Chapter 2 - Creating Your Hero

by Danthrak

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Part 2

Creating Your Hero

In a world shaped by the gods and their gift of magic, heroes reign supreme. Their legendary adventures have shaped age after age, and are to be remembered by the masses for millennia to come. As Nemriel stands on the precipice of chaos, adventurers are drawn to its lands. A new tale is about to be written. A story of new heroes to usher in an era of peace and protection from the forces of evil.

This chapter details everything regarding the creation of characters that fit into the world of Eldreal, mainly the southern island territory known as Nemriel. From their place in the world, to additional race and class options available to the players.

The People of Nemriel

New Class Options

Dusk over Nemriel offers a few new class archetypes available to the players. These archetypes all have their own place in the world of Eldreal.

Martial Archetype

At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype feature. Here is a homebrew option for that feature: the Dragon Warrior.

Dragon Warrior

Dragon warriors follow the teachings of ancient spirit dragons that once roamed the lands. They come from small communities that dedicate their lives to such creatures, looking after their shrines and holding holy ceremonies. It is during these ceremonies that the strongest of the tribe meet their protector and a deep connection is formed. Empowered by their deity, these dragon warriors set out into the world with their dragon watching over them.

Dragon Warrior Features
Fighter Level Feature
3rd Nimble Training, Dragon Guardian
7th Quick Charge
10th Invigoration
15th Draconic Resilience
18th Unyielding Bond

Nimble Training

Starting at 3rd level, your speed increases by 5 feet. This bonus increases when you reach certain fighter levels, as shown in the Nimble Training table.

Nimble Training
Fighter Level Bonus Movement
3rd +5 ft.
6th +10 ft.
10th +15 ft.
14th +20 ft.

Dragon Guardian

At 3rd level, your spiritual dragon helps you react to your opponent's sudden attacks. When a creature makes an opportunity of attack against you, you may quickly retaliate, applying one of the effects detailed under "Retaliations" below.

You have three uses of this ability, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short or long rest.

Quick Charge

At 7th level, you can free the energy that courses through you. You can take the dash action as a bonus action on each of your turns in combat.


At 10th level, bloodlust releases the dragon's rage within you. You regain one use of Dragon Guardian when you use your action surge.

Draconic Resilience

Starting at 15th level, you can feel your spiritual dragon's protection surround you. When you use the Dragon Guardian feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your fighter level + your Constitution modifier.

Life as a Yanonori

The people that make up the dragon warrior communities are called the Yanonori. They live deep in lush forests or high atop lonely mountains. Secluded from the rest of civilization, the Yanonori dedicate all of their spare time to their spirit dragon deities. There are few groups of people as devoted as the Yanonori, and it has not gone unnoticed. For generations, these ascetic people have managed to spiritually connect with their gods, leading to the formation of the dragon warriors.

Part 2 | Creating Your Hero

Unyielding Bond

At 18th level, your form the deepest possible bond with your dragon guardian. If you roll initiative and have no uses of Dragon Guardian remaining, you regain one use of it.


The Dragon Guardian feature lets you choose options when a creature makes an opportunity of attack against you. Retaliations take place after the opportunity of attack has been made. The options are presented here in alphabetical order.

If an option requires a saving throw, your Dragon Guardian save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

Clashing Hit. Infused by a dragon's might, you manage to meet the creature's attack as you pass them. You make a melee attack against the creature.

This becomes two attacks at 10th level and three attacks at 18th level.

Dazing Pattern. You leave behind a shower of sparks, confusing the creature as you move away. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is blinded until the end of its next turn.

At 18th level you also turn invisible until the start of your next turn.

Goading Run You focus the creature's attention onto you as a dragon's laugh echoes out from your position. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature uses all of their movement to follow you on their next turn.

At 18th level you also leave behind a trail of embers that disappears at the start of your next turn. A creature takes 1d4 fire damage for every 5 feet that it moves through the trail.

Mounting Counter. You ready yourself for the incoming attack and sprout a set of phantasmal dragon claws. If the attacking creature is one size larger than you, you climb on top of it as it reaches out to hit you. You immediately make a grapple check with advantage to stay on top of the creature.

At 18th level you also make one attack after mounting the creature.

Plated Retreat. You maneuver away from the creature as a layer of phantasmal dragon scales cover your body. The opportunity of attack is made against you with disadvantage.

At 18th level the scales also grant you resistance to one type of damage.

Winged Leap. You sprout a set of phantasmal dragon wings that launch you into the air up to three times your height. You take no falling damage from this jump as the wings carry you back safely before disappearing.

At 18th level, after the initial launch your remaining movement turns into flying speed until the end of your turn.

Part 2 | Creating Your Hero

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