Sigrid Ingersdottir
Here is Sigrid; a vikingr of singular fury and power, whose legendary career is eclipsed only by her more legendary death. She is revered among the people of the south as having reached the apex of her craft. Among other cultures, her name carries weight and fear, even centuries after she drew her last breath.
Sigrid's Saga in Brief
Terror of the Never, Spirit Raider, The Southblade
"Sigrid is a singular warrior, a champion the likes of whom this world hasn't seen for centuries. If she'd lived in any other time, I dare say she'd have become a hero beyond compare."
Born 168 AR in the village of Áinheim, in Harot, Sigrid was destined for a life of blood and war. Some legends say her mother, Inger, birthed Sigrid on the battlefield and then kept fighting. Others say that Sigrid was born during a raid on Áinheim, after which Inger got up and joined in the defense of her village. There are other — even more extreme — tales about Sigrid's birth, but they are even less verifiable.
From the time she could walk, Sigrid's mother began prep-aring her for war. As she grew, she could wield sword and shield as easily as most people breathe. She joined her first raid at the age of 14, but even by then she was already bloo-ded. As she grew, and joined more raids, her renown as a shi-eldmaiden grew. She eventually attracted the attention, and affection, of the swordmaiden Eira Frejasdottir.
The two women fought and lived side by side, and were never apart for more than a day. In time, Sigrid grew weary of Gorath's endless demand for blood and carnage. She sought battle with more purpose, glory with reason and honor. Eira, although a champion of Gorath, loved her wife and knew that Gorath didn't care where they fought, so long as they fought. So the two of them set out with their own ship filled with vikingrs, and they made a name for themselves in the world. It was during this time that Sigrid acquired the blade Fjülvir, on which her legend would be built.
Inevitably, they became involved in a number of wars. They fought in the north, alongside Pasha Ihmed ibn Abid ibn Nasim al-Rasheed, as he fought to depose the Mad Shah. They became briefly involved in a handful of other conflicts after that, but it was in the west where they met their destiny.
As Bria Vel marched her army undefeated across the west-lands, it was clear none could stop her. Her army crushed kingdoms, and left none of her enemies standing. Once she had marched from the western break to the eastern fall, she turned north to continue her bloody conquest.
Sigrid and Eira, traveling south toward their homeland, were caught in Bria's path. Their ship was attacked on sight, and fell from the sky with few survivors. Sigrid, Eira, Brandt Ulfsson, and Torvald Olufsson were all that remained. They joined the meager forces arrayed against Bria's army. Battle after battle, for two years, they fought. Sigrid's legend grew more than ever. She and Eira stood against Bria's forces with a strength that no one else had managed. Sigrid, shield held high, became a symbol of hope.
Late in the second winter of her time fighting the wizard's army, Sigrid came closer to killing Bria than anyone else ever would. Her valiant charge was as glorious as it was doomed, inspiring songs, poems, and tales for generations.
When Sigrid's longship landed, the Battle of Eirik's Fall was already underway. The beleagured army of Kuland chee-red and rallied when they saw Sigrid's flag. Before the ship had even moored; Sigrid, Eira, Brandt, and Torvald leapt their horses over the ship's railing and charged across the docks.
As she thundered onto the blood-soaked snow, they say that Sigrid's eyes never left Bria Vel. Even when the four of them plunged into a cluster of Bria's soldiers, cutting a swa-the through them, Sigrid's gaze never wavered. When ogres and hill giants crushed Torvald, and threw Brandt toward the mountains, Sigrid's eyes never wavered. When lightning str-uck Eira from her horse, Sigrid screamed with her whole heart, but her eyes did not waver.
Unstoppable, Sigrid crashed through Bria's final line of defenders without breaking her horse's stride. When the horse was disintegrated underneath her, she rolled onto her feet and continued her charge. Bria's defensive spells seemed to collapse before her. The bodyguards who had stood at Bria's side for eight years fell under Sigrid's onslaught.
When Bria's last desperate spell cut Sigrid in half, Fjülvir was buried halfway through the wizard's abdomen. She was forced to retreat, and it took her months to recover from the grievous wound. She almost didn't survive it.
Eira survived the battle, wearing her scars with pride, and she mourned her lost love until the day she died. Years after the battle, when she got word that Bria Vel had vanished, she only spit on the ground, and wouldn't speak of it.
Some historians, warriors, and bards have lamented that Sigrid was born during the time of Bria Vel's march of destruction. It was inevitable that the world's greatest warrior face the world's greatest conquerer, but if Bria had not led her terrible campaign then Sigrid's life would have been very long and distinguished.
Other historians note that Sigrid's death only solidified her legend. She might have done much if she had never met Bria Vel, but the story of Sigrid's Charge will be remembered until the end of the world. For some, that's what matters.
Character Details
Sigrid is an aphilim from Harot; her people value strength, tenacity, focus, and have a strong sense of community. They live in a dangerous and brutal land, under the rule of a god whose thirst for blood is rivaled only by his desire to conquer.
To Harotians, death is not just inevitable; it is as much a part of life as the sky around the world, and the blood in their body. They are a deeply spiritual people, and survive their god and their homeland by undertaking seasonal raids.
- Gender cis woman; Sexuality gay (monogamous)
- Height 6'; Weight 210 lb.; Age 32 at time of death
- Skin fair, but often tanned from the sun, with many scars acr-oss her body from countless battles; Hair dark blonde with streaks of brown; right side is shaved, left side is kept loose when not in battle, but braided tightly for war; Eyes gray
- Clothing usually simple Harotic dresses of blue or green; otherwise she wears leather pants and a tunic
- Armor crafted to fit her exact proportions, it is full plate armor in Harotic style, covered in intricate runes and symbols; Helmet full plate helmet with a half visor that covers her mouth, but her eyes and nose are exposed to give her full visibility; Shield reinforced wood in round Harotic style, with a steel rim and center; decorated blue and black, with an expressionist image of a frost dragon
Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)
When Sigrid ventured into the desert lands of the north, she found herself at a crossroads in her weakest moment. She missed her home and her family, hated the heat and the sand, but most of all she worried about Eira. Fighting in a war aga-inst the Mad Shah, she and her vikingrs suffered a number of defeats that further damaged her self-confidence.
In her darkest hour, on the verge of giving up, Eira came to her rescue. Sensing Sigrid's growing stress and depression, she called her wife out into the desert in the middle of the night. Sigrid followed, without question, and the two women raised in snow soon found themselves lost in the endless sands of the Seventh Desert.
Eira trusted in the protection of Gorath, who was pleased with her, and Sigrid trusted her wife, whom she loved without reservation. All night the two women walked, hand in hand, until the sun rose and began to sear down upon them. Eira felt Gorath's call to continue walking, and she obeyed the god's wishes, until eventually they collapsed from heat exha-ustion. There, they would have died.
Instead, they woke up rested and recovered. The sun beat down upon them, but it no longer burned. Their muscles no longer ached, their mouths were no longer dry. Eira, heeding the call of her god again, plunged one fist into the sand beneath them. When she pulled her arm back up, she was holding the blade Fjülvir. It radiated the cool power of Gorath's frozen mountain, and when Eira handed it to her love, Sigrid felt the weapon's power coursing through her. Courage and strength renewed, Sigird returned to her battles, always with Fjülvir in hand.
found. Some say the sword fell in the snow after Bria Vel ran away, others say that Bria took it with her. In either case, rumors place the weapon at various points throughout history. Some say it will only come to those who love battle for its own sake, not for the glory of it or a particular cause.
Magic Weapon. Fjülvir is a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d8 cold damage.
When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing dam-age. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20 you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the DM. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a por-tion of its body instead.
When you draw this weapon, you can extinguish all non-magical flames within 30 feet of you. This property an be used no more than once per hour.
Random Properties. The weapon has the following ran-domly determined properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 1 major beneficial property
- 2 minor detrimental properties
Favor of Gorath. If you are an aphilim southlander attuned to the sword, you gain the following benefits:
- You have resistance to cold damage.
- You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
- You are immune to the environmental effects of extreme cold and extreme heat.
Destroying the Blade. Since no one is certain where the blade physically came from, it's difficult to know where and how it might be destroyed. The most logical guess, since Gorath gave it to Sigrid in the first place, is that it can be taken to the source of Gorath's power. There, it is likely that the power of Gorath's imprisoned and tormented father could destroy the blade. Others speculate that the blade can be destroyed by taking it to the Seventh Desert, and there plunging it back into the sands where it was found.
Roleplaying Sigrid
Raised from birth to be a shieldmaiden, and in perfect physical shape, Sigrid is an ideal raider. She's also a joyful soul, and easy to like. People who aren't afraid of her reputation tend to love her sense of humor and her lust for adventure.
- Trait I laugh a lot. Whether happy, mad, fighting, or even in pain, I usually express it with laughter.
- Trait I may raid for plunder, but I'm really there because fighting alongside my friends is all I want.
- Ideal Adventure. I just want to see the world. If I end up plundering most of it, that's fine too.
- Bond My love Eira is my strength and my courage, she's the one who keeps me going.
- Flaw When I drink, I drink to impress my ancestors. They aren't easy to please.
Sigrid Ingersdottir
Medium humanoid (aphilim)
- Defense 22 (large shield +1)
- 19 (Fjülvir); 20 (warhammer); 14 (handaxe)
- Threshold 20 (full plate armor)
- Hit Points 147 (13d10 Hit Dice)
- Speed 20 ft. (25 ft. without pack)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
- Saving Throws Str +10, Con +10
- Skills Animal Handling +6, Athletics +10,
Intimidation +8, Perception +6, Survival +6- Damage Resistances cold, force
- Senses passive Perception 16
- Languages Genlish, Urlen; no literacy
- Level 13 fighter (130,000 XP); Proficiency +5
- Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Brooch of Shielding. Sigrid is immune to damage from the magic missile spell.
Aphilim Fighter. Ability Score Improvement (Str 2, Dex 1, Con 2, Wis 1, Sentinel), Adaptability (Heavy Armor Master), Additional Fighting Style (defensive), Fighting Style (protection), Improved Critical (15-18), Indomitable (twice, long rest), Martial Archetype (champion), Remarkable Athlete, Second Wind (bonus action, 1d10 + 13, rest), Versatility (Animal Handling).
Fjülvir. Sigrid is attuned to the artifact Fjülvir, which grants her the following properties:
Norm: Sigrid has advantage on Constitution saves.
Minor: Sigrid is immune to disease.
Minor: Sigrid can't be charmed or frightened.
Major: Sigrid regains 1d6 hit points at the start of her
turn if she has at least 1 hit point.
Minor: Sigrid has disadvantage on saving throws against
Minor: All holy water within 10 feet of Sigrid is
destroyed.Heavy Armor Master. While Sigrid is wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that she takes from nonmagical weapons is reduced by 3.
Protection. When a creature she can see attacks a target other than Sigrid that is within 5 feet of her, she can use her reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. She must be wielding a shield.
Vikingr. Vikingr's Legend. Sigrid was born and raised in the violent south, and has lived her life conducting raids throughout the entire world. People who aren't from the southern kingdoms prefer to give her the benefit of the doubt in arguments, give way in tight quarters, and aren't likely to try and sucker her when she barters the price of
items. In short, they'll do whatever they can to avoid potentially rousing her ire. People who are from the southern kingdoms will tend to take her at her word, but will be unforgiving if she breaks it.
Remarkable Athlete. Sigrid can add half her proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check she makes that doesn't already use her proficiency bonus.
In addition, when she makes a running long jump, the distance she can cover increases by 18 feet.Sentinel. When Sigrid hits a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn.
Creatures within 5 feet of her provoke opportunity attacks from her even if they take the Disengage action before leaving her reach.
When a creature within 5 feet of Sigrid makes an attack against a target other than her (and that target doesn't have this feat), she can use her reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.Actions
Action Surge. On her turn, Sigrid can take one additional action on top of her regular action and a possible bonus action. Once she uses this feature, she must finish a short or long rest before she can use it again.
Multiattack. Sigrid can make three weapon attacks.
Fjülvir. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d8 + 8) slashing damage, or 13 (1d10 + 8) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.
Large Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) bashing damage.
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bashing damage.
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) chopping damage.
- Proficiencies Armor: all, shields. Weapons: simple, martial. Tools: navigator's tools, vehicles (water).
- Height 6'; Weight 210 lb.; Age 32 (adult)
- Lgt 109 lb.; Med 218 lb.; Hvy 328 lb.; Max 655 lb.
- Gear brooch of shielding, Fjülvir, full plate armor, 4 handaxes, large shield +1, small lock of Eira's hair, warhammer (96 lb.); Pack backpack, bedroll, common clothes, 10 days of rations, map case, map of the northern empires, map of the southern kingdoms, map of the western kingdims, map of the world, mess kit, 50 ft. silk rope, tinderbox, 10 torches, waterskin (58 lb.); Coins 5 ic, 28 stl, 3 gc, 1 sc (0.7 lb.); Gems 2 black pearls (500 stl), black opal (1,000 stl), blue sapphire (1,000 stl), topaz (500 stl)
Total 154.7 lb.