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An Enhanced Guide to the Hyenafolk of 5e
*to stand before the savage hyenafolk, take heed. They bear an appetite not for gold, nor such ideals as honor or mercy. Only those who might prove their true loyalty to the Hyena King's formidable children may be spared from the gnolls' cursed barbarity and made witness to the frightening devotion that they otherwise reserve for their own.*" — Matron Mothcatcher, *The Denwarden's Rebellion* #### Widely reviled as savage stalkers and merciless marauders, the collective identity of the gnolls is nonetheless as contentious a subject among scholars as it is among the gnolls themselves. Though they are commonly known for their feral instincts and relentless brutality, so too are gnolls both naturally adaptable and aggressively devoted to their packmates. Given substantial purpose to set aside their typical mistrust, the fearsome and lawless hyenafolk can make for valuable companions, fiercely dedicated to their found kinship and prepared at all times to viciously defend it. ### Hyaenids A gnoll looks much like a humanoid hyena and shares many traits with the animal. Gnolls are strong, tall, and lean and covered with a thick coat of fur, which generally ranges from light to dark brown. Depending on the clan, this might be a uniform color, or broken up by stripes or spots. Though they are not obligate carnivores, it is not uncommon for gnolls to subsist solely on meat. Like the hyenas they resemble, gnolls possess strong jaws and powerful appetites, and are capable of consuming almost every part of their prey, including teeth and bones. ### Pack Instincts Gnolls are highly social creatures, and the pack instinct plays a powerful role in their lives. The bond of the pack is essential to all gnolls and, while they may occasionally squabble to establish lines of dominance, gnolls can make for steadfast allies. In battle, gnolls are strong team players; though competitive by nature, they will typically set aside any thoughts of personal glory in order to assist their clanmates. Though they can prove highly suspicious of strange folk, gnolls are by no means solitary. To many gnolls, indefinite solitude is a fate worse than death, and as such those that are separated from their kin will often seek surrogate packmates. And while the terrible reputation and bold behavior of the hyenafolk can prove difficult to deal with, their pack instincts are incredibly strong. Should you earn a gnoll's carefully-reserved trust, you will find that the bond of their kinship is as valuable as it is unbreakable. ### Savage and Assertive Due to their determined and impulsive nature, the hyenafolk are rarely ever known for their decorum. They tend to be blatantly direct in their speech, choosing not to waste time with civilized pleasantries and other such courtesies. And though they are instinctively social creatures and typically quick to pick up on the moods and mannerisms of their close companions, so too can a gnoll's intimidating presence and naturally dominant temperament make even the most well-intentioned behavior come across as uncouth or menacing. \columnbreak
### Abyssal Ancestry The gnolls of the Butcher's Brood are fanatically devoted to their demon prince; they believe that his blood flows through their veins and that their devotion justifies every terrible atrocity they commit. For the Children of Yeenoghu, cruelty and bloodshed are a source of joy and a reason for living. Just as tieflings bear the marks of devils, so too does every gnoll descend from an ancestry tainted by Yeenoghu. And while some have attempted to defy the Beast of Butchery, most gnolls seem to embrace the demon lord's ancient curse- and with it, his ravenous madness. As such, very few dispute the idea that the hyenafolk were born from Yeenoghu himself. There are some, however, who say that the Prince of Gnolls usurped the gnolls' true gods. Legends of this lost pantheon include such figures as the mysterious Moon-Biter, an unseen specter of darkness and primal terror; and the hyenine deity of nature, Gorellik, a fearsome champion of hunters with dominion over all predatory beasts- a now seemingly dead god who some claim was once the first patron of the gnolls. \pagebreakNum While the Children of Yeenoghu seek nothing less than the utter destruction of the mortal realm, not all gnolls surrender themselves to this unholy path. Some clans look to the gods, while others find deities and demons equally undesirable. The hyenafolk may be aggressive scavengers and brutish opportunists, or reclusive outlanders who find purpose in their inherent ties with nature. But no matter their faith or customs, each and every gnoll ultimately bears the inborn duty to foster the strength and prosperity of their pack. ### Thrill of the Hunt Fierce and feral, gnolls are true creatures of the wild; they oft prove uninterested in conquest and very seldom seek fortune or glory. Instead, gnolls are driven by instinct and impulse; they revel in the thrill of the hunt and usually take great pride in their predatory nature. They tend to seek out means of proving their worth to their allies and, being boastful scavengers, may commemorate their successes by claiming trophies, be they simple mementos or the bones of their foes. ### Hierarchy and Competition Like hyenas, gnolls exhibit a notable degree of social hierarchy within their clans. And in order to ensure the strength of this hierarchy, it is an honored tradition for those of similar standing to ceremoniously challenge each other's authority- each proudly vying to prove their superiority and worthiness to their packmates. Furthermore, gnolls are remarkably communal and it is not uncommon for larger clans to be headed by more than one packlord. Some also organize representative councils of venerated elders and 'packwardens'- paragons who have taken on the responsibility of leading the clan's largest and most reputable packs. ### Territorial Clankeepers The rare gnolls that see fit not to make conflict with their neighbors are nevertheless likely to remain wholly aloof; the beastfolk seldom mingle with other humanoids, and in such engagements often prove reluctant to show much in the way of hospitality. Many gnolls are notably unsettled by strange folk, and those who show anything less than antagonism towards outsiders generally still regard them with some degree of contempt or suspicion. Due to their competitive nature, individual clans of gnolls are also often instinctively hostile towards each other- and this aggression usually extends to all gnollish outsiders, making any attempt of joining a new pack an often difficult and even dangerous one. ### Hunters and Wanderers Owing to their animal ancestry, gnolls inherently favor wild, wayfaring lifestyles. Some practice related trades- such as leatherworking and herbalism- or take up animal husbandry, training pack animals and taming dangerous beasts. Though most gnolls seldom approach anyone outside of their clans, some more enterprising hunters might be willing
to offer their services to local people as
trappers or trackers. \columnbreak ### Strength of Flesh, Wisdom of Bones There are few who might view cannibalism- ritualistic or otherwise- as anything but unholy barbarism. Likewise, the vivisection and consumption of the deceased oft bears no regard as a respectable tradition among most civilized folk. But to many gnolls, consuming a creature's innards and making keepsakes of its remains are the utter most sacred forms of respect that can be given to the dead. In some clans, their fallen kin are ceremoniously butchered by shamans, their spiritual leaders distributing parts of the body- such as claws, fangs, or fur- among the deceased's packmates. Whether ritualistic cannibalism among the hyenafolk arose from the worship of Yeenoghu- or conversely strengthened the demon lord's reign over them- is unknown. Nonetheless, those gnolls who fear the curse of hunger rarely consume any part of the honored dead with the exception of those vital organs they've deemed sacred- the most common of which is the liver. In such clans, the deceased's liver will be granted to the next of kin to be devoured before the whole pack so that the power of the fallen may be shared with those who endure. Likewise, ribs and teeth are often kept and made into crafts, the belief being that it is from their bones that one draws their passion, their instincts, and their wisdom. Consequently, totemism and ancestor worship are fairly common among the hyenafolk, and gnollish practices of divination frequently involve the use of bones and hides that have been gathered from revered forebears, companion animals, or other spirited creatures that had won the respect a gnoll in their lifetime. While others may regard such grisly mementos with disgust or fear, the bones of a cherished ancestor might serve a gnoll as a deeply moving reminder of life- and thus be a remarkable source of spiritual courage. ### The Curse of Hunger Gnolls harbor an unnatural viciousness that can be quick to arise in moments of intense anger or prolonged periods of hunger. Placed upon the hyenafolk by Yeenoghu in ages long past, their curse presents itself as a primal need to hunt the weak, to tear flesh from bone, and to savagely feast to no end. Some gnolls, however, fight these dark impulses and detest the vile rituals that reinforce them. Their clans boldly spurn their patron's persistent growls, refusing his demands for destruction such that they might finally rule themselves. Still, they know that their curse is a truly malicious fixation; that any gnoll who becomes too strongly driven by aggression risks a violent and maddening descent into bloodlust. ### Leaving the Pack You may have come from a tribe of shamanistic hunters, wild and true to your nature; you may have belonged to a roaming clan of marauders or a nomadic congregation of trappers and traders; or perhaps you were seperated from your kin long ago and have lived among other races in a somewhat difficult yet deeply valued fellowship. Whatever your origins, know that a gnoll's pack instinct are strong and that few leave their clans by choice. Finally, consider that all of gnollkind shares an ancient and bloody history with Yeenoghu; though you may have slipped his cursed grasp, your kin will
forever bear the ruinous scars of the demon
lord's cruel and pervasive subjugation.
\pagebreakNum ### Gnoll Names Gnoll cubs are customarily raised communally by elders of the clan known as 'denmothers', who typically name each cub after their first season of childhood. A gnoll's name usually holds a meaning inspired by their appearance, behavior, or some other facet of their early life. Like most words in the Gnoll language, gnoll names are often short and guttural. --- - **Male Names:** Arri, Arym, Braunr, Dagnyr, Drakar, Fangar, Ferrik, Garr, Garm, Garrun, Gnarl, Gorik, Greszik, Grahl, Grym, Hakryn, Herne, Ishkr, Kaal, Mognyr, Ragnr, Rekk, Ruenr, Skarn, Thrakk, Thrnn, Vargr, Varok, Vekryn, Zaryn --- - **Female Names:** Asza, Brauna, Dagrun, Drakka, Durna, Ferra, Garra, Gnara, Gorza, Grakka, Gresza, Grymda, Gudrun, Ishka, Kaia, Krezka, Krsha, Kylma, Mala, Mrna, Mrsha, Reeva, Runara, Saga, Shara, Vakra, Yara, Zudya --- ##### Gnoll Quirks | d20 | Quirk | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | I'm always hungry. Any time
is a good time for a meal. | 2 | I'm deeply fascinated by the morbid and grotesque. | 3 | I love to compete. I regularly try to
start bets with my companions. | 4 | I'm skeptical of everyone but my friends. | 5 | I carry a section of hide or an old bone
that I smell, taste, or speak to for guidance. | 6 | I'm driven by my nature to lead or protect others. | 7 | I think ruthless violence is
a great suggestion in any discussion. | 8 | I'm baffled by the practices of civilized folk. | 9 | I'm very demonstrative. Others often
learn rather suddenly how I feel about them. | 10 | The needs of my pack always come first. | 11 | I display no reservations about
disemboweling intelligent creatures. | 12 | I greatly distrust or reject higher powers. | 13 | I don't bother with pleasantries, instead offering grunts, snorts, or the scarce, growled comment. | 14 | I seem a lot more menacing than I really am. | 15 | I can't stand solitude.
I always remain close to my companions. | 16 | I bully those weaker than me to get what I want. | 17 | It's in my nature to roam. I become restless
if I spend too much time in one place | 18 | I'm always collecting new trophies and mementos. | 19 | I sometimes chew on strange things
out of curiosity or boredom. | 20 | I delight in the fear and misfortune of my adversaries. \columnbreak ### Gnoll Traits Your gnoll character gains the follow characteristics. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Constitution and Strength scores each increase by 1. ***Age.*** By the combination of their fiend-touched blood and animalistic physiology, gnolls develop noticeably faster than most humanoids of their size, reaching adulthood around 8 years of age. They rarely live beyond 40 years. ***Size.*** Gnolls generally stand around 7 feet in height and weigh between 250 and 350lbs. Most gnolls exhibit a slightly hunched posture due to their animalistic physique. Your size is medium. ***Alignment.*** Being highly opportunistic, most gnolls are chaotic by nature. Furthermore, their demonic ancestry and common disregard for other intelligent creatures steer many of the hyenafolk towards evil. Gnolls who refuse the will of Yeenoghu may adopt other alignments, though they tend to keep to the leanings of their packmates. ***Speed.*** Your base walking speed is 30 feet. ___ ***Bite.*** Your bite is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. ***Darkvision.*** Being moderately nocturnal, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. ***Ferocious.*** You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. ___ ***Scavenger.*** You can safely consume raw or rotten food and have advantage on saving throws against disease and ingested poisons. ***Languages.*** You can speak, read, and write Common. You can also speak Gnoll, though it lacks a script or written form. Gnolls employ their own oral language made up of unique whoops, growls, and other sounds combined with certain morphemes derived from Abyssal. Though some gnoll clans might adopt written languages, most preserve their ideas through craftwork and oral tradition. ***Subrace.*** The following representative gnoll clans are available as subrace options: Clan Blackfang, Clan Mosshide, Clan Riverpaw, and Clan Grimfur.
\pagebreakNum #### Blackfang Gnoll Mighty and merciless, the gnolls of Clan Blackfang embrace their ancestral ferocity, readily wielding it against their foes. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Strength score increases
by 1. ***Rampage.*** Immediately after you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on your turn, you can use a bonus action or reaction to move up to half of your speed and make an additional attack with your bite or with a melee weapon. #### Mosshide Gnoll As skilled ambushers and pack hunters, the gnolls of
Clan Mosshide are notoriously swift at felling their prey. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Dexterity score increases
by 1. ***Ambusher.*** You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. ***Pack Hunter.*** You are especially adept at collaborating with and directing your allies. Whenever you participate in a group skill check using a skill you are proficient in, you can automatically negate one failed check from the group. #### Riverpaw Gnoll Bearing such powerful spiritual connections to the natural world that they count wild beasts among their packs, the gnolls of Clan Riverpaw are among the few known to venerate druids, sages, and oracles. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Wisdom score increases
by 1. ***Gorellik's Gift.*** You have an innate intuition towards animals and have advantage on Animal Handling checks as well as Charisma ability checks you make to influence beasts. Additionally, by their nature as Gorellik's chosen creatures, carnivoran and predatory animals- such as bears, cats, and hyenas- can understand your speech. ***Sagecraft.*** You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, and Survival. #### Grimfur Gnoll Rarely seen but deeply feared, the cunning gnolls of Clan Grimfur wield dread and deceit as lethally as any weapon. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Charisma score increases
by 1. ***Butcher's Lure.*** You can lure your quarry to their own demise with frightening ease. You know the *minor illusion* cantrip. Additionally, whenever you use *minor illusion* to produce voices, its range is doubled and you impose disadvantage on any Investigation checks made to disbelieve the effect. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. \columnbreak
## Gnoll Racial Feats As a gnoll, you can take any of the following feats in place of an Ability Score Improvement. ### Primal Attunement You have embraced your wild spirit and truly become one with your hyenine nature. You gain the following benefits: - Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20. - You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom (Survival) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve hearing or smell, such as those made to notice the presence or movement of an unseen creature, track something by scent, or identify an illusion. ### Beast of Butchery You fight without mercy, making short work of your foes in their moments of weakness. You gain the following benefits: - Increase your Charisma, Dexterity or Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. - You have advantage on opportunity attacks and attacks against creatures that are frightened of you. ### Gnoll Totemancy You are a grim conduit of spiritual power who consumes the fallen or carries morbid symbols of their demise. You gain the following benefits: - Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. - You learn the *guidance* cantrip, allowing you to evoke ephemeral memories of past lives from the spirits that surround you. You also learn the *speak with dead* spell and can cast it once without consuming a spell slot. Once you cast *speak with dead* this way, you can't do so again until you complete a long rest. - Lastly, you have advantage on ability checks made to dismantle deceased creatures, interact with their spirits, or recall information about death rites. ### Vicious Your bone-crushing jaws are as deadly as any weapon- and you stand ready to prove it. You gain the following benefits: - Increase your Dexterity or Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. - Your bite gains the finesse weapon property. - You can use a bonus action on each of your turns to make one bite attack against a creature that you are grappling or being grappled by. - You have advantage on bite attacks against creatures that are grappling you or restraining you. \pagebreak ___ ## Gnoll Deities Eradicated by the Demon Prince Yeenoghu and long lost to written history, the strange and ancient gods of the gnolls, Gorellik and Refnara, are known only to an exceptional few. #### Gorellik (The Hyena King) [N] ___ Embodying the sanctity of mortality and kinship as well as her people's innate connection to nature and the fearsome beasts they resemble, the long-dead Hyena King is said to have risen anew, seeking to gradually reclaim her place as the true divine patron and matriarch of all gnollkind. She asks her faithful to show respect to the dead- ensuring that their physical and spiritual remains are not wasted nor forgotten. And as she stands reborn in bold defiance of the Destroyer, Gorellik emphasizes both the cyclical nature and spiritual balance of life and death. What she teaches her children is not to be bound by principle, but rather to be mindful in exercising strength and restraint alike; to demonstrate both intelligence and tenacity, and to fiercely ward their people and the greater mortal world against dire ruination. ___ **Edicts:** Strengthen your pack through dedication and wisdom, stand against demons and their servants, act with respect for mortal beings- living or dead- whose sacrifices have served you and the ongoing survival of your people
**Anathema:** Fail to protect your pack, be uncompromising in inflicting suffering or death, tolerate the ruination of nature, show intentional or reckless disrespect for the dead
**Symbol:** Hyena mandible
**Areas of Concern:** Nature, spirits, solidarity, remembrance
**Favored Creatures:** Gnolls, carrion birds, ghosts, eidolons ___ **Additional Titles:** Mother of Bones, Matron of Spirits #### Refnara (The Moon-Biter) [CN] ___ Many gnolls have felt her vengeful presence in the shadows, but few know and fear her so fervently as Yeenoghu himself. ___ **Edicts:** Exploit the vulnerabilities of your rivals, instill dread in your enemies, weaken those who would threaten your kin, utilize darkness and chaos to your benefit
**Anathema:** Freely forgive a wrong committed against your people, boast, share your secrets or those of your allies
**Symbol:** Black snake strangling a crescent moon
**Areas of Concern:** Darkness, fear, revenge, blood magic
**Favored Creatures:** Shadow creatures, blood elementals #### Hiatea (The Denwarden) [N] ___ The few who speak of The Hyena King as a deific power offer many stories of the gnolls' true origins- but some suggest they were once the progeny of giants. It is similarly believed by these storytellers that the power of Hiatea, the brave goddess of Jotun-kin, could help return her fellow huntress and long-lost sister to her rightful place as the mother of gnolls. ___ **Edicts:** Be bold of heart and embody tenacity in the face of adversity, settle familial matters and stand up for mothers and children in need, honor yourself and your community by embracing your strengths and honing your points of prowess
**Anathema:** Abandon or betray those who depend upon you
**Symbol:** Flaming spear
**Areas of Concern:** Protection, competition, life, family
**Favored Creatures:** Firbolgs, golden moths, wood giants \columnbreak
## Gnoll Revenants Gorellik's faithful hold that their commitments to their kin last beyond death, and that it is the role of the departed to aid their packmates through the veil of spirits that lies between life and the afterlife. Her eldest shamans have the ability to commune with these ancestral spirits and, in times of desperation, to reawaken their fallen packmates as *revenants*- powerful undead that know the sole purpose of enacting vengeance against those who had slain them in life.
___ #### Yeenoghu (The Destroyer) [CE] ___ A powerful Demon Lord, the ravenous Beast of Butchery demands the complete and total collapse of civilization. He and his children live to slaughter and consume everything that stands in their way. ___ **Edicts:** Enslave, kill, and devour all who are prey to Yeenoghu
**Anathema:** Show mercy
**Symbol:** Three-headed flail
**Areas of Concern:** Hunger, madness, destruction, carnage
**Favored Creatures:** Flinds, ghouls, leucrottas
## Additional Resources ___ **Clan Names:** Blackmoon, Bloodmane, Cairnbriar, Crushpaw, Drakeblight, Dreadhowl, Duskfall, Dustspear, Emberfang, Feralheart, Flamecrest, Frostbane, Gorepelt, Graveden, Greymist, Knifegut, Mistveil, Nightsong, Pridefury, Rageborn, Razorfang, Rockjaw, Rotbreath, Shadetotem, Splittooth, Stoneclaw, Stormsnarl, Thornhide, Tidemaw
**Honorific Titles:** Matriarch or Packlord, Packwarden,
Claw or Fang of <*hierarch*>\*, Denmother or <*clan*>-Mother\*\*
* 'Fangs' are skilled and trusted protectors whose primary duty is to aid and guard their Packlords. 'Claws' fulfill a similar role under their clans' Packwardens and often serve as seconds in command within a pack.
** Many gnoll clans bear some matriarchal leanings and thus honorific titles among the hyenafolk are often feminine in form. Nonetheless, such roles and titles may be granted to honored individuals of any gender.
#### Suggested Languages: - **Abyssal.** By their history of demon-worship, the Gnoll dialect has been greatly influenced by Abyssal. Many gnolls are quick to adopt it as a secondary language. - **Giant.** Some who worship Gorellik believe that their ancient, hyenine god of the hunt was once a lesser deity among the giant pantheon and, as such, her shamans may learn to share this language with the Jotunbrud. - **Primordial.** The language of elementals, sometimes spoken in the rituals of especially animistic gnoll clans. \columnbreak
___ >#### Image Credits >* [*Slave Master Gristtlefang* by Miguel Regodón]( >* [*Gnoll Temple* (2014) © Wizards of the Coast (by Raphael Lübke)]( >* [*Cackling Archer* (2016) © Hex Entertainment (by Xavier Ribeiro) ]( >* [Gnoll (2014) © Paizo Inc. (by Ben Wootten)]( >* [*Burning Village* by Andre Sutherland]( >* [Gnoll Scout (2014) © Paizo Publishing (by Ben Wootten)]( >* [*Thunder Bluff* by László Szabados]( >* [*Arena Bred* (2010) © Wizards of the Coast (by Michael Phillippi)]( >* [*Deserted* by Tom P. Mackintosh](
>* [*Jackal Shaman* by Piotr Krezelewski](
>* [*Spirit Summoner* by RalphHorsley](
>#### Text Credits >* *Gnolls - a Race of Ferocious Hyenafolk for 5e* by Monco >* This document was inspired by Keith Baker's *Playing Gnolls*. Some text has been adapted from his work.