Saints of Wukong +subclasses

by KeeBlaydMastr

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Saints of Wukong

Those who become disciples of Wukong the monkey king take on the power of Wukong and eventually become his saints who are known for being enduring and swift. Descending from the empyrean eternal, the unruly primal saints of Wukong wreak havoc with immortal trickery and savage beatings. They divide and conquer with copies of themselves, which they then journey unseen with under a cloak of clouds. They endure through any assault with arrogant poise, donning a unique and personalized version of Wukong’s legendary staff to tip the balance in their favor, and their opponents off of their feet.

Each saint picks a discipline at level 6 (seen at the end of the base class description) that will guide them along their journey.

The Saint of Wukong
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Immortal Monkey
2nd +2 Righteous Fury
3rd +2 Celestial Twin
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Double Attack
6th +3 Discipline, Celestial Twin Enhancement
7th +3 Cloud Walker
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Celestial Twin Enhancement
10th +4 Defy
11th +4 Cloud Walker Enhancement
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Celestial Twin Enhancement
14th +5 Immortal Monkey Enhancement
15th +5 Cloud Walker Enhancement
16th +5 Defy Enhancement
17th +6 Celestial Twin Enhancement
18th +6 Discipline Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Discipline Feature

Class Features

As a saint of Wukong, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per saint of Wukong level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per saint of Wukong level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Perception, Stealth, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) 2 martial melee weapons that do not have the two-handed or versatile properties or (b) a two-handed or versatile martial weapon
  • any simple melee weapon
  • an explorer’s pack
  • Studded leather

Immortal Monkey

Starting at 1st level, when your hit points are reduced to 0, roll a d20 with disadvantage.

  • On a 15 or less, you regain 1 hit point and you are frightened of and cannot target the hostile creature that last damaged you with an attack or spell until the end of your next turn.
  • On a 16, 17, 18, or 19, you regain 5 hit points and you are frightened of the hostile creature that last damaged you until the end of your next turn.
  • On a 20, you regain 10 hit points.

Once this feature has been used, you cannot use Immortal Monkey again until you finish a long rest.

At 14th level, you gain an enhancement to Immortal Monkey based on what discipline you chose.

Saint of Wukong | Class features
Saint of Wukong | Class features (cont.)

Righteous Fury

Starting at 2nd level, when you receive 10 or more damage from a single source, you gain one d2 Righteous Fury die. When you or your Celestial Twin hits a creature with an attack, you may expend any number of available Righteous Fury dice to deal additional damage to the target. The pool of dice resets to 0 after one of these conditions are met:

  • 1 hour has passed without receiving any damage
  • you eat food
  • you start to take a rest

Celestial Twin

Starting at 3rd level, you can summon a copy of yourself within 15 feet of you as an action. Your Celestial Twin wields a non-magical version of one of the weapons you currently are holding but without any associated magical effects or proficiency. It must always be holding one of the weapons you are holding.

Your Celestial Twin's AC is 10, and its hit points is your maximum hit points. It cannot be healed except by Cloud Walker’s effect. It can take attacks of opportunity on enemies leaving its range. When its hit points is reduced to 0, it dissipates and you cannot summon it again until you finish a long rest. You can dismiss it as a bonus action, and use an action to summon it again within 15 feet of you with the same hit points as when you dismissed it; status effects that afflicted it when you dismissed it are removed.

You may move your Celestial Twin up to 30 feet within a 15 foot radius around you and give your Celestial Twin one of the following commands as a bonus action:

Attack. When its attack hits, it deals 1d4 damage. Its type is based on a 1d10: 1-3 is piercing, 4-6 is slashing, 7-9 is bludgeoning, 10 is radiant damage.

Dodge. All attacks from hostile creatures have disadvantage when targeting your Celestial Twin until the start of your next turn.

Dash. Its speed is doubled for this turn.

Distract. If your Celestial Twin is adjacent to you or any friendly creatures, it can impose disadvantage on attacks targeting the friendly creatures adjacent to it.

Help. Can help an adjacent friendly creature with a task, per DM approval.

When you move and your Celestial Twin ends up being further than 15 feet from you, it instantly disappears and reappears in the first open space 15 feet from you as if it was moving in a straight line from where it was; enemies cannot make attacks of opportunity on it if it moves in this way.

At 6th level and again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level, you gain an enhancement to Celestial Twin based on what discipline you chose.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Cloud Walker

Starting at 7th level, you can transform yourself and your Celestial Twin into an invisible vapor as a bonus action. While in this form, you can only be detected by effects that detect magic. You remain in this form until 1 of the following occurs: your turn ends, 1 minute passes, or you dismiss it (no action required).

When you both reform, you and your Celestial Twin both regain 1 hit point for every 10 feet you moved while using Cloud Walker. You cannot reform in an occupied space. Your Celestial Twin appears adjacent to you in an open space regardless of where it started this turn.

If you are within a hostile creature’s reach before activating Cloud Walker and then moved out of it while Cloud Walker was active without first taking the Disengage action, use 5 feet of your speed to evade any attacks of opportunity.

If you move through a hostile creature's reach while in vapor form, you cannot be targeted by attacks of opportunity. You may move through a space another creature or object is occupying as if it were difficult terrain. Climbing no longer costs you extra movement.

At 11th level and again at 15th level, you gain an enhancement to Cloud Walker based on what discipline you chose.

Discipline of Sainthood

When you reach 6th level, the nature of your sainthood has finally been made clear to you, and the discipline that most embodies it determines who you are for eternity. Embody the Prime Discipline, Brotherly Discipline, or the Hierarchical Discipline, all detailed at the end of the class description.

Your choice grants you features at 18th level and again at 20th level, and grants you enhancements to your features at 6th level and again at 9th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th levels.


Beginning at 10th level, when you or your Celestial Twin takes the Dodge action, an ethereal aura of protection and anticipation envelops the creature that took the Dodge action. In addition, they receive these other benefits:

  • AC increases by 1 until the start of your next turn
  • If the creature that took the Dodge action is hit by an attack or spell, roll a d20. On an 11 or more, the increase to its AC continues to remain active during the next round of battle, regardless of whether it uses the Dodge action again. If Dodge is used again while Defy is still active due to this effect, the increase to AC does not apply again. Once this effect of Defy has been used, it cannot be triggered again until you take the Dodge action again and activate Defy.

At 16th level, you gain an enhancement for Defy based on what discipline you chose.

Saint of Wukong | Class features (cont.)

Disciplines of Sainthood

Disciplines for saints of Wukong are fully realized at 6th level, which dictate the course of their life’s journey for the rest of time. They will forever continue developing their wisdom, knowledge, power, and skill both in and out of combat with their discipline guiding how they learn and grow. Here are some of them.

Prime Discipline

One of the more common disciplines that saints end up taking, it leads to improvements to all aspects of their survivability and fighting prowess without focusing on developing expertise in any one area.

Celestial Strength

At 6th level, your Celestial Twin’s weapon’s damage is increased to 1d6.

Celestial Fortitude

At 9th level, your Celestial Twin’s AC is increased to 12.

Cloud Refresh

At 11th level, double the hit points regained from Cloud Walker.

Immortal Monkey King

At 14th level, Immortal Monkey now only requires you to finish a short rest to use it again.

When Immortal Monkey is used, you may use the hostile creature’s surprise to do an Acrobatics check. On a 15 or more, you become an invisible vapor that cannot be targeted by hostile creatures’ attacks or spells until the start of your next turn.

Cloud Run

At 15th level, you gain an additional 10 feet of speed while using Cloud Walker.

Royally Defiant

At 16th level, Defy’s increase to AC is changed to +2.

Celestial Spirit

At 17th level, you can now summon your Celestial Twin with a bonus action.

In addition, you can summon your Celestial Twin one additional time without needing to take a long rest. You need to only finish a short rest to be able to summon your Celestial Twin again, but you must finish a long rest to be able to summon it a second time.

Fifth Limb

At 18th level, if you used a bonus action to summon, move, or command your Celestial Twin, or to use Cloud Walker, during the same turn you may use an additional bonus action to use the other feature once.

Primal Fury

At 20th level, you may activate this feature as a bonus action. For up to 1 minute unless you dismiss it, you gain the following effects:

  • You and your Celestial Twin summon identical celestial staffs into existence that have the Finesse, Reach, and Two-Handed properties with which you are both proficient with, and they deal 4d10 radiant damage. Any weapons or items that you or your Celestial Twin own and were holding are holstered or stowed on your person, any other items you or your Celestial Twin were holding fall to the ground.
  • If you use Immortal Monkey, you automatically succeed with a roll of 20.
  • If you use Defy, its increase to AC remains until Primal Fury ends.
Saint of Wukong | Disciplines
Saint of Wukong | Disciplines (cont.)

Brotherly Discipline

For the saints who become selfless and care more about sharing the glory they experience with others, the Brotherly Discipline is their guiding creed. Everything they focus on enables them to better aid, protect, and save their helpless allies from the dangers of this world.

Celestial Life

At 6th level, your Celestial Twin can take an additional command:

Heal. Taking some of the life force that gives itself form and structure, your Celestial Twin transfers some of it into adjacent friendly creatures. You may deduct up to 5 hit points from your Celestial Twin’s hit points (may not reduce it below 0) and distribute it amongst the adjacent friendly creatures.

You can have your Celestial Twin pick up friendly creatures who are at 0 hit points by having it give some of its hit points to them when it is adjacent to them.

Celestial Sacrifice

At 9th level, when you command your Celestial Twin to take the Distract action, and a hostile creature’s attack would hit a friendly creature adjacent to your Celestial Twin, you can roll a d20. On an 11 or more, the hostile creature’s attack target’s Celestial Twin instead. Apply the same attack roll to determine if it hits Celestial Twin.

Cloud Vitality

At 11th level, add 1 hit point to all friendly creatures that you (or your Celestial Twin if it is using Guardian Monkey at 18th level) move within 5 feet of while using Cloud Walker.

Celestial Range

At 13th level, your Celestial Twin can now be summoned and move within 60 feet of you.

Clever Monkey

At 14th level, Immortal Monkey now only requires you to finish a short rest to use it again. When Immortal Monkey is used, you may use the hostile creature’s surprise to do a Perception check. On a 15 or more, you gain advantage on your next attack on that hostile creature until the end of your next turn.

Cloud Disperse

At 15th level, the range of Cloud Vitality is increased to 10 feet.

Defiant Together

At 16th level, Defy’s increase to AC is shared with all friendly creatures, regardless of whether they take the Dodge action, that are adjacent to the creature that is using Defy. If both you and your Celestial Twin are adjacent to the same friendly creature(s), Defy’s increase to AC only applies once. In the same way, when you and your Celestial Twin are adjacent to each other, Defy’s increase to AC only applies once.

Celestial Will

At 17th level, you can now summon your Celestial Twin with a bonus action.

You may now use both your action and a bonus action to move and command your Celestial Twin. You can move and command it twice with maximum speed for both the action and bonus action. All commands cancel any Dodge, Distract, and certain Help actions if you give it a different command before your turn ends.

If you first commanded your Celestial Twin to Dodge and then gave it a different command, Defy’s increase to AC remains active but the secondary effect which triggers when it is hit does not activate, unless your last command on that turn is Dodge. If this happens, Defy’s increase to AC only applies once.

Guardian Monkey

At 18th level, whenever your Celestial Twin moves, it is under the effects of Cloud Walker (no action or bonus action is required to activate Cloud Walker for your Celestial Twin). It also takes the Distract action at the end of your turn if it’s standing near a friendly creature if you did not give that command already. It also takes the Distract action as a reaction if a friendly creature moves next to it before your next turn. In this way, Distract can be used simultaneously with Dodge and Defy.

Philanthropic Fury

At 20th level, you may activate this feature as a bonus action. For up to 1 minute unless you dismiss it, you gain the following effects:

  • You and your Celestial Twin summon identical celestial staffs into existence that have the Finesse, Reach, and Two-Handed properties with which you are both proficient with, and they deal 2d10 radiant damage. Any weapons or items that you or your Celestial Twin own and were holding are holstered or stowed on your person, any other items you or your Celestial Twin were holding fall to the ground. On a hit, you may distribute any number of hit points to any friendly creatures within 20 feet of you, the sum of which equals the damage you dealt.
  • If you use Immortal Monkey, double the amount of hit points you regain, and add the doubled amount to your Celestial Twin’s hit points.
  • At the end of your turn, all friendly creatures (including you) adjacent to your Celestial Twin regain 5 hit points.

Hierarchical Discipline

For those saints who live for the thrill of combat, and choose to honor Wukong through the beauty with which they slay foes, is the Hierarchical Discipline. It gets its name for the many features and enhancements that impress upon your Celestial Twin the necessity of its ultimate subservience and need for it to support you in your battles above its own well-being.

Celestial Collaboration

At 6th level, your Celestial Twin can take an additional command:

Support. Help an ally focus on their next attack by having the enemy’s attention redirected to your Celestial Twin. Until the start of your next turn, target one friendly creature (can be you) adjacent to your Celestial Twin. Their next attack has advantage, and any attacks targeting your Celestial Twin have advantage.

Celestial Teamwork

At 9th level, your Celestial Twin can take an additional command:

Protect. Your Celestial Twin deducts its own AC and gives it to you temporarily. Until the start of your next turn, you may take away up to 5 of its AC to increase yours by the same amount.

Cloud Mist

At 11th level, you can easily avoid any attacks of opportunity as you instantly turn into a vapor. Leaving an enemy’s reach while using Cloud Walker no longer requires any of your speed.

Celestial Save

At 13th level, your Celestial Twin gives a bonus to all saving throws equal to your Dexterity modifier (min. 1) to all friendly creatures adjacent to it.

Monkey Shield

At 14th level, Immortal Monkey now only requires you to finish a short rest to use it again. When Immortal Monkey is used, you may use the hostile creature’s surprise to do an Acrobatics check. On a 15 or more, you switch places with your Celestial Twin. If your Celestial Twin is not active, it is summoned to where you currently are and you are moved 5 feet away from the hostile creature. If your Celestial Twin’s hit points were previously reduced to 0, it is summoned with 1 hit point and 5 AC. If it was summoned because of Monkey Shield’s effect, it cannot move or take any actions or reactions and it disappears at the start of your next turn.

Cloud Crash

At 15th level, when you reform, you slam the ground with such earth-shattering force that all nearby creatures are sent flying. All creatures within 10 feet of you make an Athletics check. They all receive 2d8 force damage, or half (rounding up) if they rolled a 13 or higher, and all affected creatures are pushed away until they are 15 feet away from you.

Saint of Wukong | Disciplines (cont.)

Painfully Defiant

At 16th level, if you or your Celestial Twin are hit while using Defy, you may make an attack roll as a reaction against the attacking hostile creature with one of your equipped weapons in retaliation.

Celestial Avenger

At 17th level, you can now summon your Celestial Twin with a bonus action, and you may move and command it on the same turn you summoned it with a second bonus action.

If you are hit while Defy is active, your Celestial Twin may take a reaction to move up to 10 feet closer to and may make an attack on the hostile creature that hit you.

Clone with Benefits

At 18th level, when an attack would reduce your hit points to 0, you may choose to have all of the damage applied to your Celestial Twin.

At the start of each of your turns, if your Celestial Twin did not get hit since your last turn, increase its hit points by 5.

When it takes the Protect action, you may now take away up to 9 AC from your Celestial Twin to increase yours by the same amount.

Havocking Fury

At 20th level, you may activate this feature as a bonus action. For up to 1 minute unless you dismiss it, you gain the following effects:

  • You and your Celestial Twin summon identical celestial staffs into existence that have the Finesse, Reach, and Two-Handed properties with which you are both proficient with, and they deal 4d10 radiant damage. Any weapons or items that you or your Celestial Twin own and were holding are holstered or stowed on your person, any other items you or your Celestial Twin were holding fall to the ground.
  • You can increase the damage of the first attack that lands a hit on your turn (regardless if you or your Celestial Twin already took the Attack action this turn and missed) to 7d10 radiant damage. If you choose to do this, you and your Celestial Twin cannot take the Attack action until your next turn, except with the features Painfully Defiant or Celestial Avenger.
  • When you are hit, Painfully Defiant and Celestial Avenger may both be used without using Defy.
Saint of Wukong | Disciplines (cont.)

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