Item Doc 2.2 update

by PantherophisNiger

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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This is a long, feathery quill that appears just like any mundane quill. The quill must be paired to a pot of ink and a book in order to work. To pair the ink, quill and book, you must fill the quill with the ink, and write your name in the book.

Take a Note: So long as the quill's paired inkpot and book are within 5', the quill will activate and begin writing down everything that is said within your hearing distance (depends on your sensory abilities).

End Notes: If the quill is currently taking notes, it will stop taking notes. The quill will lay itself down at a point that is perfectly in-between its paired inkpot and book.

by u/greyff

Lantern of the True Path

Wondrous item, rare

An enchanted lantern of Dwarven design. It is a small metal lantern that hangs from a short chain. This item may hold a maximum of 4 charges, and recovers 1d4 charges at sunset.

Home: As an action, you can attune the lantern to your present location, or to a location that you are very familiar with (such as a place you frequented as a child, your home, or somewhere you visit with great frequency). The lantern may only have one attuned location at a time.

Reveal the Path: When you are at a crossroad, or at a choice of which way to turn, you may hold the lantern by the end of the chain, and expend 1 charge. The lantern will slowly turn on its chain until it rests, facing the direction that must be followed in order to reach the attuned location. If more than one route would lead to the attuned location, the lantern will slowly swing between the alternatives.

by u/EugeneHarlot


Rare Item Attunement not required

"A small leather bound book with meager pages for its size. When this book is opened, a random tidbit of information may appear. You can continue to flip through infinitely, but you may not actually find what you want. The information contained inside can range from a recipe to an ancient map, in any language. To specifically find the information you're looking for, you must succeed a DC-20 intelligence saving throw.

The book was crafted by an ambitious mage looking for all the information in the cosmos. If you look closely at the cover, you can see the author's name in faded letters. P--dd-e -o--er

by u/Phosphorus_Dom

“Elephant Elephant Elephant”

Wondrous Item, legendary

This ivory statuette is infused with an intelligence dampening effect that replaces all spoken words with the language of elephants. This magical effect has a 30ft radius, and may only be blocked by effects similar to antimagic field. The item may only replace languages that have previously been spoken in its presence, but over time it can recognize and suppress more languages. DMs may use discretion on which languages this item begins with.

It is theorized that Illithids created this as a way to prevent prisoner communication.

by u/blager2000

Rune-Carved Behir Horn

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This deep blue horn is covered in intricate runes that crackles with electricity. You can occasionally detect the faint smell of ozone.

This item acts as a +1 arcane focus, granting a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and your spell save DC. When casting an evocation spell that deals thunder or lightning damage, that spell receives an additional +1 bonus to its spell attack rolls and/or spell save DC. The horn contains 5 charges, and regains 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn.

Spell Charges
Witch bolt 1
Lightning bolt 3
Chain lightning 5

The wizard Jorin created this focus after defeating a Behir rampaging across the northern mountains.

by u/Zenrayeed

Candle of Leng

Wondrous item, very rare

This is a round, fat candle made of an oddly fragrant wax. Nobody seems to be able to agree on the exact color. Shadows play strangely on the walls when this candle is lit.

The Light That is Not Light: When lit in a place of total darkness, the Candle of Leng will cast ultraviolet light in a 10-foot radius. While within this light, all writing is automatically translated into your native language. This is the only property of this item that is revealed by identify or similar magic. Other properties are not identified or discovered by any means short of wish.

Still You Run: When the candle is lit, the DM should stealthily roll initiative for anyone standing within the light. Any creature that enters the light, or begins their turn inside of the light, must make a DC 15 wisdom save. On a success, the character may spend an action to read 1 page of illuminated text. On a failed save, a character must run away screaming from the candle, and remain afraid of the candle for 24 hours. If the lit candle is left alone in a room, it will vanish forever.

Luck Runs Out: If character succeeds against the fear caused by the Candle of Leng 9 times, then on that character's 10th success, the candle will summon an Eldritch Abomination of the DM's choice. Paladin immunity to fear, or a similar ability, counts as a success.

Valuable items much sought after by scholars, Candles of Leng can occasionally be purchased from Lengi traders when they descend from their plateau. Rumors say that those who spend to long in the candle's light sometimes disappear as well.

by u/-1stDoctor

Magician's Bread

Wondrous Item, uncommon

When eaten by a spellcaster, this loaf of bread gives that person one first level spell spell slot. A warlock would also gain a first level spell slot, even though they would not normally have one. The spellcaster will retain this spell slot until the end of their next long rest. This bread not does decay or mould, as though it were constantly under the effects of gentle repose.

by u/Numbers1999

Wand of Firemorh

Wand, uncommon

This ebony wand has two pointed edges. When used, the caster must say whether they are casting polymorph or fireball. Both spells are cast at 4th level. Whichever spell they did not cast will fire out of the back end of the wand, and target the caster.

An old wand maker with a large issue of thievery once had the idea of trapping a few of his wands. He never had much of an issue with it again.

by u/Xofoxxy

Stitcher of Monsters

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This needle has brown stains that cannot be washed off. Odd, spectral strings trail behind it, but fail to hold anything, except dead flesh, together.

Dark Needlework: You can sew the bodies of creatures together with this, with a maximum of 3 creatures up to a maximum size of large. The sewing takes one hour per creature involved. The result is a stitched-up magical undead familiar under your control. Your familiar will follow all the normal rules of familiars, however, it cannot recover health. If you become de-attuned to the needle, your familiar will become enraged and attack the nearest creature.

HP: The combined hit points of the all the creatures that were used to create the thing.

Speed: The average speed of all three creatures involved.

AC: 13+ dexterity bonus.

Strength: The highest strength score of the creatures used.

Constitution: The highest constitution score of the creatures used.

Dexterity: The highest dexterity score of the creatures used.

Wisdom: 8

Intelligence: 6

Charisma: 3

Attacks: The creator may decide to take one attack from each of the creatures involved, and use them as the attacks of the thing. An example would be the bite of a lion, the hooves of a horse, and a stab from a goblin (if it has a sword). The to hit bonus should be the dexterity or strength bonus +3.

Curse: If you die while attuned to this needle, it needle will immediately begin sewing your body together with the nearest other corpse. After 1 hour, your corpse will rise as a hostile, undead abomination that has been combined with whatever you were sewn to. Only wish or reincarnate will resurrect you after this has occurred. Using dispel magic targeted at the needle within 1 minute of your death will cause the needle to be disabled until the next sunrise. The needle will not give up attempting to stitch nearby corpses together until you are no longer dead, or until someone else attunes to it to grant directions.

This needle was found dangling off the body of a horrific thing in the basement of a missing wizard's laboratory.

by u/darkus4566

Fire Gourd

Wondrous item, uncommon

This gourd is filled with a strong, naturally flammable, spirit.

As an action, you may take a drink from the gourd and exhale fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Due to the potency of the liquid, you must then make a DC 13 constitution save, or suffer from the poisoned condition. You may continue to use the gourd on successive turns, but each failed save after the first one will cause you to take 2d6 poison damage. After three failed saves, you will suffer as though you are under the effects of the confusion spell. The gourd has enough liquor in it for 1d4+3 uses.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Urn of Shadows

Very Rare (requires attunement)

This large pewter urn is painted with a black and green glaze that reeks of necromantic magic. The runes are indecipherable, except for specially chosen servants of Gruumsh.

Shadow Theft: As an action, you may attempt to steal a creature's shadow within 60 feet that you can see (Note, you must be able to see and distinguish the shadow, not the creature). A creature attacked in this manner must make a DC 16 charisma save. On a fail, their shadow is permanently sucked in to the urn.

Dark Transformation: The urn will slowly transform any stolen shadows into a shadow (Moster Manual page 269). This process takes 1 week. The urn can store up to ten shadows at once.

Power of Darkness: As an action, you may release the seal on the urn, and summon all of the shadows stored inside. The shadows are hostile to all creatures, except for you. They act on their own turn in combat, and follow their own will. If the urn is broken, all of the shadows inside will leak out, and become hostile to everyone. If the urn is left empty for 1 week, it will steal your shadow. If you have no shadow, the urn will devour your soul.

The Urn of Shadows is a dark relic passed down from elder to elder in a certain shamanistic orc tribe who terrorize the plains of Drall. It thirsts for darkness.

by u/budakang

The Madman’s Machine


This complicated array of clockwork throbs slightly as if it is organic.

Ticking: Once per day, you may listen to irregular, off-beat ticking of this machine and make a DC 10 intelligence saving throw. On a success, you gain a random piece of information. This can be anything from the lifespan of the nearest person to the thoughts running through the mind of the nearest serial killer.

Tocking: A Great Old One warlock can use this item to cast agury as a ritual without consuming spell slots or components.

This device contains the broken souls of a wizard and his family, who were all driven mad by the unearthly beat.

by u/darkus4566

Chime of Beast Discovery

Wondrous item, uncommon

This small silver bell exudes divination magic, especially during the full moon. When hung up, the bell will only ring if a therianthrope (such as a werewolf) passes beneath it. Different therianthropes will cause different tones.

by u/Numbers1999

Acarum's Sleigh

Vehicle, artifact (requires attunement)

This ornate sleigh produces a perceivable aura of transmustation. The sleigh is a 10ft x 20ft rectangle, and can fit up to eight medium creatures or two large creatures. While riding in this sleigh, you can use a reaction to make the sleigh move up to 40 feet on initiative count 20.

Never Ending Voyage: While traveling in this sleigh, you know the direction north is at all times. You have advantage on all skill checks against being lost while in the sleigh. Anyone inside of the sleigh has resistance to cold damage.

Frosty Tracks: This sleigh produces a thick crust of ice beneath its runners. This sleigh can be driven over water, riding across this layer of ice. This sleigh leaves a clear trail of ice in its wake.

Glacial Magic: While riding in this sleigh, you can innately cast the following spells at their base level using a spell save DC of 16.

Spell Times per Day
Ray of frost At-will
Ice knife 3
Snilloc's snowball storm 3
Conjure minor elementals 3
Ice storm 1
Cone of cold 1
Investiture of ice 1
Wall of ice 1

by u/Numbers1999

Glove of "Creation"

Very rare (requires attunement)

Once per day, the user may cast creation, but the result will always be a wooden coin.

A grand illusionist once made this item, a marvelous thing to all yet none can find it's use.

by u/wushulubis

Obsidian obelisk

Wondrous item, artifact, requires special attunement

This 6-foot tall obelisk is made of smooth, black stone, and weighs well over 10,000 lbs. The obelisk is always slightly warmer than the ambient temperature. This obelisk seems impervious to magic that alters its weight, shape or other physical properties.

Attunement requires that you touch the obelisk while there are no other creatures attuned to it. If there is another creature currently attuned to the obelisk, the creature with the highest intelligence score will become attuned. Only one creature can be attuned to the obelisk at a time. Leaving the 1 mile radius of the obelisk will end attunement.

Uplift: While someone is attuned to the obelisk, every sunrise, the obelisk will target a random plant or creature within one mile of the obelisk. That creature or plant is awakened per the awaken spell. Creatures awakened in this manner are charmed by the person attuned to the obelisk, so long as they both stay within 1 mile of the obelisk. The person attuned to the obelisk always knows the location of charmed creatures or plants within 1 mile of the obelisk.

Guarding this obelisk are a host of different creatures and plants under the command of "The Teacher".

by u/1Jusdorange

The Patches of Closeness

Wondrous items, rare

Two cloth or leather patches that look like tabby kittens. One kitten "fuzzed-out" with an arched back, as though "angry". One kitten is curled into a peaceful ball with flexed paws, as though "happy". Both patches have an adhesive substance on them that will cause them to stick once applied to a surface.

Kitty Friends: Once the patches are both applied to a surface, they will become magically linked. Any touch range spell applied to one kitten will become applied to whatever the other kitten is stuck to. Once stuck, the kitties cannot be removed for at least 1 hour, or by means of oil of slipperiness or by means of wish. The kitties recharge their stickiness every night at midnight.

Happy Kitty: Any healing spell that applied to the "angry" kitty will become amplified when it is received by the "happy" kitty (the creature healed is the one that "happy" kitty is stuck to). All dice rolled for healing are doubled.

Angry Kitty: Any damaging spell that is applied to the "happy" kitty will become amplified when it is received by the "angry" kitty (the creature damaged is the one that "angry" kitty is stuck to). All dice rolled for damage are doubled.

The patches were originally woven by a brilliant wizard who was unfortunately terrible at aiming.


Locksmith's Breaker

Wondrous item, common

This lock-pick has an aura of transmutation about it. Once per week, this lock can be used as components to cast knock at second level as a ritual. Whenever this lock pick is used in this way, roll a d20. On a 1, the lock pick casts knock on itself and disintegrates.

by u/Numbers1999

Hand of Glory

Wondrous item, rare

This macabre candle is made of a shriveled, mummified hand with wicks in the place of fingernails.

After lighting one of the fingers, the spirit of the remains will appear to fulfill the desires of whomever lit the candle. The spirit may act as a spy, answer questions or act as a familiar in combat (use stats like a ghost from the Monster Manual). However, the spirit will only linger so long as the finger-candle is lit (about 30 minutes). Once all five fingers have been burned, the Hand of Glory ceases to be magical.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Branding Iron of Subjugation

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A tool used by evil creatures, most often powerful devils, to brand their slaves, servants, and enemies as their property and as their target.

Evil Brand: You may use the brand to mark the flesh of a creature. This brand cannot be healed unless by means of wish. If the flesh that has been branded is removed and regenerated, the brand will grow back as well. A creature that is branded by the Branding Iron of Subjugation gains no benefit from spells such as nondetection that would otherwise allow it to hide from whomever branded them. While in an area where magic does not exist, such as an area affected by antimagic field, the bearer of the brand is as concealed as any other creature within, though the brand remains in place. If the Branding Iron is destroyed, all magical effects of the brand stop. The mark becomes a regular scar that can be healed by the usual spells, such as heal or regenerate.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Rosary of Holy Binding

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a Cleric, Paladin, or Monk of good alignment)

A rosary of beads with holy symbols carved into them.

Prayer of Deliverance: Once per day, as an action, you may recite a mantra or prayer, and cause the beads of this rosary to fly towards one Undead or Fiend target within 60 feet that you can see. The target must make a DC 15 dexterity save, suffering 2d8 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 radiant damage on a failure, and half as much on a success. If the target is large or smaller, and fails the saving throw, the rosary will reform around the creature, and bind it in place. A creature bound in this way is considered "grappled"; it will take 1d8 radiant damage at the start of its turn. The bound creature may attempt to free itself with a DC 15 strength or dexterity save.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Bag of Paper Men

Wondrous item, uncommon

A bag with 100 red paper men. Upon speaking the command word the paper men will animate, and can be commanded by whomever holds their bag. The men cannot speak but eagerly communicate via miming. A single man stands 6 inches tall, 4 inches wide and can pick up .2 lbs.

This bag was said to have belonged to a great female swordsman who hunted monsters alongside her husband.

by u/ImAllANOME

Parasol of Piercing Showers

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This delicate looking parasol is adorned with images of storms and rainclouds.

PIercing Shower: Once per day, as an action, you can spin the parasol and throw it into the air. The parasol with cast thin, magical needles in a 40ft x 20ft cylinder centered on you. Every creature in that area must make a DC 16 dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 8d8 magical piercing damage, or half as much on a successful save. The needles do not strike anyone standing directly beneath the parasol (you), or anyone else occupying your space. However, powerful gusts of wind, such as caused by gust or gust of wind may cause the parasol to fly awry.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Fractal Gauntlet

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Once per day, as an action, the gauntlet you can shoot a "ray of fractalization" at a target you can see within 20 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 16 wisdom save or become fractalized for one minute.

Fractalized: The target's body seems to fold in on itself, becoming an infinitely repeating patter that becomes smaller and smaller. This ultimately causes no harm, but the target is stunned for the duration.

Fractal Hole: When a creature that is the same size or smaller than the fractalized target enters a space that is within 10 feet of the fractalized target, they must make a DC 16 dexterity or strength saving throw, or else become fractalized themselves. This saving throw must be repeated at the start of every turn.

A little-known tool that is favored by arthmancers for self-defence. It is created by scratching strange arcane equations in a fractal pattern on a gauntlet of perfect symmetry.

by u/Phosphorus_Dom

Censer of Sleep

Wondrous Item, rare

A small, decorated censer, inscribed with a potent enchantment spell.

When the user takes 1 minute to ignite at least 250GP worth of fine incense in the censer, it will begin to release smoke that acts as a powerful sedative. Creatures within 20 feet of the censer are affected in ascending order of their current hit points. Roll 9d8 for a total number of hit points that can be affected. Each creature affected by the smoke falls unconscious as though under the effects of the sleep spell. For every additional 300GP worth of incense used, the amount of hit points will increase by 1d8, to a maximum of 13d8. Creatures immune to poison are unaffected by the censer.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Tea of Sleeplessness

potion, rare

A companion item to the "Censer of Sleep", when this herbal infusion is consumed in the form of tea, the drinker becomes immune to the effects of the Censer of Sleep for 8 hours, and cannot fall asleep naturally during this duration.

It is a shame for a spider to be caught in his own web.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Brass Pocket Watch of Ages Past

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A brass pocket watch adorned with scratches and fraught with neglect. It doesn't keep time very well; the second hand twitches futilely in place while the hour hand spins around nonsensically.

Time Purchase: As a reaction, you may wind the pocket watch back 1 hour, and undo any one creature's action. The pocket watch will become visibly and dramatically weathered.

Curse: The pocket watch will begin to restore itself by draining away the life of its bearer. Whenever the item is used, you permanently reduce your hit point maximum by 1. Additionally, you make constitution saves at disadvantage.

This pocket watch was originally made by a madman who sought to control time itself.

by u/neiderhauser77

Cauldron of Brewing

Wondrous item, uncommon

This cast-iron couldron was created specifically to accommodate the precise and delicate science of potion-making.

The cauldron heats itself to the precise temperature the user demands of it, and does so without any apparent source of heat. When in use, the cauldron will gently hum, causing the contents to swirl and mix together. This cauldron cannot make itself hotter than a regular iron cauldron heated by a flame could.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Vajra of the Divine Hand

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Cleric, Monk, or Paladin of good alignment

Divine Hand: Once per day, as an action, you may target one creature that is an Abberation, Elemental, Fey Fiend or Undead. The targeted creature must make a DC 20 wisdom save, or else be paralyzed for one minute as though under the effects of hold monster. The affected creature may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, but suffers 2d8 radiant damage on a failed save. You must maintain concentration for this effect.

by u/Paladin_of_Trump

Wand of Darkness

Wand, rare

If this wand is used as an arcane focus, the spell will fizzle. The wand will cast an aura of darkness 100 ft x 100 ft x 100 ft, or constrained to the size of a room. Darkvision does not apply inside of this void. To banish this void, daylight must be cast at 5th level or higher. True sight does not aid in seeing through this void.

This wand is a popular booby trap on the Ethereal Plane.

by u/one_developer

Lasso of Truth

Whip, legendary, (requires attunement by a lawful good character)

The Lasso of Truth is a +1 whip that deals magical slashing damage. You are proficient with this weapon while attuned. After you deal damage with the Lasso of Truth to a medium or smaller creature, you may choose to use the Lasso of Truth to grapple that creature. While grappling, the Lasso of Truth cannot be used to attack. You may choose to end the grapple at any time. While grappling, The Lasso of Truth functions similarly to dimensional shackles.

Diana's Truth: While a creature is grappled by the Lasso of Truth, they are compelled to speak only the truth. A grappled creature may make a wisdom save against your charisma spell save DC to resist this compulsion. If the creature fails to resist, they are compelled not to lie to you. If a creature successfully resists this compulsion, they must take 2d8 + charisma modifier radiant damage. This save may be repeated for every new question asked. A mastermind rogue is immune to these effects.

A golden lasso, made from the shining braids of the dawn goddess. None can stand before the radiance of Truth.

By u/PantherophisNiger

The Astral Hammer of Glory

Warhammer, legendary artifact (requires special attunement)

This is a huge, enchanted hammer made of cosmic steel, emblazoned with the seal of Dundee. The wooden handle is roughly 5 feet long, yet the weapon is still light enough to be wielded one handed.

Cosmic Steel: This hammer can only be attuned by a good-aligned paladin or fighter who has proven their courage in battle. Upon attunement, the hammer also becomes attuned to the local sun. The Hammer contains a maximum of ten charges, and recovers one charge daily at dawn, so long as it is exposed to the light of its attuned solar object.

Forged in the Heart of Celestial Fire: The Astral Hammer of Glory was forged in the heart of a star. It is completely indestructable, except by means of wish. This hammer has a maximum of ten charges, and regains 1 charge daily at dawn. If the hammer is taken to any plane other than the one it is native to, it will lose all charges, and all abilities other than this one. If the hammer has no charges, it can only be recharged by a solar priest who can attune it to the local sun.

Minuscule goblin: This weapon causes radiant damage instead of bludgeoning. This hammer is famed for its use against goblins; it has +5 when used against goblinoid enemies.

Impractical Sword: The Astral hammer of Glory grants +2 AC against any sword-wielding enemies.

Powered by Lasers: On a hit, you may expend charges to deal additional radiant damage to your target. Each expended charge adds an additional 1d8 radiant damage. Alternatively, as an action, you may expend 9 charges to cast sunbeam at 6th level, centered on you.

Crystal Enchantment of Steel: This weapon ignores the effects of abjuration magic, such as shield.

The Hammer of Glory it's called, passed down by heroes from centuries old. The Kingdom of Fife will forever proclaim its legend. Currently wielded by a mighty prince with a license to slay.

by u/caongladius

Ethos, Logos & Pathos


Wonderous Item, legendary (Requires Attunement)

Right Eye of the Dragon: When you are attuned to this monocle, you have advantage on Investigation checks and able to cast detect magic, comprehend languages and identify each once per short rest without using spell slots or components.

Curse: Anyone who attuned to this item is driven to seek Ethos. You cannot de-attune to this item unless remove curse is used, or if Ethos is found.


Wonderous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

Left Eye of the Dragon: When you are attuned to this monocle, you have advantage on perception Checks, gain darkvision to 60ft, and you are able to see through vision-obscuring effects such as fog, snow or sandstorms.

Curse: Anyone who attuned to this item is driven to seek Logos. You cannot de-attune to this item unless remove curse is used, or if Logos is found.


Wonderous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

Eyes of the Dragon: If a creature is attuned to both Logos and Ethos, the two items will fuse and become Pathos. Pathos has all of the abilities of Logos and Ethos, but only requires a single attunement slot.

Tarus: Pathos is a sentient Item, with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 17 and a Charisma of 21. The soul of the golden dragon Tarus dwells within Pathos. Pathos has blindsight out to 30ft, and can communicate with the attuned in both common and draconic.

These spectacles are made from the scales of the golden dragon Tarus. When he was felled by a greivous wound, his final request of was that his scales should be made into an object that could aid others in the pursuit of knowledge. Unfortunately, the spectacles were stolen and broken apart.

by u/Deltaangel23


Blade of Bloodletting

Sword, legendary, (requires attunement)

This is a +2 finesse longsword that deals magical slashing damage. Undead creatures always take radiant damage from this weapon instead of necrotic.

Vicious Bloodletter Damage dice explode, meaning if a maximum on any die is rolled then add another damage die. If the hit creature is capable of bleeding, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to the damage caused by the explosion dice.

Power of Shadows: Once per day, if a creature dies as a result of damage caused by this weapon, the Blade of Bloodletting will begin to glow with a dark light. Until midnight, this weapon is a +3 sword that causes necrotic damage. Explosion dice are doubled. This ability will refresh at midnight.

The Shadar-Kai have their own version of the vaunted Moonblades. Created for use against foes of The Raven Queen of The Shadowfell.

by u/Chikimunki



Wondrous Item, common

1x1x1-inch cube that emanates a cold aura. The air within 5 feet of the cube, the air is well below freezing. This cold will extend for 1 foot into the ground, stone or similar material. Every day that the stone of cold is left in the same place without being disturbed, the cold aura is doubled. Creatures that are vulnerable to cold damage will take 1d6 cold damage every round they spend handling the cube. Creatures that are resistant to cold damage may handle the cube without injury.

by u/Chikimunki


Hooded Chameleon Cloak

Wondrous item, very rare

The Chameleon Cloak is a patchwork quilt of lizard hides, sewn together with the silk of a Shadowfell spider. A single crimson lizard, with the maker's mark, is sewn over heart.

This cloak functions exactly as a Cloak of Elvenkind, but does not require attunement. This cloak allows the wearer to make stealth skill checks at advantage, so long as they are concentrating on the effect.

by u/Chikimunki


Buckler of the Raven Queen

Shield, legendary (requires attunement)

This is a magical ironwood buckler with black leather straps on back. The front looks like a raven with a protruding beak. Servants of The Raven Queen may ignore the attunement requirement of this item.

The sharp, pointed front of the shield does an additional 1d4 magical piercing damage if it is used to shield bash enemies.

Raven Queen's Protection: This buckler grants +4 AC.

Nevermore: As an action, you can awaken the shield. The raven's beak will open, and the buckler will caw very loudly. Afterwards, the shield will continue to caw at the beginning of your turn for 3 rounds. Each undead that is capable of hearing within 30 feet of the shield must make a wisdom saving throw equal to either your wisdom or charisma spell saving throw. On a failure, they must spend their turns avoiding the 30-foot radius of the shield for the duration. This ability may be used once per day, and it will refresh at dawn.

Grip of Death: On a hit with the shield bash, you may use your reaction to cause the beak of the shield to bite the creature that you hit. The creature is considered grappled, and must make a DC15 dexterity or strength save to break free. Undead have disadvantage on this save. The grappled creature takes 1d6 cold damage at the start of each turn that it is grappled. This ability cannot be used while Nevermore is active.

Murder Summons: Once per long rest, as an action, you may summon 3d12+10 magical ravens from The Shadowfell. Each shadow raven will target an enemy with their murderous summoning ability. The murder will persist for 4 rounds, or until all undead enemies within range are killed (whichever comes first).

Shadow Raven

Tiny fey, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 1
  • Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.

2 (-4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Perception +3
  • Damage Immunities necrotic, cold
  • Senses blindsight 60 ft.
  • Languages Common


Murderous Summoning. The shadow raven targets an enemy within 60 feet of the creature that summoned it. The shadow raven will viciously attack, and automatically deal 2d4+2 magical piercing and 1d6 cold damage to that enemy.

Guardian of the Living. A shadow raven must prioritize enemies that are not currently being attacked by other shadow ravens, undead and abominations in that order.

Created by Shadar Kai for use against foes of the Raven Queen of Shadowfell.

by u/Chikimunki


Pettigrieux's Cornucopia Horn

Wondrous Item, Rare, (requires attunement)

The Cornucopia is a spiral horn of a giant goat or bighorn sheep with a flat silver strip on its base to hold it standing upright so the open end faces upward. There is a silver cap on the tip, and a silver rim around the opening. The word "Veganistic" is written along the horn in a script that seems to shift, depending upon the native tongue of the reader.

Veganistic: During a short rest, you may utter this command word to produce a bountiful feast of grains, flours, flowers, fruits, legumes, nuts and vegetables. Food of this nature will continue to pour forth from the horn until there is a sufficient quantity to feast every creature within your line of sight. The horn will attempt to honor the intentions of the speaker, and produce food that the speaker reasonably believes to be nutritious or desirable to the creatures they are providing for. The horn will attempt to avoid producing foods that are known to be allergens or toxic. After use, this horn has a 5% chance of becoming unusable for 1 week.

The larger of 2 nearly identical horns created by the Wizard Arthur Pettigrieux.

by u/Chikimunki


Pettigrieux's Horn of Draughts

Wondrous Item, Rare, (requires attunement)

The Horn of Draughts is a spiral horn of a giant goat or bighorn sheep with a flat silver strip on its base to hold it standing upright so the open end faces upward. There is a silver cap on the tip, and a silver rim around the opening. The term "Chug-a-lug" is written along the horn in a script that seems to shift, depending upon the native tongue of the reader.

Chug-a-lug: During a short rest, upon saying the command word, the horn will begin to gently pour forth a liquid. The liquid will continue to pour forth until every cup within line of sight has been filled. The nature of the liquid poured forth is determined by whatever liquid last filled this horn. Eg. if the horn was last filled with heated spring water, it will pour out heated spring water, if it was last filled with chilled wine, it will pour out chilled wine. Poisoned or otherwise dangerous liquids will be poured forth as harmless rainwater. After use, this horn has a 5% chance of becoming unusable for 1 week.

One of two nearly identical horns created by the Wizard Arthur Pettigrieux. It holds about 1 pint of liquid.

by u/Chikimunki


Unstable Weapon

Weapon (any), uncommon

This weapon crackles with magical energy. You have +7 to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.

Deteriorating: When you hit with this weapon, the bonus to attack and damage is reduced by one. When it is reduced to -3, it will explodes and deal 2d6 force damage to all creatures within 20ft.

Unstable Weapons are usually created by failed attempts to create +3 weapons.

By u/BuffwingCombolord


Cog of Stability

Wondrous item, uncommon, (requires attunement)

A small cog, perfectly symmetrical and unblemished.

Stability: The cog has 5 charges. When you hit with an attack or cast a damaging spell, you can spend a charge to make your attack deal "average" damage. This cog regains all charges at dawn.

A cog taken from the machinery of Mechanus.

By u/BuffwingCombolord


Pixie Wings

Wondrous item, uncommon, (requires attunement)

The tiny wings of a Pixie. To attune to them, you must affix them to the back of your shirt or armor.

Flight: You gain a fly speed of 5ft. You can fly for up to 1 hour each day.

Granted by Arch-Fey when people wish for flight.

By u/BuffwingCombolord

The Book of Elvenkind

Wondrous item, artifact (requires special attunement)

The Book of Elvenkind is a divine register of all Elvenkind. The Gatekeeper of the Elven Afterlife maintains a record of every Eladrin, High Elf, Shadar-Kai, Sea Elf, Wood Elf and Drow (if your lore finds it applicable) that has ever lived and died. The tome is written in an ancient dialect of Sylvan; it requires fluency in Sylvan and proficiency in History in order to attune to it. Gaps in the registry may be explained by actions that occurred outside the sight of the Elven gods, or actions that have been obscured by Lolth. Notably, half-elves are omitted.

History of the Elves: You may have advantage and double your proficiency bonus on any check to discover matters of Elven history.

Family Secrets: As an action, you may use the tome to look up the biographical details of any Elf whose name is recorded in The Book of Elvenkind. For the next 60 minutes, you may have advantage on any Deception, Insight, Intimidation or Persuasion check against that individual elf.

by u/PantherophisNiger

Stone of Satoshi

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

The Stone of Satoshi is a gem about the size of a baseball. One half of the gem is bright red, as though carved out of a large ruby; the other half is clear, like a diamond. The Stone is used to capture unwilling souls for use as a spellcasting aid. There is no limit to the number of souls that may simultaneously reside within The Stone. A soul captured within The Stone may be released by your express will, or it may be transmuted. Otherwise, a soul cannot escape The Stone unless by means of wish. Upon finding The Stone, there are three souls trapped within; Satoshi himself (CR 16), and his two final victims (2x CR 7).

Capture Soul: When the Stone of Satoshi is used as an arcane focus, it grants the knowledge of the capture soul cantrip (see below). This cantrip does not count against the total number of cantrips known. A body that is left behind after a soul has been pulled in to the Stone of Satoshi should be treated as a normal corpse that will begin to rot.

Transmute Soul: As a bonus action, you may transmute a soul that has been captured by The Stone, and generate charges for The Stone. This process will irrevocably destroy that soul, and make reincarnation impossible without the aid of wish. If all of the souls within the Stone of Satoshi are released or transmuted, your own soul will be drawn into the stone.

Target CR Charges Gained
> 5 1
6 - 10 1d4
11-15 1d6
16-18 2d6
18-19 2d6 +3
20 3d6 +3
> 20 d100 +10

Inequivalent Exchange: As a bonus action, you may convert charges of The Stone into spell slots (of any level available to you), according to the following chart.

Charges Number of Spell Slots Gained
1 1
6 1d4
11 1d6
16 2d6
18 2d6 +3
20 3d6 +3
21 d100 +10

Voices of the Imprisoned: You may communicate with any soul that has been captured within The Stone, but the souls within The Stone are under no obligation to communicate with you. Insight checks against these souls are done at a disadvantage.

Capture Soul

Necromancy cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet from Stone of Satoshi
  • Components: V, S, M (Stone of Satoshi must be present)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster makes a charisma-based spell attack against a single, sapient target. The target must make a wisdom saving throw. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, the target's soul is captured by the Stone of Satoshi. If the target has more than ¼ of their maximum health remaining, they have advantage on this saving throw. If the target is at least challenge rating 16, and succeeds on this saving throw, the caster must roll d100; on 6 or less, the caster’s own soul becomes trapped within the Stone of Satoshi. A lich that still has an active phylactery will automatically succeed this saving throw.

by u/PantherophisNiger

Divine Lupine Armor

Armor (leather), legendary

The Divine Lupine armor is a set of light leather armor made out of the pelt of a single, large wolf. This armor has all the properties of leather armor, but grants an AC of 18.

Hollywood Hootsman: While wearing this armor, you have advantage on deception, persuasion and performance checks.

Hootus Dei: Once per day, as an action, you may call out for divine assistance. Treat this as the same as a cleric's divine intervention ability.

This armor is said to have been worn by the Holy King of Unst when he landed in California to begin his conquest.

Saphalja's Amulet

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

A golden dragon scale hangs from a beaded clasp on this fine golden chain. Four additional clasps hang empty - two on either side of the golden scale.


While attuned to this amulet, you gain resistance to fire damage and have advantage on saving throws caused by a dragon's frightful presence ability.


This amulet can be awakened by attaching another type of dragon scale to one of the empty clasps. When this happens, you gain resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon the scale came from. If you remove scales from the chain, you will lose those resistances. You retain all bonuses granted by the dormant form of the amulet.


You retain all the bonuses granted by the dormant and awakened forms of this amulet. Additionally, you gain the "Blood of Dragons" ability.

Blood of Dragons: You gain a single point of legendary resistance like that of true dragons. Additionally, when you use this resistance, your draconic heritage manifests fully, granting you an additional +2 to AC and immunity to the damage type associated with your draconic bloodline. This effect lasts for 1 minute and is useable once per long rest.

The exalted form of this necklace should only be unlockable by a dragonblood sorceror, or arguably, a Dragonborn. A DM should construct some sort of personal quest for the character that is seeking this form of the amulet.

by u/PfenixArtwork


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