary). His downtime results would then say:

Character Name: Grog
Activity: Crafting with Herbalism
Downtime Points: 1
Using: 5 Wild Sageroot
Rolls: 8, 11, 23, 20, 18
Results: 4/5 Wild Sageroot Potion
Add a small description for flavor!

Grog now has 4 usable potions.
Grog’s Fixy-Juice: When you drink this potion, you regain 2d4 + (Herbalism kit modifer + Proficiency) hit points.

Ingredients Effects

Potion Ingredients
Herbs/Ingredients Rarity Details DC Grows In
Bloodgrass Common Special (Potion Effect): Can combine with any other Potion Effect ingredient
to become a food source for 1 day. Cannot be altered by other ingredients.
-- Most Terrain
Bloodgrass Common Special (Potion Effect): Can combine with any other Potion Effect ingredient to become a food source for 1 day. Cannot be altered by other ingredients. -- Most Terrain
Chromus Slime Rare Special (Potion & Toxin Modifier): The final Effect after all other calculations is the exact opposite. This is up to the DM’s discretion on the specifics per potion/poison. +4 Coastal, Underdark
Dried Ephedra Uncommon Potion Modifier: Increase the dice-type by 1 size for any healing Effect. +2 Desert, Mountain
Emetic Wax Common Special (Potion & Toxin Modifier): Delay the Effect of an ingredient this was combined with by 1d6 rounds +1 Forest, Swamp
Fennel Silk Common Potion Effect: Stabilizes body heat to resist cold weather or wet condition penalties for 1 hour. Cannot be altered by other ingredients. +2 Arctic, Underdark
Gengko Brush Uncommon Potion Modifier: Double the dice rolled of any healing Effect, but divide the total of the dice by 2 (rounding down); Then, the recipient receives that amount of healing per round for 2 rounds. +2 Hills, Underdark
Hyancinth Nectar Common Potion Effect: Removes 1d6 rounds of poison in the target’s system, but cannot remove it completely. One round of poison damage will still occur at minimum. +1 Coastal, Grasslands
Lavender Sprig Common Special (Potion & Toxin Modifier): Makes the potion or toxin more stable and safer to craft. -2 Coastal, Grasslands, Hills
Mandrake Root Common Potion Effect: Reduce any disease or poison’s potency by half for 2d12 hours. Only hinders already existing poisons or diseases in the body.Cannot be altered by other ingredients. --- Most Terrain
Milkweed Seeds Common Potion Modifier: Double the dice rolled of any healing Effect, but remove all Alchemy Modifier bonuses. This modifier can stack. +2 Most Terrain
Wild Sageroot Common Potion Effect: Heals for 2d4 + Alchemy Modifier. --- Most Terrain
Poison Ingredients
Herbs/Ingredients Rarity Details DC Grows In
Arctic Creeper Common Toxin Modifier: Change poison damage to cold or necrotic damage; target is still [poisoned] for 1 minute on a failed CON saving throw; this toxin is still considered poison damage when combining with other ingredients. +2 Arctic, Mountain
Amanita Cap Common Toxin Modifier: Changes any poison Effect to be non-lethal and only incapacitate the target. +1 Coastal, Swamp
Basilisk Breath Very Rare Special (Toxin Effect): Slowly paralyzes opponent. Target makes a DC 5 + Alchemy Modifier CON saving throw each turn for 4 turns. While under this affect, target is considered slowed by the slow spell. On a failed save, the target is considered [paralyzed] for 4 rounds. Cannot be modified or altered by other ingredients. +5 Mountain
Cactus Juice Common Toxin Modifier: The target will not notice any poison damage Effect in their system until they take 5 rounds of damage from the toxin. +2 Desert, Grasslands
Chromus Slime Rare Special (Potion & Toxin Modifier): The final Effect after all other calculations is the exact opposite. This is up to the DM’s discretion on the specifics per potion/poison. +4 Coastal, Underdark
Drakus Flower Common Toxin Modifier: Change poison damage to fire or acid damage; target is still [poisoned] for 1 minute on a failed CON saving throw; this toxin is still considered poison damage when combining with other ingredients. +2 Desert, Grasslands, Mountain
Emetic Wax Common Special (Potion & Toxin Modifier): Delay the Effect of an ingredient this was combined with by 1d6 rounds. +2 Forest, Swamp
Frozen Seedlings Rare Toxin Modifier: While [poisoned], target’s movement speed is reduced by 10 ft for 1 minute. Cannot be altered by other ingredients. +4 Arctic, Mountain
Poison Ingredients (continued)
Herbs/Ingredients Rarity Details DC Grows In
Harrada Leaf Common Toxin Modifier: While [poisoned], target has disadvantage on ability checks.
Cannot be altered by other ingredients.
+1 Forest
Lavender Sprig Common Special (Potion & Toxin Modifier): Makes the potion or toxin more stable and safer to craft. -2 Coastal, Grasslands, Hills
Quicksilver Lichen Uncommon Toxin Modifier: Double the dice rolled of any Toxin Effect, but reduce that
Effect duration by half. This modifier can stack.
+3 Most Terrain*
Radiant Synthseed Rare Toxin Modifier: Change poison damage to radiant damage; target is still [poisoned]
for 1 minute on a failed CON saving throw; this toxin is still considered poison damage
when combining with other ingredients.
+2 Underdark
Spineflower Berries Uncommon Toxin Modifier: Increase the dice-type by 1 size for any Toxin Effect. +3 Desert, Swamp
Wyrmtongue Petals Common Toxin Effect: 1d4 + INT/WIS Modifier poison damage per round; target is [poisoned] for 1 minute, with a CON saving throw at the end of each turn. -- Most Terrain
Enchantment Ingredients
Herbs/Ingredients Rarity Details DC Grows In
Arrow Root Uncommon Enchantment: +1 to attack rolls for one minute when applied to a weapon. +2 Desert, Forest, Grasslands
Blue Toadshade Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of gaseous form (DMG 187). +3 Coastal, Forest, Swamp
Cosmos Glond Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of clairvoyance (DMG 187). +3 Coastal, Desert
Devil’s Bloodleaf Very Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of vitality (DMG 188). +5 Hills, Swamp, Underdark
Elemental Water Rare Special (Enchantment): This is required as the base catalyst for all
Enchantment ingredients. See the Crafting section for details.
+3 Special
Fiend’s Ivy Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of mind reading (DMG 188). +4 Arctic, Underdark
Hydrathistle Uncommon Enchantment: User creates a potion of water breathing (DMG 188). +2 Coastal, Swamp
Ironwood Heart Uncommon Enchantment: User creates a potion of growth (DMG 187). +3 Arctic, Forest, Hills
Luminous Cap Dust Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of heroism (DMG 188). +4 Mountain, Underdark
Mortflesh Powder Very Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of longevity (DMG 188). +5 Arctic, Underdark
Nightshade Berries Uncommon Enchantment: The effect of this “potion” is similar to the oil of slipperiness
(DMG 184).
+3 Forest, Hills
Primordial Balm Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of frost/fire/stone giant strength (DMG 187). +4 Mountain, Swamp, Underdark
Rock Vine Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of invulnerability (DMG 188). +4 Hills, Mountain
Scillia Beans Common Enchantment: User creates a potion of climbing (DMG 187). +1 Desert, Grasslands
Silver Hibiscus Rare Enchantment: When consumed by target, they can unleash a random elemental
breathe weapon 3 times (PHB 34). Cannot be altered by other ingredients.
+4 Arctic, Underdark
Tail Leaf Very Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of speed (DMG 188). +5 Grasslands, Hills
Verdant Nettle Uncommon Enchantment: User creates a potion of animal friendship (DMG 187). +2 Forest
Voidroot Very Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of flying (DMG 187). +5 Arctic, Desert
Wisp Stalks Very Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of invisibility (DMG 188). +5 Forest, Underdark
Wrackwort Bulbs Rare Enchantment: User creates a potion of diminution (DMG 187). +4 Coastal, Swamp


Ingredients and consumables can be bought and sold amongst other players at a price decided upon by the seller. They cannot, however, be sold for gold within the #item-exchange channel, nor traded for non-consumable magical items. See Magic Item Exchange for more information.

Plant Life & Ingredient Descriptors

Below you will find narrative text for each of the ingredients listed above. The DM can incorporate these descriptions to allow the player some form of immersion to the world. Each ingredient has a distinct color or quality that is unique. Also, there are some side-rulings that the DM can use to further the narrative or plot in game if they’d like.

Arctic Creeper. This noxious weed usually grows in extremely cold environments, or at higher elevations where snow tends to accumulate. The leaves of the plant characterized by a pleasant sweet minty flavor, whereas the root is bitter and acidic. The weed is one of an assassin’s favorite plants, due to the root’s ability to freeze a creature’s bloodstream, which leads to a slow and agonizing death. The Arctic Creeper is toxic to many unwary travelers, as it is quite easy to consume the root’s toxins while enjoying the sweet flavorsome leaves.

Arrow Root. This unusually elongated plant can stand up to four feet tall, and is very easy to spot due to its distinctive white and brown speckled pattern. The Arrow Root thrives in desert and drought environments, as the plant needs very little water to survive. When diced and boiled in water the plant creates a frothy silver liquid, which is ideal for sharpening and polishing weapons and armor without the use of magic or other means.

Amanita Cap. This large mushroom is often found growing in clusters near bodies of water, or around other damp terrain. It has a bold blue stem accompanied by a large red cap, which makes this fungi extremely easy to identify. Professional herbalists often cut the head from the root, as the mushroom has the rare ability to re-grow its cap within a few short weeks.

Basilisk’s Breath. Often referred to as Grey Restraints amongst the nobles of the world, this dark grey vine is only rarely found atop the highest peaks of mountainous regions. It is fabled that this vine is a gift from the gods, as a way to test humanity. Often sold for outrageous sums of gold, Basilisk’s Breath can attract unwanted attention to those trying to sell it for profit.

Bloodgrass. The most boring, common plant life found in the wild is this dark brown grass. It has absolutely no remarkable qualities, other than being relatively harmless, and its use as basic sustenance when properly prepared. Herbalists do not find this grass very unique, but still tend to collect it as it occupies almost no space in their packs.

Blue Toadshade. Another common mushroom is this dark blue cap with a yellow striped stem. When disturbed, this mushroom lets off a puff of blue powder. Usually this causes no permanent harm to the surrounding creatures, but it can stain their skin and equipment for a short while. The powder is commonly used to color various inks and dyes. Herbalists usually search for the fungi around small watering holes, where aquatic life often thrives. Cactus Juice. This usually clear liquid can be found within most cacti around the world. It’s reasonably difficult to extract, as many cacti are dangerous to work with. Brewers love to use this juice in many recipes, as one of its effects is to delay alcohol intoxication, allowing people to purchase and consume more before it hits them.

Chromus Slime. This thin slime substance is often observed to flow within water current as if it had a mind of its own. Often times, scientists mistake this slime with mercury, as it has the same consistency and look. When attempting to alter the slime, it reverberates and alters the other plant life it touches instead.

Cosmos Glond. This uncommon four-leafed plant is notorious for being somewhat difficult to find. This is mostly due to the plant growing about 5 feet underneath the ground, and only peeking out during its final maturity. However, it has an uncanny look of the stars in a night sky amongst its leaves.

Devil’s Bloodleaf. Only a few recorded instances of this red and yellow flower exist. This large and bold red leaf can be going back in history to the dawn of humankind. It was once a popular decoration around homes and gardens, but has become one of the rarest plants in the world. It is said to give immense vitality and health to one who can properly prepare the plant.

Drakus Flower. This bright red and pale green flower can be found in both temperate and warm environments. It’s a natural favorite amongst entertainers, due to the petal’s ability to ignite with a moderate application of friction. This ignition does not cause harm, but instead creates theatrical sparks with the ability to light fires and create warmth.

Dried Ephedra. A bush often found in dry environments, it is thorny and hard to harvest without scratching your skin. It has a distinct dark purple hue when viewed at a distance, but up close it looks black. Herbalists love to use this plant when making healing tonics as it has the odd ability to enhance Wild Sageroot.

Elemental Water. This unique liquid shares properties of the planar realms of the 4 elements. At times you can see rocks floating unnaturally in the middle and at other times you can swear you see fire in the water. This special water can be found in all environments as it is not bound to our physical world’s rules.

Emetic Wax. This thick, white wax is often found seeping out of trees near lush and wet areas. It is commonly used in candle making, as the wax melts and re-hardens rather quickly, yet is strong enough to form delicate shapes. Herbalists use it to control how their tonics enter the body, performing miraculous feats.

Fennel Silk. Often mistaken for a spider’s web, this white web like plant grows amongst frigid and dark environments. It uses sharp hooked tendrils to help secure the edges of the plant to nearby rocks or plants. Adventurers that are adept in the use of Fennel Silk will recognize the many applications it has for protecting your extremities from harsh-low temperature environments.

Fiend’s Ivy. These long, red thorn-encrusted vines can stretch up to 3 feet long and have sharp thorns that reach up to an inch or two long. It isn’t rare to find blood stains amongst these vines as many animals and adventurers can easily trip or get caught in a bushel of the vines. The vines also seem to have a sentient quality to them as they relax when prey is near, and contract when captured.

Frozen Seedlings. These small, pea sized pods can be found amongst resilient flowers in very cold environments. Named for their almost frozen appearance, they can be plucked with relative ease and are often used in cold alcoholic drinks. Some assassins have found ways to crush these into a paste and hamper one’s movements.

Harrada Leaf. This huge yellow leaf can often be found near tree tops in lush environments. It is often cultivated and harvested by gangs or the Thieves Guilds to be sold as a street drug. The potent nature of this addictive substance will cause a brief euphoric state coupled with an increase in a specific attribute; followed by a long recovery period in which the user is extremely weakened in that attribute.

Hyancinth Nectar. This blue and white thick liquid can be extracted from the Hyancinth’s near somewhat wet areas. This nectar is of high demand and is often used by highly trained guards to counter poisons that evil people attempt to use on them. While it does not cure the mean of poisons, it severely limits its effects.

Hydrathistle. Named for its appearance, this three- pronged blue and black flower is often found in dark and dank environments. When used alone, the thistle has no real beneficial effects. However, skilled alchemists have been able to use highly powerful and natural water to concoct potions that allow them to breath in water.

Ironwood Heart. This gnarled white seed is commonly found in the nooks of Ironwood Trees. These large seeds pulse with a slow repetitive beat when gripped tightly, often referred to as “Nature’s Heartbeat”. It is said that when cooked or properly prepared by a Herbalist these seeds can increase a beings physical size greatly.

Lavender Sprig. These long stemmed purple-petal flowers can often be found swaying in the wind in huge patches. They are very common amongst green environments and have a distinct sweet smell. However, they taste extremely bitter when eaten.

Luminous Cap Dust. This powder can be shook from the glowing yellow mushrooms often found in extremely dark environments and it keeps an ember-like glow for about a week after extracted. Many Herbalists keep the glowing mushrooms themselves in dark cellars in order to harvest this dust every chance they can.

Mandrake Root. This tan root has serrated edges all along its body that often cause injury to Herbalists that do not properly know how to handle it. When stripped of its outer skin, the soft tender center can be eaten with relative ease and is often used by Doctors to reduce pain from poison or disease.

Milkweed Seeds. These small, white translucent seeds can be found when opening up a Milkweed Flower. They are often eaten by children due to their friendly look, but can cause negative digestive effects this way. When crushed up and diluted with other liquid these seeds offer very powerful healing effects.

Mortflesh Powder. This dark purple powder is often found growing on top of moss in dark, cold environments. This powder is often used as makeup for young men and women to reduce the look of age from their faces. When imbibed with a magical catalyst, the effect is said to be permanent when consumed.

Nightshade Berries. These light blue berries can be found in small clumped packs among small bushes in lush environments. They can be safely ingested and are often eaten by wild animals for their sweet, but tangy flavor. A skilled Herbalist can enhance the berries natural ability to affect a persons body.

Primordial Balm. This thick substance has been observed changing its coloring, almost at will. The balm is unusually warm to the touch, and can seem to retain heat for weeks on end. Herbalists often find this substance growing on rocks in humid environments. The exact rarity of the substance is unknown, as its constantly changing appearance makes it difficult to identify.

Quicksilver Lichen. This silver and grey silky moss can be found growing amongst almost any substance as it seems to ignore environmental standards. Assassins have been able to use this lichen to quickly administer their toxins into the target’s system without any drawbacks. However, this takes some preparation and is often forgotten by common folk.

Radiant Synthseed. This long black and boat shaped seed emanates a strong yellow glow, and often exerts the smell of flowers. When the seed is cracked open, a person can find a few smaller looking seeds of the same nature. These smaller seeds can often be crushed or blended into mixtures to enhance toxins.

Rock Vine. This extremely hardened dark green vine can be found growing in the ground near very old minerals, often seeming to feed off the minerals themselves. At first glance this vine seems completely useless to mortals, but arcane studies have shown this vine to harden a person’s skin significantly if combined with a powerful catalyst.

Scillia Beans. These light brown beans can occasionally be found hanging from Scillia Bushes in dry atmosphere environments. They are often used to enhance flavors in stew and other meals, but have a much stranger effect. At full potency, some of these beans can offer the user the ability to climb steep cliffs and rock faces with ease.

Silver Hibiscus. This silver-grey plant looks as though it represents madness itself. It often has random patterns and unplanned shapes, but always has a black web-like pattern on it. Although it may look deadly to touch, when prepared properly a Herbalist can unleash a torrent of elemental power representing a breath weapon.

Spineflower Berries. Often found hanging amongst the bone- like flowers, this white berry can be harvested and crushed to enhance toxins made by scoundrels. However, this effect only applies when introduced directly to the bloodstream. When ingested normally these berries provide little sustenance, but do not harm the person.

Tail Leaf. This very fuzzy, dark green leaf looks like a circle with three thick strands hanging from it. When held, the leaf itself feels as though it is vibrating. It is known that a skilled Herbalist can use these leaves in concoctions to create powerful magical effects to enhance one’s speed.

Verdant Nettle. With its dark green and yellow speckled mesh, this plant can be easily spotted. It normally grows in forests and can catch a person’s feet when traveling if they do not have proper footing. Alchemists like to use this plant to create tonics that enhance one’s strength and reflexes.

Voidroot. This dark grey thick root is often found amongst the most extreme environments. It normally grows in either desert or arctic environments and seems to vary in growth rate per root. Herbalists tend to be very careful when they extract this root from the ground, as it seems to defy gravity and want to “fly” away.

Wild Sageroot. The most common ingredient found among doctors and healer’s equipment would be these light pink roots. They measure about 3 to 5 inches in length and have a smooth, fuzzy texture to them. They are used every day by skilled Alchemists and healers to create concoctions of extraordinary healing power.

Wisp Stalks. This incredibly rare fungi has become something of a fable amongst herbalists. It is reported to have a large bulbous cap growing atop a thin stem, and to normally form in small clusters deep within damp cave environments and forests. The organism is usually a translucent blue, and is rumored to render creatures invisible once consumed.

Wrackwort Bulbs. These huge white bulbs can be found on small yellow mushrooms often found in swamps or wet caverns. The mushroom releases a puff of powder from these bulbs when threatened and it tends to confuse and hinder a person. When harvested successfully, these bulbs can be ground into a paste and imbibed within magical water to diminish the size of a being.

Wyrmtongue Petals. The assassins, and many Drows, favorite natural ingredient. These jagged red petals can be found growing on Wyrmtongue flowers in almost every terrain. It’s almost as if the world itself is trying to test humanity by letting these flowers grow everywhere. These petals are used as a base for toxins that can offer extremely powerful damage. For this reason, Wyrmtongue is highly illegal, and in many cases punishes owners of this flower with death.

Drugs in the World

Addiction Rating Con DC Satiation Withdrawl Effects
Negligible 4 1 day Disadvantage on DEX checks
Low 6 10 days Disadvantage on DEX checks
Medium 10 5 days One level in Exhaustion
High 16 2 days Two level in Exhaustion, +1 level for each successive failed save.
Extreme 20 1 day Three level in Exhaustion, +1 level for each successive failed save.
Vicious 25 1 day Four level in Exhaustion, +1 level for each successive failed save.

Addiction Rating: How addictive the drug is.

CON DC: The Difficulty Class of the Constitution saving throw made to resist addiction and withdrawal symptoms. When resisting withdrawal, this DC increases by 3 every day after the first satiation period.

Satiation: How much time can pass without the drug before an addicted character must make a saving throw to resist withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal Effects: When the character fails their first withdrawal saving throw, they become affected by the effects here until they can get access to the drug once more. For effects that grant multiple levels of exhaustion, this only counts for the first failed withdrawal save. After that, each failed save only imparts one level of exhaustion.

Using Drugs in D&D 5e

Taking a Drug: When a creature takes a drug, they must make a CON saving throw with a DC based on the drug’s Addiction DC as listed in the drug entry. On a failed saving throw, the creature becomes addicted. After this roll is made, the creature automatically becomes affected by the Side Effects of the drug. The creature may also make a CON saving throw to resist the primary effects of the drug, but the creature may opt to voluntarily fail this save if they wish.

Withdrawal: When a character becomes addicted to a drug, they must make a CON saving throw with a DC based on the drug’s addiction rating (see the table above) at the end of the drug’s listed satiation period. On a failed saving throw, the character suffers symptoms of withdrawal based on the drug’s addiction rating. Every day thereafter that the character does not take the drug, the character must make another saving throw. Each new saving throw that the character makes has its DC increased by 3 each day, regardless of a previous roll’s success or failure. Withdrawal symptoms and saving throws end once the character takes another dose of the drug.

Recovery: If a character makes two successful saving throws in a row for withdrawal saves, the character overcomes the addiction. However, the drug leaves a lasting impression on the character.

The addiction rating for all drugs increase by one level permanently for your character. This represents how dangerous relapses can be, even if the character finds a new addiction.

List of Drugs

All drugs here are taken from the D&D 3e Book of Vile Darkness. I basically scaled their DCs down the higher they were and replaced ability damage with more 5e-friendly concepts. Drugs count as poisons for the purposes of determining immunity or resistance.

Agony (Liquid Pain)

This thick, reddish-brown liquid is the distilled essence of pain, captured through special magical processes. It is sought after by outsiders and extreme masochists, as well as torturers seeking to ply their trade more efficiently.
Delivery: Ingested
Addiction DC: 17
Addiction Rating: Extreme
Primary Effect: User is stunned for 1d4+1 rounds and can’t move except by using their Action for 1d6 minutes afterward. The character then gains advantage on CHA checks for 1 hr.
Side Effects: Feelings of intense pleasure lasting 1d4 hours.
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 24-hour period, the user must make a DC 17 CON saving throw or fall unconscious for 1d4 hours.
Price: 200 gp


A pasty substance that is dried and kept as a powder or sometimes as a paste. It has numerous(37), difficult to obtain ingredients, and acts as a mild hallucinogen.
Delivery: Ingested
Addiction DC: 13
Addiction Rating: Low
Primary Effect: Disadvantage on STR checks until you finish a long rest. You gain advantage on WIS checks for 30 minutes.
Side Effects: You have a -3 penalty on saving throws against illusions for 2d4 hours after using this mild hallucinogen.
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 24-hour period, the user immediately takes 2d6 psychic damage and the side effect is doubled in penalty and duration.
Price: 10 gp


Wyssin plant leaves are dried and rolled for smoking like tobacco.
Delivery: Inhaled
Addiction DC: 14
Addiction Rating: Low
Primary Effect: The creature’s WIS score is decreased by 1 until they finish a long rest. The creature’s STR score is increased by 2 for 1d3 hours. If this would bring a character’s STR above their normal maximum of 20, it is increased by 1 instead.
Side Effects: Creatures under the effects of devilweed becomes skittish and has disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
Overdose: None.
Price: 6 gp


Luhix is made from the powdered stalks of luhix plants, which only grow in the Abyss. It is normally sprinkled onto bleeding wounds, which are then sealed with bandages or magical healing.
Delivery: Injury
Addiction DC: 22
Addiction Rating: Vicious
Primary Effect: For the first minute, the creature gains disadvantage on all rolls. After that, the creature then gains a +2 bonus to all ability scores for 1d2 hours, even if this would increase an ability score beyond the normal maximum of 20.
Side Effects: The user is afflicted with intense, wracking pain for the first minute after application. After this, the user is then immune to all pain (including magical effects). The user takes damage as normal, but may not react normally to that damage.
Overdose: Users who take more than one dose of luhix in 24 hours must make a DC 20 CON save or die in indescribable agony.
Price: 2,000 gp

Mordayn Vapor (Dreammist)

Made from the ground leaves of a rare herb found deep in tropical forests, the highly potent mordayn is taken by steeping a small amount in hot water, and then inhaling the vapors from the resultant tea. Raw mordayn powder and mordayn-tainted water are a deadly poison, and taking either immediately results in the effects of an overdose. Dreammist is well-known for the beautiful visions it induces and the deadly peril that can come from its sinister embrace.
Delivery: Inhaled
Addiction DC: 15
Addiction Rating: High
Primary Effect: Visions of incredible, mind-boggling beauty enthrall the user for 30 minutes. During this time, the user has a 50% chance to lose any attempted action. For 24 hours afterward, the creature gains disadvantage on WIS and CON saving throws and skill checks.

Side Effects: Compared to the poignant beauty of the visions induced by dreammist, a user’s normal life seems drab and futile in comparison, leading users to desire more doses as quickly as possible. When the visions wear off, the user must succeed at a DC 15 WIS save or be compelled (similar to the effects of a suggestion spell) to do whatever is necessary to obtain another dreammist dose. This compulsion lasts for 1d4 hours before fading.
Overdose: If two doses are taken within the space of an hour, or if raw mordayn or mordayn tea are ingested, the drug becomes a deadly poison (Creature must make a DC 17 CON saving throw each round. If the creatures fails a total of three saving throws, they die. If the creature succeeds at three saving throws, the creature survives but becomes poisoned for 2d4 days). Regular Mordayn users regularly throw out the tea immediately after inhaling to be sure to prevent an overdose.
Price: 200 gp

Mushroom Powder

Derived from a rare blue mushroom, this powder is inhaled to produce a state of mild hallucination and heightened awareness. Many magic users favor mushroom powder.
Delivery: Inhaled
Addiction DC: 13
Addiction Rating: Medium
Primary Effect: The creature gains a +2 bonus to their INT and CHA scores for 1 hour.
Side Effects: As a mild hallucinogen, the creature gains disadvantage on WIS, STR, and CON checks for 2d4 hours.
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 12-hour period, the user takes 2d6 points of psychic damage. Using it more than three times in any 24-hour period deals 4d6 points of psychic damage and paralyzes the user for 2d4 hours.
Price: 100 gp

Redflower Leaves

These crushed leaves from a tiny red bog flower are known for their ability to heighten hand-eye coordination.
Delivery: Ingested
Addiction DC: 10
Addiction Rating: Low
Primary Effect: A creature under the effects of redflower leaves may spend all of their movement during their turn focus total attention on a single target. The user’s next attack made that round against the focused creature has a +2 bonus to the attack roll. This ability lasts for 10 minutes.
Side Effects: None.
Overdose: Taking a second dose before the effects of the first has worn off causes the user to be poisoned for 10 minutes.
Price: 300 gp


A bluish liquid distilled from the milk of wolves and a powdered desert plant. Sannish is known to cause a pleasant state of euphoria, which, along with its relatively cheap price, makes it rather popular. Addicts are easily spotted by the permanent blue stains on their lips.
Delivery: Ingested
Addiction DC: 9
Addiction Rating: Medium
Primary Effect: The creature gains disadvantage on WIS checks until they finish a long rest. The user becomes numbed to pain for 1d4 hours, and is immune to pain-induced penalties (magic or otherwise) and the Stunned condition.
Side Effects: While the drug is in effect, the user has disadvantage on all initiative checks.
Overdose: A second dose taken while the first is still in effect causes a numbing stupor for 2d4 hours. Until this wears off, the user has their movement speed halved and is poisoned.
Price: 15 gp

Terran Brandy

A potent magical alcohol distilled from the essence of dying fey. It is favored by the most heartless of spellcasters of all types.
Delivery: Ingested
Addiction DC: 17
Addiction Rating: Low
Primary Effect: The user gains +1 on spell attacks and their spell save DC is increased by 1 for 30 minutes. The creature gains disadvantage on CON saving throws until they finish a long rest.
Side Effects: None.
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in an 8-hour period, the user’s max HP is reduced by 2d6. A Greater Restoration or similar spell will end this effect.
Price: 500 gp


An extremely bitter brown powder, vodare is usually mixed with honeyed water or sweet wine to dilute its awful taste. It is made from the crushed petals of the vodare flower, which grows only on the graves or in places of death. It creates a sense of mild euphoria and fierce confidence in those who ingest it.
Delivery: Ingested
Addiction DC: 12
Addiction Rating: High
Primary Effect: for 1d4 hours, the user gains advantage on Intimidation checks and saving throws against effects that would impose the Frightened condition. The creature also gains disadvantage on Persuasion and Deception checks for 2d4 hours.
Side Effects: None besides the mild euphoria and fierce confidence, which may lead users to more extreme, foolhardy actions than normal.
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 4-hour period, the user becomes paralyzed indefinitely unless a DC 14 CON save is made.
Price: 40 gp

Beast Taming

Pedminara is home to a wondrous amount of beasts not found anywhere else in Lyndria. Oftentimes taming a beast rather than killing it will be offered to you, for use in travel or combat. The rules below explain what you need to tame one of these beasts.


To bring a beast to Ai’Lani by boat, you require a vessel capable of carrying the creature. Medium or smaller creatures take the space of one passenger, Large creatures fill the space of four passengers, Huge creatures take the space of nine passengers, and gargantuan creatures take up sixteen passenger slots. If the creature was found within the Oe Provinces, this requirement may be ignored, assuming you can return by land. The DM decides if you have the proper means of containment and transport during travel.


A wild beast requires taming attempts through Downtime, using the Animal Handling skill. You can spend 1DT point per attempt to tame a creature.

The DC to successfully tame a creature is 11 + the CR of the creature, rounded up to the nearest whole number. If the creature is Large, add +2 to the DC. If the creature is Huge, add +4 to the DC. If the creature is Gargantuan, add +6 to the DC.

You require two successful checks (2DT) to tame a Medium or small creature. You require four successful checks (4DT) to tame a Large creature, and six successful checks (6DT) to tame a Huge or larger creature. CR 0 creatures don't require checks. Creatures tamed by you can be utilized by anyone.

If you have a way to communicate with the creature in a way that it understands you, you may use Persuasion as your skill instead of Animal Handling.

Taming Swimming and Flying Creatures

If the creature has a swim speed, add +2 to the DC of the taming check. You may ignore this if you also have a passive swim speed. Additionally, if the creature has a fly speed, add +2 to the DC of the taming check. You may ignore this if you also have a passive fly speed. Depending on the creature, you may not require a vessel for transport.

Taming Chart
Beast Size Vessel Space Taming DC Total Successes
CR 0 - No DC No checks needed
Medium or Smaller 1 11 + CR 1
Large 4 13 + CR 2
Huge 9 15 + CR 4
Gargantuan 16 17 + CR 6
+ Swim Speed - +2 -
+ Fly Speed - +2 -

Housing Beasts

Creatures Large size or larger require a building or pool to live in. Fable’s Stables can house one creature per player character. If you would like to keep more than one creature at Fable's Stables, you can pay 400gp to help them build living space for another beast. Medium or smaller creatures do not require housing, as they are small enough to live with you. If you own a building, you may house one Large or larger creature within it.

Buying and Selling Beasts

Fable’s Stables have common mounts available on sale for gold. Occasionally, merchants from far-off lands will arrive with exotic mounts for sale, available for only a brief time. All mounts are already considered tamed. You cannot sell beasts to NPCs, and you cannot sell untamed beasts. You may sell tamed beasts to PCs for a price of your choosing, assuming they have room to house the creature. You may also release a creature to Fable's Stables, that they may return the creature to the wild.

Available Beasts

All beasts from Dungeon Master’s Guide, Eberron: Rising from the Last War, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Monster Manual, Storm King’s Thunder, Tales from the Yawning Portal, Tomb of Annihilation, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage are permitted to find within the wilds of Pedminara, with a few exceptions listed below.

Banned / Forbidden:
  • All swarms, all named and awakened beasts
  • Camel, Crag Cat, Cranium Rat, Giant Flying Spider, Helwasp Grub, Ice Spider Queen, Quetzalcoatlus, Space Hamster
  • All creatures outside of the 'Beast' tag must be approved by a Mod.
Homebrew Beasts

DMs are welcome to introduce new beasts to the continent of Pedminara. Be sure to compare the statblocks with existing beasts. A homebrew beast requires 1 Mod approval, upon which the CR of the creature will be decided.


A good steed is important for
travelling the world. Very few
people actually just walk everywhere and so getting a good steed is important. Here's something else you can spend your gold on. This document looks at special mounts one can purchase that aren’t normally contained inside the PHB, but follow all the same rules. It also contains information on getting water based craft, like boats, ships, galleys, etc and the rules that go along with them.

Mount Chart
Mount Intelligence Saddle Needed Speed Carry Capacity Cost
Donkey or Mule 2 Riding 40ft. 420 lb. 8g
Horse, Draft 2 Riding 40ft. 540 lb. 50g
Horse, Riding 2 Riding 60ft. 480 lb. 75g
Mastiff (1)(x) 3 Riding 40ft. 195 lb. 25g
Pony 2 Riding 40ft. 225 lb. 30g
Warhorse (x) 2 Riding 60ft. 540 lb. 400g
Aurochs (x) 2 Exotic 50ft. 600 lb. 1000g
Axe Beak (x) 2 Exotic 50ft. 420 lb. 200g
Dire Wolf (x) 3 Exotic 50ft. 255 lb. 750g
Dolphin 6 Exotic 60ft.(s) 210 lb. 150g
Giant Lizard (x) 2 Exotic 30ft. 450 lb. 400g (2)
Giant Seahorse (x) 2 Exotic 40ft.(s) 360 lb. 800g

Extra Notes:

  • (1): You must be at least 1 size category smaller than a creature to use it as a mount, as such, only Small characters can ride a Mastiff.

  • (2): You can request a Giant Lizard with the Hold Breath feature, Spider Climb feature, or both. +100g per feature.

  • (x): Combat-capable

  • (c): Climbing speed

  • (s): Swimming speed

Exotic Mounts

To purchase an exotic mount, you must first spend 1 DT point to locate an exotic animals merchant within or near the city. Once you take the time to do so for whatever exotic mount you so choose, you are free to purchase it. Custom saddles (exotic) are required for exotic mounts. Occasionally, merchants will visit Ai'Lani with foreign mounts only attainable for a limited time.

Mounts in Combat

Certain mounts are capable in combat. Mounts that are combat-capable won’t automatically flee/avoid combat, and can be used in encounters if so wished. Mounts used in combat are valid targets for hostiles. Mounts that are not marked combat-capable will avoid combat, and can be assumed to be safely waiting a ways away from encounters.

Any mount can receive barding, and follow the standard rules for any armor type. Barding costs 4x the standard price, and weighs 2x the standard weight. If a mount has natural armor, that is suppressed while wearing armor.

Uskine Monsters

Legend speaks of unique and dangerous monsters originating from the island of Uskines, where creatures of claw and fang have evolved to wield otherworldly abilties. Occasionally the Uskine will show up in missions, and if your party is diligent, you may be able to tame one as your own. Check out Homebrew - Building an Uskine in the Game Master section to learn how these beasts are designed.

Building and Business Policies

Our server uses the Fortresses, Temples and Strongholds document as our guideline to owning businesses and buildings, with server-specific modifications. The minimum level for owning a structure is a PC level of 5. In the Strongholds document, most durations specify 30 days of construction. For the sake of ease, you will receive the income from rooms every irl week. The exception to this will be rooms that receive income in 60 day increments, which will have to be every other real-time week, instead of every real-time month.

Room income will follow the Strongholds document, apart from the changes listed in this document.


  • Properties must be limited to within the province of Ai'Lani.
  • Upkeep will not be charged for the base-building upkeep, but ALL expenses from room points, bonus or otherwise, are as-stated.
  • Buying buildings and rooms works as-is in the document. If you wish to sell a structure at a later date, you receive full price of the building’s base cost, and then ½ of the cost of any extra (non-bonus) rooms and upgrades.
  • Currently, actually paying is the only way to acquire structures and rooms. Buildings and rooms may not be awarded.
  • For the time being, the ownership of any building larger than the Noble Estate with Manor will be limited to PCs of levels 15 and up.
  • Air Docks, Planar Docks, Magical Enchanter, Mill, and the Extra-Dimensional Upgrade are currently prohibited. The Poisoner's Grotto is prohibited, with the ability to craft poisons moved to the Garden. This may change at a later date.
  • The Garden Benefit has been rewritten to the following, to accommodate the Herbalism & Alchemy system: "Contains an assortment of herbs and grown vegetables. Every 30 days, the garden produces either 5 ingredients of common quality, 2 ingredients of uncommon quality, 1 ingredient of rare quality, or 0.5 ingredients of very rare quality. Ingredients must be acquired through the gathering system in Herbalism & Alchemy and planted in the Garden. Once done so, they will be a renewable source, to be harvested every real-time week."


  • Business income will return to what it is in the Strongholds document.
  • Traders and Merchants are strictly RP-based at this current time, though you may purchase things that could be assumed to be sold by said merchants, within reason. Legendary merchants are prohibited.
  • The roleplay of any building’s hirelings and merchants is not required, but strongly encouraged.
  • A reminder that you roll once per real-time week per business in the #downtime-rolls channel. In addition, if you neglect to roll income for any given week, you may
    not roll retroactively.
  • Purchasing and/or owning slaves is forbidden.
  • While there won't be limitations on the actual number of businesses one can own, there will be diminishing returns. This applies to all rooms, bonus or otherwise. Additional rooms beyond the first will steadily have reduced income, as follows:

Room Income
Room 1 Income is divided by 1
Room 2 Income is divided by 2
Room 3 Income is divided by 3
Room 10 Income is divided by 10
Room 11 Income is divided by 10
Room 100 Income is divided by 10

As you receive more/new rooms, you can change the order in which these rooms are considered in the diminishing returns chart.

Example: You get a trading post that automatically comes with a caravansary, and then build a tavern later in the same building. When you acquire the tavern, you can decide which room is ‘room 1’ and ‘room 2’ between them. If you later got, say, a bank, you could bump that up to being ‘room 1’, and the others accordingly.

Running Businesses

Upon purchasing an establishment in the #sunset-market channel, you are free to decorate and fill your building with mundane furnishings, which includes the necessities required to run your business; the anvil for an armory, tables and chairs for a tavern, for example.

Furniture cannot be sold for any sort of profit outside of selling the entire building. The size, capacity, and different furnishings of each building are listed within the available document.

Your business channel should contain the following information within its description or pinned messages:

  • Name of Building
  • Type of Building / Room as per the Strongholds document
  • Owner of Building
  • Names and Skill Level of Hirelings (if any named)
  • Description of Establishment

Update: Replacing Rooms

Any room may be destroyed/removed from your building; this process does not return any gold or furnishings to the player. Individual rooms cannot be sold for any profit without selling the entire building. If the room used a room point to build, that room point is now free to use to build another room.

If the room was a bonus room provided by purchase of the building, you may replace it with a room of equal value (in room points) without occupying any of your building's available room points. Note that construction of any new rooms always requires spending gold at the room's full cost. Bonus rooms do not count towards your building's room point total.

(By the original rules, it was impossible to replace a singular room without selling the entire building. We hope that this allows greater flexibility in your establishment's uses, and will monitor abuse cases accordingly.)

Update: Maximum Player Channels

A player can have up to two building channels maximum. A third building channel is allowed if your character levels total to thirty (30) or higher. The owner of every property must be declared in the channel's description.

There is still no limit on the number of properties and businesses your characters can own, only the number of Discord channels. Also note that this cap is a limitation on the player, not each individual character.

Running Hirelings

Hirelings are the lifeblood of any business, ensuring that the establishment runs as intended. All hirelings have the Commoner statblock (Monster Manual p. 345), including any languages or features provided by their given race, excluding tool proficiencies and spellcasting beyond cantrips. Skilled hirelings, as described in the Buildings document, have one tool proficiency.

Hirelings, as with all non-player characters, are by design created to support the flourishing and growth of other player’s characters. Utilize them to engage your building’s visitors, as any civilian would treat storied adventurers. You can flavor your hirelings however you’d like, within the constraints of what a commoner is likely to learn and achieve in a lifetime.

If your hireling originated from a DM's session, the NPC cannot utilize any talents beyond that of a 'Commoner' statblock while controlled by a player and cannot provide any magical or combat utility. See the Companions section in DM Guidelines for more information.

Ships and Sailing

Traversing the isles of Pedminara is more complex than horse and carriage - ever since villages were built and trade was deemed necessary by many communities, the advent of naval vessels quickly took hold of the continent. Today, vast ships sail effortlessly through choppy waters, equipped with an array of both necessities and luxuries. The question is, what will your ship look like?

Owning a Ship

Ships are 2500gp. They have their own text channel, and they are capable of earning money. They can be upgraded in various ways to suit the ideals and preferences of their crew. Ships are considered buildings and follow the same rules in terms of construction, selling, and income.

In a pinned post of your ship channel, have the following details:

  • Name of Ship
  • Level of All Upgrades
  • Rooms (if any)
  • Unspent Salvaged Value

Ship Statistics

  • Hit Points: 100
  • Armor Class: 15
  • Damage Threshold: 10
  • Capacity: 8 Passengers
  • Room Points: 0
  • Speed: 3 MPH, 72 MPD
  • Earnings: 3d10 x 10gp per real-time week

The stats of a ship, in further detail below.

Hit Points: The amount of the damage a vessel can take before it can no longer move. Ships can recover 2d10 hit points per week of downtime, or double that amount if a crewmate is proficient in Carpenter’s Tools, or has the "I'll Patch It!" background feature.

Armor Class: The minimum attack roll needed to hit the vessel.

Damage Threshold: The damage dealt with a single attack must at least meet the Damage Threshold value of a ship, or its damage is entirely negated.

Capacity: The number of occupants that can board the ship at once. Large creatures count as 4 passengers, Huge creatures count as 9 passengers, and Gargantuan creatures fill the space of at least 16 passengers. The vessel requires a number of crewmates equal to at least a fifth of its maximum Capacity (rounded up) for the ship to move and operate.

Room Points: These can be used to purchase specialized rooms for your specific wants and needs. Every room is 2,500gp, similar to buildings in the Fortresses and Strongholds doc.

Speed: This is important for travel time between locations and maneuverability in naval combat.

Earnings: Whether it be fishing, transport, or tourism, you outfit your ship to handle a number of tasks. Like buildings, ships can turn a profit through routine activity, calculated every week via downtime.


Your ship can be upgraded in increments, improving its size, carrying capacity, durability, weaponry, and income. Levels must be purchased individually and in order within their own categories (i.e., Level I upgrade must be purchased before Level II). All upgrades for your ship start at Level 0.

There are four types of upgrades:

Income, Size, Speed, and Weaponry.


Upgrading your income increases your weekly earnings during downtime.

  • Level I (1000gp): +1d10 to income
  • Level II (2000gp): +1d10 to income
  • Level III (3000gp): +1d10 to income
  • Level IV (4000gp): +2d10 to income


Improving your ship’s size improves its durability and passenger capacity. Room points are empty spaces that can be filled by purchasing a room similar to those of buildings. A list of possible rooms will be provided below.

  • Level I (1000gp): +100 HP, +1AC, +3 DT, +1 Room Point, Capacity improves to 15 Passengers
  • Level II (2000gp): +100 HP, +1AC, +3 DT, +1 Room Point, Capacity improves to 25 Passengers
  • Level III (3000gp): +150 HP, +1AC, +3 DT, +1 Room Point, Capacity improves to 35 Passengers
  • Level IV (4000gp): +150 HP, +2AC, +3 DT, +1 Room Point, Capacity improves to 50 Passengers

Ship Sizes also altar the size of your ship on a battlemap, as follows. You can ask for a blank template or use your own art, as long as it fits within the parameters below.

Ship Size Length Width (Max) Height
0 40ft. 20ft. 20ft.
1 60ft. 20ft. 20ft.
2 80ft. 30ft. 30ft.
3 100ft. 30ft. 30ft.
4 120ft. 40ft. 40ft.


Improving your ship’s speed is vital in maneuverability during naval combat. On the helmsman’s turn, your ship can move a number of spaces equal to your MPH.

  • Level I (1000gp): 4MPH, 96MPD
  • Level II (2000gp): 5MPH, 120MPD
  • Level III (3000gp): 6MPH, 144MPD
  • Level IV (4000gp): 7MPH, 168MPD


You can spend money to outfit your ship with weapons equal to the maximum weapon slots. You can buy a Ballista, Cannon, or Mortar for your ship. All ammunition is sold separately. Crafting ship ammunition requires a Craftsman's Keep room.

  • Level I (1000gp): Weapon Slots = 1
  • Level II (2000gp): +1 damage die to all damaging weapons, Weapon Slots = 2
  • Level III (3000gp): Weapon Slots = 4 (requires Ship Size II)
  • Level IV (4000gp): +1 damage die to all damaging weapons, Weapon Slots = 6 (requires Ship Size III)
Ballista (Types)
  • Standard Bolt (3d12 piercing) - 300/600, 25gp
  • Grappling Hook (3d10 piercing) 100/200, Grants advantage on check to board. 50gp
  • Heavy Bolt (4d12 piercing) - 200/400, 100gp
Cannon (Types)
  • Standard Shot (4d10 piercing) - 400/800, 50gp
  • Chain Shot (3d10 piercing) - 300/600, Reduce target speed by 1MPH for one round, 100gp
  • Grapeshot (3d10 piercing) - 200/400 Makes two attacks, 200gp
Mortar (Types)
  • Standard Burst (2d10 thunder to all targets in a 50 foot sphere) - 500/1000, Targets creatures on deck. DC15 DEX for half damage, 100gp
  • Smoke Burst (Heavily obscures a 50 foot sphere) - 500/1000, 75gp
  • Flash Powder Burst (Targets in 50 foot sphere) - DC15 repeating CON save, blind 1 min, 500/1000, 150g


Much like buildings, specialized rooms can be constructed within your ship. You gain room points by increasing the Size of your ship.

The following rooms from the Fortresses and Strongholds document are also available for ships.

  • Alchemist’s Lab, Animal Pen*, Arcanist’s Study, Armory, Baths, Battle Ring, Dining Hall, Jails, Ritual Circle, War Room

*Animals stored in the Animal Pen do not count against the passenger total. The benefits typically provided at the two room points cost is now provided with only one room point.

Hirelings follow the same rules used for buildings.

You can hire a number of unskilled hirelings equal to one-fifth of your ship's maximum Capacity (rounded up) without any additional costs. Any additional hirelings cost their usual amounts (2sp/day for unskilled hirelings, 2gp a day for skilled hirelings.)

Ships are Buildings

Ships follow almost all rules that also apply to buildings in the pages above. Important applicable rules you should check out:

  • Downtime Income, Diminishing Returns per Rooms*
  • Buying and Selling Buildings, Replacing Rooms
  • Running Hirelings

*For the sake of calculating diminishing returns from multiple properties, a ship in its entirety, rooms and all, counts as a singular source of income.

Ship Specific Rooms

The following rooms are only available on naval vessels.

Craftman’s Keep

Room Points: 1
Cost: 2,500 gp
Benefit: This room is the ideal workshop for creative workmanship, even when out at sea. Individuals proficient with artisan’s tools can use their downtime to craft mundane items of up to 200gp per downtime point, twice as much as normal. Crafting items still follows the usual mundane item crafting rules as per the Pedminara rulebook. Only one person can utilize this room for downtime per real-time week.

Depending on your tool proficiencies, you gain certain benefits and crafting options while utilizing the room:

  • Carpenter’s Tools. You can repair up to 4d10 damage dealt to the ship during a long rest.
  • Glassblower’s Tools. Glass Floor (1200gp) - You install a window into your ship that can peer into the depths.
  • Smith’s Tools. You can craft ammunition for your ship’s weapons at half the cost as per usual crafting rules.
  • Tinker’s Tools. Moon Pool (2000gp) - Your inventive talents allow for a controlled opening in the bottom of your ship, useful for swimming, fishing, and exiting the ship from indoors.
  • Weaver’s Tools. Silk Sails (1600gp) - Your ship’s sails are much more durable. Your ship’s speed is increased by one.
  • Woodcarver’s Tools. Figurehead (800gp) - You craft an ornate statue adorned at the helm of your ship. Depending on its design, harbors may be more welcoming to your arrival.

Holy Altar

Room Points: 1
Cost: 2,500 gp
Benefit: This room is under the effects of a permanent hallow spell, the details of which are decided upon when the construction of this room is completed. Religion checks made here are made with advantage. When implementing this upgrade, choose a deity to dedicate it to. A character aligned to this deity that spends at least 1 hour praying in this room may cast the bless spell at second level without consuming a spell slot, once before the next dawn. Only one character can carry this blessing per dawn.

Hunting Hall

Room Points: 1
Cost: 2,500 gp
Benefit: A space equipped with tools for elaborate captures and records of many beasts for study and preparation. Thanks to the tools available within these quarters, Nature checks made here are made with advantage. Any character that spends at least an hour studying within this room gains advantage on one Survival or Animal Handling check of their choice before their next long rest.

Passenger Cabin

Room Points: 1
Cost: 2,500 gp
Benefit: Your ship is equipped with extra hammocks and beds for more passengers. The passenger capacity of your ship is increased by 6. Additionally, your ship can be used to transport people across Pedminara, increasing your earnings by an additional 2d6 x 20gp per downtime. This room can be purchased multiple times.

Training Deck

Room Points: 1
Cost: 2,500 gp
Benefit: Those that spar or train here keep their reflexes and skills sharp. After spending at least 1 hour training in this room, choose one of the following benefits which last until you complete a long rest:

  • You focus on honing your reflexes against surprise attacks. You have advantage on the first initiative roll you make as a result of someone other than you instigating combat.
  • You practice scoring hits on your opponent with ease. You have advantage on the first attack roll you make using the weapon you trained with.
  • You practice finding key weak points in an opponent’s armour. Your first successful attack deals an extra 5 (1d8) damage to the target. This damage is of the same type as that usually dealt by your weapon.

Additionally, all crewmates of a ship equipped with this room gain +2 to all attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws made while aboard the vessel.

Lighter Vessels

Smaller vessels can be purchased at the Voyager’s Rest as well. These vessels, simply called Boats, do not earn income, do not count against your household count and cannot carry creatures Huge or larger. For obvious reasons they are dangerous to take out into the open seas, but can be used to traverse safer shores easily. These boats can be attached to ships while traveling far distances.

Important Note: The term Ships refers to the upgradeable vessels valuing 2,500gp and upwards. Boats refers to the smaller non-upgradeable vessels on the table below.

Boat Cost Speed (MPH, MPD) Crew (Min, Max) AC/HP/DT Dimensions
Kayak 100gp 3, 72 1, 2 11/25/0 10x5
Rowboat 500gp 3, 72 2, 4 11/50/0 15x5
Wa'a Kaulua 1,500gp 5, 120 4, 10 13/75/0 25x10
Knarr 1,500gp 3, 72 6, 18 13/75/0 30x15

Finding Ships

Let's say you've killed legendary pirate, and among his treasures and bounty you've come across his prized possession, a legendary vessel of wondrous design. Can you claim it as your own? The following rules below have been put in place to determine whether you and your party can sail home with the vessel.

Manpower: To sail a foreign vessel, you require enough crewmates available equal to one-fifth of its capacity (rounded up), as with all ships. A vessel without enough manpower cannot sail on its own.

Water Vehicles Proficiency: Every ship requires at least one crewmate with Water Vehicles proficiency to steer.

Ship Deed: All ships are owned by someone, after all, and carry their own reputations. Should this ship return to any port in Ai'Lani, Lanun, or any other harbor, a deed is required to prove that the vessel belongs to you. Purchasing the deed of an acquired ship is equivalent to the full 2,500gp base cost + the cost of any Size upgrades. When a deed is purchased, any already-built rooms and any upgrades to Speed, Weaponry and Income are immediately salvaged for value (more on salvaging below).

Why is This So Complicated?

On a West Marches server, ships as quest rewards are a big deal. These are singular rewards worth up to several thousand gold, an exponentially larger amount than most quest rewards, that can also earn weekly income for the owner. We want to make sure that the efforts of players investing in their own ships with their saved gold from the ground up aren't immediately invalidated by a singular mission gone very right. We love the idea of sailing on a vessel of legend acquired by your talents, but not at the expense of other players.

Salvaging Parts

It's only a matter of time before your ship begins to garner the attention of others. Perhaps you've angered a pirate captain or wandered into a navy's territory. Should you somehow find yourself in the possession of someone else's vessel, whether through the spoils of war, thievery or business, you can salvage valuable parts of the ship to improve the capabilities of your own.

To salvage a ship, you must first possess a ship of your own. This can be done by purchasing/owning your own ship, or buying the deed to the acquired one. Should you manage to bring someone else's ship to harbor through acquisition, you can salvage parts equal to a value of half of all the ship's upgrades and already-built rooms. Say, for example, the ship you salvage is Size Level II and Weaponry Level I. The total value of these upgrades is 4000gp (1000+2000+1000), so the salvaged value is 2000gp.

What can you do with this salvaged value? You can spend this value on upgrades for your own ship! That 2000gp salvaged value can be spent on any upgrades you'd like, for example, Speed Level I + Size Level I. Any gold value left over can be saved to partially pay for a future upgrade. Salvaged value cannot be used for any other purpose. There is no salvageable value to the base cost of a ship (2,500gp).

Final note, using parts of a salvaged ship can draw the attention and ire of other sailors! Be careful, and salvage responsibly!

Ship Combat

Combat and Roles

On a ship, a crewmate must be assigned as the Helmsman. The Helmsman commands the movement of the ship at the start of their turn in initiative. The Helmsman must have two free hands and must be adjacent to the wheel at the start of their turn to move the ship. After the ship has finished moving, the Helmsman can proceed with their turn as normal.

Another crewmate can be assigned as the Gunner, who commands the ship's artillery. At the start of the Gunner's turn, all crewmates manning a Ship weapon can fire their weapon as a reaction if the Gunner is within 60 feet and can communicate the order. The Gunner can then proceed with their turn as normal. Firing Weapons: Any crewmate can load a Ship weapon as an action. Weapons are stationary and must be locked and mounted on the edge of a Ship. To fire, the weapon must have a clear line of sight towards its target that does not pass over their own Ship, which may require careful positioning of the ship before the Gunner's turn.

A weapon's attack roll modifier is equal to 5 + double the ship's Weapon Level. A crewmate proficient in Water Vehicles can add their proficiency modifier to the attack roll. If you miss with Ammunition that targets an area, the ammunition lands at a point 1 space away from the targeted location for each point lower than the ship's AC, in a direction determined randomly by the DM. For example, a fired Flash Powder Burst Mortar that rolls a 13 to hit a Ship with an AC of 18 will connect on an area 5 spaces away from the intended location.


On the helmsman's turn, Ships can move a number of spaces equal to their speed. Ships can only move forwards and backwards. A Helmsman proficient in Water Vehicles or Navigator's Tools can move the ship +1 spaces.

Ramming is a last resort in desperate encounters. If your ship collides with a creature or object, you deal damage equal to your remaining unused speed x your ship size x 1d10 bludgeoning damage. When a boat or creature large or smaller takes damage from your ship, they are immediately pushed to a space of their choosing adjacent to the ship utilizing the shortest possible travel distance. If you ram into another ship or a Huge or larger creature, your ship immediately stops and receives damage equal to half the damage dealt, regardless of your damage threshold. The target is unmoved in the latter scenario.

A ship can also turn up to 90 degrees on their turn. A ship cannot turn if an obstacle impedes their path. Obstacles include immovable terrain, creatures Huge or larger, or other ships (Size 0 or larger.) Boats or creatures hit by a turning ship take 2d10 bludgeoning damage x the ship's size category (minimum value of 1 for Size 0 ships). Creatures that can roll Dexterity saving throws can do so, halving the damage on a success (DC = 15 + ship's speed level). All creatures and objects can only take damage once on a turn from a moving ship.

Hirelings during Combat: All hirelings can man a Ship weapon during combat. Otherwise, hirelings cannot engage in combat unless you have the benefits of the Armory room, as they utilize the statblock of a Commoner.

Magic Item Exchange

The presence of magical items is ever apparent in Pedminara, and throughout your career you are bound to stumble upon more than a handful of uniquely enchanted tools for your adventuring. Game Masters are free to reward players with magical items for their efforts during missions and outings, the rarity typically comparable to the party's levels. In terms of magic item exchange between players and NPCs, we've put in place a handful of guidelines to ensure every magical item carries it weight in value.

When your character receives a magical item, we consider that item specifically bound to your character, preventing exchange outside of the rules listed below. A number of our rules are provisionary, attempting to keep character power levels within range of each other, and doing our best to avoid potential abuse cases. That said, it is entirely possible to collaborate with your peers and work together to trade, buy, sell, and craft magical items under these conditions to best suit your individual needs.

Trading Magical Items

Two players may choose to exchange non-consumable magical items of equal rarity. To trade magical items, both characters must be above or within the level range corresponding to the rarity of the exchanged items, following the chart below:

Items Available for Trade
Item Rarity Level Range
Common Any level
Uncommon 5-8
Rare 8-11
Very Rare 11-15
Legendary 15-20

Both players must post within the #item-exchange channel, listing the following details:

  • Character Name:
  • Item Exchanged:
  • Rarity:
  • Trading With:

The exchange must then be approved by either two Moderators. Any homebrew items exchanged are potentially subject to an audit by the approving parties, allowing adjustments of power/clarity relevant to its rarity, ideally in tandem with the original creator of the item.

Any one magical item can only be traded a maximum of twice within its lifetime, and cannot be traded back to any character belonging to the original owner.

Selling Magical Items

Magic items can be sold for gold to an NPC at the #item-exchange channel. These items are exchanged for exactly 50% of their worth in gold, according to the 'Suggested Cost' section of this listing.

One Admin or Mod must approve this exchange, confirming the item is in your possession and matches the description of the item being sold. Magic items can be redeemed to a maximum of 5,000gp, should their value exceed that amount.

If an item is homebrewed or not on the listing above, its value must be decided by the approving Admin or Mod, ideally in tandem with the original creator or grantor of the item.

The player must post within the #item-exchange channel, listing the following details:

  • Character Name:
  • Magic Item Sold:
  • Rarity:
  • Sold For (gp):

Do note that the magical item sold is non-retreivable, and cannot be refunded. There are not currently any methods on the Pedminara server to buy non-consumable magical items.

Exception: Common Magic Items

With the advent of Crafting Common Magical Items, it is now possible to buy and sell common magic items between players. This is done to facilitate interaction between players who choose to craft these items using downtime. The next page has details on crafting and its requirements.

What About Consumables?

Magical consumable items like spell scrolls and potions may be freely bought, sold, or traded between players without posting in the #item-exchange channel.

Consumable magic items cannot be sold at the #item-exchange channel, nor can they be exchanged for non-consumable magical items. Instead, they have the freedom to be bought and sold amongst other players at a price decided upon by the seller. Recommended prices for these potions are offered in the listing above.

Magical items with permanently consumable charges, like the Necklace of Fireballs, are considered consumables. As such, magical items under this category cannot be sold via the item-change channel under the 'Selling Magical Items' rules, as their value would variably change depending on remaining charges.

Crafting Magical Items

Adventurers adept at understanding the arcane mysteries that illuminate this world might find themselves trying their hand at harnessing its power into otherwise mundane objects. Such an endeavor takes time, resources, and knowledge of magic and its many nuances.

Downtime Crafting

Players are able to craft certain common magic items through downtime. The requirements of a player’s character to craft a magic item are as follows:

  • Proficiency in Arcana
  • One of the relevant spells (known or prepared) involved in crafting the item
  • All materials necessary to craft the magic item

The requirements of each magic item varies, depending on its unique properties, all listed in the table below.

Crafting a magic item takes two steps: learning the crafting recipe, and crafting the magic item.

Learning the Crafting Recipe

The process of inventing a crafting recipe takes trial and error, and may take more than one attempt to master. Attempting to learn a recipe takes 1 Downtime Point and costs 100 gold per try, as well as all the requirements listed above.

The player must post within the #downtime-rolls channel, listing the following details:

  • Character Name:
  • Learning Recipe For:
  • Downtime Points: 1
  • Cost: 100g + (Materials)

This is followed by a single Arcana check, DC 20. Upon success, your character learns the recipe to craft that magic item. Regardless of result, all materials necessary are consumed in the learning process.

Crafting the Magic Item

The acting of crafting a magical item takes 1 Downtime Point, 100 gold, and all the requirements listed above, including knowledge of the magic item’s recipe. The player must post within the #downtime channel, listing the following details:

  • Character Name:
  • Crafting:
  • Downtime Points: 1
  • Cost: 100g + (Materials)

This allows crafting of one magic item according to the recipe used. By knowing the recipe, crafting the magic item is an automatic success. Common magic items may be traded with other player characters for magic items of equal rarity, or sold for gold to other player characters at the value of your choosing.

Crafting Magic Items (Example)

An adventurer named Ebony wants to learn how to craft a Cloak of Billowing.

The item's unique requiements, according to the Crafting Magic Item Table:

Cloak of Billowing
Material(s) Cloak
Relevant Spells Druidcraft, Gust,
Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy

Step 1: Meeting the Requirements.

  • Ebony has proficiency in the Arcana skill.
  • She has one relevant spell prepared or known, according to the Crafting Magic Item Table below. (Prestidigitation)
  • She owns or has purchased the necessary materials: One mundane cloak.

Step 2: Learning the Recipe.

The player of the character would post in #downtime-rolls, using the established format. The post for this recipe would look like this:

  • Character Name: Ebony
  • Learning Recipe For: Cloak of Billowing
  • Downtime Points: 1
  • Cost: 100g + Cloak

This post would be immediately followed by an Arcana ability check, DC 20. Upon success, the character Ebony would now possess knowledge of the ‘Cloak of Billowing’ recipe for all future craftings. All materials and gold are consumed in the process, regardless of success or failure.

Step 3: Crafting the Magic Item.

The player of the character would post in #downtime, using the established format. The post for crafting would look like this:

  • Character Name: Ebony
  • Crafting: Cloak of Billowing
  • Downtime Points: 1
  • Cost: 100g + Cloak

Spending this downtime point, as well as the gold and
the materials, produces one ‘Cloak of Billowing’.

Craftable Magic Items

The following common magic items can be crafted through downtime, using the methods provided above. All materials used must be of non-magical quality before crafting. A [c] symbol means the item is consumed upon use.

Common Magic Item Table, pg. I
Item Materials Relevant Spells
Armor of Gleaming Armor Prestidigitation
Bead of Nourishment [c] Berry Goodberry [I]
Bead of Refreshment [c] Berry Shape Water, Create of Destroy Water [I]
Boots of False Tracks Boots Mold Earth, Pass Without Trace [II]
Candle of the Deep Candle Produce Flame, Continual Flame [II]
Cast-Off Armor Armor Spellcasting Feature
Charlatan's Die Dice Animate Objects [V]
Cloak of Billowing Cloak Druidcraft, Gust, Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy
Cloak of Many Fashions Cloak Minor Illusion, Disguise Self [I]
Clothes of Mending Clothes Mending
Dread Helm Helmet Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Silent Image [I]
Ear Horn of Hearing Earring Message, Sending [III]
Enduring Spellbook Tome Absorb Elements [I], Gentle Repose [II]
Hat of Vermin Hat Find Familiar [I], Conjure Animals [III]
Horn of Silent Alarm Horn Message, Sending [III]
Instrument of Illusions Instrument Minor Illusion, Silent Image [I], Major Image [III]
Instrument of Scribing Instrument Illusory Script [I], Skywrite [II]
Lock of Trickery Lock Arcane Lock [II], Guards and Wards [VI]
Moon-Touched Weapon Weapon Dancing Lights, Light, Moonbeam [II]
Mystery Key Key Knock [II]
Orb of Direction Crystal Ball Guidance, Locate Objects [II], Find the Path [VI]
Orb of Time Crystal Ball Druidcraft
Perfume of Bewitching [c] Vial of Perfume Friends, Charm Person [I]
Pipe of Smoke Monsters Pipe Minor Illusion, Silent Image [I], Major Image [III]
Pole of Angling Pole Mending, Fabricate [IV]
Pole of Collapsing Pole Mending, Fabricate [IV]
Rope of Mending Rope Mending
Shield of Expression Shield Minor Illusion, Disguise Self [I], Silent Image [I]
Smoldering Armor Armor Fog Cloud [I], Continual Flame [II], Pyrotechnics [II]
Staff of Adornment Staff Levitate [II], Telekenesis [V]
Staff of Birdcalls Staff Minor Illusion, Speak with Animals [I]
Staff of Flowers Staff Druidcraft, Plant Growth [III]
Talking Doll Doll Magic Mouth [II]
Tankard of Sobriety Tankard Lesser Restoration [II], Protection from Poison [II]
Common Magic Item Table, pg. II
Item Materials Relevant Spells
Unbreakable Arrow Arrow Spellcasting Feature
Veteran's Cane Cane, Bladed Weapon Fabricate [IV]
Walloping Ammunition [c] Ammunition Earth Tremor [I], Catapult [I]
Wand of Conducting Wand Minor Illusion, Major Image [III], Programmed Illusion [VI]
Wand of Pyrotechnics Wand Pyrotechnics [II]
Wand of Scowls Wand Command [I], Dominate Person [V]
Wand of Smiles Wand Command [I], Dominate Person [V]

Crafting Magic Items: Exceptions

The following common magic items cannot be crafted through downtime without harvesting the necessary materials through questing. The required materials are exceptionally rare and may take more than one attempt to acquire. Make a post in #requests and a DM can organize the appropriate mission.

Common Magic Item Table: Exceptions
Item Materials Relevant Spells
Clockwork Amulet Metal Trinket, Rare Material Bless [I], Augury [II]
Dark Shard Amulet Amulet, Rare Material, crafted by Warlock Knowledge of three cantrips
Ersatz Eye Glass Eye, Rare Material Spellcasting Feature
Hat of Wizardry Hat, Rare Material, crafted by Wizard Knowledge of four cantrips
Heward’s Handy Spice Pouch Pouch, Rare Material Create Food and Water [III]
Ruby of the War Mage Ruby worth 100gp, Rare Material Spellcasting Feature

Non-Craftable Magic Items

Only common magic items listed in the Dungeon Master's Guide [DMG] or Xanathar's Guide to Everything [XGE] may be crafted by players. This ruling does not prevent DMs from giving items outside of these sources as quest rewards, but said items must be approved by a Mod before granting them to players. The Pot of Awakening cannot be crafted through downtime, as the cost of the spell required [Awaken] exceeds the 100gp crafting cost.

Message to the Game Masters of Pedminara

“This all started when I really wanted to try playing D&D. At first I tried going to a few local gaming stores, and they turned me away because ‘I didn't look the part’. It was unwelcoming and weird, and I felt like I didn't fit in. My normal friends made fun of me for wanting to play D&D, so I wanted to figure out how to play online. Talking to a few people, I started Alestria with a group of friends with the intention of making it like a West Marches server, inspired by Matt Colville. So we opened its doors March 2018.

“The whole point of Alestria is to be a place where a collective group of storytellers collaborate and work together to make the world a fun and unique place for people to live. I made Alestria as vague as it was, with almost no civilizations, so DMs could run and make their stories as they want. Obviously we need a standard of rhyme or reason, and to have some harmony in the setting, but my huge thing is for people to genuinely care about the world, to paint its canvas and regions with unique stories. I want it to be a collaboration with the players and the DMs. I want players to feel like they are part of the world and can influence it.

“I personally am someone who really cares about memories; more than gifts or acts of generosity. Quality time means the most to me - creating meaningful stories fulfilling to both the storyteller and the players. I wish for this server to be a safe place for all kinds of people to come and feel welcomed. My wish is for all of our DMs could work together as a team, building a story and setting that we told talk about for years to come. Alestria will never be the efforts of one person, but rather the combined stories of all of us in tandem.”


DM Guidelines: Introduction

Game Masters

Thanks for joining the DM team! You've been entrusted with helping flesh out the world and leading players on adventures of your own design. Game Masters are the storytellers of the server that we all rely on, and for that we're grateful. Here's a quick rundown of a GM's role on the server.


Your number one job is to tell stories. You have the creative ability to tell stories and give the world depth. You can create kingdoms and cities off in other countries or a small hamlets in the nearby forests. You can create heroes of old and rising villains alike, dynamic figureheads that affect the world. This continent is a canvas for your stories, designed to fit almost any setting. With that being said, here are a few responsibilities for every Game Master:

  • Host and DM games, on whatever time schedule fits you best. Watch the #requests channel and see if any fit your available times.
  • Monitor character sheets: Any GM can check a player's sheet, double check with another DM if you are unsure about something. When you are looking over a sheet, put an :eyes: emoji to signal you are looking it over, and an :ok: emoji when you approve it.
  • Manage NPCs - A number of establishments around Ai'Lani are run by non-player characters, requiring a Game Master to helm them when a player asks for help.
  • Add city tokens to the world map to show cities that they use in their sessions that are very important. if you're introducing a city, there must be a write up on it sent to Admin Gingy.
  • Suggest lore if you have new ideas that you'd like to add to the server. Talk to Admin Gingy about suggesting any permanent changes to the world.
  • Control DMs - A game master may take interest in a character and their story. When this happens the GM can ask the player if they can be your control DM, which means they will be helping mold their story in the world, reward items, character traits, and give the character some personal appreciation.

Game Apprentice

A Game Apprentice is a role given to those who wish to DM on the server but have little to no DMing experience. Here are the differences between Game Masters and Game Apprentices:

  • Sessions run by GAs are non-canon - they have no bearing on the server setting and leave no permanent impact.
  • The only rewards that can be granted by GAs are gold, experience and mundane items worth no more than 10gp.
  • GAs must have some of their sessions supervised by Mods for purposes of feedback and promotion to GM.

Running Sessions

To run a session, make a post in #mission-notice-board with the following details:

  • Title
  • Level Range
  • Date and Time
  • Quick description and expectations of the session.

Be sure to add the names of those who sign up to your mission posting to your post. When the session has concluded, write a brief summary of the session as detailed in session-logs.

Rewards for DMs

DMs will receive the following rewards when running games. This is to show appreciation for running games and showing great care about the lore.

For the Pedminara Server:

  • Experience: XP Given + 5
    (Ex: DM gave 25 XP to players so they will get 30 XP)
  • Gold: Average gold given to each player, to a max of 150gp.
    (Ex: DM awarded 600gp total to four players, so DM gets 150gp.)

    Important note: Receiving the XP and gold as a DM reward is completely optional, you may choose to forgo it or accept only a fraction of it.

Rules of Conduct

  1. Work as a team with other DMs, oftentimes splitting the workload makes the storylines run much smoother.
  2. Avoid excessive rewards or favoritism towards players. Creating a power disparity among same-leveled characters can ruin a number of future sessions for you and other DMs.
  3. Aim to engage players with no participation - see what they might be interested in and tailor your sessions towards that.
  4. If you have an issue with a player or DM, discuss it in private messages or talk to the Mod team. Avoid arguing in front of other players to avoid unnecessary conflict.
  5. Respect yourself. There will be times when being a Game Master will feel like a heavy burden on your already busy life. Always take care of yourself and your well-being, and DM when you are comfortable. At the end of the day, this is a pastime we all share, and it should be fun for all of us.

Player Experience Rewards

As described in the character creation section, experience is calculated a bit differently on this server. We use a variation of the Three Pillar System, a method that awards experience based on the factors of combat, exploration, and roleplay.

  • Combat is defined as any sort of fight or skirmish between players and enemies, with the amount of XP determined by level of difficulty, at the DM's discretion.
  • Exploration involves traveling to new locations, dungeon delving, and investigation. XP is awarded based on how much the party chooses to search around and interact with the environment.
  • Roleplay is the party's interaction with NPCs and each other through actions and dialogue outside of combat. This would be an appropriate category to award experience if a combat or crisis is averted thanks to the party's efforts.

Calculating Session XP Rewards

A maximum of 15 XP can be awarded for each pillar category (15 XP Combat, 15 XP Exploration, 15 XP Roleplay), to a maximum of 45 XP total. The average amount of experience for a session rests around 20-25 XP, though the context may raise or lower that amount at your discretion. The guidelines below are our cap system, detailing the maximum amount of experience you can award for a session.

Cap System

  • Text Adventure: Maximum 5 XP per pillar
  • Arena: Maximum 15 XP for combat, Maximum 5 XP for roleplay
  • Story-Driven Live Session: Average 25-30 XP total, 35 XP for challenging or exemplary sessions
  • Campaign-Ending Sessions: 35-40 XP, 45 XP if the world settings or characters were heavily impacted


To those new to our server, here is a bit of terminology used to describe sessions.

Text Adventures are sessions run entirely through text in a Discord channel. Usually these are used if coordinating players proves to be difficult due to time constraints.

Arenas are sessions designed for the sole purpose of combat, with story only necessary to explain the conditions of the fight.

Campaigns consist of stories that continue beyond one session, often involving many characters and recurring faces. A campaign is typically at least three sessions.

Other Player Rewards


Gold is the most common reward for missions, and the amount depends on the difficulty and context of the assignment. An average reward per player is listed below. Anything exceeding this amount is likely to be in the context of gold-centric missions - raiding tombs, running heists, or achieving feats for royalty.

General Gold Guidelines
Session Gold
Normal Mission 0 - 150gp
Difficult Mission 150 - 300gp
Gold-centric Mission 300 - 400gp, up to 500gp

Note that the amount of gold given should be balanced with the other rewards - anything beyond these limits should leave little else in terms of rewards, whether it be items, favors or otherwise. Amounts beyond 500gp per player must be approved by a Mod, who will assess the session's context.

Mundane Items

Non-magical rewards are great for providing memorabilia from arduous missions or distant expeditions. Most mundane items have a proper gold value listed in the official books, and should be considered when deciding the sum payout of the session. All homebrew weapons and armor, non-magical or otherwise, must be approved by a Mod. Unique mundane items from WotC modules also require approval from a Mod, especially those that are setting-specific.


Vehicles beyond carriages and rowboats should be avoided - any vehicle beyond the 100gp price range should be discussed with a Mod before granting.

Magical Items

Magical rewards are mostly already outlined in the Granting Magical Items section below, detailing approved resources and appropriate rarities depending on the level range. One magical item per player in a session can happen, but such a situation is rare - there will be times when only one player will receive the magic item central to the mission. Other magical rewards, like spell components and spell scrolls, typically have a listed gold values and should be weighed against the gold payout as such.


The spells listed in a spellbook should be appropriate for the party’s level and the CR of the enemies they may have been taken from. The spellbook of the necromancer (VGM p.217), for example, has many low-level spells and increasingly less spells at the higher tiers. You may either tailor the spell list towards the nature of its source, or randomize the spells as to avoid bias.


Your story might result in a non-player character staying in the same residence as one of your players. If this character is important to future sessions and/or has statistics beyond that of a 'Commoner' statblock, the DM is responsible for their RP until such storyline is concluded.

If the NPC's storyline has concluded, your player may choose to roleplay the NPC for the indefinite future as a building hireling or resident. The NPC cannot utilize any talents beyond that of a 'Commoner' statblock while controlled by the player and cannot provide any magical or combat utility.


Mounts are a rare and valuable reward to impart to the party - an important detail to remember is that mounts must already be properly trained before they become mountable, and only certain mounts are combat-ready. A list of approved mounts is available in the Mounts section of the Rulebook, and all other creatures must be approved by a Mod.

Players are responsible are housing, feeding, and caring for their mounts, which may be a subject of contention should an unusual mount enter the province (see: Elephant, Steeders). Always keep in mind the feasibility of the mount within Ai'Lani before granting it.


The world of Lyndria is wild and wondrous, and thus many critters might find themselves in your care. Pets are ideally CR 0 and incapable of any significant combat or utility - any homebrew pets must be approved by a Mod and follow a similar statblock. Pets, as with mounts, should also carry a mortality to them, making it risky to bring them into danger. Feel free to get creative - locales like the Everlasting Grove and the Crags of Atlas are oft filled with curious creatures affected by the planar crossroads.


Some fantastical beasts may show up in your sessions at your discretion. There are no restrictions on what beasts are present in your session, but for the purposes of the Wildshape feature and spells like Polymorph, players are permitted to retain and take on the forms of beasts from the following sources:

  • Dungeon Master’s Guide, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Monster Manual, Volo’s Guide to Monsters
  • Note: The Brontosaurus (VGM p.139) and Giant Coral Snake (GOS p.236) are not permitted for player use.

Homebrew beasts must be approved by a Mod. As a guideline, make sure it closely resembles an already existing beast in statistics and CR, that its differences are almost negligible. Document the creature in #session-logs.


Blessings are incredibly powerful - divined upon mortals for legendary feats, granted as an invaluable accolade to serving a higher power or greater being, often binding them towards a creed or divine mission. These blessings, defined as beneficial magical effects not bound to items or belongings, are often equivalent to the effects of item attunement slots, and thus must be granted sparingly.


Charms are minor gifts imparted on an individual by a magical being, usually taking the form of a keepsake, mark or tattoo. The Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica (p. 173-174) has a number of examples, typically single-use spell casts or a one-time-use benefit.

A charm can't be used in the area created by an antimagic field spell or a similar effect. If you use a charm to cast a spell, you can do so without expending a spell slot or providing any components. The spell save DC is 15, its attack bonus is +7, and the spellcasting ability modifier for any spell effects is +4.

The grantor of the charm can revoke the charm as an action, but otherwise the charm can't be removed from the creature or object on which it was placed by anything short of divine intervention or a wish spell unless otherwise stated by the grantor, or until the charm's uses are depleted. The charms of GGR can be granted to any player (renamed appropriately), and any charms beyond that listing must be approved by a Mod.


Boons are epic-level blessings that permanently alter a character, bolstering their abilities significantly. Usually they are granted by an incredibly powerful entity as a reward or as a means to fulfill a responsibility, and can be revoked should a character stray from that agreement. Boons are described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 228-232), with a few listed. All boons from the DMG and any homebrew variants must be approved by two Mods before granting, and no characters below level 11 may receive one. Characters can only have one boon at a time below level 20.


In a realm of magic and unpredictability, it’s more common than you think for the arcane to backfire. Curses can very quickly foster an unhealthy game experience for those involved, so be sure to focus on curses that bolster a player’s creative expression. Avoid curses that limit player autonomy for extended periods of time.

Homebrew instances of curses beyond that of the Madness tables are entirely allowed for DM use, as long as they respect player autonomy and the server rules.


The Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 258) and the Madness tables of various demon lords from Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes detail the effects of madness to varying durations, all of which are acceptable to utilize provided that the methods to remove it are fair towards those cursed.


The Monster Manual (p. 207) details the optional rule of lycanthropy, a forced change upon a player when certain conditions are met. Details to keep in mind: Unlike the features of a Lycan Blood Hunters or Druids, a lycan cannot control when the shift occurs, and the DM is free to rule how the player’s mindset is affected. Homebrew instances of lycanthropy are disallowed.


The Monster Manual (p. 295) details the optional rule of vampirism - the transformation into a vampire spawn, and a full vampire following. Details to keep in mind: there is a definitive alignment shift, and as stated the DM may take control of the character or rule how the player’s mindset is affected until the vampirism is reversed. There are many ways such a curse can be mishandled, so the DM and player must collaborate to avoid limiting or outright removing player autonomy. Homebrew instances of vampirism are disallowed.

Granting Magical Items

DMs have the freedom to distribute most any item from of official WotC material, within the confines detailed on this page.

Level Guidelines

Characters can be freely given magic items within the level range listed below. Players can receive non-consumable magic items one tier above their level, but they cannot use, trade or sell the item until they reach the appropriate level. Consumables can be awarded up to two tiers above the character's current level, and can be used, traded or sold without restriction.

Rarity Guidelines
Item Rarity Level Range
Common Any level
Uncommon 5-8
Rare 8-11
Very Rare 11-15
Legendary 15-20 (with Mod approval)

Item Approval

As of summer 2020, all officially published magic items can be given out to players without mod approval, as long as it is properly documented in the session logs. UA items can be given out on a case-by-case approval basis, with any allowable rewards noted in the Announcements channel.

All homebrew items must be approved by a mod. Mods cannot approve their own items.

  • Items can also not be specifically requested, bought, or enchanted beyond what is presently allowed, without Mod approval. DMs can make requests for special cases.
  • Sentient Items, artifacts, and legendary items, if allowed, always require approval for PCs, no matter the source or use.

Banned Items List

  • Deck of Many Things
  • Philter of Love
  • Ring of Three Wishes
  • Tomes of Clear Thought, Leadership and Influence, and Understanding
  • Manuals of Bodily Health, Gainful Exercise, and Quickness of Action

Note: Banned items do not mean that said item doesn't/never/will never exist in the world, but that they cannot be obtained and used by PCs. Exceptions may be made in very specific circumstances. Banlist is subject to change.

Homebrew: Uskine Monsters

Creatures of Myth

The island of Uskines is shrouded and mysterious, and no one dares crest its shores in fear of the terrifying creatures that live upon it. Every now and then a monster escapes the island, unleashing its unique brand of terror on an unsuspecting community.

Uskine Monsters are a DM tool to grant unique creatures to players to tame, mount, and befriend. They are truly one-of-a kind, meaning outside of risking the dangers of Uskine’s shores, there will only ever be one or two of its kind in existence.

They are naturally more powerful than more commonplace beasts, wielding powers entirely supernatural. The Winter Wolf monstrosity statblock is a solid example of an Uskine template - it has a slightly bolstered statline of an already existing beast, with a singular otherworldly feature in its Ice Breath. It’s a way for players to gain a companion unique to Pedminara, and differentiate themselves from their peers should they put in the effort to tame such a creature.

If you’re looking for inspirations, the Uskine are heavily inspired by Monster Hunter creatures and Experiments from Lilo and Stitch. They have a singular characteristic that truly sets them apart from the rest. Be creative and have fun!

Basics of Uskine Building

The easiest thing to do is go to 5etools, grab a pre-existing statblock and modify its abilities. If the HP, AC, and damage stay relatively the same, it’s hard to go wrong. The best guidelines come from the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 273 onwards - it details nuances like hit dice size, natural armor AC, and other useful design philosophies.

I would recommend taking an already existing beast statblock, and modifying its stats ever so slightly to favor its strengths and weaknesses. Once you’ve finished, use this CR chart from the DMG to appropriately rate its new Challenge Rating, based on the stats it has. Once you’ve done that, pitch it to a Mod for review, and with an approval you’re free to set it loose!

Rules to Making an Uskine

1. The creature must be beast-like. Most Uskine creatures are classified as Monstrosities, but this doesn't rule out the other creature types. Visually, the creature must be animal-esque in appearance - no Gibbering Mouthers, Gelatinous Cubes, Beholders or the like. The creature must be able to exist in ordinary settings and not cause a panic.
2. The creature must have an INT of 7 or lower. Beyond this range, the creature can likely speak a language and is inappropriate to be "tamed". The Uskine are feral, above all.
3. The CR must be 3 or lower. At the current age of the server, any creatures higher than this range threaten overpowering the party themselves. The only exceptions to this rule are Uskine with the Potential feature, which can raise the CR up to 5.
4. The creature must be approved by a Mod. Above all, a Mod has to okay your creation. There are lines and limitations not outlined here that may be brought to attention. The world of homebrew is a dangerous place, so we're being extra careful about these.

Other Tameable Creatures

So, can DMs give already-existing monstrosities as tameable pets? It depends. A DM must ask a Mod for permission to give out a monstrosity from any of the WotC guidebooks or modules. The guidelines for approval are hazy, but assume the creature has to be beast-like, and possess an agreeable alignment. They follow the same taming rules as all other creatures. If possible, create an Uskine variant of the creature you wish to give out and fit it into the guidelines above.

It's important that players understand that not every monster is meant to be tameable. If you don't want to confuse players, you may explicitly state that the taming option is allowed or disallowed in your session.


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