Elf Subrace: Snow Elf

by starlightwalker

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Elf Subrace

Snow Elf

Snow elves dwell in the brutal mountain peaks of icy realms, where Winter's bite never truly leaves. They guard their lands fiercely and remain isolated from the rest of the world. During the rebellion of the dark elves, the snow elves were deceived into allowing them passage through a critical mountain pass. Since then they have been quietly shunned by other surface elves. This division, combined with a natural haughtiness and hostility towards outsiders, has caused snow elves to have poor relations with other races. Some clans go so far as to conduct raids against high-altitude settlements. Above all others they hate drow, and little can stop a snow elf from bringing violence against drow or their allies. They worship Tarsellis Meunniduin and Rellavar Danuvien almost exclusively, their gods having a similar relationship with the Seldarine and Lolth as their worshippers do with other elves.

Tall and hardy, they are well suited to the difficult lives they live. Their skin is white, pale grey, or pale blue. Their hair is naturally black, silver-white, or grey, although many will dye their hair with brighter streaks of color. Their eyes are generally very pale shades of green or blue, but purple is also seen more rarely, as are darker shades of the same colors. They generally disdain metal decorations and armors (which are impractical in the cold), preferring leather, fur, and bone, but during the rare trading expeditions to the lowland races they covet silver above all else.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Snow Elf Training. You have proficiency in the Survival skill, as well as with longbows, shortbows, spears, and javelins.

Child of Always Winter. You are acclimated to high altitudes (including elevations above 20,000 feet) and are naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. In addition, you have advantage on Acrobatics checks to keep your balance on icy surfaces, and moving through difficult terrain composed of ice and snow costs you no extra movement. However, you are poorly suited to hotter climes, and the DC for Constitution saving throws against exhaustion in extreme heat increases by 2 every hour instead of by 1.

Arctic Magic. You know the Ray of Frost and Frostbite cantrips. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Art: 'Pale Elf Watcher' by @kooks000