Lizardfolk Variants
Most people know the common Lizardfolk, swamp-dwelling people who seem cold and alien to outsiders. Fewer have encountered the more exotic species of lizardfolk. Many of these subraces are rare, thriving only in specialized environments, such as the deepest swamps, or the hottest deserts.
If you're playing a lizardfolk with a subrace, choose one of the following options. The subrace's traits will replace certain features of the Lizardfolk found in Volo's Guide to Monsters.
Frill-Neck lizardfolk are smaller in stature than their more common cousins, but make up for it with traits that let them avoid confrontation when possible, and strike precisely when necessary.
As their name suggests, a Frill-Neck's defining feature is a large sail around their neck, that can be flared out to intimdate predators, and to assert strength in interpersonal disputes.
You have no swimming speed, and replace the Hunter's Lore and Hold Breath traits with the following:
Ability Score Improvement Instead of increasing your Constitution by 2, you increase your Dexterity by 2.
Venomous Glands You know the Poison Spray cantrip.
Flaring Sails You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Lightweight When wearing light or no armor, you can run along the surface of water without falling during your move.
Quick Step Your movement speed increases to 35 feet.
Gatorfolk are much larger than the more common lizardfolk that most people are aware of. They are often seen as brutes or enforcers, and not without reason. Gatorfolk are the strongest breed of lizardfolk, and their capabilities in combat are unrivaled.
Similarly to common lizardfolk, gatorfolk are most at home in swamps, and have mastered the art of hunting in swamps, using their environment to put down their foes with extreme efficiency.
You replace the Cunning Artisan and Hunter's Lore traits with the following:
Ability Score Improvement Instead of increasing your Wisdom by 1, you increase your Strength by 1.
Lockjaw When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional times and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
You may use this with your Bite attack. If you do, add the maximum of the extra die.
Homebrew by /u/LaynePlaysGames
Art by ThemeFinland
Death Roll When grappling, you count as one size larger. Additionally, you have advantage on checks to prevent a grappled creature from escaping.
Sandscale lizardfolk live in deserts that would inhospitable to most other races. Even a Fire Genasi would think twice about the deserts these lizards call home.
Despite, or maybe because of these harsh conditions, Sandscale lizards have adapted to become ruthlessly efficient desert predators. Whether basking during the day or hunting in twilight hours, sandscales are adept at remaining unseen among the shifting sands.
You have no swimming speed and replace the Hold Breath trait with the following:
Ability Score Improvement Instead of increasing your Wisdom by 1, you increase your Dexterity by 1.
Desert Mirage You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide in sandy or rocky terrain.
Harsh Heats You are immune to the negative effects of extreme heat.