The Monster v2.2 (mobile version)

by TheBricycle

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The Monster


A drunken vagrant stumbles along cobbled streets, humming the tune of a bawdy sailors song, unaware of the figure following behind. The man turns to walk down an alleyway, stopping when a shadow falls upon him. He turns with a drunken smile to see who is there, and screams when the shadow smiles back.

The half-elf grips the table, breathing hard and fast. The thug's punch had rattled him, sending his mind reeling with pain. The man's brutish laughter rattles inside the half-elf's head. He was losing control. The thugs laughter dies away as the half-elf groans and strains, his fingers lengthening into claws, his muscles bulging, his groan twisting into a deep, terrible growl.

The gnome stands, white-faced and horrified, across the street from a noble's mansion. She hears the guards talking in panicked confusion about the state of the house, the broken glass and shattered walls. The whole family, mutilated beyond recognition. The gnome turns and runs, knowing the truth, remembering the blood on her hands.

We all have monsters within us. They can reveal themselves in many different ways, but in the end they all reflect the core of one's character, the selfish desires and wrathful urges that bubble and boil just below the surface. But there are some people who hide real monsters, true evil within themselves, that when unleashed become tangible forces of destruction and violence.

Darkness Untold

There are many creatures that roam the shadows, searching for mortals to torment and enslave, to inhabit for safety, or to empower with unnatural strength. Devils are known by religious institutions as the puppet masters of many such monsters. The slithering, alien creatures found in the deepest oceans, or among the stars themselves, are also known for inhabiting the bodies of humanoid creatures. The difference between ordinary people and a monster, however, is their ability to, in an often profane, twisted way, coexist with such entities, finding a symbiotic middle ground that benefits both host and inner monster.

Monstrous Fury

Not all monsters walk the land with an otherworldly evil sealed within them. Some monsters are only that in name, having been chosen to be the vessel of a divine being of lawful conquest. Or perhaps within you dwells the seedling of some strange living tree, whose anger is vented upon those who disrespect the forests. Regardless of the origin or goals of your inner monster, all monstrous adventurers share one thing in common: their inner monster is a force of rage and destruction. Unleashed, the creature within you can wreak havoc upon the world, its boundless fury kept in check only by its host's strength of will.

The Monster
Level Proficiency
Monster Hit
1st +2 17 10 1 Inhuman Strength, Accursed Powers, Unleash
2nd +2 17 20 1 Begrudging Union, Haunted Resolve
3rd +2 17 30 1 Monstrous Archetype, Inhuman Strength improvement
4th +2 17 40 1 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 17 50 1 Extra Attack, Quick Transformation
6th +3 18 60 2 Enhanced Constitution, Magical Fury
7th +3 18 70 2 Monstrous Archetype feature
8th +3 18 80 2 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 18 90 2 Heightened Control, Inhuman Strength (d12)
10th +4 18 100 3 Begrudging Union (two uses)
11th +4 19 110 3 Relentless Wrath
12th +4 19 120 3 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 19 130 3 Monstrous Archetype feature
14th +5 19 140 4 Haunted Resolve improvement
15th +5 19 150 4 Enhanced Constitution improvement
16th +5 20 160 4 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 20 170 4 Legendary Might
18th +6 20 180 4 Monstrous Archetype feature
19th +6 20 190 4 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 21 200 5 Monster Unleashed

Creating a Monster

While creating your monster, consider the type of creature that lives within your character, and your character's relationship to it.

Are you a symbiotic force of malice, scouting by day and hunting by night? Or do you resist your monster, fighting against its powerful desire for violence. How does your monstrous form manifest? Does it envelop your body like a suit of armor, or simply engorge your muscles to unnatural size?

And, most importantly, what is it about your new life that drives you towards adventure? Were you banished from your village after they discovered your secret? Or are you running away from a crime you committed when you lost control, the ghosts of your heinous acts haunting you wherever you go?

Quick Build

You can make a monster quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Charisma. Second, take the Haunted One background.

Class Features

As a monster, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per monster level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per monster level after 1st


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose any two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Stealth, Survival, or Intimidation


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
  • Any simple weapon and two daggers

Inhuman Strength

Beginning at 1st level, your inner monster gives you enhanced strength. You can roll a d10 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strikes and weapon attacks, as long as the ability score you use to determine the attack and damage rolls is Strength. You cannot use your Inhuman Strength in conjunction with a monk's Martial Arts, or other similar abilities. This die changes to a d12 when you reach 9th level in this class.

Additionally, at 3rd level you gain advantage on all Strength ability checks and saving throws.

Accursed Powers

Your inner monster shares with you some of its horrible power, granting you dark gifts to wield against your foes.

You gain one accursed power of your choice. Your accursed power options are detailed at the end of the class description. When you gain certain monster levels, you gain additional accursed powers of your choice, as shown in the Accursed Powers column of the Monster table.


The monster writhes within you, ready to be unleashed.

As an action, you can unleash your monstrous form. On the turn that you unleash your monstrous form, you can make one attack as a bonus action.

Additionally, choose one type of creature that is not humanoid. Each time you unleash, you count as this type of creature for the purposes of spells and effects that affect different types of creatures. This choice also affects which Accursed Powers you are able to gain.

While in this form, the following rules apply:

  • You gain the AC and Monster Hit Points shown in the Monster table. Monster Hit Points are functionally identical to hit points, and changes to your Monster Hit Point pool do not affect your hit point pool, or vice versa.
  • Whenever you take damage, you reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Your unarmed strikes deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
  • You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if your monstrous form is physically capable of doing so.
  • You do not benefit from any tool or vehicle proficiencies while in this form.
  • If you are a Small or smaller creature, you become a Medium sized creature while in your monstrous form.
  • You cannot cast or concentrate on spells, unless otherwise specified.
  • You choose whether your
    equipment falls to the ground
    in your space, merges into your
    new form, or is worn by it when you
    unleash your monstrous form. Worn
    equipment functions as normal, but the
    DM decides whether it is practical for your monstrous form to wear a piece of equipment. Your equipment doesn't change size or shape to match your monstrous form, and any equipment that your monstrous form can't wear must either fall to the ground or merge with it. Equipment that merges with your monstrous form has no effect until you return to your human form.
  • If you drop to 0 Monster Hit Points, you revert to your human form, taking any excess damage in that form, and are unconscious until the start of your next turn. If the excess damage you take reduces you to 0 hit points, then you instead remain unconscious.

Healing the Monster

Even your ferocious inner monster must have time to lick its wounds. You regain all lost Monster Hit Points at the end of a long rest. If you regain hit points during a short rest, you regain Monster Hit Points equal to the amount regained.

Additionally, if you unleash your monstrous form while you have 0 Monster Hit Points, you regain 1 Monster Hit Point.

Containing the Monster

While in your human form, you are unstable and erratic, using all of your willpower to contain the monster within you.

Whenever you take damage equal to half or more of your current maximum hit points while in your human form, you must make a Charisma saving throw. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 10, or half the damage taken, whichever is highest. If you fail this saving throw, you immediately unleash your monstrous form.

Additionally, when you drop to 0 hit points, you can, instead of falling unconscious, unleash your monstrous form. You cannot do this if you have already been in your monstrous form on the same turn.

Controlling the Monster

After one minute in your monstrous form, you begin to lose control of your inner monster. To retain control you must return to your human form.

Regaining Control

When a monster loses control, it often falls to their friends, family, and companions to help return them to humanity. The Help action can be used to grant advantage on a player character's next ability check. The calm emotions spell or similar magic can also be used to help a monster regain control, at your DM's discretion.

Returning to human form at any time requires you to make a Charisma check on your turn, the DC for which is equal to 20 - your proficiency bonus. On a success, you return to your human form. On a failed check, you lose control of your monstrous form, and must attack the closest creature to you. Each time you fail this check, the DC decreases by 2. Once you have reverted to your human form, the DC returns to
20 - your proficiency bonus.

If there aren't any creatures nearby, or their are multiple creatures close to you, the DM decides what your character does. At the start of each subsequent round, you can repeat the check, but on each failure you must use your turn to attack the creature closest to you (the failed check does not count as an action). On a successful check, your action is used returning to your human form.

Withstanding the Monster

You have a limit to how much of your inner monster's sheer ferocity you can withstand. The amount of times you can unleash safely is equal to your Charisma modifier + 1 (minimum 2). This number resets after completing a long rest.

Each time you unleash your inner monster after this amount is harmful to your mind and body. After unleashing, you immediately gain one level of exhaustion and lose control of your monstrous form.

Begrudging Union

By 2nd level, you have learned to exercise a small amount of control over the beast within you. When you use your unleash ability, you can automatically succeed on the Charisma check required to revert back to human form. Once you have used this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before it can be used again.

At 10th level, you can use this ability twice before having to complete a short or long rest.

Haunted Resolve

By 2nd level, you have seen things no mortal should ever have to witness, forcing you to fortify your will against the horrors of your new life. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

When you reach 14th level in this class, you gain immunity to the frightened condition.

Monstrous Archetype

At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that describes your unique path of violence as a monster. Choose Menace, Stalker, or Pact Maker, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 13th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, the monster within you has grown faster. You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn while in your monstrous form.

Quick Transformation

Also at 5th level, you have begun to embrace the power granted by your inner monster. You can use a bonus action instead of an action to unleash your monstrous form.

Magical Fury

Your prolonged union with your inner monster has awakened a sinister magic. At 6th level, your unarmed strikes while in monstrous form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Enhanced Constitution

Also at 6th level, your body's prolonged exposure to a foreign entity has enhanced its resolve. You gain resistance to poison damage, as well as advantage on saving throws against the poisoned condition, and you are immune to disease.

At 15th level, these benefits improve, giving you immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition.

Heightened Control

Your control over your monster’s power grows stronger each day. At 9th level, you can remain in your monstrous form for 1 hour before you risk losing control and must attempt to revert to your human form.

Additionally, you no longer need to make a Charisma saving throw to prevent yourself from unleashing your monstrous form as a result of taking damage.

Relentless Wrath

By 11th level, your monster has grown more ferocious and destructive than ever.

When you use the unleash ability to transform into your monstrous form, you can choose to do so with more fury and power, gaining temporary Monster Hit Points equal to half your maximum Monster Hit Points.

On the turn that you use this ability, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action, and your movement speed is doubled until the end of your turn.

Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again until you have completed a long rest.

Legendary Might

By 17th level, you have attained the might of a legendary monster. While in your monstrous form, when you fail a saving throw, you can choose to instead succeed.

Once you have used this ability, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Monster Unleashed

At 20th level, you have become one with the monster within you. You can now unleash your monster, and revert to human form, as a bonus action at will, without having to make a Charisma check to retain control. You cannot lose control of your inner monster, and you ignore the levels of exhaustion gained by unleashing your monstrous form more times than you can withstand.

Additionally, when you unleash your monstrous form while you have 0 Monster Hit Points, your regain 1d12 Monster Hit Points.

Monstrous Archetypes

There are many kinds of monsters throughout the multiverse, each stranger and more horrifying than the last. Some stalk their prey, waiting in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike. Others torment, allowing their prey a glimmer of hope before delivering the final blow. And while you might resist, try to fight against your violent urges, your inner monster is bound to escape sooner or later...


The Menace archetype is followed by those monsters whose purpose is to destroy, to terrorize, and to horrify. A Menace is known for its ability to torment its prey, utilizing lightning reflexes and abominable strength to prevent weaker foes from escaping its horrible clutches.

Menace Features
Monster Level Feature
3rd Thing of Horrors
7th Inescapable Menace
13th Unnatural Powers
18th Monstrous Might

Thing of Horrors

At 3rd level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

Menacing Grip. You gain the ability to grasp things from a distance. Your means for doing this is unique to your monster, and could be anything from a length of infernal chain, to the slimy tentacles of an otherworldy creature.

  • As an action, you can attempt to grapple a creature within 15 feet of you that you can see.
  • As a bonus action, you can interact with objects within 15 feet of you in a minor way, such as by; closing a door; snatching an object weighing less than 5 pounds towards you; grabbing a target location. If this target location can hold your weight, you can choose to swing from it as you would a rope, expending movement normally. You cannot perform tasks requiring fine motor skills, such as opening doors or turning pages of a book.
  • As a reaction when you fall, you can grab a location. If the target location you grab can hold your weight, you stop falling.

Savage Lunge. Your inner monster is ferociously quick, driven by an insatiable thirst for carnage. As an action, you can move up to 10 feet in a straight line towards a creature you can see. If you successfully move within unarmed strike range of that creature, you can make an unarmed strike against it as a part of the same action.

This movement does not count against your movement speed on your turn, and opportunity attacks made against you while moving in this way have disadvantage.

Inescapable Menace

At 7th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

Enhanced Speed. You gain the unnatural quickness of a creature born for violence. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.

Preternatural Reflexes. Your reflexes are enhanced by your inner monster. You can add your Strength modifier to initiative rolls.

Unnatural Powers

At 13th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

Spider Climb. Your uncanny powers have progressed further, allowing you to scuttle amongst other creatures of the dark. While in your monstrous form, you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Titanic Leap. While in your monstrous form, you can choose to triple your jump distance until the end of your turn.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (mimimum 1). You regain all expended uses of this ability after finishing a long rest.

Monstrous Might

At 18th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

Leviathan Toss. As a bonus action, you can throw a creature you are grappling. Choose a location within 30 feet. The creature grappled by you is thrown to this location and knocked prone. If a thrown creature strikes a solid surface, the creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the creature is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.

Calamitous Slam. Your strength is so monstrous it can shake the very earth. As an action while in your monstrous form, you can cause a tremor in the ground in a 10-foot radius emanating from yourself. Each creature other than you in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. If the ground in that area is loose earth or stone, it becomes difficult terrain until cleared.

The DC for this ability is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.


The Stalker archetype embodies fear, the path of those who creep through darkness, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Those who follow this monstrous archetype often enjoy their time as a monster. They relish the terror they inflict upon others, and carefully plan their transformations so that they can lose control where there are weak and defenseless victims to prey upon.

Stalker Features
Monster Level Feature
3rd Haunting Gaze, Silent Stalker
7th Paralyzed by Fear
13th Call Shadows
18th Haunting Presence

Haunting Gaze

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your very gaze is enough to instill fear in your victims. As a bonus action, you can look at a creature within 30 feet of you and force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is frightened of you for 1 minute, or until you stop concentrating (as if concentrating on a spell). A creature has disadvantage on their saving throw if you use your haunting gaze on the same turn that you unleash your monstrous form. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn. A creature that succeeds on their saving throw is immune to your haunting gaze for 24 hours.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses on a long rest. The DC for this ability is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Silent Stalker

Also at 3rd level, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while in your monstrous form.

Paralyzed by Fear

At 7th level, your gaze is so powerful it now immobilizes your prey. Creatures affected by your haunting gaze become paralyzed, rather than frightened.

Call Shadows

By 13th level, you can call the very shadows to your side as you torment your prey. While in your monstrous form and in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to become invisible until the start of your next turn. While invisible in this way, your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Haunting Presence

At 18th level, you have become a creature of nightmare, no longer needing to lock eyes with your prey to paralyze it with fear. When you use your haunting gaze while in your monstrous form, you can attempt to instill fear in the hearts of any number of creatures you choose within 30 feet of you that you can see.

Pact Maker

Your inner monster is a creature of power, with knowledge of strange magics it is willing to share with you, for a price. As a Pact Maker, you are willing to pay this price, whatever it may be, for the reward of magic. But, whether it is the essence of a lich trapped within you, or the artifact of some strange aberration bonded to your body, your monster is within you wherever you go, and will be waiting when the time comes to pay the price for your magical powers.

Pact Maker Features
Monster Level Feature
3rd Pact Magic, Eldritch Power
7th Monstrous Invocations
13th Focused Fury, Additional Invocation
18th Eldritch Might, Additional Invocation

Pact Magic

At 3rd level, your monster forges a magical pact with you, enhancing your monstrous strength with the ability to cast spells. See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for the warlock spell list.

Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list. You learn an additional warlock cantrip of your choice at 10th level.

Spell Slots. The Pact Maker Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your warlock spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.

For example, when you are 9th level, you have two 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell cause fear, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.

Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. At 3rd level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Pact Maker Spellcasting table shows when you learn more warlock spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level. When you reach 11th level, for example, you learn a new warlock spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, so you use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier

Pact Maker Spellcasting
Monster Level Cantrips Known Spells Known Spell Slots Spell Slot Level
3 2 3 1 1st
4 2 3 1 1st
5 2 3 2 2nd
6 2 3 2 2nd
7 2 4 2 2nd
8 2 4 2 2nd
9 2 4 2 3rd
10 3 4 2 3rd
11 3 5 2 3rd
12 3 5 2 3rd
13 3 5 2 4th
14 3 5 2 4th
15 3 6 3 4th
16 3 6 3 4th
17 3 6 3 5th
18 3 6 3 5th
19 3 7 3 5th
20 3 7 3 5th

Eldritch Power

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to manipulate arcane energies while in your monstrous form. Unleashing your monstrous form doesn't break your concentration on a spell you've already cast, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell, such as vampiric touch, that you've already cast.

Additionally, you can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot to regain Monster Hit Points. The Monster Hit Points you regain for a 1st-level spell slot is 2d8, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st.

Monstrous Invocations

At 7th level, your inner monster grants you gifts of esoteric knowledge. You gain one eldritch invocation of your choice. Your invocation options are detailed in the Player's Handbook, as well as Xanathar's Guide to Everything. You gain an additional invocation of your choice when you reach 13th level, and again at 18th level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the invocations you know and replace it with another invocation that you could learn at that level.

Focused Fury

By 13th level, you have honed your ability to concentrate on spells while in your monstrous form. You can add your Charisma modifier to Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage while in your monstrous form.

Eldritch Might

At 18th level, your monstrous form is at one with your pact-borne magic. When you use your Eldritch Power ability to regain Monster Hit Points, you can choose to not expend a spell slot. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again until you have completed a long rest.

Accursed Powers

If an Accursed Power has prerequisites, you must meet them to gain it. You can gain a power at the same time that you meet its prerequisites.

Ancient Defense

Prerequisite: 10th level

You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Awakened Mind

Your inner monster is an entity not of this world, which awakens your mind to the presence of others. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. Creatures you communicate with in this way can telepathically respond to you if they understand you.

Colossal Form

Prerequisite: 14th level

When you unleash your monstrous form, you can choose to become Large in size. When you do so, the reach for your unarmed strikes increases by 5 feet. As an action while in your monstrous form, you can morph between Large and Medium size.

Creature of the Depths

Prerequisite: 6th level

While in your monstrous form, you gain a swimming speed of 60 feet, and you can breathe underwater. You also ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment.

Destructive Breath

You can cast the dragon's breath spell, without any components or expending a spell slot, and with a range of self. When cast in this way, the spell level you cast the spell with is equal to your proficiency bonus - 1. When cast as a 1st level spell, the spell deals 2d6 of the chosen damage type.

Additionally, choose one from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage. This damage is the type of damage you deal with this ability each time you use it.

Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again until you have finished a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Eyes of the Dark

You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance 120 feet.

Eyes of the Void

Prerequisite: 14th level, Eyes of the Dark

You gain truesight out to a range of 30 feet.

Heightened Senses

Prerequisite: Monstrosity or Beast Monster Type

The monster within you longs for the hunt. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing or smell.

Immortal Step

Prerequisite: Fiend or Undead Monster Type

As a bonus action while in your monstrous form, you can teleport up to a number of feet equal to half your monster hit points to an unoccupied space that you can see. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses after completing a long rest.

Innate Resilience

You draw upon the latent magical powers of your monster, strengthening your body against certain effects. You gain the damage or condition resistance associated with your monster type while in your monstrous form, as shown in the table below. If there are multiple options available to you, you may only choose one. A condition resistance chosen from this table grants you advantage on saving throws and ability checks made to resist effects that would result in you gaining that condition.

Innate Resilience Options
Monster Type Damage or Condition Resistance
Aberration Psychic; stunned
Celestial Radiant; blinded
Construct Exhaustion
Dragon Acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison
Elemental Cold, fire, or lightning; petrified
Fey Charmed
Fiend Fire or lightning
Giant Cold, fire, or lightning
Ooze Acid; blinded or deafened
Undead Necrotic or cold

Empowered Strikes

Prerequisite: 6th level

Choose one from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage. You can choose to use this damage type for your unarmed strike damage while in your monstrous form.

Monstrous Might

Once on your turn before you make a melee attack, you can decide to make it a mighty attack. If the mighty attack hits, it deals an extra 1d4 of the same damage type.

Monstrous Wings

Prerequisite: 14th level

You gain a flying speed equal to your current speed while in your monstrous form.

Natural Affinty

Prerequisite: 6th level, Plant Monster Type

You can cast speak with plants, without expending a spell slot or material components. You can cast and concentrate on this spell normally in both human and monstrous form. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again until you have completed a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.


Prerequisite: 14th level

The power of your inner monster leaves your body, possessing another with its will. As an action while in your human form, you can touch a creature and force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you gain the benefits of the dominate person spell against the target creature. There is no maximum duration, but you must concentrate on the effect as though concentrating on a spell. For the duration, you cannot unleash your monstrous form.

Once you have used this power, you cannot do so again until after you have completed a long rest.

Reinforced Form

Prerequisite: Construct Monster Type

Your body is reinforced by the strange mechanism that dwells within it. As a reaction to being hit with an attack, you can increase your AC by +5 for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifer (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses after completing a long rest.

Retributive Step

Prerequisite: 6th level, Immortal Step

When you take damage from a creature within 10 feet of you, you can choose to expend a use of your Immortal Step power as a reaction. Immediately after you disappear, each creature within 10 feet of the space you left takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Choose fire or necrotic damage. This is the damage you deal with this power each time you use it. You do not have to be in your monstrous form to use this power.

Tireless Hunter

You no longer need to eat, drink, or sleep, and cannot be forced to sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity. Walking counts as a light activity for you.

Unnatural Talent

Choose one of your monster skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses this chosen proficiency.

Undulating Flesh

Prerequisite: 6th level

The formless monster within you has warped your body, gelatinizing and contorting your flesh and bone. You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Items you are wearing or carrying do not gain this benefit. You also ignore difficult terrain.


Prerequisite: Undead Monster Type

Your unholy companion grants you power over the dark energies it draws strength from. You can cast the false life spell, without any components or expending a spell slot. When you use this ability to cast the spell, the spell level you cast it at is equal to your proficiency bonus - 1, and rather than gaining temporary hit points, you instead regain Monster Hit Points. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again until you have completed a short or long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.


Multiclassing Prerequisites
Class Ability Score Minimum
Monster Strength 13 and Charisma 13
Multiclassing Proficiencies
Class Proficiency Gained
Monster One skill from the class's skill list


The Monster Class Version 2.2, by /u/TheRealBricycle

Cover: Bryan Sola - Hym
Page 2: Pedro Nunez - Comic-Con_concept_art_01
Page 3: BobKehl - werewolf
Page 4: fpeniche - venom symbiote
Page 6: Samuele Bandini - Conquest
Page 9: Odobenus - The Summoning

Special Thanks

Huge thanks to the feedback and questions from Reddit users who have massively helped this version and future versions of the Monster Class: u/InformalScheme, u/Uinum, u/C4se4, u/Overdrive2000, u/BootToTheFace1, u/HumanitarianCannibal, u/Replicant-R2d2, and u/Captainewok


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