Martial Archetype: Conqueror

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The Conqueror is a Martial Archetype option for Fighters at level 3. Conquerors may be generals and warlords toppling empires, or they might be warriors who overcome seemingly impossible odds through pure tenacity and skill, or something else entirely. In any case, they are distinguished by their assertive style of combat. Though they may choose to break off and reassess the situation, when they move to attack, they do so vigorously. They do not dither around waiting for things to happen- they make things happen.


When you choose this Archetype at 3rd level, you add a bonus equal to your Constitution modifier to all saving throws.


Also at 3rd level, when you take the Attack action, your melee attacks (including your unarmed strikes) deal extra damage. This damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as is shown in the Ferocity Damage table. You cannot combine this with extra damage from other sources, except for intrinsic qualities of a weapon and your base damage modifier.

Fighter Level Ferocity Damage
3rd d6
7th d8
15th d10

Strong Leader

At 7th level, the boldness taught by your fighting style has begun to inform your social interactions. You can add your Strength or Dexterity modifier as a bonus to skill checks and contests you apply your Charisma modifier to.

Triumph Through Willpower

A great master of arms once said that one who seeks a fight but lacks courage might as well be committing suicide; considering your disposition, it's unsurprising you believe this is true. At 10th level, you are immune to being charmed, and cannot be subject to the Frightened condition.

Resist and Bite

At 15th level, the harder the fight pushes you, the taller you stand. When you are at or below half your maximum hit points, you can choose to make your first attack each turn with advantage. You remain in this state until initiative ends and can enter it a number of times per long rest equal to your Constitution modifier.


At 18th level, when you hit a creature with a number of hit points less than or equal to your Fighter level with a melee attack, you reduce them to 0 hit points if you didn't deal enough damage to do so. You may then make an attack against another creature as a bonus action.


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