War Chanter

by Masenken

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War Chanter

War Chanter

Being the opening act in a concert was
like a dream come true for Evie,
though she lamented that she was here
for a job. The crowd’s cheering all but
drowned out conscious thought for a
moment and Evie could feel herself being
pulled in by the applause and adoration. Her performance already long underway, she scanned the crowd, found her target, and with one deadly note, the job was finished.

They said there was magic in a good performance, and for Liri, that meant taking on whatever role was assigned to her. With but a thought she could become whoever she wanted to be. All those years of rehearsing really paid off. Who would've thought stage acting could be so practical?

Benny really hated music. Every day it was study, rehearse, study, rehearse. Before he knew it, his voice and body had become weapons of war, hidden in plain sight. Benny really hated music, but even more he hated that he was so good at it.

Though gifted in the performing arts, War Chanters are very utilitarian with their talents, performing more by rote, than passion. They don't seek praise or riches, but instead wield their power as a weapon, just as sharp as their swords. This isn't to say they don't enjoy it, but like any good
soldier, feelings don't matter. Only results.

Battlefield Music

When most people speak of magic, they often imagine exploding fireballs, or lightning shooting from their
fingertips. War Chanters, however, walk to a different beat. Weapon in hand, they stand side by side their allies attacking both near and far with both unbridled strength and a
pulsing ballad. Allies who hear their chant are roused to
fight that much harder, which for a War Chanter, is music to their ears.

War Chanter Training

War Chanters hail from all walks of life, but one and all, are trained from a young age for the battlefield. These schools serve a dual role in giving these young individuals a shot at a future. Once they complete their curriculum, they are awarded a certificate in the performing arts, and can freely choose to graduate and go on to live a productive life. However, the most promising among them are also given an offer to learn the other side of the chant.

For those that decide to stay, they are retaught everything from the ground up, learning how to weave magic into their words, while simultaneously learning combat tactics and marrying the two disciplines into a singular discipline that transforms their performing talents into a martial display of savage grace.

Those who take up the calling of War Chanter are no less passionate about the performing arts, but are also consumate soldiers, bred for war.

War Chanter
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Rubato
1st +2 War Chant (3/day), Rubato 3 3
2nd +2 Extemporization (minor) 3 5
3rd +2 Chanter's Calling 3 7
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 9
5th +3 Echolocation, War Chanter Feature 4 11
6th +3 Extemporization (moderate) 4 11
7th +3 Melophobia, War Chant (4/day) 4 13
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 15
9th +4 Critical Crescendo 5 17
10th +4 War Chanter Feature 5 19
11th +4 Extemporization (major), Fermata 5 21
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 21
13th +5 War Chant (5/day), War Chanter Feature 5 23
14th +5 Piercing Voice 6 25
15th +5 War Stories 6 27
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 29
17th +6 War Chanter Feature 6 31
18th +6 Calling In A Favor, War Chant (6/day) 6 31
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7 33
20th +6 Encore, War Chant (unlimited) 7 35

Creating a War Chanter

When creating a War Chanter, consider what makes for a great entertainer. Are you a singer? A poet? Do you revel in the adoration of fans, or behind a pen, cuddled up next to a book? Do you study long hours or make it up on the spot?

Whatever your motivation, War Chanters excel at supporting their allies with motivating music, both from near and far. words are a weapon, and they will not be silenced.

Quick Build

You can make a War Chanter quickly by following these suggestions. First make Charisma your highest ability score, followed by either Dexterity or Constitution. Lastly choose Soldier, Entertainer, or Gambler.

Class Features

As a War Chanter, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per War Chanter level.
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier.
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per War Chanter level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Axe, great axe, hand crossbow, longbow, longsword, maul, short sword, shortbow, spear, and rapier
  • Tools: Disguise Kit, forgery kit, or any instrument
  • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose any two.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to anything provided by your background:

  • (a) axe or (b) shortbow
  • (a) leather armor or (b) hide armor
  • (a) a guitar or (b) a flute

Alternatively, you can ignore the equipment here and in your background and buy 5d4 × 10 gp worth of equipment from chapter 5 in the Player’s Handbook.

War Chant

War Chanters are renowned on the battlefield for their ability to rouse their allies to pull off incredible feats, which has inspired their name. As a bonus action, you can begin a war chant, cycling between 5 chants at your disposal described below.

While performing a war chant you are able to pull off a number of class features. Chief of which is the rubato described below. In addition, you can change your chant as the situation calls, once per round, as a bonus action, which affects you and every ally who can hear you in a range of 60 feet.

Your war chant lasts for 1 minute, until you end it, or are incapacitated. You can perform 3 war chants a day, which improves to 5 at level 7, 6 at level 13, 7 at level 18, and finally it becomes infinite at level 20.

  • War Chant of the Bulwark: all allies gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus increases to +2 at level 11.

  • War Chant of Swiftness: all allies gain a +10 bonus to move speed and are unhindered by rough terrain. At level 11, this bonus increases to +20 to move speed.

  • War Chant of the Slayer: whenever an enemy within 5 feet of you or an ally attempts to cast a spell, you can use a reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that

    creature. At level 11, you and your allies have advantage on
    the attack roll.

  • War Chant of Endurance: each round, you and your allies gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) at the start of your turn. This increases to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) + your Proficiency Bonus at level 11.

  • War Chant of Slaughter: whenever you or an ally scores a critical hit, they deal additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier. When you reach level 11, you and your allies can score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.


With extensive training you've become adept at adding your personal flair to a performance at a moment's notice. While war chant is active, you can use a rubato to change the flow of battle. Whenever you use the Attack action to make a weapon attack, you can use a bonus action to cast any Cantrip that you know with a verbal component as a rubato. Any Cantrip cast in this way neither has Disadvantage on ranged attacks cast in melee nor do you require material or somatic components. In addition, a rubato can be used to perform certain class features described below.


You know any three non-druid Cantrips of your choice that have a verbal component from the conjuration, enchantment, evocation, or illusion schools. You learn additional War Chanter Cantrips at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the War Chanter table.


The War Chanter Table shows how much rubato you have available to you each day. This amount increases as you gain levels in this class to a maximum of 35. You regain all expended rubato once you finish a long rest.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your War Chanter spells. Your magic is fueled by years of devotion and training to mold your performances into a weapon as sharp as any sword. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier and proficiency bonus when setting the spell save DC for a War Chanter spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.


A War Chanter’s voice is a powerful weapon. Starting at 2nd level, whenever you perform a rubato you can perform a minor extemporization (described below). At 6th level they

can perform a moderate extemporization, and perform a major at 11th level.


For 1 rubato, you can perform the following:

  • Add one add additional die of damage to the Cantrip.
  • Increase a ranged Cantrip by 30 feet.
  • Gain a +1 to spell attack rolls.

For 2 rubatos, you can perform the following::

  • Any elemental Cantrip that you cast ignores elemental resistance.
  • Ranged Cantrips ignore three-quarters cover.
  • You have advantage on Cantrips with a range of touch.

For 3 rubatos, you can perform the following:

  • Increase all damage die by 1 step
  • Raise the spell DC by +3.

Chanter's Calling

At 3rd level, you choose a calling that personifies your ideal self as a stage personality. Depending on your choice, you'll gain an additional War Chant and a new Extemporization, along with a chorus of new abilities.

Your path grants you additional abilities at 3rd, 6th, 10th, 13th and 17th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


Beginning at 5th level, you gain the supernatural ability to locate objects and creatures with your voice. As an action, you can spend 1 rubato to emit a sound in a 60-foot radius. Any objects or creatures, even if they are invisible, within the radius appears highlighted to you as if you had
darkvision. If that creature is a known enemy
they are highlighted in red. All affected objects
and creatures remain highlighted for 30 seconds
before the ability fades.

This ability can be used even if you
are currently blinded.

Tonal Shift

A War Chanters performance was created to rouse their allies in times of need. At 7th level, allies under your war chant gain new benefits from your constant vigil. Using a rubato, the War Chanter can use their reaction to perform one of the following feats:

  • An ally can add your Charisma modifier to their next damage roll.
  • You increase the spell DC of an ally's
    next spell by +1.
  • An ally can add your Charisma modifier to their next healing spell.
  • When an ally is hit by an attack, they have resistance against the damage.

High Note

At 9th level, when a War Chanter would be denied their voice, they can expend a use of their war chant to attempt to break the effect. On a success, the spell is suppressed for 1 minute or until the War Chanter leaves the affected space.

Forced Coda

Starting at 11th level, whenever you or an ally affected by your war chant are subjected to a spell or ability that allows for a save to end, you can end your war chant, as a reaction, and make the save for them adding your Charisma modifier to the save. On a success, the effect ends and that ally gains temporary hit points equal to half of your War Chanter level.

This ability can be used once per short or long rest.

Critical Crescendo

At 14th level, whenever an ally under the effects of your
war chant scores a critical hit, they can immediately
make one additional attack or cast a Cantrip.

War Stories

Once per day, at 15th level, you can tell a rousing tale from battles of old and new that takes 10 minutes. Prepared meals from any ally within 60 feet of you becomes a heroes feast as per the spell.

Calling In a Favor

Beginning at 18th level, your renown has grown to the point that you've gained the attention of some powerful entities. Once per day, you can call forth aid to your cause as per the planar ally spell. This ally is friendly to you, and you have advantage on persuasion (Charisma) checks to negotiate their price.


When you reach 20th level, the War Chanter's performances becomes the stuff of legends. You can perform your war chant an unlimited number of times per day, and use your 17th level subclass ability 2 times per day instead of once.


Prerequisites: To qualify for multiclassing as a War Chanter, you must meet the following requirements: Charisma 13.

Proficiencies gained: Performance

Chanter's Calling

All War Chanters are avid performers. Whether in front or behind the stage, they love the show, and have a background in some aspect. They've since turned that background into the heart of their performance and translated it into a deadly display of magic and martial prowess. This calling becomes the cornerstone of their power for the rest of their career.


A Conductor is one who actively directs the flow of battle. They take the lead, employing style and know-how to deal with their enemies. Their ability to assess and direct their allies in the heat of battle has earned them the respect of friend and foe alike.

  • War Chant of Coordination: whenever you or an ally misses with an attack, if you or an ally are within 5 feet of the same target, you can spend your reaction to allow yourself or that ally to make a melee weapon attack.

  • Extemporization: minor, you can use a rubato as a reaction.


Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you hit with a weapon attack, the next weapon attack against that creature has advantage until the start of your next turn.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


Starting at 10th level, after applying ictus to a creature, as a bonus action, you can spend 2 rubato to give an ally Metronome until the start of their next turn. If that ally hits a creature with a weapon attack, they also apply ictus, and with your permission, can spend 2 of your rubatos as a bonus action to give another ally Metronome.


Conductor's demand even their foes to stay on beat. Beginning at 13th level, Whenever you hit a foe, inflicted with ictus, you can use your rubato as a reaction to stun the target. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn, or nothing on a successful save.

If the target is already dazed, paralyzed, restrained, or stunned and inflicted with ictus, you can use a rubato as a reaction to give the target disadvantage on its next saving through to end the effect.

Big Show

When you reach 17th level, as an action, you put on a big show. Big show lasts for 1 minute, until you dismiss it, or are incapacitated. While active, so long as you do not move for one round, you gain resistance to all damage. While standing in place, you can use your action to give an ally an extra action. You can use your bonus action to give an ally a weapon attack, and use your move action to allow an ally to move in your stead. Any creature that takes damage while this ability is active is struck with Ictus.

Once this feature is used, it can't be used again until after a long rest.


Dancers have mesmerized audiences for generations. With their rhythmic steps, and sometimes hypnotic movements,and experienced dancer can captivate friend and foe alike.

  • War Chant of Rhythm: allies add your Charisma modifier on Acrobatics and Athletics checks.

  • Extemporization: minor, a creature hit by a rubato has disadvantage on all attack rolls that don't involve you as the target.

Elemental Freestyle

At 3rd level, you imbue your weapon with
one of the following magical properties:
acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Damage
dealt by your weapon now deals damage matching
your elemental type. At 5th level, you add 1d6 to the
elemental damage. This bonus damage increases to
2d6 at 10th level, and 3d6 at 16th level. You can
change the elemental property of the weapon as
a bonus action.


You are a blur of motion and deadly
agility. At 5th level, so long as you move at
least 10 feet when you take the attack action,
you can make an extra melee weapon attack,
or ranged weapon attack as long as you are
within 10 feet of a creature that you can see.

Dance Step

Beginning at 10th level, so long as
you move at least 10 feet, whenever
you hit with a weapon attack or a
rubato that requires an attack roll,
you deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Or you can use your rubato
to produce one of the following
spells using the appropriate
action, Misty Step (1 rubato),
Far Step (2 rubatos), or
Thunder Step* (3 rubatos).
You must take a short or
long rest before you can
use each step again.

Dirty Dancing

Starting at 13th level, you can summon an elemental shadow of yourself. As an action, you can spend 3 rubato to call forth your shadow as if you used conjure minor elemental. The shadow's element matches your Elemental Freestyle, using the same statistics as the elemental, but in a form that looks like an elemental version of yourself. During summoning, you can use a major extemporization to summon a second shadow, or summon a stronger shadow as if you had used conjure elemental instead.

Once used this ability can't be used again until after a long rest.

Show Stopper

                    Dancers are all about style, rhythm and
                      movement. At 17th level, Show Stopper can be
                         activated as a bonus action, lasting for a                                     number of rounds equal to your Charisma                                      modifier. While active, so long as you                                         move at least 10 feet, you have a +2                                           bonus to AC that lasts until the start                                             of your next turn. Whenever you                                           would be hit by an attack, you can                                          use your reaction to disengage up to
                                       half of your movement speed.

                                                       In addition, whenever you                                                                roll a 5 or 6 with the
                                                           extra die from Dance Step,                                                                you regain a use of a step
                                                    spell, even if you used it already.

                                               This feature can't be used                                                   again until after a long rest.


Some War Chanters get utterly absorbed into the roles they play. Whether playing the part of a street urchin or holy knight, they have no doubt it'll be the performance of a lifetime.

  • War Chant of the Socialite: you and your allies have advantage on Charisma (performance) checks.

  • Extemporization: minor, you can convert the arcane energy of one of your rubatos to cause an object to disappear as if under the invisibility spell.

Class Act

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in 2 additional skills of your choosing.

Wardrobe Change

At 5th level, you can change your appearance to match the look and sound of any small or medium-sized humanoid creature you’ve interacted with in the past hour. The results change depending on how long you take to assume the role.

As an action, your wardrobe change resembles a mirror image of the creature you’re trying to copy, but you retain your current clothing. Any notable features will appear on you in reverse of the original. Anyone within 30 ft of you, who knows the creature you’re copying has advantage on trying to identify you.

If you spend one minute, all visible features appear in their correct location and you can copy their accent and voice. Anyone within 30 ft of you who knows the creature you’re copying has a -2 penalty to try to identify you.

If you spend 10 minutes, you change everything from your clothing to your tone of voice, but not their mannerisms. Any creature within 30 ft of you who knows the target has disadvantage on trying to identify you.

If you spend 1 hour, your wardrobe change becomes a perfect copy. Everything from your clothing to the distinct way they favor one foot over the other is perfectly copied.

Anyone who knows the creature has disadvantage with a -5 penalty to try to identify you.

The effect ends immediately if you make an attack or a creature succeeds on an insight or investigation check to identify you and calls you out.


At 10th level, as an action, any creature you make skin to skin contact with must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose a memory of your choice. You can attempt a sleight of hand to perform this ability without being noticed. Before initiating the ability, you must already have a definitive question in mind - such as what languages they know or secret password to the mansion - or risk gaining a completely unrelated memory. If the target succeeds on their saving throw, the ability fails, though they won't realize anything is wrong. You can retain this memory for up to 10 minutes before it fades away.

In addition, you can perform a wardrobe change of the creature you contacted in half the time it would normally take as described above. This feature can be used a number of times a day equal to your Charisma modifier before needing to take a long rest.


At 13th level, any creature with whom you've engaged in a Recital becomes subject to Inception. Whenever a creature fails a save against recital, you can attempt to modify memory.

This ability can be used a number of times a day equal to your Charisma modifier.

Show Time

You set the stage for the performance of a lifetime. At 17th level, you can perform show time. While show time is active, you can use an action to assume the guise of anyone you used a wardrobe change on in the past 24 hours. You retain the level of detail you assumed with each wardrobe change. This ability lasts for one hour.

Once this feature has been used you must take a long rest before it can be used again.


A vocalist carries a voice that demands immediate attention. From the first note, all viewers can't help but get wrapped up in her song. The vocalist knows this and pours their heart and soul into their performance.

  • War Chant of Bravery: all allies have advantage on saves against charm and fear effects.

  • Extemporization: minor, you can change the elemental type of your rubatos to one of the following: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.

Maetoso Forte

At 3rd level, you can change your war chant as a reaction, and whenever you or an ally under your war chant scores a critical hit, you regain a rubato.

Chanter's Aura

The gravity of your chants carries your vocal presence to new heights. At 5th level, whenever you extemporize a rubato to change its element, that element is conferred to every ally affected by your war chant until the end of your next turn.

In addition, every ally deals an additional 1d6 elemental damage. However, on a critical hit, theycan use a bonus action to cast the last Cantrip you used, using your spell attack and DC to determine if the spell succeeds.

Counter Song

At 10th level, you can spend your reaction to attempt a counterspell for 3 rubato. You can amplify the attempt to counter the spell as if you used a higher spell slot. minor
to counter at 4th level, moderate to counter at 5th
level, and major to counter at 6th level.

Pitch Perfect

With absolute vocal expertise, the Vocalist
unleashes her most powerful spell.
At 13th level, as an action, you can
combine 3 rubato and an
extemporization into a single
spell, paying the appropriate
cost. The spell uses the
shortest range as the
range of the spell,
combining all effects and
damage. After the spell
is cast, you can not cast another spell until after the end of your next turn. This ability can not be used again until after a short or long rest.

Light Show

Upon reaching 17th level, the Vocalist unleashes the true power of song. As an action, you activate light show forcing every creature, not under your war chant, that can hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature is stunned until the start of its next turn.

For a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, you do not spend rubatos when extemporizing, and attacks made        with rubato are done with advantage. Allies                                  affected by your chanter's aura gain resistance to                         that element and increase their elemental                           damage dealt to 1d10.

War Chanter

Music has long had the power to sway the hearts and souls of friend and foe alike. The War Chanter knows this. To this end they put on a performance to both uplift their friends and demoralize their enemies.

If you like to wax lyrical and blend roleplay and combat into one harmonious sound, the War Chanter might be right for you.

While you might think, this is just a Bard, remember, Bards prefer to stay out of trouble. War Chanters thrive in it.

Artist Credits
Cover: Artgerm
Page 2: Nixeu
Page 5: Henry Lee & Prabath
Page 6: Dao Trong Le
Page 7: Myself
Page 8:
Page 9: Nixeu
page 10: Myo-Zin
Back: Offrecord

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