Seed Bombs
Seed Bombs appear to be small round balls of clay about the size of a chicken egg or a golf ball. The surface is hard and has been polished somewhat and has a pattern pressed into the surface suggesting the kind of bomb that it is.
Vine Bomb
Uncommon Wondrous Item. No Attunement.

This small ball of clay has little vines inscribed on the surface.
When thrown at a target (ranged weapon attack, 20/60), it will burst open and vines will erupt from the point of impact in a 20ft. radius and function exactly like the Entangle spell. The vines last for 1 minute.
Seeds bombs can only be used once.
Bramble Bomb
Uncommon Wondrous Item. No Attunement.

Credit: Lucien Stals
This small ball of clay has little thorny vines inscribed on the surface.
When thrown (ranged weapon attack, 30/60) on the ground, a Wall of Thorns (exactly the same as the spell) springs into existence in a 20ft. diameter ring around the point of impact. The shape of the wall can't be controlled; it only ever creates a ring. The wall is 20ft. high and 5ft thick.
The wall will last until the following dawn, or it can be dismissed at will by the person who threw the bomb.
This wall could be used to trap a creature inside, or perhaps to provide a safe place for the party to rest for a night.
Seeds bombs can only be used once.
Oak Bomb
Uncommon Wondrous Item. No Attunement.

Credit: Lucien Stals
This small ball of clay has oak leaves inscribed on the surface.
When thrown (ranged weapon attack, 30/60) on the ground, a mighty oak tree begins to sprout.
It takes 8 hours for the tree to reach full maturity and stands 70ft. tall and 60ft. wide (the canopy, not the trunk). This tree is sturdy and easy to climb.
Seeds bombs can only be used once.
Fruit Tree Bomb
Uncommon Wondrous Item. No Attunement.

Credit: Lucien Stals
This small ball of clay has fruits inscribed on the surface.
When thrown (ranged weapon attack, 30/60) at the ground, a large fruit tree begins to sprout.
The tree will be full grown and ready to harvest in 8 hours. The mature tree stands 10ft. tall and bears a cornucopia of fruits and nuts. 100lbs of fresh fruits and nuts can be harvested from the tree. Once harvested, the tree will be an ordinary fruit tree, bearing fruit once a year, but it will continue to produce a variety of fruit, not just one kind.
The harvested fruit are fresh and perishable and will go off if they aren't preserved somehow.
Seeds bombs can only be used once.