Sourcerous Origin: Spellscarred

by Ranikirn

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You bring a sparkle of the Spellplague, a disaster that struck Realmspace and even the planes themselves during which arcane magic ceased to function. One of your ancestors maybe was a spellcaster afflicted by the spellplague, or you came into contact with residues of this cataclysm, giving you mastery of magic and afflicting you with symptoms of the plague.

Weave Disturbance

At 1st level the spellplague influence allows you to disturb magical abilities of spellcasters. As an action you force a creature within 60 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature that fails the save has disadvantage on spell hit roll and saving throw to maintain concentration until the end of your next turn. When you use this feature, during your next turn you can cast only cantrips.

Aura of Dissonance

Starting at 1st level you also bring the pain that has driven mad most spellcasters during the spellplague, like an inner flame that burns. The area generates from you in a 15-feet-radius, each time a creature inside of it casts a 1st level spell or higher, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save a creature suffers 1d8 psychic damage. As bonus action, until the end of your next turn, you can change the focal point of the aura to a point you can see within 30 feet of you.

Arcane Rebuke

At 6th you can spend 3 sorcery points to cast the counterspell or dispel magic spell, even if you don't know these spells. Each time you dispel a spell in this way, the enemy caster suffers 2d8 psychic damage and must make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save a creature can't cast spells of 1st lever or higher until the end of its next turn.

Azure Fire

At 14th you can summon Spellplague's blue flames. Choose a 30-foot cube centered on a point you can see within 60 feet, each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 2d8 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. All spells active in that area are dispelled and spellcaster's concentration is lost if not succeed the saving throw. You can use this trait once per long rest.

Arcane Madness

At level 18th you are able to assault a creature's mind in order to drive him insane. As an action you can spend 8 sorcery points and force a creature inside your aura of dissonance to make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save the creature suffers 8d6 psychic damage and is afflicted by a short-term madness (described in the Master's Guide at page 259). On a successful save it suffers only half damage and no other effect. A madness assigned in this way lasts for 1 minute.

Curing Madness

A calm emotions spell can suppress the effects of madness, while a lesser restoration spell can rid a character of a short-term or long-term madness. Depending on the source of the madness, remove curse or dispel evil might also prove effective. A greater restoration spell or more powerful magic is required to rid a character of indefinite madness.

Spellscarred v 1.2

Author: u/ranikirn ( @ranikirn)
Image: Medivh by Rulin Liu


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