
by Aziz

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Visual Characteristics

Skin Color Brown, yellow, tan
Hair Color Black, white
Eye Color Red, blue
Distinctions Telescopic necks, bioluminescent

Physical Characteristics

Height 3'0" +2d6"
Weight 30 lb. x2 lb.

Sociocultural Characteristics

Homeworld Brodo Asogi
Language Brodo Asogian

Biology and Appearance

The Asogians are short, big-eyed creatures easily identified by their stubby legs, lanky arms and telescopic necks. Their baggy skin does not obscure the glow occasionally given off by their internal organs or fingertips. They are all naturally Force-sensitive to a degree, and freely use their powers of telekinesis and healing in their daily lives. It is these powers, as well as high emotional states, that can cause parts of their body to give off a warm, orange light. Asogians are neither male nor female, and only they know how they reproduce.

Society and Culture

Brodo Asogi is a lush, green planet covered in exotic vegetation, unmarred by the scars of civilization often left by technologically advanced species like the Asogians. This is due in part to the Asogians' passion for exploration and discovery of the universe beyond their own planet, leaving it in peace while they travel and learn what the galaxy has to offer. When they arrive on new planets, it is not to conquer, colonize or exploit, but to gather knowledge of life itself and to teach what they've learned to others. Their pursuit of knowledge comes in many forms, however, and can sometimes get them in trouble as easily as it can earn them allies. In the theater of galactic politics, the Asogians have historically been keenly aware of and unhesitant to react to the clutches of tyranny and corruption, choosing to aid other species in holding to freedom and truth rather than cower in self-preservation. Although, they are not a warlike people.


Asogian names can be Brodo Asogian, or they can adopt one from another language if they feel it suits them.

Names. Grebleips, Eetee, Braxas, Botanicus

Asogian Traits

As an Asogian, you have the following special traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Asogians reach adulthood in their late teens, and live about 130 years.

Alignment. Known for their curiosity of the universe, belief in truth, and unconditional friendliness, Asogians tend toward being lawful light siders, but there are exceptions.

Size. Asogians are typically between 3 or 4 feet tall, and weigh less than 55 lbs. Asogians also have the ability to temporarily extend their necks vertically by up to 2 additional feet. Regardless of your position in that range, or the current extension of your neck, your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Fleet-Footed. As a bonus action, you can move up to your speed away from an enemy of your choice that you can see or hear. You must end this move further from the enemy than you started.

Force Sensitive. You know the force push/pull at-will force power. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the heal force power once per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the locate object force power once per day. Wisdom is your forcecasting ability for these powers.

Natural Empathy. Asogians are naturally gifted psychic empaths. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine emotions against humanoids and beasts within 10 feet of you.

Naturalist. You are proficient in Nature.

Stealthy. You are proficient in Stealth.

Undersized. Your small stature makes it hard for you to wield bigger weapons. You can't use heavy shields or martial weapons with the two-handed property unless it has the light property, and if a martial weapon has the versatile property, you can only wield it in two-hands.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Galactic Basic and Brodo Asogian.


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