
by db32

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Masienan Compendium


Many parts of this compendium are inspired by previous works.

  • The overall layout is from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Campaign Setting: Moon Struck.
  • Waterstaining technique from Full Page Watercolor Stains
  • Maps created from Wonderdraft
  • City maps created from
  • Homebrew race format from Magical Humans v1.2
  • Hunting format from Hunting by Dumpstat, GM Binder

Table of Contents


Entailed are the factions and persons of interest that are apart of the Masienan Worlds

The Worlds of Masiena

The worlds of Masiena used to be one sole grand empire interconnected by astral pathways from Atlast to Alni the Forest Moon, Gazno The Frozen Moon and to Ol'ner the Ancient Moon. After the cataclysm, known as The Shattering, where the Alni The Forest Moon shattered in pieces that blocked the Astral Network on which great airships traveled back and forth from Atlas and the Moons. The astral connections are now blocked by chunks of the shattered moon creating unnavigable field of debris.

With the world's connections shattered, Humanity and the Greater races hold on dearly to the remains of their worlds. The great shattering ripped apart families, armies, and entire supply. Famines, villainy, and monsters ravage the Forest Moon. The forest moon that has gaping chasms that reveal its molten core is barely held together by the Moons passive magic. The chunks of Alni that were cleaved from the surface now float in orbit as forest islands. Those who derive magic from their surroundings sense the dying energy of the moon, It's time is limited. Alni will surely die and crash into Atlas's Surface.

Atlas, The Crown Jewel

The center of the empire, Atlas. The capital city Meckan, once known as the diamond city that has over one Million denizens. It's city lights have grown dim. At one time the city lights could be seen from space but now the city is dark and the Moons' only vantage shows a city aflame, with darkness separating the charred from the charring. What has become of the city of diamonds that so many hopefuls had flocked to?

Alni, The Forest Moon

Five years after The Shattering, the great crop stockpiles have been drained. The world struck hardest by the Shattering. It's occupants hold on to dear life. Crops have failed, all communication to the other worlds severed, Every map no longer relevant. This cataclysm has ripped magic from most magic users, magic has become rare and been rounded up by a mysterious cult called the Irreverent. Governments at the brink of insolvency, civilization at it's core is failing, The golden age has faltered and heralded a new dark age.

Gazno, The Frozen Moon

The final frontier of the Masienans. The last moon to be colonized due to it's harsh winters. The weather drove the inhabitants deep into the planets crust. The dwarves mostly inhabit this moon as there tenacity to fight off the underworlds beasts and affinity for mining made them perfectly suited. Although it has it share of roughness. It's immense wealth is decadent with golden hallways and underground biomes. The dwarves mine asmonium the rare metal that powers all of Masienan.

Ol'ner, The Ancient Moon

The most mysterious of the moons, the ancient moons surface is a catacomb of ancient machinery built long before the Masienan empire. There are some who live on top scavenging, looting and some who try to determine the purpose of the machine moon, it's mysteries remain just that mysteries.

Terms of Masiena

The Masienan Empire

It's four capitals, one for each world, Were the seats of power for the empire. Now they're in a state of ruin as the streets have become battlegrounds of the haves and have-nots. Now the greater races have drawn battle lines and old hatreds have run rampant. There remains an underground government still in operation and with rumors that the government still possesses cross-world communication.

Greater Races

The greater races are the sentient races of the Mesienan Worlds.

Irreverent, Cult of Alni

The Irreverent remain in the shadows. The hooded acolytes roam from town to town, kidnapping all of those that possess magical abilities. Nobody is sure of their motives.

The Astral Network

Before the Shattering, the Astral Network was the Masienan's hopes and dreams. The pathways and viens of the empire. If Meckan was the heart, the network is it's arteries and capillaries. Great astral sail boats ride the miasma of energy that bridges the worlds. Discovery of these forces unleashed a new era of technology and innovation that changed the worlds irrevocably. Now, a shattered Alni, created an unnavigable debris field isolating the now lonely worlds.

Iris, The Queen Elect

Born of great poverty, She was born on Atlas in the slums of Meckan. She was elected in a landslide election for the next leader of the century. She stands at five foot ten inches, with blonde hair, light skin and yellow eyes. She appears human but her ancestry is unknown. In her campaign she promised an era of equality of wealth. Born of no name the people have crowned her Iris The Dawn Bringer. As is tradition she was to visit the worlds of Masienan when the great cataclysm known as The Shattering occurred. She was last heard of on the moon Alni.


Since the Shattering aberrations of local wildlife have occurred. It is thought to be due to the distortions of the astral network. Even the sentient races have been affected to some extent granting some unique powers and others a lifetime of agony. Entire towns have gone feral due to the mutations and quarantines have been placed but due to the weakened state of the Masienan Empire these quarantines have broken and chaos has enveloped the countrysides.

Independent Cities

Not all cities could rely on the weakened Mesienan Government nor the Moonriders. These settlements with no powerful allies turned even the smallest hamlets into forts. Schools have become militia training grounds and town halls have been turned into great bunkers to endure the new mutated wilds of Alni.

Most don't take kindly to outsiders, not due to any ill will but view others as more mouths to feed in a ever growing famine that sweeps the planet. Some maintain there democratic ideals while some collapsed into tyrannical rule of where only the strong and brutish could survive. Either way, regardless of their ideals they do have coin for an adventuring party to complete a daunting task.

The Moonriders

Rumor has it, they don't sleep. Ever roaming the countryside by horse, city to city, they vanquish even the hardiest of foes. On a conquest, to rid every mutation that plagues the planet. They will burn whole cities down to cleanse them or protect cities from the mutant scourge. For every slain Moonrider they demand a child to take it's place. All the cities comply for the ones that don't become ghost towns. They are a savior to some and monsters to others.

Dead Zones

Mere mention of the dead zones will quiet even the most boisterous of rooms. They are the modern day fairy stories told to children who misbehave. Places where the astral plane bends reality creating unspeakable beasts and blight that spreads like an infected wound across the planet. Very few venture out into the deadzone and almost none return to speak of it's horrors. When they do return, the Moonriders come to town and they are never seen again.

The Moonlit Crusade

They were once noble paladins and clerics of the Alnian Order. Now, they terrorize the countryside as they believe it is divine will to cleanse the planet. For the shattering was the reckoning and they are there to pass the Divine's judgement. Unfortunately, for all the people of Alni they are found guilty in the eyes of the Divine and must be purged to fulfill the Divine's Will.

The Divine

Although the old gods exist and are worshiped. The Divine is worshiped above all else in the Mesianan World's. It is believed that The Divine came down from heaven and with his hammer forged the Astral network that created the golden age. Overall, a relatively new religion with it being only 200 years old.

The Alni Horde

Unlike their ancestors the Alni Horde is a civilized province of Alni of mostly the green skin races (Gith, Lizardfolk, and Orcs). No longer a wondering horde the Orcs lead the green skin races into a era of prosperity. Known for there cunning business tactics and banking. Greenskin banks and business became known as the most reliable and honorable in the Empire. In this new era after the shattering, it become known that the Greenskin races are immune to the mutations. Due to there resourcefulness and from being spared both the direct impact of The Shattering and the scourge of mutations, The Alni Horde Province has become the last true bastion of civility and government on Alni.

Puresworn Confederate

A few independent cities have sworn allegiance to eachother under the rule of Erath Greatbringer, the iron first of the frontier. Fueled by hatred, the Puresworn blame The Shattering on the arrogance of the Masienan Empire. Most citizens live well and never question the rule as they remain content with food in there stomaches. In fact most Puresworn citizens are doing much better than the other citizens of Alni. Some Independent cities have banded together to fight off the encroaching Puresworn Confederate.

Astral Isles

An Astral Isle is the mysterious floating islands that emerged from Alni's surface during the shattering below them heat flows from the core creating strong wind currents near the islands.

Planar Wars

The war concluded 523 C.W., Before Meckan, the Greater races concluded that planar being should be purged from Atlas. Its an ugly scar in Atlas's history. Since then the planes have for all intents and purposes gone dormant. Many Planetouched races become extinct during this war.



Not to be confused with a Greenskin. The Dragonborn work closely with the Dwarves as there cultures are so similar. A typical settlement involves a Dwarven underground and Dragonborn on the surface managing business and diplomatic affairs so the Dwarves can focus on industry.


Dwarves are the powerhouse behind Masienan industry. They are one of the most populous of the Greater races and can be seen almost anywhere. They have become particulary fond of Gazno.


Explorers, Pioneers, and Mavericks the Elves have always been on the front line of exploration. They also serve and councilors due to there long memory. They are one of the few races that remember the 124 year war with the Tawn'e. Although known for greatness in exploration a great deal of them live in squalor in the city capitals.


Commonplace in Atlasian forests only a few have migrated to the moons. For the most part Firbolgs are uninterested in progress and exploration.


An honorary Greenskin, the Gith were once enslaved by mindflayers. There chains were sundered in recent memory by Ol'gor the Orcish commander roughly 225 C.W. They mostly populate the Alni Horde region. As a vast majority followed Ol'gor into warfare against the Tawn'e.


Gnomes never really belonged anywhere on Atlas. During the early history of Atlas, war was commonplace and the small stature of the gnomes lead to many devastating defeats. Still unwariy of the other Greater races, they were delighted to find the Ironfey so welcoming and quickly a large population migrated to Ol'ner.


Once considered to be in bad taste, the Half-Elves are welcome by both human communities and elvish Communities.


There is no such thing as a full orc anymore. All orcs are atleast half-orc. Half-Orcs are known for there savvy business tactics but still hold onto the old ways with planned hunts. An Orc and Half-Orc are the same in the Masienan Universe. Leader of the Greenskin Races.


The halfling faired better than the gnomes during the early days of Atlas. They are now known for their great art.


Astral sailors and pioneers, the humans were the first to sail the astral network. Known for there bravery and tenacity, even the greatest of foes never underestimate a human with a mission.


Less intelligent then the other Greenskins, lizardfolk relive the old days of conquest through reenactments and reminiscing.


The Tieflings were almost wiped out during the Planar wars. They commonly find work in law enforcement as there abilities will usually set even the crookedest criminal straight.


Placeholder pulled from another guide

Professional Craftsmen

Few know how to do what they do. And they charge a pretty penny for the smallest of services.

The House of Glass


Those who make their living from others dying. Or at least from their fear of dying.

The Guard

Merchants & Laborers

Those who make a living doing day-to-day hard work, and those who make a living doing absolutely nothing.

Metalworkers' Guild

Social Circles

The only thing they learned in the College was to enjoy the finer things in life.

The Charmers Club!

The College

Devoted to gathering knowledge and protecting dangerous secrets, most people with means have studied at the College.


Clergy & Laity

Religious Sects, Orders, and Cults. Doing the gods' work.

The Temple Custodians


Time of the Masienan Worlds

Time has always been based off of the Atlasian Day and Year. In a Post-Shattered world, the moons have returned to there natural calendars and maintained the Atlasian Year but with Year Zero being the Day of the Shattering. Before the Shattering the day is written C.W. or connected world. After the shattering the year is written S.D. or shattered day.


In most rural communities time is based of of sunrise and sunset. The local denizens simply remark that it's "morning" or "evening". There are advanced time keeping devices that are commonplace in the more urban settings. The Alni Horde maintains the masterclock. The masterclock is the clock on which all Masienan clocks are calibrated too. Instead of local timezones all worlds of Masienan share the same time.

Coinage of the Masienan Worlds


Money of the Masienan Worlds is also it's most precious resource. In lieu of gold coins, that were used in the past Masienans use small thumb sized flat, thin rectangular ingots of Asmonium. An ap (asmonium point) is roughly equivalent to one half a gp in other worlds. A standard coin weighs a third of an ounce. Fifty coins weighs about one pound. Carrying weight is rounded down for pounds. So sixty coins weighs one pound and forty five coins weighs nothing. Other currencies exist but Asmonium is the defacto currency.

Chapter 1 : Masienan Worlds

Masienan worlds and the places herewithin.

Alni, Places of Interest

The Alni moon was once a lush forest moon from tundra to tundra, whether it was the temperate forest or the tropical forest trees of immense height (Over 300 feet) and mega fauna (Over 15 Ft) that towered over the greater races. The moon was peculiar in that it had no oceans or seas but rather giant rivers and lakes. After the shattering the once continous land mass is now tossed and suspended in the air, rivers turned to great waterfalls that thunder throughout the land. The seasons became more extreme with deadly winters and moonson like summers.

Kayo, The Frontier

Named after the famous explorer elvish explorer Kayo Liadan who led expeditions deep into the forests uncovering precious herbs and plants that eventually become powerful potions, elixirs and medicines. Even before the The Shattering, the frontier was where adventurers perished due to the elements and wildlife. After The Shattering, Dead Zones and Astral islands pepper the landscape. Few cities remain and most have become independent but that may change with the ever growing might of the Puresworn Confederate.

The Shattered Mountains

It is the border of the main land into the sea of Astral Isles that tower over the horizon. Southwest of the Alni Horde Province, this land remains relatively intact it is the breadbasket of the Kayo, most of the forest has been cleared leaving great rolling plains of farms and small hamlets. Unlike the rest of Kayo The Shattered Mountains are relatively Mutation free but that does not mean it is safe from the perils that come with The Frontier. The heat vents of the Astral Isles keep area warm allowing crops to grow even in the winter

Kayoton. The heart of Kayo region sits at the north easternmost corner of the Shattered Mountains, one of the few spots where free trade and a semblance of prosperity. Built on the former outpost used by Kayo Liadan. Kayoton is not only the biggest city in the Kayo Region but also the safest.

Kayoton is the capital of the Kayo province. It's military, trade and commerce fuel the region with stability and a sense of pride. It's population is most notably elves but dwarves have taken a liking to it to study the shattered mountains from a safe distance.

Fort Imperium. The capital of the Puresworn Confederacy. South of Kayoton It's billowing smokestacks can be seen from a distance. Fiercely anti-Masienan, Fort Imperium has become the true terror of the Kayo region far worse than any mutated beast. It's walls made of steel spikes with banners of the red moon.

Their belief is that the once noble masienan empire is now corrupt and must be destroyed.

Freemark. The premier independent city of Kayo, nestled inbetween Fort Imperium and Kayoton. A majority of free trade moves through Freemark. Less militiristic than other cities, Freemark relies on adventurers and good diplomatic relationships to ensure regional security and power.

Geyser Forest. Strong geothermic vents to the west of Freemark warm the region even in the coldest of winters. This feature is what distinguishes the Shattered Mountains, It's astral Isles, Geothermal vents and low altitude clouds create this strange humid atmosphere that is most commonly described as thick air.

Shattered Coast. The western most region of the Shattered mountains, where the dizzying heights of the Astral Isles loom over the countryside and bob up and down like bouys in a ocean.

Western Farmlands. In the Geyser forest just on the edge of the Shattered Coast. In the clearings of the Geyser forest lay the Western Farmlands. Rich in soil nutrients and permafrost held at bay by the geothermal vents. The perfect farmland although even the yields from this productive region can't feed all of Alni on it's own. As most food in the Masienan Empire was grown on Atlas, Alni has failed to be productive enough to prevent the famine that is occuring.

Mere Lake. The runoff of the geyser river from the Geyser forest and northeastern river the Kalamath river end up in the largest lake in the area Mere Lake. It is essential for crop aqueducts and drinking for all the region.


Southeast of the Alni Horde and East of the Shattered Mountains lay the Fraughtland. Before the shattering it was Greenskin heritage hunting grounds for youth to prove their honor and valor in combat. Although, its popularity as a hunting ground was diminishing as more and more Greenskins became accustom to urban life it's tradition was carried by universities in the Alni Horde Province. After the shattering, very few brave the perils of the fraughtland as new mutations run rampant in the land. Even the Tawn'e, have vacated the forests to seek refuge in the safety of the Alni Horde.

Tawn'kol. Deep within the Fraughtland is the Tawn'e capital. Gathering place for the herds of local Tawn'e, a spiritual center of the Tawn'e culture. Diplomats inside the Alni Horde Province have noted that no messages have been received for a full year since 4 S.D. Refugees continue to pour out of the Fraughtland flooding Freemark and the Alni Horde Province.

The Deepline. The underground network that catacombs it's way through most of Fraughtland. The dwarves have taken there stand at The Deepline. "Hold the line" now a rallying cry all across Alni for the dwarves. What was once an Asmonium mine has become an underground battleground against the virulent aberrations that now threaten the dwarven home.The Deepline's surface outposts serve as waypoints of the fleeing denizens the Dwarves are known for their aid since the Shattering. Once a propersious dwarven keep is now a fortress that stands dauntless into the dark unknown.

The Last Wall. Funded by the Alni Horde the Last Wall is a final defensive measure that is being built on the border of the Fraughtland. As well as a wall all known mine pathways are to be demolished. This is a source of contenious politics between The Deepline and the Alni Horde. The Dwarves accuse the Alni Horde of dismissing the struggles of the Fraughtland and only serve to sever the link between the Dwarves and the rest of Alni.

Wailing Forest. South of The Deepline is the wailing forest a dead zone in which most of the monstrous beings that the dwarves fight daily come from. It's name comes from the survivors of expeditions who would wake up at late hours of the night and wail for hours recounting the horrors of the forest.

Scoutpost Forestedge. Bordering the Tawn'fey forest Scoutpost Forestedge is the easternmost encampment of Alni. Once a scoutpost for elvish forces for expeditions into the Tawn'fey forest to reach Tawn'kol. It now has claimed it's independence and stands with The Deepline against the Fraughtland's horrors. It stands just a thousand strong but with walls and a heritage of surviving the Alni wilds it stands as one of the best settlements to survive the Post Shattered World.

Tawn'fey Forest. Although spoken Tawn'fey Forest it is actually a misnomer as Tawn'fey means Tawn'e Forest in Tawn'e the language of the Tawn'e people. Tawn'e look at foriegners with confusion when they talk about the the Tawn'e Forest Forest. Although not as dangerous as the Wailing Forest dead zones have appeared and something stirs in the forest that caused all the Tawn'e to flee their homes.

Alni Horde Province

The Alni Horde Province is unusual in it's geography since it's flatlands. It was ideal for early pioneers to set up encampments.

Before colonization of Alni it was once a dense forest. During construction of the Capital a radius miles wide was clear cut to supply lumber for the city's buildings. This clear cutting sparked the ire of the Tawn'e people as they saw there homeland destroyed. At one point in the war Alni was considered a lost cause until Ol'gor the orcish commander changed the tide of the war and pushed the Tawn'e to the Fraughtland. Leading to an eventual ceasefire of the 124 year war. A formal peace agreement has never been adopted by neither the Tawn'e or the Masienan Government.

Alni Horde Province is the latitude on which the forest blends into the jungle. Northeast of the Shattered Mountains, northwest of the Fraughtland and south of the Blood Jungle.

The Outerlands

The clear cut region around the capital city Ol'gorn its' radius goes for atleast 2 miles in everydirection. Trees and hills are sparsely sprinkled across the region. It is mostly farmland although not as productive as the Western Farmlands.

Ol'grove. The forest just beyond the clearing is the old growth forest known as Ol'grove. As far as post shattering forests go it's quite mellow.

Keytown. Founded as an Inn and general store for those traveling inbetween Kayoton and Ol'gorn. It quickly become a popular location for denizens that missed the open skies and green fields of Atlas. It is now a formidable city of several thousand. It has since become more guarded after the Shattering to protect it denizens from raiders and mutant monsters that roam the country side. It is home to the famous Nolan Stride, a transport company that specializes in guarding shipments from the Kayo region to the capital Ol'gorn.

Divine's Hall. The mountain ranges of the west and east merge just north of Ol'gorn and create a narrow gulch in which provides a barrier between Alni Horde Province and the Blood Jungle.

Jungle Hold. At the narrowest point of Divine's Hall it stands as the northern most encampment of Alni. It borders the wall of trees that encapsulates the Alni Horde Province. Scouts used to make grand expediations into the jungle. But ever since the Shattering the Age of Exploration has ended, heralding the dark age. Jungle hold stands tall above the trees as a vantage point to spot quick moving Megafauna and stop them before they are set loose on the people of the Outerlands. Great riches are to be had guarding the people of Ol'gorn.

The Blood Jungle. To the north, past the Jungle Hold, lies the mysterious Blood Jungle. Named after the numerous fauna that are crimson in color. The Blood Jungle is full of danger, monstrous mutants, plagues, disease and the feral northern Tawn'e that have gone jungle mad.

Ol'gornian Laboratory. Northwest of Ol'gorn the laboratory is the priemer location for mutation and astral-touched research. It was erected shortly after the Shattering. It was placed at was theorized as a safe distance away from Ol'gorn. Formally commissioned by the Astralsmith University but is rumored to be run by a shadowy organization in Ol'gorn.

Stillwater Lake. quiet and serene the stillwater lake remains as one of the premier tourist destination of all of Alni. It is said to be even more breathtaking with the astral Isles that float above it. It is both a lake and settlement of the same name and the two are referred to as one.

Refuge Camp. Just west of Ol'gorn are all where all the displaced peoples of the Fraughtland have fled too. The city of Ol'gorn has been unable to feed and house all the refugees and the camp has gotten restless.S


The capital Ol'gorn, once known as Sparrow's landing, named after the Elven king elect Ona Lunspell, the "Sparrow" king. The Sparrow king was king during what is now known as the age of conquest. After the discovery of the Astral Network by the renowned scientist Jack Astralsmith. The moons, including Alni, become within reach and the age of conquest began. It was an entrenched warfront of the Tawn'e war. A war that spanned over a century. It was renamed after the Orcish commander ensured victory against the tawn'e. Known as Gor at the time the orcish commander established new order to Alni and earned the Greenskin honorific Ol'. Ol' meaning old for if any greenskin makes it to old age they are worth listening too.

University Hill. Founded on the day of peace with the Tawn'e, 200 C.W.. The Astralsmith University is the sole higher educational institute of Alni. It's karge campus takes up a good portion of the city. There are taverns, inns and stores in the campus it self as well as it's own denizens. It's a district in of it's self.

The university recently commissioned an off campus research facility to study the new found phenonom of mutations and astral-touch. It's facility has been aptly named Ol'gorian Laboratory.

Three Houses. Representing the three houses of Orcish business. The finacial, Industrial and Commerce hubs of the world reside here. Along with the Astralsmith university, new innovations and profound discoveries come out of this district. Aswell as the finest crafted weaponry and armor that could be found on Alni and arguably in the Masienan worlds.

Cobbler's Fair. Although, not as presitigous as the Three Houses. Most locals, travelers, and adventurers stop here for there goods. The cobbler's Fair is much more affordable and the quality is good for the price.

Upper Ward. The sophisticates and entrepenuers live atop the Upperward. Perched above looking down at the city. This is where there elites congregate. It is said to be the center of power of all of Alni. Although respected, the hierarchy of Atlas looks down at the new money of Alni and it's new "lords and barons".

Old Town. The original Sparrow's Landing encompasses Old Town. In it you will find a striving middleclass unihibited by the caste systems of the old world Atlas. Under Orcish rule, All races have a chance to prosper.

Clayhook. The slums of Ol'gar. The ugly scar that the upperclass try to ignore. But with constant food shortages, Organized crime has increased to dangerous levels. It is typically smart to not be out at night unless you are looking for trouble.

South Quarter. Southern facing the South Quarter is the hub of commercial transportation of the region. Very rarily there isnt a line of wagons at the gate full of riches and goods from the planet.

Atlas, Places of Interest

Atlas, the crown jewel of the Masienan Worlds. Not only do the moons orbit around the planet physically but so does the empires commerce and politics. The oldest of the worlds. Although majestic and decadent there is rampant wealth inequality and a general sense of discontent of it's citizens. As the empire looked outward towards the moons, the regular citizens of Atlas feel neglected by the empire they helped to create. A new hope has been sparked among the commoners as Iris the dawnbringer has been elected with the hope that she will usher in a new era of equality.


The Capitol of all of Atlas and the surrounding moons. The greatest city ever created by the Masienans. With over 10 million denizens it's sprawling nature can be seen from the moons. This is where all the bohemians, artists, craftsmen and statesmen go to sharpen their trade and learn from the elite. Started humbly in year 575 C.W. as a gathering place for all the races of atlas to facilitate diplomatic relations and trade. It quickly expanded as the races settled for peace and a new era of trade occured starting in the year 500 C.W..



Golden Bridge.

Lords Alley.

East Ward.

Cabbage Star.



Gazno, Places of Interest

The frozen moon Gazno, Although it's surface is unihabitable to the greater races the dwarves have made it home deep under the pristine clear glaciers. The glaciers act as lenses and warm the underground with focused sunlight. Auroras light up the night sky and can be seen under the glaciers as moonlit rainbows. Gazno is rich in asmonium and due to this a great deal of dwarves and other races rush to the planet for a cut of the great wealth to be had.

Ol'ner, Places of Interest

Named by the orc astronomer Ol'mere. This ancient machine moon holds many secrets to the Masienan worlds although a moon of Atlas the celestial body seems to predate that of Atlas. Compounded with the strange inhabitants of the moon. Researchers and scientists alike come to the moon to study the unique geography and internal machines of the moon. The gnomes have a particular fondness for this moon and come to colonize it in great numbers.

Chapter 2 : Masienan Races

Masienan races, heritages, and the traits they possess.


Native to Alni, the Tawn'e are a proud race of hunter-gatherers. They mostly move in herds rarely are Tawn'e seen without seeing more of them. They form proto-settlements, that are temporary in nature. The Tawn-e herd moves throughout the planet unhindered by it's complex jungles.


Thought to be distant relatives of the Elves. Tawn'e heritage is that of an oral tradition, the recounting of the stories are more than just a retelling but also a spellweaving ritual. Calling upon ancestors and their legends to change weather or even the tide of battle. As the first greater race of Alni, many wars were fought between the Tawn'e and Masienan empire before peace was brokered 200 years before the shattering.


Tall and slender in form, known to move gracefully and elegantly. The Tawn'e are for the most part naked with the exception of bark that is grown in the place of clothing. In time of war the Tawn'e will don armor but in their natural form they are unencumbered by earthly possesions. Their eyes are that of amber and golds with light brown skin and pointy ears.

Tawn'e Traits

Ability Score Increase. Increase all your ability scores by 1.

Language. You can speak, read and write Common, Tawn'e and one other language of your choice.

Darkvision. Accustomed to twilight forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Ancestral Story. Every morning, Tawn'e must choose the story of war or peace.

The Story of War allows every attack do potentialy extra damage. Roll a 1d4, if 4 is rolled multiply damage by 1.10x, this bonus is included before critical damage is applied. Story of War also turns Tawn'e hair autumn red and lowers all Charisma-based skill checks by 3.

The Story of Peace increases all charisma based skill checks by 2. In combat on every attack roll 1d4, if 4 is rolled multiply damage by 0.80x. If a 3 is rolled heal one target within 20yards for 1d6 health. Tawn'e hair is a hazel green during the Story of Peace. The Tawn'e cannot perform a critical strike.


  • Size. Tall and slender varying in height from 5-7feet. Size is medium.
  • Gender. The Tawn'e are genederless race. Some appear to be more feminine or masculine depending on the season. Most of the time Tawn'e appear feminine in form.
  • Age. Tawn'e age at a similar rate as humans with the exception that they don't show ageing until there 8th decade.
  • Alignment. Tawn'e vary in temperament and ideology but mostly trend towards chaotic good.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Mysteriously awoken when the first Astral Sailors landed on Ol'ner. The Ironfey were exceedingly quick in learning common or any language for that matter. They were quick to assist the sailors and quickly became members of the empire.


This amnesiatic race only remembers, what they refer to as humanfall. When the human astral sailors landed on Ol'ner they awoke without any hostilities they quickly became friends and assistants to the humans to survive the new world.

They were delighted to meet the other races especially the gnomes which they think of as cute. Ironfey also have a particular affinity for pretty plants and alchemy.


Tall and bulky they are made of metal and some sort of organic living wood. Scientists and researchers are puzzled on whether they are animated beings like golems or simply a strange sentient plant race. For legal purposes, they are considered full citizens and are respected as such. Without much facial expression the Ironfey will change their eyecolor to depict mood to the other races.

They have a suprising apetite for vegetables but decline meat when offered. They are referred to as the peaceful giants of Ol'ner.

On there shoulders, the Ironfey are commonly seen with potted plants. The reason for this behavior is unknown when asked most Ironfey respond kindly stating that they are their friends. Most Ironfey use human names or names of flowers they find the most appealing.

Ironfey Traits

Ability Score Increase. Increase your intellect, constitution scores by 1 and subtract 1 from your wisdom score.

Gift for Language. You can speak, read and write Common and have approximate knowledge of all standard languages.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Alchemical Gift. You can choose up to three Artificer cantrips from the artificer spell list at character creation and perform them. If you are an Artificer, you can cast any known cantrip twice in a turn, once per encounter. The alchemical cost of this ability is 1d4(-1) health.


  • Size. Tall and bulky varying in height from 7-8feet. Size is medium.
  • Gender. The Ironfey have no known genders. Every spring Ironfey will go to the highest peak around and shake there shoulders releasing a metallic pollen. Ironfey then when exposed to another's pollen choose to bear a new seedling.
  • Age. The original Ironfey age, being atleast 200 years, is unknown but new Ironfey are sprouting everyday.
  • Alignment. Ironfey trend towards good.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


The cruel Gazka. This race of humanoids is remarkably similar to humans and can intermix with most races of the Masienan Worlds. Born of the brutish world of Gazka, the people of Gazno are unforgiving and in the kindest terms callous to the suffering of others. The Gazka are known for there lack of aid of the dying settlers of Gazno.


Gazka history says the Gazno moon used to be a paradise of forests and cities. The Gazka people had grown to great and dared to reach for the stars and their God Renmark, the undying king, had punished their sin of arrogance by plunging the world into ice and long nights.

The arrival of the Masienan's was a cultural shock to the Gazka people, as they had long believed they lived in the end times. Not only was the apocalypse untrue the Masienan people reached for the stars and achieved the dreams of the Gazka. This leads to the now common belief the Gazka are a cursed people.


Sharing the same stature and build as humans. It is notable that there body temperature is significantly higher but don't appear to need to eat more. They are born with blue markings across there bodies and early settlers of Gazno assumed these to be tattoos. In actuality these markings are natural skin color variations that erupt in vibrance when the Gazka use magic or are in dire straits. These markings are called the starseeker's brand. Their souls are said to be branded with sins of their ancestral past.

Gazka Traits

Ability Score Increase. Increase your constitution score by 2 and subtract 1 from your charisma score.

Language. You can speak, read and write Common and Gazka.

Hot Blooded. You have resistance to cold damage.

Dire Straits. On an attack that lowers the Gazka to below 50% health, Gazka have an option to pay the price of sin. The price of Sin is 20% of their health. if the price is paid, The Gazka casts two Magic Missiles (1d4+1) for each enemy within 50 yards. These magic missiles can be directed at the player's discretion. One damage roll decides the damage of all Arcane Missiles. This can only occur once after a long rest.


  • Size. medium build varying in height from 5-6feet. Size is medium.
  • Gender. A matrilineal society, relegates ruling to women and carries on their name. Very rarely will a male lead a tribe but it's not unheard of.
  • Age. Known to live up to 120 but rarely live past 35 due to the nature of Gazno.
  • Alignment. Ironfey trend towards lawful.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Ancient, wise and prudent the Orinkai long history remembers when the the greater races were fledging on Atlas. Thought to be direct descandents of the original Sentient race of Masienan in which all Masienan races originates.


Predating the rest of the greater races, the elders as others call them shaped Masienan history. They are responsible for the formation of early Meckan. As proponents of peace they brought the races together at Meckan to settle old grudges. If one race could be responsible for the peaceful rule of the Masienan Empire it would be the Orinkai.


Dark skinned, pale horns, pointed ears and bright blue or green pastel colored eyes. The Orinkai show up in the earliest of histories for the races of Atlas. Early depictions of them are that of horned devils, a great deal of history has passed since then and the Orinkai have abandoned their barbarian past into a new spiritual shamanistic rebirth. Either history was not kind to the Orinkai or they have changed in appearance but most view them as peaceful non-intimidating race.

Although short and small in stature, their personalities fill the room. They tend to be loud and at times obnoxious.

Orinkai Traits

Ability Score Increase. Increase your wisdom score by 2.

Language. You can speak, read and write Common.

Barbarian Past. Whenever you level, add one additional point to your health.

Shamanistic Rebirth. At any point in combat the Orinkai can spirit link to one other player. When spirit linked the two players health pool becomes one and they take 1.10x the normal damage during this state. All resistances are shared but armor is not. The link cannot be broken until the end of combat. At the end of combat, health is divided equally. For example, If the health pool is at 50% then at the end of the link both players will have 50% health.


  • Size. Short and slender varying in height from 4-5feet. Size is medium.
  • Gender. The genders are seen as equals. There are two sexes but since the Orinkai carry the spirits of their ancestors and call upon them regularly. They may express the masculine or feminine traits of there ancestors regardless of there own sex.
  • Age. Commonly live up to the age of 160 years old. They mature at the same rate as humans but are not considered an adult by other Orinkai until they are 65 years old.
  • Alignment. Orinkai trend towards good although they are known of doing deeds of great evil.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Chapter 3 : Bestiary

Masienan monsters, myths and the knowledge surrounding them.

Chapter 4 : People and Factions

Guilds, factions, organizations, people that turn and twist the fate of the Masienan Worlds. There are numerous major actors in the Masienan Worlds. Entailed are the commonly known facts about the important people who inhabit these worlds. These people described below have altered or can alter the course of the Masienan Worlds.

Iris, The Queen Elect

Iris is the new queen elect, elected in a landslide election against her opponent. Conquering doubts and insults laid against her in her campaign, she became a beacon of hope and prosperity. Inspired by her upbringing in poverty in Meckan, she dedicates her self to helping the most unfortunate

Her opponent publicly vowed to get her abdicated. He believes her to be a con artist.


Medium human, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
  • Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.

16 (+3) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +6
  • Skills Perception +6
  • Damage Resistances fire, lightning
  • Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, petrified, poisoned
  • Senses Normal Sight., passive Perception 8
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 7 (2900 XP)

Captivating Presence. While Iris isn't incapacitated, any non-undead creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the queen elect and can see her must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed by the Queen Elect for 1 turn, until the creature is farther than 60 feet away from it, until Iris is incapacitated or dies, or until the creature becomes blinded. On a successful save, the creature becomes immune to the Queen Elect's Captivating Presence for 3 turns.

Magic Resistance. Iris has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Forceful Personality. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the Iris must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This can only happen twice per creature affected per encounter.


Multiattack. Iris makes two melee attacks or uses her Firebolt spell twice

Firebolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach 120 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) fire damage.


Born of no name, she made her self first known to the world with her early gift for sorcery. Even with no name, she got into the famous Ashark university in Meckan to hone her sorcery. During her studies at Ashark she become interested in humanitarian work and school leadership. This was her first taste of politics. With her charm, she could move even the most hardened salty soldier with inspirational speeches.


Standing at five ten her height can intimidate some. With her golden blonde hair, fair skin and heterochroma of one eye being golden and the other being blue. She is known for her exceptional beauty


Although a persuasive and powerful natural born leader, at times she can be oblivious to things around her. For instance, she always forgets where she puts things and has difficulty reading maps. But she makes up with it for being an excellent dart thrower, that is if she can remember where she put her darts after a night of drinking. Even while drinking, she is known to use long words and flowery speech. That is she uses sophisticated language even while beating someone over their head with her beliefs.

Erath Jane

Erath, the commoner king. After some time away from his hometown of Hearthington. His father had passed away during The Shattering and left his farm to Erath. Coming back to his home town he found in ruins, he used his farms to employ the people and feed them. Jaded from the neglect from the Masienan Government, He rallied the people of the Shattered Mountains and formed Fort Imperium from his broken town and eventually the Puresworn Confederacy.

Erath Jane

Medium human, chaotic good

  • Armor Class 17 (Armored)
  • Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
  • Speed 45 ft.

17 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +6
  • Skills Perception +4
  • Damage Resistances fire
  • Damage Immunities slashing, force
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, petrified, poisoned
  • Senses Normal Sight., passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 7 (2900 XP)

Outnumbered. Erath has advantage on attack rolls and players have disadvantage on attack rolls when Erath is within 15ft of two people.

Blade Dance. Any creature that attacks Erath within 10 feet, takes 5 (2d4) slashing damage. This cannot be avoided.

Tactician. No creature can perform an Opportunity Attack on Erath.


Multiattack. Erath makes two Bastardsword attacks

Bastardsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage.


Born of a poor farmer, Erath spent his youth tending to crops in the field. While he was a child he always dreamed of being an adventurer or an astral sailor. He achieved that dream in his early teens when he went off to explore the wilds of Alni with his band of mates. Hearing news of his fathers death he returned home to find it in shambles. He left his adventuring party to do what he felt was his duty to the people of Hearthington.


He is 5 foot 9 inches with a well built body from adventuring, He keeps his brown hair long and his beard at a stubble. He has blue eyes. You can find him always with his armor donned and sword by his side. He is covered in tattoos from his travels but rarely shows them off.


Known for his strength and dexterity in battle, he is actually quite clumsy in everyday life. This has lead to multiple adversaries to underestimate his prowess in battle. During his time on the farm he spent a great deal of it with animals and as such he feels a close connection to the beasts of Alni. When thinking, pondering or simply standing by he can be seen rubbing with beard with thoughtful intent.

Erath Jane

Erath, the commoner king. After some time away from his hometown of Hearthington. His father had passed away during The Shattering and left his farm to Erath. Coming back to his home town he found in ruins, he used his farms to employ the people and feed them. Jaded from the neglect from the Masienan Government, He rallied the people of the Shattered Mountains and formed Fort Imperium from his broken town and eventually the Puresworn Confederacy.

Erath Jane

Medium human, chaotic good

  • Armor Class 17 (Armored)
  • Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
  • Speed 45 ft.

17 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +6
  • Skills Perception +4
  • Damage Resistances fire
  • Damage Immunities slashing, force
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, petrified, poisoned
  • Senses Normal Sight., passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 7 (2900 XP)

Outnumbered. Erath has advantage on attack rolls and players have disadvantage on attack rolls when Erath is within 15ft of two people.

Blade Dance. Any creature that attacks Erath within 10 feet, takes 5 (2d4) slashing damage. This cannot be avoided.

Tactician. No creature can perform an Opportunity Attack on Erath.


Multiattack. Erath makes two Bastardsword attacks

Bastardsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage.


Born of a poor farmer, Erath spent his youth tending to crops in the field. While he was a child he always dreamed of being an adventurer or an astral sailor. He achieved that dream in his early teens when he went off to explore the wilds of Alni with his band of mates. Hearing news of his fathers death he returned home to find it in shambles. He left his adventuring party to do what he felt was his duty to the people of Hearthington.


He is 5 foot 9 inches with a well built body from adventuring, He keeps his brown hair long and his beard at a stubble. He has blue eyes. You can find him always with his armor donned and sword by his side. He is covered in tattoos from his travels but rarely shows them off.


Known for his strength and dexterity in battle, he is actually quite clumsy in everyday life. This has lead to multiple adversaries to underestimate his prowess in battle. During his time on the farm he spent a great deal of it with animals and as such he feels a close connection to the beasts of Alni. When thinking, pondering or simply standing by he can be seen rubbing with beard with thoughtful intent.

Chapter 5 : Mechanics

The unique mechanics to the Masienan Worlds.


While traveling, a group of adventurers can move at a normal, fast, or slow pace, as shown on the Travel Pace table. The table states how far the party can move in a period of time and whether the pace has any effect. A fast pace makes characters less perceptive, while a slow pace makes it possible to sneak around and to Search an area more carefully. Every day of travel the party gets to take one action if available to hunt, forage or stealth.

Travel Speeds

Pace Time Effect
Fast 2 days of normal pace travel -5 penalty to Passive Perception
Normal 1 day of travel Able to Forage or Hunt
Slow 1/2 day of normal pace travel Able to use stealth


Traveling in the open world requires supplies. There are two types of supplies Outfitters Gear and Food. They are bought in days worth for the entire party. One of each is consumed per day of travel. During times of famine, the cost of food will increase dramatically.

Quality Cost Effect
No Supplies -- -4 to saving throw
Poor 1 -1 to saving throw
Good 2 0 to saving throw
Excellent 4 +1 to saving throw


Every morning in the wilds the party must roll a constitution saving throw (modifier+food quality+outfitter's gear quality) to see if they are effected by fatigue. If the roll is failed you go down a rank in fatigue. These effects are stacking. If you roll a nature 20 you go up a rank to no greater than +2. While in a city, fatigue doesn't go down. A regular tavern room will take you to +1 fatigue while a nice tavern room will take you to +2.

Level Fatigue DC Effect
+2 23 No Effect
+1 18 No Effect
0 13 No Effect
-1 8 Disadvantage on Ability Checks
-2 8 Speed Halved
-3 8 Disadvantage on Attack rolls and Saving Throws
-4 8 Hit point maximum halved
-5 8 Speed reduced to 0
-6 8 Death

Foraging in the Wild

At times, foraging may be necessary for survival. Only two good food can be found. It is a survival skill check, if a natural 20 is rolled double the food is found and a random item. The leading forager must roll a fatigue check to initiate foraging.

Availability Forage DC 1d4
Abundant 10 4
Limited 15 3
Scarce 20 2
Unavailable Impossible 1


Hunting has more rewards than foraging but can come with unforeseen consequences. It is important for the adventures to be aware of where they are hunting to avoid mutated meat or dangerous predators. Undisclosed encounters can occur while hunting.

Outfitter's Gear

The Gear is consumed during the hunt. You will need 2 packs of Outfitter's gear to hunt while traveling. One for the hunt and one for the long rest. The lead hunter will also need to take a Fatigue saving roll (constitution saving throw (modifier+food quality+outfitter's gear quality) )

Quality Effect
Poor Disadvantage on Wisdom (Survival) check
Good No Effect
Excellent Advantage on your (Survival) check


While hunting you must use the appropriate equipment. The options are: Ranged Weapons or Thrown Weapons.


You must have access to a Ranged or Thrown weapon while hunting in this way, and have the requisite ammunition to fire your Ranged weapon. Some weapons, like a dagger, may have the thrown property but aren't suitable for going on hunts. Any weapon can be thrown but if it's not made intentionally for throwing it has a chance of breaking. 1d4 is rolled, if a one is rolled the thrown weapon breaks.

Building the Dice Pool

To build your dice pool, roll 1d8 and add it to your Survival Modifier. This is the number of dice that will be rolled.

The dice pool die is defaulted at a d8, though this changes based on the circumstances.

Hunting Situations

The DM will roll 1d4 for abundance first and 1d4 for danger second. For every max roll (a 6 on a 1d6). One creature will be found on benign, 1/2 Creature on safe, 1/4 on Dangerous, 1/6 on Menacing, and 1/8 of a creature in Perilous. A portion of a creature cannot not be found so if only one die is max in perilous it will spawn 1 perilous creature. If 9 is rolled max, two perilous creatures will spawn. During famine conditions, the die set changes. At DM discretion, they may +1 or -1 the 1d4 roll for either the Abundance roll and/or the Danger roll.


Availability Normal Conditions 1d4 Famine Conditions
Abundant 1d8 4 1d10
Limited 1d10 3 1d12
Scarce 1d12 2 1d20
Barren 1d20 1 1d100


Deadzone 1d4 Countryside
Safe 4 Benign
Dangerous 3 Safe
Menacing 2 Dangerous
Perilous 1 Menacing

Retreating from the hunt

There may be times where adventures bit off more than they can chew. In those times, the lead hunter can roll a survival skill check. Hunter has advantage and disadvantage based off of gear.

Danger Retreat DC
Benign 0
Safe 10
Dangerous 12
Menacing 15
Perilous 17

After the hunt

Trading and selling

Size Food Tanner Skinning DC Weight of Hides
Benign 1 Day 1 ap 8 1lbs
Safe 1 Day 2 ap 10 2lbs
Dangerous 2 Days 4 ap 13 3lbs
Menacing 4 Days 8 ap 15 6lbs
Perilous 8 Days 25 ap 18 12lbs

Quality of Food

A 1d6 per day of food is rolled. If a 6 is rolled the food is excellent, 1-2 the food is poor, and 3-5 the food is good.


Behaving like a pathogen, mutations spawn from contact or prolonged exposure to the mutated wilds of Alni. Players can only mutate once, but creatures can have multiple mutations. Greenskins are immune.


Table: Exposures
Size Save DC
Damage 8*
Infected Water & Water 10
24 hour Exposure 12
Critical Strike 15*
Concentrated Mutagen 18
Primal Contact 23*

* Only one constitution saving throw after combat concludes.


If a player spends at least 24 hours within a dead zone or is in contact with a mutant, they must make a Constitution saving throw. The save DC varies according to the type of exposure, as determined in the exposure table above.

On a failed save, the player mutates. Roll on the Mutation table below to determine the visual nature of this mutation. This mutation is indefinite and is present until cured.

A greater restoration, remove curse cast as a 5th level or higher spell upon the mutated player or the player drinks a potion of poison to temporarily suppress the visual symptoms of the mutation until the next morning.

Potion of poison only does 1d4 damage to the mutant. There are rumors of a cure and vaccine at Astralsmith University.

Table: Visual Mutation
d10 Flaw (lasts until cured)
1-2 No visual Flaw
3-6 Your hands glow a dim light that travels about 5 ft
7-8 Veins on your arms lightly glow red
9-10 Your canine teeth become more pronounced

Adaptive Traits

With mutations come adaptive traits that make the player or creature more adapted to survive the Alni wilds. Although, mutations are widely hated in the world of Alni there are possible advantages to being mutated. Roll on the Adaptive Traits Table below.


With mutations come pain and traits that disadvantage the creature or player in some way. Roll on the Drawbacks Table below.

Table: Adaptive Traits
Trait d10 Descriptions Effect
No Adaptive Trait 1 The player has no discernible positive effects of this mutation
Predatory Senses 2 You can sense the weakened state of people and creatures. When a person or creature's health goes below 50% the player can see the hit points of the creature or person.
Heightened Senses 3 The players senses mutate into that of an apex predator. +2 to perception, survival and gain darkvision.
Hardened Skin 4 Your skin hardens to a stone like strength. Increase the player's effective Armor Class by 1.
Regeneration 5 The player's blood mutates into a solution that is similar to healing potions. Roll a 1d4 every combat turn. if an even number is rolled, heal 1 hitpoint
Unnatural Charm 6 You become witty and irresistible, through this mutation you can easily manipulate people +2 to all charisma based skill checks
Luck 7 For some reason everything just works out in your favor. +1 to all skill checks with exception of charisma based skill checks. On your drawback roll you can modify the roll by +1 or -1
Brute 8 The player's body is infused with the pathogen, greatly increasing muscle mass. All melee attacks do an additional 1d4.
Hardy 9 You have a better general sense of wellbeing 5+(Character level) additional maximum hitpoints.
No Adaptive Trait 10 The player has no discernible positive effects of this mutation
Table: Drawbacks
Trait d10 Descriptions Effect
Frail 1 You are in a weakened state. 2+(Character level) is subtracted from maximum hitpoints
Cull the Herd 2 Others can sense your weakness. Whenever health is below 50% the player must announce their health, All attacking creatures or persons, roll 1d4 on their turn. If an even number is rolled they will target or attack the weakened player.
Dulled Senses 3 It becomes more difficult to see and hear. -2 to perception, survival and lose darkvision.
Increased Pain 4 Your nerves become more sensitive to pain. Decrease the player's effective Armor Class by 1.
Sick 5 You feel ill. Make a constitution saving throw at the start of combat, the save DC is 15. If failed, take 1d4 damage.
Offputting 6 People don't seem to understand what you are getting at and distrust you. -2 to all charisma based skill checks
Unlucky 7 For some reason everything just doesn't work out for you. -1 to all skill checks with exception of charisma based skill checks
Weakened 8 The player's body becomes clumsy. Player cannot critical hit.
Slow 9 You become noticeably slower. -2 to all initiative rolls
No Drawback 10 The player has no discernible negative effects of this mutation

Astral Touched

Few are blessed with the astral touch. This extraordinary gift appears randomly at any age. It is thought to originate with the Orinkai but they have since lost exclusivity to it. With being Astral Touched comes powerful abilities. This phenomenon is closely studied particularly at Astralsmith University on Alni. It is seen as a gift of the divine and people with this gift are treated as celebrities.

Astral Touched for Player Characters

Any player of any background, class or race can become Astral Touched.

Obtaining the Astral Touch

After all players take a long rest, all players roll 1d100. If 100 is rolled, that Player becomes Astral Touched.

Astral Touched Traits

Light bearer. As becoming one with the Astral, they possess the cantrip Light that can be produced from their hands.

Local Celebrity. +1 to all Charisma Based Skills.

Immune to mutagen. Can choose to be cured of mutation and subsequently immune to any further mutations.

Astral Knowledge. You become more knowledgeable but unsure where the knowledge comes from, +1 to History spell checks.

Astral Magic

Astral magic is mysterious. It glows a deep crystal blue and refracts light around it.

An Astral Touched can use a number of magical traits, as described below.

An Astral Touched can use its magical traits twice before taking a long rest, and it cannot use the same trait twice before taking a long rest. It regains all expended uses when it finishes a long rest.

Some options require the target to make a saving throw to avoid or resist its effect. For these options, the save DC equals 12 + the Astral Touched's modifier on what ever Ability score is the highest.

Astral Wall. As a bonus action, the Astral Touched calls forth a physical barrier 40 ft high and 40 feet wide or smaller of astral magic that lasts one turn. When a creature first enters the area or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + the Astral Touched's highest modifier and is unable to move forward past the barrier.

Blinding Light. As an action, the Astral touched uses there hands and produces a violent flash of light. All enemies in front of the Astral Touched have a -3 applied to their attack roll for their next turn.

Divine's Light. When the vampire is targeted by an attack, it can use its reaction to briefly turn into a bright light of varying colors, adding their highest ability score modifier to its Armor Class for that attack. Immediately after the attack, as a same reaction, the Astral Touched can teleport up to an unoccupied space that it can see within 5 feet.

Blessing of the Astral. As an action, The Astral Touched heals their target (other than their self) within 20 ft for 2d4.

To-Do List

  • A brief history (timeline)
  • Bestiary
  • overview of factions
  • People and factions

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