The Mano - A Shark Humanoid Race

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The Mano (Shark-kind)

The Mano were created by the sahuagin, who attempted to create a race of shark humanoids to serve as their minions. By combining the traits of various types of sharks and human slaves the Sahaugin had captured, the mano were brought into existence.

Gaining their freedom after years of bloodshed, the mano feel just as comfortable on land as they do the sea. Still hunted by the sahuagin, they make their homes up and down various coastlines. They live quiet lives amongst the other races, and few if any rarely venture far from the ocean.

Born of Two Worlds. Mano can breathe both air and water, preferring to stay near large bodies of salt water, as they feel disconnected to the sea if they travel too far from it. They keep their interactions with other humanoid races to a minimum, but are friendly and cordial when they interact with all other races. They will spend weeks at a time in the ocean, helping others defend themselves from the sahaugin and other evil denizens of the deep.

Scavangers of the Sea The Mano love to travel the seas, whether by boat or in the water. Profit and wealth drives them, as they see it as the only way to obtain the personal freedom they desire. Many have become pirates, merchant marines, or treasure hunters over the years, and are the most courageous and feared race of humanoids on or in the water. As pirates, they will attack the ship more so than the crew. The mano will wait until the target ship sinks, then easily loot the doomed ship's cargo and treasure.

Mano bounty hunters scour the seas in search of wrecked and sunken ships, pilfering whatever they can from them. As they have no fear of anything in the sea, the mano will follow rumors of lost sunken treasure no matter where it make take them. They usually work for themselves, but can be hired to assist in other's operations if the price is right.

Mano Names

Most Mano are given names at birth that reflect both their human and shark heritage. Many of their names are a combination of human names and sea creatures.

Male Names: Alexzander, Amphderl, Alexzander, Deveray, Eppo, Hunter, Levi, Merrowin, Morray, Krakon, Krak-ken, Kracokin, Octo, Virgil.

Female Names: Amphisbaena, Anya, Arvilla, Dolliphi, Giustina, Kelpie, Krathe, Nathalee, Octava, Serrisa, Wyllowinia Zara.

Mano Traits

Your Mano character has qualities in common with both sharks and humans.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.

Age. Mano reach full maturity around age 25, and rarely live past the age of 80.

Alignment. Mano lean towards chaotic alignments, as they have a tendency to look out for themselves first and foremost, no matter the cost or carnage.

Size. Mano vary greatly in size. They have been known to reach from five feet in height up to seven feet. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet; you have a swim speed of 40 feet.

Amphibious. You can breath both air and water.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark or dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Frightening Teeth. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Shark Bite. You can use your incredibly strong jaw as a weapon that you are proficient with. As an Action, you may make a Bite attack. This attack does 1d4 + Strength Modifier piercing damage. If wearing a helm or any other item that would cover your face, you may not use this ability.

Language. You can speak, read, and write Common, Mano & Aquan.

Subraces. There are a few subraces of the Mano, those who's blood is of a pure line of one breed of shark. These subraces, the Hunter Mano and the Kamohoalii are comfortable amongst all mano races and prefer the solitude of the sea over land.

Hunter Mano (Hunter Shark)

Your shark blood and genetics come from the hunter shark, an agile and fierce shark that hunts in the deep waters of the ocean. The swim speed of the hunter mano is faster than all others of this race, including the great kamohoalii. As a hunter mano, you will spend up to six months at a time in the ocean. You are driven less by fortune and more by vengeance, and spend your time in the water hunting and killing sahuagin.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Shark Speed. You have a swim speed of 60 feet.

Stealthy. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.

Kamohoalii (Great Shark)

Standing 7-8 ft. tall, you are the largest of all the mano. You are surprisingly friendly and kind to your allies, going out of your way to assist them whenever you can. It's your enemies that bear witness to your rage. Brute strength is your calling card, and you use your massive size to pummel your target into submission.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Aggressive. As a Bonus Action, you can move up to your 1/2 your speed toward a hostile creature that you can see. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.

Improved Shark Bite Your shark bite now does 1d6 + your Strength modifier damage.


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