[Anima] Traveler's Guide to Ieagra

by Lanth Sor

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Traveler's Guide to Ieagra

Setting Guide

Todo List

  • Languages
  • Rami Stats

Character Creation

Step 1 Rolls

Roll 2d10, reroll 1s, and reroll 2s. Use the equation below to get stats. Roll twice and pick one set.


Step 2 Race: Ancestry

Choose form the may ancestries for the world:

  • Humans:
  • Demon-Kin:
  • Gnomes:
  • Humans:
  • Lightborn:
  • Orcs:


  • Core Rules: Core Exxet
  • Magic For All: The Gift is not required for the use of magic or to learn a path.
  • Psionics for All: No advantage is required to invest Psychic Points into psychic powers.
  • Reverse Initiative: Use reverse initiative as found on page 28 of Scissura-Exxet-Beta.
  • Undying: Use the Between Life and Death as found on page 14 of the Game Master Toolkit.
  • Sanity: Use the Mental Health system presented on page 16 of the Game Master Toolkit.
  • Languages: Characters start with native fluency with their regional language(+80). They gain an additional +40 per int above 5 to divide between any language. Each language is its own skill, languages are intellectual skills.



Broken Magic

  • A character with this disadvantage is born with certain capabilities for magic and sometimes can use minor spells in a similar way to truly Gifted people.
  • Effects: The character cannot see magic, but is capable of casting spells in a limited way. Each time he uses a spell, he must pass a Power check against a difficulty of 10 plus 1 for each 10 levels of the spell. If he fails, he spends Zeon as if he cast the spell, but it does not take effect.
  • Benefit: 1

Internal Ki

  • The character is limited and cannot use ki or nemesis techniques.
  • Effects: This disadvantage prevents learning of techniques, and Ki Control.
  • Benefit: 1

Psychic Shard

  • The character is limited to the ability to use the powers of a single psychic discipline. Its abilities are limited to a single field and, no matter how much it increases his potential, he will not have access to powers that are greater than his natural capacities.
  • Effects: This disadvantage limits use of PP to acquire affinity to a single psychic discipline and the matrix powers. The discipline must be chosen when selecting this disadvantage.
  • Benefit: 1

Psychic Void

  • A character with this disadvantage is born without a capacity for psychics, leaving them abnormally vulnerable.
  • Effects: The character cannot see psychics, have a -30 penalty to psychic resistance, cannot gain Psychic Potential, they cannot gain a Psychic Points, and are incapable of using psychic powers or using abilities that normally require psychic points to gain.
  • Benefit: 2

Ki Void

  • The character is incapable of using ki or nemesis.
  • Effects: The character cannot see Ki/Nemesis, have a -30 penalty to resistance against ki or nemisis effects, cannot accumulate Ki, they cannot gain a Ki pool, and are incapable of using techniques or using abilities that normally require Ki to utilize.
  • Benefit: 2

Magic Void

  • A character with this disadvantage is born without a capacity for magic, leaving them abnormally vulnerable.
  • Effects: The character cannot see magic, have a -30 penalty to magic resistance, cannot accumulate zeon, they cannot gain a zeon pool, and are incapable of casting spells or using abilities that normally require zeon to utilize.
  • Benefit: 2


Words to Live By

This is a record of languages where it is spoken, its purpose, and its rarity.

Rarity: Common(C) languages are freely accessible for anyone in contact with them to learn. Uncommon(U) languages require access to a specific region or population, Exotic(E) languages are available through one specific source, Restricted(R) languages are only available through being explicitly trained or careful study of speakers.

Natives/Starting Languages: The languages gain from race and class are automatically known at the native level.

Complexity: Each language has complexity. Basic languages require 1 language investment to be fluent, and 2 to be scholastic. Intermediate languages require 1 to be working 2 to be Fluent, and 3 to be scholastic. Advanced languages take 1 language investment for each rank.

  • Working: You can speak in a broken version of the language. Final Bonus 40
  • Fluent: You can speak the language proficiently. Final Bonus 80.
  • Native: You speak it like a first language, it may be. +2 to any checks based on the language. Final Bonus 120
  • Scholar: You are a master of the language and can write beautiful text and read esoteric scriptures. Final Bonus 140
Language Complexity Rarity Native Speakers Also used Purpose/Characteristics Origin
Trade 1 C Seaman, Mercenaries, and Traveling Merchants All Countries Trade, a simple language of gestures and phrases, most terms are borrowed from other languages, there are many regional dialects, but the core is mostly the same anywhere you go Morzof Sailors
Draconic 2 R Dead Language Scholars
Dunin 2 U Dwarfs Craftsmen Harsh tones that resonate with the earth. Dwarfs have slowly shifted their speach to match the higher pitch common amongst the upper races. There are many words to define crafting techniques and the states of earth. Ancient Dunin
Leputani 3 U Era'Zeen Engineers Has a mathematical cadence, everything is cause and effect, complex mathematics and mechanics are spoken with ease. Original
Slayer Sign 2. U Slayers, Monster Tamers, and Evolutionaries Savagelands Adventurers A language for use on the hunt. It involves many body gestures, hand signs, and animal sounds. A surprising amount of information can be conveyed quickly. Some mercenaries use it when in public to avoid common ears. Pactanale Sign
Wyrmek 3 U Dragons, Olympians High society, Scholars General purpose, it has developed to have terms for very complex ideas and can convey most concepts with fewer words than most, this does cause it to be a difficult language to master. Draconic
Nishenese 2 C Kingdom of Nish, Protectorate of Skal'Arge Varjari Theocracy, Kingdom of Rar'Han, Principality of Hopininia General-purpose. The language involves hisses and rolled continents, commonly has a droning tone when spoken. Apis
Drow Sign 1 R None Drow Language for combat and stealth. Almost exclusively used in conjunction with sleight of hand. Original
Pactanale Sign 1 E Pactanale Savagelands Adventurers It has many signs, but was designed for use in much the same way beasts interact. Original


Goods to Share

Ubiquitous (Gray, -5 quality)

These are items low quality or damaged common and can be easily found throughout the world. These items are cheap reproduce and require little skill unless of more advanced technology.

Common (White, Normal Quality, level 1)

These item are of fine craft but made with mundane materials.

Uncommon (Blue, +5 quality, level 1+)

These item are are of expert craftsmanship, and made of uncommon materials.

Rare (Green, +10 quality, Level 2)

Exotic (Yellow, +15 quality, Level 2+)

Epic (Purple, +20 quality, Level 3)

Ascended (Orange, +25 quality, Level 3+)

Legendary (Gold, level 4)

Mythic (Mythic, level 4+)

Divine (Pearlescent, level 5)


Adventure Gear

Item Weight Rarity Cost
Backpack, Burlap 1lb. 200 7 cp
Backpack, Leather 2lb. 100 7 sp
Sack, Burlap 1lb. Always 5 cp
Sack, Leather 2lb. 150 5 sp
Waterskin, Bladder 4lb. 150 1 sp
Waterskin, Leather 4lb. 100 10 sp


Item Weight Rarity Cost
Bassen(Legless Bassalisk) 50g
Briar Back(Briar beast) 15g
Brick-a-Brak(Magma Lizard) 10g
Calphrig(Fox griffon) 5p
Edris(Crane Griffon) 1p
Emeralzi(Emerald Drake) 9p
Fenhound(Lizardlike hound) 10g
Inis(Acid Slime) 75g
Ioris(Arcane Hydra) 8p
Komvry(Violet Drake) 750g
Laprisill(Arcane Lapras) 10p
Onilea Ex 1000p
Phoelias(Ash Bird) 280g
Selnis(Blood Spirit Wolf) 12p
Skarl(Great Bird) 1p
Skiizar(Winged Snake) 65g
Ulmarv(Artic Drake) 75g
Material Quality Weight per CUFT Rarity Cost/lb.
Aluminum 168.48lb. 50 1 gp
Antimony 419.99lb. 50 1 gp
Beryllium 113.70lb. 50 1 gp
Bismuth 611.00lb. 50 1 gp
Brass (Approx.) 535.68lb. 50 1 gp
Bronze, Alum. 481.00lb. 50 1 gp
Bronze (Approx.) 541.00lb. 50 1 gp
Cadmium 540.86lb. 50 1 gp
Chromium 428.00lb. 50 1 gp
Cobalt 552.96lb. 50 1 gp
Copper 559.87lb. 50 1 gp
Gold 1206.83lb. 50 1 gp
Gun Metal (Aver.) 544.00lb. 1 1 gp
Iridium 1396.00lb. 50 1 gp
Iron 491.09lb. 50 1 gp
Iron, Cast Grey 442.00lb. 50 1 gp
Iron, Wrought 480.00lb. 50 1 gp
Iron, Slag 172.00lb. 50 1 sp
Lead 707.96lb. 50 1 gp
Magnesium 108.51lb. 50 100 gp
Manganese 463.10lb. 50 1 gp
Mercury 849.00lb. 50 4.8 gp
Molybdenum 637.63lb. 50 1 gp
Monel Metal 556.00lb. 50 1 gp
Nickel 555.72lb. 50 1 gp
Osmium 1402.00lb. 50 1 gp
Palladium 712.00lb. 50 1 gp
Platinum 1339.20lb. 50 1 gp
Rhodium 755.00lb. 50 1 gp
Ruthenium 765.00lb. 50 1 gp
Silver 654.91lb. 50 1 gp
Stainless Steel (18-8) 494.21lb. 50 1 gp
Steel, Cast/Rolled 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Tin 455.67lb. 50 1 gp
Titanium 283.39lb. 50 1 gp
Tungsten 1204.41lb. 50 1 gp
Vanadium 374.97lb. 50 1 gp
Zinc 445.30lb. 50 1 gp
Acids,Muriatic,40% 75.00lb. 15 1 gp
Acids,Nitric,91% 94.00lb. 15 1 gp
Acids,Sulphuric,87% 112.00lb. 50 1 gp
Material Quality Weight per CUFT Rarity Cost/lb.
Alcohol, 100% 49.00lb. 50 1 gp
Asbestos 153.00lb. 50 1 gp
Ash,White,Red 40.00lb. 50 1 gp
Asphaltum 81.00lb. 50 1 gp
Basalt 184.00lb. 50 1 gp
Brick, Paving 150.00lb. 50 1 gp
Brick, Com. Building 120.00lb. 50 1 gp
Brick, Soft Building 100.00lb. 50 1 gp
Cedar,White, Red 22.00lb. 50 1 gp
Cement, Portland 100.00lb. 50 1 gp
Cereals, Bulk 32.00-48.00lb. 50 1 gp
Chestnut 41.00lb. 50 1 gp
Clay,Soft-ordinary 165.00lb. 50 1 sp
Clay,Hard-ordinary 150.00lb. 50 4 sp
Coal 78.00-97.00lb. 50 1 gp
Concrete, Stone 130.00-150.00lb. 50 1 gp
Concrete, Cinder 70.00lb. 50 1 gp
Cypress 30.00lb. 50 1 gp
Dolomite 181.00lb. 50 1 gp
Earth, Common Loam 75.00-90.00lb. 50 1 gp
Earth,Dry/Loose 76.00lb. 50 1 gp
Earth,Dry/Packed 95.00lb. 50 1 gp
Earth,Mud/Packed 115.00lb. 50 1 gp
Elm,White 45.00lb. 50 1 gp
Fats 58.00lb. 50 1 gp
Fir, Douglas 30.00lb. 50 1 gp
Fir,Eastern 25.00lb. 50 1 gp
Flour, Loose 28.00lb. 50 1 gp
Flour, Pressed 47.00lb. 50 1 gp
Gasoline 42.00lb. 50 1 gp
Glass, Common Window 156.00lb. 50 1 gp
Granite 170.00lb. 50 1 gp
Graphite 131.00lb. 50 1 gp
Gravel, Dry/Loose 90.00-105.00lb. 50 1 gp
Hay, Bales 20.00lb. 50 1 gp
Hemlock 25.00lb. 50 1 gp
Hickory 49.00lb. 50 1 gp
Ice- .917 to .922 54.70lb. 50 1 gp
Material Quality Weight per CUFT Rarity Cost/lb.
Leather 59.00lb. 50 1 gp
Lye, Soda, 66% 106.00lb. 50 1 gp
Maple,Hard 43.00lb. 50 1 gp
Maple,White 33.00lb. 50 1 gp
Marble 170.00lb. 50 1 gp
Masonry, Rubble 130.00-150.00lb. 50 1 gp
Masonry, Ashlar 140.00-160.00lb. 50 1 gp
Mortar 100.00lb. 50 1 gp
Mud,River 90.00lb. 50 1 gp
Oil, Kerosene 52.00lb. 50 1 gp
Oil, Mineral 57.00lb. 50 1 gp
Oil,Vegetable 58.00lb. 50 1 gp
Oak,White 50.00lb. 50 1 gp
Paper,Newspaper 33.00-44.00lb. 50 1 gp
Paving,Asphaltum 100.00lb. 50 1 gp
Pine, Oregon 32.00lb. 50 1 gp
Pine,White 25.00lb. 50 1 gp
Pine,Yellow 40.00lb. 50 1 gp
Pitch 60.00lb. 50 1 gp
Plaster of Paris 140.00lb. 50 1 gp
Poplar 30.00lb. 50 1 gp
Pumice,Natural 40.00lb. 50 1 gp
Redwood,Calif. 26.00lb. 50 1 gp
Rubber,Goods 94.00lb. 50 1 gp
Sand,Clay&Earth,Dry 100.00lb. 50 1 gp
Sand,Clay&Earth,Wet 120.00lb. 50 1 gp
Sand, Pure Quartz, Dry 90.00-106.00lb. 50 1 gp
Sandstone, Blustone 147.00lb. 50 1 gp
Slate 175.00lb. 50 1 gp
Snow, Freshly Fallen 10.00lb. 50 1 gp
Snow,Wet 50.00lb. 50 1 gp
Soap Stone,Tall 169.00lb. 50 1 gp
Soda Ash 74.00lb. 50 1 gp
Sodium 61.00lb. 50 1 gp
Spruce 25.00lb. 50 1 gp
Spruce,White, Black 27.00lb. 50 1 gp
Sulphur 125.00lb. 50 8 gp
Tar, Bituminous 75.00lb. 50 1 gp
Water,Pure, 32°F 62.40lb. 50 1 gp
Material Quality Weight per CUFT Rarity Cost/lb.
Water,Sea 64.00lb. 50 1 gp
Water,Solid Ice 56.00lb. 50 1 gp
Oxylite 26.00lb. 15 20 gp
Brik-a-Brak Bone Powder 215.00lb. 50 5 gp
Cherufe Testicle Powder 93.75lb. 10 5 pp
Charcoal 92.39 Always 1/5 cp
Saltpeter(Potassium Nitrate) 131.1 90 10 sp
Magisteel I 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Magisteel II 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Magisteel III 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Mithral 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Pristine Iron 490.00lb. Dv Priceless
Black Iron 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Brik-a-Brak 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Quartz 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
True Silver 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Arcanite 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Adamantine 490.00lb. 50 1 gp
Special Materials
Materials Feat Req Extra Skills DC Weapon Armor Cost Weight HP/Inch Hardness
Bone None Scrimshaw Standard -2 damage, Fragile Property -1 AC, Max Dex, and ACP, Fragile Property 50% x .5 x .5
Iron None none Standard -1 hit and damage -1 AC, Max Dex, and ACP 85% x 1.1 x .9
Steel None none Standard Standard Standard 100% x 1 x 1
Greater Bone None Scrimshaw +5 Standard Standard 125% x 1 x 1
Chitin None none Standard Standard Standard 125% x .5 x 1
Treated Bone Expert Alchemist Scrimshaw, Alchemy +5 +1 hit and damage +1 AC, Max Dex, and ACP 175% x .5 x 1.5
Silver Tracy Advanced Smithing none +5 +5/tier Dam vs DR x/silver +2/tier AC vs Nat Attack of DR x/Silver 200% x 1 x 1.1
Orichalcum Orcish Smithing none +10 +2 Base Weapon Damage +2 Base Armor 300% x 1.5 x 1 1/3
Moon Stone Elven Smithing Alchemy +10 +1 Base Weapon Damage, Use Own Magicka to Power Weapons Enchantments Spell Magicka cost is reduced by 1 level, ACP doesn't effect magical skills 300% x 1 x 1.2
Dwarven Alloy Dwarven Smithing Alchemy +10 +2 Base weapon Damage, No power attack stamina cost +2 AC, -2 Stamina Cost to Run 350% x .75 x 5
Skyforged Metal Skyforge Smithing Alchemy +15 +4 Base Weapon Damage, +2 Circumstance to hit +2 AC, DR 1+Tier/- +500% + x 0 + x .5
Quicksilver Alloy Advanced Smithing none +15 +7/tier Dam vs DR x/silver, +1 Critical threat +3/tier AC vs Nat Attack of DR x/Silver, +2 max dex, -3 ACP 400% x .5 x 1
Quicksilver Advanced Smithing Alchemy +20 +10/tier Dam vs DR x/silver, ignore Deflection, +2 Critical threat, -25% Enchant Cost +4/tier AC vs Nat Attack of DR x/Silver, +2 max dex, -3 ACP, no ACP on Magicka skills, +1 DC spells, -25% Enchant Cost 450% x .5 x .5
Malachite Glass Smithing none +20 +2 base Critical threat +4 Max Dex, -6 ACP(min 0) 500% x 1.1 x .75
Ebony Dunmer Smithing none +20 +3 Base Weapon Damage DR 2/- per tier 600% x 1.5 x 8
Stalhrim Ice Smithing Alchemy +25 +25% enchantment effect +25% enchantment effect 1000% x 1 x 1
Deadric Oblivion Smithing Alchemy +25 +6 Fel Damage, +1 Crit Threat DR 3/- per tier, Critical DR (3*attacker's Critical Multiplier)/- per tier 1200% x 1.5 x 8
Wyrm Bone Artisan Alchemist Scrimshaw +25 +6 Base Weapon Damage DR 4/- per tier, +4 CMD per tier 1500% x .85 x 5
Dragon Scale Artisan Alchemist Scrimshaw +25 +6 Base Weapon Damage DR 4/- per tier, +4 vs Dragon Speech per tier 1500% x .75 x 3
Dragon Steel Master Alchemist Alchemy +25 +2 Base Weapon Damage per tier, +1 Critical Multiplier DR 4/- per tier, +2 base armor per tier 2500% x 1.5 x 8
Duálny Kremeň Aestus Craft Alchemy +25 +2 Base Weapon Damage per tier, +1 Critical Multiplier DR 4/- per tier, +2 base armor per tier 2500% x 1.5 x 8
Aetherium Legendary Dwarven Alchemist Alchemy, Enchant +50 +5 Enhancement, +400% Weapon Magicka Capacity, Ghost Touch +5 Enhancement, Ghost Touch 3000% x 1 x 10

Weapon/Armor Materials

Materials Cost Forging / Tailoring Difficulty Maximum Grade Weight Modifier Presence Modifier Fortitude Modifier Cut Imp Thr Hea Ele Col Eng Movement Restriction Damage Speed** Req. STR Modifier Breakage Modifier Iron Based
Wood x0.25 +0 +0 x0.25 x0.5 x0.5 -3 -1 -1 x0 +0 +0 +0 -1 -10 +5 -2 x0.5 No
Bone x0.5 -60 +0 x0.1 x0.75 x0.25 -2 -3 -2 -2 +0 +0 +1 -2 -5 +10 -3 x0.25 No
Clay x0.25 +20 +0 x0.75 x0.5 x0.1 -2 x0 -3 +1 +2 +1 +0 +0 -5 +5 -1 x0.1 No
Glass x0.75 -40 +5 x0.75 x1.5 x0.25 -1 -3 -1 -1 +2 -1 +0 +0 +0 +5 -1 x0.25 No
Stone x0.75 -80 +0 x0.75 x0.75 x0.75 -1 -1 -1 -1 +2 -1 +0 +0 +0 +5 -1 x0.75 No
Bronze x1 -20 +0 x1 x1 x1 +0 +0 +0 -1 -3 -1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 No
Brass x1.25 -40 +5 x1.25 x1.5 x1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -3 +0 +0 +0 +0 +5 +0 x0.75 No
Iron x1 +10 +0 x1 x1 x1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Steel x1 -20 +5 x1 x1 x1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Black Steel x1.25 +20 +5 x1 x1 x1 +1 +1 +1 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
White Steel x1.5 -40 +10 x1 x1 x1 +1 +1 +1 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Tilunium x6 -60 +10 x0.5 x1.5 x0.75 +2 +0 +2 +2 -2 +2 +1 -1 -5 +5 -2 x0.75 No
Elektra x5 +20 +10 x1 x1.5 x1 +2 +2 +2 +1 -1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Ghestal Wood x4 -40 +10 x0.25 x1.5 x1 -1 +0 +0 * +0 +0 +2 -1 +0 +5 +0 x1 No
Silver x10 +20 +0 x4 x2 x0.1 -3 -3 -3 -1 -4 -1 +2 +1 -15 -5 +1 x0.1 No
Gold x50 +20 +0 x4 x3 x0.25 -3 -3 -3 -1 -4 -1 +3 +1 -15 -5 +1 x0.25 No
Obsidian x5 -120 +15 x0.75 x1.5 x0.25 +0 -2 +0 +1 +1 +1 +3 +0 +10 +5 -1 x0.25 No
Illuminatum N/A +80 +5 x1 x3 x1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -2 +0 +3 -1 +0 +0 -1 x1 No
Malebolgium N/A +20 +15 x1 x3.5 x1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +4 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 No
Star Metal N/A +80 +15 x1 x4 x1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +5 +0 +0 +0 -2 x1 No

Weapon/Armor Materials

Materials Cost Forging / Tailoring Difficulty Maximum Grade Weight Modifier Presence Modifier Fortitude Modifier Cut Imp Thr Hea Ele Col Eng Movement Restriction Damage Speed** Req. STR Modifier Breakage Modifier Iron Based
Wood x0.25 +0 +0 x0.25 x0.5 x0.5 -3 -1 -1 x0 +0 +0 +0 -1 -10 +5 -2 x0.5 No
Bone x0.5 -60 +0 x0.1 x0.75 x0.25 -2 -3 -2 -2 +0 +0 +1 -2 -5 +10 -3 x0.25 No
Clay x0.25 +20 +0 x0.75 x0.5 x0.1 -2 x0 -3 +1 +2 +1 +0 +0 -5 +5 -1 x0.1 No
Glass x0.75 -40 +5 x0.75 x1.5 x0.25 -1 -3 -1 -1 +2 -1 +0 +0 +0 +5 -1 x0.25 No
Stone x0.75 -80 +0 x0.75 x0.75 x0.75 -1 -1 -1 -1 +2 -1 +0 +0 +0 +5 -1 x0.75 No
Bronze x1 -20 +0 x1 x1 x1 +0 +0 +0 -1 -3 -1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 No
Brass x1.25 -40 +5 x1.25 x1.5 x1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -3 +0 +0 +0 +0 +5 +0 x0.75 No
Iron x1 +10 +0 x1 x1 x1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Steel x1 -20 +5 x1 x1 x1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Black Steel x1.25 +20 +5 x1 x1 x1 +1 +1 +1 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
White Steel x1.5 -40 +10 x1 x1 x1 +1 +1 +1 +0 -2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Tilunium x6 -60 +10 x0.5 x1.5 x0.75 +2 +0 +2 +2 -2 +2 +1 -1 -5 +5 -2 x0.75 No
Elektra x5 +20 +10 x1 x1.5 x1 +2 +2 +2 +1 -1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 Yes
Ghestal Wood x4 -40 +10 x0.25 x1.5 x1 -1 +0 +0 * +0 +0 +2 -1 +0 +5 +0 x1 No
Silver x10 +20 +0 x4 x2 x0.1 -3 -3 -3 -1 -4 -1 +2 +1 -15 -5 +1 x0.1 No
Gold x50 +20 +0 x4 x3 x0.25 -3 -3 -3 -1 -4 -1 +3 +1 -15 -5 +1 x0.25 No
Obsidian x5 -120 +15 x0.75 x1.5 x0.25 +0 -2 +0 +1 +1 +1 +3 +0 +10 +5 -1 x0.25 No
Illuminatum N/A +80 +5 x1 x3 x1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -2 +0 +3 -1 +0 +0 -1 x1 No
Malebolgium N/A +20 +15 x1 x3.5 x1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +4 +0 +0 +0 +0 x1 No
Star Metal N/A +80 +15 x1 x4 x1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +5 +0 +0 +0 -2 x1 No

Soft Materials

Materials Cost Craft Diff. Maximum Grade Weight Modifier Presence Modifier Fortitude Modifier Cut Imp Thr Hea Ele Col Eng Movement Restriction
Cotton x0.25 +40 +0 x0.5 x0.25 x0.5 -3 -5 -4 +0 +0 -3 +0 -1
Wool x0.25 +40 +0 x0.5 x0.25 x0.5 -3 -5 -4 -3 +0 +0 +0 -1
Silk x5 -30 +0 x0.25 x1.5 x0.75 -3 -3 -3 +1 +1 +1 +1 -2
Gambeson Padding x1 +0 +5 x1 x1 x0.75 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1
Fur x0.75 -10 +5 x1.5 x1.25 x1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Leather x3 -20 +5 x1.25 x1.25 x1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +1
Hardened Leather x5 -40 +5 x1.5 x1.25 x1.5 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +0 +2
Chimera Pelt x15 -20 +10 x1.25 x1.75 x1.25 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1
Manticore Pelt x20 -20 +10 x1.25 x2 x1.5 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +0
Serpent Leather x50 -20 +10 x1.5 x2 x1.5 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +1
Young Dragonhide x300 -40 +10 x1.5 x2.5 x2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +1
Dragonhide x500 -60 +15 x2 x3 x2.5 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +2
Ancient Dragonhide x1000 -80 +15 x2.5 x3.5 x3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +2

*Ghestal Wood is immune to heat damage, but ignites easily. No one will recommend wearing Ghestal Wood Full Field Plate. **Weapon Speed is capped at +20, AT minimum is 0 per armor ***Soft Materials are only available for soft armors ****Hard Materials except wood, bone, clay, glass, stone, ghestal wood, and obsidian may be woven into chainmail for soft armors. Treat Chainmails as having +2 Cut, +2 Impact, +1 Thrust. Multiply item cost by an additional x4.


Alloy, Dwarven

Dwarven Smithing | Alchemy | +10 | +2 Base weapon Damage, No power attack stamina cost | +2 AC, -2 Stamina Cost to Run | 350% | x .75 | x 5 | 30 |

Quicksilver Alloy

Advanced Smithing | none | +15 | +7/tier Dam vs DR x/silver, +1 Critical threat | +3/tier AC vs Nat Attack of DR x/Silver, +2 max dex, -3 ACP | 400% | x .5 | x 1 | 15 |


-2 damage, Fragile Property | -1 AC, Max Dex, and ACP, Fragile Property

Dragon Bone

Artisan Alchemist | Scrimshaw | +25 | +6 Base Weapon Damage | DR 4/- per tier, +4 CMD per tier | 1500% | x .85 | x 5 | 40 |

Bone, Greater

| None | Scrimshaw | +5 | Standard | Standard | 125% | x 1 | x 1 | 10 |

Bone, Treated

| Expert Alchemist | Scrimshaw, Alchemy | +5 | +1 hit and damage | +1 AC, Max Dex, and ACP | 175% | x .5 | x 1.5 | 15 |



Oblivion Smithing | Alchemy | +25 | +6 Fel Damage, +1 Crit Threat | DR 3/- per tier, Critical DR (3*attacker's Critical Multiplier)/- per tier | 1200% | x 1.5 | x 8 | 40 |

Duálny Kremeň

A rare quartz-like stone found in places where soul stuff leaks into the world. With proper working small amounts can be worked into a flask that gathers ambient soul stuff from Firelinked bonfires. Someone can then drink from the flask to recover health or magical resources if the flask is attuned properly. Duálny kremeň's value in flask form has lead to it not being used for many other purposes as such duálny kremeň weapon and armors are rare. They tend to not hold an edge suffering the normal difficulties of stone made weapons. Armor made of duálny kremeň weighs as much as its stone counterpart and thus is not favored for that purpose. However, they do still have the ability to hold an duálny kremeň charge. Items made of duálny kremeň cost 250g in raw material per pound of the finished item.


Drow Smithing | none | +20 | +3 Base Weapon Damage | DR 2/- per tier | 600% | x 1.5 | x 8 | 35 |


Legendary Dwarven | Alchemist Alchemy, Enchant | +50 | +5 Enhancement, +400% Weapon Magicka Capacity, Ghost Touch | +5 Enhancement, Ghost Touch | 3000% | x 1 | x 10 | 100 |


-1 hit and damage | -1 AC, Max Dex, and ACP


Glass Smithing | none | +20 | +2 base Critical threat | +4 Max Dex, -6 ACP(min 0) | 500% | x 1.1 | x .75 | 10 |

Moon Stone

Elven Smithing | Alchemy | +10 | +1 Base Weapon Damage, Use Own Magicka to Power Weapons Enchantments | Spell Magicka cost is reduced by 1 level, ACP doesn't effect magical skills | 300% | x 1 | x 1.2 | 15 |


| Orcish Smithing | none | +10 | +2 Base Weapon Damage | +2 Base Armor| 300% | x 1.5 | x 1 1/3 | 30 |


Advanced Smithing | Alchemy | +20 | +10/tier Dam vs DR x/silver, ignore Deflection, +2 Critical threat, -25% Enchant Cost | +4/tier AC vs Nat Attack of DR x/Silver, +2 max dex, -3 ACP, no ACP on Magicka skills, +1 DC spells, -25% Enchant Cost | 450% | x .5 | x .5 | 10 |

Dragon Scale

Artisan Alchemist | Scrimshaw | +25 | +6 Base Weapon Damage | DR 4/- per tier, +4 vs Thu'um per tier | 1500% | x .75 | x 3 | 35 |

Silver Tracy

| Advanced Smithing | none | +5 | +5/tier Dam vs DR x/silver | +2/tier AC vs Nat Attack of DR x/Silver | 200% | x 1 | x 1.1 | 10 |

Skyforged Metal

Skyforge Smithing | Alchemy | +15 | +4 Base Weapon Damage, +2 Circumstance to hit | +2 AC, DR 1+Tier/- | +500% | + x 0 | + x .5 | +20 |


| None | none | Standard | Standard | Standard | 100% | x 1 | x 1 | 10 |

Dragon Steel

Master Alchemist | Alchemy | +25 | +2 Base Weapon Damage per tier, +1 Critical Multiplier | DR 4/- per tier, +2 base armor per tier | 2500% | x 1.5 | x 8 | 50 |


Ice Smithing | Alchemy | +25 | +25% enchantment effect | +25% enchantment effect | 1000% | x 1 | x 1 | 35 |

Iron Steel Magisteel I Magisteel II Magisteel III Mithril Black Iron Brik-a-Brak Mystic Quartz True Silver Arcanite Adamantine +5% resist all 5%

| Steel Chain shirt | 1 gp | +4 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | 4 slashing | | Magisteel I Chain shirt | 1 gp | +5 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | | | Magisteel II Chain shirt | 1 gp | +6 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | | | Magisteel III Chain shirt | 1 gp | +7 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | | | Chain shirt | 1 gp | +4 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | | | Chain shirt | 1 gp | +4 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | | | Chain shirt | 1 gp | +4 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | | | Chain shirt | 1 gp | +4 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | | | Chain shirt | 1 gp | +4 | +0 | +4 | –2 | 20% | 25 lbs. | 14 | |

Extreme Cold Weather Kit

Price: 100g Weight: 105lb

This kit is designed so an individual can survive the cold climate of Charr'd. It consists of Charr'd bedroll, Charr'd blanket, Charr'd tent, 10 heat stones, 5lb coal, spark stone and steel striker, mess kit, a cooking kit, and 4 days of trail rations (with the expectation that adventurers will supplement the rations with a little hunting as they travel), 24 days of of wander meal.

Char'd Bedroll

Price: 5g Weight: 10lb.

This consists of two mammoth wool sheets sewn together along the bottom and both sides to create a bag for sleeping in. They have cloth straps along the open side so the bedroll can be tied closed while you are sleeping. It can be rolled and tied into a tight coil for storage or transport. Most people use a Charr'd blanket with the Charr'd bedroll to stay warm or provide a ground cushion. Provides protection against cold weather increasing the safe temperature range by 40°F.

Char'd Blanket

Price: 25g Weight: 6lb.

This warm, woven dire wolf fur blanket has straps so it can be rolled up and tied. Blankets are often used in conjunction with bedrolls to provide additional warmth or a ground cushion. Provides protection against cold weather increasing the safe temperature range by 40°F.

Charr'd Tent

Price: 50g Weight: 40lb.

This yugthan hide tent holds 1 medium person. Two Small creatures count as a Medium creature, and one Large creature counts as two Medium creatures. Packing up a tent takes half as long as assembling it. Setting up the tent takes 30 Minutes Provides protection against cold weather increasing the safe temperature range by 20°F. The use of heat stones increases the protection by 5°F per stone instead of their regular 2°F per stone.

Heat Stones

Price: 1g Weight: 1 lb.

This strange well formed rock holds heat really well.When placed in a fire it absorbs the heat form the fire and removed releases the heat at a extraordinarily slow rate. A stone provides 1 hour of heat per 10 minutes in a fire to a maximum of 24 hours. The heat provides an ambient increase in temperature of 10°F with in 1 ft. decreasing by 1 degree per ft. of open air. Materials block this heat at 1°F per hardness per inch. These stones never increase the ambient temperature above 100°F.

Spark Stone and Striker

Price: 5g Weight: 1lb.

This as a palm sized gray stone that can be used as long as you have a steel to strike it on. The striker is a steel plate is 5"x2" that can be used 300 times before being consumed. Each strike deals 1 damage to the rod. The sparks provided are powerful enough to function as the ignite spell, but the effect is not magical.


Black Powder (Grade 1)

75% potassium nitrate , 15% Carbon, and 10% sulfur

Black Powder (Grade 10)

75% oxylite , 15% Brik-a-Brak Bone Powder, and 10% Dragon Testicle Powder


Banned Spells

  • Resurrection: Raise Dead, Resurrection, and True Resurrection spells are replaced with black magic bargin spell. Any spell that creates a similar effect is also banned. This does not effect resuscitation magic like breath of life, or reincarnation magic like the spell reincarnate or clone.
  • Wish Magic: Limited Wish, Miracle, and Wish spells are replaced with black magic bargain spell. Any spell that has the option for similar make a request and it might happen are also banned for the same reason.

New/Updated Spells

Beseech Black Magic Bargain

  • Level: 30-40 Action: 10 minutes Type: Effect
  • Effect: Upon casting this spell you place a request to have the an entity cast Black Magic Bargain as a deal with you. This spell connects the caster with the first entity to respond. The entity provides their cost for the deal and the caster may refuse. If they refuse the caster takes 1 level drain, as payment for consideration. Once both parties are in agreement the entity cast Black Magic Bargain sealing the deal.
  • Focus: If a focus is used in the initial cast the spell sends the request to a someone that is tied to the focus that can cast Black Magic Bargain.
  • Material: Magic incense, chalks, and ingredients costing 50g
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 20 50 100 200
Int. Required 5 8 10 12
Entities Random Choose 1d4 Trait Choose 2d4 traits Specific Being
Daily Maintenance - - - -

Black Magic Bargain

  • Level: 90-100 Action: Active Action Type: Effect
  • Effect: A favoured spell of fiends and witches, you grant your victim their heart's desire at great cost.

This spell allows you to duplicate grant a wish, with several provisos.

Firstly, the wish may only be granted on the behalf of someone else, not yourself. Furthermore the beneficiary may not be anyone you regard as an ally and may only make the wish of their own free will (i.e. they may not be under the influence of any mind-affecting magic).

Secondly, in exchange for the wish the beneficiary must agree to make an exorbitant payment of some kind. Such payment is never financial but can otherwise take many forms, including: being subject to an irremovable curse, being permanently polymorphed if they do not perform a difficult task for you in an agreed-upon time, giving you their most beloved child, or even relinquishing their immortal soul after their death or at a specified date. You are free to make the terms of the payment as difficult or complex as you wish but they must be at least as stringent as the aforementioned examples.

Thirdly, unlike wish the XP cost associated with this spell is not paid immediately. Instead, you must pay it if the contract is ever destroyed (see below).

Once the terms of the wish and payment have been agreed upon and the contract signed (see below), casting the spell itself is only a standard action.

  • Focus: A contract detailing the terms of the wish to be granted and the payment owed, signed by both parties in their own blood. Once the spell is cast the contract remains in your possession and is invulnerable to almost all harm. Apart from wish or miracle spells or divine intervention it can only be destroyed by you or the beneficiary, which instantly undoes any effect of the bargain, reverses any payments made, and inflicts the XP cost of the wish on you.
  • XP Cost: The minimum XP cost for casting wish is 250 XP. When a wish duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, you must pay 250 XP or that cost, whichever is more. When a wish creates or improves a magic item, you must pay twice the pp value in XP as cost for crafting or improving the item, plus an additional 250 XP.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 500 1000 2000
Int. Required 5 10 15 20
Effective Gnosis 10 + 4d10 20 + 3d10 30 + 2d10 40 + 1d10
Daily Maintenance - - - -


The first beings to awaken were the gods. Stirring from the void they shaped the worlds. First Ignius formed his Forge, the great star at the center. Ignius handed each god a molten core to shape with care. Aurel formed the first of the worlds, Imicar radiant and warm. Second, Aurel formed Charr'd cold and desolate. Third was formed Organa with blue radiant oceans between Imicar and Charr'd. Ngozi

Aen'Jhel, The Tainted Boon

  • Protfolio: Wishes, Twisted Intent, Desire

Aurel, The Patron

  • Protfolio: Axes, Beasts, Gambling, Wilds, Arenas, Art, Tribalism

Derdriu, The Bearer

  • Dear-dree-oo
  • Protfolio: Armguards, Strength, Burdens, Family

Eris, The Unyielding

  • Heir-is
  • Protfolio: Armor, Tactics, War, Psionics, Strong Will

Ignius, The Craftsman

  • Protfolio: Tools, Creation, Universe, Innovation, Craftsmanship, Architecture, Designs

Imran, The Lone Paragon

  • Protfolio: Shields, Barriers, Protection, Wards

Jeremiah, The Favored Child

  • Protfolio: Polearm, Guardianship, Bravery, War, Wealth, Blessings

Linnea, The Gemini

  • Protfolio: Chain, Athleticism, Ki, Morality, Caring

Lughaidh, The Overlord

  • LOO-ee
  • Protfolio: Mystic Implements, Domination, Summoning, Invocation, Superiority

Aberstein Ambrose, The Candlekeeper

  • Protfolio: Tools, Creation, Tradition, Magic, Order

Maura, The Maiden of the Sands

  • Protfolio: Bow, Deserts, Oasis, Winds, Tracking, the Sun

Ngozi, The Favor

  • Protfolio: Cloak, Leadership, Compassion, Uplifting, self sufficiency

Octave, The Braggart

  • Protfolio: Swords, Pride, Bravery, Foolishness, Loneliness, Pariah

Süreyya, The Stellar Marksman

  • Protfolio: Gun, Stars, Night Sky, Moon, Technology

Sotiria, The Damned

  • Protfolio: Grimoire, Fear, Disdain, Redemption, Necromancy

Tekla, The Righteous Lady

  • Protfolio: Bludgeon, Altruism, Rebellion, Democracy



(WE) (PY) (ZL) Herionia Requietus (HR) Eternia Argamentum (EA)


Augorn Tuforn Izzorn Luforn Timisorn Casorn Temororn Mororn Kisorn Zekorn Queorn Wasorn Kelorn Alphorn
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41

Raras 1 - New Year

Raras 5

Raras 18 - Dragon Day

Raras 26

Raras 29

Raras 37

Raras 41 - Empress's Day

Heralds comming of Mystrum and celebrates the fiery passion of the empress that guides the empire to the flame.


Augorn Tuforn Izzorn Luforn Timisorn Casorn Temororn Mororn Kisorn Zekorn Queorn Wasorn Kelorn Alphorn
41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

Mystrum 4 - Almaris

A festival for relaxation

Mystrum 18

Mystrum 39

Mystrum 58

Mystrum 60

Mystrum 62

Mystrum 75

Mystrum 78 - First Summoning

Cole, Jack, Liisi, and Sophia are summoned.


Augorn Tuforn Izzorn Luforn Timisorn Casorn Temororn Mororn Kisorn Zekorn Queorn Wasorn Kelorn Alphorn
122 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14¹²³ 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40# 41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Charr'd 8 - Second Summoning

Artorius and Sven are summoned.

Charr'd 11 - Marumach

Holiday to show off the labors of Mystrum.

Charr'd 15 -

Charr'd 18

Charr'd 18

Charr'd 19

Charr'd 29

Charr'd 45


Augorn Tuforn Izzorn Luforn Timisorn Casorn Temororn Mororn Kisorn Zekorn Queorn Wasorn Kelorn Alphorn
173 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
49 50 51 52 53

Weals 3

Weals 24

Weals 41

Weals 53 - Emperor's Day

Heralding in the new season and celebrates the prosperity the throne symbolizes.


Augorn Tuforn Izzorn Luforn Timisorn Casorn Temororn Mororn Kisorn Zekorn Queorn Wasorn Kelorn Alphorn
226 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Renas 15

Renas 17

Renas 23

Renas 25

Renas 26

Renas 31

Renas 43

Renas 46


Augorn Tuforn Izzorn Luforn Timisorn Casorn Temororn Mororn Kisorn Zekorn Queorn Wasorn Kelorn Alphorn
275 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

Somnil 12

Somnil 27

Somnil 40

Somnil 41

Somnil 48

Somnil 49

Somnil 57

Somnil 57

Somnil 58

Somnil 66


Augorn Tuforn Izzorn Luforn Timisorn Casorn Temororn Mororn Kisorn Zekorn Queorn Wasorn Kelorn Alphorn
343 1 2 3
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 35

Bontif 28 Reverance Day

Bontif 32-35 Raras Mull


Name Roll Location Capital
Alngif 1 North West Most Ieagra -
Ellins 2 Western Ieagra -
Etomi 3 Inner West west Ieagra -
Gapes 5 West Mid Ieagra -
Gapes 5 West Mid Ieagra -
Itosa 8 Central East Ieagra -
Kyros 6 Central Ieagra Churrnolbyl
Morzof 13 North Side of Island South of Ieagra -
Scegwen 9 Inner West Ieagra -
Usthuoth 7 Central East Ieagra -
Wifrue 4 Mid West Ieagra -
Xuucquosi 10 Eastern Ieagra -
Zeokoull 11 North East Ieagra -


Name County Country
Churrnolbyl Kyros
Kyros Hill Kyros


Name County Location Purpose
The Emporium Churrnolbyl High Square (Churrnolbyl) Sell everything
Eddenboch Street Trading Co. Churrnolbyl
Slaver's Market Churrnolbyl Black Wallow Black Market Trader


Name Leader Allegiance Location
Black Market Azkalian Neutral Black Wallow (Churrnolbyl)
Empire of Illinoy Emperor Melbank the Sly Self Churrnolbyl
The Emporium Mortaban Neutral High Square (Churrnolbyl)
Magiserium Grand Magistrix Eliana Kholbright Empire of Illinoy Mages Cliff (Churrnolbyl)


While there are hundreds of languages throughout Ieagra these are the most commonly used. The less know languages originate in remote areas or secret sects.

Name Text Speakers Origin
Kyrosian Kyros Kyros Kyros Hill
Morz Morz Neutral Morzof
Trade Speak Morz Sailors, Ports, Merchants Morzof
Xuucquosi Xuucquosi Xuucquosi Luukzaaz
Akashic Akashic Plane of Knowledge Akashic Halls
Laputar Laputar Laputans Laputar

The People

Persons Known

Emperor Melbank The Sly

Melbank acquired his throne through assassination. His reign has been rife with political dissent which his enforcer Captain Krysa has been all too adept at culling. The throne is held by his position as guild master and constant removal of political threats.

Empress Iroi Kolita

This homely woman holds a blank pacified stare. The near white overly large shirt drapes over her thin frame like a wet dish towel, revealing every shape beneath. Her pale skin grows red near the ears, knees, nose, palms, and soles. The coolness of the keep contributes to the undoubtedly.

Guard Captain Krysa

Guild Guard

Serving as the defacto city guard of the capital and having replaced the prior guard. The shady looking men

Marley Yithendris

Bulk items warehouse merchant

Phycologist Pymros

Pymros is a assistant researcher at the Research Center Of The Transformation Of Phycology


Creature Ratings

Creatures are broken up into 6 major categories, Critters, Monsters, Heroic, Legendary, Mythic, God. Critters are the common beasts and more mundane threats. Most farmers can handle critters. Monsters are creatures that have impressive abilities and require specialist to deal with like hunters or adventures. Heroics are creature that rare abilities and take many skilled combatants to overcome. Legendaries are creatures that have abilities above even heroics and pose a threat to an entire army. Mythics are creatures that almost never appear and only legendary heroes stand a chance against. Gods are creatures that have power beyond that achievable by mortals, and it takes truly unique circumstances for one to create. A god can be worshiped for divine magic.


  • XP Value: Critters are worth 1/10th the xp required to reach their level from the level before.


  • Monster Endurance: Gain fast healing equal to con mod.
  • Monster Hide: Gain natural armor equal to 1/2 con mod.
  • Monster Resilience: Gain resistance all equal to con mod.
  • XP Value: Monsters are worth 1/5th the xp required to reach their level from the level before.


  • Heroic Actions: Each turn gain an additional action each additional enemy you are aware of past the first. These actions can be of any action type.
  • Heroic Endurance: Gain fast healing equal to con mod.
  • Heroic Hide: Gain natural armor equal to con mod.
  • Heroic Resilience: Gain resistance all equal to con mod.
  • XP Value: Monsters are worth the xp required to reach their level from the level before.


  • Legendary Actions: Each turn gain 3 additional actions, and an additional action each additional enemy you are aware of past the first. These actions can be of any action type.
  • Legendary Endurance: Gain fast healing equal to 2x con mod.
  • Legendary Grace: Add 1/2 charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to AC, and as resistance bonus to saves.
  • Legendary Hide: Gain natural armor equal to con mod.
  • Legendary Resilience: Gain resistance all equal to 2x con mod.
  • XP Value: Legendaries are worth 2x the xp required to level from their level to next level


  • Mythic Actions: Each turn gain 6 additional actions, and an additional action each additional enemy you are aware of past the first. These actions can be of any action type.
  • Mythic Endurance: Gain fast healing equal to 3x con mod.
  • Mythic Grace: Add charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to AC, and as resistance bonus to saves.
  • Mythic Hide: Gain natural armor equal to con mod.
  • Mythic Resilience: Add constitution score to all resistances
  • XP Value: Mythics are worth 5x the xp required to level from their level to next level


  • Godly Actions: Each turn gain 6 additional actions, and 2 additional action each additional enemy you are aware of past the first. These actions can be of any action type.
  • Godly Endurance: Gain regeneration equal to Charisma modifier x Constitution modifier.
  • Godly Hide: Gain natural armor equal to con modifier.
  • Godly Grace: Add charisma modifier to AC as a deflection bonus, and charisma score
  • Godly Resilience: Gain resistance all equal to con score, and % Resist all 25 + Charisma Score
  • XP Value: Gods are worth 10x the xp required to level from their level to next level


Medium Biped

  • Class: Warrior | Level: 0 | Gnosis: 5(5)
  • LP 240 | Fati: 5 | Zeon:
  • MV: 5 1/4th: 0ft Run: 25ft Sprint: 65ft

5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0)

  • AT: Cut 0 Impact 0 Thrust 0 Heat 0 Elec 0 Cold 0 Ene 0
  • Resistances PhR 95 MR 85 PsR 80 VR 95 DR 95
  • Secondary Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)

  • Ki: Str 5 Dex 5 Agi 5 Con 5 Pow 5 Wp 5 Total: 30
  • Ki Accumulation: Str 2 Dex 2 Agi 2 Con 2 Pow 1 Wp 1
  • Ki Abilities: -
  • Ki Techniques: -

  • Magic Accumulation: 75
  • Zeon: 1,370
  • Magic Projection: 220 Offensive
  • Level of Magic: -

  • Psychic Potential: 120
  • Free PP: 0
  • Psychic Disciplines: -
  • Psychic Powers: -
  • Innate Slots: 0
  • Psychic Projection: 0

  • Special Quality
  • CP Options -
  • DP Options -
  • Languages Zeokoullihs


Unarmed Strike:

Ancestry Traits

  • Clifftop Survivalists: +1 Physical Characteristics and all physical characteristics are inhuman.
  • Scarred Life: Zeokoullka gain the natural armor advantage for free.
  • Natural Athletes: -1 DP cost to Athletics abilities (min 1)
  • Greater Soul: -200 starting DP


Medium Monster Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Arzrak (Lizardfolk)

Medium Critter Biped

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

16 (+3) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances -
  • Damage Immunities -
  • Condition Immunities -
  • Senses Scent (Poor), Watersight (Average), Low-light Vision (Average)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B

Earthen Shards (Su): Close: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, one creature. Hit: 5d6 Damage Type P, Immediate Action

Earthen Shield (Su): Close: Create 24 - 5ftx5ftx1ft walls of stone, Last 1 round, Immediate Action


Huge Legendary Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Briar Back

Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.


Giant Elder Cherufe Drake

Colossal Mythic Outsider (Cold)

  • Armor Class 51 (T 17, FF 22)[10 +7 Dex +25 Nat +9 Deflection]
  • Hit Points 740hp (20d12 + 620)
  • Speed 50ft land, 500ft Fly (Clumsy)

53 (+21) 24 (+7) 60 (+25) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 40 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Fly +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances Resistance All 60
  • Damage Immunities Fire, Hardness 20 or less
  • Condition Immunities Fire
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Mythic Actions, Mythic Endurance (Fast Healing 75), Mythic Grace, Mythic Hide, Mythic Resilience
  • Languages Draconic
  • Challenge CR 20


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B



Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Ancestry Traits

  • Demonic Might: +1 strength and strength is inhuman.
  • Demonic Soul: +1 power and power is inhuman
  • Superior Dark Sight: You see normally in all lighting conditions, even supernatural darkness.
  • Greater Soul: -200 starting DP


Gargantuan Legendary Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B


Gargantuan Legendary Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action



Large Monster Elemental

  • Armor Class 20 (T 8, FF 20)
  • Hit Points 78hp + 150 Temp (6d10 + 18) (25/HD Temp)
  • Speed 40ft land, 20ft burrow

23 (+6) 8 (-1) 18 (+3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5
  • Skills Intimidate +5, Perception +10, Stealth +2, Survival +10
  • Vulnerabilities Sonic x2
  • Resistances Resistance All 25/Sonic(up to 150)
  • Immunities Maze, Being Lost, Flat Footed
  • Senses Tremor Sense 60ft, Scent 60ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low-light Vision
  • Special Quality Natural Cunning, Fast Healing 6, Pounce, Diamond Hide, Diamond Claws, Monstrous Hide, Monstrous Endurance, Monstrous Resilience
  • Languages Terran
  • Challenge CR 6


Gore: +12, 2d8+9, x2, P, Attack Action

Goring Charge: +14, 6d6+9, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +12, 2d6+6, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Trample: +16, 3d8+9, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Part of a Charge Action

Rend Earth: Cone: Ref Half DC 22, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 2d8+6 Damage Type B/P, Standard action


Diamond Hide: Vorgumm gain Resist all/sonic 25 temp HP per HD, that refresh each morning. Each incoming

Diamond Claws: Vorgumm deal an additional 3d6 damage with their natural attacks. Their natural attacks are have a hardness of 25


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B

Earthen Shards (Su): Close: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, one creature. Hit: 5d6 Damage Type P, Immediate Action

Earthen Shield (Su): Close: Create 24 - 5ftx5ftx1ft walls of stone, Last 1 round, Immediate Action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Tiny Critter Beast

  • Armor Class 15 (T 13, FF 12)
  • Hit Points 10hp (1d10)
  • Speed 30ft land, 15ft burrow, 30ft Climb

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 5 (-3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
  • Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +12, Perception +4, Survival +2(+6 Tracking)
  • Vulnerabilities -
  • Resistances -
  • Immunities -
  • Senses Blind Sense 30ft, Scent 120ft, Darkvision 30ft, Low-light Vision
  • Special Quality Gluttonous Teeth (Bite Ignores Hardness, Deals 3 sizes larger bite damage, and uses con for damage),
  • Languages Rodent
  • Challenge CR 1


Bite: +4, 1d8, x2, B/P/S, 5ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: -1, 1d2-1, x2, P/S, 5ft reach, Attack Action

Garvmaus, also know as proud mouse, are pervasive in the deeper parts of the world. They burrow creating passages that are easily confused with erosion. On rare occasion they get lost in the plane of earth happily preoccupied with eating out a tunnel.

They are not uncommon to be found solitary in a sewer maintaining the passages and sometimes making new ones. A small pack can maintain the sewers of a large city with out much disruption. Occasionally people find garvmaus have found their way into a home, requiring guards to dispatch them.


Medium Biped | Size: 6

  • Class: Wizard | Level: 1 | Gnosis: 5(5)
  • LP 70 | Fati: 5
  • MV: 5 1/4th: 0ft Run: 25ft Sprint: 65ft

3 (-10) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 7 (+5) 5 (+0) 5 (+0)

  • AT: Cut 0 Impact 0 Thrust 0 Heat 0 Elec 0 Cold 0 Ene 0
  • Resistances PhR 30 MR 30 PsR 30 VR 30 DR 30
  • Secondary Skills

  • Magic Accumulation: 75
  • Zeon: 120
  • Magic Projection: 220 Offensive
  • Level of Magic: 20

  • Special Quality Vast Intellect, Strength Flaw, Knack for Knowledge, Small Stature
  • CP Options Expansive Mind
  • DP Options -
  • Languages Zeokoullihs


Unarmed Strike:

Ancestry Traits

  • Vast Intellect: +2 intelligence and intelligence inhumanity
  • Strength Flaw: -2 Str (min 2) and inhumanity is required for almost impossible tasks and impossible tasks.
  • Knack for Knowledge: -1 DP cost to Intellectual abilities (min 1)
  • Small Stature: -25% to size stat, +25 dodge

Gnome Advantages

Expansive Mind

  • Prerequisite: Gnome
  • Effect: +50 Zeon per level
  • Cost: 1


  • Prerequisite: Gnome
  • Effect: -1 DP cost to creative abilities (min 1)
  • Cost: 1


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B

Earthen Shards (Su): Close: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, one creature. Hit: 5d6 Damage Type P, Immediate Action

Earthen Shield (Su): Close: Create 24 - 5ftx5ftx1ft walls of stone, Last 1 round, Immediate Action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Medium Biped

  • Class: Warrior | Level: 0 | Gnosis: 5(5)
  • LP 240 | Fati: 5 | Zeon:
  • MV: 5 1/4th: 0ft Run: 25ft Sprint: 65ft

5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0)

  • AT: Cut 0 Impact 0 Thrust 0 Heat 0 Elec 0 Cold 0 Ene 0
  • Resistances PhR 95 MR 85 PsR 80 VR 95 DR 95
  • Secondary Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)

  • Ki: Str 5 Dex 5 Agi 5 Con 5 Pow 5 Wp 5 Total: 30
  • Ki Accumulation: Str 2 Dex 2 Agi 2 Con 2 Pow 1 Wp 1
  • Ki Abilities: -
  • Ki Techniques: -

  • Magic Accumulation: 75
  • Zeon: 1,370
  • Magic Projection: 220 Offensive
  • Level of Magic: -

  • Psychic Potential: 120
  • Free PP: 0
  • Psychic Disciplines: -
  • Psychic Powers: -
  • Innate Slots: 0
  • Psychic Projection: 0

  • Special Quality
  • CP Options -
  • DP Options -
  • Languages Zeokoullihs


Unarmed Strike:

Ancestry Traits

  • Angelic Will: +1 willpower and willpower is inhuman.
  • Angelic Soul: +1 power and power is inhuman
  • Song of Dawn: Gain the gift and magic level 40 to Magic Light(Song) path. For this path only use power in place of other characteristics.
  • Greater Soul: -200 starting DP

Mudlord CR 6 18g XP 2,400 N Medium outsider (earth, elemental, water) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +13


AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +6 natural) hp 360 (9d10+18) Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +4 Defensive Abilities amorphous, DR 9; Immune elemental traits; SR 17 Weaknesses vulnerable to magic


Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. Melee 2 slams +13 (2d6+3+1d6 plus grab) Ranged mudball +12 touch (blindness) Special Attacks engulf (DC 17, 1d6+3 bludgeoning and smother), smother


Str 17, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 7 Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 25 (can’t be tripped) Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lunge, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +9, Escape Artist +15, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (planes) +6, Perception +13, Stealth +18, Swim +17 Languages Terran SQ compression, freeze (mud puddle)


Engulf (Su) A mudlord can engulf no more than one Medium or two Small or smaller creatures at a time.

Mudball (Ex) A mudlord can throw a ball of sticky mud up to 30 feet at an opponent’s face as a ranged touch attack. It if hits, the target is blinded. Each round on its turn, the target can attempt a DC 16 Reflex save as a free action; if successful, the target shakes off the mud. The target or an adjacent creature can wipe off the mud as a standard action. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Freeze (Ex) Those hit by an ice elemental’s slam attacks must succeed as a Reflex save or suffer frostbite. The Fort save DC 16 (10 + ice elemental’s hit dice + ice elemental’s Con modifier). Those that fail suffer cold damage equal to the elemental’s slam attack each round for 1d4 rounds. If a heat source is available (such as a torch), as a move action a freezing character can use the heat source to thaw himself and avoid future damage. If an ice elemental strikes a creature that is already freezing, the amount of damage the creature takes each round is not increased, but the duration of the cold damage is extended by +1d4 rounds.

Creatures that hit an ice elemental with natural weapons or melee attacks (other than reach attacks) take freezing damage as though they were hit by the elemental’s slam attack.

Vulnerable to Magic (Ex) A transmute mud to rock spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level to any mudlord in the area and automatically staggers it for 2d6 rounds.


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft Land, 50ft Burrow, 50ft Climb

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B

Earthen Shards (Su): Close: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, one creature. Hit: 5d6 Damage Type P, Immediate Action

Earthen Shield (Su): Close: Create 24 - 5ftx5ftx1ft walls of stone, Last 1 round, Immediate Action


Medium Biped

  • Class: Warrior | Level: 0 | Gnosis: 5(5)
  • LP 240 | Fati: 5 | Zeon:
  • MV: 5 1/4th: 0ft Run: 25ft Sprint: 65ft

5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0)

  • AT: Cut 0 Impact 0 Thrust 0 Heat 0 Elec 0 Cold 0 Ene 0
  • Resistances PhR 95 MR 85 PsR 80 VR 95 DR 95
  • Secondary Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)

  • Ki: Str 5 Dex 5 Agi 5 Con 5 Pow 5 Wp 5 Total: 30
  • Ki Accumulation: Str 2 Dex 2 Agi 2 Con 2 Pow 1 Wp 1
  • Ki Abilities: -
  • Ki Techniques: -

  • Magic Accumulation: 75
  • Zeon: 1,370
  • Magic Projection: 220 Offensive
  • Level of Magic: -

  • Psychic Potential: 120
  • Free PP: 0
  • Psychic Disciplines: -
  • Psychic Powers: -
  • Innate Slots: 0
  • Psychic Projection: 0

  • Special Quality
  • CP Options -
  • DP Options -
  • Languages Zeokoullihs


Unarmed Strike:

Ancestry Traits

  • Savage Body: +1 Strength and Constitution, can make inhuman checks with those scores,
  • Savage Mind: -2 Intelligence(min 2), and inhumanity is required for Almost Impossible tasks and Impossible tasks.
  • Dark Sight: Orcs can see normally in darkness, but the vision is gray scale.
  • Scarred Life: Orcs gain the natural armor advantage for free.
  • Bloody Heritage: Vigor skills are always purchased at 1 less DP (min 1).
  • Greater Soul: -100 starting DP


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B

Earthen Shards (Su): Close: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, one creature. Hit: 5d6 Damage Type P, Immediate Action

Earthen Shield (Su): Close: Create 24 - 5ftx5ftx1ft walls of stone, Last 1 round, Immediate Action


Huge Legendary Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear


Class/Type: Beast

Level: 1

Category: Natural, Elemental 20

  • Life Points: 240
  • Initiative: 105 Natural, 40 Spear and Shield
  • Size: 21 Medium Regeneration: 16
  • Movement Value: 6/12 Fatigue: Tireless

  • Str: 6 Dex: 9 Agi: 8 Con: 6 Pow: 6 Int: 1 Wp: 8 Per: 8
  • PhR 75 MR 75 PsR 70 VR 75 DR 75

  • Attack Ability: 200 Spear +10, 200 Shield +10
  • Defense Ability: 240 Shield +10
  • Damage: 80 Spear (Thrust), 60 Shield (Impact)
  • Wear Armor: 95

  • AT: Complete Armor Cut 7 Thrust 7 Impact 7 Heat 6 Cold 2 Electricity 6 Energy 4
  • Ki: 61
  • Ki Acc: 10
  • Ki Unlocks: Use of Ki, Ki Control
  • Ki Techniques: Sacred Lance, Sacred Aegis

  • MA: 20
  • Zeon: 300
  • Banish: 120 (Dark)

  • Natural Abilities: Guardian, Weapon Modules (various)
  • Essential Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Physical Exemption, Inhumanity
  • Powers: Bright Wings (Mystical Flight 12), Sense of Justice, Shield Wall, Sacred Metal (Damage Energy, Elemental Attack), See the Supernatural, Incapable of Sin
  • Secondary Abilities: Style 50, Leadership 105, Notice 65, Search 25, Occult 50, Withstand Pain 100


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Medium Critter Biped

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Loritha(Woodland Elf)

Sionoiztha(Void Elf)

Vormetha (death elves)


Huge Heroic Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Large Critter Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Huge Monstrous Beast

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Wolgryphag (CR 9)

XP 1,600 NE Large magical beast (cold) Init +9; Senses darkvision (Poor), low-light vision(Poor), artic scent(Good); Perception +11


AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+5 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size) hp 198 (11d10+66) Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +6 Immune cold Weaknesses vulnerability to fire Reistance all 6 Fast healing 6


Speed 50 ft. Fly Speed 100ft (good) Melee bite +16 (1d8+7 plus 1d6 cold and trip), or 2 claws +16(1d6+7 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon (every 1d4 rounds, 15-ft. cone, 11d6 cold damage, Reflex half DC 21)


Str 20, Dex 20, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 14 Base Atk +11; CMB +16(+20 on grab); CMD 31 (35 vs. trip) Feats Improved Initiative, Run, Skill Focus (Perception) Skills Perception +16, Stealth +10 (+16 in snow), Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth (+8 in snow), +2 Survival Languages Common, Giant Supernatural Abilities: Breath Weapon every 1d4 rounds, 15-ft. cone, HDd6 cold damage, Reflex half DC 21(10 + 1/2 HD + Con Mod) Extraordinary Traits: Beast Hide(Con mod to all reistances), Enduring(fast healing equal to con mod), Artic Scent(Good)


Environment cold forests and plains Organization solitary, pair, or pack (6–11) Treasure standard

Winter wolves are larger, smarter, more ferocious variants of worgs with white fur and a deadly breath weapon.

A typical winter wolf is 8 feet long, stands 4-1/2 feet tall at the shoulder, and weighs about 450 pounds. Winter wolves will often ally themselves with frost giants, hill giants, and other large humanoids, serving entire tribes of giants as both scouts and guards.


Medium Critter Devil

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action


Einhark Elderking of Nilfheim

Colossal Mythic Yeti

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B

Seigfiem Lion of the Arukunus

Colossal Mythic Yeti

  • Armor Class 29 (T 17, FF 22)
  • Hit Points 240hp (10d12 + 120)
  • Speed 50ft land, 50ft burrow, 50ft swim

35 (+12) 24 (+7) 34 (+12) 22 (6) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
  • Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances 50% Fire, Cold, Acid, Physical, Electricity, All Conditions
  • Damage Immunities Hardness 10 or less
  • Condition Immunities Trip
  • Senses Blind Sense (Heroic), Tremor Sense (Heroic), Scent (Heroic), Darkvision (Monster), Low-light Vision (Legendary)
  • Special Quality Swift Charge (x2 speed on run and charge), Powerful Legs, Heroic Actions
  • Languages Lizard
  • Challenge CR 10


Opportunistic Pounce: +19, 2d6+18, x2, BPS, Only usable after target falls prone, immediate action

Bite: +19, 2d8+27, x2, B/P/S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Claw: +19, 2d6+18, x2, S, 10ft reach, Attack Action

Tail: +19, 3d8+27, x4, B or P or S, 15ft reach, Attack Action

Tail Sweep: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 15ft, all in cone. Hit: 3d8+27 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Concussive Roar: Cone: Ref Half DC 24, 60ft, all in cone. Hit: 10d6+18 Damage Type B 10ft or S last 15ft, Standard action

Earth Crack. The Onilea smashes the ground with its tail as a Standard Action, making a Trip check against all creatures in 20 range increment.

Impaling Tail: Standard Action +17, 3d8+27, x4, P, 15ft reach, Target is impaled as Spheres of Combat Lancer (Impale) ability, benefiting from Human Shield, Cruel Vibrations, and Staggering Tear

Earthen Explosion (Su): 1 round Burst: Ref Half DC 27, 60ft, all in radius. Hit: 10d6 Damage Type B


Medium Biped

  • Class: Warrior | Level: 0 | Gnosis: 5(5)
  • LP 240 | Fati: 5 | Zeon:
  • MV: 5 1/4th: 0ft Run: 25ft Sprint: 65ft

5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 5 (+0)

  • AT: Cut 0 Impact 0 Thrust 0 Heat 0 Elec 0 Cold 0 Ene 0
  • Resistances PhR 95 MR 85 PsR 80 VR 95 DR 95
  • Secondary Skills Acrobatics +20(33 for Jumping), Climb +25, Intimidate +25, Perception +20, Survival +20(24 Tracking)

  • Ki: Str 5 Dex 5 Agi 5 Con 5 Pow 5 Wp 5 Total: 30
  • Ki Accumulation: Str 2 Dex 2 Agi 2 Con 2 Pow 1 Wp 1
  • Ki Abilities: -
  • Ki Techniques: -

  • Magic Accumulation: 75
  • Zeon: 1,370
  • Magic Projection: 220 Offensive
  • Level of Magic: -

  • Psychic Potential: 120
  • Free PP: 0
  • Psychic Disciplines: -
  • Psychic Powers: -
  • Innate Slots: 0
  • Psychic Projection: 0

  • Special Quality
  • CP Options -
  • DP Options -
  • Languages Zeokoullihs


Unarmed Strike:

Ancestry Traits

  • Clifftop Survivalists: +1 Physical Characteristics and all physical characteristics are inhuman.
  • Scarred Life: Zeokoullka gain the natural armor advantage for free.
  • Natural Athletes: -1 DP cost to Athletics abilities (min 1)
  • Greater Soul: -200 starting DP

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