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> ##### Dragonsong > Silver half dragons have developed their own variation of the Bladesinger arcane tradition, called Dragonsinger, which utilises the power of the Dragon Voice. Only those who speak Draconic can choose this arcane tradition. It is identical to the Bladesinger tradition, except that Bladesong is renamed to Dragonsong, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks instead of Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks during your Dragonsong, you can choose a two-handed melee weapon for your weapon proficiency, and you can use two hands to make an attack with a melee weapon without ending the Dragonsong. \pagebreakNum ## Customization Options The following customization options are available to half dragons. ### Feat: Improved Breath Weapon *Prerequisite: Half Dragon* ___ Extensive training has granted you greater control over your Breath Weapon, allowing you to enhance its power and speed. - You regain the use of your Breath Weapon trait on a 5 or 6 on the d6 dice roll. - You gain a number of empower points equal to your proficiency bonus. Each time you use your Breath Weapon trait you can expend an empower point and choose one of the following benefits: You can use your breath weapon as a bonus action, its damage is increased by 2d6, or its range is doubled (30-foot cone or 60-feet long line that is 10 feet wide). You can only gain each benefit once per use of your breath weapon, but you can expend more empower points to gain multiple different benefits at once. ___ \columnbreak You regain one empower point after finishing a short rest, and all of them after finishing a long rest. ## Dragon Form While all half dragons aspire to assume their rightful true dragon form, those with enough experience can be blessed with a lesser dragon form. This form varies in appearance, but it always looks similar to the half dragon's draconic ancestry. Sometimes it has wings like a wyvern, giving it four limbs instead of the true dragon's six, including wings. Other times, the dragon form looks like that of a smaller-scale dragon of their ancestor's type. Regardless, the form drains those who use it, and as such, they are only able to stay in it for a limited period of time. Afterwards, these half dragons require rest in order to regain access to this form. Despite its power and majesty, the dragon form pales in comparison to the ascension to dragonhood. And this gift only makes them strive harder to achieve their true and ultimate form. \pagebreakNum ### Feat: Dragon Form *Prerequisite: Half Dragon, Improved Breath Weapon feat, 12th level* ___ You are blessed by either Bahamut or Tiamat, granting you a lesser dragon form of your Draconic Ancestry's chosen dragon. - You gain blindsight out to a range of 10 feet. You can use your bonus action to change into a large sized form of your ancestral dragon. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. You can regain this form after finishing a long rest. Your weapons merge with you, and the magical bonuses of your equipped melee weapons are transferred to your bite attack. If you are able to attack with your claws, wings, or tail then you can continue to do so. This form doesn't hinder class abilities or spellcasting, nor the use of spell components. In addition, for each minute that you haven't entered combat while in this form, you can extend its duration by 1 minute, up to 10 minutes total. This form grants you the following benefits: - You gain a flying speed of 30 feet - You gain a bite attack, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d8 (2d6 if you were wielding a two-handed weapon) + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). Your bite counts as a finesse weapon. If you originally had a bite attack using higher damage dice then you can use that one instead. - You gain the effects of the Enlarge option from the *enlarge/reduce* spell. \columnbreak - Your breath weapon immediately recharges after you change into your dragon form. Whenever you use your breath weapon during your Dragon Form, you can empower it with one of the three empower options of the Improved Breath Weapon feat without expending an empower point. The rules of the feat remain the same. - Once per turn, you can deal bonus damage (of your chosen damage type) equal to half your level to a single target you’ve damaged that turn. This only applies to those you've damaged with your bite attack, breath weapon, or spells. - You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level. Your AC and other defensive boons remain the same (your scaled body parts can be used as your shield). However, your AC cannot be lower than 15 + your Dexterity or Strength modifier (your choice). ___ If you ascend to dragonhood, then True Dragon Form replaces this Dragon Form. In which case, you can choose a new feat immediately instead of this one. ### Epic Boon: Ascending to Dragonhood All half dragons seek to ascend to their dragonhood, gaining the form and power of a true dragon of their chosen Draconic Ancestry. The following boon is only granted with the permission of the DM, and as such, the following rules are directed at the DM: If you (the DM) are using the Epic Boons optional rule from the *Dungeon Master’s Guide*, then once the half dragon player reaches 20th level, you can wish to allow them to begin research, training, or tribulations that, once completed, grant them the following epic boon: #### True Dragon Form As an action, you can transform into your chosen dragon type as if you had cast the *shapechange* spell. Unlike the normal *shapechange* spell you can only use your action to assume your original form, or return to your True Dragon Form. Your True Dragon Form doesn't hinder your use of spell components, and is capable of all actions that require hands or speech. This replaces your Dragon Form transformation, if you have taken the Dragon Form feat. Unlike the normal *shapechange* spell, if you concentrate on this transformation for the full duration, the transformation becomes permanent (until this True Dragon Form loses all of its hit points) and you no longer need to maintain your concentration to remain in your True Dragon Form. After losing this form you regain the ability to transform in this way when you finish a long rest. Your True Dragon Form's breath weapon replaces your original form's breath weapon, but it can also benefit from your Improved Breath Weapon feat.