Race: Fey'ri

by starlightwalker

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Art: 'Zyir' by Nat Vichayed


Jazrim had taken the man before him to be an elf, but as the glamour fell from his eyes he could not believe he had missed the delicate horns upon his brow, the black claws on his hands, or the whip-like tail that flickered behind him. His beauty was even greater than that of the elf he had pretended to be, but it was a terrible beauty. The light reflected off his oiled skin in way that made you want to bite it, bite till you tasted blood. The sheer black silk of his garment begged to be ripped away in shreds, the spun gold chains hungry to cut into his flesh as they pulled tight. And his eyes, beautiful eyes, captivating eyes, eyes like a summer sky......they were mad as a rabid hound's.....and hungry....and locked directly on Jazrim.

Fey'ri are elven planetouched very similar to tieflings, but their fiendish ancestor is not nearly so far removed. The power of the Abyss runs strongly through them. Rage, jealousy, pride, and vengeance drive fey'ri society to commit terrible acts against those they deem to be lesser. Unfortunately, that generally includes every other creature in existence.

The Glory of Hell

Born of elves and demons, fey'ri have a dark beauty unrivaled by most other mortals. They generally stand taller than their elven kin, with most being at least 6 feet tall, although some bloodlines have been bred to be smaller. Like tieflings, the mark of the Lower Planes lies upon them. Nearly all fey'ri have horns and tails (though generally smaller and thinner than a tiefling's) as well as unusual skin, hair, or eye colors. However, because their demonic ancestor is usually only a few generations removed at most, they often also manifest minor supernatural effects around them. This can range from milk souring in their presence to causing blood to leak from the eyes of paintings or statues nearby. Some fey'ri with a particularly strong demonic influence even have small wings. Most have the ability to change their form or use illusion to masquerade as elves.

Pride Goeth Before The Fall

The majority of fey'ri are descended from high elves who defied the gods and bred with demons to strengthen their bloodlines, taking them to new heights of power. This first generation, known as the Daemonfey, were cast out by their elven kin, and they secretly spread to other kingdoms where their numbers grew and began to take control. When their conspiracy was revealed, the elves came together to slaughter most of them and imprison the rest in hidden vaults for more than 5000 years. Only a few escaped, and while they have been working to reestablish themselves, the majority of the fey'ri are still trapped and comatose.

Fiendish Breeding

Most commonly descended from an incubus or succubus, fey'ri are naturally rather charismatic. However, even those raised outside their own brutal society struggle with the combination of elven pride and the demonic contempt for life, which is not helped by the distrust many people have for them. Most elves feel compelled to slay these outsiders on sight, as do fey'ri raised by others of their kind, and other races often see nothing more than their obviously unnatural features.

Demons and fey'ri choose those who sire or carry their spawn based on the mortal’s superior ability in a field so as to make the resulting offspring a powerful and worthy servant. As such, fey’ri often have strong natural talents, but also tend to have certain weaknesses enhanced by the selective breeding programs.

Fey'ri Names

Fey'ri view themselves as the ultimate evolution of elves, and therefore continue to use elven names. These names also stand out less when infiltrating elven society. However, Abyssal names are also occasionally used.

Fey'ri Traits

Your fey'ri character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score is increase by 1. You may increase two other ability scores of your choice by 1, or increase one ability score by 2.

Age. Descended from elves and immortal beings, Fey'ri have long lifespans of around 1,200 years, living centuries longer than their elven kin when given the opportunity. However, they are forced to mature emotionally much more rapidly than most elves due to their harsh upbringing, and are expected to act as adults by the age of 60 at the latest. It is also very rare for fey'ri to live out the full extent of their lifespan.

Alignment. Fey'ri society was created by a pact between demons and corrupted elves greedy for power, and as such is entirely evil. Any fey’ri born from the original bloodlines and raised amongst them will almost certainly be chaotic evil. However, some try to embrace goodness, particularly those raised by non-fey'ri (although this is incredibly rare). As both elves and demons tend towards chaotic expressions of alignment, fey'ri are rarely lawful.

Size. Fey'ri are bred to range from a wispy 5 feet tall to hulking 7 foot tall brutes. Your size is Medium.

Languages. You speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and Abyssal.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Daemonfey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Magic cannot put you to sleep.

Trance. Like elves, fey'ri don't need to sleep. Instead, they enter a semiconscious trance for 4 hours a day that allows them to perform mental exercises and relive memories of their training in extreme detail. This trance is the equivalent of 8 hours of sleep for most other races.

Art: 'redraw' by Exellero

Powerful Voice Choose Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation. You have proficiency in the chosen skill and can add twice your proficiency to checks with it.

Hidden in Plain Sight. You know the freshen up cantrip, which is described below.

Additionally, by concentrating as you would when casting a spell, you can suppress your demonic features through an effort of will. You appear as an elf with identical facial features to your own, but your horns, tail, unnatural colorations, and any supernatural effects vanish. When you are forced to make a concentration check for this feature, you make a Charisma saving throw instead of a Constitution saving throw. Truesight or other magic that reveals the true form of a shapechanger will negate this ability, but it is not detectable by a detect magic spell or other similar effect.

Racial Feats

As a fey'ri, you have access to feats available to high elves and tieflings as well as those listed here.

Specialized Breeding

Prerequisite: Fey'ri, 8th level

You were bred for purpose, and specific traits reveal themselves as your power grows. You may increase one ability score of your choice by 1, or increase an ability score of your choice by 2 at the cost of reducing your Constitution by 1. For example, you may choose +2 Strength and -1 Constitution, or +1 Dexterity with no penalty. You cannot increase an ability score beyond 20.

Additionally, your body physically transforms. Choose one of the following benefits:

  • You grow wings that give you a fly speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you cannot be wearing heavy armor.
  • Your teeth become razor-sharp. Your bite is a natural weapon you are proficient with which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier. The target must also make a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be charmed by you until the end of its next turn.
  • Extra eyes open on the back of your head, the palms of your hands, or elsewhere on your body. You have advantage on Perception checks involving sight. Additionally, you have 5 feet of truesight.
  • Your skin toughens, grows scales, or becomes chitinous. You gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Succubus Spawn

Prerequisite: Fey'ri

Your abilities particularly mimic those of the succubus or incubus who tainted your bloodline. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn the vicious mockery cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
  • You can add a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier (maximum of +3) to any Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throws.

Spell Descriptions

Freshen Up

Transmutation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You make your appearance more palatable, choosing an effect from the following list.

  • You can remove minor stains from your clothing and grime from your skin. This will affect dirt and sweat from travel or work, but not gore from battle.
  • You give yourself a scent of your choice as if wearing a perfume. The effect lasts until dawn of the following day.
  • Your hair is styled in a manner of your choice. It can become curly or straight even if it is normally not, and pins or ties are not required to hold it in place. The effect lasts until dawn of the following day.
  • You grow up to twelve inches of hair on your face or scalp. This is possible even if your race cannot normally grow facial hair. You may also remove hair from your face or scalp if it is already present.
  • You grow body hair. This is possible even if your race cannot normally grow body hair, but only as much as is possible for a particularly hairy human. You may also remove body hair if it is already present.

Art: 'Qop' by Wei-Zi