No Laifu's Inktober 2019 Subclasses
Greetings. This Inktober 2019, I've decided to join the fray with my own creations. My plan is to construct my own subclasses for each daily prompt. There are a few notes regarding this document and the subclasses made within:
A: No repeating subclasses
I am not allowed to make multiple subclasses until I have made a subclass for each class. Once a subclass has been created for each of the 12 classes, I repeat the process.
B: Time Restraints
I am self-imposing 2 hours at a certain time of the day for the actual creation of the subclass (mechanics and flavor). I am permitted to think about what class and rough execution (thematically), but I am not permitted to actually create features without starting the timer. There is allowance for up to 4 hours (given life obligations).
C: No Easy Way Out
I am to create one subclass with unique mechanics; on top of at least being thought out. There can be overlap between those created during the challenge, but under no circumstances am I allowed to copy/paste one subclass multiple times with reflavoring.
I am heavily discouraged from copy/pasting an existing subclass I have previously designed; minor overlap may still be present for lack of a better ability that contributes to the identity. However, in the event that I do reuse a subclass idea, it must be a major rework for at least half the subclass.
D: Make it Fun
I am designing these subclasses as if I or my players would be able to select these options. What's the point of designing stuff like this if no one wants to play it? Myself included. Each of the subclasses here has been tweaked since the original post to correct spelling/wording/flavor/or balance. All of these should be ready for playtesting/fielding with the release of this document.
E: Image Disclaimer
This is unofficial fan content that was made for recreation by No Laifu (u/the15thpaladin; Discord: No Laifu#7941). None of the images used are owned by me in any capacity, nor do I claim to have permission to use them for financial gain. These images are used purely because the aesthetic and theme are appropriate for descriptions
Images are sourced in each subclass author blurb box and again in the credits section at the end of this document with more detail.
List of Subclasses (Linked)
- Day 1 - College of the Ring (Bard)
- Day 2 -Way of the Empty Mind (Monk)
- Day 3 -Belligerent Origin (Sorcerer)
- Day 4 -Winter Wolf Patron (Warlock)
- Day 5 -Path of Measured Response (Barbarian)
- Day 6 -Wolf Conclave (Ranger)
- Day 7 -Oath of Phantasmagoria (Paladin)
- Day 8 -School of Augmentation (Wizard)
- Day 9 -Weapon Dancer Archetype (Fighter)
- Day 10 -Weaver Archetype (Rogue)
- Day 11 -Winter Domain (Cleric)
- Day 12 -Circle of Dragons (Druid)
- Day 13 -Torchbearer Conclave (Ranger)
- Day 14 -Way of Verdant Green (Monk)
- Day 15 -Legendary Troop Patron (Warlock)
- Day 16 -Path of the Rending Talon (Barbarian)
- Day 17 -Jolly Origin (Sorcerer)
- Day 18 -Forlorn Domain (Cleric)
- Day 19 -School of Binding (Wizard)
- Day 20 -Oath of the Explorer (Paladin)
- Day 21 -Circle of the Wildheart (Druid)
- Day 22 -Spectre Archetype (Rogue)
- Day 23 -College of the Ancient Tongue (Bard)
- Day 24 -Quartermaster Archetype (Fighter)
- Day 25 -Gourmet Origin (Sorcerer)
- Day 26 -Inner Shadow Patron (Warlock)
- Day 27 -Way of the Closed Palm (Monk)
- Day 28 -Stormrider Conclave (Ranger)
- Day 29 -Vanguard - Redux (Fighter)
- Day 30 -Bounty Hunter Archetype (Rogue)
- Day 31 -School of Agriculture (Wizard)
College of the Ring
Cheap thrills and scares are a silver a dozen, and often bore once done. Yet these bards can employ similar techniques to leave crowds trembling in the boots in broad daylight. Bards of the College of the Ring make a career out of terrorizing folk with latent psychic abilities interwoven in their performances.
College of the Ring features
Bard level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiencies, Horrid Visage |
6th | Unnerving Passage |
14th | Practiced Terror |
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of the Ring, you gain proficiency in Intimidation (Charisma) and two other skills of your choice.
Horrid Visage
When you join the College of the Ring at 3rd level, you to instill fear by subtly planting suggestions in your spells, contorting your visage to them. When a creature makes a saving throw caused by you, you may use your reaction to expend a die of bardic inspiration. At the start of that creature's next turn, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell DC or become frightened by you and take psychic damage equal to the amount rolled on your bardic inspiration die at the start of its turn (save ends both effects). You may also have a creature not take damage from this feature.
Unnerving Passage
At 6th level, you learn how to become intangible to the world around you as you move. Before you move on your turn, you may choose to use this feature. You may move through other creatures and objects (including walls). You can have creatures perceive movement through objects as if wrenching yourself through it. If you are knocked unconscious while within another creature or object, you are moved to the nearest available space. If you end your turn within another creature or object, you take 1d10 force damage and are moved to the nearest available space.
Practiced Terror
Starting at 14th level, whenever you use your horrid visage feature, you can roll a d6 and use it instead of expending a Bardic Inspiration die.
College of the Ring - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 1) prompt: ring. First thing that came to mind, being that Halloween's around the corner (end of the month, same thing), the Ring. Good old fashion psychic ghost haunting you.
Image used: "Mystic of the Hidden Way" by Ryan Alexander Lee. Source here.
Way of the Empty Mind (Monk)
Those who follow the Way of the Empty Mind, called Empty Monks or Mindless Monks, trade traditional outward physical prowess for incredible mental or spiritual fortitude. Empty monks are a bit of a misnomer; they are far from empty as their name suggests. Rather, they have learned to temporarily detach their own emotions and biases, granting abilities that transcend their already almost-supernatural skills.
An Empty Mind master is capable of reaching out and grabbing the intangible, becoming adaptable to almost any situation, or even ignore conventional limitations.
Way of the Empty Mind features
Monk level | Features |
3rd | Force without Effort |
6th | Inner Reflection |
11th | Refill the Cup |
17th | Empty Zenith |
Force without Effort
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you use your ki to release a strong wave of energy alongside your strikes. When you hit with an attack, you may expend a Ki point to have creatures in a 15-foot straight line from you, including the target of your attack, take force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. A creature hit by this effect must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed back up to 15 feet.
Inner Reflection
At 6th level, you learn how to reach out and directly handle energies. Your deflect missiles feature can be used on ranged spell attack rolls.
Additionally, you can spend a Ki point to physically interact with an illusion within range or with a creature you can see on your plane of existence but is physically on another (such as a ghost being ethereal).
Refill the Cup
Beginning at 11th level, you cleanse your mind and become more open to change. You come under the effects of the enhance ability spell. You may change the effect after you finish a short or long rest.
Empty Zenith
At 17th level, you learn to instantaneously draw deep into your innate clarity. When you are hit by an attack or effect that affects only you, you may use a reaction to spend 5 Ki points. If you do, you gain an additional turn for the round but do not regain your reaction, acting immediately after the current turn. You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws on this additional turn.
Way of the Empty Mind - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 2) prompt: mindless. I decided I wanted to lean away from traditional mindlessness, and subsequently turned towards the zen-like "mindlessness" of a monk. The idea I wanted to go with here is emptying yourself to reach beyond yourself. Sounds esoteric/edgy right? Most of this manifested as being able to do things a traditional monk couldn't do, emphasizing a blend of hyper-defensive or hyper-offensive play depending on what you want to go with at that point in time.
"Monk/Diablo 3 Fan art" by Valdas Jokubaitis. Source here.
Belligerent Origin (Sorcerer)
Your blood courses with a nigh-unquenchable desire for sarcasm and mockery. Perhaps you were the descendent of a particularly ornery bard. Perhaps your ancestor was a warrior who couldn't help but goad their foes to make mistakes. Regardless of origin, you have a talent for truculency that troubles your foes and tips the tables in your favor.
Belligerent Origin features
Sorcerer level | Features |
1st | Bait a Reaction, Silver Tongue |
6th | Combat Taunt |
14th | Table Hopper |
18th | Searing Sarcasm |
Origin Spells
Starting at 1st level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the table below. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | compelled duel |
3rd | calm emotions |
5th | sending |
Bait a Reaction
Starting at 1st level, you quickly identify a prime target and immediately start slinging insults. As part of an action, you mark a hostile creature within 30 feet of you until it falls to 0 hitpoints or until you finish a short or long rest. You can only have one creature marked at a time. The target makes attacks against creatures other than you at disadvantage. If the target casts a spell or uses an effect that requires a saving throw that affects only one creature other than you, you may use your reaction to have that creature add your Charisma modifier to the roll.
Silver Tongue
Your origin gives you the ability to speak in other languages; it's rather difficult to be properly belligerent in a language you can't understand. You learn two languages of your choice.
Additionally, you learn the vicious mockery cantrip if you do not already know it.
Combat Taunt
Beginning at 6th level, you antagonize foes at almost every opportunity you get, much to your delight and their chagrin. Each time a creature marked by you misses an attack roll against you, you regain 1 sorcery point.
Additionally, when a creature makes an attack against you, you may spend 1 sorcery point and cast vicious mockery as a reaction.
Table Hopper
At 14th level, what better way to mock your foes than by harmlessly walking away? If a creature would miss an attack against you, you may move up to 20 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
Searing Sarcasm
Starting at 18th level, even the slightest remark from you can cause the greatest irritations and the worst disasters. When a creature marked by you would make a saving throw, you may expend 4 sorcery points as a reaction. That creature makes the saving throw at disadvantage without adding any modifiers and takes additional psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
"You may praise me as your greatest entertainer; for that I am honored. However, I was young and adventurous too. A rowdy youth at that too. "
"Wayward as I was, I still had the foresight of entering another's tutelage. He was mage-blooded and one with the gift of gabbing. As eloquent as he was, he still had his foul streak. Swore like a sailor in just about any time outside of formal meetings, and with or to anyone."
As many enemies as he may have had as a result, he had a fan in me, the old fogey."
- Beloved Sven, the Skald, recollecting his adventures.
Belligerent Origin - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 3) prompt: bait. Initially, I thought a fisherman-based fighter or rogue subclass would be the play. I didn't like it and scrapped the idea after an hour of work. I ended up looking up something from good ol' Devil May Cry during my break. Immediately, I thought "This is it." A mocking sorcerer.
Winter Wolf Patron (Warlock)
Your patron is an ancient deific wolf said to be heralded by a deathly cold. It was said it was once bound to a single place, its prison as it stands and waits in ever-lasting patience. The Wolf seeks to envelop the world in an eternal winter; all for the sake of havoc, vengeance, and territory. Your pact with that being allows you access to the feral and chilling powers native to winter.
Winter Wolf features
Warlock level | Features |
1st | Bonus Cantrips, Flash Freeze |
6th | Wintery Mantle |
10th | Wolves on the Wind |
14th | Fimbulvetr |
Expanded Spell List
The winter wolf lets you choose from an expanded spell list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock list for you.
Winter Wolf Expanded Spells
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | animal friendship, ice knife |
2nd | beast sense, darkvision |
3rd | sleet storm, wind wall |
4th | fire shield, ice storm |
5th | cone of cold, control winds |
Bonus Cantrips
At 1st level, you learn the frostbite and ray of frost cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don't count against your number of cantrips known.
Flash Freeze
Staring at 1st level, you learn to coat a surface in ice instantaneously. As an action, you can cause a 15-foot area within 30 feet of you to become difficult terrain. If a creature tries to move while in this zone, it must make a Dexterity saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be knocked prone. The zone persists until the end of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Wintery Mantle
At 6th level, your patron bestow a boon that repels those who would thwart you and signals its authority. You gain resistance to cold damage, and when you would cast a spell that deals cold damage, you reroll 1s, taking the second result. If the final result still has a 1, you deal additional cold damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Wolves on the Wind
Starting at 10th level, you are bestowed an aspect of your patron and can call upon its power. You may summon a winter wolf as a reaction to being hit by a creature within 5 feet of you. It appears within 5 feet of you and immediately makes an attack against the creature. The winter wolf acts on your initiative but immediately after your turn. You control the wolf directly. The wolf persists for 10 minutes unless it falls to 0 hitpoints or is dismissed as a bonus action. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.
Starting at 14th level, winter seems to spring from your fingertips, leading your foes to a wintery grave even in summer heats. Whenever you cast a spell that deals cold damage, you may expend one of your warlock spell slots. If you do, creatures affected by the spell must make a Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, its becomes paralyzed and takes 1d8 cold damage at the start of its turn (save ends both).
"Oh Child, Sweet Child, mind the wind.
Beware the Wolf, its wicked white grin.
Should the sky grey, mind its wrath."
Do not stray, stay on the path."
- Chorus of an ancient folk song
Winter Wolf Patron - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 4) prompt: freeze. First thing that came to mind was Fimbulvetr (or Fimbulwinter) from Norse Mythology. Digging a little deeper, a common figure in this, aside from the gods, was Fenrir, the wolf whose jaws could consume the world. Instead of emphasizing this aspect though, I went with the more harbinger-esque theme, where you bring the cold wherever you go.
Path of Measured Response (Barbarian)
Though all barbarians have an innate fury, some choose to temper it, gaining a unique control over it. Though angry they may be, it is more calculated, leading to more exacting strikes or a fearsome barrage of strikes. Those who follow this path rage, but instead of wild or magical anger, it's pinpoint accuracy built up over time.
Path of Measured Response features
Barbarian level | Features |
3rd | Smoldering Anger |
6th | Brutal Buildup |
10th | Denouement |
14th | Breaking Point |
Smoldering Anger
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you learn to constructively compound your anger. When you enter your rage, you gain a fury count, starting at a minimum of 0 with a maximum equal to 6. You lose this count when you exit your rage. When you are hit with an attack, you decrease your fury count by 1. When you hit with an attack, you add the current value of the fury count to the attack roll then increase the count by 1. When the fury count equals to your Strength modifier, it resets to 1 at the end of the turn. At 14th level, the reset value is equal to 6.
Brutal Buildup
Starting at 6th level, your ferocity adds to the flames of anger. when you score a critical hit while raging, the fury count increases by two.
Starting at 10th level, your body swells as your anger leaves you, carving an imposing figure. When you end your rage, you have advantage on Intimidation (Charisma) checks and add your Constitution to other Charisma checks for the next hour.
Breaking Point
Beginning at 14th level, at the peak of emotion you lunge out and crush your foes. While you are raging and have a fury count of at least 4, you may reduce your fury count to 0 as part of the first attack roll you make. If you do, you make an additional two attacks at disadvantage. If the fury count is equal to 6 when you use this feature, you make three attacks at disadvantage instead. If any of these attacks hit, you may reroll any number of damage dice, taking the second result.
Path of Measured Response - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew made by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 5) prompt: Build. I instantly though of something that was shared on the MCDM Discord by AC who shared their idea for fury dice. I designed a subclass that used this feature, but I decided to take it to an extreme here, playing around with manipulating this count in a few ways.
Image used: "Dromoka Warrior" by Zach Stella used in Magic: the Gathering. Source here.
Wolf Conclave (Ranger)
There exists a sect of rangers that directly take inspiration from studying animals and identify their abilities with such an animal. While monks emulate certain movements of animals, those rangers who follow these conclaves train and hunt among them, learning a variety of tricks and tactics commonly employed by such beasts by imitation. Those who follow the Wolf Conclave employ trickery and tactics that pressure their foes and potentially create openings for allies.
Wolf Conclave features
Ranger level | Features |
3rd | Wolf Magic, Canine Stance, On the Hunt |
7th | Give Chase |
11th | Two-Wolf Pounce |
15th | Hunter's Grace |
Wolf Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Wolf Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of rangers spells you know.
Wolf Spells
Ranger level | Features |
3rd | ensnaring strike |
5th | beast sense |
9th | fear |
13th | guardian of nature |
17th | commune with nature |
Canine Stance
Starting at 3rd level, your fighting emulates a wolf in nature, allowing you to fight at odd angles. You gain a crawling speed equal to your movement speed. Additionally, you do not have disadvantage on attacks made while prone and creatures do not have advantage on attacks made against you while you are prone.
On the Hunt
At 3rd level, you learn how to fight as a wolf, creating opportunities with vicious pulls and grapples at low angles. The first attack you hit with on your turn deals an additional 1d4 damage. If you are prone, this damage increases to 1d8.
Additionally, if you make an attack against a creature within 5 feet of you, you may have the target make a Strength saving throw against your Ranger spell save DC if it is up to one size larger than you. On a failed save, the creature is grappled by you. If the attack was made while prone, you may instead choose to knock the target prone.
Give Chase
Beginning at 7th level, you harry a target, whittling down it's endurance. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you ends its turn more than 5 feet away from you, you can use a reaction to move up to your movement speed toward the creature. Moving this way does not provoke opportunity attacks and ignores difficult terrain.
Two-Wolf Pounce
Beginning at 11th level, you set upon your foes with with weapons bared. When a creature makes a save to be knocked prone or grappled by you on your turn, you may have the target automatically save, but you immediately move up to an additional 10 feet and make another attack against a different creature. Additional attacks made using this feature do not trigger this feature again. Moving this way does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Hunter's Grace
At 15th level, even as your allies take stock of the enemies pouring in around them, you move into position and set your plans into motion. You add your Insight (Wisdom) modifier to initiative. If you act first, you can move up to your movement speed before taking another other action (including movement).
Wolf Conclave - v.1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 6) prompt: husky. While the connection between huskies and wolves are still slightly nebulous, the first thing was that I immediately made a connection between the two. I wanted to emphasize the pack tactics of pack animals; though, I did not want to outright give pack tactics. That's too boring. I instead with the idea that you would rip and tear with your strikes, dragging them down or grappling them, setting up the kill for another. Can't forget that low stance canines have when ready to strike.
Oath of Phantasmagoria (Paladin)
Several deities appreciate a good show; some of the more trickier ones also appreciate the deception such spectacles herald. The Oath of Phantasmagoria grants those willing to play with perception a helping hand in boggling the mind. Many people are staunch believers in the power of a good trick, but few are as dedicated as these paladins. Perhaps some are dedicated to the good of all but use sleight of hand to speed things up. Or maybe we have a selfish scion who uses his oath for some seldom-savory scenarios. Regardless, the Oath of Phantasmagoria remains as a bewitching power source, making dreams that much closer to reality in a literal sense.
Oath of Phantasmagoria features
Paladin level | Features |
3rd | Channel Divinity |
7th | Aura of Bewilderment |
15th | Razzmatazz |
20th | Divine Spectacle |
Tenants of Phantasmagoria
Those who take this oath ingrain its tenants into their memories:
Razzle-Dazzle. A little flair goes a long way.
Confound Your Crowd. Brute force is all well and good, but sometimes a more subtle touch is necessary.
Showstopper. Captivate if you can. And should you go out, you do so with a bang.
Oath Spells
Paladin level | Spells |
3rd | color spray, silent image |
5th | mirror image, phantasmal force |
9th | hypnotic pattern, major image |
13th | confusion, hallucinatory terrain |
17th | dream, mislead |
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Mind-Crushing Matter. You can use your Channel Divinity to assault your foes' minds. When you would be able to deal radiant damage, you may expend a use of your Channel Divinity and instead choose to deal it as psychic damage for the next 10 minutes. You may choose to switch between the two damage types for each instance.
Temporary Reality. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer that manifests an item of your choice that takes up no more space than a 5-foot cube which lasts for 10 minutes. Creatures can perceive and feel the effects of this illusion, but only you are able to hold and manipulate it. You can change the form of this illusion as a bonus action. If the illusion is a weapon, it deals 1d6 psychic damage + your Charisma modifier on damage.
Aura of Bewilderment
Beginning at 7th level, people are hard-pressed to disavow your illusions when they see you moil them into reality. Creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage on rolls made to perceive through illusion created by you. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Beginning at 15th level, each strike seems to launch mystical images that seem to lash out at your foes before vanishing. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can use your bonus action to have another creature within 5 feet of you takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
Divine Spectacle
At 20th level, once per long rest as an action, you tap into divine energy that cascades forth illusions even when simply touching you. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits.
- You come under the effects of the mirror image spell. If one of your illusions would be destroyed, another one immediately appears in your aura of bewilderment next to you.
- When you cast a spell that creates a single illusion, you create an additional two copies within range of your aura of bewilderment. The mirror image spell is unaffected by this.
- You may cast one illusion spell you have prepared without the need for spell slots or material components. You may do so for each level of spell slot you have.
Oath of Phantasmagoria - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 7) prompt: enchantment. I wanted to play around with the idea of a divine illusionist; someone granted the power to dazzle people with an onslaught of illusions. I could have done something a little more on the nose with an enchantment-based oath, but I wanted the players feel like they had to work for it. Though, in retrospect, that may have been easier to brew.
School of Augmentation (Wizard)
Another often ignored school of war magic, the School of Augmentation accentuate hand-to-hand combat casting. Originally, the school was founded to allow those of particularly frail constitution to train to defend themselves properly against armed assailants when totally unarmed by bolstering themselves with magic. However, since its inception, the school has gained popularity not only for that, but for the radical departure from casting. Certainly it has also become more popular among those who wish for a more daring way of casting magic.
School of Augmentation features
Wizard level | Features |
2nd | Mage Plate, Magical Pugilist |
6th | Mystical Boost |
10th | Arcane Adonis |
14th | Overwhelming Mana |
Mage Plate
Also at 2nd level, you learn to create small field around you that decelerates strikes and effects as they land. As an action, you may expend a spell slot. Damage against you is reduced by 3 times the level of spell slot expended for each instance up to a total reduction of 15 damage. The effect of this feature ends after 1 minute.
Additionally, if a spell slot of 6th level or higher was expended, you gain +1 AC for each slot above 5th.
Magical Pugilist
When you adopt this school at 2nd level, you learn how to layer your fists with magic as your strike. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage.
Additionally, you may cast a spell as a melee spell attack using an unarmed strike, centering the area on the target (if applicable). On a miss, the effects still occur and the appropriate spell slot is used but saving throws are made at advantage and damage is halved. Cantrips cast this way do not effect the target if you miss while casting using this feature. If the spell requires you to make a saving throw, you automatically succeed and do not take any damage (if any).
Mystical Boost
At 6th level, you learn to take the residual mana from your magic and fortify the body. When you cast a spell, you may use your reaction to target a creature within 10 feet of you. The target gains a bonus to the next ability check or saving throw they make equal to your Intelligence modifier. This benefits persists until used or after 1 minute has passed.
Arcane Adonis
At 10th level, your magic permeates your body, strengthening it extraordinarily. You add your Intelligence modifier to Athletics (Strength) checks you make. Additionally, once per short or long rest, you may use a reaction to add your intelligence modifier to Strength and Constitution saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Overwhelming Mana
Starting at 14th level, the magic you can unleash from your hands is enough to render foes frail and helpless. If you cast a spell of 6th level or higher as a melee spell attack, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained until the end of its next turn.
School of Augmentation - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 8) prompt: frail. The frailest thing I could think of off the top of my head was the wizard. 1d6 hit die with no real incentive to put points into Constitution other than to not immediately die. I went with covering these weaknesses (to an extent) and allowing more options for combat in that same vein. If someone gets too close, you're frail, but you're not totally defenseless. Also, it's hard not to play around with the joke of casting fist. Though it's more the vein of "casting fist" in this case.
Image used: "Soulfire Grand Master" by Johannes Voss. Source here.
Weapon Dancer Archetype (Fighter)
Weapon dancers are often performers who reenact combat for excitement or ceremony; often reflecting on the nature of the story each dance holds. However, there are a few who have taken the opposite approach. They are performers who learned and honed their skills through each turn of their body and swing of their weapon. Their skills lend them not only to evasive and nimble combat, but also an uncanny aptitude for teamwork - a dance is not always a solo affair.
Weapon Dancer features
Fighter level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiency, Linked Blades |
7th | Ebb and Flow |
10th | Graceful Step |
15th | Imperial Dragon Dance |
18th | Reprising Step |
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Athletics, History, Insight, or Performance.
Linked Blades
Starting at 3rd level, each movement, feint or otherwise, lends itself to a duet. When you make an attack against a creature on your turn, you may instead move up to 5 feet and have an allied creature within range of the target that you can see make a weapon attack against the target in place of you. You do not provoke opportunity attacks while moving this way.
Ebb and Flow
Starting at 7th level, each swing of your weapon carries momentum that allows you to evade counters. During your turn, if you hit with a melee attack against a creature, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.
Graceful Step
At 10th level, you learn to use the empty space in each strike to shuffle along. When you hit with an attack, you can immediately move up to an additional 10 feet.
Additionally, you also benefit from the Dodge action when you use your action to take the Dash action.
Imperial Dragon Dance
Starting at 15th level, you twist and turn while you strike at everything in the path of your frenzied dance. When you use your action to take the Dash action, you may make a number of attacks up to the total number of attacks you can make on your turn as part of this movement. You must target a different creature for each attack.
Reprising Step
Starting at 18th level, a misstep becomes a calculated maneuver. If you miss with an attack, you may use your reaction to immediately make another two attacks against the target with advantage. You can use this feature twice per short or long rest.
Cyrus the Spiral. You've heard of him, I hope.
A weapon dancer who found themselves in demand of every noble from east to west. Even mingled among them alright. No punches at least.
He's a mercenary in actuality; the Bloody Pendulum was his nom de guerre. A terror to behold, nary a soul could touch him if he moved first. Each of his strikes were a cue for each of his allies to lay into his foes. One day, he found his fill of blood, renouncing war and combat entirely.
He found his calling, he said. Became a performer for the Westar Theatre. Visiting him on occasion, it really was his calling. But there was now a glint in his eye. That look, craving adventure for inspiration.
- Beloved Sven, the Skald, recounting his adventures.
Weapon Dancer - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 9) prompt: swing. I've been watching more Wuxia movies and playing a ton of Sekiro recently, and the choreographic fight scenes served as my inspiration for the day. Swift strokes and swings, disengaging with retreating strikes, clean teamwork for spectacle all were my goals in this.
Weaver Archetype (Rogue)
Weaving, sewing, and many other sorts are long-standing skills, with a legacy of finely crafted goods. However, there are those whose skills extends beyond the mundane and translate to a bizarre fighting style that emphasizes a blend of both melee and ranged strikes.
Weaver features
Rogue level | Features |
3rd | Loomworker, Warp and Weft |
9th | Leave 'em in Stitches |
13th | Implicate |
17th | Hanging by a Thread |
When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in wevaer's tools and the Sleight of Hand skill if you don't already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.
Warp and Weft
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an archaic form of fighting, employing long, thin strands of wire. You gain an additional way to use Sneak Attack. When you hit with a ranged weapon attack with a dagger or ammunition, you mark the creature as long as the weapon remains embedded in the target. You can use your Attack action to make a melee weapon attack against a marked creature up to 20 feet away, using a thin wire that is attached to it. This attack can trigger sneak attack as long as you do not have disadvantage on the attack and functions as if using a dagger and retrieves the weapon or ammunition as part of the attack. All other rules for Sneak Attack apply
Leave 'em in Stitches
Starting at 9th level, you pull and manipulate your wires to block movement. You can use your Cunning action to make a straight line from you to one marked creature function as difficult terrain. If a creature tries to pass through this terrain, it takes 1d6 slashing damage.
Starting at 13th level, you mastery over your wires makes expert puppetmasters green with envy. When you could trigger your alternative method of Sneak Attack, you may forgo the damage and instead initiate a Dexterity contest against the target's Athletics or Acrobatics. If the target fails, it is restrained until the end of its next turn and is knocked prone. Regardless if you succeed or fail, you recover your weapon or ammunition.
Hanging by a Thread
Starting at 17th level, when you successfully hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack using a dagger or ammunition, you may make another attack against another creature with the same weapon.
Additionally, when you make trigger Sneak Attack against a marked creature. You may choose to halve the Sneak Attack damage. One other marked creature takes half the damage.
Weaver Archetype - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 10) prompt: Pattern. I thought of using the idea of "razor floss" or piano wires or garrotes. Again, plenty of Wuxia influence here with the razor wire specialist and the idea of making yourself an impromptu puppetmaster.
Image used:"Blade Juggler" by Dmitry Burmak. Image Source.
Winter Domain (Cleric)
Winter is often encompassed within the Nature domain. However, this devotion shares a deep connection with the Raven Queen. It is often easy to forget that she also watches over this purview. It is a season for death; probably the zenith of the Raven Queen's power. But, like everything else, it must depart for it is simply part of the natural cycle of life. Those who accept this domain are gifted techniques employed by her devoted knights.
Winter Domain features
Cleric level | Features |
1st | Bonus Cantrip, Bonus Proficiencies |
2nd | Channel Divinity: Chains of Letherna |
6th | Frostbite |
8th | Divine Strike (Cold damage) |
17th | Icy Fate |
Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Winter Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work.
Cleric Level | Spells |
1st | armor of agathys, fog cloud |
3rd | gust of wind, snilloc's snowball swarm |
5th | sleet storm, wind wall |
7th | hallucinatory terrain, ice storm |
9th | control winds, steel wind strike |
Bonus Cantrip
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you learn the ray of frost cantrip if you don't already know it.
Bonus Proficiencies
Also at 1st level, you gain proficiency in martial weapons and heavy armor.
Channel Divinity: Chains of Letherna
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to bind your enemy in icy chains from the Raven Queen's demense in the Shadowfell. As an action, you choose one creature within 10 feet of you and expend a use of your Channel Divinity. The target makes a Dexterity saving throw or takes 2d6 cold damage and is restrained. The target takes an additional 2d6 damage at the start of its turns until it saves. A creature can make an additional save using its action. Creatures that start their turn next to the restrained creature takes cold damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Starting at 6th level, when you deal cold damage, you may reduce the movement speed of that creature by 10 feet until the end of its next turn.
Divine Strike
At 8th level, once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Icy Fate
Starting at 17th level, snow and chilling winds bind to attacks as a creature stands at the gates of death. When you or a creature within 30 feet of you scores a critical hit on a target creature, you can use your reaction to make the attack use the highest possible value for each die. For example, instead of dealing 2d6 slashing damage with a greatsword, the attack deals 12 slashing damage.
In the dead of winter, when spirits wander, does the Raven fly.
Undaunted by chilling winds, when the world catches its death, does the Raven fly.
When subject to the fates of mortals, one inescapable from even herself, does the Raven fly.
But fear not, for it is in this darkness which she guides you best; The Guiding Raven's Flight.
- Ancient Prayer to the Raven Queen.
Winter Domain - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 11) prompt: snow. This one was a little more challenging since I already did something similar earlier this month. I went with a more offensive bent compared to the more defensive Warlock subclass. Considering that my only options for this cycle were for cleric or druid, it was easy for me to choose. I went with a more direct connection with the Raven Queen - in 4E her domains also encompassed Winter. Unfortunately, that coverage didn't translate over to 5E.
Circle of Dragons (Druid)
Druids who are members of the Circle of Dragons can be found all across the land. These druids share a deep connection with dragons and seek to bridge the gap between Dragons and the world around them. Though they bear no particular allegiance with such creatures, some druids align themselves with the will of a specific dragon, enacting its agenda in the wilds. Their devotion to a particular dragon has granted them the knowledge of how to use their gifts to live as a dragon.
Circle of Dragons features
Druid level | Features |
2nd | Draconic Half-Shift, Tongue of the Sky Hunter |
6th | Rending Talons |
10th | Advanced Half-Shift |
14th | Draconic Scion |
Draconic Half-Shift
Also at 2nd level, as an action, you may expend a usage of your Wild Shape feature to morph your body to bear several draconic features; this follows the limitations outlined in the Wild Shape feature except that you may cast spells whlie in this state.
For the duration of this feature, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to twice your Druid level + your Wisdom modifier and gain your choice of two of the following benefits:
- Your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
- You come under the effects of the dragon's breath spell at 2nd level for the duration of this feature; not requiring concentration. You may expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to increase damage, as stated in the spell.
- You add your Wisdom modifier to Charisma checks.
- You add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any Druid cantrip.
Tongue of the Sky Hunter
Starting at 2nd level, You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with dragons.
Rending Talons
Starting at 6th level, when you adopt draconic aspects, you also gain the dragon's iconic talons. When you use your draconic half-shift feature, you gain claws which are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Attacking this way counts as magical for purposes for overcoming resistances.
Advanced Half-Shifting
At 10th level, you gain the following options to choose from when you use your draconic half-shift feature
- You gain wings and a flying speed of 30 feet.
- You grow a tail and gain an additional reaction which can only be used to make opportunity attacks with the tail. The tail functions as if an unarmed strike. If you hit with it, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier. This count as magical for purposes for overcoming resistances.
- You can make two attacks instead of one when you take the Attack action.
- You gain resistance to a damage type of your choice from: acid, cold, fire, poison, or lightning damage.
Draconic Scion
At 14th level, you may select up to four options when you use your draconic half-shift feature.
Circle of Dragons - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 12) prompt: dragon. This one was a little more challenging in that I've never designed a druid subclass before. My inspiration came from half-dragon kin - they take on certain aspects of a dragon, but not everything. Tying it all together with the ability for the druid to use wildshape seemed like a fantastically fun way to get the players to pick and choose what they want without breaking the game wide open.
Image used: "Temur Runemark" by Ryan Alexander Lee. Image Source.
Torchbearer Conclave (Ranger)
Torchbearers are rangers with an innate connection to fire and ash. Many of them travel around the world to offer cremations to those who seek that service for their departed. Each rite is recorded in a huge lexicon brought along during the ranger's travels and is eventually spirited away to an ancient archive; the location of which has been lost to time except for those who swear this path.
Torchbearer features
Ranger level | Features |
3rd | Torchbearer Magic, Ancient Shard, Lingering Flame |
7th | Covered in Ash |
11th | Pyre Havoc |
15th | Ashwraith |
Torchbearer Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Torchbearer Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of rangers spells you know.
Torchbearer Spells
Ranger level | Features |
3rd | fog cloud |
5th | continual flame |
9th | fireball |
13th | fire shield |
17th | immolation |
Ancient Rites
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the knowledge of the mythos behind an ancient burial rite and how to perform it. You learn the produce flame cantrip.
Additionally, you gain proficiency with calligrapher's supplies if you are not already proficient.
Lingering Flame
At 3rd level, you breathe embers into each strike, igniting on contact and burning deeply. Once per turn, you can deal an additional 1d6 fire damage on one of your attacks. At the start of that target's next turn, it takes additional fire damage equal to half the fire damage dealt this way. At 11th level, this damage increases to 2d6.
Covered in Ash
Beginning at 7th level, your prolonged exposure to fire and its remnants grants you insight into how to apply it and mitigate its effects. You gain resistance to fire damage, and any fire damage you deal ignores resistances.
Pyre Havoc
Beginning at 11th level, your fire leaps from one target to another. When you deal fire damage as part of a spell or attack, you may have another creature within 10 feet of that creature takes additional fire damage equal to your Wisdom modifer.
At 15th level, you scatter a large clump of ashes and breathe magic into it, causing it to expand rapidly across the battlefield. You may cast the fog cloud spell at 3rd level centered on yourself without expending a spell slot. You can't do so again until you roll for initiative.
Additionally, you can see normally in thick fog, ash, falling snow, and other natural phenomena, both magical and nonmagical
Torchbearer Conclave - v.1.2
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 13) prompt: ash. Interestingly enough, I have a large amount of classes centered around the theme of "ash." This is mostly rooted in a specific faction that appears in my own campaign. However, I'd yet to make one for ranger. Updated in January 2020.
Image used: "Khazar Bagathur" by Joel Chaim Holtzman; Source.
Way of Verdant Green (Monk)
Those who follow the Way of Verdant Green release their energy to meld it with the natural world around them. Often times, this involves prolonged meditation and focus. In a few rare instances, acolytes would be found days later by their peers, coated in overgrowth and other things. Once a strong connection has been established, acolytes of this tradition are able to interact with the world almost as capably as a druid would be able to.
Masters of the Verdant Green are able to truly meld with nature, allowing the world to become an extension of self.
Way of Verdant Green features
Monk level | Features |
3rd | Creeping Vines |
7th | Harmonize |
11th | Forest Elder |
15th | One with Nature |
Creeping Vines
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you use your ki to cause vines to materialize around your fists when you strike, coiling your target. When you hit with both attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, the target must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Ki save DC. On a failed save the target is grappled by magical vines and takes bludgeoning damage equal to your martial arts die at the start of its turn. A creature can make a save to escape from this effect at the end of its turn.
Beginning at 6th level, the world responds to you if you but ask. You ignore difficult nonmagical terrain.
Additionally, you learn the druidcraft cantrip and may cast the plant growth and speak with plants spells once per short or long rest without the need for spell slots or material components by spending 1 ki point.
Forest Elder
Starting at 11th level, you meld your ki with the world around you, granting you swift passage. You come under the effects of the tree stride spell when you finish a short or long rest. The effect ends when you fall below half your hitpoint total.
One with Nature
Beginning at at 17th level, your ki can reach out and touch the natural world to create a special harmony. At the start of your turn, you may expend 4 ki points to enter a special trance for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. While in this trance, you gain the following benefits:
- You regain 5 hitpoints at the start of your turn. This effect ends once you regain a total number of hitpoints equal to your monk level.
- At the start of each of your turns, the space within 10 feet around you is considered nonmagical difficult terrain until the start of your next turn.
- You may use your creeping vines feature without expending ki points a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Way of Verdant Green - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 14) prompt: overgrowth. Much of this subclass revolves around additional mobility around the natural world and controlling it if it doesn't initially grant you that mobility.
Image used: "Azusa, Lost But Seeking" by Winona Nelson. Image source.
Legendary Troop Patron (Warlock)
Your patron is a band of heroes inscribed in the annuls of history. Their deeds, while potentially obscured or misremembered, are elucidated in your eyes as their experience courses through you. The group grants access to a myriad of abilities available to them during their lifetime.
Legendary Troop features
Warlock level | Features |
1st | Legend in the Making |
6th | Magical Insight |
10th | Veteran Reflexes |
14th | True Inheritor |
Expanded Spell List
The legendary troop lets you choose from an expanded spell list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock list for you.
Legendary Troop Expanded Spells
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | augury, heroism |
2nd | find steed, spiritual weapon |
3rd | beacon of hope, spirit guardians |
4th | guardian of faith, guardian of nature |
5th | legend lore, scrying |
Legend in the Making
Starting at 1st level, three heroes of the band step forward and offer you their knowledge. Choose one of the following options:
Mage. you learn a spell from your expanded spell list. You learn an additional spell from this list when your warlock spell level increases. You must be able to cast the spell using a warlock spell slot to learn it. These spells do not count against hte toal number of spells you know.
Warrior. You gain proficiency with martial weapons and light and medium armor. Additionally, you may cast eldritch blast as a melee spell attack using a weapon you are holding. You do not add your weapon's normal damage to this attack.
Thief. You gain expertise in one skill of your choice. Additionally, you can use your bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Magical Insight
At 6th level, your patron grants you access to the knowledge of the other spellcasters. Choose one of the following options.
Cleric. You gain proficiency in the Religion skill. You may learn spells from the Cleric spell list; these count as warlock spells for you. You may not learn a spell from this list as your Mystical Arcanum.
Druid. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill. You may learn spells from the Druid spell list; these count as warlock spells for you. You may not learn a spell from this list as your Mystical Arcanum.
Paladin. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. You may learn spells from the Paladin spell list; these count as warlock spells for you.
Ranger. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. You may learn spells from the Ranger spell list; these count as warlock spells for you.
Wizard. You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. You may learn spells from the Wizard spell list; these count as warlock spells for you. You may not learn a spell from this list as your Mystical Arcanum.
Veteran Reflexes
Starting at 10th level, you are gifted the intuition to avoid danger at every corner. Choose one of the following options.
Monk. You can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the Attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Charisma modifier + your warlock level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can make a ranged Attack (range 20 feet/60 feet) with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses after a short or long rest.
Barbarian. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
Rogue. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.
True Inheritor
Starting at 14th level, your patron's power is now your own, though its source still stems from them. You may choose an additional option from any of the previous features. You may choose another option at 17th level, and another at 20th level.
Legendary Troop Patron - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 15) prompt: legend. I ended up thinking back on the whole concept of a "ghostly mentor." I was initially tempted to graft abilities from each class into each subclass level, but that was too boring.
Path of the Rending Talon (Barbarian)
Those who follow the Path of the Rending Talon differentiate themselves from berserkers with their wild, unyielding strength rather than a flurry of strong, controlled blows. Tall tales say that each strike of these barbarians is strong enough to decapitate a mountain and cut into nearby hills. Given the feats of some historical figures of yore, many have wondered how much truth there is in these stories.
Path of the Rending Talon features
Barbarian level | Features |
3rd | Sundering Cleave |
6th | Brute Force |
10th | Out of My Way! |
14th | Brutal Cleave |
Sundering Cleave
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you leverage your strength to cut through swathes of enemies with wide and uncontrolled swings. When you hit with a melee attack roll while raging, you may have a creature within 5 feet of you take additional damage equal to half your Strength modifier. The additional damage increases to your Strength modifier at 10th level.
Brute Force
Starting at 6th level, each strike overwhelms your foes, pushing them back. When you hit a target with an attack while raging, you may use your reaction to cause creatures who took damage from the attack to make a Strength saving throw against your Athletics. On a failed save, a creature is pushed back 5 feet and knocked prone.
Out of My Way!
Starting at 10th level, you shift or shove people to move out of the path of your attacks. You may use your bonus action to move a creature 10 feet to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. If the creature is unwilling, it must make an Athletics or Acrobatics check against your Athletics or be moved.
Brutal Cleave
Beginning at 14th level, you learn to trade precision for power. When you make a melee attack while raging, you may choose to forgo adding your proficiency modifier and half your ability modifier (rounded down). You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls for each hostile creature within 5 feet of you. If this attack hits, you deal damage as if you hit with two attacks and you may have a creature within 5 feet of you take additional damage equal to half the damage dealt against the target.
Path of the Rending Talon - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew made by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 16) prompt: wild. I designed this as a thematic opposite of the path of measured response barbarian that I designed earlier. The idea was to have wild swinging that would be able to cut through many foes with a single strike. I wanted to play around with "cleaving" effects, but the main concern was how to balances this sudden spike of damage. In the end, I thought against a penalty against the player for the initial features since there needs to be a focus in fights with multiple enemies. Afterwards, the capstone would set this penalty but reward the player with an even greater damage spike.
Image used: "Stormblood Berserker" by Min Yum. Image source.
Jolly Origin (Sorcerer)
Your innate magic comes from the power of an enigmatic individual who sought to bring joy and mirth across the world. This individual would often bring small trinkets and baubles on his travels. You, a descendant of this individual, have been gifted similar talents to bring joy.
Jolly Origin features
Sorcerer level | Features |
1st | Disarming Smile, Little Lights |
6th | Comforting Arcana |
14th | Naughty or Nice |
18th | Widespread Peace |
Origin Spells
Starting at 1st level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the table below. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | sanctuary |
3rd | sniloc's snowball swarm |
5th | beacon of hope |
Disarming Smile
Also at 1st level, your jovial disposition can magically offput your foes. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.
Additionally, at 3rd level, when a creature would attack you, you may spend a sorcery point to have that attack be made at disadvantage.
Little Lights
From the moment you gained this power, you've learned how to entertain others with magic. At 1st level, you learn the dancing lights cantrip.
At 3rd level, you may spend 1 sorcery point to triple the number of lights produced when you cast this spell.
Comforting Arcana
At 6th level, despite the potentially dangerous nature of your magic, it lifts your allies' spirits. when you would cast a spell, you may have a creature within 30 feet of you gain temporary hitpoints equal to the level of the spell cast + your Charisma modifier. This manifests as a small trinket that can be worn on the body which breaks when the temporary hitpoints disappear.
Naughty or Nice
At 14th level, enemies seem to breathe a sigh of relief when they miss you with an attack. When a creature would miss an attack against you or you succeed on a saving throw imposed by a creature, you may have it gain 5 temporary hitpoint which can stack with temporary hitpoints gained this way. As an action, you can cause targets who gain temporary hitpoints this way lose those temporary hitpoints and take damage equal to twice the amount of temporary hitpoints they had + you Charisma modifier. This manifests as a small trinket that can be worn on the body which breaks when the temporary hitpoints disappears.
Widespread Peace
Beginning at 18th level, when you cast a spell of 7th level or higher, you may use a reaction to spend 4 sorcery points. Choose a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier within 30 feet of you must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target is unable to use their action except to Dash or Disengage for the next 1 minute until it saves at the end of its turns or as an action. On a successful save, attacks made by that creature are made at disadvantage until the end of the turn.
There was a bizarre fellow that constantly gave of himself. Plenty of coin, wasn't selfish with it.
Everyday, there would be someone who would try their luck to rob him blind. Every time, the would-be muggers would not leave with a single coin, but rather a small little charm; a satisfied grin on their faces.
- Beloved Sven, the Skald, recounting his adventures.
Jolly Origin - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 17) prompt: ornament. This was designed as an alternative submission for the prompt. I was not particularly satisfied with rogue I initially designed, and was inspired to make this variant after discussion in the MCDM discord server. The whole premise around this is the calm, pacifistic nature that is invoked when Santa Claus is mentioned. It's a bit goofy, but this seems much more fun to play.
Forlorn Domain (Cleric)
Those clerics in the Forlorn Domain have been discarded or forgotten by their deity for one reason or another, only to be taken in by other deities. As such, many of these followers are tasked with ensuring that something like their abandonment never happens to another. Though, many of the followers are likely to enact this will without even being prompted to. Who better understands how some misfits only need a little helping hand than another misfit?
Forlorn Domain features
Cleric level | Features |
1st | Unforgotten Boon, Guardian's Circle |
2nd | Channel Divinity: Distant Counter |
6th | Divine Circle |
8th | Divine Blessing |
17th | Channel Divinity: True Grit |
Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Forlorn Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work.
Cleric Level | Spells |
1st | mage armor, protection from evil and good |
3rd | aid, enhance ability |
5th | aura of vitality, magic circle |
7th | fire shield, mordenkainen's private sanctum |
9th | antilife shell, wall of light |
Unforgotten Boon
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain one of the following benefits: proficiency in martial weapons; proficiency in heavy armor; an additional cantrip from the Bard, Druid, or Wizard spell list.
Guardian's Circle
Also at 1st level, when a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. Additionally, when you cause an attack to miss using this feature, the protected creature gains temporary hitpoints equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Channel Divinity: Distant Counter
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to spur an ally to another's defense. If a creature makes an attack against a target creature within 30 feet of you, you can use your Channel Divinity as a reaction to have a creature within range make an attack roll against the attacking creature. On a hit, the attack made against the target creature misses.
Divine Circle
At 6th level, you learn how to extend protective divine energy toward others to potentially shield them from harm. You may use your guardian's circle feature on a target up to 30 feet away from you. Additionally, the target now gains temporary hitpoints regardless of whether or not the attack against the creature hits.
Divine Blessing
At 8th level, once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon or spell attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Channel Divinity: True Grit
Starting at 17th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to spur your allies to push beyond themselves should they falter. If a creature you can see fails an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can expend a use of your Channel Divinity as a reaction to have the roll equal your Cleric level.
The dust settles among the crumbling ruins as the mana from a fireball begins to dissipate. Coughing echoes as I feel an arm pulling me up.
"Get up. We're not finished yet." His voice was dried from the intense heat.
"You... you're alive! Righting myself up, I saw the cleric's torso and his dominant arm was torn to shreds from the explosion. I escaped unharmed; was that the power given to him?
- From an Adventurer's Memoirs.
Forlorn Domain- v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 18) prompt: misfit. Little easier than yesterday's; the exception being deciding on what spells would be good that wasn't already on the cleric/paladin list. Overall, went with a "no one left behind" theme. Centered it on the idea that an individual refuses to let unfortunate circumstances from causing another's downfall.
School of Binding (Wizard)
A rather new school of magic that promotes using ropes, chains, or vines to bind and restrict your foes. It was initially devised by a powerful telekinetic caster that had worries rooted in being harassed while concentrating on his work or during combat. Initially, he would control a large wide chain, charming the iron serpent to defend him. Later, he would refine it to simply restrict his foes as it was significantly less taxing. This reduction would pay dividends for his students as they would find themselves perplexed at the rather complicated manner he managed to manipulate his iron chain outside of an animation spell.
Such mages, colloquially called Slings, are now regularly considered for various groups for their ability to further control situations. Though, not many people have a real aptitude for this stuff.
School of Binding features
Wizard level | Features |
2nd | Seal Movement |
6th | Coiled Shield |
10th | Arcane Constrictor |
14th | Banishing Grapple |
Seal Movement
When you adopt this school at 2nd level, you learn how to control coils to hinder your foes. As a bonus action after you cast a spell, you may have a creature within 15 feet of you make an Athletics or Acrobatics check against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is considered grappled by mystical chains or rope that either you provide or are conjured by you. While grappled this way, creatures are unable to make opportunity attacks. You may have multiple creatures grappled this way.
Coiled Shield
At 6th level, in a pinch you can call your coils to defend yourself. When you are hit by a melee attack, you may use your reaction to expend a spell slot. The damage of the attack is reduced by your Intelligence modifier + the level of the spell slot expended. If the damage is reduced to 0, you immediately grapple the creature as if under the effects of your seal movement feature.
Arcane Constrictor
Starting at 10th level, you learn how strain the bindings to deal damage. You may have creatures grappled by your seal movement feature take damage equal to your Intelligence modifier as a bonus action.
Banishing Grapple
At 14th level, you are able to shunt your foes into more isolated spaces with your magic. As an action, may have a creature grappled by your seal movement feature come under the effects of the banishment spell. You concentrate on this spell as normal.
School of Binding - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 19) prompt: Sling. I felt it would be a little easy to build something around throwing weapons. While certainly more mechanically robust in comparison to what I have here, this was pretty fun to design. A wizard who takes advantage of his spells to exert minor telekinetic power to restrict his foes to set things up or to protect themselves while winding up for a big spell. This was partly inspired by something similar a player of mine once did. Granted it was a little more centered around animate object but hey.
Image used: "Zulaport Chainmage" by Chris Rallis. Image source.
Oath of the Explorer (Paladin)
Those paladins who swear this oath are tasked not to guard nature, unlike those who may swear an oath to the Ancients. They instead seek to explore the world, nature and all. The connection is not as deep as an Ancients paladin, but it is still there, embedded in many of the powers granted. While their harmony is lessened in one regard, it is strengthened in another; these paladins are granted abilities to circumvent many of the problems presented in the natural world.
Oath of the Explorer features
Paladin level | Features |
3rd | Channel Divinity |
7th | Aura of Celerity |
15th | Torporous Terrain |
20th | Preternatural Explorer |
Tenants of the Explorer
Those who take this oath ingrain its tenants into their memories:
Map the Unknown. Seek to fill in the gaps of maps. Make new ones as necessary.
Learn from the World. The world is vast and there is much to see. Satisfy your wanderlust and gain knowledge.
Broaden your Horizons. Some aspects of yourself will never be revealed by hiding at home. Step out to a new vista and better yourself.
Oath Spells
Paladin level | Spells |
3rd | expeditious retreat, longstrider |
5th | pass without trace, skywrite |
9th | fly, water breathing |
13th | freedom of movement, guardian of nature |
17th | commune with nature, far step |
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Sacred Guide. You can use your Channel Divinity to receive guidance on your journey. You add your Charisma modifier to Nature and Survival checks for the next hour.
Explorer's Reflexes. You present your holy symbol and speak a prayer that grants you and your allies lighting-fast reflexes. When a creature casts a spell or uses an ability that requires a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, you may use your reaction to grant a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier advantage on that Strength or Dexterity saving throw.
Aura of Celerity
Beginning at 7th level, people have a slight spring in their step in your presence. You and friendly creatures that start their turns within 10 feet of you ignore difficult terrain and may move an additional 5 feet during their turn. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Torporous Terrain
Beginning at 15th level, you can imbue the area around you with a debilitation that slows down movement. As a bonus action, you may have creatures within the area of your aura of celerity have their movement speed reduced to 5 feet for one minute. When you use this feature, choose a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier; they are not affected by this feature. Once you have used this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
Preternatural Explorer
At 20th level, you learn to suffuse yourself with divine energy to deepen your connection to the world. Once per long rest as an action, you gain the following benefits for the next hour.
- You can use this dash action as a bonus action. You move twice your speed when you take the dash action and do not provoke opportunity attacks.
- When you make an attack against a creature, you may have the space the area within 5 feet of the target become difficult terrain.
- You are unable to become lost and cannot be tracked by nonmagical means.
Oath of the Explorer - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 20) prompt: tread. I'm awfully fond of playing around with movement. Paladins seemed perfect for this since they have potential to play around with that with their CD and auras. It's a bit rough, but I think there's plenty of fun to be had with a paladin that let's you explore the natural world a little better. Though in retrospect, I may have created another "ranger replacement."
Circle of the Wildheart (Druid)
Druids who are members of the Wildheart are bound, by their own will, to a location of great power druids refer to as a Wildheart. This place could be a large leyline, a small grove with fragment of the feywild, or maybe a gathering place for spirits. Druids of this circle learn how to drawn on this power to protect and guard this location. However, continued exposure eventually collects and manifests as a physical shard, carried within each of these druids' body. A new home for this wild treasure.
Circle of the Wildheart features
Druid level | Features |
2nd | Wellspring's Knowledge, Wild Sanctuary |
6th | Temple of Nature |
10th | Restorative Blessing |
14th | Sacred Grove |
Wellspring's Knowledge
Starting at 2nd level, the Wildheart fills you with natural energy, granting you innate clarity and understanding of the elements within its purview. You can speak, read, and write Sylvan or Primordial. Additionally, once per day as a bonus action, you may add twice your Wisdom modifier to Nature checks you make for one minute.
Wild Sanctuary
Also at 2nd level, you can tap into the innate power of your wellspring. As an action, you may expend a usage of your Wild Shape feature to exude vibrant natural energy from yourself. This follows the limitations outlined in the Wild Shape feature except that you may cast spells while in this state. Once per turn, whenever a friendly creature starts its turn or enters within 5 feet of you, that creature gains temporary hitpoints equal to your Druid level + your Wisdom modifier.
Additionally, you may use your reaction to have attacks made against a creature within 30 feet of you with temporary hitpoints gained by this feature have disadvantage until the end of the turn.
Temple of Nature
At 6th level, the power of the Wildheart grows stronger and can repel those that would defile it. The radius of your wild sanctuary feature is considered under the effects of the magic circle spell when you use the feature. This effect ends once you receive damage from any source.
Restorative Blessing
Starting at 10th level, prolonged exposure to the power of the Wild Heart is said to be able to heal wounds. Your wild sanctuary feature now grants temporary hitpoints to friendly creatures up to 15 feet. If a creature starts its turn with temporary hit points gained by your wild sanctuary feature on its previous turn, it can choose to lose those temporary hit points and regain an equal amount of hit points (no action required).
Sacred Grove
At 14th level, a shard of the Wildheart rests deep in your heart, further exacerbating its influence on your power. As an action, you may have the area of your wild sanctuary feature come under the effects of the druid grove spell for the duration of the feature.
Where I thought we would find respite for the evening, well, let's just say we may as well have found a luxurious inn.
The air was pure, the water crystal clear, and a strange sense of comfort pervaded the area. Creatures of all sorts came here, many of which are deemed hostile and dangerous. Yet here, each one simply relaxed; unbothered by the presence of prey or predator alike.
I would say I stumbled into a druid's grove, but I know those groves; nature reigns supreme in its purest form.
- Ingram Erel, "Exploring the Realm."
Circle of the Wildheart - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 21) prompt: treasure. This druid draws power from one particular source of nature, granting protective properties that they normally wouldn't have. I'm very unsure how I feel about using Wild Shape for things outside of transformation of any kind, but I don't mind it if done well. That being said, I have no idea if this was done well, but this one seems fun to play - defensive, but not heal-y to contrast from circle of dreams.
Spectre Archetype (Rogue)
While Assassins are typically contracted to handle special targets, Spectres are crucial for infiltrations and scouting; perhaps to allow the Assassin to better do their jobs. A Spectre is a rogue who has chosen to forgo a vicious blindside for measured guerilla warfare, allowing them to create situations that make them nearly invisible in the field.
Weaver features
Rogue level | Features |
3rd | Contortionist, Shadowy Precision |
9th | Open Concealment |
13th | Swift Cover |
17th | Phantom Pain |
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn how to manipulate your body to fit into odd places to remain hidden. You may have half cover and 3/4 cover for you count as full cover for the purposes of concealment. Additionally, while squeezing, you do not suffer movement penalties and may make attacks without disadvantage.
Shadowy Precision
Also at 3rd level, you learn how to take advantage of your concealment to accurately place a lethal blow. When you would trigger Sneak Attack against a target from being hidden, you may reroll 1s on your Sneak Attack dice, taking the second result.
Open Concealment
Starting at 9th level, shadows seem to cling to you as you leave your hiding spot. If you use the Dash action while hidden, you may leave cover and still remain hidden unless you end this movement outside of cover.
Swift Escape
At 13th level, with a wave of your hands and perhaps sweeping of whatever cloak or clothes you may have, you vanish before your foes' eyes as they strike. When a creature makes an attack against you, you may use your reaction to make a Dexterity check against the target creature's Perception. On a success, you become invisible to the target until the end of your next turn and may move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
Phantom Pain
Starting at 17th level, each strike you leave on a creature digs deep and deteriorates the target's body quickly. On your turn, you may use your bonus action to deal additional necrotic damage to a target creature you triggered Sneak Attack on since the start of your previous turn. The damage is equal to the amount of Sneak Attack damage you dealt to the target.
Spectre Archetype - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 22) prompt: ghost. My initial gut reaction was to take advantage of fighters and causing additional damage, but I ended up slightly cheapening out and went with rogue. This subclass is based heavily on concealment. In particular, getting and maintaining it.
Image used: "Orzhov Enforcer" by Matt Stewart. Image source.
College of the Ancient Tongue (Bard)
The Ancient Tongue is an archaic language unearthed in the ruins of a long lost empire. Expert linguistics has revealed that this what they would call the "Progenitor Language." Like many exaggerations, it was met with skepticism, but lo and behold, there is evidence that suggests that is the case. Many people could not comprehend or understand phrases while others, of prestige or goodness of heart, were able to. Bards were the first to really study this in depth. They took this language and studied the innate lyricism hidden in each amorphous syllable and drawing on the authority it can bestow.
College of the Ancient Tongue features
Bard level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiencies, Sealed Verses |
6th | Lyrical Gestalt |
14th | Song of the Ancients |
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of the Ancient Tongue at 3rd level, parts of the Ancient Tongue resonate with you, granting clarity into the nature of language. You gain proficiency in History and you learn two languages of your choice.
Sealed Verses
Also at 3rd level, you utter words in the Ancient Tongue and inspire either hope or fear. When you use your Bardic Inspiration feature, you may instead have the target to gain an Ancient die which is a d6. A creature cannot roll this die. You may only have 1 such die on a creature at a time. At the start of a creature's turn, you can use a reaction to expend the Ancient die. For the rest of the turn, you can have the target reroll a number of dice equal to the value rolled on the Ancient die, taking the second result.
Lyrical Gestalt
At 6th level, you wield the language with ease, causing your art to transcend natural limitations. creatures who are unable to hear you can be affected by your bardic inspiration and sealed verses features. Additionally, if you or a creature roll a 1 for any of these features, you may reroll the die, taking the second result.
Song of the Ancients
Starting at 14th level, you weave the authoritative nature of Ancient Tongue together in a masterful display of lyricism and comprehension. You can affect a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier when you grant a creature an Ancient die using your sealed verses feature.
"If you examine closely, there's a clear fluidity in the cadence here; similar to Sylvan or Elvish."
"But there's clear gutteral pronunciation characteristic to Draconic."
"No, that's more Primordial."
"Wait, but what about these lines here? They're more Dwarvish in structure. And even then, parts of those are in Halfling."
"But you have to consider the mixed script that's used throughout."
"What of the applications? Has Sven gotten back to us about his findings?
"Yeah, here. I've collected them - organized by day. You'll be pleased to note that your originally hypothesis has some traction here."
- A first-hand account from "The Language of Kings"
College of the Ancient Tongue - v.1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 23) prompt: ancient. I hadn't really seen a "reroller" bard. It's strange, but at the same time, it sounds really fun being able to dictate rolls outside of adding a simple number. My only concern is how broken this would be technically since you're granting pseudo-advantage or disadvantage. But given the set nature of this, I don't mind experimenting to see how fun (or not fun) this could be.
Quartermaster Archetype (Fighter)
Many quartermasters often just specialize in a few weapons while managing the rest. However, there are a few that take advantage of their position to gain access to more weapons than the average soldier. Those that do have a deeper understanding of the innate nature and properties of weapons, allowing means of wreaking havoc across the battlefield with a slew of simple but dizzyingly effective tactics.
Quartermaster features
Fighter level | Features |
3rd | Man-At-Arms, Quickdraw |
7th | Patient Strategist |
10th | Atypical Mastery |
15th | Redoubling Bane |
18th | Weapon Master |
Also at 3rd level, you learn how to take advantage of the unique characteristics of each weapon. As a bonus action, you cause the next weapon attack you hit with this turn to cause the target to make a saving throw against a DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. The saving throw and effect depends on weapon's properties as outlined below.
Bludgeoning Damage. The weight of your blows causes the target to resist or be dazed by the force. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of its turn.
Piercing Damage. Your strike lands true, leaving a wound that debilitates mobility. The target must a Strength saving throw or have it's movement speed halved until the end of its next turn.
Slashing Damage. Using wide sweeps, you aim to knock aside your foes' balance. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or be unable to use their reactions until the start of its turn.
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn how to best draw your weapons. You can draw or stow an additional weapon as part of an attack on your turn.
Patient Strategist
Starting at 7th level, you throw a feint to bide time to set up your strikes. you may forgo one of your attack to have the next attack you make on your turn come under the effects of your man-at-arms feature.
Atypical Mastery
At 10th level, your knowledge of weapon traits grows even further. You gain additional benefits when using your man-at-arms feature depending on special properties of the weapon as detailed below. You only benefit from one of the following (your choice) per attack.
Ammunition/Thrown. Your weapons embed themselves deeply into the target, increasing the pain of removal. The target takes an additional 1d6 damage of the weapon's type at the start of its next turn.
Finesse. You flourish your weapon with ease back into a defensive stance. You have +2 AC against the next attack made against you until the start of the your next turn.
Heavy. The ferocity of the weighted attack causes the target to buckle slightly. If the target succeeds the saving throw, you may push it 5 feet away from you.
Reach. As you lever down on your attacks, you use the momentum to reposition yourself. You may move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
Two-Handed. You learn to better lean your weight into your weapon strikes. You add your Constitution modifier to damage rolls.
Versatile. Taking advantage of the spacing potential of your weapon, you move in to grapple the target. You may choose to also grapple the target if it fails the saving throw.
Redoubling Bane
Starting at 15th level, as a creature tries to recover from your assault, you lay into it again to thwart its efforts. When a creature succeeds on a saving throw caused by you during your turn, you can use your reaction to make another attack against the target. If this attack hits, you cause it to repeat the saving throw at disadvantage.
Weapon Master
Starting at 18th level, manipulating weapons is second nature, to a point where some function outside of their normal purview. When you use a weapon, you can grant it one additional property listed in the atypical mastery feature, using it accordingly. Additionally, you now benefit from up to two options (your choice) listed in the atypical mastery feature.
Quartermaster Archetype - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 24) prompt: dizzying. I quickly came to the realization that the Battle Master archetype basically has the entire buff/debuff fighter on lockdown. So I tried spinning that in the opposite direction, rather than a limited number of uses of a cavalcade of generally applicable abilities, you instead have a limited number of abilities with unlimited uses.
Gourmet Origin (Sorcerer)
The moment you realized your power, you've gained the pallet of a king. Taste, no matter how dulled or damaged your buds were before, rings true. This is in part due to your innate magic, which fills you with an incredible, almost-insatiable appetite and drives you to seek wild, new, and delicious creations.
Gourmet Origin features
Sorcerer level | Features |
1st | Iron Stomach, Mana-Hungry |
6th | Voracious Appetite |
14th | Volatile Spit |
18th | True Gourmet |
Origin Spells
Starting at 1st level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the table below. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | purify food and drink |
3rd | protection from poison |
5th | hunger of hadar |
Iron Stomach
When you first awakened your inner gourmet, you quickly develop a resilience to the worst bile in your quest for the best. Starting at 1st level, you have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Additionally, you have advantage on throws against diseases transmitted by food or drink.
Also at 1st level, you gain a taste for the power that fuels your magic. When you deal damage with a spell, you may use your reaction to gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Charisma modifier.
Voracious Appetite
At 6th level, you learn to use a pocket dimension and magic to rapidly inhale. You can spend two sorcery points to cast the hunger of hadar spell at 3rd level, but the area of effect is a 20-foot cone centered on yourself.
Additionally, if a creature is reduced to 0 hitpoints within 15 feet of you, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain temporary hitpoints equal to the damage dealt.
Volatile Spit
At 14th level, . If you have temporary hitpoints gained from your sorcerer features, you may choose to lose a number of those temporary hitpoints and make a spell attack against a target within 60 feet of you that you can see. On a hit, the attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to twice the amount of temporary hitpoints given up + your Charisma modifier.
True Gourmet
Beginning at 18th level, you learn to sap your victims of their strength when you imbibe them. When you engulf a creature using your voracious appetite feature, you may spend 3 sorcery points and gain one of the following options:
- You gain an ability the target has for the next minute or until you gain another ability this way.
- You can use one action the target creature has on your next turn.
- You recall the memories of the target creature up to 1 month prior.
They say a good meal is the key to many doors.
For this individual, it was the end goal. You should have seen the lengths he went to get the finest or most exotic ingredients.
Climbed a mountain for a clump of sod for his livestock, journeyed into the depths of the Underdark for strange mushrooms, Learned five languages to get what was essentially a rare weed. All for the best sandwich I'd ever had.
- Beloved Sven, the Skald recounting his adventures.
Gourmet Origin - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 25) prompt: tasty. This subclass draws on inspiration from the Kirby series, gaining bonuses from consuming just about anything around you. I also drew a little from Divinity 2: Original Sin, where the elves there could learn memories via eating things.
Inner Shadow Patron (Warlock)
Your patron resides in the deepest recesses of your mind - it's true depths and influence just beyond your initial understanding. As you expand your search to find this source, you realize that it's your greatest foe yet: yourself. By its very being, it remains an unwavering reminder of your darkest aspects and most-twisted thoughts. Yet, by accepting who you are, you transcend your greatest fears of yourself. Master this source to face your demons and slay your dragons.
Inner Shadow features
Warlock level | Features |
1st | Bonus Cantrips, Beneath your Shadow |
6th | Inner Potential |
10th | Shadow-Possessed |
14th | Merged Persona |
Expanded Spell List
The Inner Shadow lets you choose from an expanded spell list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock list for you.
Inner Shadow Expanded Spells
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | disguise self, identify |
2nd | calm emotions, mind spike |
3rd | clairvoyance, sending |
4th | arcane eye, phantasmal killer |
5th | seeming, skill empowerment |
Bonus Cantrips
At 1st level, you learn the guidance and resistance cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don't count against your number of cantrips known.
Beneath Your Shadow
Staring at 1st level, since you've encountered your unconscious self, danger doesn't seem to phase you as much. You add your Charisma modifier to your initiative rolls. Additionally, if you are surprised and the resulting initiative check equals or exceeds your Warlock spell save DC + 2, you are not surprised and can immediately move up to an additional 10 feet.
Inner Potential
At 6th level, your patron reveals your inner potential and what you could have been had you chosen a different path. You can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to an ability check or saving throw. If you already have proficiency in that roll, you roll at advantage instead. You can use this feature once per short or long rest.
Starting at 10th level, you can temporarily induce fear and moral corruption using your patron's power. When you are hit with an attack, you may use your reaction to have the creature make a Wisdom saving throw against your Warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier and becomes frightened of you. While frightened this way, the creature moves away from you to attack the nearest target on its turns until it saves. A creature can use its action to attempt to save from this effect. If the creature saves from this effect, it is immune from its effects for the next 24 hours.
Merged Persona
Starting at 14th level, you begin a life-long journey of integrating your patron with your active consciousness, granting you enhanced capabilities. You gain two special proficiencies in skills or saving throws of your choice; you may choose a skill or saving throw that you are already proficient in. While you have this special proficiency, you gain a bonus to rolls using these proficiencies equal to your Charisma modifier.
Additionally, as a reaction to you making a roll, you may choose to rescind one of the proficiencies and treat the roll as a value equal to your Warlock level. You regain a proficiency expended this way at the end of a long rest.
They say a dragon is the apex predator; a culimination of the basic fears of a person.
What would be more terrifying than a dragon of your own creation?
Yet what else could be more satisfying than conquering such a monster of your own making?
Inner Shadow Patron - v. 1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 26) prompt: dark. I decided I wanted a patron that was the warlock themselves, though not in the truest sense of reliance. Drawing from Jungian psychology, I went with the idea that the further you appropriately integrate yourself with your "shadow," the greater you can become.
Way of the Closed Palm (Monk)
Those who follow the Way of the Closed Palm were originally students of the Open Hand; often times, such monks are referred to as turncoats by the Open Hand. Both schools emphasize a finesse, but the Closed Palm favors ki usage and brutality over tranquility and true martial mastery. A product of this difference in ideology, Closed Palm acolytes draw from the wellspring of the opponent and uses that against them.
A Closed Palm master is capable of taking an opponent's energy, repelling foes with a single thought, or even the forbidden practice of burning life essence.
Way of the Closed Palm features
Monk level | Features |
3rd | Renegade's Brutality |
6th | Draining Blow |
11th | Repulsion |
17th | Purging Essence |
Renegade's Brutality
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you brutalize others' ki using your own, restricting their perception and movements. Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can impose one of the following effects:
- It must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you move up to 5 feet, moving the target creature to an adjacent space within 5 feet of you if it is no more than one size larger than you.
- A creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it becomes frightened of you until it saves. It can make an additional save at the end of its turns and as an action.
- It can't take reactions until the end of your next turn.
Draining Blow
Starting at 6th level, you learn how to draw the life force of others to invigorate yourself. When you hit a creature with an attack granted by your Flurry of Blows, you may use your reaction to heal hitpoints equal to half the damage you deal. You may heal a total amount of hitpoints equal to 3 times your monk level per long rest.
Beginning at 11th level, you learn how to drive away your foes with a wave of ki. You can spend 2 ki points to cast the hellish rebuke spell at 1st level, but it deals force damage rather than fire damage. Additionally, the target is also pushed back 10 feet away from you.
Purging Essence
Beginning at at 17th level, you learn how to alight a target using their own life force. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 4 ki points to cause a creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d6 fire damage and takes an additional 3d6 fire damage at the start of its turns. On a successful save, the creature takes 3d6 fire damage and does not suffer ongoing damage. Fire damage caused by this feature cannot be reduced or prevented in any way. Ongoing damage can only be ended by you as an action.
Additionally, creatures dealt fire damage by this feature have its hitpoint total reduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt. A creature's hitpoint total reduced this way increases by 2d10, up to its original maximum, at the end of a long rest.
Way of the Closed Palm - v.1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 27) prompt: coat. I designed this to be a sort of thematic and mechanical opposite of the Way of the Open Hand, creating abilities that could be seen within the same vein but at a different approach or angle.
Image used: "Taigam's Strike" by David Gaillet. Image source.
Stormrider Conclave (Ranger)
Stormriders are chasers and watchers of an ancient, cataclysmic lightning storm said to have come from the Elemental Planes. The progenitors of this conclave managed to capture an aspect of the storm and harness its power in an effort to pull the storm towards its missing aspect. Each who joins this conclave receives a fraction of this wild power, imbuing themselves with the primal fury of lightning. It is said that those who accept the duty call on lighting said to be made from the energies of their ancestors and can travel with it.
Stormrider features
Ranger level | Features |
3rd | Stormrider Magic, Living Conduit, Storm Surge |
7th | Flash of Light |
11th | Son of Thunder |
15th | Overcharge |
Stormrider Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Stormrider Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of rangers spells you know.
Stormrider Spells
Ranger level | Features |
3rd | thunderous smite |
5th | gust of wind |
9th | thunder step |
13th | storm sphere |
17th | control winds |
Living Conduit
Starting at 3rd level, you learn to channel the power of the great storm within the palm of your hands. You learn the shocking grasp cantrip.
Leaping Plasma
Also at 3rd level, power arcs at the end of your strikes. Once per turn when you hit a target creature on your turn, you can cause another hostile creature within 15 feet of your target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d8 lightning damage. If there is no other target, the target of the attack makes the saving throw.
At 11th level, this damage increases to 2d8 and you can cause the lightning to arc to another creature within 15 feet of the secondary target as a reaction.
Flash of Light
At 7th level, you learn how to traverse the realms by riding lightning itself. You gain resistance to thunder damage. Also, When you deal lightning or thunder damage to a creature, you may choose to teleport up to 15 feet using a bonus action.
Child of Thunder
At 11th level, the air hums with primeval thunder as sparks of energy swirl around your targets to culminate in a wild bolt of energy. You can use your action to have a target creature you dealt lighting damage to within the last minute and creatures within 5 feet of it to make a Dexterity saving throw. The target must be within 90 feet of you. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d10 lightning damage or half as much damage on a successful one. If you are outdoors in stormy conditions when you use this feature, the radius increases to 10 feet and the damage increases by 1d10.
At 15th level, you intensify the power of the storm to overwhelm your foes. When you would deal lightning or thunder damage to a target creature, you choose to use a reaction to cause a target creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.
There is a legend among the Stormriders of a smith of some renown during the creation of this conclave. In a fit of inspiration, he spirited away the Storm Shard for a period of time, secluding himself in the ancient workshop. It was there that the blade Windsong was born.
- Excerpt from Legends of Yore, as told by Beloved Sven.
Stormrider Conclave - v.1.1
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 28) prompt: ride. I initially wanted to do something with a theme around horseback archery, but all I could think of was thunder or lighting abilities; thundering of hooves and all that. So I backpeddled a bit and decided to go on a variation of mobility and playing around with lighting.
Vanguard Archetype (Fighter)
The archetypal Vanguard strides onto a battlefield confidently, expecting to face the brunt of the enemy forces. Those who model themselves to this archetype stand against impossible odds and prevail with their skill and a dash of luck.
Vanguard features
Fighter level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiency, Rising Threat |
7th | Warrior's Intuition |
10th | Rallying Strike |
15th | Honed Senses |
18th | Mantle of Steel |
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, or Survival.
Rising Threat
Starting at 3rd level, you leap into battle, empowered by the rush of danger as you are battered and beaten about. You add your Wisdom modifier to initiative rolls.
Additionally, While you are at or below half your hit point maximum, you gain +2 AC and your attacks deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Warrior's Intuition
Starting at 7th level, your experience in battle shows. While you are at or below half your hit point maximum, you add your Wisdom modifier to Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
Rallying Strike
Beginning at 10th level, as blows meet their mark, you retaliate as you reach your full potential. When you are reduced to or below half your hitpoint maximum, you may use your reaction to immediately make an attack against a target you can see. If you hit with this attack, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to twice your Fighter level. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses after a long rest.
Honed Senses
Starting at 15th level, your risky fighting preferences demanded a level of focus you constantly surpass. You gain proficiency in either Dexterity or Wisdom saving throws.
Mantle of Steel
At 18th level, on your last legs do you find your second wind to cleave through enemy lines. While you are at or below 30 hitpoints, when you make an attack, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of your weapon.
Vanguard Archetype - v. 2.5
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 29) prompt: injured. This is a redux of one of previous that I have been deeply dissatisfied with. Most of the reworked portions are the 10th and 18th level feature. The core idea of this subclass is that you gain strength as your hitpoints fall lower to try and encourage a high-risk-high-reward playstyle.
Allow me to tell you a bit about Thria of Nizo - a mercenary from the far reaches of the West.
Thria tried everything from medicine to labor, but nothing took to her. At least, not until she hefted an axe nearly twice her height. What in the world was she, a simple cook at the time, doing with something like that? Aye, the gods know but she didn't tell me. I've heard tell that she was simply holding the damn thing while a guard ducked into the bushes to relieve himself. Others say she won it in a chance game of cards. No matter the reason, she took the weapon and swung it about a bit. Took nary ten swings and she fell in love with weapons and warfare.
She itched to prove herself since she left home, and mercenary work was her key. She wasn't as strong as many in her line of work, but her knack for fighting was real. Often she would rushed into the fray and get battered about, but quickly rallied and retaliated in swift fashion. Had sharp instincts, she did, and that kept her alive more than she cares to admit.
- Beloved Sven, the Skald recounting his adventures.
Bounty Hunter Archetype (Rogue)
Bounty hunters are common no matter where you look. A monster needs killing or a particular criminal keeps eluding authorities? You'll find one. However, some of these individuals who accept these contracts are willing to use almost savage means to cut through enemies to get to their mark. Such individuals have come to be known as "hooks" for how they latch onto their prey and subdue them with ease.
Bounty Hunter features
Rogue level | Features |
3rd | Eyes on the Prize, Ratcatcher |
9th | Body Block |
13th | Bag and Tag |
17th | Brutalize |
Eyes on the Prize
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you hone your senses to focus on a specific target. As a bonus action or when you roll initiative, you mark a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. A creature is marked until you finish a short or long rest. You can have a number of marks equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You have advantage on Nature and Survival checks made to track that creature.
Also at 3rd level, your gaze is constantly searching for openings to subdue your mark. When you trigger Sneak Attack against a marked creature on your turn, you may choose to halve the Sneak Attack damage and immediately grapple the target if it is no more than one size larger than you. If you maintain the grapple until the start of your next turn, you may use your bonus action to restrain the target.
Body Block
Starting at 9th level, as threats close in from all sides, sometimes the best defense is your prize. When you would take damage and are within 5 feet of a target creature marked by you, you may use your reaction to cause the target to takes half the damage you would.
Bag And Tag
Starting at 13th level, the moment you lay your hands on a foe, they are subject to the whims of your movement. When you grapple or restrain a creature, you may use your reaction to immediately move up to your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
At 17th level, you make attacks in a manner meant to terrify your foe using ruthless tactics and strikes. When you could use Sneak Attack against a creature on your turn as part of your Attack action, you may forgo it to use your reaction to make an additional attack against the target. This attack scores a critical hit on an 19 or 20 and deals an additional 5d6 damage if you do not have disadvantage on the attack.
Additionally, if this attack scores a critical hit, creatures hostile to you within 20 feet of the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. Creatures marked by you make the save at disadvantage. The DC is equal to half the damage dealt or DC13, whichever is higher. On a failed save, a creature is frightened of you until it saves. It can make an additional save at the end of its turns or as an action.
Bounty Hunter Archetype - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 30) prompt: catch. This is another redux of another of my oldest subclasses: the sambo. The original premise was centered on grappling, but it was odd to try and stuff Strength-based skills and abilities in a class that does not necessarily promote it. Here, I went with a slightly looser vision. Here, you can take advantage of some boosted grapple fights and abilities that are designed to emphasize brutality.
Image used: "Kessig Cagebreakers" by Wayne England. Image source.
School of Agriculture (Wizard)
The School of Agriculture prides itself on expediting agricultural production to quickly produce an excess of crops. They are responsible for enabling rich harvests across the land. As such, they must make their rounds across the realm, to imbue the land with power. However, wizards in this school use the arcane to coax the natural out rather than using it directly. While this is certainly nearly as effective as a druid in many respects, those in this school must also be careful not to drain the land of its nutrients before reinvigorating it.
School of Agriculture features
Wizard level | Features |
2nd | Bonus Cantrips, Scholar Naturae |
6th | Hortimancy |
10th | Landspeaker |
14th | Primal Arcana |
Bonus Cantrips
When you adopt this school at 2nd level, you learn the druidcraft cantrip and another druid cantrip of your choice.
Scholar Naturae
Also at 2nd level, you learn how to use arcane energy to produce natural effects. When you would learn a Wizard spell by gaining a Wizard level, you may instead choose to learn a druid spell. Druid spells learned this way can be inscribed into your spellbook and count as Wizard spells for you.
At 6th level, nature seems to wildly grows as you prod with your arcane powers. The goodberry and spike growth spells are added to your spellbook if they are not already known and count as Wizard spells for you. Additionally, you may cast both spells once per short or long rest without spending a spell slot.
Wild Whispers
Starting at 10th level, you develop a deep inherent understanding of the natural world which understands you in turn. The plant growth and speak with plants spells are always prepared and do not count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
Additionally, casting the plant growth spell grants additional benefits:
- Enriching the land takes half the time and can affect up to a mile.
- A creature can only move 5 feet on its turns while in difficult terrain caused by this spell. You may use your bonus action to have a creature become immune to this effect until the end of its next turn.
Primal Arcana
At 14th level, despite your arcane origin, you quickly decipher natural magic and can efficiently integrate it into your repetoire. You may now inscribe any druid spell into your spellbook and prepare them accordingly; they count as wizard spells for you. However, you must have seen that spell at least once a day over the course of seven days.
School of Agriculture - v. 1.0
Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu. It's Inktober 2019 and I want to do something this time around; I'll be doing thematic subclasses based on the prompt. Today's (Oct. 31) prompt: ripe. Today's theme is all about making the wizard gain access to more natural aspects. It's a little simple, but there's much fun to be had by expanding the Wizard spell list further and allow a more a "pure-caster alternative" for a druid.
Image used: "Crop Rotation" by Daniel Ljunggren. Image source.
Thank you for Reading
Thank you for taking the time to read through my material. I make no claims as to these ideas being perfectly balanced - most of these are created in a vacuum and are still subject to change. Hopefully, you may have found something you wish to try out. Or maybe you found inspiration for your own works? Regardless, a good day to you, and happy writing, gaming, or anything else that tickles your fancy.
This is unofficial fan content that was made for recreation by No Laifu (u/the15thpaladin; Discord: No Laifu#7941). None of the images used are owned by me in any capacity, nor do I claim to have permission to use them for financial gain. These images are used purely because the aesthetic and theme are appropriate for descriptions. Images have been sourced in each subclass author blurb box, and again in this credits section.
External Artists
I'd like to extend my thanks to two artists who were kind enough to grant me permission to use their artwork for this document. I'd also encourage you to at least look at their work; there's some interesting stuff.
Valdas Jokubaitis. A Visual Development Artist who has given me permission to use his work titled "Monk / Diablo 3 Fan art" (Source) A healthy majority of their portfolio consists of Sci-fi designs; notably space station and ships. A source to his Artstation profile here.
A full link:
Joel Chaim Holtzman. An Illustrator/Concept Artist who has given me permission to use his work titled "Knight of Wands - Khazar Bagathur" (Source). Their portfolio primarily consists of fantasy designs as part of a worldbuilding project. A source to his portfolio website here.
A full link:
Special Thanks
Plenty of thanks goes to the folks at the MCDM discord and the Discord of Many Things as I worked to stitch each subclass and their mechanics together. Many problems would have been missed if I didn't run a preliminary check on a few things.
Wizards of the Coast Art
Official Wizards of the Coast artwork, used in the Magic: the Gathering Trading Card Game, is also used here in this document. Under the company's fan content policy, I am permitted to use these images as long as this document for non-profit usage. I have no intention of gaining profit by monetizing this document, nor will I rescind my decision to make this document non-profit. If my understanding of this information is misunderstood, please inform me. Citation to this information here.
Artist: | Artwork Title: | Subclass: |
Ryan Alexander Lee | "Mystic of the Hidden Way" | College of the Ring |
Zach Stella | "Dromoka Warrior" | Path of Measured Response |
Johannes Voss | "Soulfire Grand Master" | School of Augmentation |
Dmitry Burmak | "Blade Juggler" | Weaver Archetype |
Ryan Alexander Lee | "Temur Runemark" | Circle of Dragons |
Winona Nelson | "Azusa, Lost But Seeking" | Way of Verdant Green |
Min Yum | "Stormblood Berserker" | Path of the Rending Talon |
Chris Rallis | "Zulaport Chainmage" | School of Binding |
Matt Steward | "Orzhov Enforcer" | Spectre Archetype |
David Gaillet | "Taigam's Strike" | Way of the Closed Palm |
Wayne England | "Kessig Cagebreakers" | Bounty Hunter Archetype |
Daniel Ljunggren | "Crop Rotation" | School of Agriculture |
"Mystic of the Hidden Way" - Image source here.
"Dromoka Warrior" - Image source here.
"Soulfire Grand Master" - Image source here.
"Blade Juggler" - Image source here.
"Temur Runemark" - Image source here.
"Azusa, Lost But Seeking" - Image source here.
"Stormblood Berserker" - Image source here.
"Zulaport Chainmage" Image source here.
"Orzhov Enforcer" - Image source here.
"Taigam's Strike" - Image source here.
"Kessig Cagebreakers" - Image source here.
"Crop Rotation" - Image source here.