Monk Tradition: Way of the Eternal Spirit

by ControlZero

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Monastic Tradition:
Way of the Eternal Spirit

A spiritual link connects monks of this tradition to a long line of predecessors going back for time immemorial. Monks do not set out to join the tradition, but are chosen by the shared mind itself once the most recent member perishes.

If monks join the Way of the Eternal Spirit, they forfeit the traditional learning of their peers in the hope of channelling the powers and accesing the thoughts of some of the most powerful monks in history.

Ocean of Sentiment

Starting at 3rd level, when you first tap into your past lives it is not the memories that come first, but the emotions. The first time you spend ki on a turn, you can use one of the following features on yourself immediately, or on the first creature you hit with a monk weapon before your turn ends.

If the target is not yourself, it makes a Wisdom saving throw against your ki save DC. On a success, it ignores the effect, and cannot be targeted by it for the next 24 hours.

Surge of Pain

Feeling intense pain both damages the target and sharpens its focus. The target takes damage equal to your monk weapon damage die + Wisdom modifier, but gains advantage on its next attack before the end of your next turn.

If you use this feature on yourself, take half damage from it.

Blissful Flood

Experiencing ultimate joy causes the target to become numb to the outside world. The target's movement speed becomes 0 and it can't take reactions, but it also gains resistance to all damage besides psychic, both until the start of your next turn.

If you use this feature on yourself, either your base movement speed is cut in half instead of reduced to 0 or you can still use reactions. Pick one whenever you use this feature.

Ancestral Roots

At 6th level, your muscles twitch fleetingly with the power of your ancestors. As a bonus action, increase your monk weapon damage by 1 die tier (for example, from 1d10 to 1d12) for the next minute. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

In addition, you can peruse your past memories if given enough time. By spending 30 minutes meditating during a short rest, you can gain double proficiency and advantage on one Intelligence-based skill check. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

At 17th level, you can use each of these features again after finishing a short or long rest.

Reflection of Self

Starting at 11th level, you begin to see past and present at the same time, allowing you to exist in two places at once.

When you voluntarily move at least 5 feet, you can spend 1 ki point to leave behind an exact image of yourself with 1 HP. If it does not make an attack roll on its turn, if it takes damage, or if you create another image, it vanishes.

After your turn ends, the image can start taking actions as if it were you, but without access to ki. All its stats and features are the same as yours. It goes right before you in Initiative order.

Face Death

Beginning at 17th level, you gain access to the final memories of your heritage, and with them you learn the secret of momentary death. Briefly experiencing death instills you with a mix of desperation and longing.

Immediately after you take an action, you can repeat that action by spending 2 ki points and decreasing your total number of death saves available by one, meaning one less success is needed for stabilization and one less failure for death when you are rolling death saves.

If your death save count falls to 0, you cannot use this feature again until it goes back up, and you die instantly upon reaching 0 HP. Your death save count resets back to three after completing a long rest.

Monk | Way of the Eternal Spirit

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