Knowledge Rules for 5e

by TheMaskedTom

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Knowledge Rules for D&D 5e

Quick Rules for Knowledge Checks

Knowledge checks can be a source of problems for the DM. For those wanting more specific tables to help them choose what information to give their players, I made this small set of tables to help.

The assumptions used here are that some skills are better suited to find specific information than others (i.e. Nature returns better information about wolves than Arcana). In addition, rarer information should be harder to identify.

Below are some tables that give an indicator of difficulty according to the creature or topic they are trying to get information about.

To fit all DMs, I've created two versions of these rules: the long version (with individual tables for each creature type) can be found on page two to six.

Two variants rules are suggested for more customisation.

Best Skill for Creatures

Creature Type Best Roll
Aberrations Arcana
Beasts Nature
Celestials Religion
Constructs Arcana
Dragons Arcana
Elementals Nature
Fey Nature
Fiends Religion
Humanoids History
Giants History
Monstrosities Arcana
Oozes Arcana
Plants Nature
Undead Religion

Variant : Passive Knowledge

As a variant rule, when your players roll a knowledge check on some creature they should know about, they can use their passive knowledge (10 + modifiers) as a minimum result. This avoids situations such as clerics not knowing anything about zombies when they should.

Variant : Proficient Knowledge

Another variant would be to limit the results of untrained characters to intermediate level of information. This helps with group rolling and encourages cooperation, and rewards people having taken those proficiencies.

Success Levels

The table below shows typical levels of success for a knowledge check on a common creature or topic.

For uncommon, rare or legendary creatures or topics, feel free to add 5, 10, 15 or even more to the DC if you find it appropriate. Using a subpar knowledge roll should also add to the DC (usually 5, or 10 if it is really not appropriate).

Adventurers may have specific knowledge on certain subjects, giving them advantages to the DM's discretion.

Success Levels

Roll DC Information Level
0 Name
5 Basic
10 Intermediate
15 Advanced
20 Rare
25 Hidden

Levels of Knowledge

This table is the main reminder to the DM on what kind of information a specific roll will bring the adventurer. It will be repeated on every page of the long version for ease of access. While using this table with the Success Level table, keep in mind that rarer creatures can have higher DCs if the DM finds it appropriate.

Levels of Knowledge

Name Meaning
Name You recognize the creature. You know its name, and some famous elements ('a vampire drinks blood').
Basic You know things such as common attacks, ways of movement and less known elements ('it hates garlic').
Intermediate You remember its strengths or weaknesses such as resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities.
Advanced You know specific information such as special attacks, senses or other non-obvious abilities.
Rare You've learned some very rare information about these enemies, such as their origin or local variants.
Hidden You've stumbled upon extremely rare information (if there is any), such as a devil's true name.

Knowledge Checks by Creature Type

This section has tables of differing DC for each type of creature, along with suggestions of advantages the DM could add to make people with specific backgrounds feel more relevant to what they are looking for.

Evidently, this is very setting-dependent, feel free as a DM to adapt the tables and suggestions to suit your world better. The tables represent how closely related the knowledge category is related to the creature that is being looked into.

Unlike before, it was decided to have 10 as a minimum result, as people would usually don't roll checks on common creatures, feel free to change the DC up or down when appropriate.

This was made by /u/TheMaskedTom. If you are paying anyone else for it, you are being scammed, please contact me on reddit if that happens.

Levels of Knowledge

Name Meaning
Nothing Not a clue. Never heard of the the damn thing. Are you sure it really exists? It's probably a tiger.
Name You recognize the creature. You know its name, and some famous elements ('a vampire drinks blood').
Basic You know things such as common attacks, ways of movement and less known elements ('it hates garlic').
Intermediate You remember its strengths or weaknesses ('very strong'), resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities.
Advanced You know specific information such as special attacks, senses, alignement or non-obvious languages.
Rare You've learned about very rare information about these enemies, such as their origin or local variants.
Hidden You've stumbled upon some extremely rare information, such as a devil's true name.


Aberrations might have had a strong influence in some regions, causing PCs from there to make the History check on the Religion table. If the religion of the PC has a strong link with the Far Realm, Chaos or Folly, they may roll the Religion check on the Arcana table. Warlocks might have advantage depending on their patron.

10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare


PCs from areas with famous beasts may roll the History check on the Nature table. Some might even be considered common for those PCs (hence a lower DC). For a religion close to Nature or a related domain to the beasts (such as a Sea deity for marine beasts), they may roll the Religion check on the Nature table. Druids that have transformed into a specific beast should have advantage or know advanced information automatically.

10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare

Levels of Knowledge

Name Meaning
Nothing Not a clue. Never heard of the the damn thing. Are you sure it really exists? It's probably a tiger.
Name You recognize the creature. You have its name, and some famous elements (a vampire drinks blood).
Basic You know things such as common attacks, ways of movement and generic elements ('famed for its defense').
Intermediate You remember its strengths or weaknesses ('very strong'), resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities.
Advanced You know specific information such as special attacks, senses, alignement or non-obvious languages.
Rare You've learned about very rare information about these enemies, such as their origin or local variants.
Hidden You've stumbled upon some extremely rare information, such as a devil's true name.


PCs from regions strongly influenced by celestials (or studying such places) may roll the History Check on the Religion table. Some celestials might be strongly related to certain religions (as preferred emissaries for example), which might grant PCs of that religion advantage on their roll.

10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden


For constructs famous in a region a PC has studied intensively or comes from, they may roll the History check on the Arcana table. If the PC's religion is strongly related to the forge or artifact building, they may roll the Religion check on the History table. Artificers may have good reasons to know more about constructs, granting them advantage.

10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced


If Dragons have influenced a certain region a PC has studied or comes from, they could roll the History roll on the Arcana table. Dragonborns or Draconic Sorcerers might have some extra information concerning their dragon ancestor, granting them advantage to their roll.

10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
This was made by /u/ TheMaskedTom. If you are paying anyone else for it, you are being scammed, please contact me on Reddit if that happens.

Levels of Knowledge

Name Meaning
Nothing Not a clue. Never heard of the the damn thing. Are you sure it really exists? It's probably a tiger.
Name You recognize the creature. You have its name, and some famous elements (a vampire drinks blood).
Basic You know things such as common attacks, ways of movement and generic elements ('famed for its defense').
Intermediate You remember its strengths or weaknesses ('very strong'), resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities.
Advanced You know specific information such as special attacks, senses, alignement or non-obvious languages.
Rare You've learned about very rare information about these enemies, such as their origin or local variants.
Hidden You've stumbled upon some extremely rare information, such as a devil's true name.


If a specific studied region has special links with Elementals, the History check may be rolled on the Religion table. If the PC's religion is closely affiliated to a specific element, they might roll the Religion check on the Arcana table for informations on Elementals affiliated to that element. Genasi could have advantage on related elementals.

10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare


For PCs from regions with a strong presence of Fey, History checks can be rolled on the Arcana table. This might also be the case for religions with strong links to Feykind. Archfey Warlocks and Circle of Dreams Druids could also obtain advantage to their checks due to their proximity.

10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced


PCS from places having (usually negative) interactions with Fiends might roll History (or Nature for Rangers and Druids) checks on the Arcana table. Pact of the Fiend Warlocks or Horizon Walker Rangers may have advantage to their rolls due to their relations with those creatures.

10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden

Levels of Knowledge

Name Meaning
Nothing Not a clue. Never heard of the the damn thing. Are you sure it really exists? It's probably a tiger.
Name You recognize the creature. You have its name, and some famous elements (a vampire drinks blood).
Basic You know things such as common attacks, ways of movement and generic elements ('famed for its defense').
Intermediate You remember its strengths or weaknesses ('very strong'), resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities.
Advanced You know specific information such as special attacks, senses, alignement or non-obvious languages.
Rare You've learned about very rare information about these enemies, such as their origin or local variants.
Hidden You've stumbled upon some extremely rare information, such as a devil's true name.


For races with strong links to magic, the DM might authorise rolling Arcana checks on the Nature table. If a PC's religion is connected with a specific race, Religion checks on that race could also be rolled on the History table. PCs from specific races should have automatic access to advanced knowledge.

10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare


Questions related to Giant magic may let Arcana rolls be done on the Nature table. PCs whose religion have links with Giant species may also roll Religion checks on the Nature table. Rune Knight Fighters or Giant Soul Sorcerers might have advantage depending on the subject.

10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced


PC's whose religion has links with monstrous species may roll Religion checks on the History table if there are links between the specie and the creature researched. A PC coming from a place with heavy interaction with certain species might roll a History check on the Arcana/Nature table.

10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced

Levels of Knowledge

Name Meaning
Nothing Not a clue. Never heard of the the damn thing. Are you sure it really exists? It's probably a tiger.
Name You recognize the creature. You have its name, and some famous elements (a vampire drinks blood).
Basic You know things such as common attacks, ways of movement and generic elements ('famed for its defense').
Intermediate You remember its strengths or weaknesses ('very strong'), resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities.
Advanced You know specific information such as special attacks, senses, alignement or non-obvious languages.
Rare You've learned about very rare information about these enemies, such as their origin or local variants.
Hidden You've stumbled upon some extremely rare information, such as a devil's true name.


In regions close to dungeons, large underground caverns or magical labs, PCs with relevant knowledge may make History checks about Oozes on the Nature table. PCs having lived underground or in marshes could roll Nature checks on the Arcana table if oozes are a common threat in those environment. Someone crazy enough to venerate Juiblex might deserve advantage.

10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced


Plants used intensively in alchemy or as magical reagents may warrant a roll of Arcana on the History table. Specific plants having a special history with some places could also have PCs having studied them roll History checks on the Nature table. PCs whose religion has links to nature or flora specifically might roll Religion checks on the Nature table.

10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced


PC who have studied regions affected by undeads may roll a History check on the Arcana table. PCs whose religion is closely linked with Life and/or Death could roll Religion checks with advantage. An Undying Warlock or Long Death Monk may also have advantage in some cases.

10 Nothing
15 Name
20 Basic
25 Intermediate
30 Advanced
35 Rare
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Nothing
15 Nothing
20 Name
25 Basic
30 Intermediate
35 Advanced
10 Name
15 Basic
20 Intermediate
25 Advanced
30 Rare
35 Hidden
Written by /u/TheMaskedTom, V1.0

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