Oozekin (Final)

by Missing-Peace

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Credit: avvart from DeviantArt


Summer, in her quest to write a new ballad, hiked up to the summit of Mount Stoneskip. This mountain had been a dormant volcano for a least a couple of millennia. It was then she encountered one that has never been seen before. She initially thought it was an ooze like one she defeated in a dungeon. Except this one's shape was humanoid and was orange. Light passed through them like stagnant water. She greeted the stranger with a "Hello" and a wave and the ooze-like creature responded in kind.

—Ri Adams, Strange Encounters Vol. 3

It is not exactly known where the Oozekin come from. Some think they come from the different elemental planes mixing together and spitting them out. Most believe that they are an evolved form of oozes that not only gained a humanoid form and level of consciousness, but also further adapted to the environments that they live in. An uncommon addition to the latter theory is that the Demon Lord Juiblex was the one that granted them sentience.

Humanoid Ooze

Oozekin usually keep to a humanoid shape that stand anywhere between 5' and 6'2" and weighing between 125 and 220 pounds. Some Oozekin take to having strange proportions as well as growing horns and other such appendages. The aforementioned shape is in appearance only. Any eyes they have do not move, blink, or see. Noses and ears have no inlets. Their "skin" is smooth, hairless, and glossy. Light goes through their translucent bodies as if through murky water.

Despite them seemingly made of the same slimy substance, they come in four categories called "Gel-Types." These Gel-Types are usually separated by where they originated from and their colors. Ochre Oozekin are tinted in yellows and greens and are the most common to come across. Magma Oozekin come in shades of red and orange and live in areas of extreme heat. Glacial Oozekin are variants of blue and purple and dwell in colder climates. Pudding Oozekin fall under the monochromatic colors and are considered the rarest type to find. Their elemental affinity also gives them a distinct smell. Ochre Oozekin smell acrid. Magma Oozekin smell of sulfur. Glacial Oozekin smell like fresh frost. Finally, Pudding Oozekin smell smoky.

Their bodies function differently than other races. They have no organs or bones for every one of their cells functions as such. Despite them not having eyes, they see by using their bodies to sense the vibrations around them. They breathe through their skin. Any food consumed is dissolved and absorbed within a few minutes. They can also chose what to ingest and expel. Due to their more simplistic body structure, they tend to live longer than other races.

Oozekin reproduce by budding. They can choose to initiate this process once every 10 years and usually produce one offspring. They have the rest of that year to decide to reproduce or not. Where the offspring sprouts from differs from person to person. It takes about two months for the bud to split off from their parent. The resulting child starts out as a blob the size of a volleyball with the same Gel-Type as their parent.

During their first years of life, their appetite is ravenous while they grow up. As they grow and consume through their formative years, they will choose a look that they feel comfortable with. When they are about three months old, they start to grow limbs and a torso. In rare cases, they can incorporate solidified versions of their elements onto their appearance. Ochre Oozekin can harden their bodies to be like stone. Magma Oozekin can manifest volcanic glass in its various forms. Glacial Oozekin can have ice grow from them. Lastly, Pudding Oozekin can wrap their bodies in metal. Once they hit full maturity at twenty years old, their appearance is locked in.

A Simple Life

The Oozekin have a more simplistic societal order. Most of them tend to live in caves or unused dungeons away from most towns and villages. They typically have a tribe-like structure where a leader is either born into their status or the position is attained through contests depending on the tribe. They generally hunt and gather food over growing crops. When it comes to exchanging goods, Oozekin prefer to barter and trade over using currency.

Even though they can exhibit secondary sex characteristics, Oozekin have no concept of gender. In the tribe, they refer to each other as "they."

The Oozekin are usually not ones for religion. Some will take to worshiping the same deities that the nearby settlements pray to. Especially to the gods of land and mountains to help prevent cave ins of their homes.


Oozekin usually do not wear clothes. Out of courtesy for other races around them, they will if asked. Most prefer wearing garments that are simple to put on and easy to move in. Due to how they see, some like to don clothing that strikes a unique silhouette to impress those around them.

Their tribes regularly have strict codes that limits them from associating with other races. They will act cordial to any who interact with them. They do not venture into another's territory or hunting grounds. This is to prevent giving other races more of an excuse to attack them other than their ooze-like appearance. Due to this, they normally do not go to other villages for help.

The young of the Oozekin are considered adults when they are fully grown. To which they are free to stay in the tribe or venture outward.

Boundless Curiosity

Due to their restrictive upbringing, they marvel at the most mundane things. The best way to get on one's good side is to give them something new to experience. This can be through nonvisual art, garments, or delicacies.

Members of the Oozekin race usually begin traveling to sate their curiosity. This feeling can come from wanting to see other types of people to see how they work. Or even a sense of adventure or to make a better name for Oozekin, their tribe, or themselves.

Relations to other races

Since they limit their interactions with races outside of their gatherings, there isn't a lot of records of how others interact to their kind. Only the few accounts that adventuring Oozekin bring home.

Humans are especially guilty of attacking on sight due to their resemblance to oozes.

Elves usually view them as lower beings. Often thinking them as mere mutations of oozes.

Dwarves like the Oozekin for their unique senses and willingness to trade. Said senses assist them in finding rare materials for their crafts. They tend not to trade with the Oozekin a lot due to their regular lack of money.

The more inquisitive races such as Halflings and Gnomes tend to think of them as a curiosity. Some even want to figure out how they work.

The more monstrous races (such as Dragonborn, Tieflings, and the like) generally tolerate the Oozekin and leave them to their own devices.

Most Genasi believe the former theory of the Oozekin's origins due to their similarities. As a result, they find the Oozekin intriguing. Some Genasi scholars think that this is how their kin came to be what they are today and thus a door to a new set of subraces of their kind. The Genasi are usually the race kindest to the Oozekin.

The Oozekin, however, are generally accepting of other races. They even want to know more about them in order to feed their trademark curiosity. Additionally, they treat their supposed progenitors with more respect than they do other creatures.

Oozekin Names

In general, the Oozekin name themselves in Primordial. In their early years, their names can change as much as their appearance while they try to figure out the right identity for themselves. Their full name is formed by putting an apostrophe between their first name and their clan name.

First Names: Beh, Bhog, Bokau, Maluche, Suuv, Tah, Tuln

Clan Names: Ashaa, Habov, Mekk, Satra, Taar, Taet, Whaa

Full Names: Beh'Taar, Bhog'Ashaa, Bokau'Taet, Maluche'Mekk, Suuv'Habov, Tah'Satra, Tuln'Whaa

Oozekin Traits

Oozekin share a certain set of racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age. Oozekin are considered adults at age 20. They can live up to about 250 years.

Alignment. Oozekin are inclined to be neutral.

Size. Oozekin are about the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Blindsight. Though you lack eyes, you can still perceive the world around you. You can see in a radius of 40 feet around you. Beyond this, however, you are blind.

Boneless. You can slip out of holds with ease. You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to escape grapples.

Gel-Type. You are attuned with one of the elements. Choose one of the options from the Gel-Type table to determine your Gel-Type and damage resistance.

Damage Resistance. You have resistance to the damage type associated with your Gel-Type.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial. You can only read through your sense of touch. Primordial is a guttural language, filled with harsh syllables and hard consonants.

Gel-Type Resistance
Ochre Acid
Magma Fire
Glacial Cold
Pudding Poison

Racial Feats


Prerequisite: Oozekin
You have the ability to morph your body as your predecessors did. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • As an action, you can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. In doing this, any object larger than the space you're moving through that you're wearing or carrying is left behind unless enchanted to be able to fit in the space.

Honed Senses

Prerequisite: Oozekin
Through your experiences, you learned how to sharpen and extend your senses. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Your Blindsight range gains an additional number of feet equal to 5 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).

Primordial Combatant

Prerequisite: Oozekin
You have become attuned with your element to the point you manifest it in combat. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you make a successful unarmed strike or keep an enemy in a grapple while wearing no or light armor, you may also deal additional damage equal to half your Constitution modifier, rounded down (minimum of 1). The damage type depends on your Gel-Type (Ochre─Acid, Magma─Fire, Glacial─Cold, Pudding─Poison).
  • You learn a cantrip depending on your Gel-Type. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is the stat increased when choosing this feat.
  • The cantrip's spell save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + this feat's spellcasting ability modifier.
  • The cantrip's spell attack modifier is your proficiency bonus + this feat's spellcasting ability modifier.
Gel-Type Cantrip
Ochre acid splash
Magma produce flame
Glacial ray of frost
Pudding poison spray

Made by Missing-Peace of Reddit, Tumblr, & GM Binder.

Made with GM Binder.

The picture featured belongs to avvart on DeviantArt.


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