##### In March, 2019 the community of r/DnDBehindtheScreen came together to build up a list of magical treasures to supplement the treasure found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. These treasures were built with 5e in mind, but were not reviewed for balance. We hope that you find this list of unique items useful for your games.
### Credits
This document was compiled and edited by ***u/PantherophisNiger***. Item Catalog version 2.2. August 18th, 2019 \
This document was edited by **u/Amellwind** Item Catalog version 3.0 March 10th, 2020
Cover art by ***u/PfenixArtwork***
[You can support the creation of more custom artwork for BTS by clicking this link](https://www.patreon.com/PfenixArtwork)
Formatting suggestions and advice from ***u/PfenixArtwork***, ***u/famoushippopotamus***, ***u/LordTathamet*** and ***u/ItKeepsOnBurning***.
Special thanks to The Gollicking, especially ***u/InfinityCircuit***, ***u/M0rdenkainen*** and ***u/RexiconJesse*** for assistance with some of the more challenging items.
**Most items have been edited for clarity, congruence with 5th edition mechanics. In most cases, I worked to clarify mechanics without any drastic changes, but putting the wording more in line with 5e item formatting. If you feel that these edits are not faithful to your design, please contact u/Amellwind via Reddit PM.**
*All items found within this catalog of the upcoming Centennial Multiverse Auction (tm) are to be sold as-is. J.J. Wimblerock & Sons Artifact Auctioneers Limited Liability Company offers no warranties, guarantees, exchanges or resurrections in the event that these items destroy your local multiverse, unravel your space-time continuum, end all life upon your disc, or replace your Gods with sentient sheep. J.J. Wimblerock & Sons Artifact Auctioneers Limited Liability Company offers binding arbitration in the event of item manufacturer's recall.*
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50**Kykvendi** *by u/Zedman5000*](#weapons-kykvendi)
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50**Lash of Mammon** *by u/proto_ziggy*](#weapons-lash-of-mammon)
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51**Lash of Truth** *By u/PantherophisNiger*](#weapons-lash-of-truth)
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51**The Lonely Child** *by u/Miss_Aia*](#weapons-the-lonely-child)
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51**Longbarrow's Arm** *by u/famoushippopotamus*](#weapons-longbarrows-arm)
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51**Machin Shin** *by u/BillyBobWinkydinks*](#weapons-machin-shin)
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52**Maul of the Mule** *by u/Notorious_Bear_*](#weapons-maul-of-the-mule)
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52**Maul of Upheaval** *by u/posborne2*](#weapons-maul-of-upheaval)
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52**The Melodious Bow** *by u/griveturtle*](#weapons-the-melodious-bow)
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52**The Meteor** *by u/unstabledave105*](#weapons-the-meteor)
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52**Meteor Strike** *by u/Cathartidae*](#weapons-meteor-strike)
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53**Monomolecular Blade** *by u/micaholism*](#weapons-monomolecular-blade)
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53**The Morning Star** *by u/Zedman5000*](#weapons-the-morning-star)
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53**Musashi's Bane** *by u/Pablo_Scrablo*](#weapons-musashis-bane)
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53**Pale-Shrouded Weapon** *by u/Plunderberg*](#weapons-pale-shrouded-weapon)
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53**Patience** *by u/BlackTomePress*](#weapons-patience)
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54**Pet Sword** *by u/Bertbrekfust*](#weapons-pet-sword)
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54**Pike of the Legion** *by u/Zedman5000*](#weapons-pike-of-the-legion)
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54**Planetar's Blade** *by u/thephoenixtome*](#weapons-planetars-blade)
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54**Poison Ivy** *by u/KunYuL*](#weapons-poison-ivy)
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55**Predator’s Talon** *by u/R_bubbleman_E_6*](#weapons-predators-talon)
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55**Quicksilver** *by u/Duke_Paul*](#weapons-quicksilver)
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55**Rainbow Sword of Prince Ro'Lann** *by u/PantherophisNiger*](#weapons-rainbow-sword-of-prince-rolann)
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55**Ram’s Crossing** *by u/Zenrayeed*](#weapons-rams-crossing)
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56**Reaper's Scythe** *by u/posborne2*](#weapons-reapers-scythe)
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56**Regret** *by u/Stercore_*](#weapons-regret)
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56**Retribution** *by u/BillyBobWinkydinks*](#weapons-retribution)
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56**Rose & Thorn** *by u/Nothik*](#weapons-rose-thorn)
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56**Sange, Yasha, and Kaya** *by u/budakang*](#weapons-sange-yasha-and-kaya)
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57**Shadowbane, Blade of Final Rest** *by u/csquirrelrun*](#weapons-shadowbane-blade-of-final-rest)
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57**Shadowblood** *u/SkritzTwoFace*](#weapons-shadowblood)
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57**Shieldbreaker** *by u/Zedman5000*](#weapons-shieldbreaker)
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58**The Slamtern** *by u/Zenrayeed*](#weapons-the-slamtern)
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58**Slip Razor** *by u/DownHouse*](#weapons-slip-razor)
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58**Snowpiercer** *by u/General_Gears*](#weapons-snowpiercer)
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58**Soul Knife** *by u/1Jusdorange*](#weapons-soul-knife)
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58**Spiritualist's Weapon** *by u/Zedman5000*](#weapons-spiritualists-weapon)
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59**Staff of the Kraken** *by u/csquirrelrun*](#weapons-staff-of-the-kraken)
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59**Storm Chakram** *by u/Shrapnel_Sponge*](#weapons-storm-chakram)
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59**Survior’s Bow** *by u/1Jusdorange*](#weapons-surviors-bow)
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59**Sword of the Dragon** *by u/DordLord*](#weapons-sword-of-the-dragon)
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60**Sword of Dungeons and Dragons** *by u/Zenog400*](#weapons-sword-of-dungeons-and-dragons)
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60**Sword of the Grave** *by u/BillyBobWinkydinks*](#weapons-sword-of-the-grave)
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60**Sword of the Great Willow** *by u/Zenrayeed*](#weapons-sword-of-the-great-willow)
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60**Toro** *by u/1Jusdorange*](#weapons-toro)
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60**An Unseelie Accord** *by u/DownHouse*](#weapons-an-unseelie-sccord)
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61**Unstable Weapon** *By u/BuffwingCombolord*](#weapons-unstable-weapon)
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61**Vajra of the Divine Hand** *by u/Paladin_of_Trump*](#weapons-vajra-of-the-divine-hand)
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61**The Wandering Orphan** *by u/Miss_Aia*](#weapons-the-wandering-orphan)
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61**Weapon of Deaf** *by u/MaxFandango*](#weapons-weapon-of-deaf)
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61**Whirling Blade** *by u/Duke_Paul*](#weapons-whirling-blade)
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61**Witchblade** *by u/1Jusdorange*](#weapons-witchblade-a-hobgoblin-magic-weapon)
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62**Wraith Blade** *by u/Navex575*](#weapons-wraith-blade)
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62**Wyldwood Bow** *by u/Zenrayeed*](#weapons-wyldwood-bow)
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62**Yolo's Greataxe** *by u/BlackTomePress*](#weapons-yolos-greataxe)
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63**Acarum's Sleigh** *by u/Numbers1999*](#miscellaneous-acarums-sleigh)
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63**Auto-scribe** *by u/greyff*](#miscellaneous-auto-scribe)
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63**Bag of Paper Men** *by u/ImAllANOME*](#miscellaneous-bag-of-paper-men)
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63**The Book of Elvenkind** *by u/PantherophisNiger*](#miscellaneous-the-book-of-elvenkind)
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63**Branding Iron of Subjugation** *by u/Paladin_of_Trump*](#miscellaneous-branding-iron-of-subjugation)
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64**Brass Pocket Watch of Ages Past** *by u/neiderhauser77*](#miscellaneous-brass-pocket-watch-of-ages-past)
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64**Candle of Leng** *by u/-1stDoctor*](#miscellaneous-candle-of-leng)
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64**Cauldron of Brewing** *by u/Paladin_of_Trump*](#miscellaneous-cauldron-of-brewing)
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64**Censer of Sleep** *by u/Paladin_of_Trump*](#miscellaneous-censer-of-sleep)
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64**Chime of Beast Discovery** *by u/Numbers1999*](#miscellaneous-chime-of-beast-discovery)
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64**Cog of Stability** *By u/BuffwingCombolord*](#miscellaneous-cog-of-stability)
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64**Coldstone** *by u/Chikimunki*](#miscellaneous-coldstone)
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65**“Elephant Elephant Elephant”** *by u/blager2000*](#miscellaneous-elephant-elephant-elephant)
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65**Fire Gourd** *by u/Paladin_of_Trump*](#miscellaneous-fire-gourd)
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65**Hand of Glory** *by u/Paladin_of_Trump*](#miscellaneous-hand-of-glory)
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65**Lantern of the True Path** *by u/EugeneHarlot*](#miscellaneous-lantern-of-the-true-path)
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65**Locksmith's Breaker** *by u/Numbers1999*](#miscellaneous-locksmiths-breaker)
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65**The Madman’s Machine** *by u/darkus4566*](#miscellaneous-the-madmans-machine)
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65**Obsidian Obelisk** *by u/1Jusdorange*](#miscellaneous-obsidian-obelisk)
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66**OMNIPEDIA** *by u/Phosphorus_Dom*](#miscellaneous-omnipedia)
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66**Parasol of Piercing Showers** *by u/Paladin_of_Trump*](#miscellaneous-parasol-of-piercing-showers)
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66**The Patches of Closeness** *u/IncogStevo*](#miscellaneous=the-patches-of-closeness)
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66**Pettigrieux's Horn of Cornucopia** *by u/Chikimunki*](#miscellaneous=pettigrieuxs-horn-of-cornucopia)
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66**Pettigrieux's Horn of Draughts** *by u/Chikimunki*](#miscellaneous-pettigrieuxs-horn-of-draughts)
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67**Pixie Wings** *By u/BuffwingCombolord*](#miscellaneous-pixie-wings)
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67**Rune-Carved Behir Horn** *by u/Zenrayeed*](#miscellaneous-Rune-carved-behir-horn)
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67**Saphalja's Amulet** *by u/PfenixArtwork*](#miscellaneous-saphaljas-amulet)
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67**Stitcher of Monsters** *by u/darkus4566*](#miscellaneous-stitcher-of-monsters)
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68**Stone of Satoshi** *by u/PantherophisNiger*](#miscellaneous-stone-of-satoshi)
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68**Urn of Shadows** *by u/budakang*](#p73)
| d10 |Damage Type|
| d10 |Damage Type|
If you roll the same number on both d10s, then roll 2d10 again, and choose one to add (for a total of 3d6 damage). If you keep rolling doubles, the damage will continue to stack.
***by u/Zenog400***
#### Sword of the Grave
*Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a Grave Cleric)*
Runes on the side of this magical shortsword will glow brilliantly in the presence of undead. This light counts as sunlight, and sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 30 feet beyond that. The runes on the side of the blade are celestial script. When you hit an undead with it, that target takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage.
This weapon has 3 charges. It regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest.
When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend a charge to increase damage die (d6 to a d8) of either the "slashing" damage die, or the "radiant" damage die.
> *The Seer saw me, the Smith forged me, the Light blessed me, and Fate wields me so that no Dead shall walk in Life.*
***by u/BillyBobWinkydinks***
#### Sword of the Great Willow
*Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement by a good-aligned creature)*
A pure white, longsword, seemingly made of one piece save for a light blue gem resting within the hilt. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. In place of its normal damage, this longsword deals 2d10 slashing damage on a hit, or 2d12 slashing damage if it is wielded in both hands. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot bring a sapient creature below 1 hit point. While you are attuned to the weapon and it is on your person, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made with the intent to prevent or stop conflict.
***Blessing of the Willow.*** If you suffer fatal damage while wielding this weapon, you instead restore hit points equal to half your hit point maximum (rounded up), and the sword erupts into blades of grass, leaving behind a small, blade-shaped seed.
*This sword longs for another adventure.*
> *This weapon is the crystallized soul of a great warrior of old, who learned to seek peace rather than victory near the end of their life.*
***by u/Zenrayeed***
#### Toro
*Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement by a monk who meditates while in contact with the weapon from dusk till dawn)*
Toros are ornamental lanterns. Ancient ones were made of thick brass with jade and amber motifs while new ones can be made of other metals. They are tied to a long chain, and can be wielded as a flail.
***Light.*** By expending a single ki point, and channeling it into the Toro, you can light this lantern. While lit, the Toro can act as either a hooded or a bullseye lantern (your choice). While the toro is lit, you can expend a number of ki points to cast the following spells without material components or spell slots: *detect evil and good* (1 ki), *detect magic* (1 ki), *find traps* (3 ki), *detect thought* (3 ki), *see invisibility* (3 ki), or *daylight* (5 ki).
> *The very first monks followed the way of the sun soul, and acted as shining beacons of hope in the Long Night. They created the toros for their fellow monks.*
***by u/1Jusdorange***
#### An Unseelie Accord
*Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)*
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals cold damage instead of piercing damage. When you deal damage with this weapon, roll a d6. Continue to roll that d6 until you roll a 3, 4, or 5. For every 6 you roll on the die, you take 3 cold damage.
***Curse of Winter.*** This sword is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear. This curse can be lifted on a Wisdom save (DC 20), or if an ally persuades you to do so (DC 24).
> *A pact made with the Winter Court is not one easily broken. One way or another, the Queen of Air and Darkness collects her due.*
***by u/DownHouse***
#### Unstable Weapon
*Weapon (any), uncommon*
This weapon crackles with magical energy. You have +7 to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.
***Deteriorating.*** When you hit with this weapon, the bonus to attack and damage is reduced by 1. When it is reduced to -3, it will explode, dealing 2d6 force damage to all creatures within 20ft.
> *Unstable Weapons are usually created by failed attempts to create +3 weapons.*
***By u/BuffwingCombolord***
#### Vajra of the Divine Hand
*Weapon (greatclub), very rare (requires attunement by a good aligned cleric, monk, or paladin*
***Divine Hand.*** As an action, you can target one creature that is an Aberration, Elemental, Fey Fiend or Undead. The targeted creature must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw, or else be paralyzed for 1 minute. The affected creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, but suffers 2d8 radiant damage on a failed save. You must maintain concentration for this effect. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.
***by u/Paladin_of_Trump***
#### The Wandering Orphan
*Weapon (rapier), legendary (requires attunement)*
This rapier was forged with the ability to summon elemental energy from another plane. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. This weapon has 6 charges for the following other properties. This weapon regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn.
***Energy of the Planes.*** When you hit with this weapon, you can expend one charge to deal an extra 2d6 fire, cold, lightning, or acid damage (your choice).
***Forgefather's Sight.*** You can expend one charge to expel a warm blast of magic from the rapier, detecting the whereabouts of any metal in a 60-foot area around you.
> *This rapier was forged by Moradin himself. He intended to create a mighty pickaxe, but the metal split apart into twin rapiers.*
***by u/Miss_Aia***
#### Weapon of Deaf
*Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)*
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. If *identify* is cast upon the weapon, the weapon will reveal that it can allow the wielder to use *speak with dead*, but does not reveal its curse.
***Whispers of Death.*** After killing an enemy, you hear up to three scenes where the slain creature was present within its lifetime.
***Curse.*** This weapon is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until you are targeted by the *remove curse* spell or similar magic. When the curse is removed, you regain your hearing, but you are no longer attuned to this weapon.
While cursed by this weapon you are deafened. Whenever you cause damage with this weapon, you can hear through your opponent's ears until the next time you cause damage with the weapon, or until combat has ceased.
> *These weapons were created as a cruel trick played by an ancient army's battle mage, who slowly lost his hearing due to his old age.*
***by u/MaxFandango***
#### Whirling Blade
*Weapon (glaive), rare (requires 14 Dexterity to use)*
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When an enemy first enters your reach, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against it with this weapon.
> *The momentum of this blade allows the wielder to effortlessly flow through combat, finding targets with ease. Once wielded by a local hero who held a narrow mountain pass against invading gnolls, it is now a ceremonial weapon, used only infrequently.*
***by u/Duke_Paul***
#### Witchblade (a hobgoblin magic weapon)
*Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires special attunement by a barbarian, fighter, monk, or rogue)*
Attuning to this weapon requires the honorable killing of a sapient creature with the witchblade, by a martial class.
A witchblade is a large, slightly curved dagger (similar to a kukri).
***Absorb weapon.*** The witchblade can absorb any weapon with a hilt. You can perform a one hour ritual requiring 20 GP worth of black sand (which the ritual consumes) as well as physical contact with the witchblade and the weapon to be absorbed. At the end of the ritual, the other weapon is destroyed. The witchblade can now take the shape and properties of that weapon. This will not allow you to bypass any attunement requirements of the absorbed weapon. Artifacts and sentient weapons cannot be absorbed; the ritual simply fails if attempted with such weapons.
***Reshape.*** As a part of an attack action, you can command it to take the shape and properties of a previously absorbed weapon.
***Shared Experience.*** The bond between the witchblade and the wielder leaves an imprint on the weapon. You are able to draw upon the experiences of the previous wielders. You can cast the *true strike* cantrip as an action.
***Borrowed Properties.*** When the witchblade is in its true form, it can borrow certain magical properties from absorbed weapons. If a weapon with one of the following properties is absorbed, the witchblade shares the property when in its dagger form. The properties are cumulative unless stated otherwise. *Warning, [+1, +2 or +3] (choose one), [Vicious, Life Stealing] (choose one), Wounding.*
> *An unknown member of the Hobgoblin Academy of Devastation found a way to draw on the sharp and malleable magical energies of the desert night. He or she then infused a series of bronze blades with this dark energy during their casting. The results were powerful shape-shifting weapons: the witchblades.*
***by u/1Jusdorange***
#### Wraith Blade
*Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)*
This wicked, semi translucent blade has the finesse property. When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d6 psychic damage. After you attune to this weapon, it becomes invisible while sheathed; the blade and sheath reappear when the weapon is drawn.
***Call Vassal (1/day).*** Once per day, as an action, you can call forth a *Sword Wraith Warrior* to serve you for 1 hour. The warrior obeys your commands, as a loyal vassal. It will not obey suicidal, demeaning, or dishonorable commands and can end the summons if pushed. As a bonus action on your turn you can give the Vassal a command. Given no other orders the Vassal defends the wielder for 1 hour or until the Wraith drops to 0 hit points. This ability recharges at dawn.
***Cursed.*** This weapon is cursed. If you die while attuned to this weapon, your spirit will rise as a Sword Wraith Commander after 24 hours. When killed, your spirit leaves behind a Wraith Blade and becomes the vassal of the next wielder. Only a *wish* or *reincarnate* spell can reverse this, once your spirit has risen.
> *Some wraiths decide to further bind themselves to their sword, to better serve the one who defeated them as a vassal. This binding also carries with it the curse of wraithdom. When the wielder dies, they are doomed to take the wraiths place.*
***by u/Navex575***
#### Wyldwood Bow
*Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)*
This wooden bow is made of a single, uncarved branch, the wood is still green with life. While wielding this bow, you have advantage on any attacks made on targets you can see. Trees, underbrush and general growth do not provide cover for targets of this weapon.
***Friend of the Wood.*** You can use an action to cast the *pass without trace* spell, without consuming a spell slot or components. Once used, you can't use this property again until the next dawn.
> *These bows are made by the wood elves, to better hunt their prey in the Feywild. Pray that they don't seek you.*
***by u/Zenrayeed***
#### Yolo's Greataxe
*Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement)*
A heavily chipped and notched greataxe made of plain iron. The name Yolo is carved sloppily into the haft. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
***You Only Live Once.*** While wielded, Yolo's Greataxe allows you to disregard your own safety to attack with wild abandon. This greataxe allows you to use the "Reckless Attack" feature that is normally reserved for barbarians.
> *Legends tell of a powerful gnome mercenary who would hurtle himself into combat screaming his own name, heedless of the danger. Much of his history has been lost to time but the name remains, and it is not uncommon to see warriors invoke his blessing as they rush into battle by screaming "Yolo!" at the top of their lungs.*
***by u/BlackTomePress***