Grim Cannon

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The Grim Cannon

The Grim Cannon was invented by Artificer Jorgrim Scugbum of the House Scugbum. The Grim Cannon has a long barrel which rests on a polished wood frame. Attached to the cannon is a smaller version of the Smith's Crucible which feeds ammunition to the cannon by attaching and then suspending beads of metal directly into the barrel. Inside the stock of the cannon is a small lightning generator which directly feeds the cannon with power. The generator pulses lightning through the coils which push the projectile forward.

Grim Cannon

Weapon (Anti-matter Rifle), uncommon (requires attunement) It is highly customizable and is up to the wielder and DM on the specifics of its customization. This weapon is considered a magical weapon

The Cannon deals 2d6 damage normally, Its normal range is 150 feet, and its maximum range of 500 feet. When fired each creature within a 5 ft cone of the end of the barrel must make a dexterity saving throw of DC16 or take 1d4 force damage. Unlike the Thunder Cannon wielded by some Artificers the Grim cannon does not have the reload action. Instead metals must be melted down and placed into the Smith's Crucible every 100 rounds. The smaller version of the smith crucible used on the Grim Cannon can hold two lbs of metal and does not weigh more than .50 lbs. 1 lbs of metal equals 50 rounds.

If the cannon is fired multiple times in one attack the user must be kneeling, prone, or resting the gun against something. If this is not the case all attacks after the first are made at disadvantage.

If the DM allows, the cannon can be suppressed through the application of baffles. This reduces the cannons maximum range to 100 ft and reduces the damage to 2d4.

Art Credit to: Overland Arms (


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