Mistborn by /u/Leuku
The young halfling's mistcloak flutters quietly it the breeze as she looms a half dozen stories over the city street. Suddenly, she launches into the sky, like a thrown pebble, over the moonlit guards that patrol below. As she begins to fall, she drops a metal coin to the ground, causing her to rocket back into the air high over the castle wall. A guard picks up the coin, and then looks up. A person? Naw. Impossible. He pockets the coin, mumbling about his good luck.
The commander gives a frustrated cry to seize the half-orc on the bridge. Her soldiers inch nervously onto the bridge at both ends. Surrounded, the half-orc spits before raising up both of his arms. The soldiers flinch, and then are flung backward as if pushed by some invisible force. The commander watches helplessly as a dozen soldiers plummet off the bridge.
"Rise up! The time is now!", the rebel leader says atop his soap box. A listless crowd stands about him, never growing to more than a dozen. Among them stands a heavily tattooed man. A few start to raise their hands, muttering about high taxes, but then stop as they feel their anger subside. Wearing the slightest smile the tattooed man watches them go, thinking to himself, "There will be no rebellion this day."
Mistborn use Allomancy, the art of pushing and pulling on oneself, metals, and other creatures. By drawing on power from within themselves, or "the mists" so people say, they can enhance their strength and reflexes to superhuman levels, push and pull on metals as if with powerful magnetic force, and even manipulate the emotions of other creatures.
All mistborn awaken to their allomantic powers after near-death experiences, most commonly through severe physical trauma. Some awaken as a result of an accident, such as having fallen from a great height. Others awaken through severe mental and emotional anguish -- many mistborn origins can be traced to broken homes and abusive guardians, and some institutions persist in ritualizing the practice of awakening through kidnapping.
Those who awaken are said to have been "chosen by the mists", a divine invocation from a bygone time. They feel a well of power thrumming deep within their bodies, drawing upon it instinctively to fuel their allomantic abilities. With each passing moment a mistborn learns to draw more upon that well, enhancing and expanding their allomantic repertoire.
Allomantic Abilities
A mistborn's power is the ability to push and pull. By pushing on on their own bodies, they can enhance their strength, speed, and balance. By pulling, they can heighten their senses. They can push and pull on metal, turning copper pieces into dangerous projectiles or moving themselves through the air as if yanked by a powerful rope. By pushing on others they can dampen emotions, or by pulling ignite them.
This power makes mistborn highly sought after by the wealthy and politically powerful, and thus the subject of control and manipulation. Many mistborn adventure to avoid or escape these bonds, while others seek beyond freedom in pursuit of wealth and political power for themselves. Some among them decide that the "figure in the mists" they occasionally see is not a hallucination, but perhaps a lead to a hidden truth. Whatever their reasons, mistborn bring an untethered mobility and flexibility to any adventuring party, offering capability in combat, exploration, and diplomacy for almost any need that arises.
Creating a Mistborn
When creating a mistborn, first think about what circumstances lead to your awakening. Were you seriously injured in an accident and then discovered you could move metals with your mind in your hospital room? Were you groomed for the process by your guardians and ritually beaten alongside other children? Was your trauma so long ago that you do not recall it, yet have since always had a knack for making people act to your advantage?
On whose behalf do you now use your abilities, yourself or another? Do you revel in the thrill of your powers, or do you soberly contemplate its utility?
The Mistborn
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Allomantic Range | Allomantic Ability Modifier | Misting Talents Prepared | Features |
1st | +2 | 30 ft. | +2 | 3 | Allomancy, Anchoring, Detect Metal |
2nd | +2 | 30 ft. | +2 | 4 | Mistrider |
3rd | +2 | 40 ft. | +3 | 5 | Flare |
4th | +2 | 40 ft. | +3 | 5 | Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | 50 ft. | +3 | 6 | Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | 50 ft. | +3 | 6 | Allomantic Strike |
7th | +3 | 60 ft. | +3 | 7 | Mistrider Improvement |
8th | +3 | 60 ft. | +4 | 7 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | 70 ft. | +4 | 8 | Flare Improvement |
10th | +4 | 70 ft. | +4 | 8 | Duralumin |
11th | +4 | 80 ft. | +4 | 9 | Improved Allomantic Strike |
12th | +4 | 80 ft. | +4 | 9 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | 90 ft. | +5 | 10 | Mistrider Improvement |
14th | +5 | 90 ft. | +5 | 10 | Pewterdrag |
15th | +5 | 100 ft. | +5 | 11 | Savant |
16th | +5 | 100 ft. | +5 | 11 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | 110 ft. | +5 | 12 | Flare Improvement |
18th | +6 | 110 ft. | +5 | 12 | Recomposition |
19th | +6 | 120 ft. | +5 | 13 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | 120 ft. | +5 | 13 | Hero of Ages |
Do you see your powers as a means to an end, or its unfettered use an end in itself? Does great power come with great responsibility, or the absolute freedom to use it for your own ends? Do you wonder where your powers come from and seek out its origin, or is the past in the past and nothing to be trifled with?
Quick Build
You can make a mistborn quickly by following these suggestions. First, make either Strength or Dexterity your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the urchin background.
Class Features
As a mistborn, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d8 per mistborn level
- Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per mistborn level after 1st
- Armor: Light and medium armor
- Weapons: Simple weapons, short sword, rapier, longsword, battleaxe
- Tools: Alchemist's supplies
- Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
- Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception and Stealth
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) two glass daggers, or (b) an obsidian battle axe
- (a) leather armor, (b) chain shirt, or (c) 10 gp
- (a) a burglar's pack, or (b) an explorer’s pack
- a mistcloak, alchemist's supplies, a hammer and 10 pitons, and a bag of (1000) ball bearings
Starting Equipment
When you create a mistborn, you can start with 4d4 x 10 gp instead of receiving the equipment from your class and background.
Beginning at 1st level, you have awakened to and begun to hone your allomantic powers.
Misting Talents
Your allomancy is manifested in various abilities, such as the pulling and pushing of metals and emotions. These abilities are called misting talents, and the kinds of misting talents you have access to increase as you gain levels. At 1st level, you have access to 3 misting talents: Pewterarm, Coinshot, and Lurcher.
Preparing Misting Talents and Abilities
You prepare the list of misting talents that are available for you to use, choosing from the misting talent list. When you do so, choose 3 misting talents. You must meet the talent's prerequisites before you can prepare it. There are two kinds of misting talents: allomantic powers, which serve as your foundational abilities, and everything else, which improve your allomantic powers. The number of misting talents you can prepare increases as you gain levels, as shown in the Mistborn Talents column of the Mistborn table.
You can also change your list of prepared talents when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of misting talents requires time spent altering your body chemistry with alchemist's supplies: at least 5 minutes for each misting talent on your list.
Allomantic Ability
Your allomantic ability modifier is +2 for your misting talents, since the potency of your allomancy depends on your time and experience as an allomancer as opposed to any inherent trait. You use your allomantic ability modifier when setting the save DC for any misting talent you use and when making an attack roll with one. Your allomantic ability modifier increases as you gain mistborn levels, as shown in the Allomantic Ability Modifier column of the Mistborn table.
Allomantic save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Allomantic Ability modifier
Allomantic attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Allomantic Ability modifier
Using Allomancy
While some misting talents grant you passive benefits, other misting talents interact with the world around you. If one of these talents requires you to target an object or creature, you use your Allomantic Range, as shown in the Mistborn table. If a talent refers to the weight of an object, it refers to its weight and the weight of anything it is attached to or is directly supporting it. Movement made via misting talents is considered forced movement, and thus does not trigger opportunity attacks.
You cannot push or pull on metal that is embedded in or inside creatures. For example, you cannot push against a pierced metal earring or the iron inside a person's blood. You can tell whether or not anything you can see is metal. Additionally, when metal you are aware of is obscured from your view, you can still act upon it with your talents. Your talents can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Allomantic Attack and Damage
When you steelpush or ironpull a metal weighing less than 1 pound, such as a copper piece, you can instead move it a maximum distance equal to your allomantic range and you can make a ranged spell attack with it (or double that range with disadvantage). When you do so, you target a creature in the line of that push or pull and add your allomantic attack modifier to the attack roll. On a hit, it deals 1d8 + your allomantic ability modifier piercing damage.
Allomantic damage = 1d8 + your Allomantic Ability modifier piercing damage
When you use your steelpush or ironpull on an object that's being carried, the creature can choose to let the object go instead of making a saving throw. If the creature is not easily separable from the metal, such as if it is wearing a suit of armor, then you instead push or pull the entire creature.
Also at 1st level, whenever you could steelpush or ironpull against a metal source, you can instead choose to anchor yourself to the target metal.
While anchored to a thing that exceeds your weight, you have advantage on ability checks and saving throws against effects that would forcibly move you, and your size category increases by 1 for the purposes of steelpushing and ironpulling. If when you steelpush or ironpull against a target whose weight exceeds your own and your size category is greater than your target's, then you can choose to push or pull them instead of being pushed or pulled.
While anchored to a thing that is below your weight, you have advantage on ability checks and saving throws against effects that would forcibly move it away from you. When a creature attempts to move metal you are anchored to, it must make a Strength saving throw against your Allomantic save DC, breaking your anchor on a success. Otherwise it must drag the combined weight of you and it, if it is able to.
You can drop an anchor at any time. To reestablish an anchor, you need to make a new steelpush or ironpull.
Size Category
The following table depicts the size category you would need to have for the purposes of steelpushing and ironpulling to push away or pull close a creature or object that is heavier than you.
Target Size | Your Size Category |
Small | Medium |
Medium | Large |
Large | Huge |
Huge | Gargantuan |
Detect Metal
Also at 1st level, as an Action, you can identify the locations of all metals within your allomantic range. If the metals are of different shapes, sizes, and compositions, you can differentiate between them. This detection is blocked by 3 feet of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 10 feet of wood or dirt. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Allomantic Ability Modifier. You regain expended uses at the end of a long rest.
Starting at 2nd level, you begin to feel the mists free you from your earthly bounds, letting you soar through the air quickly and suddenly. When you have the coinshot and/or lurcher misting talents prepared, you can as a Bonus Action steelpush and/or ironpull on metal that is not being worn or carried. You cannot make an attack using this feature.
The number of times you can steelpush or ironpull each time you use this ability increases to twice at 7th level and thrice at 13th level.
At 3rd level, you learn how to flare your allomantic powers, allowing you to draw out extra power from your allomancy. The list of flares is presented after the list of misting talents below.
When you use an allomantic power, you can choose to flare it. Flaring an allomantic power grants you benefits tied to that power, as well as additional benefits from other misting talents you have prepared tied to that power, all of which last a duration depending on the power. You have access to an allomantic power's flare when you have that allomantic power prepared.
You can flare your allomantic powers twice. You regain expended uses at the end of a short or long rest. This increases to 3 times at 9th level and 4 times at 17th.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your Turn.
Allomantic Strike
Starting at 6th level, your allomantic abilities count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
At 10th level, when you flare an allomantic power, you can choose to exhaust it completely to draw out incredible power for a short duration. The flare's duration increases to 1 minute. Once it ends, you can no longer benefit from any misting talent that has that allomantic power as a prerequisite until you finish a long rest.
Improved Allomantic Power
At 11th level, you are so suffused with the mists that all of your melee weapon strikes and allomantic attacks move with greater speed and weight. Your damage dealt by your allomantic abilities increases from 1d8 to 2d8, and when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a metal weapon, you deal an additional 1d8 damage of the same type.
By 14th level, the mists can sustain you for long periods of time. As long as you have the pewterarm misting talent prepared, you regain hit points equal to your allomantic ability modifier at the end of a short rest, and you can go up to one week without food or sleep without accruing levels of exhaustion while still gaining the benefits of rests.
By 15th level, you've used an allomantic power so much that it has changed you physiologically. Choose one of your allomantic powers. You always have it prepared and it does not count against the number of misting talents you can prepare.
In addition, you can use your Duralimin with that allomantic power twice before you can no longer benefit from any misting talent that has it as a prerequisite.
At 18th level, once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose to change your list of prepared misting talents.
Hero of Ages
When you reach 20th level, you can unlock the full potential of allomancy for a short duration. As a bonus action, you can choose any number of your allomantic abilities you have prepared and treat them as if they are flared. This benefit lasts for 1 minute and does not consume any uses of flare. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until the end of your next long rest.
Misting Talents
If a misting talent has prerequisites, you must meet them to prepare it. You can prepare a misting talent at the same time you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class.
You can enhance your body's strength, agility, and balance. You gain the following allomantic power:
Pewter Defense
While you are conscious and not wearing armor nor wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Strength modifier + your Dexterity modifier.
You can push metals away from you with your mind. You gain the following allomantic power:
When you take the Attack action, you can forgo any one of your attacks to instead push a metal source. If the object weighs more than you do, you are instead pushed away from it. Unless stated otherwise, you can push or be pushed up to 10 ft. This increases to 20 ft at 5th level, 30 ft at 11th, and 40 ft at 17th.
If the metal is being worn or carried, the creature carrying it can attempt a Strength saving throw against your Allomantic save DC. On a success, the metal is unaffected, but you are pushed directly away from the creature.
You can pull metals towards you with your mind. You gain the following allomantic power:
When you take the Attack action, you can forgo any one of your attacks to instead pull a metal source. If the object weighs more than you do, you are instead pulled towards it. Unless stated otherwise, you can pull or be pulled up to 10 ft. This increases to 20 ft at 5th level, 30 ft at 11th, and 40 ft at 17th.
If the metal is being worn or carried, the creature carrying it can attempt a Strength saving throw against your Allomantic save DC. On a success, the metal is unaffected, but you are pulled directly towards the creature.
Soothing and Rioting
The allomantic powers of brasspush and zincpull do not let an allomancer know what a creature is feeling. A creature can be feeling an innumerable number of emotions at varying intensities at any given time. By pushing or pulling an emotion that is not already primed to be suppressed or ignited, a callous allomancer may rouse a target's suspicions and expose their touch. Creatures aware of a person's ability to manipulate emotions may become more wary and actively avoid them, so those who specialize in soothing and rioting tend to obscure their abilities for as long as possible.
Prerequisite: 2nd level
You can pull on a creature's emotions, inflaming them. You gain the following allomantic power:
As an Action, choose a creature other than yourself within your allomantic range. For as long as you maintain concentration, creatures gain advantage on charisma checks against the target that rely on the intensity of one of the following emotions plus an additional benefit tied to that emotion:
- Joy. You excite the target's sense of happiness and wonder. It has disadvantage on saving throws against charm effects.
- Anger. You ignite the target's sense of irritation and displeasure. When it attacks, it cannot help but attack recklessly. It gains advantage on its first attack roll on each of its turns and grants advantage to the first attack roll made against it before the start of each of its turns.
- Fear. You heighten the target's sense of anxiety and danger. It has disadvantage on saving throws against fear effects.
When a target suspects their emotions are being manipulated, or at the end of each of its turns in combat, it can make a Wisdom saving throw against your Allomantic save DC. On a success, it becomes aware of the manipulation's source, can choose to end the ability's effect on them, and can't be the target of this ability again for the next hour or unless it allows it.
Prerequisite: 2nd level
You can push on a creature's emotions, dampening them. You gain the following allomantic power:
As an Action, choose a creature other than yourself within your allomantic range. For as long as you maintain concentration, creatures gain advantage on charisma checks against that target that rely on the suppression of one of the following emotions plus an additional benefit tied to that emotion:
- Joy. You subdue the target's sense of happiness and wonder. It has advantage on saving throws against charm effects.
- Anger. You quench the target's sense of irritation and displeasure. When it attacks, it cannot help but attack conservatively. It cannot gain advantage on its attack rolls and attack rolls against it cannot be made with advantage.
- Fear. You repress the target's sense of anxiety and danger. It has advantage on saving throws against fear effects.
When a target suspects their emotions are being manipulated, or at the end of each of its turns in combat, it can make a Wisdom saving throw against your Allomantic save DC. On a success, it becomes aware of the manipulation's source, can choose to end the ability's effect on them, and can't be the target of this ability again for the next hour or unless it allows it.
Prerequisite: 3rd level, Pewterarm prepared
While anchored, you size category increases by 2 instead of 1 for the purposes of steelpushing and ironpulling. Also, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using Strength as part of the Attack Action, you deal an extra 1d4 damage.
Prerequisite: 3rd level, Pewterarm prepared
While you are wearing no armor nor wielding a shield, your speed increases by 10 ft., and while you are flaring pewter, you gain an additional action on each of your turns. This action can only be used to Dash or Disengage.
Prerequisite: 5th level, Rioter prepared
Whenever you zincpull, you can target up to 2 creatures at once. This increases to 3 at 9th level, 4 at 13th, and 5 at 17th level.
Prerequisite: 5th level, Soother prepared
Whenever you brasspush, you can target up to 2 creatures at once. This increases to 3 at 9th level, 4 at 13th, and 5 at 17th level.
Prerequisite: 5th level, Coinshot prepared
When you flare or while flaring steel, you can as an Action target a 15 ft cone originating from you with a spray of loose metal. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2 times your allomantic damage on a failed save or 1 time on a success.
At 11th level, the area increases to a 30 ft cone.
Prerequisite: 5th level, Lurcher prepared
When you flare or while flaring iron, you can as an Action target a 15 ft. cone originating from you. Creatures of your choice wearing, wielding, standing atop of, or standing near metal that is not affixed to a surface, must make a Strength saving throw, taking your allomantic damage and falling prone on a failed save or half damage on a success.
At 11th level, the area increases to a 30 ft cone.
Prerequisite: 6th level
You can enhance your every sense to supernatural levels. You gain the following allomantic power:
As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can gain darkvision out to 60 ft., advantage on all Perception checks, and advantage on initiative rolls. If you already have darkvision, then your range increases by an additional 30 ft. You also take additional damage from all types except psychic equal to your allomantic ability modifier. This lasts for as long as you maintain concentration. You can end this ability on any of your turns, no action required.
Prerequisite: 7th level, Pewterarm prepared
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws and are immune to the effects of cold weather. Also, while your pewter is flared, you gain advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and saving throws. In addition to when taking damage, you can flare your pewter as a Reaction to being made to roll a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw.
Prerequisite: 7th level, Pewterarm prepared
As a Bonus Action, you can add a 1d6 to the next Strength or Dexterity check you make before the end of your turn. Additionally, while your pewter is flared, you can use your additional action to take the Dodge action.
Prerequisite: 9th level, Coinshot prepared
As an action, you can flare your steel in a wave around you. Choose any number of sources of metal in a radius equal to half your allomantic range around you and steelpush against them. If you make an attack against a creature, that creature can only be targeted once.
Prerequisite: 9th level, Lurcher prepared
As an action, you can flare your iron in a wave around you. Choose any number of sources of metal in a radius equal to half your allomantic range around you and ironpull on them. If you make an attack against a creature, that creature can only be targeted once.
Prerequisites: 9th level, Rioter, Inciter prepared
When you flare your zinc, you can target all creatures of your choice within half your allomantic range.
Prerequisites: 9th level, Soother, Subjugator prepared
When you flare your brass, you can target all creatures of your choice within half your allomantic range.
Mind's Eye
Prerequisites: 11th level, Tineye prepared
While your tinsense is active, you gain blindsight out to 30 ft. Additionally, when you are the target of an attack, you can as a Reaction flare your tin. As part of the same Reaction, or as a Reaction against an attack targeting you while your tin is flared, you can gain a +5 bonus to AC against the attack. You can choose to do so after you see the roll but only before you know the result.
Prerequisites: 11th level, Pewterarm, Thug, and Rush prepared
While anchored, your size category increases by 3 instead of 1 for the purposes of steelpushing and ironpulling and your speed increases by an additional 10 ft. In addition, while you are flaring pewter, you can use your additional action to make a single melee weapon attack. This attack deals an extra 1d4 damage on a hit.
Prerequisite: 13th level, Coinshot, Lurcher prepared
Through inexplicable precision, you launch and maintain a flurry of deadly metal objects in an orbit around you. As an Action, you push and pull on loose metal of no fewer than 20 pieces and no more than 10 lbs each within your allomantic range into a 30 ft. radius sphere centered around you. While you maintain this ability, you gain the following benefits:
- The area moves with you and is difficult terrain for creatures other than yourself.
- When a creature other than yourself ends their turn within its area, you can force it to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 magical piercing and slashing damage on a failure, or half on a success.
- When you steelpush or ironpull yourself, you can change the direction of your forced movement at-will.
- As an Action, you can make any number of creatures within the area make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 magical piercing and slashing damage on a failure, or half on a success.
This ability lasts for as long as you maintain concentration, up to one minute. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until the end of your next long rest.
Prerequisite: 13th level, Rioter, Soother prepared
When you flare or while flaring brass or zinc, you can as an Action target a single creature you can see. Choose either to enflame or suppress. When a creature becomes enflamed, they can as a Reaction immediately take a single Action. When a creature becomes suppressed, it must make a Charisma saving throw, taking 4d8 psychic damage and becoming stunned until the end of its next turn on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success.
As an Action on subsequent turns while brass or zinc is flared, you can enflame or suppress the same target or choose a new target.
Prerequisites: 15th level, Pewterarm, Juggernaut prepared
As a Bonus Action, you can end any effect that a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw could end. Also, if, when you flare pewter or start your turn while pewter is flared, you have less than half your maximum hit points, you regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your level.
Prerequisites: 16th level, Tineye and Mind's Eye prepared
While your tinsense is active, you can gain truesight instead of blindsight out to 30 ft. Additionally, while you flare tin, you gain an additional Reaction per round. This Reaction can only be used for your mind's eye ability.
Prerequisites: 17th level, two misting talent prepared slots
As a Bonus Action, you can burn atium. While it burns, you can see into the brief future. You gain the following benefits:
- Any attacks against you miss, unless it's a critical hit or you allow it to hit. Critical hits against you are treated as normal hits.
- When you would be made to make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, you can first as a Reaction move up to half your speed, potentially causing you to no longer be targeted by the effect. If you have coinshot and/or lurcher prepared, you can steelpush or ironpull yourself instead.
- When you miss with an attack, you instead hit.
These benefits last for 1 minute. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until the end of your next long rest. This misting talent requires you to use at least 2 of your misting talent prepared slots to prepare.
Flaring an allomantic power dramatically increases its potency for a certain, usually short, duration. Unless stated otherwise, all benefits of a flare for which you meet the prerequisites last for the duration under each flare. You can flare allomantic powers twice. This increases to 3 times at 9th level and 4 times at 17th. You regain expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.
Prerequisite: Pewterarm prepared
You can as a Bonus Action, or as a Reaction to taking damage, flare your pewter. While flared, you gain resistance to all damage types except psychic including the triggering damage and your size category increases by 1 for the purposes of steelpushing and ironpulling. Pewter remains flared until the end of your next turn.
Rush. While flared, you gain an additional action on each of your turns. This action can only be used to Dash or Disengage.
Fortitude. While flared, you gain advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and saving throws. In addition to when taking damage, you can flare your pewter as a Reaction to being made to roll a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw.
Reflex. While flared, you can use your additional action to take the Dodge action.
Juggernaut. While flared, you can use your additional action to make a single melee weapon attack.
Vigor. When you flare and at the start of each of your turns while flared, if you have less than half your maximum hit points, you regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your level.
Prerequisite: Coinshot prepared
Whenever you steelpush, you can choose to flare it. While flared, you double both its allomantic range and the damage of its attacks. Steel remains flared until the end of your turn.
Steelspray. As an Action, you can flare steel to push loose metal in a 15 ft. cone. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2 x your allomantic damage on a failed save or 1 x on a success. At 11th level, the cone increases to 30 ft.
Steelwave. As an Action, you can flare your steel to choose any number of sources of metal in a radius equal to half your allomantic range around you and steelpush against them.
Prerequisite: Lurcher prepared
Whenever you ironpull, you can choose to flare it. While flared, you double both its allomantic range and the damage of its attacks. Iron remains flared until the end of your turn.
Ironeprone. As an Action, you can flare iron to pull on metal within a 15 ft. cone. Creatures of your choice wearing, wielding, standing atop of, or standing near metal that is not affixed to a surface, must make a Strength saving throw, taking 1 x your allomantic damage and falling prone on a failed save or half damage on a success.
Ironwave. As an Action, you can flare your iron to choose any number of sources of metal in a radius equal to half your allomantic range around you and ironpull against them.
Prerequisite: 3rd level, Rioter prepared
Whenever you zincpull, or while you are zincpulling on a creature, you can choose to flare zinc. While flared, the target immediately becomes aware that you are pulling on their emotions, but has disadvantage on its saving throws against it, and you can choose to gain an additional benefit for the flare's duration depending on the emotion you are pulling:
- Joy. If the creature is frightened, the condition ends, and it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or else become charmed by you.
- Anger. The creature gains advantage on all of its attack rolls and grants advantage to all attack rolls against it.
- Fear. If the creature is charmed, the condition ends, and it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or else become frightened of you.
Zinc remains flared until the end of your next turn, or until your concentration is broken, whichever comes first.
Zincwave. When you flare zinc, you can target any number of creatures within half your allomantic range.
Enflame/Suppress. When you flare or while flaring zinc, you can as an Action have a target creature you can see use its Reaction to take a single Action or make a Charisma saving throw, taking 4d8 psychic damage and being stunned until the end of its next turn on a failure, or half as much damage on a success. See Misting Talents list for more detail.
Prerequisite: 3rd level, Soother prepared
Whenever you brasspush, or while you are brasspushing on a creature, you can choose to flare brass. While flared, the target immediately becomes aware that you are pushing on their emotions, but has disadvantage on its saving throws against it, and you can choose to gain an additional benefit for the flare's duration depending on the emotion you are pushing:
- Joy. If the creature is charmed, the condition ends, and its movement speed is reduced by half for the flare's duration.
- Anger. The creature suffers disadvantage on all of its attack rolls and forces disadvantage on all attack rolls against it.
- Fear. If the creature is frightened, the condition ends, and it gains temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your mistborn level.
Brass remains flared until the end of your next turn, or until your concentration is broken, whichever comes first.
Brasswave. When you flare brass, you can target any number of creatures within half your allomantic range.
Enflame/Suppress. When you flare or while flaring brass, you can as an Action have a target creature you can see use its Reaction to take a single Action or make a Charisma saving throw, taking 4d8 psychic damage and being stunned until the end of its next turn on a failure, or half as much damage on a success. See Misting Talents list for more information.
Prerequisite: 6th level, Tineye prepared
When you activate your tinsense, or as a Bonus Action while your tinsense is active, you can choose to flare your tin. While flared, your darkvision range doubles, you add double your proficiency to Perception checks, and you can hear and focus on sounds clearly up to 300 ft. away through up to 6 inches of stone or 1 foot of wood. You also double the amount of additional damage you take from all types except psychic. Tin remains flared until the end of your next turn, or until you lose concentration, whichever comes first.
Mind's Eye. When you are the target of an attack, you can as a Reaction flare your tin. As part of the same Reaction, or as a Reaction against an attack targeting you while your tin is flared, you can gain a +5 bonus to AC against the attack. You can choose to do so after you see the roll but not before you know the result.
Survivor. You gain an additional Reaction per round. This Reaction can only be used for your Mind's Eye ability.
Mistborn & Multiclassing
Mistborn follow all the normal rules for multiclassing. The following tables function as additions to those listed on page 163 and 164 of the Player’s Handbook.
Multiclassing Prerequisites
Class | Ability Score Minimum |
Mistborn | Strength or Dexterity 13, Constitution 13 |
Proficiencies Gained | |
Simple weapons, alchemist's supplies |
A Mistborn's Mistcloak
A mistcloak is a charcoal grey cloak made up of hundreds of long, ribbon-like strips, sewn together at the shoulders and chest but flowing freely like streamers down to one's ankles. In a bygone era, it helped hide mistborn in heavy mists and served as a signifier of status. It is constructed to come free when pulled, so that it cannot be used against a mistborn in combat.
Shrouded Comfort
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
This mistcloak grants its wearer a +1 bonus to AC while unarmored and advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks while lightly or heavily obscured. As a bonus action, its wearer can cast the spell fog cloud at 1st level centered on themself, which lasts until the end of their next turn and does not require concentration. Fog cloud cannot be cast in this way again until the next dusk.
Once gifted from one survivor to another, this mistcloak grants its wearer comfort in the mists. A blue petal flower pendant holds its clasp together.
More Misting Talents and Flares
From V1.4
Invested Body
Prerequisite: 4th level, Coinshot and/or Lurcher prepared
You can substitute your Allomantic Ability Modifier with your Strength or Dexterity ability modifier for attack rolls and Allomantic save DCs that come from coinshot, lurcher, and any misting talent that has either of those misting talents as a prerequisite.
Invested Mind
Prerequisite: 4th level, Rioter and/or Soother prepared
You can substitute your Allomantic Ability Modifier with your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma ability modifier for Allomantic save DCs that come from rioter, soother, and any misting talent that has either of those misting talents as a prerequisite.
Prerequisite: 6th level, Coinpush and/or Lurcher, and Pewterarm, prepared
Once on your turn, when you establish an anchor, you can establish two anchors instead of one. Additionally, while anchored to something heavier than you, you double the damage dealt to structures and objects via your allomantic powers.
Quick Anchor
Prerequisite: 3rd level, Mistrider feature, Coinpush and/or Lurcher prepared
When you, or a creature or object you can see within your allomantic range, falls, you can as a Reaction establish an anchor. Additionally, you can use your Mistrider ability to anchor on to metal being worn or carried.
From V1.2
Prerequisite: 3rd level
You can suppress the presence of magic around you. You gain the following allomantic power:
As an action, you can create a 10 ft. radius aura around you. Spells, such as detect magic, see invisiblity, and alarm, and abilities that can detect the presence of magic or magically detect the presence of creatures will fail to detect anything within the aura. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against and to end the charmed and frightened condition. This lasts for as long as you maintain concentration. You can end this ability on any of your turns, no action required.
Prerequisite: 3rd level
You can detect the presence of magic around you. You gain the following allomantic power:
As an action, you can create a 30 ft. radius around you. Active magical effects, such as the ward placed by an alarm spell, within the aura become detectable to you. This detection comes in the form of rhythmic pulses that only you can hear, and become steadier and louder the closer you get to its source. You also become detectable to anything that can detect magic. This lasts for as long as you maintain concentration. You can end this ability on any of your turns, no action required.
New Flares
Prerequisite: Smoker prepared
When you activate your copperpull, or as a Bonus Action while your copperpull is active, you can choose to flare your copper. While flared, the aura's radius increases to 30 ft., and you can choose to end the charmed or frightened condition on yourself. Copper remains flared for 1 minute, or until you lose concentration, whichever comes first.
At 10th level, when you gain the duralumin feature, using duralumin on copperflare increases the maximum duration to 1 hour instead of 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Seeker prepared
When you activate your bronzepush, or as a Bonus Action while your bronzepush is active, you can choose to flare your bronze. While flared, the aura's radius increases to 60 ft., and you can also detect magical objects and creatures, even if they do not have any active magical effects ongoing. This lasts until the end of your next turn, or until you lose concentration, whichever comes first.
v1.4 (current)
- Changed Allomantic Ability Modifier level scaling to be much faster, increasing to +4 at 8th instead of 9th and +5 at 13th instead of 17th.
- Increased the Misting Talents Prepared scaling by 1 - it increases to 4 at 2nd level and 5 at 3rd level.
- Added the new Misting Talents, Invested Body, Invested Mind, Siege Arm, Quick Anchor
- Updated the Misting Talent Skill Tree
- Lowered the level prerequisites for the Misting Talents Soother and Rioter from 3rd level to 2nd level.
- Updated the mechanics under Anchoring on p3 to allow anchoring to worn and light metal. Removed the example paragraph to make space for new text.
- Changed the first paragraph of the introductory text to try and be more clear
- Removed the examples from under Using Allomancy - nothing of mechanical substance has been changed.
- Changed text under Using Allomancy concerning being able to recognize metal when you see it.
- Added the 1st level Detect Metal feature to the base class and class table.
- Deleted the "Experimental and Optional Features" page (contents were moved to other pages)
- Fixed the Fortitude Misting Talent to include STR, DEX, and CON checks
- Fixed wording of last line of Mind's Eye
- Fixed Survivor misting talent by changing spook to mind's eye
- Enabled long range allomantic attacks with disadvantage under Allomantic Attack and Damage
- Added clause to Juggernaut misting talent adding extra 1d4 damage to the additional attack
- Fixed Copperflare wording be replacing coppercloud with smoker
- Added Shrouded Comfort, a mistcloak magic item, on the previous page.
- Added Back Cover, moved credits to back cover
- Refined language under Using Allomancy
- Added Light and medium armor proficiency
- Added Leather Armor, Chain Shirt, or 10 gp to starting equipment
- Increased starting gold from 2d4x10 to 4d4x10 (assuming you're going for one of the armors, you're definitely better off choosing the starting equipment instead of the gold, because alchemist supplies is just so expensive. If you're going naked, well... extra 10 gp with the starting equipment.)
- Moved the Experimental Features to a separate Recycling Bin
- Added Smoker and Seeker misting talents to prior page.
- Improved hit point regain wording under Vigor and Pewterflare
Thank You to Brandon Sanderson
And his Mistborn Trilogy. If you love fantasy, adventure, refreshingly unambiguous romances, and robust, detailed, novel magic systems, then you'll enjoy virtually anything he writes.
Mistborn class created by /u/LEUKU
Website: Leukudnd.com
Discord: Leuku | Classes/Articles#4523
Inspired by the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
Special thanks to my friends GK and SH who have been with me each step of the way, and WM for gifting me the first two books in the trilogy for Christmas 2018.
All art was either made by me, requested by me, or sourced from the California State Library, the British Museum, the MET Museum, and the Yale University Art Gallery and are in the public domain.
Especial credit to Terry Ha for the portrait on Page 1.
Additional Thanks
To all the users who found errors, provided critique, and offered compliments!