The Silent Hierophant

by Used Cat Salesman

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The Silent Hierophant

Chosen by the Raven Queen herself, you are one of her many champions. The Silent Hierophant is empowered, fighting fire with fire by raising the dead to defeat those who would defile the cycle of death. In exchange, when your service is no longer required; you die.

Your Purpose is Hers

Your path is a rare happening, only coming up in times of great need. Whether you were a Raven Priest in life, or some other being who truly embodies the Raven Queen's ideals, the Raven Queen may pluck your spirit from passing on to bring you unto undeath; your mission and purpose is yet to be completed.

Tenets of Silence

Those who are chosen by the Raven Queen must follow her commandents, as as well of her tenents placed for her chosen.

Annihilate the Unholy. The undead and those who foster them are wicked. Destroy them before they defile more.

Finish Your Purpose. The Raven Queen brought you back for a reason. Fulfill the purpose no matter what, and be granted peace.

Uphold Tradition While you are empowered by the Raven Queen to use extreme measures to fight in her name you must still act according to her tenets.

Silence in Death. She did not bring you back to celebrate life; you've no time for such. Your mission is the only purpose you have left.

Oath Spells

You gain spells as you level up. You also gain the Find Familiar spell, but can only summon a raven as your companion.

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Inflict Wounds, Ice Knife
5th Gentle Repose, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
9th Animate Dead, Sleet Storm
13th Death Ward, Ice Storm
17th Negative Energy Flood, Cone of Cold

Channel Divinity

When you gain take this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Raise Undead. As an action, you target a corpse to begin raising it unto undeath to serve you, sending their spirits to the afterlife as well in a short prayer. This acts akin to the Animate Dead spell, save that it can be used on any deceased body.

Icy Repose. As an action, you present your holy symbol of the Raven Queen. Each undead within 30ft of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails, it becomes frozen for 1 minute or until it takes damage.

Aura of Icy Death

Starting at 7th level, enemies within 10ft of you must make Wisdom saving throws. If they fail, their movement speed is halved for 1 minute. Additionally, whenever you and your allies successfully hit a creature affected, they take bonus damage equal to your WIS modifier (minimum +1).

At 18th level, this aura increases to 30ft.

Defender of the Damned

At 15th level, you may use your reaction defy any attempt to raise undead within 30ft of you. Additionally, you may absorb the essence of the dead you animate. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to the number of hit die the undead had. You can use this feature once per long rest.

The Queen's Scythe

Starting at level 20, you temporarily become bonded with the Raven Queen for 1 minute, swirls of chilling winds surround you in a 30ft radius.

  • You grow raven wings, granting a 60ft fly speed.
  • Your attacks do an additional 4d8 necrotic damage, and heal you and your undead allies for the amount of damage dealt.
  • You may make one additional attack per turn.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


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