Cildraphyte + Shroudborn

by ControlZero

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Usually just called cildra, cildraphytes are humanoids that take on many of the qualities of plants. Lost to time millennia ago, they have no set place in the current world. Instead, they try their best to survive, hoping to someday return to the glory of their ancestors.

Plant-like Humanoids

Cildra are humanoids at their core, but have much in common with plants as well. They have a head, but no distinct mouth. They sense with their eyes and ears, but also with their body itself. Their shape is similar to that of most humanoids, but their skin feels coarse or springy. And, while they still need sleep and nutrients to live, they don't breathe air and use light as their sole food source.

Also like plants, cildra switch between a larger and smaller form every generation. The larger, lumbering cildra are generally considered dominant, but due to both their children and parents being the smaller, limber form, they rarely abuse their power or status. In many cases, members of the alternate generation end up as leaders.

However, unlike plants, they do not need specific weather to thrive. Though originally from a cold climate, they have a cold, blood-like substance in their bodies that keeps them cool in warmer environments.

Lost Children of Dara

Cildraphytes are the creation of the forgotten god Dara, who nurtured them and allowed them to prosper in their native, frozen climate. However, Dara drew the ire of those who saw his children as unnatural, and was forced to abandon them out of fear for his life.

Many still call themselves cildra-Dara, or children of Dara, hoping to someday be reunited with their lost god. Some say he is out there now, subtly helping those who serve him. Others believe him to be dead or dormant, waiting to be roused when his children return to their prior majesty.

After being abandoned by Dara, the cildra were thought to be lost to the world. Perpetual storms of ice enveloped their native land, burying them for millennia. An isolated race, the few that survived quickly died out. However, when the ice eventually melted, those that had been close enough to the sun's light were revitalized, and the cildra re-entered the world with neither a country nor a god.

Firmly Planted

The Cildran nation is no more, and all attempts to restart it have ended in disaster. However, cildrans are by nature still an anchored race, choosing to live in one place over traveling. Many cildra take on the appearance of a race they choose to live with, hiding their identity due to fear of being ostracized because of their alien nature.

They also prefer to live in halfling communities, where they can keep their normal features and still greeted with friendly chatter and only the occasional curious glance.

Those that travel are often searching for a new place to plant their roots. Others may venture forth out of curiosity, or a desire to accomplish something greater. Travelling cildra also find it simpler to blend in, since they are not required to interact with the same people every day.

Categorical Minds

Cildra view the world in distinct shades, sorting disparate things into categories. Drawing a link between chopping down a tree and buying cloth at the market may be hard for others, but cildra often make a connection between many things that seem wildly different.

This tendency also causes cildra to not associate a job or punishment that others would consider similar. For example, they have difficulty understanding why stealing a loaf of bread to survive and stealing a precious necklace are similar. This often results in divisions between them and others, causing frustration for everyone involved.

Cildran Names

Cildra, who do not have a gender, carry the same name as their parents, to which they add their age. However, they have also found it useful to adopt a name that is easier for others to understand. Cildra try to simplify their ancestral names or use more descriptive names that relate to their appearance.

Transcribed Names: Jshala, Aaksh, Danra, Shrshni, Anshree, Shacham, Plikm, Megh, Dhule, Hrash, Zolim

Descriptive Names: Thistle, Splitlimb, Greeny, Roughbark

Cildraphyte Traits

Your cildraphyte character has certain characteristics in common with all other cildraphytes.

Age. Cildra mature at different rates depending on environment, but on average they reach adulthood at about 40, and can live well beyond 200.

Alignment. Cildra often have no desire to follow the statutes of others, preferring to set their own laws. But while some wish for a land where they can rule themselves, most understand the consequences for going against the law.

Benign Growth. You can create a plant-like growth that is the same color as your skin over the course of a day. This could include flowers, some kindling, or a small pouch. If you choose to form another growth, your current one falls off.

Frigid Physiology. A product of your past, you are resistant to cold damage and adapted to cold climates.

Light Energized. You do not eat or breathe. However, you must be in bright light for an hour every day to gain the effects of nourishment, and can still be affected by toxic or otherwise dangerous conditions.

Moldable Form. Over 24 hours, you can reshape your natural form and color to resemble another race. You must choose a race that you have spent at least a day with in the past, and cannot copy specific creatures. While in a this form, you have disadvantage on Sleight of Hand and Acrobatics rolls, and a creature that examines you closely notices your true identity on a DC 15 Investigation check. Returning to your natural form takes an action.

Sunlight Awareness. While in direct sunlight, you are immune to being blinded and deafened, and you also have blindsight of 30 feet against creatures that are not invisible.

Languages. You can speak and understand Cildran, and can also understand 2 other languages of your choice. You can emulate speech in a strained or whispery tone, but after spending at least 1 minute communicating with a creature, it notices the sound isn't natural on a DC 15 Perception check.

Generation. Cildra are one race, but do have alternating generations. Choose between leptaphyte and baraphyte.


Generally called limber cildra, leptaphytes are smaller and more vibrant than their larger parents and children. They have child-like enthusiasm, but are also looked to for guidance during tough times. Their skin is soft and springy, and can range in color from deep purples to pale greens.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma, Dexterity, and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Healing Spores. As an action, you can release healing dust on all creatures within 5 feet, causing them to regain hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Plant Whisperer. You can cast plant messengers once, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Size. Limber cildra are lithe and slender, around 4 feet in height. Your size is Small. Your moldable form can resemble a halfling, tall gnome, or another similar race.

Speed. Your limbs bend beyond what is normal, giving you a base walking speed of 30.


Baraphytes, or lumbering cildra, are larger and more powerful than leptaphytes, and tend to be better at storing information. They are defenders of their race in times of danger, protecting the weak and young. Their skin is rough, varying between intricate patterns and brown monotones.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Constitution, and Intelligence scores each increase by 1.

Barky Touch. You can cast barkskin once, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Icy Swipes. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d6 cold damage on a hit.

Size. Lumbering cildra are bulky, and reach about 5 feet in height, though they never stop growing completely. Your size is Medium. Your moldable form can resemble a dwarf, short human, or another similar race.

Speed. You move sluggishly for your size, giving you a base walking speed of 25.

Plant Messengers

1st-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V S
  • Duration: 2 hour

By means of this spell, you can cause plants to deliver a message. Choose any plant within range. You specify a recipient who matches a general description, such as "a man or woman dressed in the uniform of the town guard" or "a red-haired dwarf wearing a pointed hat." You also speak a message of up to 10 words.

The plant relays that message on to another plant within 60 feet, which relays it onto another plant within 60 feet, etc. The message travels in all directions, covering about 4 miles in 2 hours, or 8 miles if the plants are densely packed. When the recipient is located, the nearest plant delivers your message to the creature that you described, replicating the sound of your voice.

The messengers speak only to a creature matching the description you gave. If the creature is not found or there are no plants willing or available to carry the message forward, the message is lost.

The Cildran Language

Cildraphytes use their appendages and face to make a variety of whistling, snapping, and crunching sounds that they are born knowing. Watching cildra communicate can be fascinating to those that do not understand the language. While cildra cannot communicate directly with plants, it is believed that most plants can understand bits and pieces of their language.

On the other hand, cildra lack the vocal ability of other humanoids. Instead, they learn how to roughly approximate the sounds of a language, mimicking pitch and inflection as best as they can.


Dragonborn that made a pilgrimage to the Shadowfell long ago, shroudborn consider themselves above their Material Plane cousins. They exchange their normal power for more devious abilities, and are reclusive and wary of others.

Protectors of the Shroud

All shroudborn draw from a source of power that they call the Shroud, but only a select few are chosen to protect it. These Protectors are trained from an early age, and given increased access to the Shroud. Few know what the source is, and guesses range from a dragon to the soul of a dead god.

Shroudborn also rarely leave their adopted land. Those that find a way out have trouble adjusting to the open life of a light dweller, and their elitist attitude can cause other issues. Those that do travel often do so because they find themselves uncertain about the beliefs of their fellow shroudborn.

Shroudborn Traits

Your shroudborn character has certain characteristics in common with all other shroudborn.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence scores each increase by 1.

Breath Weapon. Each creature in a 15 ft cone makes a Constitution save of 8 + Constitution modifier + proficiency. On a failed save, you deal 2d4 damage and gain temporary health equal to half the damage dealt, applicable only once. On a successful save, deal half damage. Increase damage to 3d4 at level 6, 4d4 at level 11, 5d4 at level 16. Once used, this trait must be recharged by a short or long rest.

Darkvision. You can see within dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Mask of Darkness. You can attempt to hide with only partial cover in darkness or dim light.

Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage.

Shadowed Strike. If you hit a creature that is in total darkness while you are hidden, you can reroll all your damage dice. If you do so, you must use the new result.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.


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