The Gold Dragon
You are a warlock who has made a pact with a inquisitive but powerful gold dragon. Individuals who enters into this pact tend to exchange vast amounts of knowledge with their patrons in entering into such a pact.
Regardless of how you entered into the pact though, your newfound pact imparts upon you many a gold dragon's powers and access to the dragon's huge repertoire of knowledge.
Expanded Spell List
The Gold Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Gold Dragon Expanded Spells
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | bane, burning hands |
2nd | scorching ray, heat metal |
3rd | fireball, Leomund's tiny hut |
4th | arcane eye, wall of fire |
5th | immolation, legend lore |
Bonus Cantrip
At 1st level, you learn the control flames cantrip. It counts as warlock cantrip for you, but it doesn't count against your number of cantrips known.
Imparted Knowledge
At 1st level, you are able to tap into your draconic patron's vast pool of knowledge and learn small snippets of ancient or lost lore. You gain proficiency in the History or Arcana skill, and are able to speak, read, and write Draconic.
Ball of Fire
At 1st level, as a bonus action, you may summon a small sphere of fire in an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of you. The ball of fire lasts until the start of your next turn, and creatures that start their turn within 5 feet of the ball must make a Constitution saving throw versus your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, they take 1d4 fire damage. On a success, they take no damage.
The damage ball of fire does increases when you gain levels in this class, to 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 11th level, and 1d10 at 17th level. You can create a ball of fire a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Weakening Gas
At 6th level, when you are the target of an attack from a creature within 10 feet of you and before the results of the roll have been announced, as a reaction, you may release a small trace of weakening gas at the target. Until the end of your next turn, the target acts as if they are affected by the bane spell. Once you use this feature, you can not use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Gold Plating
At 10th level, your body begins to take on some of the properties of a gold dragon. Your skin almost seems to glow with a faint gold looking shean, and upon closer inspection, your skin appears to be covered in scaled plating. All fire, piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning you take is reduced by 4. (damage reduction comes before resistance)
Sweltering Aura
At 14th level, as an action you may superheat the air around you for a period of time, scalding those within range. For 1 minute or until you are incapacitated, all creatures of your choice that start their turn within 30 feet of you must succeed a Constitution saving throw versus your warlock spell save DC. A target takes 4d10 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. Once you use this feature, you can not use it again until you finsh a long rest.
Source Image by Marishka Kleyman
Subclass made by Blobby383b