Way of Plasticity

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The Way of Plasticity

After years of rigorously breaking and repairing the very flesh, bone, and sinew of your body through a combination of self-inflicted torture and various inhumane magics, you've done it. Your body is an obscenely malleable, almost rubbery, weapon which you use to enact your will, whatever it may be.

You carve a path across the battlefield through inexplicable stretching, you cover distance with unnatural leaps, and your fists grow into large, dense slabs of unyielding strength.

Rubber Body

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you learn to maneuver your limbs in unprecedented ways, taking your opponents off guard. You double your proficiency bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill checks and your melee attacks now have a reach of 5 feet greater than normal. This range increases by 5 feet at levels 11 and 17.

Regardless of acquired range, you make attacks of opportunity at a range of 10 feet.

Tensile Coil

At 3rd level you gain the ability to calculate your jump distance with Dexterity rather than Strength. You can also spend 1 ki point as a bonus action to wind your lower half into a spring shape and jump three times as far as you normally would. Jumping in this way does not invoke attacks of opportunity.

At 11th level, you now have enough mastery over your form to halve all fall damage you take. You also learn to expand your application of this ability to create a suction cup shape from your form, allowing you to root yourself in place on a wall or ceiling for a full round, such as a moment when you would normally fall at the end of your turn due to Unarmed Movement. You can do this a number of times a day equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Pliable Limbs

At 6th level, your dexterity is unmatched when it comes to tripping up your foes.

Whenever you attempt to grapple a creature, you may use your Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill instead of Strength (Athletics). You may also grapple a creature you can see using your unarmed reach, but cannot move the target until you spend a bonus action to reel them in within 5 feet of you. If the target is two or more sizes larger than you, you instead pull yourself within 5 feet of them.

Ductile Danger

At 11th level you have mastered using all of your limbs to their peak potential. You may wrap one of your legs around a creature and attempt to grapple them, in addition to your hands. When you grapple a creature in this way, your speed is reduced to 10 feet.

As an action you may spend 3 ki points to use all your limbs to attempt to grapple a creature in an adjacent space that is two or more sizes larger than you. When you grapple in this way, your speed is also reduced to 0 and you are considered restrained until the grapple ends.

Sucker Punch

You may spend 6 ki points as an action to cause your fist to multiply several times larger than your body, while your arm coils to store energy for a truly massive strike. Any creature in a 45 foot long-by-15 foot wide line must make a Dexterity saving throw, DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier or take 15d8 bludgeoning damage and be moved to the end of the strike's path.

If a creature impacts a solid object, such as a wall, while being pushed, they take an additional 3d6 bludgeoning damage. You can't use this ability again until you finish a long rest.

The Way of Plasticity
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Martial Arts Ki Points Reach Unarmored Movement
1st +2 Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts 1d4 - - -
2nd +2 Ki, Unarmored Movement 1d4 2 - +10 ft.
3rd +2 Deflect Missiles, Monastic Tradition 1d4 3 +5 +10 ft.
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Slow Fall 1d4 4 +5 +10 ft.
5th +3 Extra Attack, Stunning Strike 1d6 5 +5 +10 ft.
6th +3 Ki-Empowered Strikes, Monastic Tradition feature 1d6 6 +5 +15 ft.
7th +3 Evasion, Stillness of Mind 1d6 7 +5 +15 ft.
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 8 +5 +15 ft.
9th +4 Unarmored Movement improvement 1d6 9 +5 +15 ft.
10th +4 Purity of Body 1d6 10 +5 +20 ft.
11th +4 Monastic Tradition features 1d8 11 +10 +20 ft.
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 12 +10 +20 ft.
13th +5 Tongue of the Sun and Moon 1d8 13 +10 +20 ft.
14th +5 Diamond Soul 1d8 14 +10 +25 ft.
15th +5 Timeless Body 1d8 15 +10 +25 ft.
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 16 +10 +25 ft.
17th +6 Monastic Tradition feature 1d10 17 +15 +25 ft.
18th +6 Empty Body 1d10 18 +15 +30 ft.
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 19 +15 +30 ft.
20th +6 Perfect Soul 1d10 20 +15 +30 ft.
  • Advice and encouragement by The Fuckin' Internet and r/UnearthedArcana
  • This brew was made by u/MusketGolfer
  • Artwork of Spinel boarded by Miki Brewster, character by Rebecca Sugar, modified by u/MusketGolfer
  • Made with GMBinder

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