Alestria Vol. II - Book of Lore

by Stephanie

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Welcome to Alestria

This is our first campaign guide and world book for our crazy creation, Alestria. This realm was born as a natural evolution of a homebrew one-shot game that spiraled into an ongoing campaign, and eventually the unexpected phenomenon of a living world with multiple continents. Over a year and a half of extensive world building has been put into creating and fleshing out this realm from within our own imagination. Alestria is a true labor of love, a gift for our community. When the opportunity arose to take my scrawlings and notes and put them down in a comprehensive tome for others to enjoy and manifest their own stories within, the wonderful and daunting idea immediately filled me with inspiration and determination to produce something I hoped would be worth your time and appreciation.

I have never written anything like this before. The process has been a delightfully challenging and rewarding experience throughout, and I have my talented allies in its creation to thank. I now stand at the end of my journey of putting this unique, personal, and colorful world onto paper from within my head, and I am extremely proud of what we’ve done... and I sincerely hope you feel the same.

Within these pages lie the tools to create, introduce, and run your own adventures within the continent of Alestria. You will learn about the history of the realm, the figures who guide it, and the powers which may invoke and alter the paths of the next wave of heroes you summon within. I offer you the necessary materials to create legends, and I hope you enjoy bringing them to life.

-- Gingy, Owner of the Alestria Server

This is your life

"Why hello there, adventurer! You might be wondering who I am, correct? It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance; I am the governesss of Grimhollow, Cearovi Eroth. Our city welcomes you to and I know that I am very excited to see what you accomplish while living here. You will see many people travel here for a variety of reasons, mainly to explore the uncharted lands of Alestria, as I did many years past. I am certain you are like most and have heard many rumors of Alestria back from your homeland, and decided to travel here for a variety of reasons. Be careful now - although this land is ripe for exploration, the landscapes of Alestria are wild and untamed beyond our city walls.

"That also means there are many untold stories out there, waiting to be unearthed! Whatever you do, make sure to be careful and never travel anywhere alone; I cannot tell you how many people have perished due to their pride.

"Friendships and alliances with capable adventurers like yourself will go a long way here. Good luck adventurer, I look forward to seeing what you shall become!"

Cearovi Eroth

Governess of Grimhollow


Creation Mythos

The supreme being, Saudade, created the universe and from that manifested chaos, order, good, and evil. They created the positive, negative, and material plane in its entirety. From these manifestations twin gods were born: Sabine and Arliman. Sabine, Goddess of the Stars, is the embodiment of uncertainty with a heart of brilliant gold. Arliman, God of The Void, is the paragon of fair-play with a black hole in his chest. Saudade favored the Material Plane above all else, going on to form the Astral and Elemental Planes to surround it. Sabine and Arliman were left to mold the Material Plane in tandem.

In the emptiness, Sabine begin planting stars everywhere without regard, filling the vast emptiness of the void. In return, Arliman created pockets of space near each one that were so dark not even light could escape. Eventually, the stars and dark space began to meet. Some stars filled the darkness and cast it out, while others folded into it never to be seen again. A few of the cosmic meetings ended with an explosion of materials scattered across the heavens. When the cosmic dust settled the material began to form planets. From the formation of these planets Galia, Goddess of Life, was born and began to create living things, as well as all of nature on one planet now known as Lyndria.

The new earth mother’s desire to create life was strong, but her creations could not thrive in starlight alone. Galia implored Sabine and Arliman to bring her more light, but Arliman felt this was ungrateful and shunned her request.

Sabine eventually grew impatient at Galia’s constant pleas and she pulled the brightest star close to Lyndria, so that it would be illuminated. Sabine called this star a sun, and made sure that her domain remained visible as a reminder of her benevolence to Galia. This reminder left the other side of Lyndria in total darkness. As the sun’s new light crashed into the earth Surya, Goddess of Light, emerged from its white hot radiance and warmed the earth with her presence.

When Arliman learned Sabine had granted Galia’s request against his wishes he tried to pull the star away, but Surya’s light gripped the earth and it followed. Arliman being spiteful and clever spun a small cosmic sphere into position that would reflect Sabine’s star’s light back onto the dark side of the earth.

Within these reflective beams Mayara, Goddess of the Moon, arose from the glow and she began to walk the earth. Sabine saw this and was irate that her reminder to Galia was now littered with light. Arliman showed Mayara that while the sun and earth were gripped together, the moon was free to move about. With each step Mayara took, the earth turned as the moon pulled it freely around in place. Mayara found it amusing, and set the moon to race around the earth causing it to spin.

Every so often the moon would pass in front of the sun or behind the earth, darkening the skies and revealing the void for but a brief period, much to the delight of Arliman. During this time tensions grew between Sabine and Arliman and thus started the war within the heavens. As the two clashed there was massive amounts of chaos and power that then coalesced. From the bursts of conflict emerged were Theron, God of War, Kairos, God of Death, Devika, Goddess of Pestilence, and Velonese, God of Undeath.

These beings were born into the Negative Plane, yet began to add what they believed was needed to the prime Material Plane. Sabine and Arliman realized too late that their creations were growing beyond their control, and could not undo their travesties. Sabine decided to retreat beyond the Positive Plane and Arliman decided to retreat beyond the Negative Plane.

Sabine took a part of her power from herself and thus Zemyna, Goddess of Magic, was born. From her birth the Weave spread all over the universe and thus granted the gift of magic to all lesser creations of history's future. Zemyna made sure to overlook the Weave as Sabine retreated.

Arliman was able to manipulate the last bit of wild energy from the void during his fight with Sabine and made Brumous, God of Storms.

From there the prime Material Plane was stable enough to sustain all kinds of life. Galia was able to from then on create life and thus began the Dawn of Inception, where beings walked on the face of the earth.

The Dawn of Inception

Long ago, this world was one of tumultuous and chaotic forces. Nothing but an empty void, which was used to traverse between other planes. Through the ashen skies of the creation that Saudade made, the gods came from beyond the ether, new and formless. Looking upon this roiling realm, they saw potential for great beauty, great strength, and the chance to learn their own place in creation.

Galia was able to create the first beings, the elves, created with physical grace reflecting the gods’ own divinity, to walk the verdant lands and know the music of the blue skies. The land upon which they were born is known as modern day Frolois. A second creation was wrought, the dwarves, a hearty people intent on taming the land filled with the craft and invention of the divinity beyond the ashen void. She decided to place them in the lands that were covered in snow and plenty of mountains for them to work the lands. This land would later be known as Tobolsk. A third people were given life: the humans, endowed with hearts of passion that burned as brightly as their spans of life were short, filled with the celebration and happiness of the hands creating them. Due to their nature Galia decided to spread them all across the lands.

Other creations followed as the many races
of Lyndria were given form from the boundless
inspiration the gods expressed to Galia. These
beings walked the land, and as their knowledge
grew they attempted to build. But the land was
fierce and treacherous, and the people were
largely dashed and consumed by the elements.
Sorrow filled the hearts of the gods while these first
races continued to struggle against a land that did not want them. The people looked to their creators for guidance and protection. The gods gave them gifts, lending their own power to their followers to create and shape the world around them; these were the first divine magics.

Thus, the various peoples began to learn how to bend the angry earth to their will: to temper the fires that burst through, to tame the floods that threatened their abundance, and to foster seedling into fruit and beast into meal. Language became commonplace, culture was born, and governance replaced anarchy. As culture grew, and the people further understood the world around them, they too looked up to their gods and gave them worship. But this realm did not wish to be tamed; this is due to all the portals that still existed from when Saudade had formed everything. Galia and the others were too hasty to create life not foreseeing what could become.

Quaking cliffs roared in defiance. Seas swelled and swallowed. Flames erupted from underneath the lands. Beneath the elements, unknown to the gods beyond the ashen skies, lived ancient beings who had already taken this world as their home: the Primordials. These great Elemental Titans that once dwelt deep within the land now rose from their unseen domain to sunder the land once more. The gods watched as their children, their joy, were largely dashed against the broken rock or fed to formless terrors unleashed in the wake of the destruction. Demonic entities erupted from the portals mainly in the snow covered lands which are now called Tobolsk, spilled from the umbra of the Abyss to feast on the carnage. Many more portals opened near the land of the elves when this event happened and celestial sentinels locked into war with the chaotic forces of the Abyss. The gods, wishing to salvage their home, their creations, and their realized selves, were forced to take up arms and learn new methods of protection to defend the faithful among their creations. These gods are referred to as the Nine Prime Deities. They organized their followers and taught them how to build, to change, and to destroy, all for themselves and without the aid of divine power. All of the Nine created lesser deities, ones to lead and rule over the people of Lyndria. Thus started one of the most impactful periods of time on Lyndria: The Tribulation.

The Tribulation

Alliances were forged during a time of great duress in the Material Plane. Three of the Nine, Velonese, Theron, and Devika, sided with the Primordials, reveling in the destruction and chaos wrought upon the Material Plane. Their forces were bolstered by demons that flocked from the Abyss, fostering wanton terror and destruction upon Lyndria's helpless creations.

The other six of the Nine rallied their forces, but were wholly overwhelmed by the might of the Primordials, an endless engine of unbound energy pouring from the Elemental Planes.

the obliteration
of his favored
Material Plane and
battled against the forces
of the Elementals, a clash
that shook the cosmos beyond the
planar boundaries. In his efforts
Saudade was cleaved in two, torn asunder
by the raw energies of the Primordials, but with the
last of his power he sealed the gates of the Elemental Plane, protecting the Material from the boundless stream of chaos.

The Material Plane still held remnants of the Primordials and the forces of the Abyss, allied with the evil Three Prime Deities. Saudade's work was not yet finished - a fraction of his remaining power coalesced and formed the dragon deities Bahamut and Tiamat, both determined to salvage the Material Plane. In an alliance with the remaining six Prime Deities, they fought against the remaining Primordials and the Abyss, imparting gifts upon the people of Lyndria to defend themselves. Bahamut and Tiamat both created dragons to aid in the battle, to lead and protect Lyndria's residents.

In a battle only spoken of in stories predating history, the dragons and the Six ultimately prevailed over their foes. The Abyss and the Elemental Planes were almost completely sealed, preventing any major incursions within the Material Plane for the forseeable future. The people of Lyndria were blessed with wondrous powers from all of the Nine, both arcane and divinely granted.

But of course, peace was only temporary. Bahamut and Tiamat came to disagreement, as Sabine and Arliman did many eons ago. Bahamut believed the dragons formed during the Tribulation should lead and guide the people of Lyndria, while Tiamat believed her children were the rightful heirs of Saudade's dominion. In order to prevent another conflict, the Good and Neutral Six of the Prime Dieties sealed the two dragons away from the Material Plane, halting another catastrophe. They realized their influence had continually led to destruction - thus, the agreement was made to depart from the Material Plane. With their combined efforts, all of the Nine Prime Deities were sealed away into the Outer and Astral Planes, never to return to the Material. They would leave their children to fend for themselves, only interfering by granting devoted followers just a small fraction of their power.

The world entered a long, dark period of recovery, when history had to be recovered and purpose had to be restored. The gods still exhibited their influence and guidance from beyond, bestowing their knowledge and power to their most devout worshippers, but the path of mortals was now their own to make. New cities, kingdoms, and cultures have retaken the world, built over the ashes of the old. Dragons formed their own dominions, or retreated into isolation following the departure of their creators. New songs fill the air, and the hope of a brighter future drives people day after day, while buried ruins and forgotten relics remind all people of a darker time of mistakes that should never be repeated.

Lyndria Reborn

Following the creation, and the war that ensued of the Prime Deities and the various creatures from the other planes, the world was now left to rise from the ashes and begin a new era. While every region has had their own rebirth since the terrible destruction of the Tribulation, the continent that now bears the name of this setting shall remain the focus. We shall dive into the founding of Alestria. Many years ago, what is now known as the continent of Tobolsk housed the toughest of the tough of restored civilization. It was the hardy, dependable dwarves who best weathered the war between gods and mortals, and within the Heart of Tobolsk, the dwarven clans built the beautiful city of Soskoos.

The proud clans were the first to reclaim the riches of the earth, and nestled in its safe embrace they founded expansive mines of rich metals and minerals, ensuring a prosperous foothold of the entire north. Far to the south east of Tobolsk lives the eladrin. In the wake of the Tribulation, the surviving found shelter in the otherworldly peace of the Feywild, returning a generation later, united under the guidance of an eladrin sorceress named Lyeneru. The eladrin rallied to her both for her defiant strength and her compassion in the face of adversity. It was under Lyeneru’s wise rule that eladrin society once again began to reform. She led her people throughout the lands of Frolois and the elves changed over time and changed with the surrounding area. The new elven society came to call this land Frolois in their tongue, the Fields of the Heavens above and they refer to the continent of Frolois by that name to this day. The dwarves and elves are long-lived people, and while they struggled to rebuild their civilizations, there were those among them who still remembered the world that was. The humans were not so fortunate. Their histories are only spoken through word of mouth and not of parchment and vellum, did not survive the years. Yet humanity endured.

The other continents of Vocob-Caquix and Pedminara were slower to civilization and much more wild than the established lands of Tobolsk and Frolois. Dragonborns rule the lands of Vocob and constantly pushed the others under their thumb, constantly at war. Pedminara holds the closest semblance to the lands molded by the Elementals, and remains under its untamed influence. Finally, in the center of it all, rests the frontier land of Alestria.

The Rise of Alestria

Legend tells that the gods themselves hold the land of Alestria in high regard, as the ground upon which they wrested control from the Elementals and sealed away their influence. The rip across the southern part of Alestria known as the Savage Divide remains as a testament to the banishment of the abyssal demons, leaving a scar upon the land. The Crags of Atlas remain enchanted by the magic of Brumous, who raised chunks of rock and hurled them at his foes, a reminder of his might.

Alestria holds races of every tribe and creed, all brought together by the Nine to take part in the conflicts of the Tribulation. The land is marked with errant portals to other planes, left behind from the chaotic magic inflicted upon its soil. It continues to be a wild and dangerous land, and to this day all speak in their native tongues of the limitless potential of this storied continent upon which the gods all stood, known as Alestria.

Pantheon of Lyndria

When the war in the heavens transpired, a powerful barrier between the Material Plane and the divine realms was formed. This has sealed away the Prime Deities to their respective domains in hopes of salvaging the new age and preventing another Calamity. The gods patiently watch their creations from

from beyond the veil, lending what small power to their devoted followers and to aid their faithful in their goals and pursuits.These provided gods and titles are recommended as the existing pantheon. The domains provided are those likely chosen by clerics and followers of that deity. Discuss with your GM how best to dress your domain choice to fit within the philosophies and commandments of your patron.

Pantheon Chart

Deity Rank Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol
Saudade, God of Creation Supreme LN --- ---
Sabine, Goddess of the Stars Greater CG --- Seven randomly placed stars
Arliman, God of the Void Greater LE --- Golden band with a black center
Surya, Goddess of Light Prime LG Light, Order Rising sun
Galia, Goddess of Life Prime NG Life, Nature Four-winged angel
Mayara, Goddess of the Moon Prime CG Night, Trickery Harp encased in crescent moon
Kairos, God of Death Prime LN Grave, Order Hourglass
Zemyna, Goddess of Magic Prime N Arcana, Knowledge Overlapping rings
Brumous, God of Storms Prime CN Tempest, Nature Eye of the storm
Velonese, God of Undeath Prime LE Death, Blood Eight-pointed skull
Theron, God of War Prime NE War, Forge Iron palm
Devika, Goddess of Pestilence Prime CE Death, Nature Raven in flight

Prime Deities

The nine Prime Deities involve the leaders and luminary creators that battled the Primordial Titans and instigated the Dawn of Inception, forging the mortal races of Lyndria. They represent a spectrum of light, protection, love, death, and all other facets of freedom and life in the world. While some gods may disagree over domains and intent, they exist in a subtle alliance to maintain the sanctity of life and their respective creations.


Goddess of Light

Alignment: Lawful Good Domains: Light, Order

Surya stands lord over sun and summer, her vigil encircling the ages as an ever-brilliant lantern. Her followers are guardians for the needy and eradicators of evils, notably hunters of aberrations. She is oft portrayed as a strong figure in silver and gold armor, her head a beacon of light and fire so bright that a face could rarely be seen within. Many statues in holy places treat the head as a brazier, illuminated at dawn and extinguished at dusk. Surya's priests teach that the truly strong don't need to prove their power. Strength is a spiritual fortitude, opposed to physical might. However, Surya urges her followers to remember that excessive attention to things of evil can blind one to the truly important things: compassion and goodness. Judges and rulers pay respect and muse within her temples, which stand as judicial pillars in many cities across Lyndria. Peace and order through structure and law guides the will of her devout followers.

Charges of Surya

  • Justice and freedom are brought about through charity, modesty, and perseverance.
  • Do right so that you may be a beacon of light for those without, a bastion for the weak.
  • Be vigilant against the forces of evil, corruption, and darkness.

The symbol of Surya. A rising sun.

The symbol of Galia. A four-winged angel.


Goddess of Life

Alignment: Neutral Good Domains: Life, Nature

Galia is a goddess of compassion and redemption, her message one of understanding and optimism in even the darkest of places. Her worshipers claim that her divine glimmer gave life to the natural world, and some contend that she is the creator and source of all mortal races. She is the revered lady of agriculture and harbinger of the harvest, her followers typically including farmers and most common folk, her priests welcome in lands all over. Galia’s followers are often rural healers and community leaders in agriculture. Galia is represented as a beautiful, maternal like being with light hair, rising on two pairs of ivory angel wings. Galia is believed to be the eldest of the prime deities.

Charges of Galia

  • Lead with mercy, patience, and compassion. Inspire others to unite in fellowship.
  • Aid those who are without a guide. Heal those who are without hope.
  • Those who are beyond redemption, who revel in slaughter and remorseless evil, must meet swift justice.


Goddess of the Moon

Alignment: Chaotic Good Domains: Night, Trickery

Mayara sends her will as the goddess of moon light, as well as the patron of illusions and misdirection. She is largely considered to be the deity of love, protecting the trysts of lovers with shadows of her own making. Those who work in darkness and trickery often ask for her blessing, her symbol worn an an emblem representing luck itself. Her depictions are as numerous as myths and stories of romance, often meddling with complex unions. It is rumored that acolytes of Mayara maintain an intricate network of informants, dispersed throughout cities all over Lyndria. It is also rather thinly veiled that this network often provides employment for all sorts of thieves, beggars and thugs.

She is most often painted as a beautiful woman of light blue skin and white hair, her body and limbs but wavy silk strands of silver moonlight that caress and create the edges of shadows. Her worship is common among merchants, free spirits, and adventurers, with tavern cheers calling to her honor as a bringer of luck and fortune.

Charges of Mayara

  • Let passion be your guide, and your destiny your own.
  • Let the night protect you from the burning light of those who would rob you of your freedom.
  • Walk unbridled and untethered, finding and forging new memories and experiences.

The symbol of Mayara. A harp encased in a crescent moon.

The symbol of Kairos. An hourglass.


God of Death

Alignment: Lawful Neutral Domains: Grave, Order

Fair yet cold, Kairos stands as the god of death and watches over those who pass on. His gaze follows and marks the end of each mortal life, watching over the transition between life and death and ensuring the natural transition is undefiled. Many funerals call to his blessing in hopes that he will protect the deceased from the terrible curse of undeath. Those within the grave clergy have many duties; most involve tending to the last wishes of the dying and providing burial services to those who died alone. Their final and arguably most important task is the destruction of undeath in all its various forms, as it was an affront to Kairos. He is seen to be an elvish man who holds an hourglass and makes sure the structure of life is fair and balanced.

Charges of Kairos

  • Death is the natural end of life. There is no pity for those who have fallen.
  • The path of Fate is sacrosanct. Those who pridefully attempt to cast off their destiny must be punished.
  • Undeath is an atrocity. Those who would pervert the transition of the soul must be brought down.


Goddess of Magic

Alignment: True Neutral Domains: Arcana, Knowledge

Revered by seers, sages, and teachers of all walks of life, Zemyna is the goddess who brought forth the weave itself and looks after it. She tends to the weave constantly, making possible all the miracles and mysteries wrought by magic and users of magic. She is believed to be the embodiment of the Weave and the arcane herself, her veins the ley lines, her breath the mists and her body the pulsing, thrumming earth. Her devout now worship her through practicing magic together, spreading knowledge, philosophy, and lore in their gather places. Common representations show Zemyna as a young woman swathed in billowing robes and scarves that fan into books and scrolls.

The common dogma among her followers is to spread knowledge wherever it is prudent to do so. Curb and deny falsehoods, rumors, and deceitful tales whenever you encounter them. Write or copy lore of great value at least once a year and give it away. Sponsor and teach bards, scribes, and record keepers. Spread truth and knowledge so that all folk may revel in enlightenment. Never deliver a message falsely or incompletely.

Charges of Zemyna

  • Learn the secrets of the weave and unveil them to the world.
  • Uphold and teach the importance of reason, perception, and truth in guiding one’s emotions and path.
  • Follow the echoes of lost magics, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie Zemyna’s works.

The symbol of Zemyna. Overlapping rings.

The symbol of Brumous. The eye of a storm.


God of Storms

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Domains: Tempest, Nature

Where thunder cracks and conflict rises, prayers to Brumous are shouted into the maelstrom. Brumous followers revel in all tests of strength, and his blessing finds those who prove themselves on the battlefield. He brings tumultuous storms over land and sea, and those who wish for clearer skies offer their praises and prayers in hopes of appeasing his will. He is the protector of nature and bringer of storms. Brumous has a beard, short curled hair, and strong muscled body. Most depictions have Brumous in mid-wrestle with a terrible beast, traced in lightning, and always in a stance of dominance.

Charges of Brumous

  • Bravery above all. There is no glory in cowardice.
  • Strength is the path to greatness, but greatness is the responsible use of strength.
  • The glory of Brumous lives through the beauty found in storms and nature.


God of Undeath

Alignment: Lawful Evil Domains: Death, Blood

Velonese orders his followers to demand respect and take hold of the world around them, seeking honor within the creeds of evil and savage creatures. Followers of him believe that if you rightfully kill someone then they are yours to do as you wish beyond death. His words are honeyed and carefully crafted, soothing and corrupting the mortal heart. Velonese’s most devout servants are twisted more and more to look undead as they gain power from him. He promises to those who follow him that sacrifices of greater and greater magnitude bring them ever closer to immortality and command over his dominion. To the souls that have not gone to rest after death due to choices made during their lifetime, Velonese offers an opportunity for retribution, to do his bidding in undeath. He is depicted as a towering tyrant who wears full plate armor, carrying a massive maul that crushes the weak that dare to challenge him.

Charges of Velonese

  • Assert dominance and power over others. Show your strength of will in the image of the Lord.
  • Repay cruelty done unto you with further evil. If others show you kindness, exploit it. Compassion is unwarranted for the weak.
  • Power at all cost, for what you do in life will only empower you in death.

The symbol of Velonese. An eight-pointed skull.

The symbol of Theron. An iron palm.


God of War

Alignment: Neutral Evil Domains: War, Forge

Blood-drenched armies of brutal warriors oft crush their foes in the name of Theron. The darkened patron of war and conquest, Theron twists all living things to his iron will, ensuring no one is bound by order but ensuring death is met with glory in battle and subjugation.To serve his will is to accept the call to conflict, seeking lesser people to break and subjugate. Barbarian tribes and warmongering nations like Vocob-Caquix worship Theron as they strike out at the world to bend it beneath them. Theron twists all living things to his iron will, making sure there is order and ensuring the natural transition is undefiled. A dark reflection of the honorable warrior, Theron is depicted as a brutish orc-like man clad in jagged black armor. Heads dangle from his belt, and the shadow that obscures his helmeted face does not hide his unblinking, piercing yellow eyes.

Charges of Theron

  • Fear is your ally. Conquer yours to draw it from your foes.
  • Disorder and rebellion are to be punished severely through combat, as combat is Theron's greatest gift.
  • Seek out vengeance to those who come against you and your clan.


Goddess of Pestilence

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Domains: Death, Nature

The consuming force of Devika is one to be reckoned with, a contagion oft advised to stay far away from. She commands her hordes across the lands to devour, pillage, and convert in her own name. While often portrayed as crazed, radical even, followers of Devika are 'simply overwhelmed' by the bounty of the world, believing that they glorify their goddess through their zealous consumption. Many initially worship her out of fear, in hopes that they would be spared from her all-devouring ruination, only to fall prey to its influence. Those who follow her do not call themselves ‘followers’; those devout are simply considered members of the ‘Murder’. Death means nothing to them, as the entirety of their being is known to be exhausted and utilized by other members of their following. Only in death do they believe they join Devika in her realm, to finally be in eternal union with her. The devout do not refer to themselves as 'I, me, my' but as 'we, us, ours' as they believe in being one under their goddess. She is portrayed as a tall, slender woman with black eyes and a bald head, with the ability to shift into a swarm of crows.

Charges of Devika

  • The will of one never outweighs the will of the murder.
  • Only through growth shall the Murder find ascension.
  • Dying is only stepping stones to us, even through death we serve the Murder.

The symbol of Devika. A raven, wings unfurled.

Deity Worship in Grimhollow

The city of Grimhollow is welcoming to all visitors who worship these deities - the Church of Nine has private areas dedicated to each of these deities fit for meditation and prayer. Even the gods and goddesses typically aligned with evil have spaces for worship, albeit warily, provided that the actions of those devout do not endanger the lives of those living within the city. Scholars of divinity insist that even the most suspect of the Nine have foundations rooted in humble reverence. Cultist activity is an uncommon but not entirely foreign practice in Grimhollow, and is appropriately stifled by the royal guard should they ever be found to cause disturbances to the general populace.

Lesser Deities

By no means is this an exhaustive list of Lyndria's massive pantheon; every tribe and conclave worships their own variation of gods and goddesses, perhaps hailing from planes entirely separate.

The residents of the Frostspire Mountains, for example, are wholly devoted to the celestial deity Aurora, bringer of the wintry storms and provider of all life sustaining. The continent of Tobolsk is named after a mighty god of the same name, originator of the forge and inspirer of all steelcraft. Surya, goddess of the sun, is most certainly portrayed differently in Sombrian tomes than on the capes of warfathers in the Dunes of Rust.

Always take into account how your character's homeland would view one of the nine major gods, and allow that to mold his or her perception on the world as we understand it.

Intermediate Deities

A intermediate deity is a type of deity who was less powerful than a greater deity. They were, however, above lesser deities, demigods, and dead powers in the ranking of powers. Intermediate deities had hundreds of thousands of worshipers. Generally they are servants of the prime deities, and the independent ones are generally outcasts.


Goddess of The North

Alignment: True Neutral Domains: Nature, Tempest, Grave

Aurora is winter incarnate, a goddess of both blessings and wrath. The daughter of Bromos and beloved of Kairos. Whether it be an unlikely abundance in livestock or merciful shelter from her storms, all bounty is blessed and received in veneration of her name within the Frostspires. Lights are a gift from Kairos as she saw Surya and Mayara’s light. The Northern Lights are believed to carry the souls of their loved ones to Kairos. Wayward tales of her frost-laden influence pervade the mountain communities; legends of mirage-like, angelic incarnations who judge forlorn travelers, providing either safe passage or frosted punishment. Her influence extends in the Frostpire mountains, Mirkwood, and The North.

Charges of Aurora

  • The North teaches many lessons, those that do not learn do not survive.
  • Respect the forces of nature, for they are never ending/overpowering/absolute, something that denotes they are the true testers of man. We do not change nature, nature changes us.
  • Life is a cycle, we are born and we will die.

Lights over mountaintop

An anvil with holy flames coming off of it


God of the Forge

Alignment: Lawful Neutral Domains: Forge

Through The Dawn of Inception, Tobolsk was the first dwarf to have ever be created by Galia. During the Trials of Tribulation he fought alongside many others to face the fiends in the lands that he lived in, which is now present day Tobolsk. He was granted godhood during this time from the Prime Deities. After the Tribulation he spent his time working at his forge, the summers were too hot and the metal on his forge would never harden, and winter was too cold to even start the forge. So he continued his long sleep beneath the earth waiting for the time to forge again.

As the dwarves after him populated the land where he reigned they also honored him for the might things he has done. Here the god would rest until his dwarves had need of him. With all of his work finished Tobolsk took the first dwarves out of the world forge and set them in the mountains of the world, and laid down to rest.

Tobolsk may be the god of Dwarves but any smith, builder or craftsmen may pray to The Forge Father for help or inspiration. Clerics of Tobolsk are known as Forgesons, or The God’s Builders: they travel the world to teach the art of the forge, help raise cities and protect civilization and certain sacred mountains from threats deemed worth the effort by their God.

Charges of Tobolsk

  • Honor Tobolsk by emulating his principles and workmanship in smithing, stoneworking, and other tasks.
  • Advance the society in all areas of life. Innovate with new processes and skills.
  • Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience.

Raven Queen

Goddess of Shadowfell

Alignment: True Neutral Domains: Life, Death

The Raven Queen is an unaligned lesser deity residing in the Shadowfell. The name of this goddess of death is long forgotten amoung most mortals, but she renown amoung all things in relation to the plane of shadow. This can vary from the Shadar-Kai to beings who posses power from her. She is the spinner of fate and the patron of winter. She marks the end of each mortal life, and mourners call upon her during funeral rites, in the hope that she will guard the departed from the curse of undeath. Any familiars you create that related to her resemble ravens, and they are treated as such.

Charges of Raven Queen

  • Hold no pity for those who suffer and die, for death is the natural end of life.
  • Bring down the proud who try to cast off the chains of fate. As the instrument of the Raven Queen, you must punish hubris where you find it.
  • Watch for the cults of undeath and stamp them out whenever they arise. They seeks to claim the Raven Queen's throne.

Portrait of Raven

Lesser Deities

A Lesser deity has thousands to tens of thousands of followers. Another factor that determined a deity's status was the devoutness of the followers. Their powers are lesser than a Prime deity, however, intermediate deities are above demigods in the ranking of powers.


  • Annam, god of giants.
  • Bahamut, god of good dragons.
  • Corellon Larethian, god of elves.
  • Garl Glittergold, god of gnomes.
  • Gruumsh, god of orcs.
  • Kurtulmak god of kobolds.
  • Lolth, goddess of Drow.
  • Moradin, god of dwarves.
  • Dendar, god of yuan-ti.
  • Merrshaulk, goddess of Yuan-ti.
  • Sseth, god of Yuan-ti.
  • Tiamat, goddess of evil dragons.
  • Yondalla, goddess of halflings.


  • Lord of the First: Bel
  • Lord of the Second: Dispater, The Iron Duke
  • Lord of the Third: Mammon, the Viscount
  • Lords of the Fourth: Fierna and Belial
  • Lord of the Fifth: Prince Levistus
  • Lord of the Sixth: The Archduchess Glasya, the Princess of Hell, daughter of Asmodeus
  • Lord of the Seventh: Baalzebul, the Slug Archduke
  • Lord of the Eighth: Mephistopheles, Archduke of Cania
  • Lord of the Ninth: Asmodeus, King of the Nine Hells

Demon princes

  • Baphomet: Demon lord of minotaurs, beasts, vengeance
  • Demogorgon: Prince of Demons
  • Eltab: Demon lord of hatred, retribution
  • Graz'zt: Demon lord of darkness, seduction, guile, debauchery
  • Kostchtchie: Demon lord of frost giants, wrath, rage
  • Orcus: Demon lord of undeath
  • Pazrael (also called Pazuzu): Demon lord of evil flying creatures, corruption
  • Sess'Innek: Demon lord of khaastas, lizard kings, civilization, domination
  • Yeenoghu: Demon lord of gnolls
  • Malkizid: Fallen Solar Angel of Corellon Larethian who was tempted by Nerull to kill the elven god.

Monster Deities

  • Blibdoolpoolp: Goddess of kuo-toas, evil undersea creatures.
  • Essyllis: God of lizardfolk.
  • Ghaunadaur: God of Abominations, oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels.
  • Yeenoghu: God of gnolls.
  • Great Mother: Goddess of beholders.
  • Hruggek: God of bugbears.
  • Ilsensine: God of illithids.
  • Maglubiyet: God of goblins, hobgoblins.
  • Piscaethces: God of aboleths.
  • Sekolah: God of sahuagin.
  • Semuanya: God of Lizardfolk.
  • Shekinester: Goddess of nagas.
  • Vaprak: God of ogres and trolls.


Size: Large City
Population: 9,136
  • 55% Human
  • 20% Elf
  • 10% Dwarf
  • 15% Other


Grimhollow began as nothing more than a humble fishing village, living peacefully within the valley of a number of tall hills, protected by dense forests and a large bay. The natives in this unexplored continent were unlearned but very much attuned to the land, adept at navigating the major rivers and living off the gifts of the natural wildlife.

Much changed upon the arrival of Cearovi and her peers. She and eight others had traveled to from Frolois to Alestria following tales of uncharted territories, magical happenings, and discoveries yet to be found. The village of Grimhollow was formally ungoverned but perfectly positioned to thrive - the pioneers from Frolois brought with them a plethora of talents, from eastern agriculture and modern tools to arcane construction.

What began as a charity to the village soon became an inclination to settle, to mark the location as the flagship for all Alestrian civilizations to follow. The natives, thankful for their contributions, blessed the arrivals and pushed for them to lead and govern. Cearovi was against it, believing herself unfit for rule - she very much wished to instead travel the continent and scribe books of her future adventures in Alestria, testing her arcane talents against the elements.

After much debate, Cearovi and the others established a nine-person council. Cearovi was granted charge of the Atheneum, titled the Loremaster, building a new library that would come to contain all kinds of archived information across Lyndria. From there the council then helped to establish the Brotherhood, an independent guild that invited adventurers to help build out the city and explore the lands uncharted. People joined this organization, and the city began to flourish.

Alas, prosperity would quickly be met with challenge. Grimhollow was subject to a number of disastrous trials, both natural and orchestrated, and the government was forced to splinter. All of the Council of Nine save Cearovi had either perished or since left Grimhollow, leaving the archivist to run the city on her own.

For a time, the Brotherhood worked under the council’s command, but differences soon following led them to announce their independence once more. And so, the burden of Grimhollow currently rests soundly on the shoulders of the archivist, now governess - she has since collected a small handful of capable individuals to work under her hand, as well as established acquaintance and alliance with the more prominent adventurers living within her city.


Governess Cearovi has undisputed command over the city and its inhabitants. In recent years, her magic is often used to ward against incoming dangers and stifle calamity, but even an accomplished arcanist such as herself requires assistance. She has assigned a small collection of officers under her command should management of Grimhollow grow beyond her individual talents.

Crime and Defense

The city supports a sizable army consisting of royal guards, professional soldiers, and town watch. Each noble in residence maintains a small force of personal bodyguards. There is a large wall that surrounds and defends Grimhollow from more monstrous or militarized threats, as well as a naval command that secures the bay. Still, thieves and cutpurses are not uncommon, taking advantage of the winding streets and darkened alleyways of the city. Drug trade and gambling are among the seedier activities that take place behind closed doors, often stemming from a larger organization likely residing within Smallhollow.


Grimhollow Palace

Where Queen Cearovi lives, holds meetings and answers concerns of the lands. If you are of sufficient social status you can enter the Golden Keep with business to complete. Balls and galas which are held within its walls for the most deserving of guests.

Church of Nine

When Grimhollow was first constructed, many religious leaders and zealots sought to control the divine beliefs of the future city. This was frowned upon by many of the people who sought freedom, riches, and establishment of new lives for themselves. As a result, the Church of the Nine was built to represent its religious acceptance of all peoples from all over Lyndria. While other countries choose to worship a few, if any of the gods, Grimhollow offers freedom and refuge for those with religious beliefs. While once only a place of worship, the first War for Grimhollow resulted in the destruction of the entire left wing, which was later rebuilt to act as a medical center of those in need. The area below the medical wing is used as a place for quarantine and more advanced medical needs, and in the middle of the church there is a vast garden containing herbs and plants useful for the healing arts as well as worshipping rituals. The right wing carries a shrine dedicated to all nine of the major gods worshipped, a separate space allocated for each.

The Guild Hall

Once known as the Brotherhood, the guild hall of the present now houses the Alestrian Sentinels, an independent organization dedicated to the exploration and preservation of the continent. This guild hall is divided into three factions, each led by a powerful representative that guides their creed and explorative goals. The guild is also in charge of managing the city’s library, known as the Atheneum, recently built anew. Many adventurers will find lodgings and information for their services, and are sure to find peers in their future expeditions.


A city would not be complete without a public forum, and for Grimhollow these exist as taverns, places of dining, lodging and fellowship. The two most famous taverns within Grimhollow are the World’s End Tavern and the Black Barrel, each of unique acclaims. The World’s End is a historic monument, dating back to the city’s inception. It has finely maintained lodgings, and carries a sizable menu with fresh ingredients straight from the market, often inviting the wealthier of the city’s residents. The Black Barrel, in contrast, is considerably more weathered, mostly due to its rambunctious tenants. It boasts a large public bath, experimental drinks, and patrons of every race and creed. Other taverns and lodgings are peppered throughout the city, mostly built and run by adventurers of Grimhollow looking to settle and prosper financially.

Training Grounds

Sitting along the outskirts of the city near the harbor, a large arena two-hundred feet wide was constructed to foster the talents of both the city guard and adventurers alike. Occasionally shows will be hosted within the grounds, inviting citizens to witness combat and theatre for entertainment. The doors remain open during daylight, allowing any to enter and utilize the premises when no other events are planned.

The Academy

This institute was constructed with the intent to achieve a higher understanding of the arcane and push the limits of magic. It represents a union that transcends continents -

academies are built in most major cities across Lyndria and maintain a degree of communication.

As such, they bear no allegiance to any specific government or crown, instead furthering their studies for the betterment of all. As the magic practiced there can be bold and unpredictable, its doors are typically closed to all visitors, only inviting the truly noteworthy in their respective arcane fields to participate in their research.

Grimhollow: The Royal Officers

The governing of Grimhollow would be more than burdensome on a single individual. Even Governess Cearovi was once a singular member on a nine-person council, the original ruling party of the once fledgling city. Today the chain of command remains if not condensed. The current leadership is all hand-chosen by Cearovi herself, from various corners of the world to provide a spectrum of ideas and cultural influences.

Fortaeus Granwell, Commander of the Royal Guard

A dark-skinned man tall of stature, Granwell is a stern, quiet individual, speaking only when necessary. He hails from Pedminara, and was once the active warfather and diviner of a tribe long lost.

Since his arrival many years ago, he has always pledged absolute allegiance to Governess Cearovi, although they do not always see eye to eye. He believes in order above all, a steady hand and a stalwart stance being the catalyst to peace.

He worships the goddess Surya, has a powerful tie to the celestial realm, and has a strong disdain for disguises and illusions. Granwell is a passionate, honest soul, and will stop at nothing to protect those who fall under his bulwark.

Rivera, Chief of Investigation

With pale features and piercing yellow eyes, Rivera immediately comes across as someone not to be trifled with. She often carries herself with poise, never giving away more than a hint of emotion towards friend or foe.

She hails from Frolois, a graduate of Valkur Military Academy, seeking to bring her talents elsewhere. She often leads the interrogation of high-profile criminals and is tasked to glean information from incoming threats to the city, usually behind illusory veils or closed doors. Her and Granwell have a tenuous partnership at best, often disagreeing on how to address incoming calamities and rival leaders across the continent.

Malcolm Lasalle, Loremaster

Since Cearovi had taken the helm of Grimhollow’s leadership, another archivist was tasked to maintain the records of Alestria’s history and landscape.

Malcolm is a reserved fellow, slow to speech, often keeping to his own devices within the palace’s private library. He leads the Division of Discovery, a small collection of arcanists that study and gather intelligence on environments and their inhabitants over long distances.

Malcolm is loyal to the throne and often shies away from confrontation.

I’mai, Landcrafter

Hailing from the harsh lands of the Forbidden Jungle, I’mai understands the importance of respecting wildlife and the world around it. She was personally recruited by Cearovi, recognized for her talents in earth-shaping and nuanced understanding of nature. The dark-featured woman leads a team of druids and rangers that work to correct the irregularities of the land surrounding Grimhollow, ensuring that the soil remains fertile and the waters carry no poison or impurities. She is incredibly outspoken about preserving the natural state of the environment and often debates at length with Winoa.

Winoa Windsall, Countess of Coin

A shrewd businesswoman with a silver tongue, Winoa manages the treasury of the government and presides over the Golden Keep, where most monetary agreements are decided. She carries no arcane talents beyond her natural charisma, often striking deals with the nobility that reside within Grimhollow. She is the catalyst towards city expansion, and the surveyor towards where the government’s expenses are funneled.

The Warden, Head of Prison

The Warden is not a formally recognized officer of the Grimhollow government, but he is the head guardian of the city’s prison wards. The curious tiefling was discovered and met in the southern city of Mulac-Caquix, following an incident within a make-shift foster home he resided in. Cearovi, against much controversy, brought him to Grimhollow to ensure the absolute protection of the ward. An off-beat, introspective individual, the Warden is a talent at illusory magic and only responds to Cearovi’s orders regarding who enters and who leaves, recognizing only a small handful of her officers.

Where Are They Now?

Most of Grimhollow's leadership stays behind closed doors unless called upon for tasks under their jurisdiction. Even while Governess, Cearovi remains the face of Grimhollow's leadership, with her officers fulfilling their duties out of sight. For some, it is a position of humility - a servant of the people does not require city-wide acclaim. For others, their work is much easier to accomplish without the prying eyes of civilians. Whether that works in their favor or otherwise is still up for discussion.

For all except the Warden, the Grimhollow Palace is where they all reside. You would be hard-pressed to successfully request an audience, but a number of the more storied adventurers have already met with the Governess on more than a few occasions for matters of the city's well-being.

Laws of Grimhollow

I. Crimes Against Lords, Officials and Nobles

Assaulting or impersonating a Lord. death
Assaulting or impersonating an official or noble. flogging, imprisonment up to a tenday, and fine up to 500 gp
Blackmailing an official. flogging and exile up to 10 years
Bribery or attempted bribery of an official. exile up to 20 years and fine up to double the bribe amount
Murder of a Lord, official, or noble. death
Using magic to influence a Lord without consent. imprisonment up to a year, fine or damages up to 1,000 gp
Using magic to influence an official without consent. fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

II. Crimes against the City

Arson. death or hard labor up to 1 year, with fines and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus 2,000 gp
Brandishing weapons without due cause. imprisonment up to a tenday, fine up to 10 gp
Espionage. death or permanent exile
Fencing stolen goods. fine equal to the value of the stolen goods and edict
Forgery of an official document. flogging and exile for 10 summers
Hampering justice. fine up to 200 gp and hard labor up to a tenday
Littering. fine up to 2 gp and edict
Poisoning a city well. death
Theft. flogging followed by imprisonment up to a tenday, hard labor up to 1 year, or fine equal to the value of the stolen goods
Treason. death
Vandalism. imprisonment up to a tenday plus fine and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus up to 100 gp
Using magic to influence an official without consent. fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

III. Crimes against the Gods

Assaulting a priest or lay worshiper. imprisonment up to a tenday and damages up to 500 gp
Defilement of the dead. Imprisonment up to 1 year or permanent exile
Disorderly conduct within a temple. fine up to 5 gp and edict.
Theft of temple goods or offerings. imprisonment up toa tenday and damages up to double the cost of the stolen items
Tomb-robbing. imprisonment up to a tenday and damages covering the cost of repairs plus 500 gp

IV. Crimes against Citizens

Assaulting a citizen. imprisonment up to a tenday, flogging, and damages up to 1,000 gp
Blackmailing or intimidating a citizen. fine or damages up to 500 gp and edict
Burglary. imprisonment up to 3 months and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp
Damaging property or livestock. damages covering the cost of repairs or replacement plus up to 500 gp
Disturbing the peace. fine up to 25 gp and edict
Murdering a citizen without justification. death or hard labor up to 10 years, and damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin
Murdering a citizen with justification. exile up to 5 years, hard labor up to 3 years, damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin
Robbery. hard labor up to 1 month and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp
Slavery. flogging and hard labor up to 10 years
Using magic to influence a citizen without consent. fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict


Punishment for a crime can include one or more of the following, based on the nature of the crime, who or what the crime is committed against, and the criminal record of the convicted:

  • Death
  • Exile (for a number of years or summers)
  • Flogging (a set number of strokes)
  • Hard labor (for a period of days, months, or years depending on the seriousness of the crime)
  • Imprisonment in the prison dungeons (for a period of days or months depending on the seriousness of the crime)
  • Fine (payable to the city; inability to pay the fine leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
  • Damages (payable to the injured party or victim’s kin; inability to pay damages leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
  • Edict (forbidding the convicted from doing something; violation of an edict can result in imprisonment, hard labor, and/or fine.

Alestrian Sentinels


The guild provides a centralized location to procure employment, receiving contracts from those who need hired swords and passing them along to its members. In most cases, the reputation of the guild as a whole attracts more clients both commoners and the wealthy than any individual might on his own. Some guilds provide healing for their members; this is not free, or even discounted, but at least the individual always knows where to find an available cleric if they choose to not go to the Church for whatever reasons. Similarly, the guildhouse is considered a place of safety, where a member can go to avoid enemies or simply leave the combat and carnage behind for a short while. In an urban environment, the guild serves to legitimize its members: City governments tolerate members of recognized guilds far more readily than they would independent swords-for-hire wandering around their streets.


To ensure the safety and prosperity of Grimhollow and adventure all of Alestria to discover the riches of magics and natural resources as well as understand the land around them. We are working towards forming a strong coalition against the forces that threaten all, rid of such threats whenever and wherever they arise, and be champions of the people. This guild is designed expressly for those who battle monsters, hunt treasure, and explore unknown lands, and seek to assist and make connections with other civilizations.

Guild Hall

An guild hall is an excellent spot for members to relax, share tales of their exploits, pick up rumors of evil cults within the city or lost ruins without, and meet with prospective employers. Many people looking to hire adventurers come to an adventurers guild first. In addition, PCs can easily acquire adventuring hirelings (NPCs) or cohorts through the guild, or hire freelance spellcasters to cast spells such as identify or restoration. In both cases, the guild keeps track of its members' abilities, and often directs potential employers to the adventurer or party that best fits their needs. In settings where adventuring parties can be licensed and registered, such as certain regions of Alestria, the guild can handle the necessary paperwork.

Feature: Guild Membership

As an established and respected member of a guild, you can rely on certain benefits that membership provides.

Your fellow guild members will provide you with lodging and food if necessary, and pay for your funeral if needed. The guildhall offers a central place to meet other members of your profession, which can be a good place to meet potential patrons, allies, or hirelings.

If you are accused of a crime, your guild will support you if a good case can be made for your innocence or the crime is justifiable.


There are 3 factions within the guild; Wayfarers Faction, Slayers Faction, and Emissary Faction. You are only allowed to join one faction within the guild per character.

Emissary Faction

Faction Type: Diplomacy, Investigation

Overview: To assist Grimhollow and its neighbors in diplomatic missions of peace, establish safe trade routes and bring needed aid to outposts to better relations and maintain communication. To end Slavery and other heinous acts against citizens in outlying settlements across Alestria. And to provide relief to those who need it during times of Crisis.

Emissary Feature: You have a lot of weight behind your name and have official paperwork that allows benefits and advantages with various forms of government. You will also receive a diplomat pack when you join.

Slayers Faction

Faction Type: Combat, Defense

Overview:The slayer is someone who provides a place of safety and camaraderie for those who live lives of great danger. You provide protection to the other factions when going out to complete jobs and you are the muscle of the group. This faction works to hone your hunting and fighting skills.

Slayers Feature: You gain free maintenance of weapons and armor from going out on missions. You may request up to twenty pieces of free amunition before they go out on specifically guild missions, to (Maximum twenty pieces at any time) and you are given a healer’s kit.

Wayfarers Faction

Faction Type: Exploration, Research

Overview: Studying, cataloging, and exploring of Alestria's various biomes, ecosystems, creatures, and of course flora and fauna. They often times go out to begin tracking and studying some creature, having to relocate some creatures to help a town or to establish a village somewhere. Possibly help keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another, and helping others survive the perils of the wilderness.

Wayfarers Feature: You gain aid in travel and are given all supplies from the explorers kit, cartographer’s tools, and always provided a free minor healing potion. (Maximum of one potion at any time).

The Guildless

Faction Type: Independent, Mercenary

Overview: The guild might be considered the heart and soul of Grimhollow and bringing many powerful adventures to seek refuge in Grimhollow. But the guild isn’t all that makes up the city. Many citizens choose not to join a guild-some because they can't be bothered, and others because they have philosophical objections to the very idea of guilds. The so-called guildless are people who choose to be independent agents. But even in the city's heart, some guildless citizens actively oppose the influence of the guilds. You might be a person who chooses to be an independent contractor.



The quintessence of possibility, the land unclaimed, the crossroads of Lyndria.

"Only a few centuries past, Alestria was but a fable to most; in the eastern hills of Frolois, explorers often dreamed of crossing the western mountains to a domain uncharted. Sailors in Tobolsk would take fancy to traveling south to warmer waters, but were simply derided by their peers for their lofty ideations. While scholars could never pinpoint exactly who the first settlers came to be, it was quickly discovered that this vast land held more than a few surprises. From dense jungles to frozen mountains, arid wastelands and darkened forests, the land that would come to be known as Alestria soon became famous as a realm wholly unpredictable.

At present, only a few cities have found refuge and bolstered themselves to flourish for the centuries to come. To the north lies Thrandul, a bastion of craftsmanship and naval prowess, home to the hardy folk of the wintry frostlands. To the south, the trade city of Mulac-Caquix thrives atop the scorched sands, home to a plethora of monstrous folk from Pedminara and Vocob-Caquix.

And of course, we have our brilliant city of Grimhollow, what I believe to be the crown jewel in Alestria's hillscape, a symbol of prosperity to all adventurers. It serves as an ever-present reminder that even the most perilous terrain bows to the tenacity of the stalwart pioneers of Lyndria.

With every passing year, while many continue to study this land and understand its mysteries, more and more researchers now realize that we have only scratched the surface as to what this continent truly holds. What discoveries await us? Only time and curiosity will tell!"

-- Cearovi Eroth, former Loremaster of Grimhollow

Regions of Alestria

Alestria Summit

Alestria Summit is certainly a curiosity. It was named such by the continent’s eastern neighbors of Frolois, a massive monument guarding a land yet unexplored. The mountain was a beacon to travelers westward, cresting mightily in the horizon beyond the hills of Fallohind. Climbers began scaling the mountain’s walls as a challenge, born from both curiosity and conceit to conquer the tallest peak of the continent. What they quickly realized was that there was much more to this mountain than previously inferred, and that it was unlikely that anyone would ever successfully scale the monolith. Caravans quickly learned that charting the mountain was impossible - what seemed to be a clear path at first became impassable terrain only nights later. Arcanists surmised that this was not a natural occurrence; in fact, the walls and bluffs of this mountain seemed to unnaturally shift with each passing day, creating and crumbling crags and caverns without warning. It wasn’t long before voyagers encountered their first earth elemental, a massive being entirely of stone and soil that loomed over them in passing, casting a shadow that wholly enveloped the road ahead. They were not beings of benevolence, nor were they antagonistic, but rather wholly indifferent to the concerns of humankind. Their existence halted all attempts at traversal, should any more unfortunate souls find themselves buried beneath an avalanche of stone. Today, Alestria Summit is more of a symbol than a prospect of conquest, an immovable challenge that mankind has yet to overcome. It was the first of many natural obstacles that the pioneers would come to face in their expeditions within the continent, and will most certainly withstand the test of time for many centuries to come.

Bloodwood Forest

The Bloodwood Forest is a land of history, of tales and troubles that predate the illustrious city of Grimhollow. The forest is accurately named such due to the naturally-occuring scarlet tree sap, a resin that stains the entirety of the forest’s woodwork a foreboding red hue. This also distorts the color of their leaves and causes the trees to “bleed” from the holes in their trunks. A multitude of other unique flora are present in the Bloodwood, which makes it an attractive location for herbalogists to visit, collecting and studying specimens on regular small expeditions. Many advancements in the crafting of medicines and various potions have been made in direct relation to the plant life unearthed from this land, often with curious and innocuous side effects. Some believe that the forest is safe for travel, but most advise not to wander too deep into its natural corridors.
The sanguine-shaded woods is home to a collection of oddities, likely due to its precarious position as an intersection between a number of otherworldly realms. Similar to the neighboring region to the east, the Fey are not at all uncommon in these parts. Fey have been known to emerge from the wood to be entertained by travelers, malevolent trickers and benevolent guides alike seeking small tributes and courtesies.

Hags, redcaps and korreds skirt through the forest from dusk until dawn, convincing most expeditioners that they should avoid the forest by moonlight. To the south, the land of decay known as the Breathless Morass often provides undead amalgamations that cross into the wooden borders. Even beneath the natural terrain, passages to the Underdark have supposedly been discovered, allowing terrors from below to find their way to the surface. There are an infinite amount of discoveries that could be unearthed within this land, should adventurers choose to brave the truly unpredictable nature of its residents.

Breathless Morass

Amidst the many threatening landscapes contained within the continent of Alestria, none rival the overwhelming presence of undeath that exists within the Breathless Morass. Even before the settling of Grimhollow, this withered land has always been known to harbor the wandering souls of the afterlife, tangible or otherwise. The ships that would dare navigate around Cinder Mountain in attempts to take the river up through the Breathless Morass would find the area choked with undead in waiting, clawing fervently through the waters in pursuit of their living counterparts. Very few attempts have been made to cull the undead in the area as they were not a threat to Frolois; this soon changed upon the advent and settlements of Grimhollow. After the city was properly established, it was discovered that a lich resided within the Breathless Morass, giving rise to the undead masses within the region that worked to spread northwards. The threat escalated to a conflict with an undead dragon, a terror that caught the attention of both Grimhollow and Frolois, compelling them to join forces against it and an undead horde. Even now the dead continue to plague the forsaken lands, threatening all who dare brave its passages.

Crags of Atlas

The Crags of Atlas are certainly an awe-inspiring view for any westward adventurers - impossibly tall, levitating steeps that soar miles high into the clouds. These enchanted earthen monoliths are relatively untouched by human hands due to the sheer heights and difficulty of travel. Legend speaks of two forlorn deities, one tied to the skies and the other bound to the soil; the earthen god created these floating mountains as a stairway to his love. The true origins of the crags are lost to the annals of history, but they remain a stunning sight to behold.

The Crags are in the northwest corner of Alestria. The local temperature is mostly temperate to cold, however the higher the crags go, the colder they are, the highest ones in perpetual snow. Most are uninhabitable and nigh impossible to get to, save for those with the ability to fly. While most are colder, bordering on bone-chilling, the climate of the crags is immensely variant. The outermost crags are rather simple, bleaks faces of rock with little vegetation and sometimes snow. The further in you go however, the rocks become more varied and unique. Some are vast enough to contain a small desert, some a lake, there might even be one or two with a miniature jungle.

Being so far apart, each island is thus blessed with its own unique biodiversity, flora, and in some odd cases, degrees of gravity. The floating mounds of stone are sometimes as dense as bedrock, incapable of being burrowed through, and other times are hollow and contain an entire ecosystem within. Those that can be dug into have proven to be rich in ore, due to being largely untouched by sentient hands over the millennia. Odd plants and animals live among the crags as well, oddities not found elsewhere in Lyndria. Griffons, tressyms and blood hawks are among the most common residents, creating wide nests resistant to the intense winds.

Only recently have a community of aarokocra settled atop the windy summits, eager to utilize the rich mineral deposits buried deep within its terrain. In the past decade or so, exploration began as Atlas, a renowned explorer, began to map out the multitudes of floating stone mountains. So far his progress is slow, due to a lack of funding, but attempts to create income by mining the Crags are being made, and history is - as they say - in the making.

Dragon's Teeth

In the early days of exploration, voyagers from Frolois would oft attempt to enter the Alestrian continent through the southeastern pass. This route was very quickly dismissed, however, at the sight of soot-covered mountains, charred black by the spewing lava from the tallest summit, an ever-burning volcano aptly named Cinder Mountain. Terrible tales returned to the mainland of dragons soaring through the clouds, laying waste to Froloian ships in clouds of scorching flame. It was quickly decreed that another route must be found to enter Alestria, and the spires called the Dragon’s Teeth were since avoided.

The shores of these blackened mountains are entirely unexplored, but many sailors have confirmed that a large concentration of dragons live within its peaks. Dark clouds darken the ocean skies surrounding these isles, mostly stemming from the orange glow of Cinder Mountain, an intimidating molten summit. Rumors tells of ethereal beings made entirely of flame traversing the mountainside, roaming the inner parts of the island and consuming anything that could fuel their burning intensity.

Spews of ash periodically rain across the stone wasteland, raising vast fires across miles of thick canopies. Experienced voyagers tell of a gargantuan red dragon soaring within the shadows of the volcanic plumes, threatening all who dare enter its domain. One could surmise that other dragons living within its shores are entirely subservient to this behemoth as it surveys its territory from above. There are tales that small huts can be seen on the sandy coasts, tribes of kobolds that revere their lofty rulers, sacrificing foolish adventurers who land upon their ashen shores to their draconic deities.

Dragonborn native to these lands typically swear a familial loyalty to the older dragon generations, gathering and providing plentiful harvests to their lairs. These dragonborn typically gravitate in allegiance towards the gold dragons of these embered islands, defending their conclave’s shores during assaults from their chromatic neighbors.

Dunes of Rust

The Dunes of Rust are arid, heat-stricken lands home to many dangers and equally as many mysteries. The wind-carved slopes of sand are aptly named after their reddish-orange hue, in contrast to the neighboring lands of the Southern Wilds just past the Savage Divide. It is no secret that dunes are home to a multitude of long-deteriorated ruins, likely vestiges of fallen civilizations or tombs intended to be left alone. These rarely uncovered monoliths are home to the most vicious of creatures, of massive scorpions and leucrotta defending the stark landmarks. Vicious sandstorms traverse the desert, frequently uncovering new ruins and buryng others. Those who navigate the harsh conditions are hard-pressed to locate exactly what they are searching for.

Despite this, many have found a home amongst the shifting sands. Tabaxi in particular have thrived in the desert - their talents in foraging and navigating dark dungeons have made them a valuable asset in long voyages across the dunes. Bugbears, hobgoblins and kenkus have all found their place among oasis settlements, their hardy lifestyles allowing them to persist much longer in the blistering heat. The Verdan are a unique existence across the dunes, ever-curious goblinoid individuals that have risen and adapted to surface life.

The Suryan Faithful are of significant note in this region, a clan of sun elves and occasionally their half-elven children whom often serve as local healers and diviners within these parts. Marauders are ever present here as well; roving bands of vagabonds that terrorize prosperous outcroppings and claim them as their own. Notorious warfathers like ‘Duskfang the Howler’ and ‘Embertongue Jinn’ are among the infamous few that strike fear in the hearts of every outpost. These bands of miscreants are quite often also the pioneers of desert travel, engineering garish yet effective vehicles that allow them to quickly traverse the ever-shifting landscape and avoid the terrors resting just beneath the surface.

Everlasting Grove

The Everlasting Grove, a lush, colorful land teeming with the most curious of wildlife and evergrowth, has come by many Alestrians to be synonymous with the overtones of the Feywild. From the dryad-inhabited tree trunks to the pixie communities within the underbush, every inch of this vivacious forest has been touched with the magic of a realm unseen. Cascading waterfalls paint the air with a rainbowed mist, branches bend and twist in outlandish swirls, vines crawl and curl of their own volition. Tiny creatures of fur, feather and flora populate the land, critters of every element completely foreign to the rest of the continent. The laws that bind nature are especially lenient here, creating an ecosystem where nothing is truly beyond possibility.

The perils of this wondrous land should not be understated, of course; travelers that wander through the thickets often find themselves haplessly enchanted by the mischievous spirits of the bloom. A curious soul might disappear for a day and return home many decades older, his years recklessly charmed away. The purest of water may be intoxicating to the lips, the brightest of greens a putrid poison. Colossal crystalline towers of many colors stand tall over many of the grove’s treetops, illuminated with an animated energy contained within. All of the grove’s inhabitants know to steer clear of these structures; even the slightest of disturbances can cause an eruption of radiant magic from all sides. Only the fey-touched have the proper knowledge to navigate these lands mostly unscathed; the oft sought after eladrin preside over these lands and may guide those adrift to a less whimsical refuge. Despite its tempting beauty, the Everlasting Grove is just as dangerous as its most frightful neighbors, and continues to lure even the most stalwart of adventurers into its captivating grasp.

Forbidden Jungle

The first explorers of the Forbidden Jungle
quickly learned of its perils - from its massive
predatory insects to the ever-present threat of
seemingly sentient carnivorous plant life, it was
incredibly clear that the land was inhospitable to
outsiders. The air is always humid and unbearably hot,
even beneath of shadowed canopies, and the water is tainted with the toxins of its natural inhabitants. Even the smallest of creatures carry terrible virulent strains of disease, inflicting bouts of fever and malaise on its poor victims. Within the undergrowth of the vine-laden floor lie poisonous snakes, pits of quicksand, and even hand-carved traps fashioned by the tribes that have come to call this jungle their home. Those who inhabit the Forbidden Jungle tend to possess a natural resiliency to the poisons of the environment - civilizations of yuan-ti and grung prey happily on ambitious adventurers unaware of nature’s perils. The natural defenses of the Forbidden Jungle lend themselves quite well to the fanciful stories telling of something guarded - a city of brilliant gems, perhaps, or an untold treasure left behind by an ancient emperor within the remains of desecrated ruins. Fantastical stories speak of enormous beasts of fang and claw, towering predators from an age long past. These wayward tales have sent many an adventurer to their untimely demise, curiosity beckoning them to brave the dangers of this ravenous land.

Frostspire Mountains

The Frostspire Mountains are an unforgiving landscape of storm-carved peaks rising beyond the clouds, serving as a natural barrier that divides the Northern Expanse and the rest of Alestria. Freezing cold, blizzards, avalanches, and the ever present danger of creatures lurking beyond make traveling within the mountain range a grueling task with too oft grim results.

Nevertheless, a number of communities have persevered and persisted within the mountain range for many generations. The Frostspires are often divided into western and eastern halves, distinguished by their populations, cultures, and more monstrous inhabitants. The western peaks are comparatively more inhabitable, with slightly more forgiving storms and deep valleys serving as natural defenses from the harsh landscape. Human settlers have had varying degrees of success establishing communities beneath the peaks, crafting makeshift homes that can easily be packed up in lieu of approaching blizzards. Foreign to most Alestrian travelers is the unusually amicable goblin population, a blue-toned variation of the commonly antagonistic species, favoring trades of curiosities to those who speak their dialects.

The eastern half of the Frostspire mountains is less than accommodating, with constant blustering winds and sub-zero temperatures. Only a select few orc tribes have managed to brave the harsh climate, utilizing mammoth mounts native to the region to move briskly through the peaks. The true sovereigns of the eastern mountains are the frost giants, who pay little mind to the trivialities of those who cannot brave the blizzards. One would do well to steer entirely clear of their domains, should you hope to survive the rest of the mountains’ challenges.

Both ends of the mountain range are riddled with endless, winding caverns, carved by massive frost salanders and inhabited by every variation of frost trolls, smilodons and yetis. One would believe that entering the caverns provides necessary protection from the wintry winds, only to discover that every creature native to the Frostspires searches for the same refuge.

Although many tribes hold fast to their own customs and traditions, most declare worship and providence to Aurora, a deity almost exclusively revered within the Northern regions. Aurora is the storm incarnate, a goddess of both blessings and wrath. Whether it be a shelter for mercy from her storms or an unlikely abundance in livestock, all bounty is blessed and received in veneration of her name. Her palpable influence has been recognized and documented in stories and regional fables about the Eirawen, otherwise known as the Daughters of Aurora - pale-faced celestial beings who present themselves to travelers during near-death experiences, granting them safe passage or frosted punishment based on their acts in life.

The tribes of the western Frostspires often ordain an individual known as the Borealis, a patron of Aurora uniquely gifted with her divine instruction. The Borealis works in tandem with the Winterlord, an individual trusted by the clans to provide guidance on surviving within the mountain peaks, whether by dutiful instruction or lordship with an iron fist. The renown and authority of these individuals vary in different regions of the Frostspires, but both positions have bolstered the communities of the Frostspire mountains for centuries.

Through their efforts, expeditions through the peaks are no longer unprecedented - travelers from Thrandul often trek through the western mountains to seek settlement southward, provided that an experienced wayfarer lead the perilous journey.

Frostwash Swamp

Distinguished by its proximity to Grimhollow against the perilous lands westward, the Frostwash Swamp is most easily recognized by its marsh-like terrain and the acrid stench that pervades through it. Travelers unfortunate enough to brave its murky waters are met with an ever-chilling air, a frigid grip that holds tightly to the skin granted by the fall winds of the Frostspire Mountains. Sailors and fisherman know to properly steer clear of the stained waters that leak eastward, a pervasive grime that leaves any marine life caught in its wake unfit for consumption. Those brave of heart that venture beyond the toxic waters often find themselves considerably lost, as if the trees themselves shift and realign in nefarious ways. The faded blossoms growing across the vinework emit a malevolent aroma, disorienting the senses of the wayward travelers until all cognizance of direction escapes their grasp. Even along the edges of the swamp, plenty of ruined boats have crashed hopelessly against the tree line, entangled almost antagonistically between their roots. There is little evidence of civilization ever existing within the swamp. Historians would imagine that mighty creatures exist within the marshlands, ones favoring the bitter cold and acidic waters, welcoming the privacy the swamp provides. Those living east of the rivers would pray that none ever disturb their peace.

The Graven Hills

The Graven Hills are a bleak, abysmal land - a grey expanse devoid of the color of the world, it is a haunted place avoided at all costs by the people of Alestria. The hills are a cascading, jagged landscape littered with crooked and upturned trees, ditches, and slopes. One would be exceedingly lucky to find the respite of level land here, making it challenging terrain for even the most sure-footed creatures. The few exceptions to these forested hills are a small series of winding, narrow natural paths that lead through the landscape.

During the day, one might assume the hills are safe enough to travel, and they may be right. But it is not simply the unsettled terrain that makes this place so fatal. A dense fog perpetually covers the area, with small pockets where the wind does not effectively carry it. The air itself is chilling and thin and rings with whispers. No living creatures call this place home; at least, not anymore. Those that may have once did so can be found slumped and molded into the landscape, rotted and decayed into near dust. The atmosphere of the Graven Hills is filled with dread, depression, and an extreme sum of apathy and delusion. Those that wander within its sphere of influence, some few miles beyond the hills themselves, can feel the color of life draining from their perspectives, a sensation that grows more potent the closer one treads. While in the hills one may wander aimlessly, plagued by a mix of subtle auditory and visual hallucinations. Their memories and emotions may become distorted during the phenomena, possibly even drawn upon to fuel their exhausted mind’s perception of the world around them. Those touched by shadow or familiar with the necrotic may bare varying resistances to these effects, but few will find themselves immune to its influence.

Undead are drawn to the hills, as though autonomously, upon viewing it even from a great distance. The closer they approach, the more unfocused or idle they become. A necromancer’s puppets may turn unresponsive to commands, as they aimlessly and whimsically mill about instead. The living might find themselves drawn to the prospect of death within the endless fog of the hills, their attachment to life and purpose fading. Many corpses can be found throughout the hills, of those who took their own lives through compounded melancholy, or those who simply rested and remained idle until their bodies eventually succumbed to death.

The dreadful effects of the hills are at their most potent at night, while the entire area serves as a crossroads into the bleak realm of shadow. During the day, while the sun’s light banishes the otherworldly darkness, the influence of the Graven Hills are temporarily brought to yield. It is surmised that the physical and psychological effects caused by these hills are a form of metaphysical residue, one this other realm has left upon Alestria. Scholars, sure to avoid these hills in their entirety, have come to such a conclusion because of its striking similarities to a Pedminarian forest found in the Ooe Provinces, called the Aogiri Wood.

Not all that tread the hills succumb to their melancholy and perish, however. As it is a planar crossroads, and a frequently opened one at that, some may find themselves wandering and lost in the plane of shadows itself, unable to return from whence they came. Others may become mutated by the shadows, becoming a monstrous variation of the Sorrowsworn that appear in rare encounters of small numbers. Other undead creatures and monstrosities may linger here, restricted to wandering in the failing light of day. Some areas in the outermost rim of the territory have been discovered to be entire hills turned into burial grounds, claimed by native inhabitants from the surrounding lands. The age and origin of these tombs and burial sights remain unknown, though they seem to span over the course of centuries. Given what legends of planar crossroads and their creations may suggest, it is theorized, but far from confirmed that these burial practices coupled with a multitude of depraved rituals within the hills may have been the ignition to Graven Hills’ current phenomenon.

Because of the link to the Shadowfell, these hills, like few other places in the world, are believed to be the birthplace of some races like the Shadar-Kai. A cold and grim race of elves who have taken to the Shadowfell and changed by its atmosphere of undeath. Such beings one day finding themselves returning to Lyndira and subsequently introducing their new lineage to the world. The atmosphere of the Graven Hills distorts creatures both physically and psychologically. Some characters may find themselves resistance due to some unique heritage aligned with the shadow, such as a Sorcerer with the Shadow Origin. Alternatively, this may cause characters to develop flaws as depicted in the DMG on pages 51 and 52, as well as from other official sources. These physical or mental mutations may be temporary or relatively permanent depending on the conditions. The fact of the matter is, monsters and horrors are the least of an adventurer’s worries here. Even the strongest and wisest are not immune to corruption, and while this realm may not be inherently evil, it can and will use the terrors and doubts of one’s own mind to bring them closer to their own personal abyss.


In a display of jest and half-truths, an adventurer-turned-archivist known as Madric the Minstrel released a tome to the people of Grimhollow, called ‘The Many Monsters of Mirkwood’ - a satirical yet profoundly terrifying recount of the multitude of beasts that live within the forests just before the Frostspire Mountains. It was received with little acclaim, though many of the early adventurers vouched for its stunning accuracy. Just north of its gentler, more forgiving cousin, the Mirkwood Forests house a seemingly endless number of malformed atrocities, ordinary beasts transformed by the magic of Galia-knows-what. Fanged horrors of scale and razor-hide, shadowed threats with many mouths, every combination of amalgamation has been heard to exist beneath those darkened canopies. Some surmise that this was the work of an archdevil, a hellish craftsman who brought life to his ideated nightmares. Others say this is the work of man, a stained corruption upon the land wrenched forth by foolish, terrible experiments. Still others believe a portal to another plane has torn open within its core, unleashing otherworldly monsters that will soon devastate the Material Plane. Only the wood elves have been known to navigate these woods with any amount of success, their isolationist nature keeping the secrets to survival under veil. Whatever the truth of these parts may be, the terrors of the Mirkwood curiously remain temporarily contained within the mist-laden tree line, and most if not all Alestrians hope it will remain that way.

Moonglow Isles

Immediately west of the continent’s shore are the Moonglow Isles, an especially alien set of small archipelagos, tempting many wayward sailors that venture past its shores. The islands themselves are vacant of civilized societies, instead full of tropical plants and wildlife wholly foreign to the continent.

The islands all seem to be connected at a base found resting against the darkened ocean floor, forming an almost tree-like structure that branches out towards the surface.

These stone foundations these islands are formed from seem to possess an abnormally fluorescent mineral within its walls, emitting a faint silver light. These crystalline fragments peek out of the surfaces of small mountains, cliffs, and other natural formations within the Isles.

This causes the island itself to wholly illuminate in the evening and nightly hours with a pale silver glow, granting the isles their namesake. This mineral also seems to be light enough to be carried along with the winds, creating a luminescent display that can travel for hundreds of miles across the ocean skies, even sometimes cresting over the Alestrian shores. Due to uninterrupted exposure over time, the plants and animals native to these islands seem to have adapted to the mineral, developing some of its properties into their physiology and adapting the pale light of the ‘moonglow’ across their features.

A handful of daring voyagers have landed on these shores, correctly or otherwise determining that these isles have been divinely touched, perhaps by a celestial being deep within the ocean. Others claim it is simply a natural phenomenon unique to the isles due to their isolation.

These stories have sparked a small collection of religious followings that migrate to the Moonglow Isles every few years, braving the dangers of the western seas to partake in the evening light. Unknown to most adventurers, a few communities have been found to exist beneath the water’s surface, homes of merfolk and triton populations. Entire civilizations have been molded and forged by these underwater nations, building makeshift homes along the sides of the Moonglow Isle branches leading to the surface above.

There is ample illumination available to them, often crafting the minerals into trinkets and armors for use as they voyage away from their homeland. The hierarchy and development of these communities are otherwise a mystery to the land-locked civilizations of Alestria, but many travelers have sworn to have seen a passing brilliance beneath their ships, as if a telltale reminder that these waters belong to someone else.


Size: Large City - 4,087

35% Dragonborn, 20% Tiefling, 15% Human, 30% Other

The shining brass and silver domes of the gleaming city, Mulac-Caquix is a place of hope and wonder for any traveler brave enough to cross the Dunes of Rust, or take a perilous sea voyage to its harbour in the southernmost coast of Alestria. The current city was built by the industrious brass and silver Dragonborn, two metallic races that departed the shores of Vocab-Caquix, looking for a life away from the petty infighting. The city is a dazzling display of colour and vibrant life, a world away from the politics and cruelty of their brother nations. Mulac-Caquix is its self new, built over the top of an ancient deserted city, but rumours abound that evil forces lurk beneath the streets, trying to drag the new residents into their underworld.

Geography. The city is situated at the southernmost tip of the continent, to its south is water, everywhere else, desert. The rumors of a vast underground city are true: built atop the remains of a civilization now abondoned, delvers claim that many subterranean layers have yet to be discovered. The city at times can be unbearably hot; most businesses do not open until the late afternoon, with most resident taking shelter in the shade for two to three hours at noon. Understandably, the city is more famous for its nightlife during the cooler hours. The city itself is split into distinctive coloured areas, such as The Azure Bazaar, The Scarlet Harbour, The Lime Gardens, and The Magenta Authority.

History. Who or what built the original city remains unknown, lost to centuries of desert corrosion and theft from raiding parties. The new city was raised just over a century ago by displaced dragonborn from Vocab-Caquix, mainly of brass and silver bloodlines. the city grew quickly as humans from Frolois arrived and settled, as well as some from the desert tribes seeking a departure from their nomadic ways. In time many of the silver dragonborn left for the north and its more agreeable climate, but some remain. The city is run by a council of traders and military and overseen by the Sultan.

Districts. Each part of the city is identified by its unique colour. The shades of each district stem from an old tradition from the first bazaar tradesmen, who flew colorful blue flags to garner attention. Blue flags quickly became the recognized emblem of the marketplace, and thus the Azaure Bazaar was born. Other colors were flown high soon after, looking to separate themselves from the crowds; districts today are distinguished by the color of the flags they hoist, signifying their alliances and wares as a point of pride.

The Azure Bazaar. Based on the outer rim of the city, the colours of the bazzar are not one shade of blue but many, painting the ring of tents in hues akin to a shining sea. Every sort of ware can be found for sale here if one knows where to look. For visiting travelers, it is impossible to walk the bazaar without getting harangued at every corner or targeted by muggers and pickpockets.

The Scarlet Harbour. To the south of the city lies the only seaport, its business primarily in imports. The buildings are painted red, but mostly flaked away and weathered by the ocean breeze. The docks are run by various criminal gangs and Lizardfolk who came in from the riverbanks.

The Lime Gardens. These are actual lime trees that are planted and grown throughout the city, mostly concentrated in the center plaza, along with other plants and fauna. To achieve this in such an arid climate, there is an impressive array of above and below-ground irrigation channels. This district isn’t simply vegetation; this area is where the restaurants, taverns and other night spots are, mostly run by tieflings and protected by stalwart minotaur guards.

The Magenta Authority. This is the official government district of the city, just north of the Lime Garden. Not many venture here - only the fabulously weathy or influential are granted access through its gates. The sultan of Mulac-Caquix lives within these walls, as well as a number of his advisors and closest trade partners. The color magenta has become a symbol of high stature and authority thanks to precedent set by the first leaders of Mulac-Caquix.

The Northern Expanse

A frozen land stretching for thousands of miles, the Northern Expanse, or simply “The North”, is exactly as its name suggests - the frost-laden northernmost part of the continent. Bordered by the Frostspire peaks and a seemingly endless ocean, the North is rarely ever traveled by visitors; Thrandul is one of the few established settlements, properly positioned to receive wayfarers from the distant continent of Tobolsk.

Merciless blizzards storm across the frozen lands, sometimes erasing miles of scattered forestries and any evidence of previous settlements under enormous snowdrifts. The northwestern corner of the expanse is decorated with eternally frost-tipped forests, most of its leaves curiously shaded a light blue as to mimic the endless sky. Travelers might find massive, frozen lakes within these forests, its waters sealed beneath an infrangible layer of ice.

It is common for soothsayers of the nomadic tribes to claim that terrible, ancient beasts live below the frozen surface, undisturbed for centuries, ever rarely peering through the ice with glowing, sapphire eyes.

Hunters pathing their way beyond the tree lines are sure to always travel in groups, as the forests belong to the creatures veiled amidst the frosted landscape; wolves of frosted coats, white-winged elbises, and mischievous mephits hiding beneath the permafrost. Most nomadic tribes stay close to the chilling shores, some even crafting large ships to traverse the North from one corner to the other.

East of the forests, below the northern shores is a barren expanse, devoid of all civilized life. The uninhabited land is dotted with towering, crystalline pillars of ice hundreds of feet tall, standing isolated amidst an otherwise flattened landscape. A number of historians guess that the frozen expanse was once a land of sparse wildlife, a tundra capable of sustaining a number of communities. They believe the crystal spires are remnants of a calamity long past, a battle between creatures massive and powerful, that have since left the majority of the North desolate and abandoned.

Primordial Valley

At the southern tail of the Everlasting Grove, a land unfettered by mankind flourishes with brazen wildlife, an untamed sphere of the quintessential natural elements. The Primordial Valley was first uncovered by Grimhollow explorers navigating the vast underground tunnels east of the Bloodwood Forest. Plagued for weeks by the terrors of the darkened caverns, these adventurers eventually escaped, greeted by a wondrous sight. Cascading waterfalls tumbled from stone walls that towered above them, large, coral outcroppings emerged from the crystalline waters, and a lush greenery covered every possible surface from soil to sun. It was paradise, wild and untamed; earth twisted into the air to form sky-paved paths, bellowing winds echoed through the valley in mighty surges. What was found within the valley was seemingly undisturbed for centuries, wholly otherworldly in grandeur.

The residents of such a locale were equally as mystical and magnificent - mephits and elementals of every shape and size traversed the lands without pause or worry, molding the terrain as they traveled. Beings entirely of earth, wind, and water lived in co-existence, a crossroads of multiple elemental planes. Creatures of the fey are not uncommon here; visitors from the Everlasting Grove such as sirens, dryads and pixies revel in the natural bounty. Explorers are welcome to enjoy the wonders of the valley, and the blessings of its soil...but all pity the souls who dare to defile its sanctity.

Port Wamu

Size: Large Town
Population: 1,674

30% Lizardfolk, 25% Human,
15% Hobgoblin, 10% Yuan-ti Pureblood, 20% Other

History. The port town of Wamu is a bastion for every ranger, craftsman and hunter eager to explore the continent of Alestria's western coast. Built entirely out of massive tree trunks curled and shaped into huts and harbors, Port Wamu was built upon the only solid bedrock to be found for miles.

I'Mala, the first landcrafter of the Nai'laxci tribe in the Forbidden Jungle, wished to forge a safe haven for explorers to rest beyond the treacherous tree line. It was meant to be a place where communities could rest and share the bounties of their harvest in a dangerous land. Thus, I'Mala shaped the earth with her powerful magic, unearthing solid ground east of the jungle for all to build upon.

Word quickly spread of this haven, as travelers from Thrandul and Mulac-Caquix all migrated in pursuit of fame and fortune in this unexplored land. Many perished in the sands of the Dunes of Rust and the draining fogs of the Graven Hills before proper sea routes were established, prompting the need for sturdy harbors to welcome the newest arrivals.

The port town prospered quite handily as individuals from all walks of life began to trade their information about the yet-unexplored continent. Grimhollow was soon to follow in this new venture, providing a significant amount of manpower and resources to aid in construction. It is said that the first comprehensive map of Alestria was penned in one of Port Wamu's taverns, merging the knowledge gained from all three of Alestria's major settlements. Akin to the wild lands it borders, Port Wamu continues to grow and flourish in unexpected ways, a wild and untamable reflection of the continent itself.

Government. Port Wamu is led and guided by the Triumvirate, consisting of three figureheads. The first is the Landcrafter, purveyor of the environment, charged with protecting both the port town and its surrounding landscapes from pollution and decay.

The Triumvirate of Port Wamu

From left to right: A'mone the Landcrafter, Njalhalvar the Alsmith, Kahn'drun Silvergrasp the Beastwalker.

A'Mone, daughter of the famed I'Mala, keeps a steady eye over the land to ensure both remain in equal balance.

The second member of the Triumvirate is the Alsmith, master of craftsmanship and construction. The Alsmith supervises the activity of the many guilds of Port Wamu, ensuring the steady burgeoning of trade, woodwork and masonry. Port Wamu's current Alsmith, Njalhalvar, is a stone giant born beneath the Crags of Atlas, a master in masonry who works with a number of craftsmen from Thrandul.

The final figurehead is the Beastwalker, an individual incredibly well-versed with the creatures of the land. Kahn'drun Silvergrasp, the current Beastwalker, leads numerous expeditions into the wilds for both hunts and research. He also supervises the Colosseum, a grand arena that organizes ferocious man vs. monster skirmishes for the entertainment of the town. Under their watch, a multitude of guilds work tirelessly to earn the renown of many in a land full of discovery.

Crime and Defense. Even under the capable eyes of the Triumvirate, there are plenty who seek to ruin the delicate balance of the city and its landscapes. Poachers who hunt purely for sport with disregard for the environment are typically frowned upon - their black market business ventures usually occur out of sight of the Triumvirate's guard patrol.

The port town's defenses are capable, but not all enduring - the dangers of the Rotten Bog, Forbidden Jungle, and Frostwash Swamp all reside perilously close and require constant surveillance to maintain a settlement such as this near the western shores. While guilds tend to rival each other intensely, most readily work together to stave off the most recent ever-looming threats towards their beloved bastion.

Landmarks. The Colosseum is ever-storied in its construction and legacy. A marvel of seabed-risen earth surrounded by twisting trees and stone pillars, the Colosseum sits majestically within the waters of the port town. During the day, the prime displays of combat are hosted; recently captured monstrosities are pitted against brave adventurers in a clash of claw, sword, fang and spear.

Most explorers use this as a learning experience towards the dangers within the wild, others as a active betting scene. In most of the daytime combat, an attempt is made to keep the monstrous creature alive for further study, or to release it back into the wild.

Evening activities are often quite different. During this time the fights are less organized and sanctioned - adventurers and rival guilds are free to fight each other here, as long as the acting Colosseum manager gives the okay. Every so often challengers from other parts of the world offer opportunities of combat never seen before - the nightlife of the Colosseum is wholly unpredictable in nature.

Some argue that the activities of the Colosseum are disrespectful to the safe haven built by the late Landcrafter I'Mala, but others say such an arena is simply a microcosmic reflection of the real terrors just beyond the town's walls.

The Rotten Bog

Pressed between the Moonglow Sea and the arid land of the Savage Divide, this sprawling poisonous bog covers most of the western coastline not already encompassed by the Forbidden Jungle. As its name suggests, this marsh-like land extends for miles into the continent, shrouded by a heavy fog almost noxious to the lungs. The air reeks of decay unnatural to the land, caustic and malignant; some surmise this land was cursed with an unfaltering molder, a festering illness with no hope of purification.

Archivists have gleaned that this was once a land most prosperous, inhabited by a thriving empire fostering ample crops and livestock. Evidence lay across the bog of abandoned spires, constructed moats and bridges since deteriorated, and crumbling altars left entirely to ruin. The few tribes of lizardfolk that have managed to find refuge within these forlorn lands speak of “The Big Rubble”, colloquially translated, a catastrophic event that ended all other civilized life for centuries to follow. Shamans speak of a spurned mage, once an ally to this lost empire, laying waste to the prosperous land and claiming it as his own domain in undeath.

Smallwood Forest

The Smallwood Forest was endearingly named due to its plentiful, welcoming landscape in stark contrast to the treacherous environments that populate the rest of the continent. The forest atop a number of rolling hills, in tandem with the waters of the southern bay, serves as a natural barrier, a defense that allows Grimhollow to prosper in relative isolation. Smallwood Forest is filled and populated by a wide variety of wild beasts, friendly and ferocious, its air livened by the innocuous chattering of birds are the mighty cries of owlbears. Riders that traverse the woods have recently adopted native dire wolves to utilize as mounts, serving as talented trackers under their guidance. Babbling capillaries from Alestria’s major rivers path their way through the forest and nourish the plant life, often forming crystal-clear streams and cascading waterfalls that attract much attention from Grimhollow’s residents. A considerable amount of effort is spent by local druids within Grimhollow to preserve the natural sanctity of these woods in response to the city’s recent burgeoning expansions. Northwest of the forest are a collection of steep, blustery mountains that peer over an open plain. While dwarfed in comparison to the Frostspires of the north, these lofty summits are home to a number of small communities. Orcs in particular are prevalent across the plains and within mountain caverns, many venerating the massive birds that rule the very pinnacle of each windswept peak. Herds of livestock roam free within the land between the Smallwood Forest and the Mirkwood; orc tribes are careful not to over-hunt in lieu of famine or shortage. Amongst the perilous roads that line the mountains, native harpy conclaves have made expeditions particularly perilous, luring curious adventurers off the rocky cliffs.


Size: Large Town - 1,307

55% Human, 15% Half-Orc, 15% Dwarf, 10% Lizardfolk, 5% Other

Smallhollow came to fruition with the last decade of increased Alestrian settlement. It was informally nicknamed “Smallhollow” in reference to the neighboring forest and city from which it sprouted. Originally, the area west of Grimhollow was used as an informal dumping spot for merchant ships unwilling to pay the significant import tariffs in Muskeg Bay. Seafaring captains would often undercount their loads and sell the excess on the Smallhollow shores, to be eventually smuggled into Grimhollow separately. This burgeoning activity led to the eventual settlement of the land, and occupation of less-than-savory individuals. Docks led to taverns led to homes and farms, filling with people who for one reason or another do not wish to live within the well-structured walls of Grimhollow.

Crime and Defense. The word ‘government’ is used rather loosely within Smalhollow. The majority of productive organization stems from trade coalitions - farmers that collaborate to produce non-competing crops, tanners and weavers having joint businesses, and fishermen accommodating each others’ routes.

Most folk refer to the stalwart Domri Vilsvin as the town mayor - a gruff, hardy fellow with a small militia that works to keep peace within the major streets.

Originally a tanner by trade, he works in tandem with the local farmers and harbormen to provide safe marketplaces where residents can purchase supplies for their families. Some would color him as stingy and unreasonable, others say he makes do with the few resources within his grasp. Outside of his immediate control, most of the town is self-governed, each community looking out for their own people. It isn’t uncommon for small gangs to form that specifically defend their own neighborhoods, often engaging in territorial disputes with other corners of town.

Geography and Climate. In terms of weather and landscape, Smallhollow bears many similarities to Grimhollow - a rotating four seasons, a well-traversed bay, and proximity to the woods of the Smallwood Forest. What Smalhollow lacks in structure, it makes up for in area; vast fields extending westwards lend themselves quite readily to farmland.

Smallhollow boasts a long eastern harbor, most of which is occupied by various fishing ports and diligent boatmen that frequently traverse the continent’s main rivers.


The Docks. The docks are considered by the locals as the major site of trade and business. Colored with marketplaces, harbors of incoming ships and warehouses of various goods, the docks are always lively with activity, filled with people looking for good work. The eastern shore of Smalhollow deals primarily with traders from Grimhollow, transporting produce and other goods that can’t be harvested within the city. The western coast far from most of Smalhollow is populated by a not insignificant number of lizardfolk, dealing with isolated communities near the Rotten Bog and Forbidden Jungle.

Bayside. The first mile of land leading off the coasts is what most consider the ‘entertainment’ area of Smallhollow. This coastal strip is full of taverns, casinos and brothels servicing the needs of locals and visitors alike. Most of these buildings are built on stilts over the bay water; it wouldn’t be unusual to hear the humorous splashes of unwanted patrons ejected from the establishments at night. The western bay area in particular is home to large crocodiles, which act as a reminder to those expecting to not have too wild a night. The casinos here are strange as many are visited by Lizardfolk from the nearby swamp. They work in the docks to earn the money to gamble in the casinos in strange games that only lizardfolk understand, one of many colloquial pastimes only understood by the unusual residents.

The Slums. This is the main living area for the residents of Smallhollow. The slums are divided by minor landmarks and occupied by a number of territorial gangs, looking to hold bastion over their neighborhoods.

The Hills. This is a strange name, as the hills in Smallhollow are far and between. Often recognized by towering, fortress-like constructions, the Hills comprise the homes of the wealthy elite, those who stand to gain the most profit within the largely unsanctioned streets of Smallhollow. Most of the fabulously opulent have ties to less-than-lawful activity, typically within the casinos of the Bayside, often commandeering a number of underground businesses that employ unsavory individuals.

The Savage Divide

A terrifying chasm-like hellscape that splits the Southern Wilds and the Dunes of Rust, the Savage Divide is an inhospitable and dangerous land crawling with demons of all kinds. The fractured land is in a constant state of war between several factions of Demons, Devils, and human tribes just trying to survive. Here speed is survival; those wandering aimlessly are quickly cut down either from the sky or by the numerous demon patrols sporting carriages of death. Many of the more powerful Demons and their minions have devised wagons pulled along by either fiery Nightmares or other demons across the massive wasteland that is the Divide. Cutting across the land like a scar is a massive trench reaching down into the Underdark, creating an opening into the massive underground world where swathes of demon hordes and other abominations rise from. The origin of this scar is of myth and legend; some claim a great battle between one of the Obyrith Lords and celestial beings created this massive rift, but others believe it is to be the by product of a failed ancient ritual.

Civil war and no small effort from the lieutenants of the archdevils are one of the few reasons keeping the demon hordes here at bay along with several human tribes that have banded together out of sheer necessity for survival. Barter Town, a bustling metropolis supposedly run by one of the demon lords waring against the other factions, most notably seems much more akin to a city of monsters rather than demons. Many have speculated that the Mistress of Barter Town isn’t exactly who she says she is but no one dare speak against her out of fear of being tossed out into the Savage lands, a death sentence for most. Barter Town acts as a port city and one of the safer places in the Savage Divide despite being near lawless. It acts as a haven for those who learn its rules and play its game. The mistress herself has not been seen outside her palace in the center of town for as long as the town itself has existed.

The Savage Divide is a large crevice in the earth that spans the length of land between the Rotten Bog and the Breathless Morass. As per its namesake, the canyon divides the Southern Wilds from the Dunes of Rust that make up Alestria’s southernmost coast. In the recent centuries the Divide has served as a definite means of entry into Alestria’s Underdark. As per the multitude of tunnels, caves, and web like systems of underground caverns that span ever downward from the canyon’s floor. Very little wildlife calls the Divide home except Goblins. The dry air and intense heat makes it unsuitable for most mammals to live, though with the existence of underground pools and springs accessible by the many cave systems have afforded homes for subterranean creatures to reside in. The name “Savage” holds a variety of justifications here, but the overall meaning encompusses them. Between the terrain of viciously jagged rocks, stone pillars, and deadly sun, along with the nature of the creatures that live above the surface, this is far from a hospitable environment.

Primarily reptiles and aviary predators call this place home, the latter only able to do so by hunting at night and resting in caves and crevices shielded from the sun during the day.

The former however, have no fear of the heat and hunt at all hours of the day. Because of the lack of natural resources however, the creatures are forced to live off of what water can be found and each other. Thus every surface dwelling creature is a predator.

In the recent years, however, disturbing phenomenon has occurred around the Divide. Initially thought to be the actions of various, particularly aggressive predators, experts and eye witness accounts have lead to the conclusion that Demons have begun appearing in the Divide.

The Southern Wilds

Visually impressive it may be, the Southern Wilds charm belies its true nature. It is a hard land of harsh weather, dangerous wilderness, and scorching heat. The few that call this land home are forever hardened by it, some for the better, but most not. The landscape itself is a mixed bag of rocky badlands, windswept deserts, towering rock formations and blustery mountains. There are not many established settlements in the Wilds.

Those that do exist have cropped up as communities between homesteads throughout the region. They do what they can to make a society with what they have, but it is tenuous at best. They do, however, endeavor to establish some semblance of law and order, resulting in each small settlement having a sort of ‘lawmaster’ or ‘sheriff’ to moderate the community. Monstrous races are typically looked down upon in this region, considered “less-than-human” and inherently dangerous. Tieflings are captured and forced into slavery, goblins are addressed as mindless cretins, and dragonborns are treated as barbaric threats, only utilized for their muscle. These communities look to Mulac-Caquix as the “forsaken city”, a “once thriving metropolis” now overrun by the terrors of the monsterfolk.

Those incapable of living within these communities often become Dregers. While nobody is clear on where the term Dredgers originated, the current crop is a majority mix of varied races from all over the continent. The dredger clans consist of vagabonds, castaways, and varied folk on the run from elsewhere. Their strange society is built around anonymity, where members wear a makeshift combination of cotton wrappings, cloaks, and featureless masks to obscure any hint of who or what they are. While they are mainly known for being raiders, dredgers also do gather and hunt for food, some even building farms to refine their harvest. Dredgers are often on the move, able to make or break camp with very little notice. They are capable of doing this thanks to the use of massive, specialized wagons or carts that quickly traverse the arid lands.

When they settle their encampments, the wagons are broken down or ‘deployed’, and converted into looms, tanneries, and mills, even occasionally small crop farms and animal pens, as well as smithies and woodcarving stalls. Armaments for dredgers are typically what they can find, steal, or scavenge from their inhospitable surroundings.

Outlaws of the Southern Wilds are similar but different from Dredgers; same needs, different wants. Not everyone is satisfied with the ‘communal’ anonymity of dredgers, and prefer being their own person with their own reputation. These folk, and others like them, create roving bands of outlaws that traverse this mostly lawless land. Raiding and stealing from the few settlements in the area, these bands of outlaws can sometimes spill over to other nearby regions, occasionally threatening the harbor communities of southern Smallhollow.


Size: Large Town - 2,736

40% Dwarf, 20% Human, 15% Half-Orc, 10% Goliath, 15% Other

The thriving harbor town began as what many would believe a foolhardy business venture - sailors from Tobolsk would spin tales in the Seumas taverns of a massive landmass a month’s travel south of shore. At first nobody believed them, of course. It was only when they brought back frosted wolf pelts from their voyages that investors took interest. The nobility of Novograd needed to be convinced; they armed and supplied five galleon ships full of capable sailors to make the same trip. Four months later, they returned with much of the same, this time loaded with darkened lumber foreign to Tobolsk soil.

That evidence was certainly enough - with assistance from a handful of noble houses, a fleet of ships left the Seumas harbor and journeyed their way to Alestrian soil. It was a more difficult journey than expected - massive glaciers had shifted and drifted in their paths, forcing them to take much more damage to their hulls than estimated. By the time the fleet had landed in the Northern Expanse, it would take many months to repair the ships for a return journey. Until then, a few hundred men and women had to make do with little to no shelter in a frozen land.

Fortunately, many of those aboard had more than enough experience in harsh climates. Many dwarves boasted that the Alestrian winds paled in comparison to the snowstorms of Tobolsk - they charted their way towards the western forests and worked to gather lumber for shelter. The craftsmen built makeshift homes, large buildings that house entire ships’ worth of men. Rangers toughened in the Wilds of Tobolsk moved in coordination to hunt the natural, plentiful wildlife amongst the treeline.

Not all survived, of course - terrors not within the realms of Tobolsk struck encampments by night, magical beasts of frost freezing entire platoons before sunrise. It took the effort of every pioneer to build proper defenses and prosper forthright. The Thrandul of today is built upon the traditions of Tobolsk and the foundations of the original settlers’ survival. They remain a major port for those journeying southwards from Tobolsk, and those seeking respite from the eastern shores of Frolois. It is a hardy, enduring community, proud of the prosperity granted by their ancestors’ tenacity.

Government and Society: In Thrandul, one's sway in the community is directly tied to their quality of craftsmanship. Shipwrights, carpenters and blacksmiths are the backbone of Thrandul's livelihood and thus are honored in kind. Most of these artisans are dwarves, their skilled honed and refined over centuries from their time in Tobolsk.

Thrandul's heirarchy is familial in nature - most of the elder council can trace their roots to the original settlers of the land. One's family name often determines their role in the community, for better or worse - some embrace the traditions and craft of their family, and others work earnestly to separate themselves from it.

The Hullfather is the title granted to the best shipwright in Thrandul, recognized highly by the general populace. Due to the importance of naval travel and transport, his influence rivals that of the elder families of the city. The current Hullfather of Thrandul is Thane Stormhelm, son of the first shipwright to land on Alestria's northern shore. He continues to guide the people of Thrandul and oversees every boat that leads the harbor, ensuring every vessel is well-equipped to sail wherever they desire.



The Eastern Elven Lands, The Bastion of Culture, A Land Settled and Storied.

"Ah Frolois, the pinnacle of all that is arcane and beautiful in the world, second to none as all others pale in comparison to the grace Frolois carries. From the floating marvel of a city known as the Shire, home to a many Gnomes and humans, to the bountiful fauna and flora of the Preshorn Forest. Regal in design and glory, the lands of this noble Continent only highlight the citizens prowess.
They outclass many in the ways of the Arcane, multiple prestigious schools and locations to gain knowledge dot the landscape of Frolois. And with this magical prowess, follows the military fortitude the continent prides themselves in having. These lands, overgrown with greenery and natural youth from the forests and woodlands house races from the short in stature but large in spirit Gnomes. Ever galiant and regal elves, humans of all shapes and sizes, these races rich with potential only matched to the influx of Hobgoblins and Goblins that reside near the rich, mineral-filled mountains of Kazag Gaz. Frolois, put in simple terms for all foreign to our shores, is the pinnacle of everything that matters in the world. What’s not to love about it?"

-- Isaiah de Pronteau, Professor of Divination at the Traefmorth School of Sorcery


From a lifestyle and architecture standpoint, much of Frolois aesthetic pulls from 15th century Europe., specifically England and France. With the outer regions displaying a 14th century Spainish flair.

Regions of Frolois


The eastern regions of Frolois are known to its residents as the land of Krisfiel, named after one of the continent’s most brilliant elven minds, Mythanthar Krisfiel. It was his foresight and tactical genius that allowed the eastern coast to flourish with peace and prosperity, from the thriving port city of Cashel, to the academic halls of Antaris, onwards towards the stalwart gates of Valkur. As with most of the continent, Krisfiel has a majority elven population, though the growing human communities farther south and the bolstered hobgoblin tribes of Kazag Gaz have caused culture shifts in the recent centuries. The nobility of this region typically have militant titles added to their names, their lineage often tied to a local militia tasked to keep the invaders from Kazag Gaz at bay. The capital is Cashel, which boasts a massive port that welcomes all sorts of races, home to many trading and naval ships that travel across continents. The Valkur Military Academy just east of the Wicklow Planes trains many soldiers and future commanders, whose talents are universally lauded across all of Lyndria. They have an alliance with the city of Antaris, home to a great many academic pursuits.


Antaris is the center for higher education and studious pursuits through not just the country, but the entire continent of Frolois. Beautiful towers stretch to the sky across a cityscape of centuries-old halls of learning and student boarding houses. Here, the finest schools and colleges draw the wealthy, the gifted, and the brilliant.

Academies of the arts socially duel with universities of intellectual pursuits, all while overshadowed by Charmont, the largest and most accomplished institute of arcane study on the continent. Run by Headmaster Lucius Raefort, Charmont acts as both a training facility for talented magic practitioners, and a formidable center for all forms of arcane research and study. It contains centuries of documented research regarding historical, magical, and mechanical discoveries and endeavors. Sprinkled throughout the city of Antaris are libraries, organizations dedicated to exploration, and social halls.

Cruieaux Sea

As the largest body of water on the eastern side of the continent, the Cruieaux Sea is most famous for the awe and mystery that surrounds it. During the daytime, its clear waters are filled by dozens of magically propelled boats and their mirthful elven riders, populated by fishermen looking to bolster their market stalls surrounding its banks. When dusk falls, and all the residents retire for the evening, the lake becomes a perfect mirror of the night sky above.

Sometimes spritely motes of illumination flicker and fade just beneath the surface, mimicking the star-speckled skies. On rare nights when the spiral-shaped constellation of Mayara is high in the sky, spectral figures dance across Cruieaux’s surface, bright as starlight and casting no reflection. Many myths surround the star spirits, of an ancient curse that befell them upon their betrayal of the moon goddess, and of the limitless power they can grant to those who come to pledge their souls to them.


Size: Large Metropolis - 132,489

40% Human, 20% Elf, 15% Gnome, 25% Other
The city of Cashel was built along the banks of modest rivers and is truly a future-oriented urban phenomenon. Its grace is matched by the backdrop of green, fertile fields which have helped shape the city into what it is today. The vast majority of buildings are slim and tall, careful not to be built too widely, mimicking the grasses and preserving the openness of the fields around them.

While classically the heart of a human population of Frolois, Cashel boasts a diverse populace, with citizens of nearly all races from all of Frolois many nations, thriving on the new innovations and ideas of its diverse citizenry. Cashel’s tight alliances with the elven nation of Rolandeaux and the gnome communities of The Shire invited some of those nations’ greatest artisans inside Cashel’s walls, and their friends and families soon followed until Cashel was home to a significant minority of elves, halflings, tieflings, and humans of course.

Cashel developed into a city whose people valued innovation and collaboration, especially in small, cohesive groups virtues that some historians believe have given rise to the prominence of the modern adventuring party. This multicultural identity and mindset that has truly left its mark in recent years - hundreds of food carts, theme restaurants and bakeries offer a plethora of culinary choices. Residents and visitors may enjoy a number of recreational venues, from clubs to elaborate amusement parks.

Valkur Base

Valkur Base, famous for its military academy, is a massive fortress-city that houses the might of Frolois. Situated on a hill in the northeast coast of the continent, reinforced ivory-white walls sixty feet high separate the city from the rest of Krisfiel. Within these walls are rows of barracks, archery ranges, trance chambers, forges, mess halls, and all the other necessities of training an army of long-living, magical elves.

The near-unassailable fortress proves the saying that even the most utilitarian of elven creations are beautiful to mortal eyes. Six ancient eucalyptus trees mark the boundaries of Valkur Base; between them grows a thick curtain of ironbark, and a dense canopy of impenetrable steelfern forms its roof. Legend says that when Frolois’s need is greatest, the six ancient eucalyptus trees that guard the keep will uproot and march as mighty treants to defend the bastion of the elves.

Valkur Base is commanded by General Krisfiel II, son of the storied commander upon which the region was named. A master strategist in his own right, he is known to utilize a seeing crystal within his war room to survey all of Krisfiel. From this vantage point, he commands his forces with great tactical mastery, always one step ahead of the savage threats from the "freeborn" of the Wicklow Planes and the goblinoids of Kazag Gaz. So far, the majority of Krisfiel and Frolois remains safe because its enemies are wild and disorganized. Were they to unify, the might of the Valkur Academy would truly be put to the test.

The armies of Valkur Academy are about five thousand elves strong, though only about three thousand are within the fortress-city at any time. The rest are stationed at outposts within Frolois and at the known ley lines of the Feywild. The Academy within the past century has allowed other races to enter and train alongside them, with a palpable degree of reluctance. Some purists believe the elven race has little to gain from the often abrupt lives of other kin, but a number of commanders recognize the benefits of understanding the breadth and talents of those unlike themselves, even welcoming a small handful of goblinoids to better understand their most prevalent threats.


Kazag Gaz

Size: Large City - 41,839

55% Goblin, 30% Hobgoblin, 10% Bugbear, 5% Other
The city of Kazag Gaz was built atop massive hills
and is truly an ancient curiosity. Its beauty is matched by the backdrop of tall mountains which serve not only as a natural barrier to the elements, but also an almost untraversable refuge should their forces forces ever require a retreat post-conflict. Nearly all goblinoids within the city are proud citizens, boasting of tales from when their ancestors conquered and claimed this storied city from its ancient and powerful builders. While the city’s goblinoids are oft considered black-hearted and feral to outsiders, an unprecedented, twisted sort of unity has been fostered within the city, to the singular purpose of conquering for the glory of all goblinkind. Hobgoblins occupy all of the highest positions within the city, and are the only people allowed to serve in the mighty armies. Goblins are second-class citizens within the city; while they are afforded citizenship and a certain level of goblinoid respect, their role in society is clear - they live to serve. Every general, duke, and petty lord has several goblins on their payroll, either as housekeepers, as serving-folk, or as artists to serve their own vanity.

The goblinoids of Kazag Gaz are locked in a seemingly endless conflict with the elves of the west and south. The goblinoids believe that they are the rightful heir to the plentiful lands of Frolois, with only the elven population standing in their way. What they lack in military might, they bolster with sheer numbers, never taking too heavy a loss due to their exponential growth and bastions within the mountains. Within the last century the hobgoblins have improved their grasp of advanced war tactics, often learning from the designs and formations of the elves themselves. Their attacks have recently become more robust and focused, even beginning to entertain the idea of other goblinoids serving on the battlefield. Many Kazag Gaz citizens believe it is only a matter of time before the hobgoblins come to claim the rest of the continent’s fertile lands.

Wicklow Planes

As the Kazag Gaz gives way to scrublands, and the Herynore Forest is an extremely dense forest, an open plain of grass and scattered woodlands marks the Wicklow Planes. Home to many misfits and self-proclaimed “free folk” who either shun the guidance of elven governments, or have fled persecution for their illegal deeds, the people here have maintained a simple, if occasionally tumultuous lifestyle. Bound by necessity to survive in the outskirts, this land is held by a general code of honor and respect for all outcasts.

Each denizen looks out for their neighbor, and the towns and homesteads are quite self-sufficient, if modest in living. This, however, does not absolve them of the occasional uncouth upstart wanting to seize power, or an incursion of dangerous creatures raiding from the Norwich Mountains tearing through the outlier communities. Most of the Wicklow free folk are humans, but many free cities have alliances with the local hill giants, cyclopes, and ogres—the “lowborn” giantkin—that help protect them against the hobgoblins to the north-east.


Once a burgeoning city-state under the Rolandeaux empire, the region of Morvengard has rebuilt itself and today stands independent of any nation in Frolois. It boasts wide, fertile fields and a multitude of crops that supply food to every corner of the continent. While dwarfed by the ever-growing metropolis of Cashel, Morvengard’s capital Ardiena holds fast to its ancient elven traditions, taking pride in the arcane arts and well of agricultural understanding.


Size: Large City - 14,901

40% Elf, 20% Human, 15% Halfling, 15% Gnome, 10% Other

Visitors to Ardiena would immediately recognize the pride the city takes in its agriculture. Fruit vines decorate the faces of buildings, harmless bats are prevalent and commonplace, and heavy, round seeds underfoot are the foremost cause of often humorous injury. It is a quiet city that enjoys their vineyards. The wealth brought in by the presence of a guild headquarters has created a sizable upper-class society, mostly elven in heritage. Even in separation from Rolandeux, the elven nobility have held fast to their high status, and thus have significant sway on the city’s governings and progress.

While the upper echelon is rather stagnant and stifled, the streets of the city entertain every sort of novelty. The marketplaces of Ardiena, thus, are populated by other races - humans hailing from Cashel, gnomes and halflings from the Harad Fields, and every craftsman in-between revel in the variety of goods and produce available in Ardiena’s vibrant plazas. Ardenians are fiercely proud of the variety and quality of flora they can cultivate here, with frequent, famous harvest festivals for different blooming seasons. The taverns of Ardenia are world-renowned for their unique cuisine based on their bountiful crops, every building hosting their own ‘secret family recipe’ for all to enjoy. Druids and outlanders from the continent’s many forests often find peers here in private circles, exchanging information on the wildlife that populates the land.

Artistic combat styles are also found in number here, with elegant sword dueling being the most common, but plenty of other more obscure weapon arts are celebrated here. The masses of Ardiena celebrate vibrancy and showmanship, and are more than eager to display their talents.

Ruvingal Forest

Despite being a popular hunting ground, the Ruvingal Forest still has yet to be fully explored, with much of the center of the forest still an unknown factor. Wild monsters of myth supposedly reside beyond the darkened tree line; fanciful beasts from claw and feather that litter storybooks.

Some claim that entire communities of bestial folk roam the landscape, moving in packs, touched by planar magic. The scholars of Traefmorth have theorized that there may be a heavy influence on the forest from a plane known as the Beastlands, which provides a bounty of wildlife that never seems to diminish. Much like the Wicklow Planes, some societal outcasts will brave the forest’s dangers to live on their own, in rare cases becoming afflicted with the qualities of the beasts that prowl within.

Traefmorth School Of Sorcery

While the Traefmorth School of Sorcery is as old as Ardiena itself, it doesn’t have nearly the resources or manpower that its sister academy in Antaris carries. As such, it has become an incredibly selective institution, inviting each one of its prospective students personally to partake in its classes. A number of students hail from nobility, often accused of purchasing their seats for acceptance, but most of the attendees are truly remarkable individuals, recognized at a young age for their natural aptitude in the arcane. Young prospects are scouted and selected from all across the continent to uphold the reputation of Traefmorth as an elite institution - even those from nobility that struggle will be expelled should they not meet the rather rigorous standards.

Rumors surround the school of Traefmorth that entire sections of the institution are forbidden to enter, devoted to questionable magical experiments, by practitioners sworn to secrecy. All sorts of magic are molded and refined within its well-defended walls. It is said that an unfathomable wealth of knowledge rests deep beneath the walls of Traefmorth, unknown even to those in Antaris, that will forever remain a secret to all but those involved.

Harad Fields

The Harad Fields are one of the most fertile growing regions in all of Frolois, rivaled only by the Shire’s farming communities. As such, within the Harad Fields are grown a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and other crops, as well as a number of dairy farms. The Harad Fields are recognized by their vasts of land colored in a multitude of hues, decorated by beautiful, native wildflowers.

Where Did You Learn Magic?

Frolois has been an established continent for many, many years, and its institutions allow the study of many forms of magic. If you hail from Frolois, there are cities and academies suited for your specific variety of the arcane.

  • Bards - Colleges of the arts exist in every city, but the vibrancy and showmanship of one's music is likely to be celebrated in the streets of Morvengard or the formal colleges of Cashel.
  • Druids and Rangers - Depending on which landscape your connection with nature is derived from, it is possible you were raised in one of Frolois's many forests, or fostered in a free community within the Wicklow Planes.
  • Sorcerers - Whether born to a noble bloodline or a farmer's namesake, should your arcane powers reveal themselves early, Traefmorth might catch wind of your talents and adopt you into their institution.
  • Wizards - Every studious arcanist has heard of the halls of Antaris, the hub of all knowledge regarding the arcane. One would travel there to hone their skills.
  • Clerics, Paladins and Warlocks derive their power from otherworldly sources, and as with all of Lyndria, Frolois is vividly marked with the influence of the gods and greater beings. Such mages can hail from any corner of the continent.


Size: Large City - 10,213

80% Elves, 15% Half-Elf, 5% Other

The city of Rolandeaux used to be so much more - many centuries past, an elven ruler of the same name, known to the tomes as the First King Rolandeaux, held the entirety of the continent under his grasp, uniting every hill and castle under the crown of his lineage for generations to come. However, as history will often tell, empires are rarely eternal. For reasons still unexplained, the command of Rolandeaux’s line over the multitude of elven city-states began to crack and crumble, and in an act of preservation the capital city closed its walls to all beyond it. The land of Frolois is forever marked by the king’s influence, from abandoned castles littering the hillscape to elven nobility vying for power in every city in his absence. The city of Rolandeux remains at a powerful, well-structured community, and stands as the quintessence of elven culture in the vast realm of Lyndria.

Rolandeaux is ruled by Queen Rowena, a direct descendant of the first king Rolandeaux. Rowena has ruled over the city of her ancestors for over a millenia, a life longer than any of Rolandeaux’s citizens; some claim she has found the secret to eternal youth, others tie her vitality to otherworldly dealings known only to herself and her inner circle. The majority of the population is elven in heritage, as is to be expected; the doors to the city-state are rarely open to visitors.

The massive city rests against the base of Norwich Mountains, and is all but impervious to external assault. Rolandeaux is not only protected by 40-foot-high walls of ivy-covered jade, it is also surrounded by the living trees of Preshorn and Herynore Forests and elven beacons of detection that keep constant vigil for intruders. Every entrance to the city is warded by a series of threshold crests, massive emblems of a crescent moon flanked by two trees over a deep cerulean stone. These enchanted stones act as an anchor to the Feywild where Rolandeaux’s founders once recovered, allowing the city itself to displace into the Fey realm as a final act of preservation.

Rooted in the older cultures of Lyndria, Rolandeaux is steeped in elven tradition that dates back to before the Tribulation. The arts are lauded and revered, the pursuit of knowledge is respected and encouraged, and some training in refined martial techniques are culturally expected. The idea of trade between other cities and nations is understood to be both healthy and beneficial, but most foreign trade and travel is relegated to outer areas of the city. Few foreigners ever see the inner city, and those that have speak of a land frozen in time.. Delicate crafts by the cities hands are sought after by collectors around the world, so many take up the trade for both profit and honor. Rolandeaux has incredibly close ties to the northern establishments of Krisfiel, recognizing them as bastions of rich elven civilization beyond their own walls.

Being a populace of people who live extraordinarily long lives, having children is a rare, and largely regulated process. Prospective parents must gain approval from the office of the Queen and her council to procreate, and any unapproved children are sent out of the city to be raised in outposts or foreign cities.

Norwich Mountains

The pages of history do not remember the elemental titans, nor when this fierce entity of liquid metal was felled by the first elves at the end of the Dawn of Inception. As the legend tells, the entity was sealed within and consumed by the earth, giving birth to a range of mountains that has stood for ages since. Jutting upward against the northwestern border of Frolois and stretching to the Gweyir Ocean, these stormy peaks functioned as the first boundary between the long established elves of Frolois, separating the communities of land and water. Any residents with half a mind knew to leave certain parts of the Norwich well enough alone. Yet, after the Salheller Mine was established as a trading post and very prominent silver repository, the hazardous peaks garnered renewed interest. Sporadic searches for undiscovered riches led to a number of dispersed claims popping up throughout the rocky valleys over the years, eventually stirring up the territorial inhabitants of the mountains. Elven scouts have reported cyclops raiders and bloodletting shamans conducting strange rituals within the eyes of thunderstorms at night, and hungry bulettes hunting beyond their normal domain, as if guided by some unknown intelligence. As with every mountain range, orcs and ogres have found themselves refuge deep within the caverns, many of which can trace their bloodlines directly westward from the Frostspires. The Norwich Mountains remain a dangerous, unpredictable landscape that only the most foolhardy of expeditioners dare challenge.

Herynore Forest

While the Preshorn Forest to the west is revered and defended, its sister woods to the east exists as a land with no creed. Extremely dense and often assailed by fey creatures, the Herynore Forest consumes most of the valleys within the region of Rolandeaux with pine trees and heavily overgrown pathways. The beautiful yet grim, forbidding interior of the Herynore is home to many equally shadowed inhabitants, from the spectral skulks of unlucky travelers past, to the near-invisible webs of phase spider colonies, to the wandering blights spawned by corrupt trees that consume the life around them.

The elves of these woods are notably dour in contrast to their brethren towards the west and north, hardened by the ever-present task of survival in these woods, and open to less sophisticated paths of combat excellence. Drow in particular, and shadar-kai in the rarest of moments, are known to take refuge here should they ever rise to the surface, finding familiarity in the penumbra of darkened canopies.

The whispers of malevolent meazels echo through the shadowy corridors, luring many a weary traveler to their baleful demise. A handful of nearby farmers swear they’ve encountered a community of territorial centaurs in the southern region of the Herynore, one of the few organized clans in these cursed woods, though such tales are largely met with derision. The residents of this forest recognize the thin barrier between life and death, the teetering tightrope of balance between the Material and Ethereal planes. It is common and well-imparted knowledge that if you intend to travel through the thick fog of the Herynore Forest, you stick to the roads, you bring some muscle, and you pray to whatever gods bring you comfort.

Preshorn Forest

Cradling the southwestern edge of the Rolandeaux range, the Preshorn Forest supplies much of Frolois’s timber. Though its locals proudly proclaim the Preshorn Forest to be the “most welcoming” and “least haunted” of the continent’s forests, it isn’t without its dangers. A myriad of deadly creatures occasionally wander down from the mountains and await unsuspecting loggers, while the deeper areas of the Preshorn make home to a sect of displaced fey who hold no trust for humans and elves alike. A devoted portion of the Preshorn Forest remains untouched, protected both by the neighboring communities and the native wood elves living within. Just before the break of dawn, the foliage of the trees shimmer in the late twilight, an ethereal glow said to be endowed by Galia herself. Much of this forest speaks of the blessings hailing from the celestial realm, causing these woods in particular to be the destination of many pilgrimages the world over.

Abbey of the Earth Mother

Nestled deep in the Preshorn Forest, the Abbey of the Earth Mother was built in the earliest days of Rolandeaux’s establishment, intended to be secluded from the politics and strife tied to advanced civilizations, and retains its privacy even to this day. The peaceful abbey is home to Galia’s most devout followers. The few who know them respect their ancient alchemical and spiritual practices.

Virmoira Road

Virmoira Road connects the heart of Frolois to its distant extremities, affording traders and travelers some measure of safe passage against the wilds. The roadways are a remnant of the late Rolandeaux empire, originally established to connect the capital city to that of Morvengard and Krisfiel. This road links most major hubs of civilization across the continent, allowing trade and transport, particularly of silver from the immense mining veins of the Norwich Mountains. Travel by caravan is common, and escort by armed guard or mercenary is almost mandatory, as the essential use of the roadway has also made it a prime target for outlaws, savages, and roaming beasts.

The Shire

The western part of Frolois is predominantly farmland connected by the famous roads of Frolois but it is also the site of the strong territorial expansion. Both The Siege of Almoir and expanding influence into Alestria take place on the northwestern edge of this district. The capital city is Cobalt, a lake-spanning city famed for its massive bridge styled upon the backs of stone bears. The hills to the south known as the Fallohinds are where most halflings and gnomes take residence. Most communities within the Shire are feudalistic in structure, where the leaders in power often command the militia and exchange land and protection to its residents for labor and services.


Population - 23,946

55% Gnome, 30% Halfling, 15% Other

This thriving, marvelously mechanical city floats over Thural Lake, and is recognized throughout all of Frolois for the “Bear Bridge”, a stunning marvel of architecture that spans from land to city atop massive bear-shaped monuments. Many halflings and gnomes can be found here. It is the northernmost, and the largest community in the Shire. Most who live here spend their days farming, gathering fish, or manning the small chasm on the outskirts of the township to recover minerals and ore from the exposed earth.

The city of Cobalt boasts a rather technologically capable naval force, designed to brave the northern coast of the Alestrian-Froloian landmass. Most travelers to the frozen coasts of Thrandul rely on talented gnome navigators to pilot their vessels past the northern mouth of Thural Lake into the frigid Gweyir Ocean.

While comparably pleasant and welcoming on the outside, this lifestyle is protected by a fierce and intense drive to defend their way of life at the first sign of threat or danger. Most citizens are armed at all times, and trained to rise as a communal militia at a moment’s notice from the town’s Cobalt Bear, a designated sentinel charged with the town’s protection.

Much of this behavior stems from an event nearly two decades past, when Cobalt was brought to its knees by an unprecedented invasion of massive, incendiary constructs, unholy analgamations of metal and magic. The assault reduced much of the continent’s northwestern coast to ash and rubble, the constructs' hellish flames razing a third of Cobalt’s population.

While most of the town has been rebuilt since the incursion, this tragedy has instilled the people of Cobalt with an ever-present, underlying paranoia of another such attack, most looking towards the mysterious island of Thewynn as the origin point of such menaces. With a grim silver lining, a sizable portion of Cobalt has advanced technologically through investigation of the residual scraps left behind from the mechanized raid, and many gnomes have looked curiously towards the isle for inspiration.

Fallohind Hills

Size: Large Comumunity - 37,937

90% Halfling, 10% Other

Fallohind is the name given to the beautiful rolling hills that make up the southwestern part of Frolois. Most of the coastal area is comprised of vast plains, but heavy forests border the Fallohind hills on all landlocked sides. Fallohind is recognized as the land of the halflings; its population was almost completely comprised of their race. While most of the Fallohind holds small hamlets scattered about, each with barely a hundred residents, a few more notable halfling communities reside around and within the ruins of massive abandoned castles, relics of the Rolandeaux empire’s reign over all of Frolois.

Travelers sailing eastward from Alestria often bring their vessels to rest upon the Fallohind shores, seeking respite past the Dragon’s Teeth, and are greeted by the ever-curious eyes of many lightfoot communities. The residents of the Fallohind encourage exploration and discovery - while they dare not journey the perilous trek westward, it is not uncommon for their youngest to explore eastward into the larger cities for an opportunity to garner marvelous stories of their own.

Treaunt Farms

The Treaunt Farms are a stretch of murky shore that the denizens of the The Shire have converted into farmland, the residents specializing in the few unusual vegetables that thrive in saltwater-soaked soil. Bountiful harvests of quattet fruit and the hard-to-grow brineroot has led to a small economic boom for some within the Shire. This situation has led to farmers being fiercely territorial, occasionally to the point of actual violence. Many farmers enjoy their life and the pleasant weather of western Frolois.


Little is known for certain about the island of Theywynn. About fifty miles off the coast of the northwestern Shire, Thewynn has been a centerpiece of elven and gnomish folklore since before records were written. An enormous web of massive tangled vines, bellowing gusts and tumultuous waves guard its secrets from curious eyes, and the few who have crested its shores rarely return with any sensible reports. Theorists believe that the isle is influenced by two entirely separate planes, of Arborea and Mechanus, resulting in a maelstrom of opposing influences.

Very few explorers have ever journeyed past the inner tree line, most famously Governess Cearovi Eroth and her contemporaries from before her ruling days. Her writings speak of a once advanced civilization, lost to time and the unpredictability of the extraplanar. Sigmund Steelwatcher, a mastersmith in the field of invention, claims his creations were divinely inspired by his first and final visit to its shores. Every year there are many attempts to enter the isle of Thewynn, and a great many of them thwarted. Only one piece of knowledge is for certain - those who gaze upon the mysteries of Thewynn never return the same.



Hearth of the Northern Seas, The Forge of Demons, Land of Eternal Winter.

"A traveler, you say? What else could you be with that overcoat of yours? Aye, every sailor knows a tenderfoot when they see one. Fresh, unmarked, likely a shiver or two. Hope you're not here for sightseein', chickling. Ain't nothin' but mountains, trees, and dark beasts hidin' behind 'em. Ride the eastern shores if you're the merchant type, head west if you're lookin' to disappear. The Wilds will come for ya all the same - they got a nose for your blood, I reckon. Ah, you're the adventurin' type? Shoulda known it all along. Buy yourself some proper boots before ya head out there...and never, ever travel alone."
-- Brumdal Bronzemane, Tavernkeep of the Bellowing Bramble, Seumas


Inspirations From a lifestyle and architecture standpoint, much of Tobolsk and the cities within are reminiscent of 12th century Norway built around relics and ancient religious sites. There are also 3rd AD Russia and 790's era of Vikings.

Regions of Tobolsk

Blackspire Mountains

The namesake of this mountain range is owed to the unique stone substance of which it is comprised - a jet black, onyx-like mineral that radiates a unique warmth, preventing snow from settling upon them. This unique composition allows the peaks to stand in dark contrast to the snow-covered lands shadowed beneath it. The image is made more sinister by the sharp jagged peaks strongly reminiscent of blades that form the majority of this range.

It is strongly believed that this mountain is somehow connected to the Pits and the intense demonic population that originated within Tobolsk, though very few expeditions have successfully investigated exactly what lives within the mountains and survived to speak of it. Whether it be superstition or experience, even the Frost Giants and Ymir communities seem to avoid these mountains.

A handful of regional miners have harvested the blackened stone for smithing tools, of which retain the warmth even during the coldest of evenings. There does not appear to be any other source of Blackspire stone anywhere else in Tobolsk, though some theorize that deep within the Demon Pits one might find similar deposits.

The Blackspire Fortress

Tales of the Blackspire Fortress prevail from the first days of dwarven expedition to the present. A sighting of the fabled ‘Blackspire Fortress’ is uncommon but not unprecedented,

often described as an intimidating formation of spires incredibly akin to a fortress-like structure. Such an establishment has been dismissed by the locals as a mirage or illusion, simply to the fact that one has never reported such a sighting in the same location twice. The phenomenon has been chalked up to arcane trickery or even delirium and hallucination, but until such a destination is successfully visited, it will remain just a tale to the dwarven community.

The Eternal Peak

On these barren, rocky isles are where white dragons hail from. Known to freely traverse the entirety of the Blackspire Mountains, a significant community of these chromatic dragons have found refuge in the disjointed isle northwest of Tobolsk. The majority of those who live there are dutiful kobolds and white dragonborn, who revere their same-scale superiors almost religiously. It is written within the gathered scrolls of the dragonborn archives of white dragon worshippers that they were one of the first to take action during The Tribulation. Their writings speak of an ancient white dragon who still survives to this today, though the dragonborn have not laid eyes on it in centuries, lowering entire harvests of food into a deep cavern as offerings and sacrifice. Although these white dragonborn are often heeded as tribal and ritualistic, a select few travel throughout Tobolsk for trading ventures, carrying with them the stories of their kin.

The Demon Pits

Perhaps the most prominent influence to Tobolsk’s brutal and survivalist culture is the existence of demons, monstrous fiends that distort and corrupt the very reality around them. It is unknown how the demons first began materializing in this realm, but over time, their proportionately large numbers have diminished as the continent became more and more populated by the mortal races. Those that remain exist in remote areas, haunting woods and chilled valleys, preying on the lost and foolish. The more clever of their brood may find means to integrate themselves into small societies throughout the realm, where they manipulate the population and utilize them as a steady source of food and horrific entertainment.

Multiple organizations have been created and equipped to combat demonic threats. Most groups, nomadic tribes or otherwise, have established ritualistic or combative practices to ward off and eliminate demons. Tieflings of course must be especially careful in these lands; though over the years they have become more commonplace as a minority in Tobolsk, oftentimes little effort is made to glean the distinctions between them and actual demons. They are very likely to be persecuted or murdered if given the chance. Those who give birth to tieflings, whether they are one themselves or otherwise, are often also persecuted if not heavily scrutinized. The tiefling population within Tobolsk has always paralleled the existence of the Demon Pits, and as long as they exist and affect the same communities, the comparison will always be drawn.

The manifestation of demons in the modern age of the continent is considered rare. Most Tobolski abide by various superstitions, raised to recognize the telltale signs of their influence. Despite the rarity of their presence, most communities within range of the Demon Pits are hopelessly paranoid and aggressive towards even a passing semblance to demonic occurrences, scarred by the passed down horrors of the past, especially given the capacity for demons to take alternate forms and distort the perceptions of their prey.

The obvious threat of encountering a demon manifest aside, the unyielding corruption of areas identified as Pits cause adverse effects on most people that would travel or take up residency near the perimeter of one. Symptoms of memory loss, disorientation, enfeeblement, mania, suicidal ideations and depressive episodes are all within the realm of possibility with prolonged exposure to the energies of a nearby pit.

The first manifestation predates the land’s history and was said to be during The Tribulation. As the continent has become more populated by roaming tribes and fortified settlements, the areas in which they appear most commonly have been identified. Some brave and foolish souls have attempted to explore Pits over the years - while most return safety due to generations of experience, a great number of investigations are fruitless in explaining how exactly demons are able to manifest in the Pits, as no traditional portals are present. The exact locations of most demon pits are common knowledge to the outlanders of the mainlands, and are identified as forbidden or dangerous ground by cartographers.

Notable Demon Pits

Or’mog Burrows

At the base of the Blackspire and Ymir Mountains, the Or’mog Burrows are a series of abandoned mines that very abruptly fell into the hands of imp-like swarms. The monasteries and abbeys of Mernor keep a watchful eye over its entrance.

Xurnalluur Pit

Bordering the eastern peaks of the Orsaun Range, this pit remains one of the most active sites for demonic manifestation on the continent, constantly pressing against the dwarven communities of the Orsaun Range and Soskos. Many hardened soldiers speak of their time serving near Xurnalluur, sharing their tales upon return to their home taverns. The Battle for Xurnalluur Pit rings through many a bartale within the mountain dwarf communities - Ferguson Godsfist, a legend among legends, was said to have defeated a pit fiend in hand-to-hand combat. The veracity of such a tale continues to bend throughout the centuries.

Kal’gun Divide

The Kal’gun Divide, a wide fissure that splits the northern forests of the Wilds, is notoriously hard to contain. Mischievous fiends escape into the nearby waters, traveling at their leisure into the wells of neighboring communities. A number of paladin orders are stationed at the river mouths, tasked with cleansing all that passes through.

Ur’gollek Caverns

Shadowed by the Riobama mountain range southeast of Urul, the caverns are home to a number of outlander communities who have fallen prey to the charms of demon shapechangers. The otherworldly culprits are notoriously hard to remove, as they are often fiercely defended by their cult-like followings.

Dolwich Commonwealth

The Dolwich Commonwealth is the sum of a collective group of towns and villages that form a single sovereign state on the eastern edge of Tobolsk. The walled city of Korrison is seated as its capital, with the majority of other large settlements resting along the coast of this chilled and snowy land. The primary trades in Dolwich involve its abundance of harbors, from fishing to naval travel. Hunters are a notably prominent profession in this region, both in the traditional sense and the less universally accepted blood orders that dot the community.

The practices of blood hunters originated from Tobolsk, as the population’s desperation to defend themselves against the haunting threats of demons and beasts forced them to take up forms of magic that are ancient, macabre, and dark. There is a distinct divide in the hunters of Dolwich - the ones loyal to the Church of Dhuma, and the private defenders, loyal only to their own purse and creed. Hunters are varied and unpredictable at times; for every noble martyr with these orders sacrificing their humanity to protect the innocent, there is a zealot with little more than an insatiable lust for the blood of the wicked.

Dolwich consists of a small variety of races commonly found in Tobolsk, and its citizens are arguably the most aggressive towards tieflings. Many will avidly oppose and seek to harm tieflings, even among the common folk. While public vilification has notably lessened, in earlier years tieflings would be taken in the dead of night and burned at the stake in ritualistic fashion. Tieflings are born of mortal wombs and thus are believed to be a result of sin or corruption; as such, burning a tiefling, though their bodies are resilient to the flames, was believed to be a practice that purifies their soul as they pass into the afterlife. The euphoria brought on by the process of burning victims made fire a rather iconic tool in the arsenal of the most zealous hunters and clerics, even occasionally to their disadvantage.

Ivar Bailiwick

Ivar Bailiwick, formerly recognized as a prominent fishing settlement in Dolwich, is now the home of the Bailiwick Institution. The scholars here have formed a college in the heart of the town dedicated to the study of the science of otherworldly influences.

The Bailiwick Institution holds the ideology that the only way to combat those beyond the realm is with similar entities - Bailiwick researchers search and experiment with bonds and beings hailing from the celestial realm, the fey, and even the darker corners of the outer planes. Nothing is truly out of the question, really - even the temptations of other demons have been spoken of within their walls.

Ivar is also the home of many of the most effective hunters on the continent, bolstered by the research of the Bailiwick Institution. A number of orders have taken residence nearby, exchanging the secrets of their occult traditions and tapping into the arcane blessings of other realms to combat the demonic forces of Tobolsk. The church of Hildah in Korrison is less than supportive of their practices, but their results are often satisfactory enough to ward off interference.


Gjaflaug is the home of Dolwich’s ice trade. It has several production plants that collaborate along the edge of the coast and the small islands just off shore, along with some that operate out of Ivar Bailiwick’s waters. This collective of a central town with scattered small villages and fishing hamlets are the furthest from Korrison with the least direct path owed to the Pit settled between them. As such Gjaflaug has no tangible influence from the church and operates with a unique sovereignty. Most freelance hunters exist in this area of Tobolsk, most famously an elven woman named Norah Tazarik, recognized for her expertise in demonology and centuries of combat experience.


Size: Large Metropolis - 95,024

55% Human, 25% Dwarf, 20% Other

Korrison is the capital city of the Dolwich Commonwealth and home to the Church of Hildah. A thriving and vast city boasting beautiful gothic structures and ornately detailed architecture, the city’s famous stone walls are built exceedingly high to guard from outside threats. Over the years, the population of Korrison bolstered dramatically, leading to some incredibly tall establishments, city expansions below ground, and even denser outer walls.

The Korrison Church of Hildah is the most prominent power in Dolwich, rising to such a station as to govern most of the neighboring towns and villages nearly a century ago. They primarily worship and revere the prime deity Kairos, God of Death, renouncing the cyclical lives of all demonkind as an affront to the natural order. The church is broken into three branches: the Choir, the Pulgori, and the School of Dhuma.

The Choir serves as a face of the church and is the most prominent branch in the public eye, where the clergy provides succor to the masses, providing medical guidance to the city at large.. The Pulgori serve as a secret police under the sanction of the church, consisting of various clerics and hunters. Citizens are equal parts gracious and fearful of the frightful might of the Pulgori. The School of Dhuma is the most reclusive of the church branches, serving a scholarly collective in favor of the church in search of education and enlightenment. The possess extesive holy writings on every deity of the Nine, though only propagating a select few.

While there are a small group of officials and organizations that handle the economy and enforce the basic city laws, the primary responsibility of governing for the last century has rested comfortably in the hands of the Church of Hildah.


Size: Small Town - 1,837

40% Human, 30% Dwarf, 25% Aasimar, 5% Other

Resting on the far shores of the Dolwich Commonwealth, Thokodolf is a small settlement that remains a mystery to many. Despite its unassuming nature, a great number of Tobolsk’s greatest warriors and heroes have traced their roots to this humble little town. From Gadrick Issendor to Ymelia the Valiant, entire shelves have been filled with the tales and triumphs of individuals all growing up within Thokodolf’s makeshift walls.

Some claim the residents of Thokodolf carry the bloodline of Ysgard, that a god from the heroic realm once took refuge amongst them and blessed their lineages. Others believe the land is sanctified, immune to the terrors of the outer realms, that celestial entities watch over their people with an invisible bulwark all throughout their lives. The residents are indifferent to such theories, attributing their successes to their own hardy determination and close-knit community. The mysteries of Thokodol continue to remain such, far departed from the woes of the continent.


Size: Large Settlement - 41,924

40% Human, 35% Dwarves, 15% Elves, 10% Other The country of Novograd rests at the southern end of Tobolsk, bordering the expansive ocean. It is famed across the realm for a number of reasons, from its storied college of arcane studies to the expeditions southwards towards the neighboring continent of Alestria. Most travelers to Tobolsk are greeted first by the citizens of Novograd, who typically welcome the new arrivals with a warm meal and a word of warning.

Although dwarfed in size by the population of the Dolwich Commonwealth, Novograd predates the neighboring settlement by a century or two, formed upon the partnership of the first human city builders with the native dwarves and orcs, and only recently elven merchants from the eastern continent. The sailors and shipwrights of Novograd were among the first to standardize cross-continental trade and travel, reshaping the coasts of every landmass in Lyndria.

The College of Novograd

This city-institution’s foundation rests in its massive cathedral, attributed to be the birthplace of occult studies in eastern Tobolsk. What was once the locked-away secrets of demonology and mysticism has now become common knowledge thanks to the efforts of the students and early scholars of Novograd, potentially saving countless lives across the continent. Built upon the alliance of dwarven and humankind desperate to combat the terrors of the Wilds, the College of Novograd is an unparalleled repository of knowledge relating to the residents of the Abyss - their varying forms, strengths, weaknesses, and unique talents. Their research focuses on demonic purification, prioritizing the process of purging fiendish influence through the utilization of silvered weapons, holy magic, containment and banishment. Many graduates of the college have gone on to build libraries of their own, examples including the Bailiwick Institution in Ivar Bailiwick and the School of Dhuma under Korrison’s Church of Hildah. The college initially allied itself with a neighboring monastery, requiring the protection of the famed Urul-kai warriors until nearly a century after its founding. Over time the college has since been expanded upon to form a massive castle against the snow plains of the south, and has maintained its alliance with the warrior tribes even after their protection had ceased.

Institutions of Tobolsk

This frost-laden continent is home to a number of different research institutions, colleges, and other places of study. Their core teachings revolve around the same goal: to defend against and retaliate against the continent's demonic forces. Here's a quick guide on each institution's field of study:

Bailiwick Institution, Dolwich - Otherworldly pacts, firearms, blood magic

School of Dhuma, Dolwich - Religious studies, sacred texts, teachings of the Nine

College of Novograd - Holy magic, otherworldly containment and banishment, silvered weapons

Kagnha Conversatory, Soskos - Arcane weaponry, magical equipment and defenses

Lok’Garash Archives, Urul - Combat training, military strategy, demonic containment


Seumas is the name bestowed upon a village in the southern most point of Tobolsk, owing its namesake to its founder, Cassandra Seumas nearly four centuries past. Cassandra was once a prominent scholar and student of Novograd, often found proclaiming radical ideas amongst her peers. She possessed differing views towards the application of some of the college’s more practical discoveries, and eventually separated herself with the construction of a mansion and sustaining village miles away. Seumas has a lengthy, but quite direct road to the rest of Tobolsk’s eastern coast, allowing it relatively easy transport and exchange of goods. Even after her death, potions and various alchemical concoctions inspired by Cassandra Seumas’ writings remain among the main exports of this town. Wayfarers who visit this village sometimes find themselves drawn to the abandoned mansion of the village’s founder, wary of the strangely unsettling air that surrounds it. Seumas has also made a name for itself as being the birthplace of the First Fleet, a series of voyaging vessels that journeyed southwards with little more than an inkling of land to be discovered. The ships were crafted by dwarven shipwrights and sponsored by the scholars of Novograd College, eager to locate resources beyond the continent’s frozen land. In present day, the town of Thrandul in Alestria is a thriving testament to the determination and grit of the first settlers who conquered a barren landscape hundreds of miles away. The First Fleet remains the inspiration to many succeeding convoys that would come to explore the coasts of every other continent.

Emerlem Slopes

The slopes of the Emerlem mountain range are a prominent natural barrier against the northern woodlands, which in the early stages of Tobolsk were among the most dangerous places to settle. Urul-kai warriors frequently patrolled the length of these slopes, utilizing the terrain to gain a perspective advantage over both the Wilds and the Novograd settlements.

Emerlem Cathedral

Emerlem Cathedral is a vast and long abandoned compound fallen into ruin. At one time it was a safe haven at the bottom of the Emerlem Slopes for those seeking refuge against nature and monsters alike. Many monks and priests called this grand structure home many centuries ago. It was also a valuable establishment to the Novograd College, as many Urul-kai warriors would take shelter here while patrolling the region. After a series of strange and unexplainable occurrences over the course of a few years the cathedral was ultimately abandoned, with the remaining monks and clerics integrating into the Novograd College and other scholarly establishments across Tobolsk. The cathedral is presently avoided and has since fallen into disrepair by the passage of time and the elements, with several haunting tales suggesting the grounds are corrupted.

Orsaun Range

The Orsaun Range is a vast and often perilous mountain range, though even its highest peaks pale in comparison to the mountains of Ymir or Blackspire. In the twilight years of the first century of Tobolsk’s colonization the Orsaun Range was utilized as a geographical defense against monsters in the northernmost lands of the continent. It was once full of various small villages and tunnel systems designed to house entire city populations in times of crisis.

As the threats of demons and terrible monstrosities stabilized the constructed towns became more of a legitimate residence, particularly to the duergar and deep gnomes. At this time the two societies began dedicating their efforts to converting the mountain range into a web of mining tunnels that nearly span the entirety of the northern coast. Though initially rivals, the two races over time began a pleasant partnership and collaborated on a multitude of sophisticated mining and engineering techniques that are now utilized by prominent excavating companies worldwide.

Among the most common materials harvested from the mines was gunpowder. However, as firearms became a staple in Tobolsk’s arsenal and industrial exports, the necessity for gunpowder became unsustainable. The demand for it nearly dried up the mines’ stores until more efficient firearms were developed almost two centuries later by scholars in the Dolwich Commonwealth. Such methods would be expanded upon with the help of notable artificers and students of the Bailiwick Institution.

Their attention has instead shifted to processing gold ore, a mineral of great pride found almost solely within the depths of the Orsaun Range. A great many dwarves of this region are hopelessly infatuated with it, utilizing the mineral in everything from jewelry to weaponry and architecture. As such the most established underground buildings are lined with golden decorations, signifying wealth and respect within the community. All other societies within Tobolsk turn to the Orsaun Range for gold deposits, and they trade with all except the country of Soskos, with whom they historically have a tenuous relationship.

To this day Orsaun Range houses the largest dwarven community outside of Soskos, a timeless refuge during times of peril for all living within the mountains.


Size: Large Settlement - 53,924

75% Duergar Dwarf, 15% Gnome, 5% Dragonborn, 5% Other

Laduguer was the first of the mines to be developed in the Orsaun Range. It was also the birthplace of Tobolsk’s weaponry, as gunpowder was first discovered here. It has since been decommissioned for the most part and serves as a pseudo capital city for the gnomes and dwarves of Tobolsk.

While mining still takes place here, it’s primary efforts are towards engineering pursuits, as well as expanding upon the old and long abandoned settlements that had been established as shelters for the societies south of the range against demonic or monstrous assaults.


The caverns of Barakuir are the home of the major mining enterprises in Tobolsk; nearly all of the vast network of tunnels and various mining outposts are connected to this central hub. Most if not all of Barakuir is settled beneath the surface, also having many tunnels that lead miles deeper into the earth. Barakuir required little to no resources in defending itself from demonic influence, as no potential threats know how to navigate the winding tunnels quite as well as its residents. As opposed to most of the surface dwellers, their major threats instead hail from the Underdark, upon which the community guards keep a watchful eye.


Soskos is a country of hardship and strife, with enemies on every side and harsh weather all year round. Demons plague villages and constant assaults decimate the bordering populations time and time again. However, dwarves are a hardy people, willing to continually fight and die for their home. The deity Tobolsk, upon which the continent is named, made the first dwarves, and the first dwarves made Soskos. ‘Tobolsk, Family, and Country’ are the three pillars of a dwarf’s life, often emblazoned on the grip of a hammer or the banners of a forge storefront. Soskos is surrounded mostly by dense forests and has a vast supply of silver from the mountains in the north. They are currently allied with the Dolwich Commonwealth and Novograd but have had uneasy relations with the Duergar and the frost giants. The dwarven communities have little tolerance for the orc tribes except for when demons are involved. King Torenor Honorforge reigns from Holgram and has led many battles to victory, even claiming the head of a powerful demon general. Life is tough, but the folk are tougher and plan to stay regardless of the numerous enemies at their doorstep.

Heart of Tobolsk

The mountain range directly north of Holgram. The mines here are laced with silver said to be a gift from Tobolsk to combat the demons. Legends tell that the Life Forge, the birthplace of the dwarves reside somewhere within, but no one has found it nor possess any clue to its location.


Population: Large Metropolis - 143,078

60% Dwarf (Mountain), 30% Dwarf (Hill), 10% Other Holgram is the capital of the dwarven kingdom and the most heavily fortified city in the world. It has gone under siege by demons, duergar, orcs, and monsters but has withstood numerous trials by fire. It is a physical representation of the hardheaded, stubborn, and strong nature of the dwarves. It is a fortress made of black stone, with thousands of storied scars against its walls. It is the home of the Sons of Tobolsk, the elite warriors of the king himself. Secret entrances litter the fortress and even trade routes underground prevent Holgram from ever running out of supplies should they remain undiscovered. Silver weapons of the highest quality are forged here from the mines in the Heart of Tobolsk.

The citizens of Holgram are battle hardened warriors and master smiths, everyone who lives here can fight and will fight when called upon by their king. Dwarves stand and fall together here thriving under the constant pressure of battle. The people also however, enjoy a good ale and bar fight. Drinking contests and feats of strength are legendary here; a celebration is held after each successful battle and is always a sight to behold. Victory feasts are city wide parades and celebrations of life and ale. Though many alliances remain tenuous throughout the kingdom’s history, people from all neighboring nations are invited to partake after arduous victories over demon incursions, setting aside their usual disagreements.

Eyes of Kag Tharum

A military station resting against the Shield of Tobolsk, Kag Tharum is the lifeline of the Shield. Farmers and various smiths deliver their wares towards the effort of keeping one of the largest demon pits in Tobolsk at bay, Xurnalluur Pit. No currency is used here; only hard work and dedication is accepted towards the protection of the kingdom. People who cannot fight on the wall, those too old, too sick, or orphaned live here with a small contingent of warriors who protect them as they grow food and forge weapons and armor for the soldiers in the front lines.

Shield of Tobolsk

The Shield is a massive ice wall reinforced with silver pillars that extend all along the western mountain range separating the rest of Soskos from the demon pit Xurnalluur. Volunteers and criminals come from all over the country to man the wall and defend their homes. Here it does not matter who you used to be, only what you do now. General Morigor Greyheart is the high commander and master strategist that currently oversees the defenses, protecting Soskos for over two centuries.


Kaghna is the center of research and development on the northeastern coast of Soskos. Artificers, wizards, and scholars live here and work on new ways to combat the enemies of their country. Great arcane weapons of astonishing power are the focus within their walls, developed here mostly in secret by the most powerful spellcasters of the continent. While religion is held in the utmost respect just like anywhere else, weapon crafters here choose to rely on arcane techniques beyond what was been divined upon them by their deities, tapping into the weave of magic that courses through the land. The main conservatory of study is overseen by Archwizard Glasitaine, a long-time ally and friend of King Torenor Honorforge.


Merdoth is a large settlement plagued with constant strife and warfare. When not assailed by demons, wild barbarian tribes driven mad by the pits continually run amok against its walls. Originally a military encampment tasked with surveying activity in The Wilds, the town has been attacked and razed to the ground multiple times whenever a major threat passes through on its way to Holgram. Little do most know, the settlement above is simply a diversion. It is laced with traps to slow down and weaken invading forces while most of the population lives beneath the city.

After every invasion, the town is rebuilt seemingly overnight to the surprise of the survivors who manage to escape the armies of Holgram. This tactic has helped the dwarven forces completely route entire legions and leave nothing left to return home. It is a closely guarded secret and rumors are purposefully spread about the city being blessed by Tobolsk himself. On the surface, the soldiers disguised as civilians roam the streets while the main population thrive underground and assist in supplying Holgram during sieges. This city is the hometown of General Morigor Greyheart, the master tactician currently overseeing the defense of the Shield of Tobolsk. Every dwarf who lives here takes an oath of secrecy, the punishment for breaking that oath is death and dishonor upon your family line.

Nozagret Stronghold

While the Shield defends the western borders against incoming demonic threats, the Nozagret stronghold has stood as a barrier between the Soskoan dwarves and the frost giants for hundreds of years. Reinforcements for the wall in times of dire need are stationed here and are ready to mobilize with a few hours. It is run by General Greyheart’s right hand, Captain Emberbeard.

Thegrock Vale

Thekgrock is the main stopping point for travelers coming from Cormag Edge. It acts as the main trade hub between Soskos and the Dolwich Commonwealth. The town is run by Mayor Koga, who coordinates with the naval trade of Port Dom Moldir to service both nations.

All of this, of course, pales in comparison to the adult silver dragon that lives among the people. The draconic beast-sage Tymbaroth typically takes residence within the frosted hills of Cormag Edge, but occasionally arrives at the front gates, engaging the citizens with a myriad of questions. The residents of Thegrock Vale were alarmed at first, but quickly grew accustomed to his company, entertaining him with books of dwarven lore and generational folktales. His presence wards off the bandits that typically line the hill valleys, occasionally defending the people he enjoys conversing with.

Cormag Edge

Cormag Edge is a perilous hill range towards the northeast that separates Soskos and the Dolwich Commonwealth. Many raiders live within these mountains ready to attack caravans or traveling groups that travel the road through there, often requiring military escorts provided by either nation.

Port Dom Moldir

Population: Large City - 22,895

55% Dwarf, 45% Other Neighboring the city of study Kaghna on the far northeastern shores, Port Dom Moldir has the lowest dwarven population within the country of Soskos. A variety of different races bolster the bustling trade here, existing very loosely under dwarven rule. The city is primarily overseen by three dwarven trade princes, Wekeas, Nodot, and Bousson, who manage all the naval imports and exports of Soskos. Their work is effective at best, suspect at worst; they work in tandem to make sure all forms of trade happen exactly how they see fit, legal or otherwise.


Nodot is suspected to run most local gangs and hires thieves, spies, and assassins to scout and steal from other nations. Wekeas oversees all supplies and wares that arrive at their port, even those not properly documented. Bousson oversees the muscle to protect operations and shakes down pirates and thieves who are not on their payroll. Dom Moldir is a port that runs itself, often supplying an abundance of resources not typically obtainable anywhere else on the continent. Despite their less than honest practices, much of the ruling parties within Soskos have turned a blind eye to their activity, often relying on their incredibly difficult to obtain imports and wealth of knowledge beyond the nation’s borders. Though Port Dom Moldir is often spoken of as a lawless land, those loyal to the princes are guaranteed safety by outside threats, forming a unique sort of comradery and refuge.


Grand Lexicon

Spellcasters both divine and arcane can be found here as the building doubles as both church and library. One of the most civil parts of Dom Moldir, the Retreat is mostly made out of scholars, Druids, and clerics, any person from Khagna usually finds themselves here and works as somewhat of an embassy for them within the city. If it’s arcane knowledge, rumors of ruins, expeditions in to the wild tundra you’re looking for then this is the place to be.

Gouged Anvil

One of the most popular places to visit for up and comers looking to make a name for themselves is The Gouged Anvil. The Gouged Anvil is a popular location to meet, greet, and hire new blood for a variety of jobs. If you need cheap protection, need something stolen or just someone to get things done, this is the place to come. Agents of each of the big three find themselves here as talent scouts and look for people who fit their M.O.

Raven Tower

The Raven Tower is home to an estranged wizard whom contains in their possession a very strange artifact. Something from a mad mage long since dead hundreds, possibly thousands of years ago, a strange contraption with a myriad of cogs, levers, and gears calls many to promise of treasure. In exchange for a cut of whatever is brought back, the owner will grant you entrance in to an endless maze constantly building new rooms, floors, traps, dangers, and most importantly, treasure. Anything can happen inside the pocket plane that is contained in this massive sphere but very very few ever return. Groups who enter are only limited by their greed on how far they will venture in search of the untold treasures that were left behind in this deadly maze.


Population - Large Settlement - 85,496

55% Orc, 20% Bugbear, 20% Hobgoblin and Gobin, 5% Half-Orc

Named after the first warriors of the Wilds, Urul is at the center of Tobolsk’s land mass, and was founded during the continent’s initial stages of cultivation as a strategic endeavor. When the people of Tobolsk first attempted to colonize beyond the walls of Soskos, it was a much harsher time than present day, with demons and monstrous terrors beyond every vale and valley. Orcish warriors from across the continent, some even theorized to have hailed from overseas, spearheaded an attempt to drive back the antagonistic population. These warriors, the strongest of every bloodline in the realm, founded a clan called the Urul-kai, uniting the denizens within the Wilds. They were among the first to cultivate militarized methods in combating otherworldly monsters.

Upon their initial union, their intention was to settle in the northern half of the Wilds, to serve as a magnet for demonic threats. This was to allow other settlers to more easily grab a foothold and populate the coastal regions, that they may supply the Urul-Kai’s efforts with resources. Over many generations the alliances of the Urul-Kai tribes and the neighboring dwarven kingdoms were tenuous at best, often perceiving each other as a threat.

The two nations would only pool their efforts at the rise of their common demonic enemies. Unfortunately, the Urul-Kai warriors suffered a massive loss many generations past to an unknown threat, fragmenting the clans and their survivors. Goblinoid allies broke off to build their own cities, the dwarves sealed their walls, and many orc tribes returned to their native lands, seeing the defeat as an irreparable loss. The city of Karguk that stands today is an ongoing effort by orc and half-orc Urul-Kai descendants to repair the nation, honoring the traditions and promises of their ancestors to keep the continent safe for all.

Today the people of Urul serve as a vanguard throughout Tobolsk, answering the call to wherever there may be monsters in need of banishment. To this end there is very little economic or agricultural activity in Urul. Most if not all of the people’s efforts in some way contribute to the fortification of their settlements and the augmentation of their combat proficiency. They afford this effort by the good graces of donations from some other societies who pay them as mercenaries and military hires to protect their lands and people.


Karguk is the de facto capital of Urul. Established just outside the northwest perimeter of the Wilds, it continues to serve as a tactical bastion given its proximity to the Ghulic Lake and more open landscape. Karguk is the result of the Urul-Kai descendants hoping to preserve the creed and traditions of their forefathers, offering a bastion of defense to all who rest within their walls. Karguk more than any other Urul stronghold is home to several tradesmen unaffiliated with Urul’s militaristic endeavors, whom all take refuge in exchange for goods and resources. The capital stands as proof of the orc clans’ willingness to ally with the other races that call Tobolsk home, serving as a place of peace and common ground in the ever-present combat against demonkind.

The architecture of Karguk’s defensive structures are some of the finest in the world, uniquely crafted in the orc-inspired designs of their ancestors.. Although there are few constructs that rival the make of dwarven design, the orcs have bolstered their walls with the hearty trunks of forestry from the Wilds, with countless sharp stakes extending outwards into the wilderness. Shamans among their ranks work among the walls, shaping and molding their defenses to guard against rabid threats. What the orcs lack in complex architecture, they make up for with malleability, able to build sturdy bunkers and defenses wherever they may find themselves in the Wilds.

In terms of arms and weaponry, the armies of Karguk still pay respects to their Urul-Kai forefathers. Their shields and axes are blessed by local mystics, sure to call upon their ancestral guardians in combat. The brutality of the Urul warrior engagements are often contrasted by their stoic meditations prior to conflict, as every Urul-Kai descendant pays respects to the warriors felled before them. Many warriors proudly carry the symbols of their bloodlines, the names of their fathers tattooed against their hardy skin. A number of battalions adorn themselves with the imagery of demons, invoking the terrifying visages of their foes to their advantage.

The city also holds a sophisticated repository of information unique to the Urul-Kai clans, known as the Lok’Garash Archives. Scribed onto lengthy scrolls with vivid imagery, a multitude of documents detail the various types of demons and monsters encountered over the centuries, complete with military records and strategic tomes, that warriors of the future may adapt and refine their strategies from the wisdom of those who came before them. Virtually all military or combat schools in Tobolsk, and even those elsewhere in the world, send students here to study under martial masters and battlefield scholars.

A branch of Karguk has recently begun delving into demon summoning incantations, taking inspiration from the witches of the Wilds. The process of gaining mastery over a demon to learn more of its attributes is a divisive discussion within the walls of Karguk, but the information that has been gleaned from this practice has proven useful. Such a ritual takes place beyond the walls of the city, heavily monitored by armed guards.

Ghulic Lake

Ghulic Lake sits at the center of a massive river that paths its way across the entirety of Tobolsk, from the Orsaun Range to the eastern shores. Many of Tobolsk’s northern settlements have access to the river and subsequently the lake itself. Thus, river travel is commonplace in the southern area of Soskos, as it serves as an accessible passageway from town to town and easy access to the Orsaun Range, Urul and Dolwich, with caution near the Kal’gun Divide demon pits. The lake itself is relatively unremarkable, besides being a crucial source of food and water to its surrounding settlements. Merchants of Karguk have recently began populating the outer perimeters of the lake, fostering a one-of-a-kind marketplace that caters to all the tensely allied communities. That said, exploration under the surface has shown several underground caverns coming out into the lake, forming a web of channels at span out several miles from the lake. Some come out at ponds and smaller lakes scattered around the neighboring lands.


Much like it’s sister clan Snog, Mor truly established itself after its departure from the original Urul-kai alliance. The majority of the goblins and hobgoblins of the country live here, or at least trace their lineage to this clan. Like other former allies of the Urul-kai,

Mor’s mission to combat and survive against the terrors of the demon pits has not wavered. That said, they adopt a more ‘fire-with-fire’ approach than any other tribe in Urul, not afraid of damaging entire portions of the forest if it means victory in battle. Comprised primarily of tribal arcanists, battlemasters, and blood hunters, the goblinoids of Mor believe that to best fight an otherworldly foe, one must adopt otherworldly means.

They hold no qualms with the utilization of brash or dark magics for the sake of hunting and subsequently decimating supernatural threats, an ideology they share with the researchers at the Bailiwick Institution. Their alliances with the rest of Urul are stressed and temporary at best, prioritizing the survival of their own people above all else.


Snog, along with it’s cultural equivalent, Mor, is a settlement that grew from the separation of the Urul-kai clan, its name originating from the surname of the clan’s founder.

Originally a famous tribe of bugbear warriors, it has since grown to the population of a small town. The residents of Snog are brutish and resilient, priding their powerful builds that challenge their orc-born neighbors. They are famous for their tracking talents and comprehensive understanding of the northern Wilds, often braving difficult expeditions through the dense woodwork.

While they are not typically open to alliances beyond the goblinoid communities, there is a mutual understanding between them and the rest of Urul should catastrophe strike, often traveling to Karguk in times of desperation.

Urul-kai Woods

These woods are among the densest in all of Tobolsk, which is a feat in of itself, let alone the heritage of its namesake. In the early days of Urul, these woods served as a makeshift capital. A massive war camp was held here, where the Urul-kai orcs and their kin served as a form of minutemen, prepared to move out and fight the denizens of the Abyss at a moment’s notice.

The lack of a proper settlement with appropriate defenses was foolish, however: the woods now serve as a memorial of one of the most infamous bloodbaths in Tobolsk’s history. Nearly the entirety of the Urul-kai were slaughtered by an unknown monstrosity in the dead of night. The only survivors were those that had been out in other areas of Tobolsk on separate deployments. Stories say that night was noted as being the most silent in history, as though every soul in the country feared to draw breath - that even the snow seemed frightened to fall. Nothing living dared make a sound that night.

Today the woods remain mostly undisturbed, with ruins of campsites and field fortifications strewn about in wreckage. The Urul-kai survivors began a tradition of paying their respects that persists to this day. Some venture into the Northern Wilds to pay homage to their fallen ancestors yearly upon the winter solstice, the same night as the massacre. Some believe that the source of the slaughter will return one day, on the same night, and every year the communities of Urul stand vigilantly in memoriam.

Nowadays, very few tribes have elected to remain living within the Urul-kai Woods. It now houses the most eccentric and unusual of individuals, some deeply attuned to the land, others solitary practitioners not accustomed to the formalized city life of Karguk. Legend speaks of a singular individual living within the woods with the talent to slay demons with permanence outside of the Abyss, an elder shaman from a land far to the south. His talents are one of a kind, and it is said he rests in solitude until only the darkest of threats arrive, to bring a temporary peace once more.

Valakhad Dominion

Before the Valakhad Dominion was formally established, there were just a loose collection of human settlements. The constant demon threat eventually drove these people to seek ways to protect themselves, turning to the heavens for aid. Unbeknownst to most all of Lyndria, the people of these settlements reached to the outer planes and contacted the Quori, spirits of light that inhabit an entirely separate realm. It is unknown whether this bond was intentional or fateful, but this connection has forever shaped the residents of the Valakhad Dominion.

The Kalashtar are a people with an intimate connection to the Quori, most of whom were linked at birth to these spirits of light thanks to the actions of their ancestors. The nature of the bond is still not well-understood, even by the Kalashtar - they simply recognize that the bond is present, resulting in shared emotions from a distant plane, the gift of telepathic thoughts among their peers, and an occasional pale illumination from their eyes. Even though over half of the country’s population is made up of Kalashtar, it is by no means public information beyond Valakhad, nor are they open about this fact. The Council of the Valakhad Dominion ensures its secrecy by limiting interactions with the neighboring nations, relying on its own self-sufficiency.

This safeguard of information was put in place by the Council due to the advent of the Enucleation, an organization of zealots that came to rise within the Dolwich Commonwealth. Those who have witnessed the secret of the Kalashtar people often see it as wholly alien; these zealots believe the Kalashtar are invaders to this realm, of unnatural and antagonistic intent. Some believed that they were possessed by spirits of the dead, and potentially dangerous to other communities. This paranoia, already exacerbated by the ever-looming threat of demons, has led to the Enucleation’s founding, comprising of a group of fanatics tasked with hunting down any individuals with ‘spectral, glowing eyes’. Enucleates have been known to torture Kalashtar they capture, claiming their luminescent eyes as prize.

Riobamba Range

For many years, Riobamba was a simple pioneer town trying to build off the unused resource of ‘tundra seedlings,’ a hardy crop that only grew in below freezing temperatures. Over the past several decades, the village has exploded in size and population after plentiful silver veins were discovered within the nearby rocky hills.

Between the two exports, hardworking common folk and opportunistic prospectors alike flocked to Riobamba, even despite its unsettling proximity to the Ur'golick Caverns.

Riobamba is far enough away from Torashtal that the influence of the Council rarely reaches it, giving opportunists and lowlifes freedom to subvert and control both the village government and the local economy. A decade ago, a small circle of vigilantes and mercenaries declared themselves protectors of Riobamba, teking the name The Red Kiln, hunting and slaying creeping dangers in the night and returning to great fanfare. Over the past decade, others seeking fame and glory joined the ranks of the The Red Kiln and the group ballooned into the unofficial town law enforcement.

Corruption eventually took hold of the circle, all-encompassing. The vigilantes now personally stoke the fires of fear, all while demanding increasing tribute for their services and disposing of those who refuse. Today, the people of Riobamba are just as afraid of the Red Kiln as they are of the creatures they keep at bay.


Population - Large City - 9,757

65% Human (Kalashtar), 25% Human, 20% Other

The city of Torashtal is the capital of Valakhad Dominion, a crossroads of culture along the Silvercut Roadway open to travelers and vagabonds of all kinds. The citizens of this city call themselves friends of none, enemies of fewer; they welcome all who manage to make it to their home provided they come in peace and take no sides in any conflict. The Council sits within Torashtal, governing the dominion with peace as their priority. As such, no weapons of any kind may be drawn or visible within its streets, except by those who guard its gates.

As with most of the nation, it is not common knowledge that every member within the council is of Kalashtar descent. Under the guise of a peaceful, prosperous land, they keep a watchful eye over the capital and towards the surrounding forests. The people of Torashtal are nonetheless happy, and visitors and often engage in popular activities such as ice fishing, festivals, and the famous wyvern riding displays.


It is said that Vishara was formed after a group of adventurers stumbled upon a massive luminescent tree within the eastern forests of Tobolsk.

It gleamed with the light of a full moon, as if blessed by the deity Mayara herself, and the adventurers decided to settle down and built a home beside it. Since then, the abodes have grown into a robust, if isolated town. The architecture varies from quaint homesteads to dingy hovels, and the majority of the populace sits somewhere in between. The ground is fertile even in the wintry climate, leading to rumors of fey and faerie circles enchanting the land. It is thanks to Vishara’s harvest that the Valakhad Dominion can thrive without many trade connections outside of its borders. Many drudic circles recognize this city and oftentimes visit, exchanging their discoveries from all across the continent. There is also a famous temple of Mayara called the Santa Luna, which protects the ‘Moon Tree’ around which all is built.

Many tales are spoken of how the Moon Tree came to be. It is said that after the elementals nearly consumed Mayara during the Tribulation, the vengeful Brumous came in and vanquished the rest of their foes. After his victory, Brumous returned to what is now Vishara and placed a single seed into the ground where the Mayara was nearly destroyed. The god wept and from the seed grew a symbol of prosperity and protection. The massive tree is a beacon of pure white light within the dark forest that surrounds it. While the extent of the tree’s divine power remains a mystery, it stands as an emblem of unity and hope both within the city of Vishara, and upon its official crest.

The Wilds


25% Human, 25% Dragonborn, 15% Tabaxi, 15% Shifter, 10% Ghostwise Halfling, 10% Other

The Wilds is a vast woodland where scattered nomadic tribes of barbarians and small druidic circles call home. The landscape is chilled but nonetheless full of game and resources to harvest and live upon.

Many roaming tribes of white dragonborn, humans, and even halflings freely roam the Wilds. Some find themselves in regular rivalry and conflict, while others often work together to combat mutual threats surrounding the demon Pits. Less than welcoming clansfolk are also scattered about, often partaking in bloodletting rituals to heighten their bond with their deities. A number of tribes make tradition of the Wilds’ perils, sending their most powerful warriors to slay demons as displays of might and honor, often as a right of passage. The greater the demon slain, the grander your renown and prestige within your tribe or clan.

Some shifters have come to call this region of Tobolsk sanctuary, though most of the more “civilized” places in Tobolsk tend to mistake them for the ravenous beasts affiliated with lycanthropes. Some scholars believe that there may have been a correlation to lycanthropy and the bloodlines of shifters. while other more spiritual groups believe that shifters are the physical manifestations of bestial spirits. As such they are renowned and respected within the society of tribes that live in the Wilds and other similar cultures in the world.

Though it is rare, Tabaxi may also be seen shadowing the woodlands. Tabaxi in this region tend to be aloof and reclusive, though they are far from unfriendly to neighbors and travelers alike, often offering them succor in their travels. Many Tobolski tabaxi clans resemble snow leopards and are believed to predate humankind in this corner of the world. The tabaxi have, for as long as they have been known, practiced monastic traditions in a hidden monastery.

This Umbral Hand Monastery is a grand temple of frosted onyx and is apparently only readily visible during certain seasons under a particular moonlight.

This is believed to be the result of it residing on a crossroads between the Material Plane and another; or perhaps, more simplistically, a well-maintained illusionary magic. Tabaxi here practice a martial arts colloquially termed ‘shadow walking’, similar to those found in the Oe Provinces in Pedminara.

Perhaps this was passed along by practitioners among the Urul-kai who settled within the northern Wilds centuries ago during the continent’s colonization.

At the time, the tabaxi practiced these arts in guerrilla tactics against the demons populating the lands in those early days. Now, those ghostly arts are used exclusively in self defense, for they as a people have mastered the art and move as phantoms against the night.

Lake of Whispers

The Lake of Whispers rests in the center of the Wilds and is adjacent to the monastery of the Umbral Hand. In the night, gentle whispers echo through the air, and white ghostly figures seem to dance upon the water.

While there are many haunting stories from those who have traveled to this lake, and just as many unexplainable phenomena, this is not considered to be overtly dangerous place. The whispers have been suggested to a unique sound created by the wind as it passes through and around various obstacles. Likewise, the ghostly figures appear to be the reflection of starlight that collides with pockets of mists that hover over the lake while the cold air of Tobolsk meets the surprisingly warm temperature of the water. Nevertheless, the ever present mysterious tabaxi and uncanny events imply that there is in fact something suspicious about this lake. It is believed by those who visit to be connected to the Ethereal Plane, a veritable gathering place for the spirits of the dead.

The Isles of Emhain Abhlach

Many outlander societies in Tobolsk are perpetually in conflict with one another. This is partly due to traditional animosity dating back generations, but primarily as a result of their warrior culture as they battle for the sake of their own ancient pantheon. Some old barbarian tribes found refuge from conflicts with other cultures and the demons on the Isles past the shores of Tobolsk. The populations of the Isles of Emhain Abhlach consist almost entirely of tabaxi and minotaurs, existing separate from the war-torn mainland.

Some of the less civilized communities of Emhain Abhlach used to venture out unto the mainland, battling with the Urul-kai as they raided and pillaged for riches and resources. Most of these cultures in the present day no longer venture very far into the continent, preferring the peace that the seclusive isles afford them, though there are a few who continue to roam the less governed western Tobolsk lands.

Ymir Mountains

Population - Large Settlement - 28,901

50% Goliath, 25% Human, 15% Gnomes, 10% Dwarves

Frost giants have claimed the Ymir Mountains since before the colonization of Tobolsk by smaller races began. Despite their might and violent warrior culture, they are not found anywhere else in Tobolsk, leading most to believe that they settled in Ymir not necessarily by choice. Perhaps they were culturally restrained there by the Demon hordes that once flooded the lands below.

House of the Rising Sun

Often mistaken for what many know as the Northpoint Cave, the true House of the Rising Sun is a temple masoned out of the mountainside of various high peaks facing the east. Curious travelers of various races and cultures have ventured here - some seeking refuge from the ire of other societies in Tobolsk, others for their own personal spiritual journey, and others still for reasons of worship. Regardless of their reasons, those that would come here are ruthlessly tested as they must traverous dangerous natural barriers, climb grand mountain paths, and cross paths with frost giants and goliath tribes that call Ymir home. It is unclear the origins of the philosophies practiced here.

Goliaths, whom descended from the giants that once ruled these mountains, were the first people found to practice here. The fundamentals of their beliefs are curiously similar to some spiritual practices found in Pedminara, though with some influences from the Goliath's rigid culture. The clouds surrounding these mountains are surprisingly sparse, allowing each temple to be enshrined in brilliant sunlight at most hours of the day. Those who have successfully completed their journey to these temples often return to their homeland with an enlightened purpose, or venture onwards with a new goal entirely.

Northpoint Cave

Less of a cave, and more of fortress, this place is formed in the middle of the tundra at the base of the mountain. Strangely, this castle like structure was not constructed out of bricks, but a single, unnaturally formed mass of stone out of the ground. Believed to be formed deliberately by elementals with powers over the earth, this place has been used as a refuge for those seeking the temples of the Rising Sun in the mountains.

As such, most have come to mistakenly refer to it as the House of the Rising Sun, only to be corrected upon arrival. Few monks reside there, as well as those who traveled from Novagrad for research or a sense of new purpose. Some excavations of the cave have been endeavored over the years, as the structure seems to be formed deep into the earth, but many sections that allude to deeper levels are firmly sealed away.

The Mines of Ymir

Initially an attempt by the dwarves and gnomes of the Orsaun Range to expand their mining enterprise, this mine is presently abandoned and deemed unsafe for any to enter. The goliaths of the region often fought the dwarves to retain the mineral-rich caverns within their claimed territory, causing significant animosity. Eventually one of these skirmishes caused a catastrophic collapse in the deepest tunnel, exposing a massive passageway into the Underdark. Lacking a safe means to repair the collapse or scout the revealed passage, the mine has been abandoned, and those who return do so at great peril.



90% Aarakocra, 10% Other

High in the spires of Zizranor live a proud and noble people. The aarakocra of Zizranor live a life in worship to Surya, Goddess of the Sun. Their settlements among the mountains of Zizranor are few, but sizable. Built with winged travel in mind, they live within vertical, tiered cities filled with tall towers and sheer drops. While the people of Zizranor are welcoming of outsiders, they are understandably cautious.

Nearby duergar have always had an animosity towards their winged neighbors, and the aarakocra return the feeling in kind. Nearby demon incursions are also a cause for concern for Zizranor, but they do not simply hold a cold disregard for them, like they do for the duergar. Rather, a number of orders have been founded in service to Surya to actively ward off their forces, sworn to protect the realm. Paladins, clerics, and monks from Zizranor's sun soul monasteries all work together to eradicate nearby demon threats, and anyone they view as being 'tainted' by demonic corruption. Able to sustain themselves in the mountains, Zizranor doesn’t trade much with other powers, but when they do they offer their services in mediation, hunting and scouting, leatherworking, and surprisingly stonework and masonry.


Considered the capital of Zizranor, Ezzor is built upon and around the highest mountaintop in Zizranor, referred to as Ezzor Peak. Ezzor is practically inaccessible to all but the Aarakocra, for there exists no pathway, natural or constructed, up to the city. The Aarakocra do not prohibit outsiders from entering Ezzor, but it is an unspoken rule that no Aarakocra is allowed to assist the ‘landwalkers’ in their goal of reaching Ezzor.

Thus the only way to access it without flight is a harrowing free climb, including a section that is a completely vertical 800 foot climb. Within Ezzor resides the sanctums of the various orders based in Zizranor, and the city as a whole contains a variety of small monasteries, high towers, and various places of study and reflection.


Mernor is much closer to the base of the mountains than Ezzor is, and is thus considered more open to outsiders and landwalkers. This is where the monasteries and halls of many of the orders founded here can be located. Mernor is also home to several large quarries of marble, granite, and other useful and unique minerals.



The Western Isles, The Untamed Jungle, Home of the Ever Burning Peaks.

"You speak of a forbidden jungle? Ha! A child's playground compared to the majesty of Pedminara. The canopies are our rooftops, the mountains our castles, our queens adorned with crowns of fangs ripped from the very maws of the sky sovereigns. Your people waste away, waiting for food to be brought to their tables, while we speak to the unturned soil, receiving the blessings of nourishment staight from the Earthmother herself. You are soft, spoiled, unmarked by the hands of our goddesses. You have no claim here, traveler, and sworn by the ends of our spears, you never will."
-- Nakastai, Warmother of the the Scarred Sky, tribe of Straojan

Pedminara Lore: Under revision

All lore pertaining to the continent of Pedminara is currently under revision - keep in mind that everything written in this document is subject to change. Thanks!


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Ashana was once, in many centuries past, an island dedicated to an elven society. Initially the elves practiced nomadic traditions and developed a synergistic relationship with the land around them akin to their Fey ancestry. Historians believe that Ashana may be the birthplace of High Elves and Wood Elves with Lyndira. This is suggested due to, despite having long standing cultures and traditions spanning back through recorded history in other realms of the world, it is implied in the earliest forms of those cultures that those elves may have migrated there in a prior time.

This is further believed, given of what some magical scholars understand of the Fey and the Fey Wild. As a place of impossibly heightened senses of emotion. The Fey, and other creatures subject to the wild, have a heightened and fluctuating emotional range. One could be in the favor of a Fey creature one moment, then with the slightest offense become a lifetime nemesis. Or visa versa. These traits are seen in early Ashanan culture as they demonstrate deep feelings of pride and strict codes of conduct to regulate themselves as a society. While at the same time, being subject to eccentric whimsy.

Given their ancestry and the exceeding life span of elves, cultural endeavors and conflicts may be longstanding. Even beyond what most shorter lived races would believe to be absurd. A nature that resulted in Ashana becoming an imperialist country with passionate goals both positive and negative.

In centuries past, the country thought to expand and absorb neighboring islands and export themselves to other areas of the world. While initially an earnest endeavor, this sparked conflict between other cultures, and subsequently instilled and pseudo warmongering warrior culture. Which in of itself, inspired various avenues for advancement within their society. The knowledge and wisdom of ages accumulated by the long lived race afforded them insight to develop advanced magic and warfare. As well as societal advancements in medicine, agriculture, economics, and philosophy.

Always seeking to expand themselves, both figuratively and literally as a country, the once almost exclusively elven society integrated a multitude of races throughout and even beyond Pedimenara into their culture. Bringing with them what advancement it may afford them.

More so than most other places in the world, Half-Elves hold the highest portion of the population, tied with the Elves themselves. This is primarily due to the integration of Humans in the early days of expansion and conflict. As Elves would allow Humans into their country, and subsequently mate with them to produce offspring that’s anatomy and growth rate was more conducive to producing armed forces over generations than the Elves themselves.

Given their own exceedingly slow development cycle proportionate to their lifespan. Because of this, there was an early boom to the population, such that coupled with their two century lifespan, has allowed Half-Elves to persist in generations more so than other races in the country.

The country itself has one major city seated in the north of the island. A city that, for the sake of preserving as much surface area of the island as possible, was dug deep into the earth for the sake of expansion. The city is beautiful crafted from a multitude of materials harvested from the earth, produced by magic, or imported from other countries. Beyond the primary city, there are many towns and villages across the country that live harmoniously with the government and the land for the sake of producing resources but also for the sake of preserving the land. As the wise elves know, that if you only take from the land, eventually the land with become desolate, and their culture would die. Taking them along with it should they fail to adapt.

As far as can be discerned The Eye of Pedminara is home to only one indigenous peoples, The Lizard folk of the Ten Temples so named for the ten primeval lizardfolk temples that circle the unnatural volcano that serves as the societies uniting core. The Lizardfolk claim that the temples are primordial stonework cut from living bedrock by their gods when the world was still young. Perhaps there is even some truth to these claims, as these ten mighty structures have endured every test and cataclysm recorded in the long memory of the high priests. Placed at equidistant intervals around the volcano these temples serve as strongholds and hubs of trade between the ten Lizard clans, each is surrounded by many lesser structures crafted by the lizardfolk themselves with the aid of slave labour. Their artesans have made an artform of duplicating and reconfiguring the strange geometric art and layout of the core temples, each of which is unique, goods and structures can be easily linked to the clan that produced them.

Beneath the Isle, mile upon mile of vast subterranean caverns form an elaborate network of dangerous and forgotten worlds, untouched by the outside world for millennia, some of these have long played host to Lizardman enclaves where hundreds of slaves work to pull obsidian deposits from the bedrock. The Lizardfolk make for hard but fair masters when compared to many of the slave keeping cultures of the world. In Lizardfolk society, treating a slave poorly is seen as a great shame, for they are a valuable resource, and in Lizardfolk society few things are more shameful than waste.

In a somewhat ironic twist of fate, the Yuan-Ti are amongst the most prized of all slaves as they are exceptionally useful in the lower mines where the earth yields its greatest treasures and the toxic fumes sicken or kill species less inured to poison.

The Lizard Folk worship a pantheon of primeval deities, chief amongst which is a nameless god of Sun and Stone. Basking in the sun's rays is a religious exercise for these folk and any interruption outside of the most dire emergency is considered a great cultural taboo.

Mount Odium

Odium is a grand mountain on the southern half of Ashana. In the earliest centuries of the island the mountain was an active volcano and enjoyed the luxuries of the rich soil and mineral waters it provided. In those earlier generations the mountain was also a rich source of Obsidian, not unlike most other volcanic mountains in Pedimenara.

However, for many more centuries the mountain has not produced volcanic activity, as a result it no longer produces the rare material or other agricultural luxuries. An old temple had been fashioned into the base of the mountain along with an ancient what some may identify as a mining town or grand smeltery. Despite the age, the structures still stand and boast surprisingly advanced mining and crafting techniques and technologies augmented with long inactive magical devices. The temple itself seemed to be an ancient monastery that may once have been hidden by the volcanic activity, but stands plain as day now. The monastery, while simplistic and consistent with ancient Elven culture and may once have been furnished to practice both martial and spiritual traditions.

Dungeoneers and excavators have ventured through the abandoned towns and structures to investigate the cold and dead temple to find that despite the nature of the mountain, a chilling air and icy mist emanates from the big open entrance. A phenomenon that persists inside the mountain within the ground floor and several floors below it, growing colder and nearing fatally low temperatures the deeper one might go. Exploration has halted in recent years for want of results and necessity. Explorations in previous years have revealed a near endless sum of floors, of this vast temple the spans deep under the mountain, some excavators have come to refer to it as a “Mega-Dungeon”.

Blou Plad

  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Blou Plad is another province under the control of Ashana, akin to Brua Speau. It was initially under control of a Dragon and it’s disciples from Yeskil long ago that thought to avoid conflict with the others reigning the mainland. While also using the island as a means to collect Uskines and the source of what grants that place it’s unique and mystical properties. This was a short lived endeavor on their part, however. As they were swiftly and sound defeated by Ashana.

The Dragon that reigned over Blou Plad was slayen, and it’s disciples integrated into Ashanan culture shortly after. The other Dragons on Yeskil considered retaliation for this, but ultimately decided against it. Under the conclusion that if it was a weak enough ruler to be bested by such savages and their wanton violence, then it deserved it’s fate.

As it stands, Blou Plad boasts a few small towns, agricultural centers, and a few military training facilities. Of which are primarily focused on naval exercises and policing the waters. Striking down pirates with swift and overzealous fury. While the land near Uskines is safe enough, it is often a treacherous route to be patrolling the waters between it and Brou Plad. Because of this only the most elite and specially equipped vessels tread those waters.

The incredibly violent and unique aquatic life often laid claim to Ashanan naval forces in the past, and though they have fewer fatalities in the last century, the hyper adaptive nature of the monsters constantly keep them on their toes, as over time they adapt and become resilient to certain weapons and methods of attack by the naval vessels. Their experience with these foes and their location has provided Ashana with some initially unexpected and very valuable resources, however. As they, more than anyone, are capable of landfall on Uskines and collecting samples of the flora and other earthly materials there to use in a vast variety of magical sciences and potion crafting. Such makes them a superpower in terms of producing clever and formidable crafts.

Pirates and thieves often attempt to assault vessels here for want of those material from Uskines upon Ashanan parties collecting them. But, few are ever successful through conventional means. Because of the island’s relatively vulnerable position and the ease of which traders may dock, the island is heavily and strictly policed on land. But despite the tense circumstances of living or being station on Blou Plad, those that do often live pleasant and comfortable lives. As both the Ashanan government and the slew of travelers from other countries often compensate well for bountiful resources and sometimes harsh conditions.

Due to the initial founding of this province under Ashanan rule, there is a heavy Tabaxi and Genasi population here. Though they are far from the only races present. Ashana, in it’s centuries of imperialism and attempts to expand has collected a large variety of races under into their culture. Nowhere in Pedimenara will a traveler find a more mixed society than one under Ashanan rule, with Ooe and it’s few provinces being a close but clear second. Resulting from that, and the moderate traffic that Blou Plad experiences, one can find several cultural influences in the customs and personal beliefs of individual citizens as well as the architecture present on the island.

Brua Speau

  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Brua Speau is an island between Ashana and Skay Cror that was once something of a wildlife preserve under the jurisdiction of Ashana. Initially it was unoccupied woodland with clear beaches, and some few species of smaller dinosaurs calling it home. Ashana however saw fit to use it as a staging ground to train military forces and raise aquatic creatures to supplement their naval forces. In centuries past, the island was the spearhead of a final attempt to assault Skay Cror for the purpose of claiming their “heart of the land” and achieving a devastating moral victory over the island’s people. As a result, however, when the druids of Skay Cror rained the wrath of the Inferno Vortex upon Ashana’s forces, the entire island was decimated. For near of a century the island amounted to little more than scorched earth, glassed sand, and trees struggling to grow through the devastation.

The people of Skay Cror are passive to the destruction they wrought upon the land, understand the process of creation after destruction. Knowing that one day the forest would grow again fresh and free from the corruption of Ashana warmongering. After such destruction that omitted the island’s resourcefulness Ashanans never bothered to reclaim the island to this day. This is despite the fact that the forest had in recent years begun to show life once more. They have dispatched some scouting parties, but none have returned. Only tales of fire and wrath have come back with what few survivors have been allowed back to Ashana.

It is understood, though Skay Cror does not accept it to be as such, that the island is now considered their territory. Under the belief that an Efrit yet dwells there. The Ashanans believe it may have been shackled there as a stout defender against further assaults. But Skay Cror claims no such thing to be true. Why it may linger there, or whatever else may yet be on Brua Speau, is a mystery.


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Efral is a small island between Yiskel’s hook-like coastline and Wuprara’s eastern coast beyond a small jagged mountain range. The island is beset by fog, but it’s image is clearly visible during the day from either country’s shore. The island is mostly ignored by Wuprara, as natives have little reason to travel there. But the island is both acknowledged and avoided by Yiskel.

Due to both those facts, and the lack of any settlements, this is a prime island for pirates to lay low on and build small hideaways on the shore that delve deep underground. Both to stow stolen goods, or evade capture. Given the lack of any real settlements the island is lush with fruits and resources for said rogues to live off of.

Despite these things, the island is far from safe. The waters surrounding the island are full of large predatory dinosaurs of aquatic dispositions. Raptors and smaller predators are also present on the island in small numbers. In addition to some small herbivores Ruins of a long abandoned temple lay in the center of the island, with an array of decrepit surface structures surrounding it. Many adventurers and scholars have delved into the temple over the years, not all of which have returned in one piece. Ancient magical traps remain functional after uncountable years of staying idol. Some have speculated that the temple was once constructed to the practice of an ancient bygone monastic tradition. Others claim it may be a tomb of some kind.

The current belief is that of the Dragons reigning over Yeskil, there was once one whom isolated itself from their petty competitions by remaining on the island. The temple may have been constructed by followers who sought the same escape. Because of certain findings it’s believed that it may have been constructed by a mix of Silver and Gold Dragonborn. A subrace of Dragonborn not found to be native to Yeskil.

Due to the lifespan of the average Dragon,
it’s believed that if this Dragon existed that it may still be alive. Perhaps hibernating in the bowels of the temple. What happened to the Dragonborn is still up for debate. As no funeral rites or graves have been found on the island. Perhaps they, like the suspected Dragon, had shut themselves away into the temple and conduct those practices therein.

The Oe Province

  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

The Oe Provinces are a collection of city states and intermediate agricultural societies residing under the Shoutai Empire. While the land originated as a large archipelago comprised of Orc, Hobgoblin, Wood Elf, and Kenku societies, immigration over the last few short centuries have integrated many other races into the region. However, the strong warrior culture and disciplined lifestyle of the Orcs and Hobgoblins (the most prominent population) have done little to afford outside influences into the land’s culture.

Orcs, while once a prominent sum of the region’s population have over time diminished as they intermingled with various immigrated races, making Half-Orcs a more common sight than true Orcs in the current time. Though there are still some clans of true Orcs that hold fast to tradition and attempt to preserve their heritage by spurning the integration of non-Orcs into their gene-pool. Contrary to Orcs that may be found elsewhere in the world, the Orcs of Oe have taken much inspiration from Hobgoblin society and carry themselves in much the same way. As a disciplined warrior culture that favors honor and efficiency over brute force and violence.

Hobgoblins have changed little over the centuries, and though they retain their fierce heritage they are not unfriendly to most who show them respect. Most of Oe’s combat and military traditions can be traced back to the Hobgoblin’s refinement and cultivation over the course of the country’s history.

Wood Elves are by far the most reclusive of the races present in Oe, as most hold true to their own societies in the wilderness of the region. That said, they are not against socializing with the other settlements and the overarching government. There are several Elven clans that call the central of Oe home.

Kenku on the other hand are a peculiar minority in the land, in that they have very little to do with other government and warfare. Most Kenku are found in small numbers across the land, primarily as travelers and vagabonds. Though some small and remote settlements do exist. Most other races tend to be wary of their aloof and whimsical nature. Finding a small amount of superstition and mistrust when engaging with them, despite their regularly benevolent disposition. Though benevolence does not ring true for all wandering Kenku.

The Shoutai Empire, some centuries ago was settled by the Hobgoblins, but over time as the nation grew larger in population, several civil wars have broken out. The most recent being the creation of the Oe Provinces. Though the imperial army was ultimately victorious over the conflict, the effective end was brought on via an accords that divided the empire into four provinces. Each province holds a more or less identical form of government with representatives from various clans, houses, and some roaming tribes participating in the regulation of their land. Each committee has a central representative that speaks for it in an imperial court that oversees the country as a whole.

As an archipelago, fishing and naval activity are prominent in Oe. Many agricultural villages and cities are scattered across the land, with some mining towns and port cities that serve as cultural hubs for the purpose of importing and exporting goods across the sea to other countries. These waters can be perilous since some few pirate syndicates have a tendency to prey on trading vessels. As such, while it is not government mandated, it is strongly encouraged that foreign trades request military escorts into port to discourage assaults.

While Oe is no stranger to cannons in terms of naval warfare, up until the turn of the last century they have not effectively adopted modernized firearms into their military arsenal. Holding true to a more traditional martial practice. However, guns are not wholly uncommon, as imported technology has spurred the development of the country’s weapons, furnishing warriors with modern armaments, as well as some unique variations. Each province is responsible for their own law enforcement, and while all use their military forces to do so, as well as specially authorized warrior houses, some have taken to giving sidearms to their officers. The closer one would travel towards the capital of Shuuten, however, the more traditional their law enforcement may appear, as firearms are held under the bulk of their military’s defensive forces and are significantly more sophisticated.

Religion in Oe is somewhat peculiar, as there are certainly prominent spirits that some will pray to. But there are no established pantheons. Most in Oe will respect the beliefs of outsiders, but few would ever buy into them. The people as a whole have a tendency to pay homage to Fey spirits. Viewing them as embodiments of nature and the natural order of the world. Speaking Sylvan in Oe is a rare and cherished thing as it’s the language of the Fey and being able to speak with the spirits of nature is a powerful privilege. Most in Oe know at least a little Sylvan, for the sake prayer and tradition.

All Wood Elves in Oe speak Sylvan fluently, believing that due to their Fey Ancestry, they are as close to the spirits of nature as a “mortal” race could be. In addition, they tend to take it upon themselves to safeguard sacred groves and mountains that are believed to be Crossings, places in the material world where one could physically walk into another world such as the Feywild under the proper conditions. Despite both tendencies, Wood Elves from Oe that stay to their own societies view themselves closer to servants of the Fey, and show them both respect and fear when appropriate.

On the other end of the spectrum, especially those in intermediate villages and smaller settlements, the people of Oe can be quite superstitious and believe heavily in karma. Demons and fiends are prominent figures in the spiritual beliefs of Oe, and while there may be a Fey spirit around every corner of the woodland, so too, it is believed, can there be a demon. The legends of Oni and some Hags are prominent, and even can trace their origins to this land.

Due to these beliefs, Tieflings can be met with a hot and cold reception. Primarily in the more traditional and superstitious areas of the country they are viewed as walking sins by proxy, or may be considered demons in their own right. Though the more modernized cities and villages may be more open with the possibility of seeing outsiders from other lands more commonly, and thus have had more exposure. That said, a particular clan referred to as the Douji are believe to be a cursed clan, since they are one of very few to produce Tiefling offspring (primarily the Zariel variant subrace). Each of which is respected within the clan and groomed to be fine warriors, but generally met with fear by the common folk, despite the Tiefling’s personal disposition without great effort to prove otherwise.

Religion aside, these practices and beliefs play a small role in the day to day lives of Oe’s general population. While they believe in mystical entities, they also put a strong emphasis on personal enlightenment and the practice of meditation, especially in warrior houses and of course monk monasteries. Oe’s generally comprised of forests and cultivated grasslands and experiences all four seasons, from heated summers to harsh winters. Some southern areas closer to the equator may have a more tropical environment, while the further one may travel north the more they may experience dense woodland, heavy fog and rain, and mountains.


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

This country needs loreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Skay Cror

  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Skay Cror is an island of simple and generally benevolent folk. Many tribes and individuals from Stroajan that had been displaced by the old and lengthy war with each other and Ashana sought refuge here. Which they were welcomed with some initial reluctance by the reptilian inhabitants of the island, until their rural talents from their homeland earned them a firm place in Skay Cror society.

The majority of the island’s population is a variation of Lizardfolk or Kobold and live to the northern marshlands. Where they are content to hunt and farm in more traditional ways than some other societies. Even more so than Stroajan. While they won’t necessarily shy away from innovation for the sake of efficiency and quality of life, the people generally believe in a natural order to the world and their environment. Prompting them to use simpler tools made from material found off of the land. Likewise, they are an underdeveloped country in terms of magic as well. Magic to them is less a result of science and more of wisdom and spirituality. As such magic is especially rare here, most commonly found in nature clerics or druids that use divination magic to foretell disasters and weather changes, among other things. Healing magic is a more common use than most other forms, but natural medicines are more so.

While they are a simple and neutral people, country of Ashana learned quickly in their war with Stroajan that Skay Cror is not to be taken lightly. The warriors of this land abide by the philosophy of “walking softly and carrying a big stick.”. Their ancient magics make for formidable defenses and their command of the land and it’s wildlife make getting the upper hand on any terrain especially difficult. A quality over quantity methodology applies to their martial prowess. As talented warriors are selected at a young age to live among nomadic communities in the wilds as barbarians. Additionally, should the worst come to pass, those that dwell within the Vortex may be called upon to defend the people and their peaceful way of life.

Their defenses and simplistic lifestyles aside, the island has a small trading town along the northwest coast. There they are often visited by traders from Utren seeking ingredients of rare herbs and spices, along with strange fruits and vegetables and preserved dinosaur meats. Not in exchange for gold however, the people of Skay Cror care little for currency or credit. But in exchange for imports of natural goods from other lands. This custom makes negotiating with the folk a hit or miss opportunity depending on the season in terms of the quantity of goods they can trade.

To this end, the Skay Cror divinators may use their magics to determine the productivity of their agriculture in given seasons so that they may posture themselves accordingly by increasing their imports to supplement their lack of production to survive on for the season. As well as visa versa. Because of these, and other practical applications of their traditions, the people of Skay Cror have long since not gone wanting and have maintained a statuesque for centuries.

The Inferno Vortex

The Inferno Vortex is a massive volcano which over the years has had a series of small temples carved out into the sides. The volcanic soil found throughout the island can be traced back to this mountain. As a result of the rich minerals and soil that has allowed for bountiful harvests over the centuries have brought the people to consider it the heart of Skay Cror and an especially sacred place. Here some may leave the life of the more common society for a life of enlightenment and connection with the world and nature through the heart of the land.

Some monks and druids call these remote temples home while they attempt to commune with nature and understand their place within it. Much like in Voskyae, a rare mineral called obsidian can be harvested here, and is viewed to be an especially sacred thing. Weapons are given to the most elite of the island’s defenders forged from obsidian. As they stand to protect the people against those that would do them harm, it is only fitting that they wield the heart of their land itself as a weapon to defend it.

Despite their high regard for the material, they believe that the earth is as one and no one stakes any singular right to whatever it may produce. As such they are not opposed to trading the substance, but traders should be wary that it holds a particularly high price. They may give away items or jewelry made from it to worthy friends of the island and its people though.

While the volcanic may be dormant, it is far from a simple mountain, though. Ashana had once sought conflict with Skay Cror prior to pursuing Stroajan. After years of getting nowhere and turning their eyes elsewhere, some forces made once last attempt to bring the people to heel. An attempt that prompted a circle of powerful druids to call forth Efrit and Fire Elementals from the Vortex which smote them in a devastating storm of fire and blood.


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Strojan is said to be the birthplace of civilization in Pedimenara, some of the races moving northward to populate what has now become the Ooe Provinces. It boasts modest mountain ranges, lavish hills, dense forestry, and vast plains. I variety of rural tribes call the plains home, living in relative peace in exceptional agricultural practices. Much like other lands in Pedimenara dinosaurs are a prominent species to be found here and are often trained as pets, mounts and beasts of burden alike.

The tribes that live amongst the plains share a culture akin to the Mongolians. But with one well established city, used as a sort of embassy amongst the people of the island. It is a lavishly engineered city over crested hills and long the northeast coastline, called Xiaojan. It is a booming market with a number of the island’s tribesman come to trade with incoming trading companies for imported goods, as well as exporting Straojan’s own products.

While initially an imported product, firearms have made their way into Straojan’s regular arsenal. Some groups favor more traditional weaponry, however, thus the manufacturing of guns in Straojan is limited to simpler models. While the tribes of Straojan now live in a recognized harmony, it was not always so. Barbaric warfare and slavery were once commonplace between disputing clans. For nearly a century the entirety of the clans present were engaged in a conflict which had during its duration omitted several tribes from existence. It was not until invaders from Ashana tried to expand their attempt at an empire that the clans banded together against a common enemy with the help of warriors from the Provinces to the north.

After the conflicts conclusion nearly a century ago, Hobgoblins from the Ooe Provinces remained in Straojan to assist in rebuilding their societies. As gesture of which prompted the Hobgoblins to share their philosophies and belief structures on society. Which Straojan took in stride. As a result, each clan has a small council of chiefs, with one at the head called a Xian. Over the course of each year, the Xian of each clan meets in Xiaojan’s palace to hold counsel over Straojan as a whole. A practice that has prompted a sense of community and cooperation even amongst once violent rivals.

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The Breath of Pedminara

  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Locating this mystical land has been a challenge for even the most skilled and dedicated pioneers, for its nature defies navigators the world over, for it moves. A great mass of land, torn from the earth in a forgotten era and cast into the skys, primeval forces sing through the very rock of the floating isle, shrouding it in howling winds and dancing fire. Most wondrous of all is the Golden City, a vast fortress capital sat at the heart of the floating isle. Ruled by a court of Chromatic dragons who are ancient and powerful by even the measures of their mighty kind, they enforce a vicious caste system. Those who bare no kinship to Dragon kind are not and have never been welcome here.


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

The Central formation known as “Itep Az Tark” translating to common as “The Heart of the Isles” Is a region so deeply inimical to humanoid life that not even the mighty Amazons dare tread there; a primeval jungle so dangerous, that no expedition, foreign or native has ever returned from its green depths.

From the tallest vantage points atop the Eye of Pedminara, vast ancient cities of black glass can occasionally be spotted amongst the strange and warped plants of that uninhabitable place. The lizardfolk have long held that those who look upon the forgotten cities are forevermore cursed with bad luck.

Uskines is something of an enigma of the islands present in Pedimenara. It sits at the very center of the massive archipelago and holds a sovereignty, unclaimed by any land despite having little to no actual occupancy. It boasts a woodland that encompasses the island with the exception of few mountains on the north side and vacant beaches that run the length of its parameter. The island carries with it an ever present mist and an air of the forbidden. Some of Pedimenara’s most vicious and vile predators call this island home. Frequently and violently combating each other for food and territory. Not merely on the island itself, but also in the waters surrounding it. Few vessels are willing to take a direct route through Pedimenara’s center save for the exceptionally experienced or exceptionally desperate. Tales of the beasts here can be heard across Pedimenara in virtually every culture. Tales that terrify and excite travels from foreign lands. One might hear a few while staying in Ultren in particular for it’s pension to collect travelers, vagabonds, and storytellers.

Despite the terrors, however, some both brave and foolish souls have taken to coming to Uskines for the sake sport. Aiming to hunt the most potent of prey. Few, for want of preparation, make it back home to tell their tales. The land creatures, vicious as they may be, have distinct characteristics compared to most other species in this region. One being the adaptation to camoflauge, some might even speculate magically so.

Because of the ever present mist and poor visibility, many creatures here have adapted to relying on other sense than mere sight or smell to hunt prey. As a result, even some of the biggest creatures are heavily reliant and capable stealth hunters, which makes them all the more lethal. The exact nature of the creatures here are speculated upon but far from fully understood. Specimens have been taken as some have in fact been slain and brought back to study. But the creatures are never lacking for surprises. As though the result of a perpetual primal arms race, the creatures of this land are ever adapting, ever learning and adjusting their tactics and developing new abilities in a matter of a single generation.

The island’s flora also seem to demonstrate this trait of hyper adaptivity, as a multitude of mutations seem to occur depending on the environment once harvested from the island. It is speculated that the creatures self mutate in a similar way as a result to their social environment, as well as the environment in which they live. As a result, no one creature, despite sharing a species, is effectively the same.

As an experiment nearly a full century ago, other predators have been exported to the island. Many of the first species failed to adapt fast enough and were immediately slaughtered by the present populous. Some of the more formidable specimens in later tests managed to survive and produced similarly hyper adaptive offspring. As a result of many of these tests taking place, there are very unique and powerful variants of other creatures around the world present on this island.

It has also been speculated as to how almost exclusively predatory wildlife have come to exist here. Most scholars believe they originated from the equally aggressive, but much less adaptive, aquatic life around the island. Suggesting that once venturing or becoming trapped on land, quickly adapted to living on land and then proceeded to populate the island. There are likely many more mysteries to be found on this island beyond simply unstoppable monsters. For those tactful enough to venture inward towards it’s center where the flora are most heavily concentrated.


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Utren, also known as the Pedminarian Gateway, is a small island on the furthest edge of Pedminara. It retains a warm and relatively tropical climate nearly the full year round. It also boasts relatively unoccupied land with grand green hills and small patches of shading forests.

Due to the majority of the island being unpopulated save for a couple harvesting settlements for the tropical resources it is a favorite for pirates. Most of which like to hide away from authorities using man made caverns along the coast to hide their stolen goods. Because of this piracy in the area, a black market has some semblance of connections here.

There are several docks and ports that run for miles along the west coast for the sake of fisherman and incoming vessels from other nations, with some fewer ports along the east coast. In the center of the island is a grand town called Cortrezla which serves as a rest stop for travelers going in or out of Pedminara to or from the direction of Vocob-Caquix. This town is sizable and the only real established settlement on the island, with various inns, trading posts, and processing businesses for local resources.

Utren maintains a state of sovereignty in regards to the neighboring islands and other organizations occupying the waters. Despite the lack of any real law enforcement, or for that matter a governing body, the island seems to have a lasting state of relative peace. This seems to be in most part to a mutual respect the businesses and organizations that utilize the island have for the, for lack of a better title, Mayor of Cortezla. One Mr. Alexander Octobyr and his wife Jessica.

Commodore Octobyr lives in a state of retirement from his history as one of the most infamous pirates and explorers in Pedminara. He is a seasoned man with a patient and professional disposition. His reputation does much to deter conflict from taking place on Utren despite its frequent visits form less reputable entities. This is also in large part to a mutual unwritten respect and understanding, but also in part to practicality. For anyone to mistake his docile state of being for weak complatancy would die fool.

His wife, Jessica Octobyr, is a noble woman who carries herself as such. She has a distinctly pale complexion despite the sun and raven hair. She favors dresses and much like her husband carries an air of professionalism. She is an educated woman and is known to have a fascination for mysticism and magic. Most pay her as much respect as they would here husband, though her brand of respect is primarily out of an ominous air. She has a knack for knowing things that would be impossible to know. Some spellcasters that have met her suspect she practices divination magic regularly. The most acute of mages might be able to recognize a more sinister tone to her magic, however.

  <!-- Cool background image -->


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

Voskayae is one of the largest land masses in Pedminara and is home to many indigenous tribes that call the vast and lush jungles of this country home. A grand city called Voskas is settled on the north west coast amidst the thinner veil of the jungle that encompasses the island. While there are many tribes, both nomadic and otherwise that live on the island Voskas is the only establish large scale settlement. Most others being relatively small communities or a collection of such that form scattered villages.

The population of Voskyae adhere to a matriarchal society where women are the dominating social body. As such most warriors and leaders are strictly female while men are subservient laborers. Literal and figurative strength are among the top social priorities of Voskyae, a trait that heavily colors the value of men and women in regards to their societal roles. Men, whom for most races are required to breed, must be physically strong and psychologically resilient in order to produce strong offspring. Which, if a female is born, predisposes her to be a strong woman whom will earn respect and honor for herself and tribe in the future. If she is a weak offspring then she is considered a disappointment and settles into a role similar to the men. It is then encouraged that she find a particularly strong mate in which to counterbalance her genetics to her offspring.

Meanwhile, if a male is produced whom is strong then they are breed to be as such and serve as obedient laborers and caretakers to one day continue the cycle of passing along strong genetics. Men who are born weak are often given time to grow and prove themselves, but if they fail to do so then they will be cast out of their society. For they serve little purpose for having a lesser value in the community and increase the risk of passing along weaker genes to the next generation.

Beyond their intimate knowledge of genetics and combat, the people of Voskyae are fascinatingly intelligent. Despite their very traditional approaches and primitive technologies, they have an acute knowledge of astronomy and mathematics. It is far from uncommon for aspiring physicians and healers to attempt to travel to Voskas to absorb their medical knowledge. Moreover, the people take pride in art and music and will often take foreign expressions of such as currency for some basic goods or services. They also, more prominently in Voskas, have a fascination with collecting other philosophical belief systems. Though they are never really practiced or adapted into long standing traditions, they believe that understanding these things gives a grander scope with which to view and understand the world and the varied people in it. Such open mindedness is not consistent throughout Voskyae, however, as there are many tribes who are far less hospitable and accepting.

One could still possibly develop a degree of respect with an exceptional display of art, music, or some other forms of expressionism, from these more hardened groups. But as one would expect, might makes right and may be the fastest route to respect in some tribes. Vaskyae overall has an arid and warm climate, with vast muggy jungles, various large rivers and a year round summer. Though rain is often seasonal here, once a season arrives the rains come often and it is not wholly uncommon for some flooding to occur. Particularly near larger water sources. Cold blooded races, both humanoid or otherwise, find this climate very favorable and will commonly take up residence in the dense jungles.

Dinosaurs are a staple brand of animal in Pedimara and Voskyae is no exception. However, due to the dense forestry many large animals find it difficult to move. Because of this the most common predators are of the smaller and more agile variety, such as cats and raptors.

Mouth of the Water God

A sizable lake rests at the base of Mount Sacrifice, which often floods in the raining seasons. The water of this lake is espicially warm, owing to the volcanic activity beneath it. It features a number of geysers and feeds water out via the connected rivers to the coasts and subsequent seas ocean. It, much like the mountain on which is rests, bares a spiritual significance to the people of Voskyae and so it has been given a name that loosely translates into Common to mean “Mouth of the Water God.” This lake is a valued resource to the entirety of Voskyae and some visiting scholars believe that it may function as a pseudo Crossroads to an elemental plane. Though there has not been overwhelming evidence to support this theory as of yet due to the reluctance of the local populous to allow anyone to tamper with it.

Mount Sacrifice

The people of Voskyae, much like other civilizations on neighboring islands, believe in a pantheon of deities beyond what most cultures accept. As such, some cultures practice bizarre or barbaric rituals to pay homage to their gods. “Mount Sacrifice” is a loose translation into the Common tongue for a massive volcano seated on the north east corner of Voskyae. The various indigenous tribes of the country use the mountain for a variety of reasons as the staging ground for their most important rituals. Not the least of which is a ritual combat.

Warriors will be pitted against one another at the summit of the mountain, the survival of the terrain to get to that summit is also considered part of the ritual. Once there the warriors fight to the death and those that fall in battle are cast into the volcano as a sacrifice to the elemental gods. Those that survive are honored as warriors like unto gods and bring prestige to their tribes and families. They are also sought after by other tribes for the sake of cultivating offspring that are genetically predispositioned to be strong and powerful to serve that tribe.

This mountain, not unlike in other countries like Ashana, is used to mine obsidian, which is utilized in all the edged weapons and tools of the country. Some elsewhere have come to try to export this material with varied levels of success. Though larger masses of this material may be bridle, the smaller and more compact the mass, the less fragile it tends to be. Moreover it is among the sharpest materials in the world, some outside of Voskyae and Ashana even swear by it as being sharper than most steels. Due it the mountain’s religious significance however, it is difficult to persuade locals to dealing in the material.


  • 40% Halfling
  • 40% Gnome
  • 20% Other

This country needs loreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Idk this place will have a cool statue and worships one of the prime deities. Idk which one.

The Blistering Pinnacle




Yeskil is a lengthy and slender land mass resting between Voskyae and Wuprara. It is a relatively primitive country in terms of its peoples. An array of Goblin and Kobold settlements can be found throughout the woodland and some mountain ranges, while Bulliwugs are prominent along the river and central lake near the bulk of the island. As well as the jungle and swamp lands surrounding it.

Halflings are the most recognized of the civilized races found here, and are widely known for taming the vast assortment of dinosaurs found on the island as mounts and beasts of burden. Most of the land is untamed, with small pockets of cities and villages across long distances. The Goblins tend to live underground or in caves found in the mountains. While Kobolds and Bulliwugs live in the open plains and jungles respectively. Haflings favor a city and small agricultural towns closer inward to the center of Pedimenara on the western most coastline.

This island, despite its relatively peaceful aesthetic, is a cutthroat place to live outside the Halfing settlements. An assortment of Dragons call this island home and are frequently clash for territory. Though they do not necessarily take to the skies in open combat. Most have followers and slaves amongst the islands Kobolds, and even some few reclusive Dragonborn tribes. Viewing them as lesser draconic beings, due to serve.

These subjects of the Dragons are treated with varying levels of benevolence and acknowledgement from their masters and have different expectations of them depending on the Dragon’s temperament. But most tend to a more tyrannical bend. To those ends, is believed to be the primary reason for the prominence of primitive technology outside of the Halfling society and some Goblin cultures. In order to keep their subjects in line, and prevent them from rising up against their masters, most of the Dragons only allow them to employ technology and magcraft they feel appropriate. But with a careful balance, as the integration of certain powers can grant one Dragon’s people an edge over another’s, thus granting them an advantage by proxy.

The conflicts are not restricted to violence, however. A prosperous and contented society is paramount to their individual reign and success. As such, one may even argue that they are not at war with one other, but in competition as to who can create the greater society and culture with these lesser forms of Draconians as pawns.



Spires of the Searing Sun, The Nest of Dragons, A Land Scorched and Scarred.

"Come, Toovir. The caravan waits no longer. You say you hail from the North, yes? You must shield your eyes, then - the sun will be most unkind. The fields are not safe for you - warbands rest beyond the plateaus for tired Toovir, lost and helpless. The land belongs to all, as Surya decreees, but some profess to hold claim to it as their birthright. Your peace is foreign here, Toovir, but we will protect you. Not all of our kin see eye to eye, you must understand. To us, you are simply vrak, armed with quill and parchment. To others, you are you say, 'dinner'. A delicacy, like roasted hog."
-- Calugrax, spearborn of the Bronze, guard of Cualtzi

Vocob-Caquix Lore: Under revision

All lore pertaining to the continent of Vocob-Caquix is currently under revision - keep in mind that everything written in this document is subject to change. Thanks!


From a lifestyle and architecture standpoint, the larger cities have a 12th century Turkish flair, withsmaller villages being comprised of large tents and mud brick buildings via early Palestine.

Conwaki Highlands

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves


Geography Vocob-Caquix is a land of extremes, overall the region has a pleasantly warm to unbearable hot climate. The north and coastal regions are more habitable with lush green rainforests in the north and scrub bushlands in the south, the interior is practically a desert centred around vast monolithic mountain range called the Spires of Nupherzer, believed to hold some of the highest peaks in the known world. This is a sparsely populated land, with very few indigenous people, this land was originally dominated by dragons, and there are still many here in the highlands and mountains, the northern territories are now controlled by Dragonborn who see themselves as the natural heirs to continent and all other races as interlopers.

History Little is known of the land before the dragons came, it is believed that several thousand years have passed since that day. Originally the Goliath’s held the mountains, the Loxodon grazed the grasslands and the Grung and Bullywug thrived in the rainforests of the coast, but the dragons favoured the continent for it high mountains and flat hunting grounds and lay siege to the creatures that lived there. Eventually driving the Goliath to the lowland grasses, which had now been scorched into desert, the Loxodon, unable to survive in their old land moved to the south east of the continent and live in the dry bush. Following the dragons, came the dragonborn, from where is unknown , but they landed on the north and they have stayed ever since creating settlements each of the settlements grew into cities which in turn countries of their own.

Nothing really changed there for hundreds of years, the dragonborn tried to expand their empire nearly eradicating the Grung in the north so that only a few settlements managed to survive in the Banidala rain forest, their advance was halted when they hit the desert interior, and the Goliaths it contained, feeling nothing of worth any further they solidified their positions then promptly went to war with each other.

Over a couple of hundred years ago, a Tiefling businessman called Sombrio got permission to set up a trading post on the edge of the Kingdom of Voltan, this trading post imported and exported goods and was highly successful as the land was renowned for its spices and medicinal herbs found in the rain forests, over the years others flocked to the port of Corazon de Arana, mostly tieflings, the high concentration of teiflings gave rumour of nation of tiefling that spread across the world. Being a people of no land and constant persecution, they flocked in huge numbers to this promised land, to the anger of the Gold Dragonborn in the north who sent an army to evict. But the tieflings resisted and surprising everyone, won the battle, seizing the advantage they quickly set up strongholds along the mountain range and declared independence naming the land after their founder.

This victory just led to more rumors of the bounties this land had to offer and other countries sent ships to set up settlements. To the south some missionaries from Frolois landed and set up yet more settlements, they had little to no resistance as they created pacts with the local Bullywug. Whilst in the north Tobolsk sent a party headed up by the college of Novograd to look for ways to help in their fight against the demons, there in the dense rain forest jungle they found extracts of plants with transmutation capabilities. The Xocon green dragonborn resisted and a war was fought as a new colony was formed in Coszcatl, to defend themselves the settlers, experimenting with the plants they found created a series of hybrid creatures to defend them.

The Dragonborn Tribes

At first, the invading Dragonborn operated as a single nation hoping to capture and dominate the entire continent to make a land truly fit for dragon kind, however after some initial success the great Dragonborn nation squabbled, argued and fought one another as tribes tried to gain dominance over each other, eventually fracturing the nation into various kingdoms and domains

Temple of the Seven Daggers

monk monastery of kensei

Doriki Bluffs

no clue what to put here

Banidala Rain Forest

Grung live here


  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves


The Dominaring Rise




Wakanom Bush

lore A bunch of Kalashtar live here.

Dokas Dominion

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

Little is known of these people as they are the most inland of all the tribes, made up of mostly blue and white dragonborn, they live between the vast highlands to the west, the jungle to the north and desert everywhere else. They live the most simple life of all the other nations, mostly surviving in wooden corrals rather than towns and fighting off raiding parties from the Goliath nation of Mansius. The capital, Jebar, is small and little more than a trading post, the much larger war camp at Aerok generally sits as the governmental authority as it is its role in war, which it is constantly in.

Aerok War Camp







  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

This is the most approachable of all the nations, they pride themselves on trade and negotiation, rather than brute force and arrogance. Support healthy trade routes for import and export. The country Is mostly coastal based with the ports of Cualtzi and Tupac feeding trade into the interior and other countries. The capital, Acalan, is the largest and most populous city in the whole continent.







The Ivory Isle

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

Very little if anything is known of this place, it is here that the black dragonborns retreated to after and attempted coup and live in isolation. Those that travel here seldom return. The black dragonborn here are responsible for raiding trade routes either on pirate ships or from the sky on their trained wyvern.

Got some cool indiana jones places


  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

This nation is more a patchwork of colonies that an actual independent country, settled mostly by missionaries to spread the word of their particular religion or order. Landing but a mere 50 years previously they quickly set up their particular practices such as the Order of the Radiance, a devout group in the pursuit of justice, the Synagog of Time, a school of Divination and the Temple of Seven Daggers, a Kenasi monastery in the Doriki Bluffs. The people here consider themselves neutral and form a makeshift government in the port city of Afgoocol. There is no standing army, but the Order and the Temple have sworn to the safety of the north and east of the land, whereas the east is guarded from Fort Balligob and the southern approaches are guarded from the naval base at Muholion. Across the bay from Muholion lies the stage landmark known locally as Kakagundo Nest, a giant statue of a winged beast or demon, built centuries before by an unknown race. Rumours persist that this monument is not there to guard the entrance to the bay but guard the entrance to a vast underground city and all the treasures it contains, however many have looked, but no-one has found said entrance.

Kakagundo Nest


Order of the Radiance


Synagog of Time


Fort Balligoh






Kingdom of Voltan

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

Voltan is the most advanced nation of the dragonborn tribes, they have built magnificent cities of stone with vast pyramids, towers and monuments, however they live little outside the fortress citadels of Alom (their capital) and Camaxtli. This kingdom is the realm of the gold dragonborn, but there are many bronze who serve their gold masters. This is the only kingdom the dragon visit to parlay with the dragonborn, consequently the residents feel superior to the rest of the nations. Alom contains the Vocob Senate which purports to govern the entire continent, however it is only recognized by Voltan itself, but has been used in the rare times the dragonborn nations combine efforts. It is also the home of the College of Draconic Arcana and Sciences, considered to be the foremost of its kind in the world.





## Kingdom of Xoco ##### **Population** * 40% Goliaths * 45% Human * 15% Gnomes * 10% Dwarves

Possibly the cruelest of the tribes, this is a singular green dragonborn nation that rules the jungles of the north west, however they live solely in the walled cities of Coscatl and their capital Mecatl and a few outposts. Its very geography makes it neigh on impossible to invade. The Jungle is their main source of nation income providing spices and herbs, both medicinal and recreational. It is a place of great haves and have nots, the lords are the most wealthy of all, but the people the poorest. The nobles accumulate vast fortunes and spend on large pyramids they build in the jungle to rule from, most of the common folk, which seem to be made entirely of Gurung and Humans, are in a form of indentured servitude, which is tantamount to slavery.

The Gurung are considered to be native to the area, until forcibly evicted by the lords to make way for poppy fields and harvesting. The humans are from a failed colonization from Trobolsk, who arrived to see if any of the plants could be used to support their nation.

What they discovered was a way to create lycanthropes, the dragonborn, hearing of this discovery forcibly took the information and produced, using human prisoners a group of were-tigers, who now serve as royal bodyguards. To further increase the ranks of their army, the lords sent the Were Tigers to mate with humans to reproduce, the children they created were also forced into military service

Many Gurung and Humans migrated through the highland passes to settle in the Banidala Rain Forest, which is technically still part of the kingdom, but they manage to live a life practically free from the Kingdoms authority.



Jungles of Xoco



  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

A landlocked desert nation, but with no central control, inhabited mostly by Goliaths forced from their mountain tops by the influx of dragons. The nomadic tribes are warlike in nature, angered at their circumstances and make travel across the interior very dangerous. They have come to revere the Spires of Nupherzher as a holy location and will stop anyone trying to scale them. Little is known of the spires, mostly they are inhospitable, shrouded in mist and there are dark legends of undead creatures and strange powers afoot. At the foot of the spires is the Sanctuary of Sodmet, possibly the strangest place in the whole of the continent. An entire deserted walled city built by an unknown race of giants, but show an intelligence and civilization unseen in the giant community, however attempts to colonize have resulted in disaster and the city is covered in vines that seem to have a life of their own and attack intruders.

Sanctuary of Sodmet


Spires of Nupherzer

lore aka dragon lands

Republic of Yaotali

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

Possibly the oldest of all nations,

NEEDS LORE and a bunch of Loxodon live here

a capital, Yantho



## Sombrio ##### **Population** * 40% Goliaths * 45% Human * 15% Gnomes * 10% Dwarves

This coastal nation is the newest country to form on the continent, originally a trading station created by a Tiefling who lent his name to the country, it expanded as more displaced tiefling flooded in looking to start a nation of their own. Its capital, Corazon de Arana is the most beautiful of all in the country, full of bright colours, domed spires and flanked by the Laguna Cristall. Many feel this an illegal nation, especially the dragonborn, and the country is constantly at war with its neighbours in a bid for survival. This led to the creation of the Gol-roth Military Base where all citizens are expected to serve a period of national service in defense of their country.

Balam: The country of Balam is dominated by the Wakanom Bush which is a flat steppe like grassland and bushland, similar to how the whole of the continent used to be, this region is now home to the Loxodon herds who live in Impis, small wooden fenced communities, the largest of which, Qaholom, serves as the capital.

Corazon de Arana


Laguna Cristall


Gol=roth Military Base


This is an island to the south of the continent that is simply one large volcano and a jungle surrounding. Not owned or occupied by any nation there are stories of a vast ancient city that has slipped into the sea after the volcanos constant eruptions. Dragons have been seen flying around the island.

Lost Isles

Dante! Make cool title art like introduction


  • Apollox Society
  • Sekolah Kingdom
  • Palapheme
  • Kar'i'nas
  • Nurm

Sekolah Kingdom

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

This is where the sea elves exist and are directly above Frolois


  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

This is where the triton kingdom exists and is a vast area located in the Aseta Ocean.

Apollox Society

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

This is where the Vedalken exist

Nurm & Kar’i’nas

  • 40% Goliaths
  • 45% Human
  • 15% Gnomes
  • 10% Dwarves

Nurm is where the Githzerai live. Kar’i’nas is where the Fithyanki live. The two islands are very close in some parts you can see the shore off in the horizon of the other island. These two countries are always at war with each other. This is where a small group of gith escaped from the mind flayers and thought hiding on the material plane. Over time they grew into their own establishments but despise each other.

Space Pirates to Actual Pirates





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