The Wimblerock's Auction Catalog 3.0

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Wimblerock's Auction Catalog
In March, 2019 the community of r/DnDBehindtheScreen came together to build up a list of magical treasures to supplement the treasure found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. These treasures were built with 5e in mind, but were not reviewed for balance. We hope that you find this list of unique items useful for your games.


This document was compiled and edited by u/PantherophisNiger. Item Catalog version 2.2. August 18th, 2019
This document was edited by u/Amellwind Item Catalog version 3.0 March 10th, 2020

Cover art by u/PfenixArtwork

You can support the creation of more custom artwork for BTS by clicking this link

Formatting suggestions and advice from u/PfenixArtwork, u/famoushippopotamus, u/LordTathamet and u/ItKeepsOnBurning.

Special thanks to The Gollicking, especially u/InfinityCircuit, u/M0rdenkainen and u/RexiconJesse for assistance with some of the more challenging items.

Most items have been edited for clarity, congruence with 5th edition mechanics. In most cases, I worked to clarify mechanics without any drastic changes, but putting the wording more in line with 5e item formatting. If you feel that these edits are not faithful to your design, please contact u/Amellwind via Reddit PM.

All items found within this catalog of the upcoming Centennial Multiverse Auction (tm) are to be sold as-is. J.J. Wimblerock & Sons Artifact Auctioneers Limited Liability Company offers no warranties, guarantees, exchanges or resurrections in the event that these items destroy your local multiverse, unravel your space-time continuum, end all life upon your disc, or replace your Gods with sentient sheep. J.J. Wimblerock & Sons Artifact Auctioneers Limited Liability Company offers binding arbitration in the event of item manufacturer's recall.




Arrows, bolts and bullets. Most of these are intended as singular-use items to be fired as projectiles from a bow, crossbow, steampunk gun, or whatever other kind of projectile hurling device you can think of.

Arrow of Knight

Ammunition, artifact (requires attunement)

This bronze arrow with white fletching is too long and a little too heavy to be fired accurately with a shortbow. To fire this arrow, you must be wielding a longbow or heavy crossbow, and succeed on a DC 10 Strength check to string it. You have disadvantage on attack rolls to fire the arrow. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 piercing damage plus 2d10 radiant damage. A creature slain with the Arrow of Knight cannot be raised as an undead.

Whether the arrow hits or misses, it summons a celestial knight in shining armor to your aid next to your target and you are no longer attuned to the arrow. The knight has statistics equivalent to the knight NPC, but it is a celestial, its attacks deal an extra +1d6 radiant damage, and it is immune to all attacks by nonmagical weapons. The knight persists for 1 hour, or until it is dismissed as an action by you. The celestial knight acts on its own, defending you against creatures that mean you harm. However, the knight does not obey your commands. This arrow cannot be broken, but it can only be fired if you are attuned to it.

To attune to the Arrow of Knight, you must hold it in your hands and recite the Knight's Prayer at dawn.

The first recorded appearance of the Arrow of Knight was in the defense of the city of St. Anglos against northern invaders during the Second Age. A scholar of the southron faith has written a treatise laying out the case that the summoned knight is actually the spirit of St. Anglos himself. A more popular tale suggests that St. Anglos bound the soul of a vanquished foe to a simple arrow, and left it with the Duke of the city to be used in its defense during his absence.

by u/OrkishBlade

Arrow of Missile Attraction

Ammunition, rare

When you hit a creature with this magical arrow they are cursed for 1 minute, or until they are targeted by the remove curse spell. Whenever a ranged weapon attack is made against a target within 20 feet of the cursed creature, the curse has a 30% chance to cause it to become the target instead. Once it hits a target, the ammunition is no longer magical.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Arrow of Night

Ammunition, rare

These silver-tipped arrows fletched with owl feathers make no sound upon impact. Instead, when they strike flesh, armor, or stone, their tip bursts in a sphere of darkness as if by the spell.

If collected after a battle, there is a 20% chance that the arrow will still be intact and function if re-tipped with silver. To re-tip the arrow, one must melt 10 silver pieces in an iron cup beneath a new moon and dip the arrow in the molten silver.

A well-known tale speaks of Midora the Silent Terror and her brethren of shadow monks using dozens of Arrows of Night to infiltrate and escape from the palace of the Dragon-Emperor on the night the imperial family was assassinated.

by u/OrkishBlade

Blessed Arrow

Ammunition, uncommon

When you hit a target with this arrow, it is outlined in brilliant white light as if by the faerie fire spell for the next 1 minutes. A creature who is vulnerable to radiant damage takes an extra 1d4 radiant damage when hit by this arrow.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Deadweight Arrow

Ammunition, uncommon

When you hit a creature or object, the target's weight magically increases by 50 lbs (22.5 kg) for 3 hours.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Dynamic Ammunition

Ammunition, uncommon

Dynamic ammunition is an enchantment placed on any projectile. Looking closely, one can see finely carved script in glowing turquoise runes. After firing the ammunition, you can speak the command word to cause the projectile to double in size, dealing an extra 1d4 weapon damage. Once it hits a target, the ammunition is no longer magical.

Invented by gnomes, under the rousing inspirational phrase of "Bigger is always better!" After countless setbacks and several injury reports, the Trans-planar Inter-dimensional Association of Brilliant Minded Gnomes (TIABMG for short) are proud to release their newest product!


by u/Notorious_Bear_

Eros' Arrow

Ammunition, very rare

This arrow deals no damage, instead you have advantage on all Charisma skill checks for 24 hours when interacting with a humanoid that is hit by this arrow, so long as it has an Intelligence of 4 or higher. This arrow dissolves after making contact with the target or an object, leaving only a faint trace of floral scent. This arrow can affect humanoids who are resistant or immune to charm effects.

by u/PantherophisNiger

Cupid's Arrow

Ammunition, rare

When you hit a humanoid with an Intelligence of 4 or higher with this arrow, they must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you have advantage on all Charisma skill checks for 24 hours against the target. This arrow dissolves after making contact with the target or an object, leaving only a faint trace of floral scent. This arrow can affect humanoids who are resistant or immune to charm effects.

by u/Amellwind

Evertrue Arrow

Ammunition, very rare

If you miss an attack roll with this arrow, it flies 15 feet past the target and begins to hover 3 feet off the ground. At the start of your next turn, the arrow moves 15 feet in a random direction. If it passes through a creature's space, roll an attack roll against that creature. The arrow stops if it hits a creature or object.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Moss Arrow

Ammunition, common

When this arrow hits a point on a surface, creeping moss spreads rapidly in a 10-foot radius around it. A creature that walks or climbs on the moss has advantage on stealth checks to remain silent.

After 24 hours, the conjured moss wilts away.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Needle of Subtlety

Ammunition, uncommon

These specialty crafted blowgun needles are made for supreme stealth. A creature hit by one of these blowgun needles must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they do not realize they have been hit. The needle immediately vanishes after imparting its effects.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Paint Ball

Ammunition, common

These orbs are made of hard orange wax and contain a fantastical mixture of pigments inside. Upon impact, the ball bursts, creating any two-dimensional image the user wishes smaller than 5ft square feet. The image can only be destroyed by magical means, or when it fades away on its own after 1 hour.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Phoenix Arrow

Ammunition, rare

An enchanted arrow made with Phoenix feather fletching. It is magically bound to a small quiver.

This arrow deals its weapon damage as force damage and deals an extra 1d4 force damage. Upon impact, the arrow catches fire, and is consumed by the flames at the beginning of your next turn. The arrow's flames do not create heat, do not consume oxygen, and cannot be smothered or quenched. When the arrow is destroyed, it immediately reappears in the container it was magically bound to. If the arrow is somehow set ablaze before firing, it begins the magical process early, immediately reappearing in the bound quiver. After being lit on fire, the maximum firing range is halved.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Pulling Arrow

Ammunition, rare

This arrow can pull up to 300lbs of weight attached to the arrow for 1d100 feet.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Rope Arrow

Ammunition, uncommon

This arrow is exceptionally sharp, with small notches for impaling itself on hard surfaces. When fired, it releases 25 feet of hempen rope behind it.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount


Runic Arrows

Ammunition, rare

Found as a set. Each arrow is marked and is a one-use item. An arrow that requires a saving throw has a spell save DC of 16.

Runic Angry Weasel-Arrow

Transforms into a very upset weasel within one foot of the point of impact. The weasel (DMG p.340) is friendly to you, acts on your turn, and remains for three minutes before vanishing.

Runic Anvil-arrow

The arrow transforms into a 50 lb. anvil within 1-foot of the point of impact. On hit, it deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage and Huge or smaller creatures must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn.

Runic Boxing-glove-arrow

The arrowhead transforms into a weighted boxing glove when it is within 1-foot of target. On hit, it deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus your Strength modifier.

Runic Disco-arrow

This arrow casts the dancing lights cantrip at the point of impact.

Runic Fishing-arrow

Sometimes sold in batches due to the sheer number of rangers and other outdoorsmen who find these incredibly handy. This arrow is attached to a reel in your quiver by a thin string. After this arrow hits a creature or object, the quiver automatically reels in the arrow, returning it to the quiver.

Runic Flare-arrow

When fired, this arrow sheds light as if by the sunlight spell was cast upon it. Light dims and vanishes after 1d4 turns.

Runic Freeze-arrow

This arrow casts the chill touch cantrip at the point of impact.

Runic Grapnel-arrow

This arrow cannot be fired more than 120 feet away from you. When fired, it releases a hempen rope behind it. Upon impact, the arrowhead expands into a grappling hook.

Runic Net-arrow

The arrowhead transforms into a large 10-foot wide by 10-feet long weighted net, centered on the target. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw or become restrained by the net.

Runic PBJ-arrow

Maker of the arrows was hungry and misplaced their sandwich. Lucky you - you found it.

Runic Shock-arrow

This arrow casts the shocking grasp cantrip at the point of impact.

Runic Smoke-arrow

This arrow casts the fog cloud cantrip at the point of impact.

Runic Sparkly Pink-arrow

Caused by mistakes when making a flare arrow. This arrow leaves a sparkly pink trail in the air until the start of your next turn. When it hits a solid object, it explodes into a cloud of pink dust and does absolutely no damage except possibly to the attacker's reputation.

Other such Runic Arrows exist, but must be found or researched.

by u/greyff

Scrying Arrow

Ammunition, legendary

Immediately after a scrying spell cast by you ends, you can fire this arrow in a random direction. The arrow vanishes from sight 10 feet away from you and reappears at the start of your next turn, make a ranged weapon attack against the target of the scrying spell, as the arrow reappears near it.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Siege Arrow

Ammunition, very rare

When this arrow strikes a stone surface, it destroys all nonmagical stone within a radius of feet of its location equal to the damage it would normally have done.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount


Storm Arrow

Ammunition, uncommon

Damage rolls made with this ammunition deal thunder damage instead of piercing damage.

Alternatively, while outdoors, you can use a bow to fire this arrow into the sky as an action, causing storm clouds to rapidly form. After 12 seconds, these clouds release a torrential downpour of rain lasting for 1d4*10 minutes. The arrow is consumed when used in this way. At any time during the storm’s duration, you can cause a target you can see within 150 feet to be struck by a bolt of lightning, dealing 2d6 lightning damage. This effect can be invoked once per arrow expended.

by u/yinyang107

Thundersteel Arrow

Ammunition, rare

This arrow's head is made from meteoric iron, imbued with the essence of the sky. A creature hit by this arrow takes an extra 1d4 lightning.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Time's Arrow

Ammunition, legendary

As an action, you can fire this arrow from a bow. At any point in its flight, you can speak its command word to cause time to halt in a ten-foot radius sphere around it. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is incapacitated, their speed is reduced to 0, and they cannot be damaged or affected by any additional effects. Objects and projectiles, including time’s arrow, in this area become immovable, and cannot be damaged or targeted by any additional effects. Creatures, objects and projectiles entering this area for the first time become subject to these effects. The arrow’s effect lasts until you choose to end it as a bonus action or until dispelled (DC 22). When the effect ends, the arrow becomes nonmagical.

"Feim". Deep in the desert sands, a mortal warrior and a demon stand frozen, locked in combat. The demon reaches out as though to guard itself against the arrow; the mortal's expression is one of triumph.

by u/yinyang107

Umbral Arrow

Ammunition, very rare

This arrow has been exposed to the nether border between our world and the Shadowfell for many harsh weeks. As a result, it deals force damage instead of piercing as it is not entirely corporeal. When you fire this arrow, you can attack a number of targets in a straight line equal to your proficiency modifier. You ignore up to 1 total foot of cover between each target before it is stopped, but the attack only deals half damage. Each target's AC is treated as 10 for this attack unless it was already lower.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Vampire Arrow

Ammunition, uncommon

An arrow made from bone covered in dozens of tiny holes near its tip. On a hit, the arrow begins draining blood from the target’s body out the tail of the arrow, causing it to take 1d6 necrotic damage at the start of the target’s turn until the arrow is removed. If the target has no blood or similar essential body fluid, such as a zombie or earth elemental, this effect is negated.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount

Venom Bolt

Ammunition, uncommon

This crossbow bolt is more akin to a vial of poison than a typical bolt, tipped with fogged glass. When this arrow hits a solid object, it releases a cloud of poisonous vapor in a 10-foot-radius sphere. The cloud spreads around corners and lightly obscures any area it occupies. The cloud lingers in the air for 2d4 rounds, and deals 1d8 poison damage to anything that starts its turn in the cloud or enters its space for the first time on a turn. Other poison types & potencies are known, and will affect the cost & cloud's properties.

by u/TheFlippinDnDAccount



Armor, belts, boots, bracers, gauntlets, helmets, sabatons, shields and other miscellaneous wearables that are not strictly "jewelry".

Adamantine Sabatons

Wondrous item, very rare (requires special attunement)

These boots start with a number of charges equal to your Wisdom modifier. Through meditation and prayer at a peaceful forest shrine, pond, or stream, expended charges can be regained at a rate of 1 per hour.

Cumbersome Boots. Your movement speed is reduced by 5 feet and you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.

The Path of Light. As a bonus action, you can slam one of your feet down on the ground, and expend a charge to ignite the boots until the end of your next turn. While the boots are ignited, you leave a trail of golden footprints that burn with radiant flames. This line is 5-feet wide by 5-feet high by the distance moved, and lasts for 1 minute. Fey, Fiends, and Undead cannot cross the line, and creatures who enter or start their turn within the affected area must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes Xd4 radiant damage, where X is your Wisdom modifier.

Special Attunement. To attune to these boots, you must wear them while on a spirit walk. There are three separate trials; you must pass each one in order to attune to the boots. Your DM can use discretion to decide which trial you will perform, how it is initiated and when to allow a second attempt after a failure.

   Path of the Beast. A hulking form lies half hidden by foliage. One bright yellow eye glares, the other bloodied and closed. A mortally wounded owlbear growls a warning to you. The beast's wounds will slowly fester and surely kill it. DC 14 Animal Handling (Wisdom) to approach the owlbear safely, and cleanse its wounds. On failure, the owlbear attacks and initiative is rolled. The owlbear has 1 HP and 2 failed death saves at the start of combat.

Path of Truth. Two paths lie before the character, each beckoning to be walked. Does the darkness conceal a deeper truth? Is the light deceptive, blinding us to treachery? DC 17 Religion (Wisdom)

Path of the Wind. The wind swirls around you, whispering words not heard but felt in your soul. Moderate Insight (Wisdom) check, on success you close your eyes, and wander into a peaceful trance. You awaken 2d6 hours later, deep within the forest. On failure, the wind deceives you, and guides you face-first into a tree.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil.

by u/BillyBobWinkydinks

Aegis Ultima

Armor (shield), legendary artifact (requires attunement)

This shield is opulent and resplendent. It is impossible to scuff, scratch, or dent. You gain a +3 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

Ultimate Defence. When you would be reduced to 0 HP, you are instead reduced to 1 HP and encased by a 6th level globe of invulnerability, for up to 1 minute. You can dispel the spell with your reaction. Any creatures within 10 feet of you at the time of activation are pushed 10 feet away. Once used, this property cannot be used again for 7 days. If you have any abilities similar to the half-orc relentless endurance, those abilities are prioritized after this.

Shield of Legend. This shield has 3 charges. The shield restores 1 charge when you finish a long rest. When the shield reaches 0 charges, roll a d10; on a 1 the shield loses all of its enchantment for 100 years.

Spell Charges Location of Spell
Wall of force 1 Immediately adjacent to you.
Forcecage 2 Enemy within melee range.
Prismatic wall 3 Immediately adjacent to you.

The World Needs a Hero. You cannot break attunement with this shield without the explicit permission of a lawful good deity. At the beginning of each day for which there is no threat "worthy" of you on your current plane of existence, roll a d10. On a 9 or 10, you are affected by both imprisonment (burial) and sequester, each with the condition that they will end "When the world needs a hero."

Legends speak of a hero of ages past who returns to fend off history's greatest threats, sometimes not returning for ages at a time. The common thread among these legends remains; when the need is greatest, a hero shall arise.

by u/Duke_Paul

Aganazzar’s Socks

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

This old pair of wool socks has multiple patches sewn into its frayed and fragile hems. While wearing these socks, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement, you have resistance to cold damage, and you can tolerate temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional protection. If you wear heavy clothes, you can tolerate temperatures as low as -100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The wizard Aganazzar died tragically in an explosion of his college in a far off, forgotten realm. However, there are tales of his magical socks being found, somehow making their way across the universe.

by u/pucksrage


Armor of Flexing

Armor (plate), very rare requires attunement

This plate armor appears to be made of thick bronze, adorned with outlines of rippling muscles and glistens with golden-like sweat when struck by the sunlight. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

Weird Flex. While wearing this armor, you have advantage on Strength (Intimidation) checks, and advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to break grapples.

Crafted by cultists of He-Who-Lifts, this armor amplified their physical prowess, allowing them to squash the rebellious They-Who-Don't-Lift. The group was eventually hunted down, and forced to disband, due to the utilization of performance enhancing equipment. This piece of armor is rumored to be the last of its kind.

by u/ Notorious_Bear_

Armor of the Man-Bat

Armor (half-plate), legendary (requires attunement) by a lawful creature)

This armor can be worn by any creature proficient in light armor. While you wear this armor, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in dim or darker light.
  • You also gain proficiency with Intimidation. If you are already proficient with Intimidation, you gain expertise.
  • You can add your Dexterity modifier and your Intelligence modifier, to your AC (up to a maximum of 20 AC).

Legend speaks of a tenacious inquisitor who guards waterdeep against the scum of villainy.

by u/Duke_Paul

Armor of Song

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a bard)

This beautiful coat, spun out of gold thread, silks and strands of mithril holds a magical song, wrought from dwarven tunes and the ringing of hammers. When music plays near this coat, a rhythmic accompaniment of hammers is faintly audible from it. Whenever you grant a player bardic inspiration, you gain a +2 to your armor class until the start of your next turn.

by u/bakemepancakes

Bandolier of Buns

Wondrous item, common

This leather bandolier features 20 pouches, which can hold any item that is similar in size to a sausage in a bun, or smaller. Any food items stored inside the pouches are kept fresh, warm, and clean.

A bandolier commissioned by a Rakdos cultist who became strangely infatuated with hot dogs.

by u/Zedman5000

Blackened armor

Armor (light or medium), uncommon

This armor has been darkened beyond what is normally possible through some unknown process. When in dim light or darker, the wearer has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks based on sight. However, anyone seen wearing this armor has disadvantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Deception) checks if the armor is recognized.

While this armor is actually somewhat common, it has only historically been used by thieves, brigands, and other unscrupulous types—and wearers of it can expect to be treated as such.

by u/Notalpacas

Boots of the Long March

Wondrous item, common

While wearing these boots, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws to avoid becoming exhausted.

These comfortable leather boots were worn by an explorer who was incessantly curious, and often pushed herself beyond her physical limits to continue walking.

by u/Zedman5000

Boots of Lorne

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) and Strength (Athletics) checks to maintain your footing on unstable ground.

Don't Look Down. You take no fall damage and land on your feet if you fall from a height of 200 feet or less. If you fall from a height of 200 feet or more, you take damage as normal.

Double-Jump. When you jump, a red magical platform will appear below your feet. You can jump off of this platform, but the platform will not persist for more than a few seconds after your foot makes contact. The platform will not appear again until your feet land upon a solid surface.

Lorne was a troubled knight with many problems, the biggest of them being his gambling addiction. There is no doubt that these boots were lost in a heated game of dice.

by u/pucksrage


Boots of the Short March

Wondrous item, common

While wearing these boots, you cannot be moved against your will, but you have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to avoid becoming exhausted.

These heavy iron boots were built for a halfling who was sick of being pushed around.

by u/Zedman5000

Boots of Skedaddling

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While frightened and wearing these boots, your speed increases by 10 feet. While wearing the boots, you can use a bonus action to become frightened of a creature for 1 minute.

The favored footwear of a wizard adventurer who died of old age.

by u/NobbynobLittlun

Breastplate of the Unicorn

Armor (medium), very rare (requires attunement)

This magical fitted breastplate piece is worn with supple leather, and is embossed with a golden filigree Unicorn head upon the chest. While wearing this armor, you have a +1 bonus to AC. This armor has 3 charges that it regains daily at dawn.

Blessing of Unicorns> While wearing this armor, you can expend a charge to cast the bless spell from it as an action, without using spell slots or any components.

These items are bestowed upon high ranking divine followers, and celestial pact Champions of the Unicorn in recognition of great service.

by u/super_leo2000


Buckler of the Raven Queen

Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement)

This is a magical ironwood buckler with black leather straps on back. The front looks like a raven with a protruding beak. Servants of The Raven Queen can ignore the attunement requirement of this item.

The sharp, pointed front of the shield deals 1d4 magical piercing damage if it is used to shove an enemy with it.

Raven Queen's Protection. While holding this shield, you have a +2 bonus to your AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

Nevermore As an action, you can awaken the shield. The raven's beak opens, and the buckler will caw very loudly. The shield continues to caw at the beginning of your turn for the next 3 rounds. Each undead creature within 30 feet of the shield when it caws, that can hear the caw, must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to either your Wisdom or Charisma spell saving throw. On a failed save, they must use their reaction to move 30 feet away from the shield and they are unable to willingly move closer to it for the duration of the shield's effect. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next dawn.

Grip of Death. When you hit a creature with a shield bash, you can use your reaction to cause the beak of the shield to bite onto the target. The target is grappled by the shield (Escape DC 15) Undead have disadvantage checks to escape the grapple. At the start of their turn, a grappled creature takes 1d6 cold damage. This property cannot be used while Nevermore is active.

Murder Summons. Once per long rest, as an action, you can summon 3d12+10 magical ravens from The Shadowfell. Each shadow raven will target an enemy with their murderous summoning ability. The murder will persist for 4 rounds, or until all undead enemies within range are killed (whichever comes first).

by u/Chikimunki

Bulwark of the Legion

Armor (shield), very rare (normal variant), legendary (officer variant) (requires attunement by a creature proficient with shields and at least one martial weapon)

This large, rectangular shield is made of hard wooden planks, with steel reinforcements around the edges and a large steel stud in the center. While attuned to the shield, your crest, insignia, or banner, if you have one, is painted on the shield until you are no longer attuned to it.

Phalanx. While holding this shield and within 5 feet of another friendly creature, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC in addition to the shield's normal bonus. This bonus is increased to +2 if you are within 5 feet of another friendly creature wielding a Bulwark of the Legion, Conduit of the Legion, Pike of the Legion, or Staff of the Legion.

Shield-Bearer. You gain the shield master feat while you are attuned to this shield.

Officer Variant. If this shield is of the officer variant, it is always accompanied by an ornate leather sheath. The reinforcements and studs on the shield are golden rather than steel; it also gains the following properties:

Shadow Raven

Tiny fey, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 1
  • Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.

2 (-4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Perception +3
  • Damage Immunities necrotic, cold
  • Senses blindsight 60 ft.
  • Languages Common

Guardian of the Living. A shadow raven must prioritize enemies that are not currently being attacked by other shadow ravens, undead and abominations in that order.

Magic Weapons. The shadow raven's weapon attacks are magical.


Murderous Summoning. The shadow raven targets an enemy within 60 feet of the creature that summoned it dealing 2d4+2 piercing damage and 1d6 cold damage.

Created by Shadar Kai for use against foes of the Raven Queen of Shadowfell.

Officer's Weapons. This shield and sheath cannot be separated. If one piece is more than 5 feet away from the other, they both teleport back to you, including any weapon placed inside the sheath.

Blade of the Legionnaire. After a long rest, you can perform a 1-minute long ritual to pair the sheath and a nonmagical martial melee weapon that does not have the two-handed, heavy, or other magical properties. When you do so, the sheath reforms to fit the weapon, and the weapon becomes magical. You can not have more than one weapon paired to the sheath at any given time. The weapon paired to the sheath gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the bonus to AC given by the shield. You cannot be disarmed while holding both the paired weapon and the shield.

This shield was used by the front line soldiers of the old Legion. Few one-handed melee weapons have been found alongside abandoned Legion equipment, so it is believed that soldiers used these shields as weapons.

by u/Zedman5000


Bulwark Shield

Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

This is a tower-style shield covered in a banded design. It resembles a barricaded door. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

Bulwark. While holding the shield, you can use an action to speak its command word causing the shield to grow in size, up to 10 feet wide, 15 feet tall, and 1 foot thick. The shield will stay in whatever position you leave it, as if an immovable rod. The shield will stay enlarged in this way for 1 minute or until you speak its command word again while touching it, returning to its original size. Once used, this property cannot be used again until the next dawn.

These shields were used by siege specialists in order to provide portable cover for allied archers and infantry when charging fortifications.

by u/Zenrayeed

Burglar's Armor

Armor, rare ((light or medium armor, requires attunement)

While you wear this armor you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when in dim light or darker. You can also cast the Speak With Animals (cats only) spell from it, once per day.
by u/BourgeoisStalker

Cat Slippers

Wondrous Item, uncommon

While wearing these slippers, any falling damage you would take by half. These fuzzy slippers are shaped like cat paws.
by u/pucksrage

Divine Lupine Armor

Armor (leather), legendary

The Divine Lupine armor is a set of light leather armor made out of the pelt of a single, large wolf. This armor has all the properties of leather armor, but has an AC of 18 in addition to the following properties:

Hollywood Hootsman. While wearing this armor, you have advantage on Deception, Persuasion and Performance checks.

Hootus Dei. You can use an action to call out for divine assistance. Treat this as the same as a cleric's divine intervention trait. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

This armor is said to have been worn by the Holy King of Unst when he landed in California to begin his conquest.

by u/PantherophisNiger


The Fool's Shield

Shield, rare

This targe-style shield is made from darkly stained walnut with steel studs and crossed metal bands. It is so plain looking that it requires DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Arcana) check to realize that the shield could be magical.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. When a creature misses you on an attack by 3 or less than your maximum AC, roll a d20 and consult the table below.

Roll Effect
1 The shield has addled your mind. You were facing the wrong way, and now you bear the full brunt of the attack.
2 - 10 Nothing unusual occurs.
11 - 19 You have deftly defended yourself. You can use your reaction to counter-attack, dealing 1d4 force damage to the attacker and pushing them back 5 feet.
20 You have deftly defended yourself. You can use your reaction to counter-attack, dealing 1d8 force damage to the attack and knocking them prone.

Only fools would use this shield. I get the feeling that it has a mind of its own sometimes. It's powerful, sure, but there's also the chance it'll get you killed.

by u/theFlaccolantern

Fractal Gauntlet

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

While wearing these gauntlets, you can use an action to shoot a "ray of fractalization" from them at a target you can see within 20 feet of you. That target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom save or become fractalized for 1 minute. A creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the fractalized effect on a success and returning to their normal size. A creature that is in the same space is pushed out to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the creature when it returns to its normal size. If there is no available space, the creature is knocked prone.

Fractalized. The target's body seems to fold in on itself becoming an infinitely repeating pattern, reducing its size by 1 for each turn it is fractalized. Once it is smaller than tiny, it cannot be seen by the naked eye. Additionally a creature that is fractalized is stunned.

Fractal Hole. When a creature enters a space within 10 feet of a fractalized target, and is the same size or smaller than the fractalized creature, they must make a DC 16 Dexterity or Strength saving throw, or become fractalized themselves.


A little-known tool that is favored by arthmancers for self-defence. It is created by scratching strange arcane equations in a fractal pattern on a gauntlet of perfect symmetry.

by u/Phosphorus_Dom

Gloves of "Creation"

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

While wearing these gloves, you can use an action to cast the creation spell from it once per day, but the result will always be a wooden coin.

A grand illusionist once made this item, a marvelous thing to all yet none can find its use.

by u/wushulubis

Gloves of Mage Hand

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster who knows the mage hand cantrip)

While wearing these snakeskin gloves, you can control your mage hand as a bonus action, instead of an action. Additionally, it can move up to 60 feet per round. Its maximum range before vanishing is increased to 120 feet, and it can carry up to 40 pounds.
by u/yinyang107

Gloves of Og

Wondrous item, legendary

Those who touch the gloves of Og desire to wear them. If you wish to break this desire, you must make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw to resist the temptation to wear them. Clerics and Paladins have advantage on their save. After resisting the gloves 3 times in under 24 hours, you are no longer affected by this temptation. A creature that fails the saving throw must attempt to wear the gloves of Og.

The Will of Og. These gloves can be used to cast the spells telekinesis and true polymorph at will. Any CR 13 or lower creature or any level 19 player character of medium size or smaller is unable to escape telekinesis from this glove.

Curse. Those who wear this glove do not desire to take it off, no matter the circumstance. These gloves feed off the mind energy of creatures. It swallows 13,000 XP per day; if XP is not delivered, it begins to drain the power of its host until it has been fed properly. Those who wield the gloves of Og, and do not feed it properly are drained away until they have withered and died. The souls of creatures who die wearing the gloves of Og are banished forever into a realm of shadow, and cannot be resurrected through magic short of wish.

Evil Gloves. These gloves will attempt to reject clerics and paladins. While wearing the gloves of Og, they take 3d6 necrotic damage every night at midnight and they cannot regain hit points by normal or magical means while the gloves are on.

Whenever a cleric or paladin takes this damage, they must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the gloves remain on. On a successful one, the gloves are removed and they no longer feel compelled to wear the gloves.
by u/pucksrage


Armor (shield), artifact (requires attunement by a creature with 14+ Strength)

This is a shield that grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. Your Intelligence score is reduced by 1 while attuned to this shield and you automatically fail any Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on remaining silent.

Gordirion "Gordie" is a very egotistical, loquacious and affable shield that will take any opportunity to recall tales of its adventures through the ages. The DM is encouraged to prepare a list of these stories to recall at any time it is inconvenient for the players. Gordirion may repeat stories in a loop; these stories do not have to make sense, or even remain consistent with each other. Gordirion, despite its claims otherwise, is something of a moron. He has no self-awareness, and will constantly drivel on about inane things that nobody cares about.

You may call me "Gordirion '', or "Gordie" for short. I am a sentient Honorion derchysium dome of GREAT Intelligence. Now that was a lot of words there that you probably don't completely comprehend. Let me explain. I am a dome, a type of smallish, curved round shield often utilized by dwarves. I originally hail from Honorion; the oldest and most illustrious of all the dwarven holds in the north. This is evidenced by my maker's mark, just behind my handle. I am made from derchysium, an increasingly rare element that only the mountain dwarves of Honorion understand fully. Derchysium is super-weighted, impossibly dense, and typically metallic orange in hue. As you can plainly see, I am a special derchysium-gold alloy that shines with a particular brilliance! As you may know, I am sentient, meaning that I am capable of free thought, and in this case, speech. Though, I do not understand the mechanism by which my voice is made audible. Now, I shall tell you of how I came to be! My maker was an Honorian dwarf, a smith by trade. His name was "Gordirion", or "Gordie" for short. Call me "Gordirion", or "Gordie" for short. Now, my father, "Gordirion" wished to imbue his finest derchysium-alloy shield with just a hint of Intelligence, so that it could become more effective at predicting attacks. Gordirion senior miscalculated the transmutation formula, and accidentally transferred his entire consciousness into me!

by u/budakang


Helm of the Returned

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a humanoid that has died previously)

To most, it is a mess of battered bronze that would be impossible to wear. But in the hands of those who have defied death, it is a meticulously crafted helmet with inscriptions of love that only the dead can read.

While attuned to this helm, your AC is increased by 2, you have advantage on saving throws against spells from the school of necromancy, and undead have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. Additionally, you can cast the speak with dead spell one per day, without spending spell slots or components.

Curse: Return No More. While attuned to the helmet, you cannot remove and must remain attuned to it. If you are killed while attuned to the helmet, you cannot return to life through anything short of a wish spell. If this curse is removed, you are no longer attuned to it and you can no longer gain any beneficial properties of the helm. When you die while wearing the helm, a short message of your choice can be added to the inscriptions around the helm.

While death is often the final stop for many on the carousel of life, it is not for all. Sometimes, a curse may linger, despite loving intentions.

by u/EviiPaladin

Hooded Chameleon Cloak

Wondrous item, very rare

The Chameleon Cloak is a patchwork quilt of lizard hides, sewn together with the silk of a Shadowfell spider. A single crimson lizard, with the maker's mark, is sewn over the heart.

This cloak functions much like the cloak of elvenkind, but does not require attunement and when the wearer makes a Dexterity (Stealth) check at advantage, they must concentrate on remaining stealthed as if concentrating on a spell.

by u/Chikimunki

Jester's Cap

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a bard or warlock)

This colorful cap has a number of charges equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend one charge and tell a joke about, or insult, a creature that is capable of seeing and hearing you. For 1 minute, that creature has disadvantage on all Wisdom saving throws made to resist the effects of spells you cast. This cap regains 1 charge every dusk.

While in search of fresh material, a desperate jester poured over every ancient text of jokes he could find. The fool's soul was left bare for ancient evils to manipulate. Some say that the jester's final performance birthed a being of pure malice, that still lurks somewhere between the stars.

by u/Zedman5000

Minotaur Helmet

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This crudely crafted helmet is shaped like the skull of a minotaur. While wearing this helmet, you are able to use the barbarians reckless attack feature.

by u/pucksrage

Narcissus Shield

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

This shield has the likeness of a bronze mirror that has been polished for a lifetime. This mirror, though it has seen quite a lot of battle, carries not a single scratch on its front face.

Gaze of the Beloved. As an action, you can choose one creature within 5 feet of you. That creature must succeed in a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become enthralled with their own reflection on a failed save. On a successful save, the target is immune to this property for 24 hours. A creature that cannot see the shield, or has an Intelligence of 5 or lower automatically succeeds on its saving throw.
    A creature that is enthralled with their reflection, is stunned until the start of their next turn. If the enthralled creature takes any damage while stunned, they must make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on their reflection. On a successful save, the enthralled creature will continue to be stunned and stare at their own reflection. On a failed save, it is no longer stunned and it can use its reaction to attempt to take the shield. The enthralled creature automatically breaks concentration if you move out of line of sight with them.

Maybe it’s the lighting in the room, but you look hot when you see yourself in this mirror.

By FastTurtle9

Org, the Mimic Belt

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement, which consists of befriending org)

This leather belt has a large buckle, resembling teeth. This belt is in fact a mimic by the name of Org.

Org has the stats of a normal mimic, with the exception of having 10 Intelligence, and 10 Wisdom. Org is capable of speech, and fluent in common. Org is friendly toward its owner and will obey most verbal commands that do not pose an obvious threat, such as jumping into lava. Org is rather vain and gullible, and is convinced that he is a sentient magical item created by a god to smite "the bad guys."

Mimicry. Org can turn into other medium or smaller objects that are not mechanical, such as a block of wood, a chest, a pencil, or a shoe. This transformation takes 1 minutes, and requires 30g worth of meat for Org to eat. If asked to become a weapon, Org will only become a shortsword, dagger, or greatsword. He will state, "That would diminish my glory." If Org becomes a weapon, his attacks are magical.


Org is the result of a long-dead adventurer casting awaken on a mimic. The adventurer convinced Org that he was a god, and that Org was for the task or doing whatever his wearer said. Org's constant praise to what he thought was an all-powerful deity fed the adventurer's ego to the point where he attempted to kill a legendary dragon by himself.

by u/darkus4566

Plate Armor of the Final Hour

Armor (plate), legendary

While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC and and an identify spell reveals it to be such.

Curse of Steel Crag. This armor is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until are targeted by the wish spell. Removing the armor fails to end the curse on you. While cursed, your speed is reduced to 5 feet, you cannot voluntarily back down from an enemy once you are within 5 feet of one, the effects of the fear spell or other spell-like abilities cannot cause you to run away from an enemy within 5 feet of you, you cannot be knocked prone while within 5 feet of an enemy, and you are unable to use the dodge action while you are within 5 feet of an enemy.

This armor is all that remains of a mighty order of paladins that was wiped out during the Battle of Steel Crag. Each knight swore a powerful, binding oath that they would not back down in the face of their enemy.

by u/LordRiolu

Plate of the Legion

Armor (half-plate or plate), Rare (normal variant), Very Rare (commander variant) (requires attunement)

This steel plate armor is finely crafted, and reforms itself to fit you perfectly. While wearing it, you feel responsible for your allies' comfort and safety, and others feel more inclined to look to you for leadership and advice. You have advantage on all Charisma checks meant to encourage others, and saving throws to avoid being frightened.

The Legion's Strength. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. This bonus is increased to +2 if you are within 5 feet of a friendly creature, or wielding a Bulwark of the Legion, Conduit of the Legion, Pike of the Legion, or Staff of the Legion, and it is increased to +3 if both of those are true.

Commander Variant. The commander variant of this armor features a silk purple cape and golden trim, and gains the following traits

For the Empire. Allies within 5 feet of you that are wearing armor gain a +1 bonus to AC, and their armor is considered magical if it was not already. This cannot cause armor to have a magical AC bonus greater than +3. Allies within 5 feet of you have advantage on saving throws to avoid being frightened.

Legion-favoring historians believe this reflects the officers' willingness to throw themselves in front of blows meant to hit their soldiers, trusting their armor to protect them, while those who believe the Legion was corrupt and tyrannical say that that trait came about as a result of the opposite, making the officers harder to kill by putting their soldiers between them and danger.

by u/Zedman5000

Portal Shield

Armor (shield), rare

These shields are always in linked pairs. When a melee attack misses you, you can use your reaction to change the target of the attack. Choose a target you can see within 5 feet of the other shield and the attacker must make a new attack against that creature. If one shield is destroyed, the other shield becomes a nonmagical shield.

Designed for shield wall formations, the cost of producing these shields made them impractical for typical military use.

by u/throwing-away-party

Roper Belt

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

As an action, you can speak the command word to extend a long, fleshy tendril from your belt. This tendril can extend up to 35 feet, and grapples a target of your choice that is your size or smaller. The escape DC of this grapple is 15. While a creature is grappled, you can use a bonus action to drag the target 10 feet towards you. The tendril has an AC of 20, and 10 HP. If the tendril is killed, it will regrow after 1d4 days.

Made from 100% genuine roper leather. Great for barbarians or fighters to get to those pesky ranged fighters.

by u/bmorve

Royal Guard’s Gauntlets

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

These gauntlets grant you an extreme swiftness. As a reaction, you can attempt to parry and counter attack when an enemy makes a melee attack against you. To parry, you roll an attack with the melee weapon in your main hand. If your roll is higher than the Attacker's attack roll, then the parry is successful.
    When you successfully parry an attack, you take no damage and you can make one melee weapon attack against the attacker.

by u/pucksrage


Shield of the Avenger

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

A shield of smooth, round metal. Light yet extremely durable, can also be used as a weapon. You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. This shield has 3 charges. If an attack against you misses by 5 or less, you can use a reaction to absorb the energy of the blow, to regain an expended charge. Vibranium Alloy. As an action, you can throw this shield (Range 20/60), (Strength modifier + proficiency), dealing 2d10 bludgeoning damage on hit. You can expend 1 charge of energy to rebound the shield at another enemy within 10 feet of the original target, and roll a new attack. You can continue expending charges to attack new targets until your shield runs out of charges. After striking your targets, the shield will come flying back towards you. You must succeed a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check to catch it.

Once wielded by the leader of a legendary group of heroes, this shield was enchanted to absorb the blows of its enemies, before redirecting it back at them. Once thought lost forever, it was found in a frozen tomb far to the North.

by u/KPPalm269

Shield Of The Tower

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

This is a large rectangular shield. It is made of seven layers of hardened leather, faced with a thin layer of mithril that is embossed with the image of a tower. You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

Absolute Defense. As an action, you can speak the shield's command word and activate its special ability. The shield will grow to become a wall 10 feet wide, by 15 feet high, and 2 inches thick. If it is in an area that is smaller than this size, the shield will simply increase to fit snugly within the limits of that area. The size increase will last for one hour, until you use an action to speak the shield's command word again, or until it takes 100 damage. Once used, this property of the armor can't be used again until the next dawn.

The first such shield was crafted by an enchanter seeking to court a paladin hero and this was developed to protect her on her adventures. The paladin never returned from her adventure and the shield was never found - but the notes on the shield's creation was shared with a few others.

by u/greyff

Shield of Westfire

Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement)

While holding this shield, you have resistance to fire damage.

Breath of Westfire. When an opponent misses you with an attack roll by 2 or less, you can use your reaction to have that creature make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, that creature takes 2d10 fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.

The Westfire Family is a family of Dragonborn that can proudly trace their ancestry directly back to a Brass Dragon King of old. This shield is emblazoned with their crest; 2 dragons, one brass and one red, entangled in mid-air combat.

by u/m0dredus

Smoke Belt

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

The belt consists of black smoke, which wraps itself around and rotates. Once the command word is spoken, the smoke shoots towards a target, and becomes a solid mass of tentacles.

As an action you can speak the belt's command word, causing the smoke to become a solid mass of tentacles that shoot towards one Large or smaller creature within 30 feet of you. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 1d8 psychic damage and be restrained on a failed save. At the end of each of its turns, the restrained creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once used, this property of the belt can't be used again until the next dawn.

Once, an elder god of death and trickery lost a shard of his soul. He has promised a great reward to any who are willing to return it to him.

by u/rakatonk


Spectral Armor

Armor (leather or studded leather), very rare (requires attunement)

This armor shimmers with an eerie gray energy; you feel a chill as you put it on. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.

As a bonus action, you can activate the magic inherent to this armor. For one minute, you become somewhat ethereal. Your form becomes translucent and gray, and you have resistance to all nonmagical damage. While under this effect, you are able to pass through solid objects, treating them as difficult terrain. Any attacks made against you with nonmagical weapons are made at disadvantage. If you take any damage, or take any actions, the effects of the armor end immediately. If the effects of the armor end while you are occupying the same space as another creature or object, you are forced into the nearest open space and take force damage equal to twice the number of feet you are moved.

Legends tell of a thief seeking to reclaim a treasure lost to her people. In her travels she encountered the spirit of a great warrior, a lost ancestor. Through a shared purpose they overcame obstacles insurmountable by mortal means, and this armor became a remnant of that bond.

by u/Zenrayeed

Sun’s Embrace

Armor (chainmail, half-plate, or full-plate), legendary (requires attunement by a worshipper of a solar deity)

This armor is made of a light, golden metal, trimmed with orange and blue designs. It shimmers majestically in the sunlight, and seems to glow in the darkness. When you don this armor for the first time, you feel a warmth at your back, as if the sun itself urges you forward into battle. While wearing this armor, you have a +2 bonus to your AC, resistance to fire damage, and resistance to radiant damage.

Warmth of the Sun. While wearing this armor, it can store energy equal to the amount of fire or radiant damage you take. The maximum amount of energy it can store is equal to one quarter of your maximum hp (rounded up). The energy remains stored in the armor until the next dawn, or released by another one of this armor's properties.

Solar Flare. As a bonus action on your turn, you can choose to expel all the stored energy within the armor as your choice of fire or radiant damage. Each creature that you choose, in a 20-foot radius around you must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take damage equal to the amount of damage stored in the armor.

Healing Light. As an action on your turn, you can choose to consume all the stored energy within the armor to heal your wounds. You regain a number of hit points equal to the stored energy.

Once you use either the solar flare or the healing light property, this armor loses all stored energy, and can't begin storing more until the next dawn.

This armor was bestowed as a gift to the champion of a forgotten sun goddess, long ago. This champion used the armor to become a searing beacon of righteousness, before falling to the same betrayal that brought the goddess low. The armor has since been lost to obscurity, like its creator.

by u/Zenrayeed

Swordmaster’s Mantle

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

As a bonus action, the wearer of this mantle can make a weapon attack with a -5 penalty. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 10 weapon damage.

by u/pucksrage

Trickster’s Boots

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

As a reaction, you can move half your speed. During this move, opportunity attacks have disadvantage against you.

These boots were once worn by a legendary devil hunter, and it seems they have picked up properties of the devil hunter's magic. They smell faintly of grease.

by u/pucksrage

Towering Pavise

Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

This large, rectangular shield appears to be made of thin stones held together by cement and metal reinforcements, but weighs no more than a normal shield.

You can plant this shield into the ground as a bonus action. When planted this way, the shield will stand upright on any solid surface, and provide 3/4ths cover to any Medium creature, and full cover to any Small or smaller creatures standing behind it. While planted this way, you can pick up your shield and don it as a bonus action.

Shielding Tower. While the shield is planted, and you are within 5 feet of it, you can use an action to activate the shield, using a switch on the handle. When activated, the shield extends to form a 10 foot wide, 20 foot tall, and 1 foot thick, square tower around you, with walls made of the same stones as the shield. Each of the tower's walls has 50 HP, and AC of 20. The walls are immune to psychic damage and resistant to all other damage, except acid, bludgeoning, force and thunder damage. The mending cantrip can be used to repair a wall, healing it for 1d6 hit points. If any wall section is destroyed, the tower transforms back into a shield.


The tower's interior has 2 floors, a ladder in one corner leading up the tower, and arrow slits on each wall. The shield's handle transforms into a lever on the interior of one of the ground floor walls, and by pulling it as an action, you can transform the tower back into a shield. The tower also features a door on the wall opposite the lever, and a battlement on top.

If any other creatures are inside the tower as it appears or disappears, they are pushed harmlessly into the nearest empty space. If there is not enough space for the tower to appear, the shield does not activate.

This shield was created for a mercenary group that excelled at defending fortified positions, and wanted to be sure that they'd always have one to defend.

by u/Zedman5000

Vanguard Shield

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement by a lawful good creature with Strength of 13 or more)

You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

This large and heavy tower shield is made of steel and with adamantium rivets. The cover of this magical shield is ornate with symbols of evil looking creatures cowering under a bright sun. The sun serves as boss for the shield. Once you attuned to this shield, the back is transparent to you, and allows you to see things on the other side of it.

Defender of the Mountain. When you speak this shield's command word, causing the shield to be magically fixed in place. Until you speak the command word again, the shield will not move, even if it is defying gravity. The shield can hold up to 8,000 pounds of weight. Any weight over that limit will cause the shield to deactivate and fall. Any creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, and move the fixed shield up to 10 feet on a success (even if it has a heavy load on top of it). While behind a fixed shield a Medium or smaller creature is considered to have three-quarters cover.

These shields are given to an elite corps of dwarven scouts who patrol the deepest reaches of their tunnels, and defend their homes against the horrors of The Underdark.

by u/1Jusdorange


Armor (shield), very rare

This is a round magical shield, about 2 feet in diameter. The center of the shield houses a jade green gem and from the center of the shield to its edge are thick roots that cover the shield in a dense spiral pattern.

Twisting Vines. If a melee attack fails to beat your AC by 5 or less, you can use your reaction to ensnare your attacker. While ensnared all attacks have advantage against the ensnared creature and both the wielder and the target are immobile. Neither creature can move, be pushed, or pulled by another creature unless they succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, doing so releases the ensnarement.

To escape ensnarement, the bound creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw, breaking the vines. You can release the target with a bonus action. If the target escapes and breaks your vines, you cannot use this property again until you finish a long rest.

An ancient treasure bestowed upon a champion of The Feywild, it is said the gem seated within it is blessed with the essence of the plane itself.

by u/JWSwagger

Witch’s Hat

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by an wizard or sorcerer)

This pointed hat has a wide brim and is made of a dark purple cloth. A stitch line sits conspicuously at the front of the hat’s crown.

While wearing this hat, you have advantage on any check made to identify or create a potion.

Familiar Hat. This hat contains 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges at midnight. You can use an action and spend a number of charges in order to cast one of the following spells without using spell slots or components.

Spell Charges
Detect magic 1
Darkvision 2
Hex 3

When casting detect magic or darkvision in this way, the range of the spells is always self. Your eyes take on the appearance of glowing, orange cat’s eyes for the duration. When casting hex in this way, the design on the front of the hat opens to reveal a large glowing cat’s eye that will follow the hexed target, so long as they remain within 100 feet of the hat, and remain visible. Casting a spell using the hat dispels the effects of any previously cast spell using the hat.

Any creature under the effects of a hex cast by you will suffer an extra 1d6 necrotic damage when hit with an attack.

A hat for a witch among witches.

by u/Zenrayeed



Any items that are intended to to be single-use; destroyed or consumed upon use.

Angels Tears

Potion, rare

Drinking this potion will heal all curses, wounds, scars, and ailments, as though greater restoration and remove curse were each cast upon you at 9th level. This liquid shines with radiant magic, and will cause 10d8 damage to any fiend stupid enough to drink it.

Though the name sounds like a marketing gimmick, the contents are real.


Black Chalk

Wondrous item, rare or very rare

Consuming the black chalk will turn you into a 2-dimensional chalk drawing for 1 hour. You can only travel on surfaces that you could put a chalk drawing on. If you are erased or have water poured on you, you are changed back to normal and take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage. You can assimilate other bits of chalk drawing to extend the potions duration by 1 minute for each drawing you assimilate.

This is how angels and demons fight for territory in our world.

by u/DeathMcGunz

Blood Clot Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can consume this charm, regaining 1d8 hit points. Additionally you gain resistance to slashing damage for 5 rounds. A sticky, metallic-tasting charm.

This glistening blood drop, drawn from red slaads, is as hard and smooth as a pearl, yet somehow sticky. When placed on the tongue, it dissolves instantly and spreads through the character's bloodstream.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Blood Fly Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can consume this charm. regaining 1d6 hit points, and 1d4 hit points at the start of your turn for 5 rounds. A charm made of dried stirge leather.

Blood flies are pests believed to have originated from one of the Lower Planes. In many ways, they resemble mosquitoes with an insatiable appetite.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Bone Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can break this charm. gaining a +2 bonus to your AC and resistance to bludgeoning damage for 5 rounds. A charm made of a very small fingerbone.

This small finger bone has been hollowed out, and decorated with strange, primal runes.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Bottled Star

Potion, very rare

This delicate glass bottle is uniquely shaped like a sphere covered in shallow spikes. The milky white liquid in it is luminescent, and fog swirls about the bottle. This bottle emits dim light in a 30-foot radius.

As an action, you can throw this bottle 20 feet, shattering it upon impact. When it shatters it releases a 5-foot-wide beam of brilliant, scorching starlight to the heavens. Each creature within 5 feet of the beam must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 6d8 radiant damage and is blinded until your next turn on a failed save, or half as much damage and isn't blinded on a successful save. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw. Drinking this potion will deal 10d8 irresistible radiant damage to you.

You didn't just drink that did you? That's not good; that's starlight! NO! Don't move! Don't breathe.... don't do anything... except...pray.

by u/budakang


Charcoal Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can crush the charcoal in your hand, and smear it across your brow. For 5 rounds, you are immune to fire damage from nonmagical fire and you have advantage on all saving throws against magical fire. A charm made of charred dryad's flesh.

When you hold this charm in your hand, you can hear the dying screams of the dryad.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Combat Bandage

Wondrous item, common

This bandage consists of a large gauze pad treated with a healing salve that is attached to stretchy, self-adhering cloth. As an action, you can expend a hit die to use this bandage to restore a number of hit points equal to your hit die + your Constitution modifier. If used on another creature, it uses their hit die and Constitution modifier instead. After three combat bandages are used, the user must take a short or long rest to permanently bandage their wounds before additional combat bandages can be used.


Corpse Fly Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can consume this charm to spew forth a cloud of flies that swirls around you in a 15-foot radius, and otherwise acts as though a 5th level insect plague spell (spell save DC 15) for 3 rounds. Spellcasting, concentration, and skill checks are made with disadvantage while in this cloud. This charm appears to be made of a dead corpse fly.

The corpse fly looks like it was frozen; it appears to be dead, but you can't be completely sure.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Cranium Rat Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can consume this charm to have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and all Intelligence-based checks. Additionally, your spells deal an extra 1d6 psychic damage. Lasts 5 rounds.

The body of this cranium rat has been specially prepared; its insides have been hollowed out and stuffed with various Underdark herbs and shreds of papyrus containing arcane symbols.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Crystal Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can crush this charm and inhale it. For the next 5 rounds you have resistance to piercing and psychic damage.

Made from the discarded shell of a crysmal, this crystal carapace shard is sharp, and generally very tough to break and swallow. Despite that, doing so causes the magic of the charm to release, Strengthening the skin and mind of the user for a time.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Daydream Roots

Wondrous item, uncommon

A bundle of dark stringy roots that smell slightly like honey. When used to brew tea, it can create up to five cups of murky orange liquid within a few minutes, consuming the bundle in the process. Those that share the beverage will experience a shared dream upon sleeping their next long rest.

The origin of the roots is said to be a druidic secret. Tales say they are cultivated in hidden groves at high altitudes.

by u/Mimir-ion

Dimensional Downgrade

Potion, uncommon

A small bottle with a nearly completely transparent liquid inside. Near the lip of the bottle there is a small image of a beetle. If you watch it closely enough, you swear you can see it move. A creature that drinks this potion loses a dimension. It falls to the floor (or a nearby wall), and melds with it, becoming a crude graphical representation of themselves. The creature is unable to affect the multidimensional world, or be affected, but they are able to move along the surface they fall to, and connected surfaces (with their regular speed). This effect lasts either 2 minutes, until the creature chooses to end it early, or until the surface that the creature resides upon is destroyed. At this point, the creature pops out of the surface, and back to their regular number of dimensions. Creatures that have the same number of dimensions can attack one another.

by u/Xorglord


Dirty Rat Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can consume this charm to have advantage on stealth, sleight of hand, and perception checks for 1 minute, but you have disadvantage on Charisma checks for 5 minutes.

This rat tail charm is particularly filthy and smells faintly of vomit. The tail is stiff, like a wire, and it can be bent into different shapes. It would almost make a great lockpick, except it is too thick.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Dryad Seed

Wondrous item, uncommon

Planting this seed in the ground causes a tree to grow immediately. The tree grows over the course of five minutes into an old oak tree several feet wide and capable of providing full cover to two Medium Humanoids. It provides half cover after three rounds, three quarters cover after five rounds, full cover for Small creatures after seven rounds, and full cover for one Medium creature after eight rounds.

When elven minds twist, it is a horrible thing. Locked in the dungeon of one such mind are three dryads whose only hope of escape is to find someone to plant these seeds somewhere far away.

by u/Duke_Paul

Eye Drops of Light Sensitivity

Potion, rare

When placed on the eyes, you gain light sensitivity for 1d12 - your Constitution modifier hours. This potion is a small bottle of eyedrops, and a little dropper. The fluid is cloudy and grey.

It started with a friendly bet between a drow and his wood elf friend. If the wood elf could go a day without complaining, the drow would never complain about the sun again. The troll they stumbled across never let them finish their bet.

by u/RexiconJesse

Feather of Falling

Wondrous item, uncommon

When held, the bearer of this item is affected by the feather fall spell. The item becomes nonmagical once the user lands.

A mysterious black feather that, according to the person who sold it to you, once belonged to an elephant. A flying elephant.

by u/Duke_Paul

Finger of Deathly Rot

Wondrous item, very rare

Green, flabby, and rotten, any finger of deathly rot is disgusting to behold. The stench is so bad that most living things can smell it from at least 100 feet away, with those with sensitive noses smelling it from far further away. Carrion-eaters, such as crows, vultures and wild dogs, will begin swarming the area if left out for too long.

So long as you are not a construct, as an action, you can attempt to consume a finger of deathly rot. If you are not an undead creature, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you take 1d8 necrotic damage and you vomit the finger back up. Each time you fail to consume the finger, the save DC increases by 3. On a successful save, you take 3d8 necrotic damage and gain the ability to cast the finger of death spell (spell save DC 15) at 7th level once without using a spell slot. A creature rises as a zombie within 1 minute of dying, if they consumed a finger of deathly rot within the last year.

Some people like magic rings. Others prefer the taste of magic ring fingers.

Greater Lifestone

Wondrous item, rare

This green gemstone shimmers with an inner light. As an action, you can smash the gemstone, or throw the gemstone causing it to shatter on the ground up to 30 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of the gemstone when it breaks, regain 4d4+4 hit points.

by u/halgy

Gnasher's Yap Sap

Potion, uncommon

As the thick liquid covers your mouth, your teeth become reinforced and strong enough to bite into metal without breaking. For one hour, you can make a bite attack without fear of damage to your teeth. However, the potion does not increase the Strength of your jaw or make you more proficient with biting. You can use your mouth to hold items, such as a rope while dangling. In addition, your mouth, inside of your throat, and your stomach are all resistant to fire damage. If you chose to make a bite attack, it is an unarmed attack that deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage. This is a thick, syrupy liquid that requires either a special lubricated bottle or straw to consume.


Gnasher refused to release his two-handed maul, even when climbing. Concerned for his friend, Visigrath made a special cocktail that would allow him to hold onto a rope or cliff edge without releasing his weapon. Visigrath did not expect Gnasher to learn how to climb using it, but he did.

by u/RexiconJesse

Heartbeat Powder

Wondrous item, uncommon

An unusually fine, scarlet red powder that, when dispersed in the air with a simple incantation, will accumulate on tiny beating motes, revealing the relative location of the beating heart of any one creature of your choice within 100 feet of you.

The hags of Eisenbock invented their own means of hunting in labyrinthine corridors of The Maw.


Liquid Courage

Potion, common

When consumed, you must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you become immune to fear and fear effects for 10 minutes. In addition, you have disadvantage on any actions that are not the first action that come to mind. This potion is a harsh-smelling liquor that is kept in steins at most Dwarven taverns.

Alchemists have a strange sense of humor. No one is certain if this brew was originally made on purpose or by accident. Regardless, taverns tend to keep it on hand.

by u/RexiconJesse

Magician's Bread

Wondrous Item, uncommon

When you eat this loaf of bread, you gain one first level spell spell slot if you are a spellcaster, otherwise this bread acts as one days ration. A warlock also gains a first level spell slot, even if they would not normally have one. You retain this spell slot until you finish a long rest. This bread not does decay or mold, as though it were constantly under the effects of gentle repose.

by u/Numbers1999

Mind Wipe

Potion, very rare

This potion contains 2d4-1 drops of blue-ish liquid in a tiny glass pipet just big enough to hold it.

A single drop of this potion is enough to allow you to slip into a blank state for 10 minutes. For the duration, you are immune to psychic damage, and your mind cannot be read. During your next long rest, you will be incapable of dreaming and undetectable by divination spells of level 6 or lower.

As a high-end alchemical compound it has often been used in high-stake situations, most often with a political nature. Rumours go around that the liquid is some sort of spinal fluid of a sentient subterranean creature.

by u/Mimir-ion

Oil of Animation

Potion, rare (requires attunement)

A small flask of perfumed oil with the ability to animate small (1 cubic foot) objects as though by the spell animate objects. When applied to an object, they are imbued with consciousness, and blindsight up to 30 feet. Inflexible objects are given some maneuverability and flexibility. Items gain the ability to hear and understand common. Items with a mouth (such as a doll) have the ability to speak common. Animated objects have no combat abilities and can carry up to 5 lbs. The animation lasts for (1d20+5) months and can be extended with repeated application. A single bottle contains three applications.

The Wizard's academy is spotless because the brooms sweep themselves.

by u/the_grand_blooms

Oil of Bartering

Potion, very rare

When applied to any mundane item, that item becomes highly desirable for one hour. Any merchant is willing to purchase the item, and they will be willing to pay as much as double that item's appraised value. When applied to magical items, merchants will be willing to pay 50% more than they would normally pay for the item. This potion is a clear, glittering oil that is usually kept in small, easily concealed vials. One vial usually contains only one application.

Oil of bartering is a tightly regulated and controlled substance. Unfortunately, it is fairly easy to produce, and there is a thriving black market for the product. Which always seems to sell well above cost, for some reason.

by u/Duke_Paul


Petrified Cyclops Eye

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A clay-colored, oblong stone the size of an orc's fist. Holding it causes strange visions to swirl in your head.

If you spend five minutes meditating with this stone pressed to your head, you will gain expertise in insight, and advantage to all insight checks for the next hour. Additionally, for one hour, anyone you talk to can be considered to be under the effects of a zone of truth spell (DC 17). After use, the eye becomes inert.

Believed to have been created when Kronos cursed the Cyclops' with visions of the deaths of all their kin.

by u/codemonkeymz

Potion of Blending

Potion, very rare

This vial contains a vaguely beige liquid of normal viscosity. Upon smelling it, a person is vaguely reminded that they need to clean their fingernails, or begins thinking about what they had for breakfast, or wonders what the weather will be like tomorrow. The liquid is watery, luke-warm and nearly tasteless, except for a very slight vanilla flavor.

Consuming the entire potion makes you completely unremarkable to the point of not even really being noticed by others around you. Provided that you continue to act "normal", and employ a minimal effort to remain unassuming, you will continue to remain unnoticed for 1d6 x 10 minutes, as determined by DM roll.

by u/captainfashion

Potion of Emergent Power

Potion, legendary

This potion temporarily increases the consumer's power and stamina by a considerable amount for 5 minutes, but at a great cost to the user.

When you drink this potion you gain the following benefits for its duration. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 6. Your body becomes naturally tougher, giving you a natural AC of 18, as well as 3d12 temporary hit points. You have advantage on all Strength and Constitution saving throws and ability checks, and you emit an aura of might, increasing the power of your attacks. All attacks made with melee weapons (including unarmed attack), do an extra 3d8 magical force damage.

Once the potion duration ends, all beneficial effects of the potion cease and its power rebounds on you. You immediately take 6d12 necrotic damage and at the start of your next turn you must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw, or suffer from the damage again. You must repeat your saving throw at the start of each of your turns, until you succeed on the saving throw. Once you succeed on the saving throw, You have disadvantage on all Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity saving throws, and your movement speed is reduced to 5 feet for the next 5 minutes.

A terrifying weapon, the secret of brewing this potion has been passed down from generation to generation. This potion is considered a last resort, and forbidden for use in all but the most desperate of situations.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Potion of Wild Magic

Potion, rare

This small vial glows brightly with a kaleidoscopic array of colour. Sylvan runes of containment are inscribed on the cork. As an action, you can drink this potion. When you do, roll 5 times on the sorcerer's wild magic table, and endure those effects. Due to the powerful magic surging through your body, you and everyone within 10 feet of you take 3d6 force damage.

This potion of raw, wild magic was made by a group of wizard terrorists as a sort of emergency getaway device. The group was destroyed by a brave gang of misfit adventurers, but their signature bomb still lives on.

by u/darkus4566

Raw Emotion

Potion, rare

The bright red viscous liquid in this bottle is considered illegal by many countries, and as such has an opaque glass. When this liquid is ingested or injected (via application to a dagger) the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, or suffer one of the following effects, depending on the version:

Anger. The target enters a state of rage, and gains +3 to all melee damage, but can't cast spells for two minutes.

Cheerfulness. The target becomes so happy they must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to notice pain, and must use their action to make the lives of those around them better in an act of happy charity. This effect lasts for two minutes. This will end a barbarian's rage.

Disgust. This brew must have a small sample of something steeped in it. When the target drinks this, they are disgusted by whatever the sample came from, and must use their actions to destroy the object of their disgust, as one would a horrific spider.

Fear. The target's speed is increased by 15 feet, and they become frightened of the first creature they see. This effect lasts for 8 minutes, and does not affect creatures that are immune to fear. This will end a barbarian's rage.

Sadness. The target feels a overwhelming feeling of misery and is under the effects of the spell slow for 3 minutes. This will end a barbarian's rage.


This potion is highly illegal, due to the powerful mind altering effects. It still prevails on though, used as a practical joke, a literal happy pill, or in a myriad other uses. It is considered that actors should not eat anything before a performance as good luck, a tradition to prevent being affected with liquid stage fright from a rival.

by u/darkus4566

Roach Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can consume this charm to gain resistance to poison damage, and resistance to bludgeoning damage for 5 rounds.

The shell of this particular dead cockroach has been dotted with paints and faint arcane symbols.

by u/InfinityCircuit

Scroll of Ruin

Scroll, very rare

"A brittle and crumbling scroll. It feels like just glaring at the scroll could cause it to crumble.

As an action, you can unroll this scroll and read aloud the dread incantation. Choose up to 4 targets within 60 feet of you, and roll 1d8. Each target takes necrotic damage equal to the number rolled times your Wisdom modifier and the scroll crumbles to dust.

There were many powerful magic scrolls created in the magic school of Vinheim; some were deemed too dangerous for human use, so they were locked away. When the magic school of Vinheim was destroyed, a lot of magic scrolls and scriptures were lost, including the dangerous ones.

by u/Kozzokath

Shared Regret

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This scroll creates a pact between you and whomever touches the parchment after you. The attuned person holds the paper and speaks a secret about themselves. The paper transcribes their words onto the first line. The next person who touches the paper is forced to reveal a secret of equal importance, which the paper transcribes on the second line. The nature of the secret cannot be chosen, only the gravity of it.

The deceitful often place little value in the words of others. It is only through shared anguish can they believe their confessions.

by u/RexiconJesse

Tea of Sleeplessness

Potion, rare

A companion item to the "Censer of Sleep", when this herbal infusion is consumed in the form of tea, the drinker becomes immune to the effects of the Censer of Sleep for 8 hours, and cannot fall asleep naturally during this duration.

It is a shame for a spider to be caught in its own web.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Vial of Slaad Dust

Wondrous item, common

Slaadiminium, also known as "slaad dust" or "croak", is a narcotic inhaled through the nose or absorbed through the tongue and gums. Colors vary but strains are universal in their texture, which is like that of a fine powder similar to sugar. It is a common misconception that the substance comes from the bodies of actual Slaadi. In reality, the name is derived from the parallels drawn between the behaviours of slaadi and abusers of this drug.

You must inhale at least 1/4 oz. of slaad dust to achieve these effects. Inhaling more does not incur any additional effects until the duration from the first 1/4 oz. has ended.

After inhalation, you are poisoned, but Charisma checks and saving throws are excluded from the normal effects of the poisoned condition, and are made with advantage instead. Additionally, your initiative rolls are always 0 and while in combat, you regenerate 1 hit point per round at the end of your turn. Out of combat, you can roll 1 free hit die. These effects last for 1 hour after inhalation.

It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and is among the more pervasive drugs known to man.

by u/budakang


Waters of Memory Charm

Wondrous item, rare

A single-use charm, crafted by a hedge witch or primal alchemist. As an action, you can consume this charm to gain a +10 bonus to Knowledge, Arcana, Nature, Investigation, and Insight checks for 1 minute. For 10 minutes after consuming this charm, you are unable to speak coherently, and have disadvantage on Charisma skill checks. A swirling ball of liquid that somehow holds itself together.

While practicing, some students of magic discovered a means to condense and store knowledge into a charm form. These blue drops are crystallized water from The Planar Ocean. All the knowledge of the multiverse eventually flows to its waters. A mortal mind, however, cannot take the strain of sifting through such for long, and thus is rendered dumb for a time afterwards.

by u/InfinityCircuit



Basically anything that is worn, but doesn't strictly count as "armor".

Abyssal Amulet

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A cord of braided kelp threads through a large, fossilized shark tooth. The ancient tooth feels heavy in your hands.

This amulet grants a +1 bonus to AC.

While wearing this necklace, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception checks using your sense of smell. Whenever a creature successfully attacks you with a part of its body, such as a claw or bite attack, that creature takes 2d4 slashing damage.

From the Ancient Depths. You can use this amulet to channel the ancient spirits of the ocean in order to damage foes. As an action, choose a target within 10 feet of you. A spectral, prehistoric shark briefly shimmers into existence and makes an attack on the target at a +10 to hit, dealing 4d10+7 piercing damage on a hit. The shark immediately disappears afterwards. Once you use the property of this amulet, you can't use it again for 1 week.

These amulets are made by merrow shamans, who collect fragments of great creatures that once lived in the oceans of the material plane. They use these amulets to commune with great spirits of the deep and channel a fragment of their power.

by u/Zenrayeed

Belial's Ring of Necrosis

Ring, unique artifact, (requires attunement by someone who can cast eldritch blast)

This ring appears as a small, live serpent. When a spellcaster capable of casting eldritch blast approaches it, the snake lunges for their hand and bite down. It then wraps itself around the ring finger of its victim, and solidifies into a silver snake-shaped ring with emerald eyes.

While equipped, the damage of your eldritch blast is increased to 1d12, and the damage type is changed to necrotic. Additionally, damage from your eldritch blast cannot be healed by magical means.

Curse. This ring cannot be removed, except by means of remove curse cast at 8th level. Alternatively, The Archfiend Belial can command the ring to let go of you. The Archfiend Belial knows of your exact whereabouts as long as the ring is equipped.

Necrosis. Each time you cast eldritch blast, some of your flesh rots and falls away from your body. This necrosis begins on the finger that bears this ring, and moves its way up your arm. If the necrosis curse reaches your heart, you will become an undead in the service of Belial. DM's discretion on how quickly this curse proceeds, and what, if anything, can be done to reverse the necrosis.

Sometimes called the Silver Serpent Ring, this cursed band was forged in the fires of Phlegethos specifically for a deranged necromancer. He sought help from the Archfiend Belial in a desperate effort to return his beloved to the mortal plane.

by u/budakang

Black Velvet Band

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A soft, velvet ribbon that can be used to tie back your long hair. While wearing this ribbon you have a +2 bonus to Deception, Persuasion and Sleight of Hand checks.

These ribbons are often worn by a notorious cadre of female pickpockets.

by u/PantherophisNiger


Bracelet of Dislocation

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This simple bracelet is composed of two silver bands fused together. When put on, it adjusts its size to fit snugly and comfortably around the wearer’s wrist.

As an action, you can twist the silver bands together. Doing so causes the top band to twist against the bottom band, magically and painlessly separating your hand from your wrist. Where your hand was, only a blue vapor will remain. While separated in this way, neither band can be removed except by a dispel magic or wish spell, or with a DC 22 Strength check. If either band is removed while separated, the bracelet loses its enchantment for 1 week and you take 2d10 force damage as your hand is magically ripped from your wrist.

While separated in this way, you can use a bonus action to control your hand. Your hand can travel up to 120 feet away from you. Your hand has a speed of 20ft, and a climb speed of 20ft. Your hand can perform basic actions just as the mage hand cantrip. Spells can only be cast from your separated hand if they have a range of touch. Any damage your hand sustains is subtracted from your hit points. If your hand travels farther than 120 feet from you, or takes any damage, your hand is magically returned to your wrist, and the bands slide back into place. You can also use a bonus action to teleport your hand back onto your wrist.

Once you use the bracelet's property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

This bracelet was created by a renowned thief in order to get into places no one should. The bracelet was lost to him when a curious ogre tried to pry it off, and succeeded. The thief decided to stick to thieving, and gave up a potential career in item enchantment.

by u/Zenrayeed

Boss's Ring

Ring, common (requires attunement by an evil creature)

This gaudy gold ring has a large ruby in the center. When you make an intimidation check to scare or command a creature, you can use a bonus action to make an unarmed attack against that creature. On a hit, you add the damage dealt to the intimidation check.

Coveted by goblins and orcs everywhere, this ring marks you as a clear leader of idiots.

by u/throwing-away-party

Canary Collar

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

A black silk choker, with a square orange stone set in its center.

Canary Cry. As an action, you can activate this item's special ability. A sudden painfully loud bird-call like noise erupts from your mouth. Each creature in a 15-foot-cone in front of you must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, that creature takes 2d8 thunder damage, and is pushed 10 feet away from you. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage, and is not pushed away. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw. In addition, if used in a confined or acoustic space, such as a room or a corridor, Each creature, except you, within 30 feet of you must a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 minute rounds. A nonmagical object that isn't being worn or carried also takes the damage if it is in the area of the damaging effect. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Clutch Ring of (Damage Type)

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

The type of damage associated with this ring can vary, according to the DM's choice. In order to attune, you must be capable of dealing the type of damage indicated by the DM.

When you make an attack dealing X type of damage, you can add an extra 1d8 of that damage type. While attuned to the ring, you become vulnerable to either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You can change the type of damage you are vulnerable to when you finish a long rest.

A claw-shaped ring clutching a colored gem, taken from a land of ash and darkness. Creating clutch rings is the final test of a budding artificer, as the types of enchantments of the ring reflect both transmutation and evocation based magic.

by u/pulsarnyx

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

Wonderous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

Left Eye of the Dragon. While you are attuned to this monocle, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, darkvision to 60 feet, and you are able to see through vision-obscuring effects such as fog, snow or sandstorms.

Curse. Anyone who attuned to this item is driven to seek Logos. You cannot de-attune to this item unless remove curse is used, or if Logos is found.


Wonderous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

Right Eye of the Dragon. While you are attuned to this monocle, you have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks and you can cast the detect magic, comprehend languages and identify spells from it, without using spell slots or components. Once you use a spell you can't use that spell again until you finish a short or long rest.

Curse. Anyone who attuned to this item is driven to seek Ethos. You cannot de-attune to this item unless remove curse is used, or if Ethos is found.

Wonderous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

Eyes of the Dragon. If a creature is attuned to both Logos and Ethos, the two items will fuse and become Pathos. Pathos has all of the abilities of Logos and Ethos, but only requires a single attunement slot.

Tarus. Pathos is a sentient Item, with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 17 and a Charisma of 21. The soul of the golden dragon Tarus dwells within Pathos. Pathos has blindsight out to 30 feet, and can communicate with the attuned in both common and draconic.

These spectacles are made from the scales of the golden dragon Tarus. When he was felled by a grievous wound, his final request was that his scales should be made into an object that could aid others in the pursuit of knowledge. Unfortunately, the spectacles were stolen and broken apart.

by u/Deltaangel23

Fierna's Ring of Misfortune

Ring, unique artifact, (requires attunement by a sorcerer)

This ring appears as a small, live serpent. When a sorcerer approaches it, the snake will lunge for their hand and bite down. The snake will wrap itself around the ring finger of its victim, and solidify into a gold snake-shaped ring with garnet eyes.

The first time you put this ring on, you gain 1 sorcerer level. When you take it off for the first time, you lose one sorcerer level.

Curse. This ring cannot be removed except by means of remove curse cast at 8th level. Alternatively, The Archfiend Fierna can command the ring to let go of you. The Archfiend Fierna knows of your exact whereabouts as long as the ring is equipped.

Misfortune. As long as this ring is equipped, the DM will roll on a wild magic table every time you spend one or more sorcery points.

Sometimes called the Gold Serpent Ring, this cursed band was forged in the fires of Phlegethos by the Archfiend Fierna. Most fiends enjoy tempting mortals with promises of great power; Fierna considers it imperative.

by u/budakang

Keeper’s Spectacles

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These bifocals are made of a durable but fine crystal, the temples inscribed with small runes.

When you attune to the spectacles, any languages you know are stored within the spectacles.

When you are wearing these spectacles you can read and write any languages known by previous wearers.

These bifocals were crafted by an ancient librarian and passed down from apprentice to apprentice in order to better tend their ever-increasing collection.

by u/Zenrayeed

Mood Ring

Ring, very rare

This small corroded iron ring bears a clear crystal affixed to the center, with rotating prongs affixing it to the band. The color of the crystal remains clear until the ring is attuned. Unless remove curse is cast upon the ring, only the person who gifted you the ring can remove it from your finger. The gifter of the ring can select a mood for the wearer to be in for the next 1d6 hours. After that time period is over, the ring becomes inactive until the following day, but leaves the wearer with 1 point of exhaustion, and no memory of the ring's influence. The color of the ring changes depending upon which mood is selected.


Mood Color
Anger Red
Sadness Blue
Jealousy Green

A terrible device, crafted by privately hired enchanters of a political regime. A select few were made, only to be used in secret by those seeking power and gain over their enemies. Deemed immoral and inherently cruel, almost all were sought out and destroyed.

by u/ Notorious_bear_

Mockingbird’s Ring

Ring, uncommon

This simple wooden ring is adorned by a small river stone, worn smooth. While wearing this ring, you can speak with birds, and your movement speed increases by 10 feet. If you wear this ring for more than 2 days you will always know where magnetic north is. After wearing the ring for 5 days, your jump height is tripled.


Cursed. This ring is cursed. Becoming attuned to it extends curse to you. For the first 7 days you remain cursed, you must succeed a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, or be unwilling to part with the ring, and wear it at all times. Each day you fail this saving throw, increases the DC by 1 for the next day.

After 7 days of wearing the ring, it can no longer be removed except by the remove curse or wish spell. Additionally, you lose the ability to speak, read, and write all languages you know, except the ability to speak with birds and you will immediately begin attempting to travel north, at all costs.

These rings were crafted by a tribe of shamans far in the northern highlands. Long ago, they communed with nature and became one with the birds of the region. These rings are carried out into the world by birds, dropped in places where someone might find them and become a member of the flock.

by u/Zenrayeed

Moth Brooch

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This is a brass moth-shaped brooch.

Familiar Moth. You can use an action to speak the brooch's command word, animating it. at which point it is indistinguishable from a living moth. This moth acts similar to a familiar gained with the find familiar spell. You can return the moth to its brooch form with a command when you are in physical contact with it. If the moth is killed, the brooch is destroyed.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Pugilist ring

Ring, very rare (requires attunement by a creature with a Strength or Dexterity of 13 or more)

You must win a fistfight while wearing this ring to attune to it.

This magic ring is made of smooth steel. It has the image of a ram engraved around it. This ring has 10 charges. To recharge the ring, you must spend one hour performing a strenuous workout such as hammering, boxing, sparring, jogging or woodcutting. This ring can only regain 1 expended charge per day.

Eye of the Tiger. As a bonus action, you can expend any number of charges to make an unarmed strike against a creature. On a hit, your unarmed strike deals 1d10 force damage for each charge expended. If the attack misses, the charges are still lost.

The hill dwarves have a long tradition of boxing and wrestling as both a sport, and method of conflict resolution. This ring was created by a dwarf smith who spent his nights off in a fight club. The great Strength and endurance he developed in the forge made him a fearsome opponent in fighting circles.

by u/1Jusdorange

Punching ring

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This magic ring is made of wrought iron. It has the image of a crude sheep engraved on it.

This magic ring has 6 charges. The ring regains 1 charge daily at dawn. Recharging requires that you wear the ring all day; only one ring like this can be worn on a hand.

Thrill of the Fight. As a bonus action, you can expend any number of charges and make an unarmed strike. On a hit, your punch deals 1d6 force damage for each charge expended. If the attack misses, the charges are still lost.

This ring is the result of an attempt to duplicate the pugilist ring. The wizard that made this ring had seen the pugilist ring in action and wanted a similar power at his disposal. Lacking the Strength or Dexterity to charge a true pugilist ring, he created the punching ring. The magical energy within the ring comes from the accumulation of small movements through the day.

by u/1Jusdorange

Ring of Albus

Ring, very rare

While you wear this ring, you have an additional attunement slot.

by u/pucksrage

Ring of the Bumblebee

Ring, rare (requires attunement by an arcane trickster, cleric of arcana, eldritch knight or wizard)

While wearing this ring, you gain the following benefits it:

  • The lifting capacity of your mage hand is increased to 10 lbs x your Intelligence modifier. As part of the action used to control the hand, you can perform the following actions
  • Gobsmack. You can use the mage hand to make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the hand. On a hit, the creature takes 1d4 magical force damage.
  • Shove. You can use the mage hand to shove a creature. The target must be no more than one size larger than you and must be within 5 feet of your mage hand. Instead of making an attack roll, you make an Intelligence (Arcana) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you win the contest, you either knock the target prone or push it 5 feet away from you. The hand moves with the target.

This ring bearing the insignia of an open palm behind a stylized bumblebee was found behind some books in an ancient library, covered in dust. It was passed between inquisitive scholars who were keen to identify its maker, but they ultimately failed to do so.

by u/VampireSquid8


Ring of Fly or The Fly Ring

Ring, legendary (requires attunement)

You attune to this ring as soon as you put it on. However, if you do not have an open attunement slot, the ring prevents you from putting it on.

This ring is made of a hard black material that resembles chitinous scales, and has a diamond gem inset that unfolds into small gossamer wings when activated. When first adorned, your mind is slowly filled with a numbing, buzzing noise that grows to the edge of an unbearable volume, then abruptly disappears. Leaving you with the knowledge of how to activate the ring.

Flight of Flies. As a bonus action, you can activate this property. Thousands of flies appear from your orifices, hair and under your clothes. The flies will alight on your body, and bear you aloft. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed until this is deactivated. When deactivated, the flies disperse. However, after the first use a single fly will remain near or on the wearer at all times. After every subsequent use, the number of flies that remain doubles. The flies can be killed, but another will simply replace it in the same manner immediately. DM's discretion on how the increasing cloud of flies will affect the player character in social situations.

Curse. This ring is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse or wish spell or similar magic. While cursed in this way, you cannot remove the ring. As your cloud of flies grows in number, you will begin to experience the following effects. An irrational fear of spiders and spider-like monsters, disadvantage on perception when there are bright lights nearby, and a growing preference for offal, rotten food and refuse. Personality changes wrought by the ring are permanent, even if the ring is removed. If you are killed while wearing this ring, it will summoning flies to consume your corpse and preventing resurrection by anything other than wish.

Do you control the flies, or do the flies control you? Join us, and feast on the decay of the living.

by u/vangelicsurgeon

Ring of Lightning Strikes

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement by a monk)

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes while you wear this ring. This ring has 10 charges. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, this ring regains 1 expended charge.

Strike of Lightning. As an action, this ring can be used to cast lightning bolt by expending 10 charges, the spell uses the Monk's ki save DC as its spell save DC. Once you use this property, the ring cannot gain charges until you finish a long rest.


Ring of Nine Lives

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

This ring has 9 charges. When your hit points are reduced to 0, you can expend a charge to instantly return to 1 hp. Once all of the charges are expended, the ring breaks. If you have something similar to the half-orc's relentless endurance ability, then this ring is prioritized after your ability.

by u/pucksrage

Rosary of Holy Binding

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a cleric, monk or paladin)

A rosary of beads with holy symbols carved into them.

Prayer of Deliverance. As an action, you can recite a mantra or prayer, and cause the beads of this rosary to fly towards one Undead or Fiend within 60 feet of you, that you can see. The target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus 2d6 radiant damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. If the target is Large or smaller, and fails the saving throw, the rosary will reform around the creature, and bind it in place. A creature bound in this way is considered "grappled" and takes 1d8 radiant damage at the start of its turn. The bound creature can use its action to attempt to free itself by making a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity saving throw, removing the beads on a success. Once you use this rosary's property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

The Suffer Ring

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

Wreak Vengeance. A dull iron ring with a rhyming inscription around the band. Hooked spines make it difficult to remove. Requires a DC 18 Dexterity (sleight of hand) check to remove it without maiming or destroying your finger. When you are hit by a melee weapon attack for 10 + your level or more of damage, or if your hit points would be reduced to 0, the ring reflects the damage back to the attacker, leaving you unharmed.

Curse. When this ring's wreak vengeance property is activated, this ring steals an unpleasant event in the attacker’s life and places the consequences on you. For example, if the attacker owed 1,000 gp to loan sharks, the loan sharks now view you as the one responsible for the debt, and they will pursue you for the money.

Wear this ring, my child, for you it will always protect. The price is not for you to decide, but it shall be yours to collect.

by u/RexiconJesse


Tuo Mainzar's Pearl Ring of Focus

Ring, legendary (requires attunement by a creature that can cast spells with some spellcasting ability)

The grey pearl within this ring is very loosely fitted. Any creature with jeweler's tools, and expertise with those tools, can easily remove the pearl and set it within a different piece of jewelry. The pearl itself is wrinkly, almost lumpy, and oblong.

Focus of Tuo Mainzar. Once attuned, this pearl allows you to maintain concentration on up to two spells at once, for up to one round within combat or one minute outside of combat. Any concentration checks will apply and be rolled separately for each spell. When you cast your second concentration spell, you should specify which spell is being cast through the ring; that spell has advantage on the concentration save. When you only have one spell you are concentrating on, you make all spell concentration saves with advantage.

Tuo Mainzar was an eccentric but subpar mage with an inferiority complex. He was particularly envious of his old academy rival, Juan Salathar, who consistently outperformed him in evaluations. Mainzar spent a large amount of time attempting to craft a sentient artifact that would prove his superiority, but also tried to weave a feeblemind curse into the item so he could, in one stroke, prove his superiority and eliminate a rival. Unfortunately, Mainzar's mastery of transmutation was not what he thought it was, and neither the sentience nor the curse fully manifested in the item. Mainzar passed without ever realizing the power of his creation. Etched on the bottom of the pearl is the phrase Mainzar hoped to utter when he dispatched Salathar: "Tuo Mainzar: better than Juan".

by u/Duke_Paul

Unattended Ring

Ring, very rare

This is a very ornate, and ostentatious ring. The large topaz within the complicated setting hides a very minute switch.

Store Cantrip. As an action, you can press that switch, and cast a cantrip stored within the ring.

Use Cantrip. The most recent cantrip stored within the ring can be cast as a bonus action by pressing the switch b. The cantrip from the ring will use the same spell save DC, spell attack bonus and spellcasting ability of the original caster. This ring does not require attunement. With proper manipulation, you can even set it up so that the cantrip is triggered by mechanical means, such as opening a box or stepping on a pressure plate. You can charge it with a new cantrip each time.

While the fabricator was undoubtedly trying to create a Ring of Spell Storing, an error in production or damage after the fact caused this ring to continuously charge and discharge magic whenever it forms a complete circle- Effectively casting its spell every six seconds or so. To disable it, a notch was cut in the ring. Pressing the switch completes the arcane circuit, and allows the cantrip to be cast. These rings, though gaudy, are highly prized by warlocks.

by u/Crow1170

Rods, Staves and Wands

Rods, Staves and Wands

Wands are the smallest of these, usually being about 1 ft long and narrow. Rods are the next largest, about 3 ft long and 3⁄4 in thick. Staves are the largest, usually being 6 ft long and about 2 in thick. Most of these devices use charges. Should a device reach zero charges, it will usually disintegrate, thus rendering recharging impossible. Taken from "SimpleDnD" by "AJBollinger,Inc"

Channeler’s Rod

Rod, legendary (requires attunement by a wizard or sorcerer)

At the start of your turn, if you are able to take an action, you can choose to enter an "Arcane Flow State". The flow state lasts for four rounds, or until it is broken.

Arcane Flow State. While in this state, you can use your bonus action to cast a spell of 1st level or higher that you have prepared using an available spell slot (in addition to any spells you cast with your action). While in this state, you must attempt to cast at least two spells of first level, or greater, every round. If you do not cast two spells of first level of greater in a single round, at the start of your turn the Arcane Flow State breaks. Upon breaking the Arcane Flow State, you immediately take two levels of exhaustion. If the Arcane Flow State terminates naturally (after four rounds), you recover one spell slot for each spell level you are currently able to cast.

This simple rod is made of an unidentifiable metal with fine, sinuous patterns engraved into the surface. Activating the rod allows a user to quickly and efficiently channel an enormous amount of arcane power outwards, at the risk of burning themselves out.

by u/Cathartidae

Conduit of the Legion

Wand, uncommon (normal variant), rare (beacon variant) (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

While you are holding this wand and within 5 feet of a friendly creature, this wand is a spellcasting focus that increases your spell attack bonus and spell save DC by 1. If that ally is wielding a Bulwark of the Legion, Conduit of the Legion, Staff of the Legion, or Pike of the Legion, the spell attack bonus and your spell save DC is increased by 2 instead.

The Beacon Variant also has the following features:

Spell Synergy. Whenever you cast a spell that targets only yourself, you can also target another ally within 5 feet of you with that spell. At the start of your turn, if that ally is not within 5 feet of you, the spell's effects end for them. When the spell ends, the spell's effects end for both you and the ally.

Light of the Legion. After casting a spell, you can hold the conduit into the air to have the beacon glow brightly and create a pillar of light going up 100 feet into the air centered on the beacon. While active, the beacon casts a bright light in a 30-foot radius around you and dim light for another 30-feet for 1 minute or until you lower the conduit at any time.

The beacon and the pillar of light are visible from up to 5 miles away during the day and 10 miles away during the night. You can choose the color of the light, and change it whenever you cast another spell while the beacon is active.

These wands were produced for a once-unstoppable army. It is theorized that the Legion had a relatively large number of arcane spellcasters among their ranks, although no spellbooks or other arcane foci have been found alongside Legion equipment. The more arcane-inclined historians have taken to calling these "Conduits" rather than "Wands".

by u/Zedman5000

Duelist's Wand

Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This sleek wooden wand is reinforced with metal bands inscribed with runes, and has a grip at the base. This wand has 8 charges. It regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn, or whenever an opponent is defeated with this wand during a duel.

Initially, you can only expend a charge as an action to cast compel duel, using your spell save DC. When you enter a duel, whether as a result of compel duel or through an opponent accepting a challenge, this wand gains the following abilities for the duration of the duel:

The wand is a spellcasting focus for your spells and grants a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DC. You can expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells: mage armor. (1 charge), magic missile (2 charges), counterspell (3 charges).

Parry. As a reaction, you can use one or more charges to reduce the attack roll of a single-target spell targeting you, reducing the roll by 1 per charge spent.

If during an active duel all of the wand's charges are expended, and you are ever more than 150 feet from your opponent, the wand will become permanently inert. The wand will also become permanently inert if it runs out of charges, and the opponent is affected by a spell from a source other than you.

These wands are given as prizes to those who make it into the semifinals in the Duelist's Ring held at the Arcane Institute at Aqireth.

by u/Zenrayeed

Rods, Staves and Wands

Fable Wand

Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a Small or Tiny creature)

Attunement to this wand is achieved after weathering a storm, outdoors, and without shelter, while holding the wand. This attunement process can be repeated with each new storm. Prior to attunement, this looks like a small, polished wooden stick. After attunement, the wand changes according to how the attunement trial went. DMs, use discretion for determining how this trial goes.

  • If you face the storm, standing on your feet without fear, the wand becomes an oak wand.
  • If you succumb to fear and seek shelter, the wand becomes a reed wand.
  • If, by chance you are chosen by the storm gods, and survive being blessed by their "electric touch", the wand becomes a storm wand.

Oak Fable Wand

In this form the wand has the shape of a tiny oak branch with three acorns attached to it.

  • This is a +1 wand of the warmage.
  • You are proficient with Constitution saving throws.
  • The wand has 3 charges and regains 1d4-1 charge at dawn. The charges are represented by the acorns on the branch. An acorn can be detached by expending a charge. If the acorn is planted in soil or sand it instantly grows into a healthy tree. The tree is 60 feet tall and has a 5-foot-diameter trunk, and its branches at the top spread out in a 20 foot radius. The tree is an ordinary tree. The acorn loses its magical property and becomes ordinary if not planted before dawn.
  • You can use an action to cast the barkskin or spike growth spell from the wand, without expending a spell slot or components. Once you use this wand's property, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Reed Fable Wand

In this form the wand is flexible and made of woven reeds with three little white cotton balls tied to it.

  • This is a +1 wand of the warmage.
  • You are proficient with Dexterity saving throws.
  • The wand has 3 charges and regains 1d4-1 charge at dawn. The charges are represented by small cotton like balls at the end of the wand. A cotton ball can be detached by expending a charge. If the cotton ball is freed in the air it floats to a point that can be seen within 120 feet and expands in a cloud of pollen that acts like a fog cloud.
  • You can use an action to cast the lesser restoration or healing spirit spell from the wand, without expending a spell slot or components. Once you use this wand's property, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Storm Fable Wand

In this form the wand keeps its simple wood shape, but with a burned pattern going through it that seems to be made of glass.

  • This is a +1 wand of the warmage.
  • You are proficient with Wisdom saving throws.
  • The wand has 3 charges and regains 1d4-1 charge at dawn. The charges are represented by tiny lights moving within the glass vein of the wand. You can use an action and expend a charge to cast the thunderwave spell from it without spell slots or components.
  • You can use a bonus action to cast one of the following spells: call lightning, lighting bolt or haste spell from the wand, without expending a spell slot or components. Once you use this wand's property, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

The first fable wand was created by a gnome wizard. The arcanist was caught in a violent storm as he worked outside on making a new wand. As he worked, he was forced to continue on in the wind, thunder and rain. When the clouds parted in the morning, the wizard beheld a powerful new wand. Rumors circulate that the storm to trigger the wand's transformation does not have to be a literal storm. Turmoil of the heart has also been known to trigger the transformation within the wand.

by u/1Jusdorange

Hippo's Wand of Wonder

Wand, legendary (requires attunement)

This wand can randomly appear in the possession of a party member the next time they go through their things. It has 100 charges. When it reaches 0 charges, it will teleport a random direction 100-1000 miles and fully recharge. When you attune to the wand, you must choose a silly command word or phrase (eg. "Shickety-shack", "Dastardly" or a swear word of your choosing). When you shout the command phrase, roll on one of the following tables that pertains to your situation (combat or non-combat).

The "Effect Target" refers to the following:

  • All: This affects everyone in the combat zone or within 50' if not in combat.
  • Allies: Friends of the wand owner.
  • Area: An area of effect. The dimensions will be listed under the effect.
  • Self: This affects only the wand owner.
  • One: This affects one person/creature at random (see All for area of effect)
  • Wand: This affects the wand itself OR is the focus of the event occurring

This is my wand. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My wand is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my wand is useless. Without my wand, I am useless. I must cast my wand true. I must cast straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must crit him before he crits me. Before God, I swear this creed. My wand and I are the defenders of my party. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until victory is Arneson's and there is no enemy, but peace!

Rods, Staves and Wands
d100 COMBAT WAND EFFECTS Effect Target Duration 1d4+1...
01-02 Time-stopped All Rounds
03-04 Turns to glass One Rounds
05-06 Grows/shrinks 1' One Rounds
07-08 Invisible Self Rounds
09-10 Weapons become toys All Days
11-12 Fly Self Rounds
13-14 Teleport randomly (blink) Self Rounds
15-16 Causes all attacks to become poisonous All Rounds
17-18 Summon a hostile Dune Stalker All Instantaneous
19-20 Summon a hostile Sandling All Instantaneous
21-22 Summon a hostile Stirge swarm All Instantaneous
23-34 Summon an allied Formian Soldier All Instantaneous
25-26 Summon an allied Thri-Kreen Scout All Instantaneous
27-28 Summon an allied Pseudodragon (CG) All Instantaneous
29-30 Slowed/hasted All Rounds
31-32 Speaking causes a sonic boom – 30' line of effect, 3d4 dmg Self Rounds
33-34 Randomly exchange places via teleportation All Rounds
35-36 Slay One Rounds
37-38 Reverse gravity All Rounds
39-40 Objects animate and attack All Rounds
41-42 All attacks hit/miss All Rounds
43-44 1d4+1x10 obedient clones appear Self Rounds
45-46 Seized by murderous paranoia towards all All Rounds
47-48 Summon a hostile Thri-Kreen Scout Self Instantaneous
49-50 Summon a hostile Illithid Self Instantaneous
51-52 Next 1d4+1 hits are criticals/fumbles Self Instantaneous
53-54 Turns to stone One Days
55-56 Teleport 1d4+1 kilometres away One Instantaneous
57-58 Catches fire for 1d4+1 dmg One Rounds
59-60 Becomes enraged and hostile towards wand owner One Rounds
61-62 Sends forwards in time One Rounds
63-64 Clones 1d4+1 hostile versions One Rounds
65-66 All attacks hit wand owner One Rounds
67-68 Fully healed One Instantaneous
69-70 Speed is doubled/halved One Rounds
71-72 Cause to attack ally One Rounds
73-74 Fear One Rounds
75-76 Paralyzed One Rounds
77-78 Knocked prone and held prone One Rounds
79-80 Dominated One Rounds
81-82 Gains a breath attack 1d4+1 dmg Allies Rounds
83-84 Go to bottom of initiative and then reroll after effect ends Allies Rounds
85-86 All attacks rebound on attackers All Rounds
87-88 Weapons increase reach by 1 All Rounds
89-90 Entangle 1d4+1x10 square cube Area Rounds
91-92 Difficult terrain 1d4+1x10 square cube Area Rounds
93-94 Go to top of initiative and then reroll after effect ends One Rounds
95-96 Levitates One Rounds
97-98 Confused One Rounds
99-00 Fully healed Allies Instantaneous
Rods, Staves and Wands
d100 NON-COMBAT WAND EFFECTS Effect Target Duration 1d4+1...
01-02 Shrieks insults in local language Wand Minutes
03-04 Base material shift in all objects (eg, paper to stone) All Minutes
05-06 Creates dreamworld Allies Hours
07-08 Wipes memory Self Days
09-10 Stained bright color Self Days
11-12 Learn new language/skill Self Permanent
13-14 Forget language/skill Self Permanent
15-16 Change character class Self Days
17-18 Create disease outbreak Area Permanent
19-20 Raise dead by touch Self Days
21-22 Meteor Storm 1d4+1x100 metres Area Rounds
23-34 Thunderstorm 1d4+1x100 metres Area Hours
25-26 Snowstorm 1d4+1x100 metres Area Hours
27-28 Create 1 random magic item per day Self Days
29-30 Refuses to move, cannot be moved Wand Hours
31-32 Increase/decrease size category Self Days
33-34 Drenched in water, hit with icy wind blast All Instantaneous
35-36 Possessions teleport away 1d4+1x10 metres Allies Instantaneous
37-38 Must speak in rhyme Allies Days
39-40 Create confections, sporadically Wand Days
41-42 Summon a drunken Dragon Self Instantaneous
43-44 Create food and drink that heals/harms 3d4 hp/dmg Wand Instantaneous
45-46 Bestows/Removes darkvision Self Days
47-48 Able to move geometrically (non-Euclidian) Self Hours
49-50 Base material shift (wood to metal, metal to stone, etc) Area Rounds
51-52 Forced shapechange Self Days
53-54 Radiate visible, evil aura Self Days
55-56 Create Ring of Delusion Wand Instantaneous
57-58 Shine like the sun Wand Hours
59-60 Creates luxury campsite and servants Allies Days
61-62 One ability doubles/halves Self Days
63-64 Detect alignment Self Hours
65-66 Creates a duplicate wand Wand Instantaneous
67-68 Must be “fed” sugar (1 lb/day) or cries loudly as a human baby Wand Days
69-70 Shoots pyrotechnics 200 metres Wand Rounds
71-72 Grows to size and weight of polearm Wand Days
73-74 Plant growth, radius 1d4+1x10 metres Area Instantaneous
75-76 Can/cannot use elemental energy Self Hours
77-78 Can/cannot use psionic energy Self Hours
79-80 Changed to opposite sex Self Days
81-82 Haunted by complaining spirits Self Days
83-84 All rolls +2 bonus/penalty for 1d4+1 encounters Self Instantaneous
85-86 Able to burrow at same current racial speed Allies Days
87-88 Affected with aphasia Allies Hours
89-90 Stripped and teleported 1d4+1x10 kilometres Allies Instantaneous
91-92 1 ability increased/reduced by 1d4 Allies Days
93-94 Day to night/Night to day Area Hours
95-96 Planar concurrence Area Hours
97-98 Time stasis/loop/reversal Area Hours
99-00 Frozen/aflame Area Hours

by u/famoushippopotamus

Rods, Staves and Wands

The Illusionist's Wand

Wand, legendary (requires attunement)

Any illusion spell cast with this wand expends a spell slot one level lower than would normally be required to cast that spell. Additionally, enemies have disadvantage when perceiving illusions created with this wand. This wand is made of simple darkwood and feels as light as quill wet with ink.

This wand was pilfered from a tomb off the coast of Valoria. The stone-work and architecture of the crypt dates back to the late 3rd age, and it is unmistakably of Drow design. Some more hopeful arcanists think this could be the lost tomb of Duriel, The Traitor, but the numerous magical traps still armed inside make this hypothesis unlikely.

by u/budakang

Reliquary Rod of Saint Dismas

Unique Rod, legendary (requires attunement by a grave cleric)

Attunement requires that the cleric meditate for one night while holding the rod. At the end of the process, Saint Dismas will appear and judge whether or not the cleric is worthy. If the cleric is unworthy, Saint Dismas will send the rod to another to be judged.

“This reliquary rod is made of steel, two feet long and has holy scriptures carved on the outside. It’s hollow and holds a relic, the radius bone of Saint Dismas.

This is a +2 spellcasting/religious focus, once attuned. This rod can also be used as a +1 mace, or +2 against undead targets. The rod has 8 charges. It regains 1d6+2 charges at dawn, so long as you have spent at least 1 hour in prayer, or other service to the injured and dying. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: detect poison or disease (1 charge), calm emotions (2 charges), detect thoughts (2 charges), speak with dead (3 charges), scrying (5 charges), true seeing (6 charges). If the last charge is spent, you must roll a d20. On a roll of 1, Saint Dismas recalls the artifact.

Intervention of Saint Dismas. You expend 8 charges and say a prayer to call Saint Dismas to your aid. The DM can have discretion on whether or not this actually works. Your DM can choose to treat this as a "Divine Intervention", or they can have Saint Dismas show up in the form of an angel (Deva, Planetar or Solar). Saint Dismas can refuse to lend his aid, depending upon your situation or if he is otherwise busy.

Saint Dismas was raised to sainthood by his God, following his faithful sacrifice against a fearsome enemy. Dismas' soul was raised into an angel, while his mortal remains were fashioned into powerful reliquary artifacts.

by u/1Jusdorange

The Rod of Lazarus Dagon

Rod, very rare (requires attunement)

This rod is made from a thick and twisted ironwood branch that comes to three points almost like a wooden talon. Red crackling energy arcs from the center of the talon-like tip.

This rod has 7 charges that are not recovered. As an action, you can expend one charge to cast various lightning spells. The spell that is cast will change, depending upon how much time is spent charging up the energy of the rod.

Spell Rounds Spent Charging
Lightning bolt (3rd level) 0
Chain lightning (6th level) 3
Storm sphere (8th level) 7

Lazarus Dagon was a particularly fearsome evoker. However, his luck ran out one day when he was ambushed by a group of red slaadi.

by u/budakang

Rod of Returning

Rod, uncommon, rare or very rare

A cylindrical iron rod about two feet in length; arcane sigils inlaid in electrum spiral around it from top to bottom.

This rod must be linked to a single, permanent teleportation circle. This rod can become linked to a new teleportation circle by leaving it within the exact center of the circle for 1 hour. The uncommon variant of this rod has a range of 100 miles. The rare version has unlimited range, so long as you are on the same plane of existence. The very rare variant requires attunement, and is capable of interdimensional travel.

While you are holding this rod, you can use an action to cast the teleportation spell from it. The rod will instantly transport you, and up to 5 willing creatures within 5 feet of you, to the linked teleportation circle, or the nearest unoccupied space.

Distributed throughout the kingdom's remote watchtowers, a rod of returning allows the watchmen to instantly retreat or be recalled to a designated garrison.

by u/SimianAstronaut

Rods, Staves and Wands

Rod of Rodent

Rod, common

While holding this rod, you can use an action and say the command word to transform the rod into a Giant Rat. The rat behaves as it normally would, and is not inherently friendly towards you. Whenever the Giant Rat is reduced to 0 hit points or caught inside any effect that dispels magic, it transforms back into the rod. Once it transforms back, it can't be changed back into a giant rat until the next dawn.

A promising enchanting student suffered a terrible accident while attempting to create staves of animal summoning. He was found dead in his dorm with a giant weasel, a giant snake, and a giant rat fighting over his corpse; these items were discovered when school security arrived to deal with the hostile creatures.

by u/Zedman5000

Searing Staff

Staff, very rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you target an enemy with a spell that deals damage, it deals an extra 1d6 damage of the spell's damage type.

This staff has 2 charges and regains 1 charge daily at dawn. As an action, you can expend a charge and speak the staff's command word, "fire" in Ignan, to summon a fire elemental, as if you had cast the conjure elemental spell. When the staff runs out of charges, it turns to ash.

A charcoal staff that has strange Ignan runes on it. It's hot to the touch and leaves soot on your hand.

by u/Phosphorus_Dom

Staff of Eyes

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This staff resembles a length of jagged purple crystal covered with carvings of eyes. All who can see it feel as if they are being watched.

Sight of Yog-Sothoth. As a bonus action, you can touch the staff to your head to gain truesight out to 60 feet for 1 minute. During this time, if you see any creature within the ethereal plane, you can use an action to attempt to pull them into your plane. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, they are forced into whichever plane you are currently residing in, and cannot use any form of planar travel for 1 minute.

Curse. When the truesight from this weapons property ends, you take 2d6 psychic damage, as strange visions besiege your mind. Each time you use this, and for an hour after, you feel as if something unnatural is watching you.

With each use, you become more and more paranoid and distrustful of others, even those who you would call friends. If this damage reduces you to 0 hit points, tentacles reach out from the ground and envelop you, leaving only the staff behind. If you are immune to psychic damage, you are immune to this curse. You can only be resurrected by means of wish.

All that was found of the original owner was this staff, and a journal that detailed a rapid descent into madness.

by u/_Phosphor

Staff of the Legion

Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, or druid)

Battlefield Medic. This staff has 5 charges. While holding it, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier: healing word (1 charge), mass healing word (3 charges). If you wish to increase the level at which this spell is cast, you can expend 1 extra charge per level.

When you cast a spell using a spell slot of 1st level or higher while holding the staff, and you are within 5 feet of another friendly creature wielding a Pike of the Legion, Bulwark of the Legion, Conduit of the Legion, or Staff of the Legion, the staff regains 1 charge.

This staff regains 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff explodes with positive energy, lost forever, and each creature within 60 feet of it regains 3d4 hit points. The same effect occurs if you manage to break the staff.

These staves were created for an ancient, well-equipped military, known to historians only as "The Legion". The veteran healers were given these staves to help them continue healing and encouraging soldiers during their long battles.

by u/Zedman5000

Staff of Panic

Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff has 3 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the following spells from it: expeditious retreat (1 charge), shield (1 charge), and mage armor (2 charges).

The staff regains 1d4-1 charges daily at dawn. If the staff has 0 charges after it recharges, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff vanishes in a flash of light, making the sound of a startled scream.

Rods, Staves and Wands

This staff's head features the holy symbol of a forgotten Goblin God of Bravery, who has not been worshiped in a thousand years or more. Over the years, the disappearance of this god has changed both the Goblin race and this staff; they've become cowardly and weak, and this staff has become a shadow of its former self, aiding cowards in surviving and escaping from danger, instead of charging forward into the fray.

by u/Zedman5000

Staff of Reason

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a halfling with an Intelligence or Wisdom of 16 or higher)

Attunement requires a nomination of the wielder by at least three other halflings by way of a democratic vote.

The staff of reason is 4 feet long and made of twisted hickory, with notches at the top. It is crowned with a magically toughened candle that always remains lit. You can use this staff as both an arcane focus, and a magical quarterstaff that deals an extra 1 point of fire damage. Upon attuning to this staff, you become proficient in insight and investigation. The candle sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.

Light of Reason. All creatures within the light radius of this staff are under the effects of sanctuary and zone of truth.

Reasonable Discourse. While holding this staff, you can cast one of the following spells from it a bonus action: comprehend languages or calm emotions. Once you use this property of the staff, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

A staff of reason is ceremonially granted to the leaders of halfling communities. It is a symbol as well as a tool to help administer justice, resolve conflicts and guide the community towards peace and a greater good.

by u/1Jusdorange

Staff of Retaliation

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a non-spellcaster)

A black iron staff tipped with a closed, gauntleted fist. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Retaliation. This staff has 5 charges. When you are the target of a singular target spell cast by a hostile creature, you can use your reaction to expend a number of charges equal to the spell's level to cast the same spell back at your enemy. The DC is (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier.) You are still affected by the original spell cast. The staff regains 1d6-1 charges at dawn. If the staff has 0 charges, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff splinters and shatters.

Created by a long-lost order of mage hunters, these staves were used to disguise the order's assassins as mages, as well as turn their magic against them.

by u/EviiPaladin

Staff of Senditt the Fool

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This black wooden staff is unremarkable, except for the way it is lightly tapered to resemble a club, rather than a caster's implement. This staff has 4 charges.

Senditt's Genius. While holding the staff, you can expend one charge to cast the catapult spell on an object within range.

Senditt's Folly. When you are hit by a melee weapon attack from a Medium or smaller creature, you can use your reaction to expend 2 charges to cast catapult on that creature. The target must make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC, or be launched as the projectile as per the effects of the spell. If the target strikes a solid object such as a wall within the spells range, they take an extra 3d8 bludgeoning damage. If the target succeeds the saving throw by 7 or more, you are launched away from the creature, and subjected to the same effects.

The staff regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. If all charges are expended, roll a 1d20. On a 1, the staff is launched 900 miles in a random direction.

This staff was constructed by a tinker gnome named Senditt, for the purposes of offering gnomish housewives access to basic telekinesis to assist with chores. Unfortunately, Senditt was quite mad and very over-enthusiastic. After several disastrous public demonstrations, he attracted interest from the New Legion's research division.

by u/magictoast9

Staff of Snake

Staff, common

You can use an action to speak this staff's command word and throw the staff on the ground within 10 feet of you. The staff becomes a giant poisonous snake (see the Monster Manual for statistics) that behaves as it normally would, is not friendly towards you, and acts on its own initiative count.

If the snake is reduced to 0 hit points or caught inside any effect that dispels magic, it reverts to its staff form. Once you use this property of the staff, it can't change back into a snake until the next dawn.

Rods, Staves and Wands

A promising enchanting student suffered a terrible accident while attempting to create staves of animal summoning. He was found dead in his dorm with a giant weasel, a giant snake, and a giant rat fighting over his corpse; these items were discovered when school security arrived to deal with the hostile creatures.

by u/Zedman5000

Staff of Staffing

Staff, Uncommon

Help Wanted. You can use an action to speak this staff's command phrase "Help Wanted" to summon a random hireling complete with resume, salary demands, and a desired length of employment. The hireling's age, sex, race, personality and fitness for the job is left up to the DM's discretion.

You're Hired. A contract, with the negotiated salary and job description, will appear, ready for the both of you to sign. Signing the contract will bind the hireling to your service. The hireling is never required to perform duties that are not listed in the contract.

Sorry, but we're going in a different direction. If you do not wish to hire the hireling, you can use another action to speak the staff's other command phrase "Sorry, but we're going in a different direction" to dismiss the hireling.

A wizard, tired of having to leave his tower to find people to hire for various tasks, created this staff out of an old walking stick. Using a complex combination of divination and conjuration magic, the staff searches the land for people looking for jobs and transports them to the summoner's location.

by u/Schultzinator

Umberlee's Chance

Staff, legendary (requires attunement)

This staff is made of coral, and mounted with a spiked ebony conch that has a menacing appearance. It is occupied by a flamboyantly colored snail that occasionally pokes its head out. Placing this conch to your ear doesn't seem like a good idea.

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. In addition, whenever you cast an evocation spell of 1st-level or higher it acts as if it were cast at one spell slot higher.

Conus Magus. As a bonus action, you can tear the snail from its shell and eat it. The next evocation spell you cast within 1 minute of eating the snail is charged with unstable energy, roll a D20 to determine the snails effect:

Roll Effect
1 - 5 The spell backfires. Roll damage, you receive half of the damage.
6 - 10 Reroll any 1s on your damage dice.
11 - 15 Reroll any 1s or 2s on the damage dice for the affected spell.
16 - 19 All damage dice for the affected spell are maximized.
20 All damage dice for the affected spell are maximized and it does not consume a spell slot.

If the spell misses, the unstable energy dissipates with no effect. The snail regenerates after you finish a long rest, but has a bad attitude about the whole situation.

Umberlee creates these staves as a reward for exceptional service. The power to augment magic comes from the snail within. They used to be common, but they were hunted to near extinction to empower Sahuagin shamans.

by u/horazon86


Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a non-lawful creature)

This staff looks like a worn walking stick, with a grip that feels perfect for your hand. Once attuned, the staff’s length adjusts based on the height of the wielder, so that it serves as a perfect walking stick. Along the length of the staff is an inscription:

The staff has 20 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it: water walk (2 charges), dimension door (3 charges), freedom of movement (4 charges), far step (4 charges), tree stride (5 charges), find the path (6 charges), wind walk (8 charges), plane shift (12 charges), teleport (16 charges).

The staff regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff will become unattuned and teleports to a random location.

One Foot in Front of the Other. While attuned to the staff, you can use an action to cast the expeditious retreat spell at will, and you can travel on foot for twice as long as normal before gaining levels of exhaustion.

Wanderlust. If you spend more than two weeks in the same general area (such as a city), Wanderlust will become unattuned and teleport to a random location. Wanderlust recovers all charges every dawn, provided you spend the night in a location you have never slept before.

Rods, Staves and Wands

This staff was once the walking stick of a famous ranger. Many travelers claim to have once wielded the staff, or have seen it shortly before it disappeared before their eyes.

by u/Zenrayeed

Wand of Darkness

Wand, very rare

This wand has 1 charge that it regains daily at dusk. As an action you can expend a charge to cast an aura of darkness in a 100-foot-cube area or to the maximum size of the room it's cast in. A creature with darkvision or truevision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light won't illuminate it. The aura of darkness remains in the area until the daylight spell is cast in the area at 5th level or higher; or if the wand casts the aura of darkness in another area.

Cursed. This wand is cursed. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand explodes and extend its curse to you, until you are targeted by the wish spell. As long as you remain cursed, you are blind.

This wand is a popular booby trap on the Ethereal Plane.

by u/one_developer

Wand of Firemorph

Wand, uncommon

This ebony wand has two pointed edges. As an action, you can speak the name of one of two spells, polymorph or fireball. Both spells are cast at 4th level and have a spell save DC 13. The named spell is cast from the wand at a target or location of your choice within its spell range. The spell you did not cast will fire out of the back end of the wand, and target you. If you are targeted by the polymorph spell and fail your saving throw, you are turned into a giant fire beetle (see the Monster Manual for statistics). Once used this wand, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

An old wand maker with a large issue of thievery once had the idea of trapping a few of his wands. He never had much of an issue with it again.

by u/Xofoxxy

Wand of Herring

Wand, very rare (requires attunement)

This red wand appears as a "simple" +1 wand of the warmage, even if identify is cast upon it. This wand will appear as such, until it becomes attuned to someone, or unless a wish spell is used to identify it.

Red Herring. While holding the wand you can use an action, to speak its command word, to cast a very heavy illusion upon a corpse. No matter how the corpse actually died, it will appear to have died of one of the following causes (your choice) drowning, heart attack, or choking on a ham sandwich. This illusion lasts for 5 days, or until it is dispelled by the dispel magic spell cast 6th level or higher. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

"In Neverwinter City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious crimes are members of an elite paladin corps known as the Sorcery Victims Unit... These are their stories."

by u/PantherophisNiger

Wand of the Librarian

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by someone who can read)

This birch wand is carved with fine details of books neatly organized on shelves. It smells faintly of books.

This wand has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn. While holding this wand you can use your action to expend 1 charge to activate one of its properties.

Organize. While holding this wand, you can use your action to expend 1 charge and speak the wand's command phrase "Organize by" and utter a phrase up to 10 words in length, causing the wand to magically sort up to 50 non-living, non-sentient objects each no larger than 5ft x 5ft and weighing no more than 10lbs, into a neat row on a desired surface.

Search Term. While holding this wand, you can use your action to expend 1 charge and speak the wand's command phrases "Search term" and utter a phrase up to 5 words in length, causing the wand to search for a specified term in a single book. Each appearance of the term will be marked by a small slip of paper that materializes between the correct pages.

Shhh. While holding this wand, you can use your action to expend 2 charges and speak the wand's command word "shh" to cast the silence spell.

This wand was created as a gift for a librarian.

by u/galacticspacekitten

Wand of Pies

Wand, very rare

The wand has 7 charges. While holding the wand you can use an action to expend a charge to fire off a 6 inch diameter pie from the wand at a creature within 60 feet of you. Make a ranged weapon attack against the target, adding your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency modifier to the attack roll. On hit, the target is blinded for 5 minutes, or until they use an action to clear the pie out of their face. To determine the type of pie, roll type of pie table.

Rods, Staves and Wands

The wand regains 1d4 charges at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 2 or lower, the wand becomes inert.

Type of Pie

   D6    Flavor
1 Coconut Cream
2 Blueberry
3 Lemon Meringue
4 French Silk
5 Banana Cream
6 Cherry

The first wand of pies was created by a god of mischief and pranks. As is usual with such gods, the word quickly spread. It typically makes appearances in or around the first day of the fourth month of a particular year, as that is a sacred day for at least seven trickster gods.

by u/greyff

Wand of Weasel

Wand, common

While holding this wand, you can use an action and say the command word to transform the wand into a Giant Weasel (see the Monster Manual for statistics)that behaves as it normally would, is not friendly towards you, and acts on its own initiative count.

If the weasel is reduced to 0 hit points or caught inside any effect that dispels magic, it reverts to its wand form. Once you use this property of the wand, it can't change back into a weasel until the next dawn.

A promising enchanting student suffered a terrible accident while attempting to create staves of animal summoning. He was found dead in his dorm with a giant weasel, a giant snake, and a giant rat fighting over his corpse; these items were discovered when school security arrived to deal with the hostile creatures.

by u/Zedman5000

Wand of Wimpering

Wand, uncommon

This wand has 3 charges. It regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and command another creature to grovel, as if casting the command spell (save DC 12).

"Never underestimate a good grovel. Goblins love it, Kobolds love it. Now you love it. It's a good deal, I swear!" -Kokoshkolov, Half-orc salesman.

by u/Notorious_bear_

Whiteflesh Rod

Rod, rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, or paladin)

This 3 foot long rod is crafted from a single large fishbone. Its surface is poked, pitted, scaled, and scarred, yet seems to conform to the grip of any who hold it. One end the rod is carved in the form of a toothy fish's head, the other bears an assortment of small glass orbs that glimmer like ghostly lures or black pearls in dim light.

This Rod has 5 charges. It regains 1d4+1 expended charges each day at sunset. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier: cure wounds (1 charge), and lesser restoration (2 charges). The wounds cured by this rod heal back with pale, almost sickly white flesh that always seems slightly moist to the touch.

Curse. After a creature has been healed by this rod, if the total amount of healing they have received from this item exceeds 40 HP, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, they begin a month-long transformation into a Kuo-Toa. This effect cannot be ended without the aid of greater restoration or similar magic.

This item was crafted by the fish peoples of the deeps as a tool to first draw supplicants with healing magics, and then to bolster their forces with the resulting transmuted wretches. Who knows what dark god would condone the creation of such an insidious relic.


The Winter Staff

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a druid, warlock, or wizard that pays the price)

An eerie chill emanates from the iron crescent moon at the top of this gnarled black oak staff, mounted to the wood by tentacle-esque roots that grasp the moon tightly, as if they had grown around it. The wood is dry and cold, yet glistens as if wet, and feels heavy, as if waterlogged.

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you gain a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls, you do not suffer the effects of extreme cold, and you are resistant to cold damage.

The staff has 8 charges. It regains 1d4 expended charges at midnight, which can be expended to use one of the following properties listed:

Rods, Staves and Wands

Grasp of Winter. When you cast a spell that deals cold damage, you can expend a number charges equal to the spell's level to upgrade the damage dice of the spell. E.G. cone of cold cast at base level of 5 would consume 5 charges and deal 8d10 cold damage rather than 8d8.

Winter's Bounty. You can expend 1 or more charges to regain a spell slot of a level equal to the number of charges expended.

Rage of the Winter. You can expend 1 or more charges to make a ranged or melee spell attack roll against a creature within 60 feet of you as part of the attack Action. On hit, the target takes 3d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage for each additional expended charge after the 1st. If the target has any spell slots, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target loses a spell slot equal to the charges expended by the wielder. If they don't have a spell slot as high as the number of charges expended, the target loses a spell slot of their highest level.

Special Attunement Rules:

The Winter Staff serves only one master at a time. The attunement process requires a special ritual at the top of a snowy mountain. You must speak with a deity, warlock patron, or other unearthly power, who must be associated with elemental cold in some way atop this mountain. The being, if they see fit, will unlock the power of The Winter Staff in exchange for paying the price of its choosing from the options.

The Blood Price


The Blood Price is a visceral, physical payment. If you choose this form of payment, the entity who is granting the powers of the staff will immediately and painfully tear out one of your eyes. This deals 1d12 piercing damage that overcomes resistance and immunity. The eye cannot be regenerated by any means other than wish. You have disadvantage on perception skill checks that rely upon sight. Additionally, you have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks if your face can be seen. If you're speaking to a creature whose culture honors scars, such as orcs you roll normally.

The Magic Price


The Magic Price is a piece of the mage's own power, ripping away your access to certain natural and arcane powers. If you choose this form of payment, the entity who is granting the powers of the staff grabs your shadow by the neck, tearing it away from you. You can no longer gain the benefits of any feature, spell, or effect that allows you to see in the dark. You no longer have darkvision of any kind (such as the devil's sight invocation and racial darkvision abilities). You will also lose the ability to cast spells that create darkness or summon shadows (such as darkness and shadow blade). This can only be undone by wish.

The Soul Price


The Soul Price is the binding of a pact. This deal cannot be brokered by one who already has levels of warlock, as their soul has already been bought and paid for. If you choose this form of payment, the entity who is granting the powers of the staff marks your soul. When you die, your spirit will be sent to your new master, to do with as they please. The player and DM can decide that this grants a level of Warlock, or simply allow this to be a flavorful role-playing choice. Additionally, you will always ping as the alignment of your new master, whenever you are under the effects of spells or abilities that detect alignment. This pact can only be undone by wish, which will earn the eternal ire of your patron.

by u/BillyBobWinkydinks



Axes, Bows, Crossbows, Daggers, Mauls, Quarterstaffs, Swords, Spears, Whips and miscellaneous offensive items.

Abyss Feeder

Weapon (warhammer), rare (Requires attunement by a worshipper of a demon)

This long-handled hammer is crafted from black iron. When you look away, you're sure yellow eyes open up across it. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Additionally, this weapon has 3 charges, and regains a charge when you kill a creature with it. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend 1 charge to cause the weapon to open a toothy maw and bites, attaching itself to the target. While attached to the target, you cannot use the abyss feeder to attack another target and it deals 1d4 necrotic damage to the target at the start of the target's turn. The abyss feeder refuses to release its grip until the target dies, or you or another creature (except the bitten creature) uses an action to make a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check, pulling it free on a success.

by u/throwing-away-party

Adamantine Petalblade

Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon and you score a critical hit on a 19 or a 20 while wielding this weapon.

This sword has 4 charges, and recovers 1d3+1 charges at dawn. You can use a bonus action to expend any number of charges to cast the hail of thorns spell at a level equal to the charges you spend. When you cast this spell with this weapon treat it as if it had the finesse feature, and a range of 30/60. you don't add the weapon damage to this spell, only the spell damage.

The Adamantine Petalblade is a blade forged from the petals of the rare adamantine rose growing in the long lost ore forest of the Feywild.

by u/Stercore_


Weapon (longsword), legendary, (requires attunement)

This longsword has a curved blade made of pitch black, brittle obsidian. The handle of this blade is made of thick, white bandage-like material that protects your hands from the extremely sharp sword. The non-traditional crossguard is a large, weighted sphere that redirects blows away from your hands. Inside the pommel of the blade is a small gem that "floats" inside of an empty space, rather than being held in by a more mundane gem setting. The jet gem seems to absorb the light around it into a small point.

This weapons damage die is a d10, when wielded with two hands, the damage die is raised to 1d12. When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll the damage die of the longsword is permanently reduced by one die size, and all creatures within a 5ft radius, including you, must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus), taking 1d8 piercing damage on a failed save, as shards of obsidian are sent soaring.

Botae Mark. While holding this weapon, you can use a bonus action to mark a creature within 10 feet of you for 1 minute. If this creature attacks a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to move 10ft towards that creature and make a melee attack. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a long or short rest.

The longsword has 2d4+2 charges 10. It regains a number of expended charges equal to your Intelligence modifier after a long rest.

Crushing Surge. When you hit a creature with this weapon you can expend 2 charges to gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.

Mercurial Strike. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can use a bonus action to expend 4 charges to deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to the target and the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw equal to 8 + Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, or be stunned until the end of their next turn.

Corrosive Ruin. You can use an action to expend 8 charges and speak the weapons command word, to spray acid in a 15 foot cone in front of you. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save. You can use your bonus action to cast one level 3 or lower spell from among spells you know (even if the spell normally uses an action to cast).

This ancient weapon is said to have been crafted by island dwelling warrior-mages. Although, by what means these mages managed to combine delicate working of obsidian and their magic is of some mystery.

by u/Havok-Trance

Agripina's Bow

Weapon (bow), uncommon (requires attunement)

This silver and green shortbow is lightweight and elegant; you feel an energetic sense of purpose when you wield it. When you take the Attack action with this bow, you can use a bonus action to make one extra attack with it.


Agripina was a local hunter, thrown into mourning by the death of her daughter at the claws of a werewolf. Determined to avenge her daughter's death, she set out into the forests to hunt down the beasts. Swiftly, coldly and efficiently, she destroyed them. However, Agripina's great secret is that, in the attack that killed her daughter, she was bitten and became a werewolf herself. She locks herself away every full moon; her misery will only end once her revenge is complete.

by u/brittommy


Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)

This longsword hums and whistles as you swing it through the air. If you spend a bardic inspiration die to increase an attack or damage roll made by this sword, you double the die's result. This longsword has the finesse property.

Arnsong was made by a famous bard, intending to create a weapon that would dance as he played. Although he failed in that regard, he did create a weapon that worked quite well for his purposes.

by u/brittommy

Assassin’s Bow

Weapon (shortbow), rare (requires attunement)

This shortbow is made of a dark, nearly black wood. Curiously, plucking the bowstring makes no noise. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Attacks made with this weapon make no noise, and rolls made to locate the origin of an arrow fired from this bow are made at disadvantage.

As an action, you can fire an arrow imbued with death at a target that is not alert and cannot detect you. On a successful hit, the target takes an extra 4d6 necrotic damage, and must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is silenced and their movement speed is halved for 1d6 rounds. The target repeats its saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the silence on a success. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next dusk.

A sinister bow blessed by a god of death. Those struck by it are rarely heard from again.

by u/Zenrayeed

The Astral Hammer of Glory

Weapon (warhammer), legendary artifact (requires special attunement)

This is a huge, enchanted hammer made of cosmic steel, emblazoned with the seal of Dundee. The wooden handle is roughly 5 feet long, yet the weapon is still light enough to be wielded one handed.

This hammer can only be attuned by a good-aligned paladin or fighter who has proven their courage in battle. Upon attunement, the hammer also becomes attuned to the local sun.

This hammer has 10 charges, and regains one expended charge daily at dawn, so long as it is exposed to the light of its attuned solar object. If the hammer is taken to any plane other than the one it is native to, it will lose all charges, and all abilities other than this one. If the hammer has no charges, it can only be recharged by a solar priest who can attune it to the local sun.

Forged in the Heart of Celestial Fire. The Astral Hammer of Glory was forged in the heart of a star. It is completely indestructible, except by means of the wish spell.

Minuscule goblin. This weapon deals radiant damage instead of bludgeoning damage. This hammer is famed for its use against goblins; You gain a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon against goblinoid enemies.

Impractical Sword. The Astral Hammer of Glory grants a +2 bonus to AC against any sword-wielding enemies.

Powered by Lasers. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend one or more charges to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to your target for each charge expended. Alternatively, you can use an action, to expend 9 charges and speak the weapon's command word to cast the sunbeam spell at 6th level from it, centered on you.

Crystal Enchantment of Steel. This weapon ignores the effects of abjuration magic, such as shield.

The Hammer of Glory it's called, passed down by heroes from centuries old. The Kingdom of Fife will forever proclaim its legend. Currently wielded by a mighty prince with a license to slay.

by u/caongladius*

Axe of the Minoan Bull

Weapon (greataxe), legendary (requires attunement by a barbarian)

Until attuned, the axe will appear old and rusty, but upon attunement, it will clean up and become a beautiful, double-edged greataxe. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

This weapon has 4 charges, and gains an additional charge for every 2 barbarian levels after 14 (for a total of 3 additional charges at level 20). While raging, you can expend one charge as a bonus action to let out a mighty roar, dealing 1d10 + your Strength modifier as psychic damage to one creature of your choice within 30 feet of you. That creature must succeed a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened of you for 1 minute.


Labyrinth Wanderer. You can call upon the memories of the previous owners of this axe, and can cast major image to create a miniature version of The Labyrinth of Crete. Once you use this property, you can't use it again for three days.

Curse of the Minotaur. This weapon is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it on your person at all times. While attuned to this weapon, you grow hair at a slightly faster rate, your feet will begin to become shorter and wider turning into hooves, and after 1d10 weeks the attuned will sprout horns. DM's discretion for noticing these changes, and how they will affect your player's racial stats. Work with your player on this.

The Axe of the Minoan Bull was wielded by the famed and feared Minotaur of Crete. When the Minotaur was slain in the labyrinth that was his home and his prison for many years, some of his memories were left imprinted in the axe. Whenever someone has tried to wield this axe and is of a race that is not a Minotaur, they have begun to change into a Minotaur themselves.

by u/Phant0m_lu1gi

Basilisk's Bite, Spear of the Beloved

Weapon (spear), legendary (requires attunement by a monk or fighter)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is afflicted by the flesh to stone spell. Subsequent hits to the same target increases the save DC by 1 for each successful hit with this weapon.

You can sense this spell take hold, as a fisherman would sense tension on their line. You can maintain the spell effect on a number of targets equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), but must maintain concentration until the target has been petrified, or else the effect is lost. You can choose to end concentration on one or more targets at any time. You can not cast any concentration spells while concentrating on the effects of this weapon.

Thon was the hero of his people, and the beloved of a Demigod dragon queen. He was the thunder and the lightning. No man or army could stand before him. With this spear, Thon turned The Boy Emperor to stone, and shattered him to pieces. Too late, Thon came to realize his mistress had pressed him into the service of evil. Disgusted with himself and the world he created, Thon struck down his beloved with this very spear.

by u/gnarlymuppet

Bastard's Sword

Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement by a non-Lawful aligned creature)

Visually, this sword is similar to your typical longsword. The blade, however, is matte grey in color, not appearing particularly sharp. When wielded with both hands, the blade feels heftier than might be anticipated by a one handed grip. This longsword has a Versatile (2d6) property.

Additionally, you can use an action to speak this weapon's command word to cast the protection from evil and good spell from it. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

These swords were once mass-produced for use by the mortal armies against the horrors of the magic and supernatural worlds. As the wilds were tamed and cities rose up, swords turned to plowshares. They were smelted into ingots and rusted in the rain. Some, however, were kept. On the mantle, under the bed, hidden away between cupboards and crawl spaces.


Beginner's Luck

Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement)

This longsword looks like a normal sword, but will feel uncomfortable in the hand of any creature wielding it. It may feel too heavy or too light, or unbalanced. Whatever the problem is, it does not feel like an effective fighting weapon.

You are not proficient with this weapon. This weapon somehow critically hits on a natural 1 as well as a natural 20. If a natural 1 is rolled, roll a 1d6 on the table below to determine what additional effect happens. This weapon is otherwise the same as an ordinary longsword.

Roll Effect
1 Your strike lands perfectly, but when pulling the weapon from the wound, it slips in your hand and hits you too. Both you and the target take damage from this attack.
2 The force of the attack causes the weapon to fly out of your hand and land (1d4 x 5) feet away in a random direction.
3 The force of your swing causes you to overbalance and you slip and fall prone.
4 A solid hit, but to the wrong target. This attack hits a random creature (including allies) other than the intended target within 10ft of the weapon. If there are no other creatures within 10 ft, you kill a random tiny CR 0 beast of the DM's choice (such as a fly or rat) that happened to be wandering by, minding its own business.
5 The weapon becomes stuck in the target. To pull it free, you or another creature must use an action to make a DC 10 Athletics check to pull it free.
Roll Effect
6 The force of your swing causes you to spin in a half circle. You are now facing away from your target and feeling a bit dizzy. The next attack by the target against you has advantage.


Blackstone Blade

Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement)

The blade is actually a thin chunk of dark stone that has a faint sickly green edge to it. Any damage dealt by this weapon cannot be enhanced through magical means or class features. This weapon, despite being the rough size and shape of a shortsword, does not possess the finesse or light quality. When you deal damage with this weapon, you must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or become incapable of recovering hit points until combat has ceased. In addition, if the target is reduced to 0 hit points by this weapon, it cannot be brought back to life by any means short of wish.

The Blackstone Blades were created by the entity known as The Brass Lich after disagreements between his peers led his paranoia to developing countermeasures for use against his fellow immortals.

by u/Serpents-Smile

Blade of Bloodletting

Weapon (longsword), legendary, (requires attunement)

This longsword has the finesse property. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which deals radiant damage instead of slashing damage to undead.

Vicious Bloodletter. When you roll maximum damage for your longsword's weapon damage die, roll an extra weapon damage die. If the new die rolls maximum damage, continue to roll one extra weapon damage die until a die doesn't roll its maximum. If the hit creature is capable of bleeding, you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt.

Power of Shadows. If a creature dies as a result of damage caused by this weapon, the Blade of Bloodletting will begin to glow with a dark light. Until midnight, you gain an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, it deals necrotic damage instead of slashing damage (except for undead), and you double any extra damage die gained from your vicious bloodletter property. Once used, you can't use this property again until the next midnight.

The Shadar-Kai have their own version of the vaunted Moonblades. Created for use against foes of The Raven Queen of The Shadowfell.

by u/Chikimunki

Blades of the Dervish

Weapon (shortswords), rare (requires attunement)

These ornate shortswords have sleek, sweeping blades with sapphires embedded into their hilts. While wielding them, you feel light on your feet, and feel an urge to dance to a fast beat. You gain a +1 bonus to attacks and damage while wielding both of these shortswords. While wielding both swords, your movement speed is increased by 10 feet. When you use your bonus action to make an attack against a second target in the same turn, that attack deals an extra 1d6 slashing damage, and scores a critical hit on a 19-20.

These swords are used by honored guardians of a city hidden in the sands of the Korian Desert. Their wielders dance between their opponents, the image of grace and the specters of death.

by u/Zenrayeed


Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

This longsword has the finesse property. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Lust for Power. This wicked blade has a thirst for blood, and grows stronger the more it consumes. For each enemy killed with this weapon, Bloodlust will deal an extra +2 damage. This effect lasts indefinitely. In addition, after an enemy is killed using this weapon, you regain HP equal to the current amount of bonus damage stacked on Bloodlust. If an enemy is killed by a critical hit with this weapon, Bloodlust gains a bonus of +10 damage instead of +2 damage.

Cursed - Eternal Bloodthirst. This sword is cursed and possessed by a thirst for blood that must be quenched. Becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it on your person at all times. You can break the curse in the usual ways.

While in combat, if you have not dealt damage to a creature with Bloodlust by the end of your turn, you take damage equal to half of the current damage bonus on Bloodlust, rounded down. After each combat encounter or at midnight each day, if you did not kill a creature with this weapon, Bloodlust will lose half of its bonus damage, rounded up, and you will take damage equal to this number.

This legendary katana was forged by an elvish monk named Xaros the Bloodmage. A prolific murderer and master of blood-based magic, Xaros found great power in the blood of his enemies and gained a thirst for it that would put a vampire to shame. This sword was the instrument of his carnage and bears with it the same cursed lust for blood as its former master.

by u/hydragon100


Blood Tax

Weapon (battleaxe), very rare (requires attunement)

This silvery axe glitters in the sun, showing its beautiful etchings and engravings of powerful warriors slaughtering women, children, and the elderly. When held, the weapon almost tugs at the hand and mind, seeking blood. It will not be sated by anything short of killing.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, and score a critical hit on a 19 or 20 attack roll with it. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon or kill an enemy, you gain 2d4 temporary hit points, which will stack, and last until your next short rest.

Curse. This weapon is cursed. Becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. You can break the curse in the usual ways. Whenever you gain temporary hit points from the effects of this weapon, or use this weapon to kill a "sapient creature", the DM secretly rolls a d4. On a 1-3, a character from your backstory is grievously wounded or maimed. On a 4, that character from the is instantly slain, as though cleaved by the strike of a mighty axe. (The wielder is not aware of this curse unless they make a DC 20 arcana check while attuned.)

The axe once belonged to a noble knight who, over the course of many campaigns and crusades, fell to the vices of a traveling warrior; burning, pillaging, and murdering innocents in the name of his cause. Upon returning from his crusade, the knight remained consumed by his lust for blood. A petty altercation between the knight and his young son turned violent. The town blacksmith found the bodies, all bearing wounds from this weapon. The smith took the axe, and engraved it with a sign of blood.

by u/Duke_Paul

The Boonsaw

Weapon (greataxe), very rare (requires attunement)

A greataxe with a circular blade on the end. The handle of the axe has a small ring attached to a chain, which can be pulled to activate its magical effect. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

You can use a bonus action, to pull on the ring to make the circular axe blade start spinning. It remains spinning for 1 minute. When you hit a creature while the blade is spinning, the weapon casts the dispel magic spell on the target. If a spell of 4th level or higher is on the target, use a spellcasting modifier of +3 to roll. If a magical effect is dispelled, the axehead begins to glow and the axe deals an extra 2d6 force damage for 1 minute. Dispelling additional effects does not increase the damage further, it just refreshes its duration of the extra damage.

All manner of mage fear the whirring of The Boonsaw.

by u/nealcm

Bro Swords

Weapon (Bro-adsword), artifact (requires attunement)

These shortswords are the best of friends, they love fighting together and miss each other when separated. If they are separated, they are able to sense where the other is.


You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this talking weapon. Can roll for Charisma ability checks (+2 Intimidation, +1 Deception, +1 Performance, -1 Persuasion)


You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this talking weapon. Can roll for Charisma ability checks (+2 Persuasion, +2 Performance, +0 Deception, -1 Intimidation)

Together If both swords are attuned to the same creature, they gain the following abilities:

  • If one of the swords hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, then the other sword deals an extra 1d6 slashing damage to their next damage roll.
  • Each sword can give the other one point of inspiration. Once they use this property, they can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Bro Phrases (Alone)

“Bruh doesn't stop talking when we are together, I kind of miss that”

“Watch this Br… oh yeah, never mind”

“Where did Bruh wander off this time?”

Bro Phrases (Together)

“Watch this Bruh”

“Betcha 1 gp I hit this fool, Bruh”

“Not bad Bruh, not bad”

Bruh Phrases (Alone)

“Bro is definitely the stronger one of us”

“You are ok, but I miss Bro”

“This is the longest I have gone without being with Bro, are we going to see him soon?”

Bruh Phrases (Together)

“Nice hit Bro, my turn now!”

“That was a close one Bro, I will do my best to get revenge for you”

“Our biggest Strength is our friendship”

These swords were made for a lonely fighter, who wanted to have more friends to talk to. Something went a little wrong and the swords became best friends with each other instead of their owner. The swords were still friends with the fighter, but the friendship was not the same.

by u/TheBKstacker7


Burning Sorrow

Weapon (Maul), legendary (requires attunement)

The handle of this maul is made of a single piece of solid wood, it looks to be heavily burnt and black in color with a dim red glow omitting from the inside. The head of maul is made of burnt and corrupted looking branches and twigs which seem to grow out of the handle at the eye. The maul is soft to the touch and omits the smell of burning wood.

There are 3 stages of power to be attained, as the character progresses: Dormant, Awakened, and Ascendant. This weapon is meant to develop in power with the character over the course of a campaign. I have included my recommended levels. 1-5 Dormant, 6-10 Awakened, and 11-20 Ascendant.

Dormant. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic maul, the target takes an extra 1d4 fire damage.

Additionally you can cast the druidcraft cantrip, three times per day. When you are exposed to an act of harming nature, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or enter a rage for 1 minute (as the barbarian class, with the sole purpose of stopping the act).

Awakened. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic maul, the target takes an extra 1d4 fire damage plus 1d4 necrotic damage.

Additionally you can cast the druidcraft cantrip, three times per day. When you are exposed to an act of harming nature, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or enter a rage for 1 minute (as the barbarian class, with the sole purpose of stopping the act).

This weapon has 3 charges that it regains daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend one or more charges to cast the following spells: earth tremor (1 charge), entangle (1 charge), or barkskin (2 charges). You can expend additional charges to increase the level of the spell cast by 1 for each additional charge expended.

Ascendant. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic maul, the target takes an extra 1d6 fire damage plus 1d6 necrotic damage.

While you are attuned to this weapon, you have advantage on Wisdom (Nature) and Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks.

Additionally you can cast the druidcraft cantrip, three times per day. When you are exposed to an act of harming nature, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or enter a rage for 1 minute (as the barbarian class, with the sole purpose of stopping the act).

This weapon has 6 charges that it regains daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend one or more charges to cast the following spells: earth tremor (1 charge), entangle (1 charge), barkskin (2 charges), wall of fire (4 charges), or wall of thorns (6 charges). You can expend additional charges to increase the level of the spell cast by 1 for each additional charge expended.

This maul was crafted by a dryad long ago when her Treant lover was burned by an angry mob. The dryad died in the attempt to save her lover, but her sorrow and rage were so great that they survived and live on together within this maul.

by u/TheFlyingMacMuffin

Chaotic Longbow

Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)

This bow is made of a dark wood; it doesn't have a bowstring. When you pull at the location where the string should be, the bow will magically create a bowstring and an arrow made of pure chaotic energy. On a hit, the longbow deals damage as usual, but the chaos arrow causes a secondary damage determined by the level of chaos held within the bow.

•1st chaos level, the damage die is 1d4
•2nd chaos level, the damage die is 1d6
•3rd chaos level, the damage die is 1d8
•4th chaos level, the damage die is 1d10

The type of damage is determined by a roll and can be found in the following table.

Roll Damage
1 Fire
2 Cold
3 Thunder
4 Lightning
5 Poison
6 Acid
7 Necrotic
8 Radiant
9 Psychic
0 Force

The bow begins at the 1st chaos level. When you score a critical hit on a creature, roll a d20. If the result is a 20, the bow permanently increases the chaos level by 1. When you attack a creature with this magic weapon and roll a 1 on the attack roll, roll on the damage type table, and deal the chaos damage to yourself. After the damage is dealt, roll an additional d20. If the result is a 1, the bow decreases the chaos level by 1. The bow cannot fall below chaos level 1. The bow does not lose chaos levels if ownership is transferred.

"You have a fragment of chaos in your hands", warned the old man, "with the power to destroy your enemies and yourself."

by u/MrDoug23


Cleansing Culinary Cutter

Weapon (dagger), common

This dagger looks like a slightly large, but typical, cooking knife. It always remains immaculately clean and sharp. When this dagger is used to cut food, it cleans it of all diseases and poisons. If you hit someone with a melee attack with this dagger, the wound cannot get infected. This dagger will neutralize any poison applied to it.

The original Cleansing Culinary Cutter was created for a royal chef who wanted a magical knife that wouldn't need cleaning or sharpening. However, the enchanter's plan didn't go over so well with His Majesty. The king was unharmed and unamused. The enchanter never worked for the Royal Court again, but instead made his fortune selling such blades to wealthy chefs, hunters, and others who needed a good butcher's knife.

by u/Zedman5000

Corwyn the Cowardly's Whip of Escaping

Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)

This whip looks no different than an average whip, save that, when cracked, it almost seems to disappear for a split second - or was that just a trick of the light?

This whip has 3 charges. As a bonus action, you can crack the whip in the direction you wish to travel, and expend a charge to cast the misty step spell. If you succeed on an attack after using the whip this way, it deals an extra 2d4 weapon damage. At dawn, the whip regains 1d4-1 charges.

Corwyn came up with a perfect way to escape the fighting pits of Nhyr. He stole one of the guard's whips, and slowly imbued it with his desperation and fear. He spent night after night in his cell, bent over the whip. Once he felt it was complete, he took it into the pits with him. Rather than fight, he cracked his whip triumphantly in the direction of the thick stone gates. Only to realize that his destination was 5 feet further than what he'd calculated. To this day, Corwyn remains entombed in that stone, save for one hand, out of which fell a rather normal looking leather whip.

by u/anntilathehun

Dancing Bullets

Weapon (firearm), very rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This weapon has 4 charges, regaining all expended charges when you finish a long rest.

Homing Bullets. Immediately after you miss a shot, you can expend a charge to reroll the attack as a bonus action, and if it hits, the attack deals one extra weapon damage die. You can't use this ability on a misfire. You see bullets flying in the air, making curves as if they were chasing the target.

Ricochet Round. If you roll a 1 or 2 on the damage die you can expend a charge to reroll the damage; you must use the new roll. The bullet inside the enemy suddenly starts to move, targeting it's weak spots.

Two for One Special. When you score a critical hit with this weapon you can make another attack against the same target, or a creature within 20 feet of the target. You make the attack without proficiency and do not add any bonuses to its damage (other than the +1 granted by this weapon). The bullet passes through the target's body making curves in the direction of a body to hit.

by u/mancless

Dragohnson's Harmonic Daggers

Weapon (daggers), legendary (requires attunement)

This matched pair of daggers are forever ice cold, in any environment. They have handles of obsidian-like wood that lock perfectly into your grip. The blades are battle worn, but keen-edged. In the right light seem to be coated with a thin layer of ice. They feel ever so slightly heavier than they should.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon and sneak attack damage made with these weapons is dealt as cold damage instead of piercing damage.

The daggers are harmonically linked, and are constantly leeching amounts of kinetic energy transferred to them, making them feel slightly heavier than they look. If identify is cast upon these items, it is unable to reveal the hidden command word.

Kinetic Explosion. If you speak the command word to one of these daggers, the other will unleash all of their combined stored energy at once in a violent explosion. The base size for this explosion is a 5 foot radius sphere, and causes 1d6 magical force damage. The area will increase by 1 foot radius, and the damage will increase by 4d6 for every week since the daggers were last activated. Unfortunately, the command word has been lost for centuries. The daggers have stored enough energy to cause a continentally significant explosion.

These daggers were forged by a powerful Dwarven smith over several hundred years. They used a glacier as a hammer and the mountain through which it ran as the anvil. The command word has been sealed away for centuries.

by u/That_Frog_Kurtis


Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires special attunement)

This warhammer can only be attuned after it is used by someone who fights in defense of others, and is capable of speaking Dwarven. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, and a +1 bonus to your AC. As an action, you can use Earthwarden to cast the wall of stone spell once per day, without components or spell slots.


The Earthwarden once belonged to an old Dwarven king who used it in the last defense of his realm.

by u/Democable

Elemental Chance

Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)

This versatile longsword weapon radiates a rainbow shimmer across the blade, hilt and pommel. Upon closer inspection, a strange, shimmering stone can be seen within the clear metal of this blade. The colours are not bright enough to emit light. However, when the sword is swung, a random color within the gem will glow. A singular elemental effect will surround the blade until momentum is ceased. The weapon will then resume its shimmering, shifting colors.

When you hit a creature with this weapon, roll on the element table. The weapon deals an extra 1d6 + (Charisma modifier of the user) of the damage of the element rolled.

Element Table

   d10    Damage Type Color
1 Poison Deep Green
2 Acid Yellow-Green
3 Cold Ice-White
4 Thunder White
5 Fire Blazing Red
6 Necrotic Obsidian
7 Radiant Golden Yellow
8 Psychic Argon Purple
9 Lightning Cobalt Blue
10 Force Stark Grey

It seems that the stone is what is the source of the weapon's power and with expertise can be transferred onto any mundane weapon that contains a space for the gem.

by u/DeviousMelons

Elemental Whip

Weapon (whip), uncommon (requires attunement)

The whip consists of a long metal chain that ends in a metallic, spiked sphere with holes in it. When attuning to the weapon, define a damage type from among the following: fire, cold, lightning, or thunder.

This whip has 4 charges, regaining all expended charges daily at dawn. One charge is also regained whenever you take magic damage of the attuned damage type. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend one charge to deal an extra 1d8 of the attuned damage type. To change the damage type, you must attune once again to the weapon.

These whips must be crafted in the elemental extremes. In the center of a storm, the cold of the poles, the heat of a volcano. Only then can an arcane smith embed the elemental attachment into the metal.

by u/schnick3rs

Emberwood Spear

Weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement)

A simple wooden spear with a molten metal spearhead. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a creature with this weapon, it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or it catches fire. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. The target can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, dousing the flame on a success. A druid wild shape forms melee weapon attacks, continue to benefit from use of this weapon.

This spear was crafted by the dying efforts of a famous cleric of the forge. He wished to grant his friend a powerful tool to aid him when he no longer could.

by u/MrOcts

Enthralling Whip

Weapon (whip), uncommon

A whip made of interconnected bleach-white bones, and ending in a sinister serrated spike. This whip damage die is increased by one, to a d6. This whip contains 1 charge when found, and can hold up to 2 charges. A single charge is recovered at dawn. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend a charge to cast the crown of madness spell on that target, without consuming spell slots or components. The DC for the spell is 13.

This whip was made from the torturous tail of a bone devil and has been passed down in an endless, bloody cycle of violence. It seems you are next in line.

by u/Phosphorus_Dom

Explorer's Cutlass

Weapon (scimitar), uncommon

This lightweight scimitar is adorned with a bright golden handle. The blade is patterned with winding snakes. Plant type creatures are vulnerable to damage from this weapon.

by u/throwing-away-party


Farsight Crossbow

Weapon (heavy crossbow), rare

This crossbow features a magical scope that allows the user to see precisely where their shot will land. The scope on this weapon also functions as a spyglass and doubles this weapon's normal and long range. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This bonus is increased to +3 if the target is 100 or further away.

This crossbow was made for a famous sharpshooter, who wanted a weapon that could hit targets from a safe distance, and observe a battlefield from afar.

by u/Zedman5000

The Fashion Falchion

Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)

This sword attempts to match the nearest colors to it. When not being held, the sword has a shimmering golden hue. Upon being wielded, the sword changes color to match the shirt of the wielder. The change is more than an aesthetic one though, as the blade does an extra 1d6 of damage based on the color(s) it is. Additional colors add bonus damage. For example, red with white polka dots would be 2d6 radiant fire damage. DM's discretion on how many colors the Fashion Falchion can be at once.

d8 Color Damage Type
1 Green Acid
2 Yellow Lightning
3 Orange Thunder
4 Red Fire
5 Purple Force
6 Blue Cold
7 Black Necrotic
8 White Radiant

This sword was created by someone who was rumored to have said "but it doesn't match my outfit!" more times than anyone else in history. This can be a variable level item depending on how many colors you allow the falchion to be at once.

by u/That3DPrinter

Fang of The Betrayed

Weapon (spear), legendary (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This bonus is increased to +5 when within 1 mile or 1.6 kilometers of a dragon. It is an unbreakable spear, with a dragon's fang magically affixed to the tip. The spear tip glows red like a freshly forged blade when it senses the presence of a dragon nearby.

This spear was forged from the remains of Mankind's only ally in the dawn war that was begun by chromatic dragons.

by u/budakang


Weapon (flail), very rare (requires attunement by a creature that does not have darkvision)

This steel flail has a small lantern in place of a bludgeon. This lantern has two states of use; lit and snuffed.

Lit. As an action, you can light the lantern. It can act as either a hooded lantern or bullseye lantern. This lantern does not require any fuel, while you are holding it. While the lantern is lit, this weapon deals an extra 2d8 fire damage. In addition, attacks against objects will ignite any flammable object not being worn or held by a creature. The area surrounding the lantern feels notably warmer.

Snuffed. As an action, you can snuff out the lantern. While the lantern is snuffed, the weapon deals an extra 2d8 cold damage. The area surrounding the snuffed lantern feels notably colder. At the moment that the lantern is snuffed out, all non-magical fires within a 60 foot radius, or a 120 foot cone, are snuffed out as well. Any creatures with darkvision within that area will lose their darkvision for 1 hour, or until the lantern is lit. If any creature loses darkvision in this manner, you gain 60 feet of darkvision for 1 hour, or until the lantern is lit. During the time that you are granted darkvision, their eyes will glow with a vibrant flame.

This weapon was forged by a Dragonborn smith, who was angered after he was robbed in the night by several creatures with darkvision. The smith decided that if something like it happened again, he wanted to be able to defend himself. As a result of the magic that steals away darkvision, the weapon becomes very hot when lit, and very cold when snuffed.

by u/Zedman5000



Weapon (mace), rare

This hammer's head is hot to the touch, and metal that touches it quickly becomes hot. When you hit a creature that is wearing metal armor with this weapon, you deal an extra 2d4 fire damage, as their armor turns red hot and burns them.

This weapon can be used as Smith's Tools. The handle of this weapon can also be used as a whetstone. If you're proficient with Smith's Tools, you can use this hammer to temporarily enhance a nonmagical weapon. During a short or long rest, you can hammer and sharpen another weapon. That weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 hour after the end of the rest, and becomes magical for the duration. After using this property, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

This hammer was enchanted for an adventurer who wanted to be able to maintain his weapons and armor, and craft new equipment, without needing to return to town to use his forge. The enchanter added the ability to enhance nonmagical equipment as a bonus, because he liked the adventurer.

by u/Zedman5000

Forge's Wrath

Weapon (longsword), legendary (required attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d4 fire damage and 1d4 radiant damage. When you hit a god with an attack using this magic sword, the god takes an extra 1d8 slashing that cannot be resisted.

This is an incredibly ornate and well-balanced blade that was crafted in anger by a lesser god of the forge.

by u/xShadowHunter94x

Golgoth's Scimitar

Weapon (greatsword), sentient artifact (requires attunement by someone with 15 or more Strength)

When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d6 poison damage. This blade is one of two twin scimitars wielded by Golgoth, the ancient Melmoran King of Giants. Although it is shaped like a crude scimitar., the enormous size makes it impractical to wield with one hand. The blade is slivered, and forever secretes a thick, black toxin.

Golgoth's Vengeance. You can utter the command word "Myra" to unleash Golgoth's Vengeance. You are empowered by the spirit of Golgoth, gaining advantage on the next attack made with this weapon. On a hit, the attack deals an extra 3d6 poison damage. Golgoth's Vengeance can only be used against humanoids. Once used, you can't use this property again until you finish a long rest.

Golgoth was the last king of the Melmorans. Centuries after the extermination of his people, a vile necromancer bound Golgoth's spirit to his old sword.

by u/budakang

The Golden Hind

Weapon (rapier), rare

A rapier with a golden hand guard that is molded to look like a large 3 sailed ship. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally when wielding this weapon, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

This sword is accustomed to the tossing and turning of a ship at sea. It is also accustomed to being stolen often.


Gun of Eldritch Blast (+1, +2, +3)

Weapon (firearm), uncommon, rare, or very rare (attunement by warlocks only)

When attuned to this weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for warlock spells. In addition, when you cast the eldritch blast cantrip using this item, you gain a bonus to the attack roll and damage roll determined by the item's rarity. You ignore half cover when casting the eldritch blast cantrip this way.

These guns were invented by gnomish warlocks who wanted to be able to menace others using their lethal weapons of spectral destruction.

by u/GoliathBarbarian

Halberd of Hoar

Weapon (halberd), legendary (requires attunement by one faithful to Hoar)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, that deals fire or radiant damage (your choice) instead of slashing damage.


Aura of Embers. The uncovered blade of this halberd glows with a white hot brilliance. While the Halberd of Hoar remains uncovered, enemies who end their turn within 10 feet of you take 3d6 radiant damage. When an ally within the aura of embers takes damage, you use your lay on hands class feature as a reaction.

This weapon is the utensil of Saint Hoar's avengers. Given only to his court of angels and the most powerful mortal bastions of poetic justice. Proving one's worth of this weapon is nigh impossible.


Handwraps of the North Star

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

When worn, these plain cloth hand wraps can be activated and deactivated freely by speaking the command phrase on your turn, requiring no action. When active, your fists are enveloped in flame, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes, and you deal fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage. The flame causes no damage to you.

"Omae wa mo shindeiru"

by u/yinyang107

Hidden Thorn

Weapon (any bladed weapon), very rare (requires attunement)

This is a pair of leather arm wraps with a metal sheath built in. Each sheath contains retractable blades. Retracting and extending the blades requires only a minute flexing of the wrist muscles, and it is a free action for the attuned wearer. Dual weapon wielding is not required for the full use of these weapons. These weapons can count as a monk weapon for the purposes of monk weapons.

While attuned to this armor you have a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and a +2 bonus to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks when attempting to conceal the blades.

When you hit a creature with this weapon, you deal an extra 1d6 piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d4 poison damage on a failed save.

Hidden Dart. The Hidden Thorn has 2 charges (one per wrap), regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest. You can use an action to expend a charge to fire a small dart out of the Hidden Thorn. 20/40 range, +3 to hit. Deals 2d6-1 poison damage. When you hit a creature with a dart, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or falls prone from dizziness and be poisoned for 1 minute.

Very quiet whispers can be heard when held to your ear, saying "Die... fall. Die!" It used to belong to a very powerful assassin, but they were so secretive, that nobody knows their name.

by u/unstabledave105


Weapon (maul), very rare (requires attunement)

This large 2-handed mace bears a head made of stone hewn into the rough shape of a mallet. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Defend the Homestead. When you are invited into a settlement with hospitality, you gain a +1 bonus to AC while inside that settlement.

The Earth Protects. As an action, you can choose a target within 120 feet of you, and strike the ground with Homestead. A single, stone pillar erupts from the earth beneath the target, as if created by the bones of the earth spell. Once used, this property cannot be used again until after you finish a short or long rest.

Made by a wandering druid as a gift to a small town besieged by raiders, this hammer stands for those trying to make a new life for themselves.

by u/Zenrayeed

Hyperion Lance

Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)

Despite its name, the Hyperion Lance is actually a longbow, said to pierce the heavens. The bow's range is 600/1200. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon during the day and +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon at night.

Hyperion Lance has 7 charges, regaining 1d6+1 charges when you finish a long rest. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend one or more charges to deal an extra 1d8 weapon damage for each charge expended.

Strike of the Heavens. You can expend all 7 charges to call upon the heavenly bodies to destroy your foes. You have advantage and a +5 bonus to your attack roll on your next attack. As the arrow from this attack flies toward your foes, all the sound within 120 feet of the arrow is rapidly silenced. When you hit a target with this weapon, it deals 8d12+2 radiant damage, erupts into light (120 feet bright light, 160 feet dim light), creates a loud boom and shockwave as it breaks the sound barrier, deafening all creatures within 60 feet until the end of your next turn. Creatures within 30 feet of the point of the arrow's impact take 1d8+1 radiant damage and are blinded until the end of your next turn. Creatures within 15 feet of the point of the arrow's impact are hit by a wave of force, knocked prone and dealt 4 force damage. Those within 90 feet can feel a force hit them, but will experience no ill effects from it.


Legend has it that there used to be a second moon orbiting this world. However, the famed archer Tiberius destroyed it with the Hyperion Lance when he missed his shot at an archdemon.

by u/unstabledave105

Ice Dancer's Rapier

Weapon (rapier), very rare (requires attunement)

This rapier resembles a long, thin icicle with a finely made basket hilt of silver and opal. When swung, the blade leaves curls of crystalline fog behind it.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack using this sword, the target takes an extra 2d6 cold damage and they must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes "chilled" until the start of your next turn. while chilled the creature can't take reactions and has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.

This rapier was forged without heat, by a master of arcane craftsmanship. As the final step, it was quenched by being thrust through the heart of a white dragon, imbuing it with powerful ice magic and ensuring that the blade would never break or dull.

by u/BlackTomePress

Kamran's Arm

Weapon (bladed weapon with the light property), very rare (requires attunement)

Must be wielded in the off-hand and cannot be the only weapon (unless the creature is disarmed).

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Kamram's Armed Arm. You can use your reaction to activate the weapon's defensive properties. When activated, stone armor grows out from the weapon's hilt and covers their arm up to the shoulder, increasing your AC by 5 until the start of your next turn as if under the effects of the shield spell. For the next minute after the activation, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the start of your next turn. After one minute, the stone crumbles and falls off your arm. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next dawn. DMs should use their discretion in allowing the stone arm to be used creatively out of combat. Possible examples include controlling a descent down a cliff, or reaching into dangerous substances.

A capable wizard enchanted this blade for her partner, to keep them safe during their adventures. Forged from the arm of a stone golem, it worked effectively as the rogue escaped from many tight situations thanks to its versatility. The wizard and the rogue eventually, happily, retired to a life of wealth and peace.

by u/Duke_Paul

Korden's Ball and Chain

Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement by a lawful-aligned creature)

This is a flail with a longer than usual chain and larger than usual head. The head is smooth with no spikes; the handle is curved and made of a dark, black metal. Its basic nature will be revealed if identify or legend lore is cast upon it (but not the curse).

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Justice Knows. When the flail is in your hand, you can automatically know if someone committed a crime deserving of a jail sentence, what that crime was, and whether they have served their sentence or otherwise paid retribution for the crime.

Arm of the Law. As a bonus action, you can speak a command word and identify a target size Large or smaller within 30 feet of you. The flail flies out of your hand, and the target must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw. On a successful save, the flail returns to your feet. On a failed save, the flail morphs into a ball and chain; the handle fuses together to make a solid ring around the target's ankle, the chain extends to 10 feet long, and the head will land at a spot of your choosing within 10 feet of the target. Once the head is in place, it is considered to have the same properties as an immovable rod. As a reaction or bonus action, you can speak the command word and release the target, or allow the head to be moved. Upon release, the flail returns to your feet. If you un-attune to the flail while someone is held, the target is immediately released, the flail returns to flail form and it sits in an unoccupied space 5 feet from the target.

Curse. This flail is cursed, a fact that is revealed only when you attune to it. Attuning to the flail curses you, and you cannot de-attune to it until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic.

Flaw. While attuned to the flail, you have the following flaw: "It is my job to keep the law, by whatever means necessary."

Bound by Law. Criminals whom you can detect with justice knows, whether they know of the flail's existence or not, are immediately suspicious of you and possibly hostile. If you see anyone commit a crime of any nature or severity, you must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or spend the next minute using all your movement to move towards them, and every turn try to catch them with arm of the law. If you do catch them, you spend the rest of the minute trying to turn them into the authorities who uphold whatever law the offender broke.


Korden was a master escape artist who eventually vexed the wrong warden. This flail was discovered in a cell, bound to Korden's emaciated corpse.

by u/L0gixiii


Weapon (club), legendary artifact (requires attunement by a creature proficient in Animal Handling)

This club is ornately carved from fine maple wood. At the head of the club is an accurate carving of a wolf's head, snarling and baring its teeth. Along the handle, the words "The Gatherer of Beasts Shall Bring On The New Age" are carved out in Giant.

This club can be used to deal piercing damage instead of bludgeoning, using the wolf carving's teeth to puncture the enemy. Hostile beasts are hesitant to attack you, instead choosing to attack other enemies.

You can use Kykvendi to cast the animal friendship spell (Save DC 17) without spell slots or components, once per day.

In addition, this club is an heirloom weapon, meaning it improves as you fulfill certain conditions. The conditions and effects should be kept secret until they are unlocked. Each property can only be unlocked once, unless the property states otherwise. Only one property can be unlocked per day. If you become de-attuned to Kykvendi, the weapon will lose all heirloom properties, and require unlocking a second time.

Heirloom Properties:

  • When a hostile beast is made friendly by you, the text carved into the handle glows a snowy white color. The weapon gains the following trait: "You can cast the beast bond spell without spell slots or components, once per day.
  • When a hostile humanoid is reduced to 0 hit points while within 5 feet of you and a friendly beast, the wolf carving will howl loudly. The weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the weapon while you are within 5 feet of a friendly beast.
  • When a hostile humanoid or giant is reduced to 0 hit points while within 10 feet of you and at least 5 friendly beasts, the wolf carving's eyes become lifelike. The carving will once again howl loudly. The weapon gains a bonus to damage equal double your proficiency, while you are within 5 feet of a friendly beast. As proficiency increases, so does this extra bonus.
  • When a hostile giant is reduced to 0 hit points while within 15 feet of you and at least 10 friendly Beasts, the wolf carving becomes lifelike, the sound of a pack of wolves howling can be heard from all around. A winter wolf leaps out of the club, appearing in a space adjacent to you. The wolf is friendly to you and your allies, and follows your verbal commands without regard to its own safety. While you are within 5 feet of this wolf, the attack and damage bonus of this weapon is increased by 1. While you are holding this weapon, the attack and damage bonus of this weapon also applies to the attacks of all friendly Beasts within 30 feet of you. Their attacks become magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances. If the Winter Wolf is killed, this Property can be triggered again, reviving the Winter Wolf.

Kykvendi was once the walking staff of a giant who was infamous among his kin for his affinity to beasts.

by u/Zedman5000

Lash of Mammon

Weapon (rapier), very rare

This light rapier is made of red glass that bends and flexes with ease. The hilt is obsidian, and the pommel is carved with a caricature of a smiling devil, devil with a broad, open mouth. Perfectly wide enough for a standard gold coin. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Aid of Mammon. This weapon has one charge. You can expend one charge to give the blade the reach property, and deal an extra 3d8 fire damage on your next melee weapon attack with it. Once this ability is used up, the devil on the pommel will grin widely, until his mouth is approximately the size of a standard gold coin. Expended charges can be regained by inserting a total of 10GP into the mouth of the devil. Once the gold is inserted, it is sent straight to Mammon's vast coffers. The cost to refresh the charge should increase periodically, especially as the player gains more wealth, or needs to use the weapon more often.

This weapon was commissioned by Mammon, Arch Devil of Greed and Avarice. He is willing to lend his aid to anyone... For a price.

by u/proto_ziggy


Lash of Truth

Weapon (whip), legendary, (requires attunement by a lawful good spellcaster)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. You are proficient with this weapon while attuned. When you hit a Medium or smaller creature with this weapon, you can choose to use the Lash of Truth to grapple that creature. While grappling, the Lash of Truth cannot be used to attack. You can choose to end the grapple at any time. While grappling, The Lash of Truth functions similarly to the dimensional shackles magic item.

Diana's Truth. While a creature is grappled by the Lash of Truth, they are compelled to speak only the truth. A grappled creature can make a Wisdom saving throw against your Charisma spell save DC to resist this compulsion. If the creature fails to resist, they are compelled to avoid lying to you at all costs. If a creature successfully resists this compulsion, they take 2d8 + (your Charisma modifier) radiant damage. A creature can repeat its saving throw for every new question asked. A mastermind rogue is immune to these effects.

A golden whip, made from the shining braids of the dawn goddess. None can stand before the radiance of Truth.

By u/PantherophisNiger

The Lonely Child

Weapon (rapier), legendary requires attunement

This rapier was forged by Moradin. Made of sky-iron, and forged in the heart of a dying star. During the process, the metal split into twin rapiers, instead of the intended pickaxe. This rapier can pierce through any material, as it was originally meant as a tool for mining adamantium and mithril. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon This weapon has 6 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d4+1 expended charges at dawn.

All-Piercing Pickaxe. When you make an attack roll with this weapon, you can expend one charge to ignore the enemy's nonmagical armour and shield bonuses, treating the attack as if it was made against an unarmoured target.

Ore-Cunning. While holding this weapon, you can expend one charge to expel a warm blast of magic from the rapier. For one hour, you will be able to detect the presence of any metal within 60 feet of you.

"Skalds like to sing all about "sky iron", and the weapons made of it. But have ye ever met a smith who ever made anything out of it? Moradin himself couldn't forge a decent pickaxe out of the stuff!"

by u/Miss_Aia

Longbarrow's Arm

Weapon (longsword), legendary artifact (requires attunement by slaying an undead with the blade)

Longbarrow's Arm is a masterwork longsword with a black ceramic blade. The basic nature of this sword will be revealed if identify or legend lore is cast upon it. However, the curse will remain hidden unless identify is cast at 8th level or higher. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Longbarrow's Curse. This sword is cursed and possessed by a vengeful spirit. Becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it on your person at all times.

When confronted with undead, the sword will unsheath itself. The user's arm turns into a skeletal arm, wreathed in blue flame. The user will be compelled to destroy all undead within sight and all undead that enter an area within 120 of you are compelled to kill you. When you hit an undead with it, that target takes an extra 4d6 slashing damage. The sword drinks 1 hit point of blood from the user each day at midnight. The curse can only be removed by a cleric who casts the remove curse spell, at 8th level or higher.

The Arm was created when a fallen paladin named Longbarrow failed his vows to defend his temple from an undead incursion. With his last breath, he cursed his sword to never fail again.

by u/famoushippopotamus

Machin Shin

Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement)

This is a greatsword of immense size, made of a dense meteoric metal. This greatsword requires a minimum 19 Strength to wield. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The massive blade is designed to be wielded with unrestrained fury, with savage cleaving strikes rather than refined and precise swordplay. For this reason, mechanically it deals 1d12 bludgeoning damage, rather than 2d6 slashing. Inscribed in Infernal script on the blade is “Machin Shin,” in the devil's tongue meaning The Black Wind. When damage from Machin Shin brings a target to zero hit points, 2 failed Death Saves are also inflicted upon the target.

Machin Shin. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend a number of hit dice per round up to your Constitution modifier, adding the total to the damage dealt by Machin Shin as force damage. If all hit dice are expended, the extra damage rolled is also dealt to you as necrotic damage, bypassing resistance and immunity.

"You'll never catch me!" said the Man to Death. "I'll never chase you, I'll wait." Echoed the reply

by u/BillyBobWinkydinks


Maul of the Mule

Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)

The Maul of the Mule is adorned with laughing bronze mules as the head of the weapon. Halfway up the shaft of the weapon is a pressure packed hollow tube filled with the power of thunder. Glowing yellow runes adorn the weapon, which light up upon impact. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon

Kick of the Mule. This weapon has 1 charge, it regains daily at dawn. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend the charge to cause a thunderous power to erupt from the head of the weapon. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 thunder damage and be pushed 10 feet away from you on a failed save, or half as much damage and is not pushed away on a successful one. Instead of a thunderous "boom", you hear the obnoxious braying of a mule.

Legends speak of a dwarf so stubborn that he argued with a thunderstorm and won.

by u/Notorious_Bear_

Maul of Upheaval

Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)

This maul contains the image of a mountain with a crack running from tip to base on each side and is so heavy that it requires a Strength of 20 to wield. When using this maul you can only take attack actions every other round. The weight of this maul requires that you use an action setting it into a striking position. While wielding this maul, your movement speed is reduced by 5 feet, unless you are a Goliath.

When you hit a creature with this magic weapon, it takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage instead of its normal weapon damage and any creature within 5 feet of the targeted creature (not including you) takes 1d6 piercing damage from shrapnel flying out of the ground. Rogues can use their uncanny dodge to reduce this damage. This weapon counts as a siege weapon, doubling the damage it deals to structures and objects.

You can use an action to cast the erupting earth spell by striking the ground. After this occurs you must use an action to pry the maul out of the earth with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. You can use this property twice, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn.

Curse. This maul is cursed, a fact that is revealed only when you attune to it. Attuning to the maul curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the maul, keeping it on your person at all times. While attuned to this weapon, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons other than this one.

by u/posborne2

The Melodious Bow

Weapon (shortbow), very rare (requires attunement by a creature that has an instrument proficiency)

This magic weapon is also an instrument that deals thunder damage instead of piercing damage and requires no ammunition.

Symphony of Thunder. As an action, you can use this bow to cast the conjure volley spell without spell slots or components. The damage type is thunder damage. Each time you use this property, you must make a DC 13 performance skill check or the magical strings will snap, requiring special repair by an arcane blacksmith. Each time this feature is used, the performance DC and spell save DC increases by 5, resetting back to its normal DC normal daily at dawn.

An exquisitely crafted stringed instrument, perfect for bardic assassins. Most bardic colleges find this instrument/weapon to be a perversion of their craft.

by u/griveturtle

The Meteor

Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)

When you make an attack roll with this longbow, you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for its attack and damage rolls. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, unless your Strength score is higher than 14. Then the bonus is increased to +2. Arrows fried from this bow are magically lit on fire, and dealing fire damage instead of piercing damage. While attuned and wielding this weapon, you have fire resistance.

Meteor Strike. The Meteor has 4 charges. It regains 1d3 expended charges when you finish a long rest. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend one charge to cast the fireball spell, without spell components or spell slots, at the location where your arrow has hit.

The Meteor is warm to the touch. The Meteor was originally a gift for a ranger, crafted by his sorcerer friend.

by u/unstabledave105

Meteor Strike

Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)

Meteor Slam. This maul has 4 charges, and it regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn. When you fall more than 10 feet while wielding it, you can use your reaction to expend 1 of its charges to use its "Meteor Slam", which ends when you land. You take no falling damage when you use your Meteor Slam. When your "Meteor Slam" lands, each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet you fell, to a maximum of 20d4 on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Fashioned from a single stone that crashed to earth from above, this weighty maul seems to have never fully stopped falling.

by u/Cathartidae

Monomolecular Blade

Weapon (any sword), rare

A simple straight sword made out of a pale, nacreous metal. The edges winnow to a sharpness so fine that you cannot see. When you hit a creature with this weapon, it deals 3d6 piercing damage and bypasses armor (base AC instead of modified AC).

This weapon is so old and unstable that it only lasts 1d4-1 hits before exploding in a 10-foot radius around the wielder, dealing 2d10 piercing damage to each creature in that area. The DM should keep this aspect a secret, unless the PC succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check or uses the identify spell on it.

by u/micaholism

The Morning Star

Weapon (whip), legendary (requires attunement by a good-aligned creature)

This whip is made of a very long metal chain and has a heavy bludgeon on the end, but feels no harder to wield than an ordinary whip. This whip's damage die is 1d8, and has an increased range up to 15 feet. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit an fiend or undead with it, that target takes an extra 2d8 radiant damage. When a fiend or undead is reduced to 0 hit points by this weapons damage, its body explodes in a blast of radiance, dealing 2d8 radiant damage to any creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the fiend or undead creature.

A famed whip, wielded by a family dedicated to the eradication of the unholy and undead.

by u/Zedman5000

Musashi's Bane

Weapon (sword), legendary (requires attunement)

This magic longsword has the finesse property. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack while this magic sword is in your main hand, the target takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. When wielded in the off-hand, it grants you a +1 to your AC. If you wield the blade with both hands, you gain both bonuses. This sword grants increasing bonuses as you level up.

Level Weapon bonus AC
1-9 +1 +1
10-14 +2 +2
15+ +3 +3

Cursed. This sword is cursed and possessed by the soul of a devil, Becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear.

This sword craves demon's blood above all. When you are in the same room as a demon at the start of each round you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or be compelled by the soul of the devil inside to destroy that demon above all else. When you hit a demon with this sword you deal an extra 2d6 slashing damage to it. If you slay a demon with this blade, you regain 2d6 health.

If you attack a devil with this sword, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be struck dumb by the sword. You are rendered incapacitated until the end of your next turn. Additionally, if you kill a devil with this weapon, you suffer 2d6 psychic damage as the soul of the devil in the sword shows its disgust in the deed.

The sword that Mushashi traded his soul for. The black edge of the blade is beautifully accented with blood red ripples from its folding. The blade contains the soul of Zariel's finest sword-master, who always craved battle.

by u/Pablo_Scrablo

Pale-Shrouded Weapon

Weapon (any bladed weapon), rare

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. The DC is the damage dealt by the attack + your Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the target is teleported 15 feet, to a location of your choosing that that you can see. This effect cannot place the target inside of terrain (such as walls, furniture, or ground).

This weapon remains cool to the touch at all times. The blade crawls with intangible waves and tendrils of white and gray ink. Those dealt a sufficiently deadly wound by the weapon find themselves hurtling, for an instant, through a void of colorless shapes.

by u/Plunderberg


Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement)

A shining silvery warhammer engraved with a complicated tribal pattern. The handle has the phrase "Wait for your time to strike" engraved into it in Dwarven script. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.


When you would roll for initiative, you can choose (before rolling) to go last in the initiative order. When you are last in the initiative order the pattern on Patience's head begins to glow a dull red and it gives an extra +1 to attack and damage rolls until the end of combat.

This hammer was commissioned to teach a hasty Dwarven prince the value of patience.

by u/BlackTomePress

Pet Sword

Weapon (longsword), uncommon

While seemingly a regular longsword at first glance, closer inspection reveals that the handle is covered in something best described as black and orange fur. The sword appears to be semi-sentient and responds to its surroundings to a limited degree. It softly purrs when stroked, hisses when struck in battle and meows when stuck in a sheath for extended periods of time or in close proximity to fish.

Keen smell. The sword responds to certain scents. Once per day, the sword grants its user advantage on a skill check that relies on smell.

Feline Grace. The owner of the sword always lands on his feet. This sword has 2 charges. It regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While holding the sword, the user can use its reaction and expend one charge to cast the feather fall spell on themselves without the use of material components or spell slots.

Pet Swords were once produced on a large scale by a circle of wizards long forgotten. Lacking any special offensive capabilities, they were mainly created as gag gifts and frequently switched owners. As the circle was disbanded, no more Pet Swords were created and the commodity slowly faded into obscurity. Nowadays, only a few of these characteristic swords remain. Despite not being particularly suited for combat, they often fetch a decent price from the right buyer.

by u/Bertbrekfust

Pike of the Legion

Weapon (pike), uncommon (normal variant), Rare (banner variant) (requires attunement)

This Pike is simple but well crafted; when the weapon is held, you feel more confident near your allies, but you will feel nervous while alone, even before the weapon is attuned. All Pikes of the Legion have the following property:

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon while within 5 feet of an ally. This bonus is increased to +2 if the ally is wielding a Bulwark of the Legion, Conduit of the Legion, Pike of the Legion, or Staff of the Legion.

Banner Variant. The banner bearer's allies also feel more confident while near them. Any banner hung from the pike is safe from being torn, burned, or dirtied. Allies within 5 feet of the banner bearer gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using melee and throwing weapons, and those weapons are considered magical if they were not already. This attack and damage bonus cannot cause a weapon to have an attack and damage bonus greater than +3.

These pikes were produced for a once-unstoppable army. Each unit had a banner bearer, who was the center of every formation, and was protected fervently.

by u/Zedman5000

Planetar's Blade

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement by a lawful good creature)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 2d8 radiant damage. This damage is increased to 3d8 radiant damage against undead and fiends.

Only the Just. If the pommel of this sword is touched by a creature that is not lawful good, this sword deals 1d4 radiant damage to that creature. If held by such a creature, it will continue to inflict this damage at the start of each of that creature's turns. If a creature tells a lie while holding this sword, it breaks attunement immediately, and deals 2d8 radiant damage to the liar.

The Truth Always Reveals Itself. You innately know when you hear a lie. Additionally, you can cast detect evil and good as a bonus action, without using components or spell slots. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a long or short rest.

This is a sword normally wielded by a planetar. It could conceivably be a gift from a deity to a very high level follower. If taken from a fallen planetar, its patron will likely be determined to retrieve it. The sword could also be part of a path to ascendancy, slowly turning a mortal into a new planetar.

by u/thephoenixtome

Poison Ivy

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a druid)

This shortsword has a hidden compartment in the pommel that can store poison. As a bonus action, this sword can be commanded to become a 10-foot bladed whip or back to its original form. Once it transforms back into its original form, it can't transform into its whip form until you finish a short or long rest.


While in whip form, the weapon will deal extra damage or effects according to the kind of poison that has been stored inside of the pommel. DMs can decide which poisons are available; the poison list on pg. 257 of the Dungeon Master's Guide is recommended.

A powerful druid of Chuult crafted this weapon out of molten lava and recycled tree roots. Once extended, thorns protrude from the blade, and roots hold together the disjointed blade parts.

by u/KunYuL

Predator’s Talon

Weapon (dagger), rare

When you hit a creature with this weapon while falling, you transfer all fall damage to your target, up to 10d6 damage (100 ft). Any fall damage after 10d6 affects you as normal.

A brown dagger with feather motif on the hilt. There is a hawk’s eye gem in the pommel.

by u/R_bubbleman_E_6


Weapon (any light weapon), legendary (requires attunement by a creature with at least 18 Dexterity)

This weapon is a hollow hilt filled with magical liquid metal known as quicksilver. You must have a Dexterity score of 18 or higher to wield this weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Once per turn, if you roll a 1 on an attack roll with this weapon, you can choose to reroll that attack instead.

You can cast the minor illusion cantrip at will, but you must succeed on an DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check when attempting to cast it, or the cantrip fails and your action is wasted.

Liquid Metal. As a reaction, you can concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell) to cause the liquid metal within the hilt to form any light weapon. This new weapon shares the same magical bonus as quicksilver and has the finesse property. If your concentration becomes broken, the metal immediately retreats into the handle.

Hermes Dart. As part of the Attack action you can make a single ranged weapon attack with quicksilver found in the hilt (60/120, +3 to hit). If you can make multiple attacks in a turn, this replaces one of them.

On a hit, the target takes 3d6 piercing damage and must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on Dexterity and Strength saving throws and Wisdom (Perception) checks until the metal exits their body by death, or you use an action to recall it into the swords hilt. While the metal remains in the body you cannot use the hermes dart again.

Calomel Toxin. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can have liquid metal in the hilt enter the target's wound. At the start of the creature's turns, they take 6d8 poison damage. At the end of their turn they must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, removing the liquid metal from their bodies on a successful save. Once used, you cannot use this property again until you spend 1 minute collecting the liquid metal back into the hilt.

The perfectly symmetrical hilt has gaps, where you can see that it is filled with a highly reflective silvery liquid metal. This wizard who created this "living metal" tragically passed away at a very early age, after succumbing to a strange madness.

by u/Duke_Paul

Rainbow Sword of Prince Ro'Lann

Weapon (longsword), legendary artifact (requires attunement by fey-allied creature)

Colors swirl in dizzying, mad patterns on the strange steel of this blade. The name of Prince Rolan shines in Sylvan writing on the crossguard of the sword. This is a longsword has the finesse property.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, that deals double damage against vampires, and their thralls. While wielding this blade, you cannot be charmed by spells, abilities or effects used by a vampire. You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks with anyone raised within an elven culture.

Those were the days of The Rainbow Guard. Led by Prince Ro'Lann of Santini, each youth was chosen by Queen Tatiana herself, to guard The Feywild against the vampire scourge.

by u/PantherophisNiger

Ram’s Crossing

Weapon (heavy crossbow), rare (requires attunement)

This imposing crossbow is made of a mixture of heavy wood and iron; a ram’s head, lowered in a charge, adorns the front of this bow. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, and attacks made with this weapon deal double damage to non living objects or structures made of stone or weaker materials.

Ram's Fury. While wielding this bow, you can choose to fire an arrow with the force of a charging ram. On a hit the attack deals an extra 2d10 piercing damage and the target must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked back 10 feet and are knocked prone. You can use this property a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier, regaining all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.


A favorite of siege commanders, these crossbows are reserved only for elite heavy infantry.

by u/Zenrayeed

Reaper's Scythe

Weapon (glaive), legendary artifact (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic glaive, the target takes an extra 1d8 necrotic damage. When you attack a creature with this magic weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, the target takes an extra 2d12 necrotic damage.

Harvest Time. You can use an action, to cast the sickening radiance or destructive wave spell at 5th level from it, without using any spell slots or components. The save DC for these spells is 17. Once used, you can't use this property again until the next dawn.

Put Down Your Dead. When you hit an undead with it, that target takes an extra 3d8 force damage.

by u/posborne2


Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 3d6 radiant damage. In addition, while you hold this dagger, you are constantly under the effect of the Aura of Vitality spell, but no other creature can benefit from the healing it provides but you.

Defend the Faithful. This weapon has 7 charges. As an action, you can expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells from it: bless (1 charge), heroism (1 charge), shield of faith (1 charge), protection from evil and good (1 charge), or revivify (4 charges).

Alternatively, you can use your bonus action to expend one charge to make a creature within 10 feet of you to instantly succeed on a death saving throw. Lastly you can spend 6 charges to negate all damage from an incoming attack, effect or spell directed at you. This weapon regains 1d6+1 charges at dawn.

by u/Stercore_


Weapon (morningstar), legendary (requires attunement by a paladin)

A bright steel morningstar of plain, effective, and simple design. The only adornment is a swirling triangle engraved into the round pommel. This mark is known as the Rune of Pursuit.

This weapon is meant to develop in power with the character over the course of a campaign. There are 3 stages of power to be attained, as the character progresses: Dormant (1-5), Awakened (6-10), and Ascendant(11-20).

Dormant. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, The Rune of Pursuit empowers the righteous to deal swift justice to the wicked. Whenever you make an opportunity attack with this weapon, you do so at advantage.

Awakened. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, This weapon has 3 charges. It regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest. As an action you can expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spell ability modifier: inflict wounds (1 charge), heat metal (2 charges). You can expend additional charges. For each additional charge you spend, you increase the level the spell is cast at by 1.

Ascendant. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, and your divine smites die damage is increased to a d10. This weapon has 6 charges. It regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest. As an action you can expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: inflict wounds (1 charge), heat metal (2 charges), wall of fire (4 charges), and disintegrate (6 charges). You can expend additional charges. For each additional charge you spend, you increase the level the spell is cast at by 1.

The Rune of Pursuit is the mark of Trithereon, a God of Retribution. Above all else, Trithereon abhors evil going unpunished. He grants his Rune of Pursuit to those he deems worthy.

by u/BillyBobWinkydinks

Rose & Thorn

Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)

This item appears to be a silver bracelet, set with a rose-cut garnet. As a bonus action, you can speak the command word "Thorn" to transform it into a magic dagger that appears in the hand of the wrist that the bracelet was on. If your hand is not free, the dagger falls to the ground. While holding the dagger, as a bonus action, you can speak the command word "Rose" to transform it into a bracelet around your wrist. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this dagger.

Beware their beauty or you might feel their sting

by u/Nothik

Sange, Yasha, and Kaya

Unique Items, legendary artifacts (requires attunement)

    Sange. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this dagger. Your Strength ability score and Constitution ability score increases by 1. When you hit with this weapon, it has a 50% chance to maim the target, reducing their movement speed by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. If multiple attacks are made with this weapon in a round, the maim effect stacks.


    Yasha. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this scimitar. In addition, your Dexterity ability score increases by 1 and your movement speed is increased by 10 feet.

Kaya. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic quarterstaff. The quarterstaff acts as a spellcasting focus for you and it amplifies the damage of all spells by one damage die.

The power of Sange, Yasha, and Kaya grows when they are in close proximity to each other. When two of these three weapons are within 30 feet of each other, their attack and damage bonus is increased to +2. When all three weapons are together, their attack and damage bonus is increased to +3.

These three weapons were forged from the same Shard of Valoria at the height of the 3rd age by Ardenian magi. Over the centuries, they changed hands many times. During the 7th age, they came to Grand Vizier Octavio. Each weapon was engraved for one of Octavio's favorite soldiers.

by u/budakang

Shadowbane, Blade of Final Rest

Weapon (longsword), legendary artifact (requires attunement by a hexblade warlock)

This longsword is permanently covered in a layer of dense smoke, leaving a dark trail as it is swung. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. The sword allows you to cast the conjure canine spell once per long rest, without expending spell slots or components.

Conjure Canine


  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours.

You summon creatures that appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. Choose one of the following options for what appears. Alternatively, you can use the sword to cast this spell as a ritual (10 minutes) to summon 4 wargs.

Number Creature Max Hit points
One Winter wolf - Large beast 56
Two Giant hyena - Large beast 28
1d4 Warg - Large monstrosity 21
1d4+1 Blink dog - Medium fey 14
2d4+2 Mastiff - Medium beast 7

Each creature is also considered a fiend, and it disappears when it drops to 0 hit points. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your allies. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which will have its own turn. The summoned creatures will obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you do not issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.

Found in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption, the voice of Cerberus reveals that he has been imprisoned by the Raven Queen for denying her souls, and must now repay her tenfold.

by u/csquirrelrun


Wondrous item, rare or very rare, (requires special attunement)

Attunement: This item is a vial of thick, black liquid. To attune to this, a creature who is not a warlock with the pact of the blade feature must consume the liquid (if a warlock with the pact of the blade consumes this liquid, they will immediately gag, retch and vomit the liquid back up). Upon attunement, the liquid bonds with the creature’s blood. Attunement cannot be broken until the creature dies, or via the wish spell.

While the Shadowblood is in your veins, you gain the pact of the blade feature, as described in The Player’s Handbook. If Shadowblood is of the Very Rare variety, you also gain the Eldritch Invocation, "Improved Pact Weapon". Eldritch Invocations granted by Shadowblood do not count against your total Eldritch Invocations (if you have any from a class). To summon your Pact of the Blade weapon, Shadowblood must emerge from the wrist of your main hand, and form the weapon. It will deal 1d4 piercing to you everytime it emerges, bypassing any resistance or immunity you have.

"My blood is black, you know."



Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement)

This flail magically finds its way around any shield. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon against any target with a shield. If you hit a creature wielding a shield, their shield is knocked away by the attack, giving your allies a +2 bonus to attack rolls against them until the start of the target's next turn.

This weapon was created to defeat a famous enemy, whose shield was said to be infallible.

by u/Zedman5000


The Slamtern

Weapon (warhammer), uncommon (requires attunement)

This magical warhammer bears the appearance of the end of a streetlamp, with spiked bars protecting the candle inside. As an action, you can speak the command word (light), and cause the lantern head to light up as if the light cantrip was cast upon it. Light cast by this weapon penetrates magical darkness, up to and including a 3rd level darkness spell. While the Slamtern is lit, it deals an extra 1d4 fire damage.

This weapon was created by a mad old merchant, seemingly out of an ordinary streetlamp. The original owner claims that upon giving him the weapon, the merchant cackled and disappeared in a flash of moths and fireflies.

by u/Zenrayeed

Slip Razor

Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, When you hit with a ranged weapon attack, you can use your movement to teleport to the target's location. If you do, you can use your bonus action to make one melee weapon attack with this weapon. If the throw misses, the dagger blinks back into your hand before it hits the ground.

"Reality is such a thin, fragile thing. If the cut is wide enough, any number of things could slip in, or out."

by u/DownHouse


Weapon (lance), rare (requires attunement by a creature with the frostbite cantrip)

This Lance looks like a giant icicle with a handle. It has 6 charges and regains 1d6 charges each dawn. During the winter, it regains all charges at midnight when the temperature drops below freezing. You can use an action to expend one charge to cast the ice knife spell from it.

These lances are fashioned out of the icicles that hang over the mantle of the Frost Giant King.

by u/General_Gears

Soul Knife

Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement by a creature with orc ancestry”

To attune to this weapon, you must have orc ancestry within 4 generations. Attunement requires convincing the spirit of the knife that you are worthy to wield it.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This dagger is capable of injuring opponents who have slipped into the Ethereal Plane. When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack with this weapon, this weapon deals an extra 1d6 piercing damage.

Protector spirit. When your hit points are reduced to 0, the spirit within the weapon manifests as one of the creatures appropriate to your character level (found on the spirit form table) and attacks the first creature it sees. The spirit remains under the control of the DM, but it will not allow you to come to harm. The spirit is hostile to all elves, regardless of their relationship to you. The spirit will only retreat back into the blade if it is reduced to 0 hit points, or if the wielder regains consciousness. Once this property has been used, the spirit can't come to your defense again until you finish a long rest. If you are a half-orc, this feature is not activated until after your relentless endurance feature has been expended.

Player levels Spirit form
1-3 Specter
4-6 Will O' Wisp
7-9 Sword Wraith Warrior
10-12 Ghost
12-15 Wraith
16-20 Sword Wraith Commander

After an honorable death, some orcs are bound to daggers made of their own remains. Such blades are highly prized family heirlooms.

by u/1Jusdorange

Spiritualist's Weapon

Weapon (any simple melee weapon), rare (requires attunement by a cleric)

This is a weapon that glows faintly while in the hands of a cleric. You gain a +q bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. While spiritual weapon is active, this weapon emanates a faint ethereal mist.

Spiritualist's Weapon. This weapon has 3 charges, and regains 1d4-1 charges daily at Dawn or Dusk, whichever is more appropriate for your deity. As a bonus action, you can expend one charge to cast the spiritual weapon spell from it, without using any spell slots or components. While spiritual weapon is active, successfully hitting a creature with this weapon will grant your spiritual weapon advantage on the next attack it makes before the end of your turn. Hitting a creature with your spiritual weapon grants that same advantage to this weapon.

These weapons are blessed for 1 year in a shrine, absorbing radiant energy, before they are bonded to a wielder

by u/Zenrayeed


Staff of the Kraken

Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement)

With a rigid tentacle-like appearance, this quarterstaff seems to stretch and wiggle as it is swung through the air. It makes a wet slapping sound when it strikes. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon,

Stretchy. When you make an attack roll with this weapon, you can extend the quarterstaff mid-strike, giving it the reach property until the start of your next turn. Doing so reduces the damage die of the staff by one step (down to 1d4 or 1d6 when used with two hands).

Reach of Hadar. This staff has 10 charges, and regains 1d6+4 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 2 of its charges to cast the arms of hadar spell, or spend 4 charges to cast the arms of hadar spell at 3rd level. The spell DC is 15. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff vanishes in a splash of seawater, lost forever.

The very tips of the tentacles of colossal cephalopods are magically petrified to create this quarterstaff. The thick end is carved down to a smooth handle, and engraved with the runes required to summon the powers of Hadar.

by u/csquirrelrun

Storm Chakram

Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

This chakram has a leather handle, surrounded by circular metal shaped in a lightning bolt motif. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit with a ranged weapon attack using this magic dagger, the target takes an extra 1d6 lightning damage.

Storm Conductor. This weapon has 3 charges. When you hit a creature wearing metal armor, or an enemy made of metal, you can expend a charge to deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to the target and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw, or be knocked prone. The Storm Chakram regains 1 expended charge at dawn or 3 expended charges if there was a storm overnight.

When you hold this weapon close to your ear, you hear the faint sound of a thunderstorm. When thrown this weapon seems to be comfortable in the air, as if greeting a long lost friend.

by u/Shrapnel_Sponge

Survivor's Bow

Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires special attunement)

Attunement to this weapon requires nurturing a live ironwood sapling for one week; until the plant has grown into a small tree with branches large enough to be woven into a bow. Attunement also requires a Wisdom score of at least 13.

This weapon acts as a weapon of warning that is comprised of still-living wood. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. Grafts from this bow can be planted into suitable mountain soil, to grow more ironwood trees. The branches of this bow must be pruned once per week, to avoid overgrowth. An overgrown bow will grant disadvantage when used. If the bow is not pruned for 3 weeks, it will begin to grow roots and no longer function as a bow. If the bow is not watered at least once a week, it will die and become a mundane longbow.

Fruit of Wisdom. This weapon sheds 1d10 goodberries daily at dawn, while it is healthy. The berries dissolve after 24 hours.

Friend of the Forest. If watered at least once during the past day, a creature attuned to the bow can cast the locate animals or plants spell as an action, without using components or spell slots. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next day.

Loyalty of the Trees. If a creature other then the one attuned to the bow tries to use it, the bow triggers a snare spell centered on itself with a DC of 18. The bow has to be watered again before another snare spell could be triggered this way.

The first Goliath druids used their connection to nature to create survivor’s bows. This magical craft has been passed down from one druid generation to the next until today. Now, Goliath druids gift these weapons to rangers, fighters and other allies in order to help them survive the harsh life of the mountain.

by u/1Jusdorange

Sword of the Dragon

Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement by a dragonborn)

The blade of this sword is decorated with an imprint of a serpentine dragon. Inscribed near the hilt is the phrase “Feel my roar!” in Draconic runes. When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry and you can use your breath weapon feature as a bonus action. If you do not possess any uses of your breath weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, you regain one use of your breath weapon and can use it as a bonus action.

Feel my roar!

by u/DordLord


Sword of Dungeons and Dragons

Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)

When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage. To determine the damage type, roll 2d10 and choose one of the d10s. The number rolled on that die determines the attack's damage type, as shown below.

   d10    Damage Type
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Force
5 Lightning
   d10    Damage Type
6 Necrotic
7 Poison
8 Psychic
9 Radiant
10 Thunder

If you roll the same number on both d10s, then roll 2d10 again, and choose one to add (for a total of 3d6 damage). If you keep rolling doubles, the damage will continue to stack.

by u/Zenog400

Sword of the Grave

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a Grave Cleric)

Runes on the side of this magical shortsword will glow brilliantly in the presence of undead. This light counts as sunlight, and sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 30 feet beyond that. The runes on the side of the blade are celestial script. When you hit an undead with it, that target takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage.

This weapon has 3 charges. It regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest.

When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend a charge to increase damage die (d6 to a d8) of either the "slashing" damage die, or the "radiant" damage die.

The Seer saw me, the Smith forged me, the Light blessed me, and Fate wields me so that no Dead shall walk in Life.

by u/BillyBobWinkydinks

Sword of the Great Willow

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement by a good-aligned creature)

A pure white, longsword, seemingly made of one piece save for a light blue gem resting within the hilt. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. In place of its normal damage, this longsword deals 2d10 slashing damage on a hit, or 2d12 slashing damage if it is wielded in both hands. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot bring a sapient creature below 1 hit point. While you are attuned to the weapon and it is on your person, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made with the intent to prevent or stop conflict.

Blessing of the Willow. If you suffer fatal damage while wielding this weapon, you instead restore hit points equal to half your hit point maximum (rounded up), and the sword erupts into blades of grass, leaving behind a small, blade-shaped seed.

This sword longs for another adventure.

This weapon is the crystallized soul of a great warrior of old, who learned to seek peace rather than victory near the end of their life.

by u/Zenrayeed


Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement by a monk who meditates while in contact with the weapon from dusk till dawn)

Toros are ornamental lanterns. Ancient ones were made of thick brass with jade and amber motifs while new ones can be made of other metals. They are tied to a long chain, and can be wielded as a flail.

Light. By expending a single ki point, and channeling it into the Toro, you can light this lantern. While lit, the Toro can act as either a hooded or a bullseye lantern (your choice). While the toro is lit, you can expend a number of ki points to cast the following spells without material components or spell slots: detect evil and good (1 ki), detect magic (1 ki), find traps (3 ki), detect thought (3 ki), see invisibility (3 ki), or daylight (5 ki).

The very first monks followed the way of the sun soul, and acted as shining beacons of hope in the Long Night. They created the toros for their fellow monks.

by u/1Jusdorange

An Unseelie Accord

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals cold damage instead of piercing damage. When you deal damage with this weapon, roll a d6. Continue to roll that d6 until you roll a 3, 4, or 5. For every 6 you roll on the die, you take 3 cold damage.

Curse of Winter. This sword is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear. This curse can be lifted on a Wisdom save (DC 20), or if an ally persuades you to do so (DC 24).

A pact made with the Winter Court is not one easily broken. One way or another, the Queen of Air and Darkness collects her due.


by u/DownHouse

Unstable Weapon

Weapon (any), uncommon

This weapon crackles with magical energy. You have +7 to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

Deteriorating. When you hit with this weapon, the bonus to attack and damage is reduced by 1. When it is reduced to -3, it will explode, dealing 2d6 force damage to all creatures within 20ft.

Unstable Weapons are usually created by failed attempts to create +3 weapons.

By u/BuffwingCombolord

Vajra of the Divine Hand

Weapon (greatclub), very rare (requires attunement by a good aligned cleric, monk, or paladin

Divine Hand. As an action, you can target one creature that is an Aberration, Elemental, Fey Fiend or Undead. The targeted creature must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw, or else be paralyzed for 1 minute. The affected creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, but suffers 2d8 radiant damage on a failed save. You must maintain concentration for this effect. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

The Wandering Orphan

Weapon (rapier), legendary (requires attunement)

This rapier was forged with the ability to summon elemental energy from another plane. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. This weapon has 6 charges for the following other properties. This weapon regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Energy of the Planes. When you hit with this weapon, you can expend one charge to deal an extra 2d6 fire, cold, lightning, or acid damage (your choice).

Forgefather's Sight. You can expend one charge to expel a warm blast of magic from the rapier, detecting the whereabouts of any metal in a 60-foot area around you.

This rapier was forged by Moradin himself. He intended to create a mighty pickaxe, but the metal split apart into twin rapiers.

by u/Miss_Aia

Weapon of Deaf

Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. If identify is cast upon the weapon, the weapon will reveal that it can allow the wielder to use speak with dead, but does not reveal its curse.

Whispers of Death. After killing an enemy, you hear up to three scenes where the slain creature was present within its lifetime.

Curse. This weapon is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. When the curse is removed, you regain your hearing, but you are no longer attuned to this weapon.

While cursed by this weapon you are deafened. Whenever you cause damage with this weapon, you can hear through your opponent's ears until the next time you cause damage with the weapon, or until combat has ceased.

These weapons were created as a cruel trick played by an ancient army's battle mage, who slowly lost his hearing due to his old age.

by u/MaxFandango

Whirling Blade

Weapon (glaive), rare (requires 14 Dexterity to use)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When an enemy first enters your reach, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against it with this weapon.

The momentum of this blade allows the wielder to effortlessly flow through combat, finding targets with ease. Once wielded by a local hero who held a narrow mountain pass against invading gnolls, it is now a ceremonial weapon, used only infrequently.

by u/Duke_Paul

Witchblade (a hobgoblin magic weapon)

Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires special attunement by a barbarian, fighter, monk, or rogue)

Attuning to this weapon requires the honorable killing of a sapient creature with the witchblade, by a martial class.

A witchblade is a large, slightly curved dagger (similar to a kukri).

Absorb weapon. The witchblade can absorb any weapon with a hilt. You can perform a one hour ritual requiring 20 GP worth of black sand (which the ritual consumes) as well as physical contact with the witchblade and the weapon to be absorbed. At the end of the ritual, the other weapon is destroyed. The witchblade can now take the shape and properties of that weapon. This will not allow you to bypass any attunement requirements of the absorbed weapon. Artifacts and sentient weapons cannot be absorbed; the ritual simply fails if attempted with such weapons.

Reshape. As a part of an attack action, you can command it to take the shape and properties of a previously absorbed weapon.

Shared Experience. The bond between the witchblade and the wielder leaves an imprint on the weapon. You are able to draw upon the experiences of the previous wielders. You can cast the true strike cantrip as an action.


Borrowed Properties. When the witchblade is in its true form, it can borrow certain magical properties from absorbed weapons. If a weapon with one of the following properties is absorbed, the witchblade shares the property when in its dagger form. The properties are cumulative unless stated otherwise. Warning, [+1, +2 or +3] (choose one), [Vicious, Life Stealing] (choose one), Wounding.

An unknown member of the Hobgoblin Academy of Devastation found a way to draw on the sharp and malleable magical energies of the desert night. He or she then infused a series of bronze blades with this dark energy during their casting. The results were powerful shape-shifting weapons: the witchblades.

by u/1Jusdorange

Wraith Blade

Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)

This wicked, semi translucent blade has the finesse property. When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d6 psychic damage. After you attune to this weapon, it becomes invisible while sheathed; the blade and sheath reappear when the weapon is drawn.

Call Vassal (1/day). Once per day, as an action, you can call forth a Sword Wraith Warrior to serve you for 1 hour. The warrior obeys your commands, as a loyal vassal. It will not obey suicidal, demeaning, or dishonorable commands and can end the summons if pushed. As a bonus action on your turn you can give the Vassal a command. Given no other orders the Vassal defends the wielder for 1 hour or until the Wraith drops to 0 hit points. This ability recharges at dawn.

Cursed. This weapon is cursed. If you die while attuned to this weapon, your spirit will rise as a Sword Wraith Commander after 24 hours. When killed, your spirit leaves behind a Wraith Blade and becomes the vassal of the next wielder. Only a wish or reincarnate spell can reverse this, once your spirit has risen.

Some wraiths decide to further bind themselves to their sword, to better serve the one who defeated them as a vassal. This binding also carries with it the curse of wraithdom. When the wielder dies, they are doomed to take the wraith's place.

by u/Navex575

Wyldwood Bow

Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)

This wooden bow is made of a single, uncarved branch, the wood is still green with life. While wielding this bow, you have advantage on any attacks made on targets you can see. Trees, underbrush and general growth do not provide cover for targets of this weapon.

Friend of the Wood. You can use an action to cast the pass without trace spell, without consuming a spell slot or components. Once used, you can't use this property again until the next dawn.

These bows are made by the wood elves, to better hunt their prey in the Feywild. Pray that they don't seek you.

by u/Zenrayeed

Yolo's Greataxe

Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement)

A heavily chipped and notched greataxe made of plain iron. The name Yolo is carved sloppily into the haft. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

You Only Live Once. While wielded, Yolo's Greataxe allows you to disregard your own safety to attack with wild abandon. This greataxe allows you to use the "Reckless Attack" feature that is normally reserved for barbarians.

Legends tell of a powerful gnome mercenary who would hurtle himself into combat screaming his own name, heedless of the danger. Much of his history has been lost to time but the name remains, and it is not uncommon to see warriors invoke his blessing as they rush into battle by screaming "Yolo!" at the top of their lungs.

by u/BlackTomePress



Strange items, baubles and oddments that don't neatly fit into the other categories.

Acarum's Sleigh

Vehicle, artifact (requires attunement)

This ornate sleigh produces a perceivable aura of transmutation. The sleigh is a 10ft x 20ft rectangle, and can fit up to eight medium creatures or two large creatures. While riding in this sleigh, you can use a reaction to make the sleigh move up to 40 feet on initiative count 20.

Never Ending Voyage. While traveling in this sleigh, you know the direction north is at all times. You have advantage on all skill checks against being lost while in the sleigh. Anyone inside of the sleigh has resistance to cold damage.

Frosty Tracks. This sleigh produces a thick crust of ice beneath its runners. This sleigh can be driven over water, riding across this layer of ice. This sleigh leaves a clear trail of ice in its wake.

Glacial Magic. While riding in this sleigh, you can innately cast the following spells at their base level using a spell save DC of 17 and a +9 spell attack modifier.

At will: ray of frost
3/day each: conjure minor elementals, ice knife, snilloc's snowball storm
1/day each: cone of cold, investiture of ice, wall of ice

by u/Numbers1999


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This is a long, feathery quill that appears just like any mundane quill. The quill must be paired to a pot of ink and a book in order to work. To pair the ink, quill and book, you must fill the quill with the ink, and write your name in the book.

Take a Note. So long as the quill's paired inkpot and book are within 5', the quill will activate and begin writing down everything that is said within your hearing distance (depends on your sensory abilities).

End Notes. If the quill is currently taking notes, it will stop taking notes. The quill will lay itself down at a point that is perfectly in-between its paired inkpot and book.

by u/greyff

Bag of Paper Men

Wondrous item, uncommon

A bag with 100 red paper men. Upon speaking the command word the paper men will animate, and can be commanded by whomever holds their bag. The men cannot speak but eagerly communicate via miming. A single man stands 6 inches tall, 4 inches wide and can pick up .2 lbs.

This bag was said to have belonged to a great female swordsman who hunted monsters alongside her husband.

by u/ImAllANOME

The Book of Elvenkind

Wondrous item, artifact (requires special attunement)

The Book of Elvenkind is a divine register of all Elvenkind. The Gatekeeper of the Elven Afterlife maintains a record of every Eladrin, High Elf, Shadar-Kai, Sea Elf, Wood Elf and Drow (if your lore finds it applicable) that has ever lived and died. The tome is written in an ancient dialect of Sylvan; it requires fluency in Sylvan and proficiency in History in order to attune to it. Gaps in the registry can be explained by actions that occurred outside the sight of the Elven gods, or actions that have been obscured by Lolth. Notably, half-elves are omitted.

History of the Elves. You have advantage and double your proficiency bonus on any check to discover matters of Elven history.

Family Secrets. As an action, you can use the tome to look up the biographical details of any Elf whose name is recorded in The Book of Elvenkind. For the next hour, you have advantage on all Charisma checks made to interact with that individual elf.

by u/PantherophisNiger

Branding Iron of Subjugation

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A tool used by evil creatures, most often powerful devils, to brand their slaves, servants, and enemies as their property and as their target.

Evil Brand. You can use the brand to mark the flesh of a creature. This brand cannot be healed unless by means of wish. If the flesh that has been branded is removed and regenerated, the brand will grow back as well. A creature that is branded by the Branding Iron of Subjugation gains no benefit from spells such as nondetection that would otherwise allow it to hide from whomever branded them. While in an area where magic does not exist, such as an area affected by antimagic field, the bearer of the brand is as concealed as any other creature within, though the brand remains in place. If the Branding Iron is destroyed, all magical effects of the brand stop and the mark becomes a regular scar that can be healed by the usual spells, such as heal or regenerate.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Brass Pocket Watch of Ages Past

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A brass pocket watch adorned with scratches and fraught with neglect. It doesn't keep time very well; the second hand twitches futilely in place while the hour hand spins around nonsensically.

Time Purchase. As a reaction, you can wind the pocket watch back 1 hour, and undo any one creature's action. The pocket watch will become visibly and dramatically weathered.


Curse. This item is cursed and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. If you attempt to rid yourself of the watch while cursed, it returns to you within 1 minute.

While cursed, you have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws and the pocket watch will begin to restore itself by draining away the life of its bearer. Whenever the item is used, you permanently reduce your hit point maximum by 1. Additionally, you make Constitution saves at disadvantage.

This pocket watch was originally made by a madman who sought to control time itself.

by u/neiderhauser77

Candle of Leng

Wondrous item, very rare

This is a round, fat candle made of an oddly fragrant wax. Nobody seems to be able to agree on the exact color. Shadows play strangely on the walls when this candle is lit.

The Light That is Not Light. When lit in a place of total darkness, the Candle of Leng will cast ultraviolet light in a 10-foot radius. While within this light, all writing is automatically translated into your native language. This is the only property of this item that is revealed by identify or similar magic. Other properties are not identified or discovered by any means short of wish.

Still You Run. When the candle is lit, the DM should stealthily roll initiative for anyone standing within the light. Any creature that enters the light, or begins their turn inside of the light, must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the creature can spend an action to read 1 page of illuminated text. On a failed save, a creature must run away screaming from the candle, and remain afraid of the candle for 24 hours. If the lit candle is left alone in a room, it will vanish forever.

Luck Runs Out. If a creature succeeds against the fear caused by the Candle of Leng 9 times, then on that creature's 10th success, the candle will summon an Eldritch Abomination of the DM's choice. Paladin immunity to fear, or a similar ability, counts as a success.

Valuable items much sought after by scholars, Candles of Leng can occasionally be purchased from Lengi traders when they descend from their plateau. Rumors say that those who spend too long in the candle's light sometimes disappear as well.

by u/-1stDoctor

Cauldron of Brewing

Wondrous item, uncommon

This cast-iron cauldron was created specifically to accommodate the precise and delicate science of potion-making.

The cauldron heats itself to the precise temperature the user demands of it, and does so without any apparent source of heat. When in use, the cauldron will gently hum, causing the contents to swirl and mix together. This cauldron cannot make itself hotter than a regular iron cauldron heated by a flame could.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Censer of Sleep

Wondrous Item, rare

A small, decorated censer, inscribed with a potent enchantment spell.

When the user takes 1 minute to ignite at least 250GP worth of fine incense in the censer, it will begin to release smoke that acts as a powerful sedative. Creatures within 20 feet of the censer are affected in ascending order of their current hit points. Roll 9d8 for a total number of hit points that can be affected. Each creature affected by the smoke falls unconscious as though under the effects of the sleep spell. For every additional 300GP worth of incense used, the amount of hit points will increase by 1d8, to a maximum of 13d8. Creatures immune to poison are unaffected by the censer.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Chime of Beast Discovery

Wondrous item, uncommon

This small silver bell exudes divination magic, especially during the full moon. When hung up, the bell will only ring if a shapeshifter (such as a werewolf) passes beneath it. Different shapeshifters will cause different tones.

by u/Numbers1999

Cog of Stability

Wondrous item, uncommon, (requires attunement)

A small cog, perfectly symmetrical and unblemished.

Stability. The cog has 5 charges. When you hit with an attack or cast a damaging spell, you can spend a charge to make your attack deal "average" damage. This cog regains all charges at dawn.

A cog taken from the machinery of Mechanus.

By u/BuffwingCombolord


Wondrous Item, common

1x1x1-inch cube that emanates a cold aura. The air within 5 feet of the cube, is well below freezing. This cold will extend for 1 foot into the ground, stone or similar material. Every day that the stone of cold is left in the same place without being disturbed, the cold aura is doubled. Creatures that are vulnerable to cold damage will take 1d6 cold damage every round they spend handling the cube. Creatures that are resistant to cold damage can handle the cube without injury.

by u/Chikimunki


“Elephant Elephant Elephant”

Wondrous Item, legendary

This ivory statuette is infused with an Intelligence dampening effect that replaces all spoken words with the language of elephants. This magical effect has a 30 foot radius, and can only be blocked by effects similar to antimagic field. The item can only replace languages that have previously been spoken in its presence, but over time it can recognize and suppress more languages. DMs can use discretion on which languages this item begins with.

It is theorized that Illithids created this as a way to prevent prisoner communication.

by u/blager2000

Fire Gourd

Wondrous item, uncommon

This gourd is filled with a strong, naturally flammable, spirit.

As an action, you can take a drink from the gourd and exhale fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Due to the potency of the liquid, you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, or be poisoned for 1 minute. You can continue to use the gourd on successive turns, but each failed save after the first one will cause you to take 2d6 poison damage. After three failed saves, you will suffer as though you are under the effects of the confusion spell. The gourd has enough liquor in it for 1d4+3 uses.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Hand of Glory

Wondrous item, rare

This macabre candle is made of a shriveled, mummified hand with wicks in the place of fingernails.

After lighting one of the fingers, the spirit of the remains will appear to fulfill the desires of whomever lit the candle. The spirit can act as a spy, answer questions or act as a familiar in combat (use stats like a ghost from the Monster Manual). However, the spirit will only linger so long as the finger-candle is lit (about 30 minutes). Once all five fingers have been burned, the Hand of Glory ceases to be magical.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Lantern of the True Path

Wondrous item, rare

An enchanted lantern of Dwarven design. It is a small metal lantern that hangs from a short chain. This item has 4 charges and it regains 1d4 expended charges daily at sunset.

Home. As an action, you can attune the lantern to your present location, or to a location that you are very familiar with (such as a place you frequented as a child, your home, or somewhere you visit with great frequency). The lantern can only have one attuned location at a time.

Reveal the Path. When you are at a crossroad, or at a choice of which way to turn, you can hold the lantern by the end of the chain, and expend 1 charge. The lantern will slowly turn on its chain until it rests, facing the direction that must be followed in order to reach the attuned location. If more than one route would lead to the attuned location, the lantern will slowly swing between the alternatives.

by u/EugeneHarlot

Locksmith's Breaker

Wondrous item, common

This lock-pick has an aura of transmutation about it. This lock can be used as components to cast the knock spell as a ritual. Whenever this lock pick is used in this way, roll a d20. On a 1, the lock pick casts the knock spell on itself and disintegrates. Once used, you cannot use this lock-pick for one week.

by u/Numbers1999

The Madman’s Machine

Wondrous item, rare

This complicated array of clockwork throbs slightly as if it is organic.

Ticking. You can listen to irregular, off-beat ticking of this machine and make a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw. On a successful save, you gain a random piece of information. This can be anything from the lifespan of the nearest person to the thoughts running through the mind of the nearest serial killer. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

Tocking. A Great Old One warlock can use this item to cast the augury spell as a ritual without consuming spell slots or components.

This device contains the broken souls of a wizard and his family, who were all driven mad by the unearthly beat.

by u/darkus4566

Obsidian Obelisk

Wondrous item, artifact, (requires special attunement)

This 6-foot tall obelisk is made of smooth, black stone, and weighs well over 10,000 lbs. The obelisk is always slightly warmer than the ambient temperature. This obelisk seems impervious to magic that alters its weight, shape or other physical properties.

Attunement requires that you touch the obelisk while there are no other creatures attuned to it. If there is another creature currently attuned to the obelisk, the creature with the highest Intelligence score will become attuned. Only one creature can be attuned to the obelisk at a time. Leaving the 1 mile radius of the obelisk will end attunement.


Uplift. While someone is attuned to the obelisk, every sunrise, the obelisk will target a random plant or creature within one mile of the obelisk. That creature or plant is awakened per the awaken spell. Creatures awakened in this manner are charmed by the person attuned to the obelisk, so long as they both stay within 1 mile of the obelisk. The person attuned to the obelisk always knows the location of charmed creatures or plants within 1 mile of the obelisk.

Guarding this obelisk are a host of different creatures and plants under the command of "The Teacher".

by u/1Jusdorange


Wondrous item, rare

A small leather bound book with meager pages for its size. When this book is opened, a random tidbit of information can appear. You can continue to flip through infinitely, but you can not actually find what you want. The information contained inside can range from a recipe to an ancient map, in any language. To specifically find the information you're looking for, you must succeed a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw.

The book was crafted by an ambitious mage looking for all the information in the cosmos. If you look closely at the cover, you can see the author's name in faded letters. P--dd-e -o--er

by u/Phosphorus_Dom

Parasol of Piercing Showers

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This delicate looking parasol is adorned with images of storms and rain clouds.

PIercing Shower. As an action, you can spin the parasol and throw it into the air. The parasol with cast thin, magical needles in a 40ft x 20ft cylinder centered on you. Every creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d8 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The needles do not strike anyone standing directly beneath the parasol (you), or anyone else occupying your space. However, powerful gusts of wind, such as caused by the gust cantrip or the gust of wind spell can cause the parasol to fly awry. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

The Patches of Closeness

Wondrous items, rare

Two cloth or leather patches that look like tabby kittens. One kitten "fuzzed-out" with an arched back, as though "angry". One kitten is curled into a peaceful ball with flexed paws, as though "happy". Both patches have an adhesive substance on them that will cause them to stick once applied to a surface.

Kitty Friends. Once the patches are both applied to a surface, they will become magically linked. Any touch range spell applied to one kitten will become applied to whatever the other kitten is stuck to. Once stuck, the kitties cannot be removed for at least 1 hour, or by means of oil of slipperiness or by means of wish. The kitties recharge their stickiness every night at midnight.

Happy Kitty. Any healing spell applied to the "angry" kitty will become amplified when it is received by the "happy" kitty (the creature healed is the one that the "happy" kitty is stuck to). All dice rolled for healing are doubled.

Angry Kitty. Any damaging spell that is applied to the "happy" kitty will become amplified when it is received by the "angry" kitty (the creature damaged is the one that the "angry" kitty is stuck to). All dice rolled for damage are doubled.

The patches were originally woven by a brilliant wizard who was unfortunately terrible at aiming.


Pettigrieux's Horn of Cornucopia

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

The Horn of Cornucopia is a spiral horn of a giant goat or bighorn sheep with a flat silver strip on its base to hold it standing upright so the open end faces upward. There is a silver cap on the tip, and a silver rim around the opening. The word "Veganistic" is written along the horn in a script that seems to shift, depending upon the native tongue of the reader.

Veganistic. During a short rest, you can utter this command word to produce a bountiful feast of grains, flours, flowers, fruits, legumes, nuts and vegetables. Food of this nature will continue to pour forth from the horn until there is a sufficient quantity to feast every creature within your line of sight. The horn will attempt to honor the intentions of the speaker, and produce food that the speaker reasonably believes to be nutritious or desirable to the creatures they are providing for. The horn will attempt to avoid producing foods that are known to be allergens or toxic. After use, this horn has a 5% chance of becoming unusable for 1 week.

The larger of 2 nearly identical horns created by the Wizard Arthur Pettigrieux.

by u/Chikimunki

Pettigrieux's Horn of Draughts

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

The Horn of Draughts is a spiral horn of a giant goat or bighorn sheep with a flat silver strip on its base to hold it standing upright so the open end faces upward. There is a silver cap on the tip, and a silver rim around the opening. The term "Chug-a-lug" is written along the horn in a script that seems to shift, depending upon the native tongue of the reader.


Chug-a-lug. During a short rest, upon saying the command word, the horn will begin to gently pour forth a liquid. The liquid will continue to pour forth until every cup within line of sight has been filled. The nature of the liquid poured forth is determined by whatever liquid last filled this horn. Eg. if the horn was last filled with heated spring water, it will pour out heated spring water, if it was last filled with chilled wine, it will pour out chilled wine. Poisoned or otherwise dangerous liquids will be poured forth as harmless rainwater. After use, this horn has a 5% chance of becoming unusable for 1 week.

One of two nearly identical horns created by the Wizard Arthur Pettigrieux. It holds about 1 pint of liquid.

by u/Chikimunki

Pixie Wings

Wondrous item, uncommon, (requires attunement)

The tiny wings of a Pixie. To attune to them, you must affix them to the back of your shirt or armor.

Flight. You gain a fly speed of 5ft. You can fly for up to 1 hour each day.

Granted by Arch-Fey when people wish for flight.

By u/BuffwingCombolord

Rune-Carved Behir Horn

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This deep blue horn is covered in intricate runes that crackle with electricity. You can occasionally detect a faint smell of ozone. You can use this horn as an arcane focus.

You gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and your spell save DC. When casting an evocation spell that deals thunder or lightning damage, that spell receives an additional +1 bonus to its spell attack rolls and/or spell save DC.

The horn has 5 charges, and regains 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells, using your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: witchbolt. (1 charge), lightning bolt (3 charges), chain lightning (5 charges).

The wizard Jorin created this focus after defeating a Behir rampaging across the northern mountains.

by u/Zenrayeed

Saphalja's Amulet

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

A golden dragon scale hangs from a beaded clasp on this fine golden chain. Four additional clasps hang empty - two on either side of the golden scale.

Dormant. While attuned to this amulet, you gain resistance to fire damage and have advantage on saving throws caused by a dragon's frightful presence ability.

Awakened. This amulet can be awakened by attaching another type of dragon scale to one of the empty clasps. When this happens, you gain resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon the scale came from. If you remove scales from the chain, you will lose those resistances. You retain all bonuses granted by the dormant form of the amulet.

Exalted. You retain all the bonuses granted by the dormant and awakened forms of this amulet. Additionally, you gain the blood of dragons ability.

Blood of Dragons. You gain a single point of legendary resistance like that of true dragons. Additionally, when you use this resistance, your draconic heritage manifests fully, granting you a +2 bonus to your AC and immunity to the damage type associated with your draconic bloodline. This effect lasts for 1 minute. Once used, you can't use this property again until you finish a long rest.

The exalted form of this necklace should only be unlockable by a dragonblood sorcerer, or arguably, a Dragonborn. A DM should construct some sort of personal quest for the character that is seeking this form of the amulet.

by u/PfenixArtwork

Stitcher of Monsters

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This needle has brown stains that cannot be washed off. Odd, spectral strings trail behind it, but fail to hold anything, except dead flesh, together.

Dark Needlework. You can sew the bodies of creatures together with this, with a maximum of 3 creatures up to a maximum size of large. The sewing takes one hour per creature involved. The result is a stitched-up magical undead familiar under your control. Your familiar will follow all the normal rules of familiars, however, it cannot recover health. If you become de-attuned to the needle, your familiar will become enraged and attack the nearest creature.

HP: The combined hit points of all the creatures that were used to create the thing.

Speed: The average speed of all three creatures involved.

AC: 13+ Dexterity bonus.

Strength: The highest Strength score of the creatures used.

Constitution: The highest Constitution score of the creatures used.

Dexterity: The highest Dexterity score of the creatures used.

Wisdom: 8

Intelligence: 6

Charisma: 3

Attacks. The creator can decide to take one attack from each of the creatures involved, and use them as the attacks of the thing. An example would be the bite of a lion, the hooves of a horse, and a stab from a goblin (if it has a sword). The hit bonus should be the Dexterity or Strength bonus +3.


Curse. If you die while attuned to this needle, it will immediately begin sewing your body together with the nearest other corpse. After 1 hour, your corpse will rise as a hostile, undead abomination that has been combined with whatever you were sewn to. Only wish or reincarnate will resurrect you after this has occurred. Using dispel magic targeted at the needle within 1 minute of your death will cause the needle to be disabled until the next sunrise. The needle will not give up attempting to stitch nearby corpses together until you are no longer dead, or until someone else attunes to it to grant directions.

This needle was found dangling off the body of a horrific thing in the basement of a missing wizard's laboratory.

by u/darkus4566

Stone of Satoshi

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

The Stone of Satoshi is a gem about the size of a baseball. One half of the gem is bright red, as though carved out of a large ruby; the other half is clear, like a diamond. The Stone is used to capture unwilling souls for use as a spellcasting aid. There is no limit to the number of souls that can simultaneously reside within the stone. A soul captured within the stone can be released by your express will, or it can be transmuted. Otherwise, a soul cannot escape the stone unless by means of wish. Upon finding the stone, there are three souls trapped within; Satoshi himself (CR 16), and his two final victims (2x CR 7).

Capture Soul. When the stone of Satoshi is used as an arcane focus, it grants the knowledge of the capture soul cantrip (see below). This cantrip does not count against the total number of cantrips known. A body that is left behind after a soul has been pulled into the stone of Satoshi should be treated as a normal corpse that will begin to rot.

Transmute Soul. As a bonus action, you can transmute a soul that has been captured by the stone, and generate charges for the stone. This process will irrevocably destroy that soul, and make reincarnation impossible without the aid of wish. If all of the souls within the stone of Satoshi are released or transmuted, your own soul will be drawn into the stone.

Target CR Charges Gained
> 5 1
6 - 10 1d4
11-15 1d6
16-18 2d6
18-19 2d6 +3
20 3d6 +3
> 20 d100 +10

Inequivalent Exchange. As a bonus action, you can convert charges of The Stone into spell slots (of any level available to you), according to the following chart.

Charges Number of Spell Slots Gained
1 1
6 1d4
11 1d6
16 2d6
18 2d6 +3
20 3d6 +3
21 d100 +10

Voices of the Imprisoned. You can communicate with any soul that has been captured within The Stone, but the souls within The Stone are under no obligation to communicate with you. Insight checks against these souls are done at a disadvantage.

Capture Soul

Necromancy cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet from Stone of Satoshi
  • Components: V, S, M (Stone of Satoshi must be present)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster makes a Charisma-based spell attack against a single, sapient target. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, the target's soul is captured by the Stone of Satoshi. If the target has more than ¼ of their maximum health remaining, they have advantage on this saving throw. If the target is at least challenge rating 16, and succeeds on this saving throw, the caster must roll d100; on 6 or less, the caster’s own soul becomes trapped within the Stone of Satoshi. A lich that still has an active phylactery will automatically succeed this saving throw.

by u/PantherophisNiger

Urn of Shadows

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This large pewter urn is painted with a black and green glaze that reeks of necromantic magic. The runes are indecipherable, except for specially chosen servants of Gruumsh.

Shadow Theft. As an action, you can attempt to steal a creature's shadow within 60 feet that you can see (Note, you must be able to see and distinguish the shadow, not the creature). A creature attacked in this manner must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, their shadow is permanently sucked into the urn.

Dark Transformation. The urn will slowly transform any stolen shadows into a shadow (Monster Manual page 269). This process takes 1 week. The urn can store up to ten shadows at once.


Power of Darkness. As an action, you can release the seal on the urn, and summon all of the shadows stored inside. The shadows are hostile to all creatures, except for you. They act on their own turn in combat, and follow their own will. If the urn is broken, all of the shadows inside will leak out, and become hostile to everyone. If the urn is left empty for 1 week, it will steal your shadow. If you have no shadow, the urn will devour your soul.

The Urn of Shadows is a dark relic passed down from elder to elder in a certain shamanistic orc tribe who terrorize the plains of Drall. It thirsts for darkness.

by u/budakang


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