Bard College of Metal

by Dungeon Daddy David

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Bard College of Metal


The Kaiser comes for us all.


The souls of the bards of metal are said to be escaped denizens of the outer rings of hell. No one knows for sure where these badass slayers come from. Some say they are trained under the watch of a malevolent elder red dragon, the bards chained by the hundreds to pyres of red hot steel, the only thing satiating the beast's hunger the epic sounds emanating from their magically enhanced instruments. One thing is certain though, to cross these apostles of death is to invite your doom.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of Metal, you gain proficiency in handaxes, maces, sickles, battleaxes, glaives, greataxes, halberds, mauls, morningstars, and warhammers, as well as proficiency with heavy armor. You additionally get a gnomish amplifier, a device you can attach to any instrument to create a magically amplified sound, infused with a bassy distortion.

Tortured Rage

Starting at 3rd level, you can choose to spend an inspiration die to send a willing target into a rage. The target uses their level for the bonus rage damage from the barbarian table. Using a bardic inspiration to send the target into a rage allows them to still gain the benefits even if they are wearing heavy armor. The rage lasts until the start of your next turn.

If your target is already raging, then your spell instead sends them into a frenzy until the start of your next turn. They gain these benefits even if they are wearing heavy armor and do not suffer a level of exhaustion once the frenzy finishes.

Headbang of Doom

Starting at 6th level, your hours of practice of headbanging and looking metal af allow you to channel the power of the Gods of Metal. You automatically have advantage at any intimidation checks and can cast fear once per long rest.

Your nightmarish intensity has also attracted the attention of other metalheads. You will now occasionally run across fans of your epic metal prowess who will do minor favors for you and you have the respect of any other metal heroes you run into who will get you and your groupies free admission to their next show.

Mosh Pit of Tartarus

At 14th level, you master the art of shredding and become a metal legend. You gain the ability to cast Mosh Pit of Tartarus once per long rest.


Mosh Pit of Tartarus


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 ft radius around the bard
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 30 seconds

A ghostly stage forms around the bard as smoke begins to billow from giant amplifiers that line the edges of the stage. The bard begins an intense riff shredding sessions as a drum and bass track back them. A small horde of skeletons rise up and start the mosh pit. All creatures within range must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throws or be overcome by the mosh pit.

Anyone affected by the mosh pit are unable to take any actions. Each turn, every person in the mosh pit must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 damage. Creatures who become unconscious in the mosh pit are stabilized but remain unconscious at 1 hit point.

Those who survive the onslaught become frenzied for 5 rounds and recover half of the hit points they lost in the mosh pit. Once their frenzy wears off, they suffer one level of exhaustion.

During the performance, the bard is immune to non-magical attacks and any magical attacks are made with disadvantage. Anyone who attacks someone in the mosh pit is immediately grabbed by skeletal hands that reach up from underground and pulled into the mosh pit.


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