HK Bee Race

by Hollowed Kingdoms

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"At the edge of the world I found a realm of hardened
amber. It’s hexagon caverns glistened as the walls dripped with the sweet liquid they called honey. It was their life force it seem like, being able to live off this strange, sticky substance. However, I was not able to wander too far into the hive, the Bees do not like trespassers.”

In their eyes, they are nature’s perfect society. Every Bee has their place and a job to do. Their evolution brings a natural harmony to their hive. All Bees have a close connection to nature and wish to preserve the delicate balance.


Bees culture is unique. They only need a few outside resources to survive, and unlike other races, they can naturally produce a substance called Honey. This can be not only a food source, but also a building material. They can turn the honey into a hardened material that they use to build their hives. Because of their close knit community, they don't normally allow outsiders to enter their colony and only trade for outside materials when necessary. For example, sometimes they go to the nearest kingdom to seek ore necessary to make weapons for themselves.

Bees believe that nature has already given them all they need to survive and there was no need to continue to evolve further. While it’s ok for Bees to have personal hobbies, they don't put value on the arts. A Bee’s duty is to protect and maintain the hive. Members that don't have this value in mind are quickly kicked out of the colony. However, there have been rare cases when colonies of bees had to change.

Bee Hierarchy

Every hive is lead by a single queen, providing leadership and hivlings for the colony. Depending on the hivlings’ birth, they become either guardians, soldiers or workers.


Guardians are the highest ranking members of the hive because of their importance in the hive. They are the queen’s personal guards. Any Bee that would like an audience with the queen will have to ask permission from the head guardian first. Guardians are also the ones to organize and deliver any formal requests and reports to and from the queen. They keep track of all records so the queen can be able to make the best choice for the colony needs.


Soldiers are below guardians. However, similar to the guardians they are born to protect the hive. Unlike guardians though, they don't need to rely on others and can defend themselves if cornered alone.

They routinely go out on patrols fight off any possible outside threats, and are the bulk of the queen’s army. Though it is rare, if a soldier is skilled enough in battle, they may be promoted to Hive Knight. This allows them to have the same ranking position of guardians and are the last line of defense in an attack against the queen.


Workers may be the lowest ranking members of the hive, but they make up the majority of it and are just as important. Workers are the ones that keep the colony alive and have a long list of daily duties to keep their hive healthy, from healing soldiers and guardians to gathering food and water. However, their most important job is to raise potential queens. When a new queen is chosen, the other candidates become soldiers or, if they are well liked by a few, go off with their small group and start a new colony.
Because of their frequent trips outside, they are also the most knowledgeable about what happens outside of the hive. They can sense changes in the natural environment, and talk to outside bugs to get knowledge about what is happening outside their territory. It is because of this knowledge that the queen, along with soldiers and guardians, take the concerns of workers very seriously, understanding that their knowledge can save the colony from future hardships if they respond quickly.

The Bees of Hallownest

Lead by their queen, the warrior bees of Hallownest at first lived in relative peace, until the Pale King came into power. Instead of abiding under his rule, they sealed themselves off from the rest of the kingdom. When the infection was spreading in Hallownest, it seemed like they were safe. However, it only prolonged the inevitable. Soon after, the Queen died, and in their weakened state they succumbed to the infection. Their greatest strength had become their greatest weakness.
They stayed that way in isolation for centuries. However, recently they started to recover from the infection. Small entrances have now appeared to their home, opening the hive back up to the rest of the kingdom. The Bees of Hallownest, realizing their Queen is dead, now have to find a new queen and rebuild their colony to its former glory. Though they still respect nature, they come to realize they have to start changing some of their ways if they want to survive.


Bees are all yellow and black with hair or fur on their head and/or neck; however their body shape can vary depending on what their position in the hive is. Like Guardian Bees are usually more robust, while Soldiers and Workers are thinner. Yet Soldiers’ bodies are muscular and built for fighting, while Workers’ bodies are more for conserving energy.

Bees Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is increased by 2.

Alignment. Bees tend toward Lawful Alignments.

Size. Bees range from 5ft to 7ft tall, depending on your birth. You are considered Medium.

Speed. Your base walking is 30 feet.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Puzzle-Buzz.

Subraces. Bees are divided into three positions depending on their birth; guardians, soldiers or workers.


When compared in size, Guardians are the largest members of the colony, ranging close to 7ft tall and are also all males. They are charged with protecting the Queen.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increased by 1.

Guardian’s Build. Increase your AC by +1.

Swarming Tactics. You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your PB, regaining all uses after completing a Long rest.

Target Locked. Guardians are skilled at tracking enemies. Any Survival or Perception check made to see or track an enemy or creature is made at advantages, and a stealth check made to hide from this creature is made at disadvantage if this creature during combat is made at disadvantage.


Soldiers are a mix of smaller males and larger female bees ranging around 6ft tall, that are born to fight. They are charged with protecting the colony from outside threats.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increase by 1.

Loyal. You resist effects that would charm you, and roll any saving throws made against charm effects with advantage.

Soldier’s Strike. All weapon attack rolls you make with weapons you are proficient with gain a +1.

Sturdy Stinger. Soldiers have extremely tough stingers that can pierce the hardest steel, and you are no exception. As an action, you can make an unarmed attack against an enemy. On a hit, you deal 1D6 + STR piercing damage. Additionally, a creature hit by this attack must succeed on a CON saving throw vs 8 + CON + PB. On a failure, the creature is poisoned for 1D4 turns and takes 1D6 Poison Damage. On a success, a creature is not poisoned and does not take Poison Damage.


Workers are smaller female bees ranging around 5ft tall that make up the majority of the colony. Their duty is to keep the hive alive, ranging from gathering food and water to maintaining the hive.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Eye to Detail. All skill checks you make with skills and tools you have proficiency with gain a +1.

Skilled Workers. You gain proficiency in both one set of tools and one skill of your choice.

Thriving Duty. Worker Bees work tirelessly day and night to complete their civic duties. So instead of sleeping they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit as someone that has had 8 hours of sleep.

Honey Trap. You gain the ability to ensnare enemies in your honey. As an action, you can select an unoccupied 5 x 5 square on the ground within 30 feet of you and coat it in a sticky honey trap. The area is considered difficult terrain. A creature cannot leave the area unless it succeeds on a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 11 + your PB. On a failure, its speed is reduced to zero until the end of its next turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your PB, regaining all uses after completing a long rest. You can only have one active Honey Trap at a Time. Old traps dissolve after 1 hour or if you make a new one.

Game Credit

This Race was inspired by the game Hollow Knight by Team Cherry. A labor of love made solely for entertainment purposes and not-for-profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

Background Art made by: Sol-lar-bink
Character Art made by: Piper


This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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