The Brass Dome
Armor (Plate), Artifact (requires attunemnt)

The turtle's shell one day becomes its tomb.
You have a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
While attuned to this armor you lose 5 ft. of movement speed.
Additionally you take no extra damage from beeing critically struck and gain resistance to all damage dealt by weapon attacks.
Due to the nature of the armor and its heft, you can not succeed on Dexterity Saving Throws while wearing it and are vulnerable to lightning damage.
Cloak of Tawm'r Isley
Armor (Robe), Artifact (requires attunemnt)

Renowned by those distinguished, Exalted by the few. He skulks in darkness, and watches from beneath the city.
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
If you touch an item while wearing this robe you instantly identify it per the spell Identify.
You also gain the effect of Detect Magic but with only a 10ft. radius and can not be blinded unless you do not have eyes.
Gruthkul's Pelt
Armor (Plate), Artifact (requires attunemnt by a spellcaster)

Simple is the life of the bear.
You have a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor and gain proficiency with it.
While wearing this armor you can not cast spells, nor can you concentrate on one.
Arcane Withering. If you hit with a weapon attack you can decide to critically hit by spending your highest spell slot.
The Ivory Tower
Armor (Robe), Artifact (requires attunemnt by a wizard or artificer)

The mind is a filter through which anarchy becomes order.
You have a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor and your Intelligence score becomes 22 unless it is already higher.
Mind over Body. Damage to temporary hit points does not carry over to your hit points. But you can never gain more than one temporary hit point.
Dumb but alive. As an action you can decrease your Intelligence score to six, but gaining ones temporary hit point at the start of each of your turns for 1 minute. Your Intelligence score is reduced until the end of a long rest.
Chains of Command
Armor (Robe), Artifact (requires attunemnt by a wizard or druid)

A general may carry his men to greatness, or be dragged beneath the mire by their burden.
You have a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Army of the Dead. As an action six chains fall from the armor itself and morph into humanoid corpses. As part of this action you can cast Danse Macabre. Once you use this ability you can not do so again until you finish a long rest.
Greatness or Burden. If a creature that is under your control attacks a creature with a weapon attack it also attacks all creatures adjacent to the target.
Wondrous item (Gloves), Artifact (requires attunemnt)

The monstrous men of yore used bows, they were just bigger.
You have proficiency with all ranged weapons while using these gloves.
Iron Grip. You can not add you Dexterity modifer to any ranged weapon attacks damage rolls but you rather add your Strenght modifier.
Winds of Change
Wondrous item (Gloves), Artifact (requires attunemnt by a barbarian)

Izaro was slow to see the treachery growing in his own court and powerless to stop it once he had; a captain sailing his own ship into rocks.
If you have at least 20 Strenght you knock back the target of your melee weapon attacks by 10 ft. each time you hit. Should the target be stopped early by anything the target and the object take 3d6 bludgeoning damage.
Atziri's Acuity
Wondrous item (Gloves), Artifact (requires attunemnt)

"The heart is the herald. It will tell me when it is best to strike."
- Atziri, Queen of the VaalYour critical hits deal no additional damage and don't automatically hit but you critcally hit on a 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20. After you critically hit a creature you gain Vaals Pact.
Valls Pact. You can not be healed by other creatures, but you heal for half the damage you deal to creatures. Lasts until the end of your next turn.
Demon Stitcher
Wondrous item (Gloves), Artifact (requires attunemnt by a spellcaster)

Xibaqua's treachery was met with divine fury. One by one, the gods reclaimed their flesh, until all that remained was a droplet of pure light: The first Vaal.
Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher you loose twice the spells level hit points but gain five times the spells level as temporary hit points.
Shackles of the Wretched
Wondrous item (Gloves), Artifact (requires attunemnt)

Captivity breeds creativity.
After a condition ends on you, you can't be affected by that same condition again until the end of your next turn.
Additionally if you are affected by an effect that has a duration. You reduce that duration to "until the end of your next turn".
Utility Items
Flask Belt
Wondrous item (Belt), Uncommon

Credit: Knights of the Black Lily (
This belt can store up to 3 flasks.
Quick Draw. The wearer of this belt can use up to all of the potions or flasks contained in the belt as a bonus action.
Classic Flasks
Health Flask
Flask, Rare

This flask can store up to three charges.
Flask. A creature that is carrying the flask can use a bonus action to take a sip of the flask consuming 1, 2 or 3 charges and healing 1d4 per charge. The flask can also be administered to another creature as an action with the same effect.
Flask Recharge. If a creature that is carrying the flask kills another creature the flask regains one charge.
Flask of the Weave
Flask, Very rare

This flask can store up to six charges.
Flask. A creature that is carrying the flask can use a bonus action to take a sip of the flask consuming 3 or 6 charges and regaining a 1st or 2nd level spell slot respectively. The flask can also be administered to another creature as an action with the same effect.
Flask Recharge. If a creature that is carrying the flask kills another creature the flask regains one charge.
Quicksilver Flask
Flask, Very rare

This flask can store up to one charge.
Flask. A creature that is carrying the flask can use a bonus action to take a sip of the flask consuming the charge and gaining 15 feet of movement until the end of its next turn. The flask can also be administered to another creature as an action with the same effect.
Flask Recharge. If a creature that is carrying the flask kills another creature the flask regains one charge.
Unique Flasks
Zerphi's Last Breath
Flask, Artifact

"Proof that if you devote yourself to a god of death, you may be spared from its wrath."
- Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Item 408This flask can store up to one charge.
Flask. A creature that is carrying the flask can use a bonus action to take a sip of the flask consuming the charge and gaining Last Breath until the end of its next turn. The flask can also be administered to another creature as an action with the same effect.
Last Breath. While under this effect any spell the creature casts takes two spell slots instead of one (the level remains unchanged) but heals for the level of the slots spent times eight.
Flask Recharge. If a creature that is carrying the flask heals another creature with a spell, the flask regains one charge.
Lavianga's Spirit
Flask, Artifact

"When the Ancestors fill your cup, It is only good manners to drink your fill."
- Lavianga, Advisor to KaomThis flask can store up to one charge.
Flask. A creature that is carrying the flask can use a bonus action to take a sip of the flask consuming the charge and gaining Divine Decree until the end of its next turn. The flask can also be administered to another creature as an action with the same effect.
Divine Decree. While under this effect the creature does not need to spend spell slots to casts spells, as long as it has at least one spell slot of the required level. If a creature is affected by this more than once between long rests it gains one level of exhaustion each time.
Flask Recharge. If a creature that is carrying the flask communicates with a god, kills a fiend or finishes a long rest, the flask regains one charge.
Sin's Rebirth
Flask, Artifact

And from the ashes he rose, like a black cloud. The Sin of one became the Sin of many.
This flask can store up to two charges.
Flask. A creature that is carrying the flask can use a bonus action to take a sip of the flask consuming one charge and gaining Chaotic Might until the end of its turn. The flask can also be administered to another creature as an action with the same effect.
Chaotic Might. While under this effect the creature can cast Chaos Bolt everytime it hits with a weapon attack.
Flask Recharge. If a creature that is carrying the flask drops to zero hit points or finishes a long rest, the flask regains one charge.
Coruscating Elixir
Flask, Artifact

Let blood sear in your veins, Let the pain push outwards and turn away your enemy's blows.
This flask can store up to one charge.
Flask. A creature that is carrying the flask can use a bonus action to take a sip of the flask consuming the charge and gaining Blood Shield for 1 minute. The flask can also be administered to another creature as an action with the same effect.
Blood Shield. When this starts affecting a creature that creature looses all but one of its hit points but gains twice that amount as temporary hit points for the duration.
Flask Recharge. If a creature that is carrying the flask sheds blood willingly into the flask (this deals 1 damage), the flask regains one charge.
All pictures are from Grinding Gear Games (Path of Exile) unless otherwise noted.