Necklace of the Eight Lords
Wonderous item. Rare. Requires attunement. Only attuned by monks.
There is a legend that eight great masters from eight monastaries came together to overthrow a mighty evil. Each fought in a distinctly different style, but their total strength was far greater than the sum of their individual schools, and so they won the day. For many years after, they remained close allies, until their inevitable passing. A tomb was built to honour the eight lords, and as each died, they were brought to the tomb and laid to rest. Each lord was interred with a magical sphere which held part of their power. The location of that tomb is now lost.

Eight spheres of various materials slide onto a thick woven silk cord (about the thickness of paracord). Each sphere is 2 inches in diameter. The spheres might not all be attached to the cord when found. Spheres can be attached during attunement. If a new sphere is found, it can be attached while re-attuning to the necklace. The spheres might not all be found together. The 8 monk lords are still thought to be in possession of some of them as they were interred with their bodies.
Each sphere has different properties only when attached to the cord and attuned by a monk.
All of the spheres can store 1 Ki point each. These points can be added to the monks pool of points but the spheres Ki points only regenerate after a long rest.
- Sphere of the Monkey. Yellow jasper. (Dex +1) - Guppy has this?
- Sphere of the Snake. Green Jade. (Wis +1) - Jewler in San Simeon has this for sale
- Sphere of the Panther. Obsidian. (Gain the Mobile feat while wearing the necklace) - In the Crypt of the Eight Lords
- Sphere of the Tiger. Tiger eye agate. (Con +1) - In the Crypt of the Eight Lords
- Sphere of the Crane. Quartz (white). (Dex +1) - In the Crypt of the Eight Lords
- Sphere of the Bear. Brown opal. (Con +1) - lost?
- Sphere of the Dragon. Red Jade. (Wis +1) - In the Crypt of the Eight Lords
- Sphere of the Mantis. Green quartz (Gain the Alert feat while wearing the necklace) - lost?