5e Universal Crafting Rules

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5e Unified Crafting Rules


The Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Xanathar's Guide to Everything all contain rules for crafting magic items. However, those rules overlap. This document attempts to synthesize the best parts of those rules, as well as good home-brew additions, in order to create a system which allows for a great deal of flexibility, while still giving guidance to how to price items beyond the massive ranges in the core books.

Level-based items

All magic items have a level. The following table describes item levels, the cost of the item, and the rarity of the item:

Level Cost Rarity
1/8 12 Common
1/4 25 Common
1/2 50 Common
1 75 Common
2 150 Uncommon
3 225 Uncommon
4 335 Uncommon
5 500 Uncommon
6 735 Rare
7 1,000 Rare
8 1,500 Rare
9 2,300 Rare
10 3,400 Rare
11 5,000 Very Rare
12 7,300 Very Rare
13 10,700 Very Rare
14 15,650 Very Rare
15 23,000 Very Rare
16 33,500 Very Rare
17 50,000 Legendary
18 71,800 Legendary
19 105,000 Legendary
20 155,000 Legendary
21 225,000 Artifact
22 330,000 Artifact
23 480,000 Artifact
24 703,000 Artifact
25 1,000,000 Artifact

Crafting a magic item

Creating a magic item is, for the player and dungeon master, a simple process (though it might be complicated for the character!).

Step 1: Determine the Item's Level

Determine the level of the item. Appendix A gives a way to calculate this for an item of your own design. Appendix B gives suggested levels for each item in the Dungeon Master's Guide. For a quick and dirty approach, consult the following table.

Item power How often would it be used? Quick Level
Adds no power Just for flavor Character level - 4
Adds little power A little bit of utility Character level - 2
On par with character Once a day Character level
Adds a lot of power Once a short rest Character level + 2
Will define this character at this level Every chance they get Character level + 4
Step 2: Determine if a challenge is required, or if it will make the item easier to construct

A challenge is an encounter or series of encounters that provide the ingredients, help, or access to a location that make the item easier to construct. As an item's rarity increases, the likelihood that a challenge is required increases. Legendary items and artifacts always require a challenge.

The CR of the challenge is equal to the item's level + 2.

If a character has completed the challenge and acquired the ingredients, help, information, or access they need, the price of the item is decreased by 60%.

If the item is consumable, the price is decreased by 50%

Step 3: Determine the time to craft

It takes 1 hour per 5 gold pieces of price in order to craft an item. Characters may spend 8 hours per day during downtime, or 2 hours per adventuring day working on the item. Characters can also hire extra help at a rate of 1gp per hour, assuming they can find a qualified artisan who is capable of contributing to the build process.

At a DM's discretion, a character may forgo sleep to work on the item, taking the usual exhaustion penalty.

Step 4: Craft the item

Characters spend 1/2 the total cost of the item to obtain the necessary materials and begin work. They then spend time until they have reached the total time required. At the end of the process, characters spend the last 1/2 of the total cost, and then receive the item.

Appendix A

Calculate item level

Category Effect Level Modifier
Enchantment Bonus
+1 + 5
+2 +11
+3 +17
Cast a spell
Cantrip +2
1st Level +3
2nd Level +5
3rd Level +7
4th Level +9
5th Level +11
6th Level +13
7th Level +15
8th Level +17
9th Level +19
Using 5 charges -1
Adds Damage
1d6 Elemental +2
Set Attribute
To 19 +5
To 21 +9
To 23 +12
To 25 +15
To 27 +18
Grants Proficiency
In a tool +1
In a language +1
In a skill +2
Grants Expertise +6
Charges 1/Long Rest +0
At will +6
1/Short Rest +3
7,1d6 recharge +2
3,1d3 recharge +2
50, no recharge +1
Requires check DC equals Item Level -2

Determine item type

The item's type should fit it's abilities:

Item Type Associated Spells
Wand Spell requiring an attack roll or save
Rod Spells imposing debuffs or control
Staff Spells giving buff to others
Armor Permanent or temporary defensive effect
Weapon Permanent or temporary offensive effect
Ring Spell affecting self,
Potion Spell affecting self, consumable
Scroll Spell affecting others, consumable
Wondrous Item Anything Else

Determine Challenge Required

d12 Challenge
1 Requires ingredient harvested from an enemy
2 Requires resource guarded by an enemy
3-4 Must perform esoteric research or solve a mystery
5-6 Expert who can help needs to be located
7-8 Expert who can help needs a job done
9-10 Expert is holding a grudge and needs persuaded
11-12 Item is easier to forge at a specific location


Merrix wants to create a rod of mending, since he likes the spell but doesn't want to take one of his cantrips on it. He figures that 50 uses is plenty (since he might need to use it more than once a day) so he creates it with 50 charges. Mending is a cantrip (+2 item level) and 50 charges (+1) brings the item level to 3. The cost is 225 gold for a 3rd level item.

A local master artisan has just been broken into by a thief, and offers Merrix a challenge: if he can find and capture or kill the CR5 master thief, the master will aid his progress.

Merrix and his party does so, and the master grants his help. This reduces the price by 60%, to 90 gold, which means it will take 18 hours to complete. Merrix pays 45 gold for the raw materials, and spends 2 full 8-hour days working with the master.

It will only take two hours to finish the project. Merrix hits the road with his friends, spending 45 gold on a gemstone to place into a socket when the item is finished. That night, Merrix spends the last two hours fitting the gem, and the rod of mending is done!

The wagon's axle broke early the next morning, and Merrix got the axle fixed before the local gnolls caught their scent.

Appendix B

Magic item levels from the Dungeon Master's Guide


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