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# The first oak tree Rumor has it that the common oak tree was brought to the material plane by the first elves to have crossed from the plane of faerie, nearly 25 millennia ago. A lone seed descended from the world tree Arvandor; said to share a portion of its innate magical essence. The tree that sprouted from this seed would be known as Ik'Shanta; the tree of power, a lesser version of its original bearer, granting the elves within its vicinity the ability to cast magic at no cost. As was the case with Arvandor, the leaves and seeds of this tree would hold a fraction of its magical essence that could be harnessed and utilized in many ways; primarily used as an artifact that along with the right conditions and rituals would imbue weapons or armor with magical properties. Elvish lore claims that it is Ik'Shanta that bore the seeds that would eventually propagate the material plane. With every generation gradually losing its innate magical essence, until nothing was left. Whether Ik'Shanta remains standing or has been lost in time due to the countless wars that ravaged the elven kingdoms is a mystery. Folk lore and tales passed down the centuries talk about the first leaves of Ik'Shanta, the power they possessed and their ability to remain alive long past their fall from the tree. As expected, individuals with a vested interest in creating and using magical artifacts have sought the leaves. ### Adventure hook Years of research and expeditions based off of historical tellings and word of mouth have come to no avail. Though, tales of a recent archaeological dig site within the **Gloomtide forest** has uncovered ancient elvish ruins that date back millennia; the ruins themselves resemble an architecture similar to that created by the first elves. Archeologists that found the ruins have claimed that the site is locked by high magic and that the forest had violently attacked their crew, ending the lives of a few members. One of the groups interested in this leaf goes by the **Woad scouts**. undeterred by the warning signs a Woad scout in training is looking for adventurers to aid them in following the most recent lead for the leaf. > ##### The ranger > Should a character decide to utilize this module as their backstory, have them be the ranger that reaches out to the party for help in obtaining the artifact. If this module is used as a side quest or one shot, the ranger in training is Gill Gilbert a halfling teenage scout prodigy currently partaking in the capstone trial required to become a full fledged ranger. \columnbreak ### The Woad scouts An organization that trains young boys and girls to become rangers. The entire process of becoming a Woad scout requires roughly 3-8 years of training, depended upon how quickly each scout can progress through the trials. A scout's progress through each rank is based upon both the opinion of the elders and the superior class. When a scout believes that they are ready to progress from one ranking to the next they will be tested rigorously by said superiors, followed by a series of questions from the elders. Should both parties come to an agreement, the scout may progress to the next rank. Woad scout alumni are very well respected in their country of origin. Often times they fall into careers that align with their training. Common careers include military service, hunters, foragers, guides that help lost travelers, messengers of impending attacks to local towns. ##### the typical progression of a Woad scout * **Year 1-2: Tenderfoot to Jr. Woad:** The scout would spend 2 years in training locally. This involves basic sparring, classroom learning about survival, and supervised camping trips. * **Year 2-3: Jr. Woad to Woad:** This involves more camping trips that venture further into the forest and are mostly unsupervised. These occur in small groups called parliaments. These are the years where scouts transition from classroom to practical application of their skills * **Year 3-5: Woad to Couatl:** Requires the completion of either a spirit walk or capstone. The spirit walk involves a 3 year solo survival within the forest. Upon return, they share what they have learned with the Woad Scout Elder council on their journey while under a zone of truth spell. If the Elder council determine that the Woad scout is ready, they achieve the highest rank in the Woad Scouts, Couatl. The Capstone is a single mission, usually to retrieve an artifact. This process can take anywhere from 1 to 3 years depending on the difficulty of retrieval. The artifact is chosen by the elders and upon retrieval the scout receives the highest ranking. The elders must approve a scout prior the capstone is chosen in order to prevent the death of an unexperienced scout.
\pagebreakNum ### Gloomtide forest Located next to the rocky ocean cliffs that run along the north-eastern end of the country, the Gloomtide forest is a 4 mile wide forest. The first mile of which resembles any other forest that sports green leaves. Second and third mile from the center such greenery begins to make way for leaves of purple and maroon, the trunks of the trees are now covered in different shades of yellow as fungal growths become prominent and the very air is polluted with spores. The final mile from the center of the forest resembles the prior two, the difference being that the forest has turned unnaturally dull. A portal to the shadowfell has muffled the area turning the land, trees, and animals into varying shades of gray. #### > ##### Finding the Ruins > The ranger has received word that the ruins are located in the eastern part of the forest; where the trees give way to a rocky cliff. Have the player playing the ranger make a DC20 survival check, upon a success the players find their way to the ruins easily. A failure will result in an encounter from the list below; choose one that best suits the situation. Should this module be utilized as a one shot or side quest, have a random player make the survival check on behalf of Gill Gillbert and add +10 to the roll. ### Lost in the forest **1. We are being hunted:** As the sun begins to set the player with the highest passive perception notices dull floating white orbs throughout the forest trailing the players; a successful DC17 perception check will identify that the orbs are in fact eyes. A shadow that seemingly shifts and moves with said eyes can be faintly noticed thanks to the light of the moon. Unless provoked the creatures take their time stalking the players, waiting for an opportune moment. The creatures are a pack of 2d6 shadow mastiffs, and should the players fail the perception check and be oblivious to the creatures, they gain a surprise attack round; if the check was successful normal combat takes place. \columnbreak **2. An old lumber mill:** This encounter revolves around a tribe of Vegepygmies that have managed to start a colony within an old lumber mill located deep within the forest. Due to a lack of fresh hosts to bear new spores, the colony has begun to deteriorate and now consists of 1d6 Vegepygmies, 1 Chief and 1d4 Thornies. The lumber mill is located along the border of the fungal infested and shadowfell infused portion of the forest, overgrown by dark purple trees and gray shrubbery; the lumber mill consists of a sawmill and two smaller cabins. Within the sawmill the players come across a batch of what at first seems like rust. But with a DC18 perception check, the player notices that the rust itself shifts and moves; that is because it is a patch of russet mold! an extremely toxic mold that if touched or consumed take 3d6 damage. Amongst the trees are Shriekers and and Violet fungus; DC16 Perception check, on a successful roll the player will be able to identify a difference in appearance between said shrieker and all other fungus. On a failure, the player will be oblivious to them, increasing their chance at setting off an alarm. This comes into play as the Vegepygmies use their plant camouflage to remain hidden waiting to ambush their next victim. The Vegepygmies will try to lure the players to trees that have violet fungus attached to them, aiding them in the fight. **3. The lonely traveler:** The person guiding through this forest has gotten lost and has come across the shadowfell infused portion of the forest. Amongst the trees lays a small dirt trail where a set of footprints that go in circles are clearly visible, a DC18 perception check reveals drag marks that run along said footprints. The footprints belong to a being from the shadowfell called "the lonely"; it craves nothing more than the eternal companionship of people, so much so that it is willing to kill to keep a person around it. From behind a tree, the player with the highest passive perception hears a somber, mournful, agonizing cry. If the players do not choose to investigate then the entity does not notice them. Should an attempt at a subtle investigation be attempted a DC14 stealth check would be sufficient to go unnoticed, upon failure the creature waits for the player to come within range and begin combat using its harpoon arm ability. Should for whatever reason the entity notice the players but they simply walk away, have the creature follow at a distance and appear in the middle of the night.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### The main entrance At the edge of the Gloomtide forest where the last of the trees give way to the rocky ocean cliff lays the archaeological dig site, spanning roughly 100ft. wide and 10ft. deep; multiple wooden ladders providing means of descending. To the east, upon a small hill of grass and flowers at the the very edge of the cliff stands a lone 30ft. tall tree, the green leaves of which block the moon. The tree is sleeping treant named Alderspray, placed by Emmantiensien the god of treants in return for the elves' care of the forest. > ##### Roleplaying Alderspray > Treants are chaotic good creatures preferring to veer away from combat, yet willing to fight if backed against a wall. Placed here as a sapling, Alderspray has now spread his roots throughout the entire Gloomtide forest, making him well aware of anything that happens within it. Throughout the conversation he make analogies that tie to the forest becoming corrupted. Should the players attempt to negotiate with Alderspray, he would be willing to move should it prove to be for the greater good of the forest. Otherwise, a successful DC22 Persuasion check would be required. Buried across the site are stone ruins that are at different stages of being uncovered. A DC17 perception check reveals that one of the exposed walls has a worn out painted motif of a moon with its light shinning upon an open door. On the western wall of the dig site; almost as though built into the site, is a set of stone arched doors with 8 circular motifs carved across; DC15 intelligence check identifies that the motifs are in fact the different cycle of the moon. To the right of the door, is a stone plaque upon which elvish writing is carved across it: *the son of Emmantiensien stands tall and proud, blocking the daughters of Selûne from opening the door* \columnbreak
##### Entering the tomb of king torroris. To unlock the door, the players will have to find a way to convince Alderspray; the son of Emmantiensien, to move so that the light of the moon; daughters of Selûne, can shine upon the door. Subsequently, opening it. Other means of distracting Alderspray may be used, whether through the desecration of the forest or active combat. If the players are pursuing combat, utilize the Alderspray stat block in the appendix.
Upon solving the puzzle, the doors slowly open and remain that way so long the light of the moon shines upon it. Past the entry way lays a set of stairs that descend 25ft. into a cold, dark, stone chamber with dried roots and vines that once grew across the walls. ### A. The Painting on the wall To the right and left of the entry way lay open hallways. The room itself is square in shape, made of cobblestone. Descending from the ceiling are the roots of trees that have in time managed to crack through the stone in search of nutrients. Straight across the stairs lays a dusty painting that spans across the entirety of the wall, depicting the different paths that the elves took. The right hand side of the painting depicts elves walking into the ocean, swimming, and eventually transforming into what is commonly referred to as sea elves. In the center is a painting of a dark skinned elf wearing white robes and brandishing a spear jumping, all the while reaching for the sky. Above her are a group of elves that seemingly sport a set of wings and are flying into the clouds; depicting the less known Avariel. To the left is a group of elves walking into a forest, the leader holding a seed. That scene is followed by the seed being planted and a forest sprouting from the ground, the trees all seemingly having faces; depicting the elves becoming one with the forest. \pagebreakNum ### B. Dried up Fountains Steps lead down into a cobblestone room, in the center stands a pedestal the top of which is concaved. In each corner of the room is a dried fountain, the base of which is triangular; DC15 perception check reveals that there is secret compartment hiding a valve at the base. Rotating the valve will turn on the fountain, filling the base with water. Upon the eastern wall is blanket of dried vines, moving it aside reveals a small slit in the wall that allows players with dark vision to see into the next room; an unopened wooden chest stands in the middle, with no visible way in or out. Should all four fountains be activated, a small orb of water appears on the pedestal; this is a portal to a demi-plane, any player that touches this orb is immediately transported and polymorphed into a fish. The demi-plane is that of room B. submerged under water. In addition to, the eastern wall no being longer there; providing access to room C. Rather than a treasure chest laying in wait another portal floats in place. Though nothing is as simple as that, a swarm of quippers will attempt to eat the party members. Should one of the players manage to swim through the portal then trial is deemed a success, all players reappear from where they came except the eastern wall is no longer there but should any player have "died" during the test then have them appear with 1 HP. Upon failing the trial the players all re-appear in the room with 1 HP, while the eastern wall still stands.
##### Just keep swimming As part of being polymorphed into a fish the player retains their intelligence and wisdom, but their health becomes 1 + their respective constitution modifier; if modifier is a negative then the player retains just 1 HP.
### C. Secret chamber Nothing stands out in this room other than the fact that it is dark, humid, and that there is a large chest in the middle. The chest is unlocked if the players managed to successfully complete the trial, the contents of which are Robe of elvenkind, a bag of 200 gold, and a scimitar. ### D. I think they have a weed problem Similar to the first room, roots hang from the ceiling. On either wall vines with purple leaves grow unencumbered, culminating towards the southern wall in a cocoon shaped mass 5 ft. off the floor. The cocoon moves and twitches; almost as though someone or something is wrapped inside. Scattered across the floor are the remains of multiple broken statues; the three elvish kings that came too after stepping through the fey. To the west a small hallway leads to the next room. **A DC15 insight** check identifies that the movements are unnatural; in the sense that they do not mimic how one would attempt to break out of a cocoon, that is because the cocoon is actually an assassin vine trying to deceive the players into coming closer to it. Should the players fall for the trap and investigate the cocoon at a close distance, it will use its *Entangling vines* action as a surprise; roll initiative. In the makeshift cocoon lays the body of a once overly ambitious adventurer, nothing but his skeleton, rusted armor, shattered weapon, and ripped leather pouch remain. In the pouch is an unopened *potion of cure light wounds*, among other empty vials and a key with a red cloth attached to it. ### E. Materials room. Once dedicated to storing materials used in ancient druidic rituals, this room is a far cry from what it once was. Dust caked broken shelves, tables, and cabinets lay shattered across the floor. Dried herbs, coagulated potions, empty vials, and ancient pieces parchment are scattered amongst the debris; the papers are the material components of a druidic spell, that turn into dust if handled. A mass of vines and leaves form a central pulsing mass that spreads along the walls into the next chambers. From within the rubble the player with the highest passive perception hears a thudding sound, almost as if someone is pounding on glass. In the rubble are two magically sealed glass containers, one with a red lock and the other with a yellow lock; the keys in Room D. and F. open the container with the respective colored lock. The container with the red lock holds a young male fairy; Snow Palmdance, who if freed would constantly ask the players to play games with him. As part of his games, the fairy would begin throwing the coagulated potions aside in hopes of finding something that could be used in his game. Unbeknownst to the players the fumes from the potion will alter the form of the vines and turn it into a shambling mound that proceeds to attack, all the while Snow is continuing to look for something that maybe used to play games. Should the players decide that they have had enough and stop "playing" with Snow, he pouts and will play pranks on the players until they leave the dungeon. In the yellow locked container is Lynda Snowdance; the mother of the other Snow, freeing her is the only way other than lethal means to get Snow to stop playing pranks on the players.
\pagebreakNum || Fairy pranks | |:---:|:-----------:| | | While the players sleep, Snow draws mustaches and beards using coal on their face | | | Snow manages to tie bells to the belt of a player making their next stealth check at disadvantage | | | The bags of the players suddenly become extremely heavy. Snow has placed rocks, reducing the player's movement by half | | | Snow appears behind one of the players mid conversation and makes a farting noise during a tense moment, charisma check is made at disadvantage | | | With their shoelaces suddenly being tied to one another, the players automatically fail the next athletics/acrobatics check | | | The players wake up in a different body but retain their memories and attitudes; lasts for 4 hours. Have the players switch characters for the duration | ### F. Tomb guardian's puzzle Walking through the hallway that leads into room F. the players begin to notice spores in the air, seemingly increasing in density as they approach the room. What would have once would have been a square cobblestone room, is now infested by purple mold along the walls and corners. Multi colored fungus emit their bioluminescence, providing ambient lighting for the players to see. In the center of this room is the long past decomposed skeletal body of another adventurer; belonging to the same group that resulted in the individual in Room D. becoming wrapped in the cocoon. Upon the skeleton a small mound of the same purple mold, if the player's decide to investigate the remains; DC15 investigation, they clutched in the hands of the skeleton a key with a yellow cloth tied to it. Have the player investigating roll a DC15 sleight of hand check; on a failure take 2d6 poison damage as they inhale the spores . To the immediate west of the entryway stands at the ready, a humanoid shaped creature holding a wooden club and shield. Its small black sunken eyes starring at the players. Its body is covered in bark and moss almost resembling muscles, and fungus that almost resembles warts. This is the guardian of the tomb; a wood woad. The speaks in a low and grungy voice stating that only those worthy may pass, all other that intrude are to return to the forest.
\columnbreak > ##### The Woad's test > The test revolves around the guardian speaking 2 lies and a 1 truth, the players have one changc to be successful in identifying the truth upon which he shall let them walk with no incident. upon failure, he attacks. A **DC20 history** check will be enough to provide the lore behind the creation of Ik'Shanta, while a **DC20 religion** check will provide sufficient information to deduce the truth. > > * **(Lie)** Upon their exile from Arvandor, the first elves grew to detest Corellon Larethian and stole the seed that bore Ik'Shanta to spite him. > * ****(Lie)**** The wife of Corellon Larethian, Sehanine Moonbow is to be thanked for freeing the elves from her husbands rule. It was her gift that gave birth to Ik'Shanta. > * **(Truth)** The exile from Arvandor was such a travesty to the elves. In hopes of being welcomed once again, they live their life embracing the true nature of Corellon Larethian as their own. ### G. The Grove The purple mold seemingly stops at the entryway of the hallway the sounds of birds chirping, leaves rustling, and squirrels scratching can be heard from within. A natural grove stands in this chamber, located in the center atop a bed of grass are 2 rows of 4 trees; their foliage covering the entirety of the ceiling, on each one there is a visible tree hallow facing the center. Located in each corner is a lit torchlight, providing a warm night ambiance to the room and along the western wall is a wooden door that is locked, written upon it in elvish is: *the daughter of Ik'Shanta holds the key* > ##### Sticky fingers > The trees in this grove were blessed by the first druids; no sunlight nor nutrients are required to maintain this grove, with the goal in mind of protecting the key that unlocks the door. The key is hidden in the only oak tree within this grove, a DC18 perception or DC16 nature check is required should a player attempt to identify subtle differences in the trees; 7 of the 8 are elm trees and just 1 is an oak tree. If the players blindly attempt to place their hands in an elm tree, a portal to the fey opens and from it a creature encounter begins. Roll a 1d6 and run the encounter subsequent to the list below. \pagebreakNum | d6 | Encounter | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 |6 Vine blight | | 2 |1 Awakened Tree | | 3 |1 Assassin vine | | 4 |2 Redcaps | | 5 |3 Ettercaps| | 6 |1 Troll | ### H. Spirit in a vase A plain cobblestone room in the center of which stands 3 ornate pedestals atop each one is a vase housing a spirit that once attempted a coup against the king due to his overwhelming fascination with the artifact, effecting the lives of people. There only exists one way out from this room ,a door frame on the northern side of the room. Upon glancing, another lit chamber stands roughly 100 feet away yet in between the two rooms there is nothing but a dark void providing no visible way to cross; other than a fly spell. Engraved on each vase is a phrase in elvish that ties to what spirit is trapped within. The vase engraved with **"The wind swept her off her feet"** houses the spirit of Valyra Paphine, a tall tanned dark haired elf that wears sandals and white robes that give way to two wings that emerge from her back. **"The water swept her off her feet"** houses the spirit of Tanulia Sarrora, a fiery red haired sea elf that wears light armor adorned with shells and seaweed. **"Neither wind nor water swept her off her feet"** houses Chalsarda Vakian, a blonde wood elf that wears heavy armor and a shield made of tree bark and moss. In order for the characters to move to the next room, the spirit of Valyra Paphine will have to be freed providing the ability to move between rooms via flying. If the characters decide to destroy the vases, they fall over and shatter releasing a puff of dust. Moments after breaking the vase a banshee appears; the tormented spirit of the respective elf. Upon defeating the spirit, the players receive a blessing; only one blessing maybe active at any given time. * **Valyra Paphine** - blessing of wisdom: add +1 to you wisdom modifier * **Tanulia Sarrora** - blessing of dexterity: add +1 to your dexterity modifier * **Chalsarda Vakian** - blessing of toughness: add +1 to your AC modifier ### I. Where you always an elf? Unlike all other rooms this one is extremely well kept and opulent, rather than gray cobblestone the floors and walls are made of white marble. Along said walls are benches made of a gold like material. In addition, to the framed pictures depicting the king in all his glory conquering land in the name of the elves, while others are of clouds, an ocean, and a forest; the different locations the elves occupied. This chamber is magically imbued to mimic a waiting chamber prior to meeting a king or queen. What the players immediately notice is their visage that has now changed to mimic an elf that is similar to what blessing they sought in the prior chamber. \columnbreak ### J. Tomb of king Vulwin Torroris From the ceiling a single branch stretches down to the throne, upon the end of it is the first leaf of Ik'Shanta emitting a vibrant green light. While the leaf once altered the appearance of this chamber to mimic the ideal chamber and body for the king, it has begun to reject his influence. A circular throne room made of marble; roughly 20ft. high, the walls are lit with torches and the throne itself made of a single piece of marble that is decorated with golden filigorie of vines and trees. Certain aspects in the room hint at the possibility that whatever magic is holding this chamber is fighting back, cracks run along the marble walls and floors, and vines that have begun to emerge and wrap themselves upon the foot of the throne and torches. Upon the throne sits an armored undead, atop his long white hair is a golden crown that gives way to a hollowed skeletal face. King Vulwin Torroris that was once buried with his armor and prized warhammer; seemingly kept alive by his insatiable greed for the leaf, stands in the way of completing this adventure . > ##### Roleplaying the king > Vulwin Torroris, youngest of three that belonged to a relatively new lineage of kings and queens, was known across the kingdom to be the greediest of all his family. His eyes constantly drifted towards his father's throne and the leaf that would come with it. This greed would grow and push him to try and become king whatever the means, ultimately killing his siblings and parents. He will neither be willing nor kind towards anyone that attempts to take the artifact from him. ___
##### Removing the leaf When the players remove the leaf, the entire dungeon begins to collapse. Run a skill check challenge where the players will need to succeed in 2 out 4 checks.
\pagebreakNum ___ >## Alderspray >*Huge plant, chaotic good* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 16 (Natural Armor) > - **Hit Points** 138 > - **Speed** 30 ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|23 (+6)|8 (-1)|21 (+5)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)| >___ > - **Damage Vulnerabilities** Fire > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing > - **Senses** Passive Perception 13 > - **Languages** Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan > - **Challenge** 6 (2,300 XP) > ___ > - ***False Appearance.*** While Alderspray remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree. > - **Siege Monster.** Alderspray deals double damage to objects and structures > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** Alderspray makes two slam attacks. > > **Slam.** Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. > > **Rock.** Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. ___ \columnbreak ___ > ## King Vulwin Torroris >*Medium undead, lawful evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 18 (Plate) > - **Hit Points** 127 > - **Speed** 30 ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|18 (+4)|14 (+2)|18 (+4)|11 (+0)|12 (+1)|14 (+2)| >___ > - **Skills** Perception +4 > - **Damage Resistances** Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks > - **Damage Immunities** Poison > - **Condition Immunities** Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned, Unconscious > - **Senses** Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14 > - **Languages** Elvish, Sylvan, Common > - **Challenge** 8 (3,900 XP) > ___ > ***Martial Fury***. As a bonus action, the creature can make one weapon attack, which deals an extra 9 (2d8) necrotic damage on a hit. If it does so, attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn. > > ***Turning Defiance***. The creature and any other sword wraiths within 30 feet of it have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead. > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The creature wraith makes two weapon attacks. > > ***Longsword.*** Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands. > > ***Longbow.*** Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. > > ***Call to Honor (1/Day).*** To use this action, the creature must have taken damage during the current combat. If the creature can use this action, it gives itself advantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn, and 1d4 + 1 sword wraith warriors appear in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of it. The warriors last until they drop to 0 hit points, and they take their turns immediately after the commander’s turn on the same initiative count. \pagebreakNum ### Art Woad scout: King Vulwin Torroris: Quippers: Forest: