In June 2019, the community of r/DnDBehindtheScreen came together to make a list of useful NPCs that any dungeon master might be able to plug into their game.
This document was compiled and edited by u/PantherophisNiger.
Both used according to Wizards of the Coast's Fan Content Policy
The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the persons described, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any member of the Imperial Census Commission (ICC). Furthermore, the ICC cannot be held liable for any of the actions, in-actions or bonus actions of the citizens listed herein.
Some NPCs have been edited for clarity, content and length. If you feel that any of these edits are not faithful to your original design, please contact u/PantherophisNiger via Reddit PM.
Common Folk 4
Guards and Mercenaries 7
Innkeepers and Merchants 9
Land Owners 16
Monstrous Citizens 18
Rogues and Shady Folk 23
Scholars and Spellcasters 25
Common Folk
Arkzer is a short tiefling male with pale, red skin. He is leatherworker and tanner who finds conversation intimidating. He avoids confrontation, whenever possible, and always seems nervous in conversation.
Motivations: Arkzer is a reformed criminal who lost his home, family and business when he was jailed. He is trying to rebuild his life, and just wants to stay out of trouble by keeping his head down.
Relationships: Arkzer lives a mostly solitary life. He is friends with the local blacksmith, Smitty, who helps him out when work is slow. Arkzer still has a lasting fear of authorities, and will cower or stare at his feet when town guards approach.
Other: Unknown to Arkzer, he is an unwilling therianthrope under the power of a local politician. Arkzer does not recall his transformations, or the dark acts he performs while transformed. However, he knows that he sometimes wakes up naked, miles from home.
Combat Stats: Arkzer uses weretiger stats when he is in his transformed shape.
By u/TooManyPossums
Baldar the Blacksmith
Baldar is a Dwarf who elected to reject Dwarven traditions and to travel the human lands. He is tall (for a Dwarf), with red hair, and is clean shaven. Originally, he had plans to elope with Melody, but things went awry in the remote hamlet where they were staying.
Motivations: Rescue or avenge Melody (DM's choice).
Relationships: Melody. A human woman with a beautiful singing voice. They were happily travelling from city to city, until Melody caught the unfortunate gaze of Tom.
Tom, a nobleman's son who attempted to cheat Baldar on a commissioned piece. After a brief altercation, Tom arranged for Melody's capture/murder.
Other: Baldar will not suffer any mention or glorification of Dwarven society. He is cold and curt towards other dwarves, especially 'highborn' dwarves. Baldar is constantly tinkering with faulty inventions that may/may not work.
Combat Stats: Baldar uses the stat block of a knight, but he wields a warhammer and one of his inventions. His invention will be an item that can cast a third level spell (DM's choice), but it has a 25% chance of breaking each time it is used.
By u/phoenixmusicman
Captain Yreffej Martin
Captain Yreffej Martin is a gruff old Mountain Dwarf who has been piloting a transport barge for decades. He stands at just over four feet tall, has thick, dark gray hair, and always smells like a combination of tobacco, alcohol, and the sea.
Motivations: Captain Martin is motivated by little except his own boredom and a need for coin. He hardly ever leaves his barge, opting to sleep in his quarters even if his whole crew is staying on shore. He has never never named his barge, as he decries the practice and odd and childish. Yreffej is always very serious in conversation, and rarely speaks unless spoken to.
Relationships: Captain Martin has twin sons, Jeffery and Schmeffery, who are in their late teens. They spent most of their adolescence living on the barge, assisting with their father's business, and keeping their family fed. Yreffej's wife died in childbirth. Yreffej holds some resentment towards them, especially as they have now grown, and yearn to leave the confines of the barge.
Other: Captain Martin is highly defensive of the few people he legitimately likes. He will curse and fight if someone has offended or insulted his friends. His business specializes in transportation of live animals, and as such hes has proficiency in animal handling, and naval vehicles.
By u/tracibaker328
Carver Arkwright
Master carpenter of moth-proof trunks, chests of drawers, desks (often roll-top), and bureaus (often with fold-open liquor cabinets). He also crafts "Bewilders"; wooden jigsaw puzzles, made of a variety of exotic woods. His cheaper puzzles are made of pine, stained to appear as different woods.
Motivations: Quiet, but smiling and friendly. He is wholly dedicated to crafting the “best” cedar chests and trunks in the world.
Relationships: His wife is Charity Wimcarver, a fun-loving, talented hairdresser. A good listener and sympathizer, who fidgets when her husband rants about moths or chases them. Charity is a somewhat impulsive woman; she once stole a necklace off of a noblewoman who insulted her, and threw the necklace into the river. Charity and Carver have four children; Cesar and Traci-Kae are apprentice hairdressers, Bessa carves things, and little Quinn is an aspiring fletcher.
Other: Carver has a severe phobia of moths. Butterflies are fine, but moths are foul devourers of clothing that must be destroyed. He believes that moths are inherently evil, and out to get him. Carver has an unconscious tendency to eat each meal anti-clockwise around the plate starting from the right side, and generally keeps each type of food from touching another.
By u/Chikimunki
Constancius and Melissa
Constancius is a burly human in his late 40s, with scars and burn marks covering a good part of his arms and torso. Constancius works a large and imposing acreage; the largest single property in the county (aside from the local Lord, of course). Constancius is wedded to an equally imposing half-orc named Melissa. Although they are warm individuals, they are guarded with strangers who might not approve of their marriage. When Constancius was a young man, a red dragon began roosting in the nearby foothills. Constancius stood firm on his land, and successfully fended off several attacks. Melissa was a member of the adventuring party that eventually came to slay the dragon.
Motivations: Constancius is very proud of his farm, and the high-quality products that he sells. He is a simple man who loves his wife, and his home. He and Melissa hope that some day, one of their three sons will return from their adventures to tend the family land. Constancius believes in being neighborly and helpful to his fellow farmers.
Relationships: Constancius and Melissa are well-regarded in their county. Although many did not initially approve of the pairing of a half-orc and human, the town has come to respect the couple. Constancius' produce and meats are very high quality, and they have brought a lot wealth into the county.
Other: Constancius is the latest incarnation of a running cosmic joke. The Gods have seen fit to bless him with every virtue that could make his name ring throughout history, except for the ambition to leave home. Constancius does not know this.
By u/UndercoverDoll49
Deirdre Copperback
Deirdre Copperback is a brass dragonborn. Her patronym is a callback to her family's failed political machinations; an attempt to ingratiate themselves to the Copper nobility of their homeland. Deirdre is particularly tall and broad; her size suits her calling as a gate guard. Though she follows guard protocol to the letter, she is rarely without a smile as broad as her shoulders.
Motivations: Deirdre loves her home city, and she hopes hopes to endear everyone else to the city's charms. Her parents, on the other hand, have always held always begrudged the city to which they had to flee. Deirdre nothing more than to serve her home and to sing its praises.
Relationships: Deirdre lives with her parents, Chorn and Desmoda, and her older sister Stella. However, their relationship is quite strained; the older Copperbacks still hold tightly on to their love for "the old country". Deirdre has a number of friends among the city watch and gets along especially well with Pordnog Stogg, the half-orc with whom she shares most of her shifts at the city gate.
Other: Deirdre is bubbly, excited and enthusiastic. Though she would never allow someone through without proper documentation, she will inadvertently hold up the line going into the city by getting to know each and every person who enters.
By u/latinperegrino
Fisherman Stan
Fisherman Stan is a human fisherman who lives with his family on the lake. He has a scruffy beard and a missing ear. Although rough on the outside every once in a while he shows his nice personality.
Motivations: He works hard all day every day to make money to pay the best doctors around to try and help his sick son. He wants nothing more than for his son to be well again.
Relationships: Stan has a strong relationship with his family and close friends. Although, most people think he is stand-offish, and his friends are few. Stan was previously known to frequent the town pub every night, but since his son fell ill, he has not been seen buying drinks. Most of the town speaks about Fisherman Stan with a tone of respect, sympathy and pity.
Other: Fisherman Stan’s wife and some of his friends are a little worried at how desperate he has become to save his son's life. Stan is reaching the breaking point where he may try something drastic to save his son. Crime, magic and even necromancy are not out of the question.
By u/Kdjp777
Mara Orner
Mara Orner is a skinny human girl of 15 years. She is the youngest of four children; a slim and frail girl, Mara has always been thought of as the baby of the family. She took employment as a maid at Tresendar Manor, after father gave up trying to get her to work the fields. Mara is still learning the ropes, but she is good at keeping things tidy. Her clothes are simple and unadorned, except for an iron amulet shaped like a wheel.
Motivations: Mara wants to leave Phandalin some day, and move to a big city where they speak many languages. She believes in fairness and turning the other cheek.
Relationships: Mara is nervous around her employers, especially the Dragonborn nobility. When her duties are complete, she enjoys working up the courage to ask her employers about the adventures they have been on. She gets on well with her family, even though she is often teased by her older, brawnier siblings.
Other: Mara likes to listen to conversations in other languages, and has an innate ability to speak other languages fluently. When she’s nervous she seems to slur or stammer but she is actually speaking random words in other languages without realizing it. Mara has a “knack” for languages, and can understand and speak any language she has heard at least once for a whole conversation.
By u/Shudso
Rorik Hoggs
Rorik Hoggs is a middle-aged half-orc pig farmer and butcher. Although he is loud, crude, and boisterous, he doesn't have a single malicious bone in his body. He has greyish skin, a stocky build, and a stubbly beard. He wears battered leather boots, overalls, and a homespun blue hat with ear flaps.
Motivations: Rorik believes in hard work, good times, and keeping his nose out of trouble. He's just fine farming pigs, thank you very much, and he has no desire to get tangled up in "hero business".
Relationships: Rorik's mother is something of a town disgrace, for having kept and raised him after the orc raids. She and Rorik are quite close, and he is quite defensive of his mother. Rorik doesn't have many close friends; even his cousins are wary of having a half-orc live so close by. Rorik's group of drinking buddies are a variety of village oddballs and outcasts. Rorik is clumsily trying to court the handsome town baker. Although he has publicly and vehemently shot Rorik down on every attempt, the baker sneaks out at night to leave pastries or pies on Rorik's doorstep when he thinks nobody is looking.
Personality: Rorik has a farmer's gift for gab, but his accent is fairly unintelligble, due to his tusks. He treats his pigs extremely well, and can often be seen with a piglet or two in tow (Rorik believes that happy hogs make for savory sausages).
Combat Stats: Monster Manual's Commoner, but with 14 STR, 14 CON, and wielding a cleaver (handaxe).
By u/notpetelambert
Guards and Mercenaries
Captain Percivale Brightblade
Captain Brightblade is an aging high-elf paladin with a long history serving at the pleasure of the local government. For the past fifty years, he has been a faithful and true captain of the city guard. Captain Brightblade is widely known by criminals and peasantry alike to be unfailingly just, honorable and without guile. Captain Brightblade wields the sword from which his family takes their name; a famous moonblade said to have been granted to his ancestors by a shining god.
Motivations: Captain Brightblade seeks to keep his city safe from the corruption of crime. Retirement draws near for The Captain; he hopes to spend his final decades at his family estate, with Tai'Irri.
Relationships: Duty was always The Captain's bride; he never wed, or sired children. Much to the dismay of his noble relatives, he has adopted an orphan elf girl named Tai'Irri, who he intends to raise as his heir.
Other: Captain Brightblade will refuse to drink alcohol, under any circumstance. If pressed, he begs forgiveness and cites a vow that he swore in his youth. "Brightblade" is the common translation of The Captain's patronym. In old Sylvan, the name is "Kalash'Dil", or "Sword of Stars".
By u/PantherophisNiger
Death Knight Ozurond
Ozuron was once a paladin who forswore his oaths to save his own skin. His goddess did not take kindly to her paladin's cowardice, and swiftly struck him down. The ancient sigil of his order, and the goddess they served, has been worn away by the centuries.
Motivations: Ozurond seeks redemption. His soul has been cursed to wander theThe Earth, until his goddess's wrath is appeased. Ozurond is seeking to gather an undead army large enough to wipe out the orcs that destroyed his goddess's temple.
Relationships: Ozuron fled from the battle, so that he could be with his betrothed, Saralia Vessenae. Though Seralia is long dead, her granddaughter Velith hopes to bring peace to Ozurond's soul.
Other: The centuries have stripped away much of Ozurond's mind; he does not even recall his own name. Ozurond is of a singular focus; the eradication of Orckind. Only the memories of his beloved Saralia are strong enough to remain.
Donaar Payax
Donaar is a silver dragonborn sumo wrestler turned mercenary. Towering at an impressive 7’2 and 400lb, Donaar is an imposing presence. He wears a long black gi over a silver colored sash. He is fastidious; he keeps his scales well-oiled and shiny. While Donaar could never be considered an "upstanding" citizen, he does hold tightly to the moral codes of his people. He does not accept jobs that involve harm to women or children.
Motivation: Donaar enjoys a good physical challenge and admires physical might. He is always looking for a such a challenge and enjoys a good fight. He’s loyal to his employer as long as he gets paid, and his employer does not require him to break his moral codes. Donaar is motivated to become a better fighter, and to redeem his honor in the eyes of his clan leaders.
Relationships: Donaar is a popular gladiator, and a somewhat well-known thug-for-hire. Although he has many acquaintances, he has found it hard to find a circle he belongs to. He has allies within the various criminal factions, and may have a few minions at his disposal. There is a particular courtesan that he likes to visit from time to time.
Other: Donaar doesn’t like magic in fights. He think sof magic as cowardly, and cheating. Donaar will direct his minions to shut down casters as fast as possible in a fight. Donaar likes to challenge people to one-on-one, no arms or armor combat.
By u/1Jusdorange
Eneloor Refil
Eneloor towers over most other humans at 6'6 feet. Eneloor is in his mid-20's, and travels his home county as a wandering militiaman. He is a decent blacksmith, who takes meticulous care of his armor and weapons.
Motivations: Eneloor has extensive knowledge of the local terrain and towns. His sister and niece passed away in a freak accident while Eneloor was serving in the military. He misses them, and dedicates portions of his wages to local orphanages and temples. He has several "apprentices" that he trains in smithwork on his regular trips through their home towns.
Relationships: Eneloor never got to meet his niece, and he misses his sister Finna. Although Finna's husband is a shifty kind of guy, Eneloor likes him well enough, and keeps in touch with him. Eneloor dotes on his horse, Meringue, who was once his fiancee before a curse befell her.
Other: Many townsfolk recognize him on sight. He is a respected member of the community, and he is always happy to accede to small requests for assistance. However, he will not allow Meringue to be ridden or used for work.
Combat Stats: Eneloor uses the gladiator stats from the monster manual. He carries a +1 greataxe, which was a gift from Meringue.
By u/Blackwoodbear79
Gorett Baird
Gorett Baird is a minotaur paladin. Like most of his race, he creature to behold standing over 7ft tall with shoulders as wide as a normal doorway. Despite his deep voice, he speaks with kindness to all people he meets. He wears a half-plate and carries a great axe at his side. He works as a bartender but will often take time from his job to ensure whatever town he stays in remains safe from harm.
Motivations: Gorett's only desire is to ensure common folk are safe to live their lives without fear. Gorett rushes into battle with little thought to his own safety, hoping to draw as much attention towards himself as possible.
Relationships: Gorett is well-liked by the regulars at the tavern where he works. However, there are always a few people who fear minotaurs, and believe that one day, he is going to snap.
Other: Many years ago, Gorett was the unwilling puppet of a powerful sorceror. When the sorceror was killed, Gorett's mind was freed once again. However, he feels immense guilt for the acts he was force to commit. As penance, he has dedicated himself to a holy order that protects the weak.
By u/TooManyPossums
Percival Sylwynn
Percival Sylwynn is a 33 years old half-elf of human and high-elf ancestry. He is tall with an atypically powerful, wide build. Percival has short blonde hair, and a short beard. During a routine shipping excursion for his mother's guild, Percival's ship was run aground during a sudden storm. After assisting the island's Tortle inhabitants, they showed Percival a way to connect with their guardian spirits. Percival swore their oaths, and became a champion of the Turtle God.
Motivations: Percival is secretly ashamed of his low intelligence, and ineptitude at magic. He wants to impress his father, and learn more magic. However, these efforts are largely in vain. Percival takes his oaths seriously, and desires to do good in the name of his Turtle God. Percival also wishes to find trace of his mother, who has been missing since the storm that wrecked their fleet.
Relationships: Percival is very close to his family. His father is a well-known elven diplomat and mage. His younger sister seems to have inherited all the arcane gifts that Percival never did, she is apprentice and assistant to their father. His brother is a sworn knight, with a strong aptitude for magic. Percival's best friend is a cleric/warlock named Anthony. Percival also has a Tortle squire.
Other: Percival reacts with annoyance, or even anger when his intelligence is insulted. He is a good ally, reliable in a fight, with many skills.
By u/1Jusdorange
Whispers in the Moonlight
Whispers is a musclebound Tabaxi with short dark gray hair, and green eyes. He is usually found skulking about the docks, the main square or near the watch barracks. Whispers is the leader of the Misty-Marsh Clan and is usually hunting for mercenary work.
Motivations: Whispers is burdened by the weight of being responsible for his mercenary clan. It has been some time since their last big job, and coin is running short.
Relationships: The Misty Marsh Clan has seven members, including Whispers. They are all rogues and fighters who specialize in ambush tactics. They've lived a comfortable life for the past few years, taking high profile jobs that were relatively safe. However, jobs have been a bit scarce lately, and they're being forced to take more risks.
Other: Whispers talks with a hushed voice that can be difficult to hear in a noisy environment. In combat, however, he switches to a booming shot that carries well.
Combat: Start with the "Veteran" (MM p.350), but swap STR and DEX, and swap Athletics with Acrobatics. Give him +5 Stealth, lowering AC to 16 (breast plate), and finishing it off with a scimitar +1. Don't forget that he has the Tabaxi ability Feline Agility.
By u/Langston723
Innkeepers and Merchants
Birger Simonsen
Birger Simonsen is the old, human proprietor of the "Stone's End". Birger has curly ginger hair with a long, braided beard and a big beer gut. He can be found at the Stone End almost all the time. Hung above entrance to the Stone's End is a giant Cockatrice skull, and located in the middle of the inn is a beautiful female stone figurine. He keeps his petrified right hand under a glove at all times.
Motivations: Birger and his wife Katrine were adventurers in their youth. However, Birger was maimed and his wife was petrified during a fight with a cockatrice. Now, Birger just wants a quiet life running his inn, telling tales to his customers and giving advice to young adventurers.
Relationships: Briger is being courted by the town mayor Latoya, but he is too dense to catch on. Many of the country's famous adventurers started their career in Stone’s End.
Other: Birger could have restored his right hand with the money he made as an adventurer, but he decided to keep it so as a reminder of his failure to protect Katrine.
By u/TheFlyingMacMuffin
Bowyer Urnes
Bowyer Urnes is a human male of average height and build, with brown hair pulled back in a bun. Bowyer is a fletcher, he makes and repairs arrows, and the co-owner of Fletcher and Bowyer LTT with his best friend, Fletcher Broa.
Motivations: Bowyer is a happy, chipper man with a great sense of humor. He is eager to help customers, loves his craft and enjoys hunting and marskmanship in his free time. He loves teasing people by acting purposefully obtuse when they get confused about his and Fletcher's names and professions.
Relationships: Bowyer runs his shop with his best friend Fletcher. They were childhood friends who grew up in the woods and first bonded over their names and mutual love of archery.
Other: Bowyer will purposefully confuse people for fun when they come in the shop.
PC: Are you the Fletcher?
B: No, I'm Bowyer, but I can get Fletcher for you!
Fletcher: Hey there, do you need a bow?
PC: no, I need arrows--
F: OH then you need to talk to Bowyer!
PC: I don't need a Bowyer I need a Fletcher!
B: Then I'm your guy, what can i get you?
By u/Wrenigade
Cedric Bluefeather
Cedric is a middle-aged, portly Halfling with sun-freckled skin, and a clean-shaven face with many laugh lines. Though he is quite portly, Cedric is widely known for being a capable, light-footed dancer. A diplomat by nature, Cedric could pontificate on piety to the sisters of a convent and make a bawdy joke to bring a nobleman to tears in the same breath. He dresses in many a multicolored vest of fine material, and is somewhat of a collector.
Motivations: Cedric is the leader of the Bluefeather Merchant Company (BMC) and de facto family head of the Bluefeather tribe of Halflings. The business of the BMC is selling the various trinkets, made by the family members and maintaining a number of toll roads in their county. Cedric wants to show his daughter, Vell, all of the great sights he has seen in his life. He hopes Vell will eventually see all the great sights of the world.
Relationships: The Bluefeather tribe is a large extended family of halflings that practice a variety of trades. Vell, is everything a halfling merchant could want in an heir. She is skilled singer and dancer, with a deep voice and ambitious attitude. Glenna is Cedric's wife and chief business partner. She is a plump halfling woman with a shrewd mind for bookkeeping, and a sharp tongue. Cedric has traveled much of the known world, and is likely to know somebody in any given city.
Other: Travelers are generally welcome to board BMC ships or caravans in their journeys. However, the Bluefeather clan spares no expense for their guards; their caravans are not easy pickings.
By u/OnePomegranateMan
Corvin Thorenson
Corvin is the young, half-elf proprietor of the "One Eyed Orc". He inherited the inn from his father, who was once a wealthy and mighty adventurer. Corvin has a sharp, dry sense of humor, and is completely unflappable by any of the antics that his inn's guests may get up to. He likes to believe that he has seen "everything" that wandering mercenaries can get up to. He always ensures that his business insurance premiums are paid up well in advance.
Motivations: Corvin takes pride in being able to withstand the fickle and unpredictable natures of wanderers who come to his inn. No request from a guest is too strange, for the right price. Corvin is quite incapable of being intimidated, and will staunchly defend the discretion of his guests, once he has been paid.
Relationships: Corvin is quite affectionate towards his bouncer, Tobak. Tobak is a grizzled, old orc that once owed Corvin's father a life-debt. Outwardly, Tobak bristles that he is bound to serve and protect an elfspawn. However, inwardly, Tobak appreciates the second chance that the Thorenson family has given him. Tobak will not suffer any threats to his friend and employer.
Other: Corvin does not know who his mother was, except that she was a high-elf, and that he has the same black hair and blue eyes that she had. Corvin's father died when his bad knee gave out, and he fell backwards down the cellar stairs while carrying a large keg.
By u/PantherophisNiger
Darryl Goldencaw
Darryl Goldencaw is a Kenku shopkeeper in a remote town. His shop is best described as a general goods store, since his inventory lacks a clear sense of focus and organization. "Cheap" trinkets are overpriced, and useful items can be bought with sticks and stones --that is, if you can some. Darryl is loud, eccentric, and stupid. The only reason he was able to obtain the land for the shop was because of him being mistaken for a member of the well-to-do Goldenclaw flock.
Motivations: His mothivations are quite simple; get the shiniest things. He is rarely moved by political or social influences. He is quite dim-witted.
Relationships: Darryl's social circle is small. He is very friendly with his next-door neighbor; the barbarian armourer. He values their friendship greatly, because he likes to come next door and look at all the shiny things.
Other: Darryl also has some strange attraction to magical items. They seem to just entrance him.
By u/SamasAlexandria
Drake Hopkins
Drake is a short and stout human male with shoulder length black hair, a scruffy black beard, and green eyes. He carries a 5-inch knife that he mostly uses to open bottles. He owns a tavern called "The Silver Halberd" in a run-down part of the city but seems make ends meet. Many unattended children, whose parents are about their trades, hang about the tavern.
Motivations: Drake inherited The Silver Halberd from his uncle. Although the tavern has seen better days, Drake is deeply invested in the bar's success. Drake works hard for his coin, and he is quite protective of what he has. He is known to intervene if violence erupts in or around his tavern. Relationships: Drake's husband is a fisherman named Leon. Leon is a tall, clean-shaven northman with blonde hair. Leon is seldom seen about the tavern, as he is usually out fishing, or selling his catch. Drake is protective of his flock of waifs that hang about the tavern.
Other: Drake is quite religious, though he keeps his devotion to himself. He will vigorously debate and defend the honor of his lawful-good God. He wears a pendant with his God's symbol, but avoids questions about his faith.
By u/gormes
Drimbun Honorbeard
Mr. Honorbeard is an old dwarf, who likes to sit at his favorite inn and tell stories over beer. He has a long, well-groomed silver beard, and a set of fine blue robes. He is rarely seen without his pipe; a traditionally carved pope of Dwarven design. Mr. Honorbeard will freely dispense advice, witticisms or stories to anyone who happens near. His main profession when he was young was mining. Mr. Honorbeard is a widower; his wife Helja was considered a great beauty who had a fine, silky beard.
"I never saw a woman with a finer beard, than my Helja"
Motivations: Wisdom has to be passed down to the next generation, and if anybody needs an old dwarf, Drimbum Honorbeard will be there for you. He is as jovial as the day is long, and quite excitable when the talk falls on stones, metal, life in general, Stone Giant runes, or his Helja (whom he will tell you about).
Relationships: Mr Honorbeard had no more important relationship than the one with Helja; she was a good and loving woman who gave him children, and kept his hearth warm. Drimbum's children (5 sons and 1 daughter) and many grandchildren fills his life. His days at the inn are usually spent smoking tobacco with old friends from the mine, many of whom he has known for over a century.
Other: If the adventures talk about which way to go, he happily interrupts to offer his help and to be their guide
By u/Austevol
Edward the Half-Baked
Edward Filister, more commonly known by his nickname “The Half-Baked,” is an older human man with a graying beard and sullen eyes. Edward’s nickname comes from the various thoughtless defenses he makes for the village he lives in. These range from the bundles of onions he has hanged in his hut (he couldn’t find garlic so he thought that onions would be the next good deterrent to vampires) to a stack of experimental concoctions he made; his personal favorite being the Bomb of Manure Smelling.
Motivations: Edward is a somewhat manic individual who believes that the defense of the town is solely in his hands. He is also quite delusional; he will gladly spout to any nearby traveler about the “true” origin of his defenses. According to Edward, he had been a great traveler in his past who trekked across the nation only to discover the various monsters that inhabit distant lands. However, any villager that is asked about Edward will point out that he actually just had a small encounter with some wolves near some ruins, and that he just moved from a village in the next county over.
Relationships: Edward’s fellow villagers have split opinions. Children and some of the more kind-hearted villagers don’t mind Edward’s hare-brained defenses. He is thought of as a harmless prankster. Others are disdainful of Edward, and believe his time would be better spent doing a truly helpful task for the village. Edward has a good relationship the village’s herbalist, Abe Johnson, who typically pays Edward to gather herbs from the nearby woods.
Other: As mentioned, most of Edward’s defenses range from being useless to minor inconveniences. Edward takes joy in telling his stories to anyone nearby who will listen, (especially children). Edward is usually friendly towards traveling adventurers. However, Edward is distinctly fearful of anyone who belongs to a "monstrous" race. He may harass such individuals with his various "defenses".
Combat Stats: Use the typical commoner stats while adding a band of potions that do a random, non-damaging effects. Some examples of these effects might be: Color-Change Potion, Instantaneous Flatulation Potion, his favorite Potion of Manure Smelling, along with any other humorous potions you can think of.
By u/DaikoMoon
Fletcher Broa
Fletcher is a tall, thin male elf with blonde hair pulled back in a bun. He is a bowyer, as in he makes and repairs bows. He is the co-owner of Fletcher and Bowyer LTT, which he runs with his best friend, Bowyer Urnes.
Motivations: Fletcher is a calm, quiet man with a devilish sense of humor. He loves his craft, and spends his free time practicing marksmanship and woodcarving.
Relationships: Fletcher's best friend is Bowyer, who he runs his store with. They have been friends since they were children and naturally grew towards the opposite profession as their names, something they both find hilarious.
Other: Fletcher will purposely act confused when a customer asks for a bowyer or fletcher, and will tease them alongside Bowyer. He will be the first one to clear the confusion and try and laugh with the customer over their little prank.
By u/Wrenigade
Greggan is an older human male and retired sailor/pirate.
Motivations: Greggan is never above bending the rules to make a quick buck, but he is also somewhat lazy in his old age. He avoids endeavors that are "troublesome". Greggan wants to feel safe in his new home after many long years of loss, and many close calls on his life. He seeks redemption to some degree, to atone for various crimes he has committed out of desperation for coin as a pirate. However, Greggan is not too inclined to go to great lengths for redemption.
Relationships: Greggan has retired to a small island nation with a few of his old crew ( 4 human males). His ship is pretty shabby, and has not been truly seaworthy in many years. Greggan's aged crew is fiercely loyal; they have always trusted their captain to lead them though many close scrapes. Greggan makes a point of being friends with the local magistrate, as well as various dockworkers and ship's captains who live nearby.
Other: Greggan has a particular fondness for coconut rum, and has been known to accept it as payment for small tasks.
Combat: Greggan is a level three fighter, but has particularly mediocre stats in strength (10), dex (13), and con (12), because of his advanced age. He wields a scimitar and fights in weathered leather armor
By u/tracibaker328
Gymnura Morahn
Gymnura "Nura" Morahn is a retired dwarven craftswoman and innkeeper and barkeep. Nura is a tough old dwarf who is missing her right eye as result from an incident when she was young. She wears an eyepatch over her "bad" eye, or her old craftsman's goggles with the lense that broke during the incident. She wears simple, fireproof clothes (a habit from her foundry days). As the proprietor of the Fading ember, a hole in the wall frequented by factory workers and miners, Gymnura plies her skills to keep the inn cool and free from soot.
Motivations: Nura enjoys running her small inn and maintaining the various contraptions, and the herb garden sje keeps in her yard. Nura also serves as an ally to those seeking to find shelter from the Dwarven lawbringers, and her inn is an essential piece of the efforts to ferry those unjustly targeted by the lawbringers ire. Nura serves as a maternal figure to many and her inn acts as a safe haven to those who know of it.
Relationships: Nura was once a master craftsman, with many contacts in the trade. She is a friendly, matronly figure to anyone who comes to her. She is not afraid to wield her reputation to get what she needs done.
Other: In her old age (she's getting towards 650) she's grown fond of gardening and working on smaller more personal projects. She has a bit of a tense relationship with the cities Lawmaster, as she's suspected of aiding criminals though no evidence has been found.
by u/therocketbear
Hilna "Fishguts" Filgar
Hilna is a human fisherwoman, sailor and merchant. She is short and stocky with an ample bosom and bright red hair that is beginning to gray. She has always had a love for the sea, and has spent more than half of her life sailing it as a result. Although her long-distance seafaring days are over, she is captain of a small fishing boat that she uses to make a living along with her husband, Yonn. They live together in a small shack opposite the wharf where they berth their ship.
Motivations: Hilna has lead an honest life selling fresh fish in town for nearly two decades, and will likely work on her boat until her joints give out. She has a bad temper, a mistrust of strangers, a penchant for rum, and a fondness for sea shanties (the raunchier, the better.) If there's information on the docks to be found, she can find it, for a fee.
Relationships: Hilna's husband, Yonn, is of similar age and girth, although he stands nearly two feet over his wife. Hilna knows every local sailor and regular traveling merchant that passes through the docks by name, as well as the names of their vessels and their typical cargo.
Other: She will explain to anyone who asks that her nickname comes from her profession, but a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check will see through this well-rehearsed lie. If confronted about her past, she'll roll up her sleeves to reveal more than a dozen pirate tattoos. If discovered, she will refuse to talk about her former life in any more detail, but may be willing to introduce the adventurers to a "former associate", for the right price. Yonn is similarly indisposed to speak of their former life.
Combat Stats: She uses the bandit stat block, but she carries only a dagger and is proficient in water vehicles.
By u/schm0
Ian MacTilion
Ian is a retired human fighter, who has opened up shop to sell fishing supplies and everything related the water. He runs a small shop in a two story building with his wife Arlinn NiTilion. Their daughter, Rowyn, can usually be found around the shop which takes up most of the ground floor. Ian has curly ginger hair, that is starting to grey, green eyes and a large, muscular frame to this day. He has a slight accent, and likes to tell huge sailor's stories to his customers.
Motivations: After retiring from his adventuring days, Ian simply seeks peace and the ability to feed his family with his sales. He is very protective of his wife and daughter, sometimes to a fault.
Relationships: Ian greatly loves his wife, who is his childhood sweetheart. His father, who was a fisherman, has handed his ship and work down to Ian's older brother. Ian often recieves correspondences from his brother, and looks forward the regular letters. After closing his shops Ian sometimes spends time at the local tavern, to visit his friend, the innkeep. Ian does not like the fact that Rowyn is approaching the age of marriage and will react poorly to attempts of courtship
Other: If Ian notices that the players are adventurers, Ian will excitedly tell the players embellished stories about his youthful adventures. He may even know a bit of information on nearby locations that might be of interest to the party. Ian also dislikes formalities and calls all male adventurers laddie and all females lass. If business is good he may even feel generous and give a discount.
By u/ninodonlord
John Johnson Sr.
John is the owner and founder of "Johnson and Sons Magical Supplies", a magical supply shop in a gnomish city. He is a large human, tall and broad and is late middle aged. He has a booming voice, and personality to match. He has the slick mannerisms of a used car salesman, and is always willing to make a deal.
Motivations: John is an entrepreneur and salesman. BEfore anything else, he is in the business of acquiring rare or interesting magical items and then selling them for a profit. He is also a gregarious family man, who wants to leave a strong business legacy for his sons.
Relationships: John's most important relationships are with his two sons, who are also his business partners. John Jr. is a much smaller and quieter man than his sire; he is the accountant of the business. Robert, who has been trained as a wizard, is crafter and appraiser of magical items.
Other: John and his sons run a totally legitimate business and frown upon anyone who would try to sell them anything illegal or "shady", if pressed he will cease all business negotiations. He moved his family to this Gnomish city, because he is fascinated with the "little creatures", and would like to know more about them. He has a deep respect for Gnomish ingenuity, and is proud of Robert for succeeding as an apprentice to a Gnomish wizard. John won't admit to his fascination aloud to anyone, and he will visibly grumble about the difficulties of living in a Gnomish city as a particularly tall man.
by u/Vernonite1
Kresh the Wainwright
Kresh is a wainwright; he owns a stable and wagon repair shop. He is a strong, broad-shouldered half-orc with tan skin and wiry black hair. Kresh grew up in an orphanage, and became apprenticed to a wainwright when he aged out. His master was kind, but stern and exacting on Kresh. When his master died, Kresh bought the workshop, and set up his own business. Despite his heritage, Kresh is respected as an honest man who works hard.
Motivations: Kresh and his wife are currently trying to start a family, so he is very focused on cementing his livelihood while saving for the future. He is polite, straightforward and is known for charging a fair price for honest work.
Relationships: His wife, Orla, is a tall half-orc with thick braided hair. She helps tend to the horses, and does most of his book-keeping. She works hard alongside her beloved, and hopes that Luthic will soon grant them a son.
Other: Kresh is an uncommonly patient half-orc, but he is not afraid to fight. Kresh is fond of horses; he respects the strength and work ethic of draft and plow horses.
Combat Stats: Kresh uses commoner stats, but with the following changes: 12 Strength, 12 Wisdom, Proficiency in Animal Handling but only for horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, camels, oxen or other beasts of burden.
By u/schm0
The Lady of Sins
The Lady of Sins is a very old human woman; by far the oldest person in her village. She has an old cottage that looks to be barely holding itself up, where she practices her trade of reading the future. At first glance, you would swear that she is a weathered corpse propped up in a chair, but she is quite strong and healthy.
Motivations: The Lady of Sins loves to tell stories of her past, though many of them seem incongruous and more than just a bit raunchy. She enjoys seeing people being put off guard and will often post on job boards when she wants more company. She is a mischievous old lady. She likes when gets to deliver good news in her readings.
Relationships: She doesn't have very many people that visit her regularly, and no family that anyone can speak of. Her door is always open and she always has a pot of tea ready for any who walk through her door, even if it is the middle of the night. Her neighbors speak of her in reverent, amused tones.
Other: She welcomes all who have the unfortunate ill-favor of visiting her shop, "Dark Tragedies". She knows that now is always time of uncertainty, and new experiences. She believes she is here to help guide all through life with her card and tea readings.
The Lady of Sins can cast augury at will when she reads tea leaves or does her card readings. She will often mention something from the character's backstory but it may not make sense at the time. If she is very fond of someone, she might even give them more direct advice from her tea and card readings.
By u/varansl
Marcus Greenfingers
Motivations: Marcus is a brawny human man with salt and pepper hair, and a rough-stubbled face. Marcus is the proprietor of the Red Goat Inn; a small tavern and boarding house in the crafting district. After his father died, Marcus sold the family farm and moved to the big city. Marcus is a warm and welcoming man with an earthy sense of humor, but gets frustrated when his patrons complain about his off-color jokes.
Relationships: Brina is Marcus' wife, a tall, blonde half-elf who was a glassblower before she married Marcus and become his business partner. While Brina is absolutely serious when it comes to running the inn, she enjoys artistic pursuits and a has a soft spot for traveling musicians. Her connections in the crafting district are the key to the Greenfingers' success. Brina knows lots of tradesfolk, and can easily be persuaded to introduce patrons she likes to the best craftsmen in the city.
Other: When asked about the name of his inn, Marcus launches into a long-winded story about the last goat on his farm before he sold it. Rusty was the most ornery animal Marcus had eber met; the new farm owners insisted that Marcus take the billy with him when he left for the city. Marcus kept the goat as a pet when he first came to the city; now Rusty's taxidermied head adorns the mantle above the bar at the inn.
By u/rickg3
Marge Marrow
Marge is a human woman about 40 years old, with a pretty face and long golden brown hair. She’s tall with the broad shoulders and rough hands of a laborer. Marge is the sole owner of the Black Dog tavern, which is named for the statue of an onyx dog that stands near the inn's great fireplace. About a year back, Marge's husband (the previous innkeeper) left town and ran off with some girl. Marge is shy around strangers, but she is polite and helpful. She always keeps a loaded crossbow under the bar counter.
Motivations: Marge just wants a quiet life, to tend to the tavern, mind her business and give travelers a nice place to stay. She is very afraid of someone finding out that she killed Earl in the Master Suite, with the fire poker. Marge is afraid of this secret getting out; she fears that the unsympathetic magistrate won't understand how desperate she was.
Relationships: Marge has two employees, a sturdy Dwarven cook named Terry Smithdottir, and a teenaged Human girl, Paulina Potts. They are loyal to Marge, and they keep her secret. If discovered, Terry will opine that if Marge hadn't done Earl in, she would have done it for her. Marge is on friendly terms with most people in the village and is well liked. Marge is afraid of authorities, because she is scared they'll find out what she did.
Other: Marge has a tic where she’s always playing with her hair on the left side of her face. She's actually twining her long hair to hide a nasty scar on her neck; a reminder of the last time Earl got drunk. Lately, Marge has been having nightmares about a black stray that skulks near the inn. She secretly fears that the dog is the spirit of her husband, come back to torment her.
Combat Stats: Marge has the combat stats of a commoner with 12 dexterity and proficiency with the heavy crossbow.
By u/1Jusdorange
Piper Longmeadow
Piper Longmeadow is a middle-aged adult female halfling carpenter. She has a rough, "unsanded" look to her; simple shirt and pants, and a leather apron, with pockets to hold her tools. Around her waist, she wears a belt, with a longer than normal dagger.
Motivations: Piper is a well known carpenter in her town. Despite her strong reputation, and having plenty of work lined up, she just can't seem to keep herself out of the poorhouse. Piper can’t stand magic users; she is convinced that her family has been cursed by a warlock at some point in their line. Piper hopes to score a job doing contract work for the local Lord, since that would be certainly land her a steady income. Piper wants to buy a slightly run-down cottage that she can fix up nicely.
Relationships: Piper’s parents are dead, but she has a brother who has recently been involved in a local gang of troublemakers. She hasn’t seen him in several months, which isn’t out of the ordinary. She thinks he may have skipped town.
Other: Piper tends to fidget with her hands when she talks, she has a hard time being still. She can't help but point out problems that she sees in buildings wherever she goes. Her dagger is a family heirloom from her great great great grandfather, who used to be an adventurer.
Sandor Gildenhall, aka "Sandy", aka Sandor the "Halfwit"
Sandor is a human of twenty years with a learning disability who works as a tavern-keeper's assistant. He has dirty blonde hair cut in the shape of a bowl. He is friendly and free with his smiles. When Sandor speaks, he is somewhat slow. It may take him a few seconds to process responses. Sandor's boss, Grenn, usually keeps him in the back, washing dishes, cooking or tapping kegs. But, when the inn is particularly busy, Sandor is pressed into customer-facing work.
Motivations: Sandor is content working for Grenn, who pays him enough to keep food in his belly and a roof over his head. He has a big heart and likes to help people, but his kind nature and naivete have landed him in trouble on more than one occasion. He is not-so-secretly in love with one of the barmaids, Britta, and will stop mid-sentence to blush if she walks by.
Relationships: Grenn treats Sandor like a second son. He is patient, caring and protective, and will step in to protect Sandor when he is mistreated. Most regulars at the tavern are patient and kind towards him, but outsiders who do not know him often ridicule him for his manner of speech or try take advantage of his kind nature. Grenn keeps a close eye on Sandor, when strangers are about. Britta is polite and friendly towards Sandor, and thinks of him like a little brother.
Other: Sandor has a very keen memory (see below) and due to his proximity to many townspeople and travelers is a surprisingly good source of information and gossip. However, questioning Sandor for too long will attract the attention of a protective Grenn. If he is mistaken for a bartender, he will happily serve the adventurers but will not know any of the prices and instead will ask the PCs what they think the price should be and charge them accordingly.
By u/schm0
Silas Blackwood
Silas Blackwood is a tall human man with black hair and bright blue eyes. He used to live with his family on the Blackwood Estate before he married Katrina, the daughter of the patriarch of the Hillfire family. The two families had a feud of political and economic power. Silas's family disowned him for this, and he has been forced to live with the common folk. He now owns a tavern named as The Lost Lord's Inn.
Motivation: Silas would do anything to protect Katrina. He is prickly about his honor, and will not allow slights to himself, Katrina or to his inn. He is happy and content to continue living his life as it is.
Relationships: His wife Katrina and son Derian, of whom he loves deeply. He is also good friends with Gerald, the blacksmith next door.
Other: He is somewhat capable at swordplay, but much prefers to practice archery. He still owns his grandfather's antique bow and quiver.
By u/DeltaAngel23
Verla Goodleaf
Verla Goodleaf is a ginger-haired halfling, about 170 years old, and the last of a long line of herbalists specializing in the creation of natural remedies. As such, she often disappears for days at a time, surely to gather ingredients for the concoctions that she sells at her store. She is well regarded in her community, always willing to assist the sick and recommend treatment for any ailments that may trouble them. Lacking an heir, many families have offered Verla their young as apprentices, but she has always refused, saying that she doesn't doubt her lineage will carry on. She is always accompanied by Milo, a wolf that she claims to have found as a cub, injured and abandoned by his mother.
Motivations: In her travels, Verla met a ranger, and conceived a son with him. She left the child with his father to continue managing her shop, but would always visit them when she had the chance. On one occasion they were assaulted by a pack of werewolves while hunting. The ranger died trying to protect them, and their son was severely injured. Verla tended to his wounds to the best of her ability, but soon it became obvious that nothing she did would be enough to fully heal him. She took him and to this day still searches for a cure.
Relationships: Milo, who is actually Verla's son afflicted by lycanthropy and always in wolf form so as not to arise suspicion. Zigor, a young human wizard who owes his life to Verla after she cured him of a rare disease that nearly killed him when he was a young kid; he knows the truth about Milo and assists Verla in her research.
Other: Most people that know her ignore that she had a child, and know nothing of the incident with the werewolves. They simply think that her interest in werecreatures is a peculiar hobby, usually ignoring how obsessive she can be about it. She is sweet, talkative and friendly, although she never reveals much about herself, and is very protective of Milo.
By u/WildWereostrich
Willem Shipsail
“Willem is an aasimar urchin of 12 summers. He has bright blue eyes and blond curly hair that he currently dies jet black to avoid attention. His knees are full of scabs from living on the street, his face and hands are dirty, but there is no sign of sickness or illness on him. Willem was found abandoned in a bundle of ship sails on the morning after a night filled with shooting stars. He was taken in by a sailor's widow who has since disappeared. He now lives in the streets, on his own.”
Motivation: Willem is highly impressionable and his motivations tend to align with those of whomever he fancies as a role model at the time. Deep down, he’s looking for a purpose. Willem has great empathy for living creatures and often heals wounded animals in secret using his healing hands ability. He has a few pets that follow him around and are loyal to him. They all bare horrible scars. He’s shy about healing people after being warned by his mother against it.
Relationships: Willem’s intense charisma and force of will tend to make people uneasy as they find themselves doing what he wants but not understanding why after the fact. He doesn’t really have any friends although he’s liked well enough by most. What he does have though is an imp called Vol and a celestial named Don that both protect and influence him. They try to steer him towards gullible good and self-centered evil.
Other: When under great emotional stresses Willem may unleash one of the three aasimar transformations. He has no control over this. The situation, danger level and Willem’s mood at the time determine weather the energy is unleashed in radiant soul, radiant consumption or necrotic shroud form.
Combat Stats: Willem has the combat stats of a commoner, but with 18 Charisma and proficiency in deception and persuasion. He has the darkvision, celestial resistance, light bearer and healing hands features of aasimars.
By u/1Jusdorange
Yush and Varsar Batraz
"The twin brothers Yush and Varsar are two Orcs who own and run an inn called the Sea Salt Saloon. They look to be in the prime of their youth, and each bears the blue tattoos of those Orcs who live among other peoples on one of the arms (Yush on the left arm, Varsar on the right). Their voices carry throughout the tavern either with boisterous joviality or hotheaded fervor."
Motivations: Yush and Varsar are trying to make an honest living without drawing attention to themselves. They make fast friends with anyone except magic-users, who make the brothers nervous. They are not forthcoming with details about their lives outside the family business.
Relationships: The brothers are inseparably close, and neither will tolerate any disrespect or harm to the other. Other townsfolk may remark that they have another sibling, a younger brother, who left some time ago. The brothers do not want to discuss the subject.
Other: The Sea Salt Saloon is commonly regarded as a haunt for some unsavory elements in town.
By u/AOTKorby
Land Owners
Al'Lithan D'rell
Al'Lithan D'rell is the scion of a well-to-do family of high elves. His father is a well regarded vintner, and caretaker of the family lands, located in the rich wine country of your setting. Al'Lithan is a highly educated, and efficient steward. Even among high elves, he is considered a perfectionist and a dandy.
Motivations: Al'Lithan D'rell is a loyal and cunning steward/bookkeeper for whichever noble house or guild he is employed by. He always seeks to advance his own position by attaching himself to wealthy, influential or otherwise powerful folk. He dresses expensively, and takes great care to master the local customs.
Relationships: Al'Lithan is loyal to his family's honor, and will never act in a way that would besmirch it. Although he is a consummate snob, his loyalty is absolute once his respect has been won. His cousin, Andarris D'rell, is his favored tailor.
Other: Al'Lithan hates when his name is shortened to "Al". As may be expected of a vintner's son, Al'Lithan is extremely knowledgeable about wine and wine pairings.
By u/PantherophisNiger
Branor Bilmer
Branor Bilmer is the head of the Bilmer house and the owner and proprietor of the Bilmer & Sons Shipping Company. Bilmer & Sons are the primary shippers and handlers of overland bulk goods in the region. Branor has spent his whole life building up his father's caravan business into the transport empire it is today. Bilmer & Sons transports goods all over the region; they take great care in selecting their guards and caravan drivers. Bilmer & Sons may be only company willing to transport goods through certain dangerous terrain, or make deliveries to exceedingly remote locations. Have not quite broken into overseas shipping just yet, but that's set to change this year with the purchase of their first cargo vessel, The Green Lady.
Motivations: Branor is devoted to his company's well being, but not so much that he has forgotten his family and friends. Branor is a tough negotiator that prefers to err on the side of bribery and flattery before resorting to threats and extortion. He dresses conservatively for his position, and makes a point of giving back to the community that helped to raise him during his formative years.
Relationships: Adelaide Bilmer is Branor's wife, a stunning beauty even in her middling years. She is devoted to her husband, her children and the business they've helped to build together.
Mickael Bilmer is Branor's eldest son, a shrewd young man and heir apparent to his father's empire. He hasn't spoken of it yet to Branor, but he'd much rather hand over ownership of the company to his younger brother Nael and instead just manage the books and finances from behind the scenes.
Nael Bilmer is Branor's second son, a jovial young man graced with his father's silver tongue and his mother's good looks. Nael overseas many of the important negotiations in his father's stead and has helped the company to grow immensely.
Other: Branor is fond of boxing and wrestling, and will gladly take on any challengers. He has maintained his physique rather well despite his age. He also has an impressively well-kept mustache.
By u/Kami-Kahzy
Brilras Bondyl
Brilras is a female dwarf, 48 years of age. She has fairly delicate features, for a dwarf, and a keen mind for business. She speaks with a soft kind of authority, and rarely raises her voice. Those who cross Brilras always live to regret it. Brilras was born poor in a large family of farmers in a difficult and rocky area. Through hard work, luck and ruthless tactics she has built a corporate empire. Now, she collects tolls on the only safe route through the Kruin Pass, and owns the large Flail Snails farm in county Innsmouth. Brilras refuses to put her eggs in one basket and has interests in all sorts of ventures. She deals in transport, import and export, mining, forestry and is an influential supplier to many guilds. As such, her need for the occasional adventurer should be fairly evident.
Motivations: Brilras is always looking for a way to expand her wealth. Her goal is to become the richest woman in the world; she wants en ensure that no member of her family will ever be in a position of weakness and need.
Relationships: Brilras has three children, and three ex-husbands. She has three sisters, three brothers, dozens of nieces, nephews and cousins. She loves her family and employs most of them. She also has several business associates, some of which are shadier than others.
Others: Brilras values useful people, and scorns uselessness. She is no patriot; her loyalty is towards those that she considers her own.
By u/1Jusdorange
Geraldo is a older male dwarf. He used to be an adventurer, but he suffered a horrible curse from some encounter in The Underdark. One of his eyes is now orange, with a black sclera. Geraldo was gifted a choice plot of land from a village that he saved from a herd of bullettes. He manages his estate on his own, but he keeps an ear to the ground in case of any trouble. He is always ready to help adventurers with shelter, information or food. However, he is adamant that he will never again pick up arms. He is quite proud of his cantaloupe.
Motivations: Geraldo misses his old 'glory days,' as he calls them, but he is secretly afraid of ever again answering the call to adventure. Despite his fear, he loves to help out the younger adventurers, especially those who explore The Underdark. He hopes to help the next generation conquer what he could not.
Relationships Geraldo has an old friend, a wizard who lives about a weeks' journey away. Geraldo visits him twice/year.
Other: Geraldo was the victim of an Illithid attack. He was implanted with a tadpole, but he slows the tadpole's growth with potions brewed by his wizard friend. Without regular doses of this potion, he would start to transform.
By u/DignityInOctober
Ulf Silktongue
Ulf Silktongue is the heir to the Silktongue family fortune, a vast trading empire that spans several nations and continents. He is a tall and portly rune dwarf.
Motivations: Ulf is all about the big dollars. He is not one to care too much about tarriffs or customs, often paying highwaymen or smugglers to do his dirty work. He has quite the way with words, and has worked himself into the good graces of many nobles and merchants in order to gain influence and expand his trade empire.
Relationships: Ulf has difficulty making close friends due to his narcissistic tendencies, as well as the demands of his business. His cousin, Gromka Silktongue, runs a small lumber operation. Although Ulf loves his cousin, the two of them don't talk much. Gromka's father was killed in a fit by Ulf's half-brother Ivan, in a fit of drunken rage.
Combat: Ulf is a level three College of Fortune Bard, who uses a jingling bag of gold pieces as his bardic focus.
By u/tracibaker328
Monstrous Citizens
Barnabus 'Barnie' Daddlebunch
Barnabus, (or 'Barnie' to friends and return customers) is a large Bugbear blacksmith of pleasant demeanour and large smile. He is a talented smith who has thus far managed to carve a little niche for himself in almost every town he has settled in. Barnabus is a consummate professional who strives to meet his deadlines, and provide affordable prices. Barnabus has to move often, as he is being hunted by an adventurer named Whitsbury Fergal. Fergal's adventuring party attacked Barnabus' tribe, and during the battle, Barnabus killed Fergal's best friend. Ever since then, Barnabus has been forced to stay on the move. He is not afraid to defend himself; he has killed several mercenaries that have come after him. Generally, whenever Fergal shows up in a town, Barnabus ends up needing to leave due to public opinion.
Motivations: Barnabus is a simple man, who wants to make the best items he possibly can, while living a fulfilling life,. He really wishes that Whitsbury Fergal would stop chasing him, as Barnabus dislikes having to kill to defend himself. He also finds that moving town every few months is quite a hassle.
Relationships: Barnabus is a fairly private man, who keeps mostly to himself. Though he is friendly and gregarious, he has very few close friends. Barnabus fears the danger that Fergal might pose to anyone who might become close. Barnabus keeps the memory of his tribe very close to his heart, as he is the last of Clan Daddlebunch. Some day, Barnabus hopes to be done with this life of fleeing so he can settle down with a good man.
Other: Barnabus speaks with a strong west country accent. His fur is dark brown, but goes to black around his cheeks, giving him the appearance of mutton chops.
By u/Caardvark
Bonely Bundo
Bonely is a living human skeleton, stained and dirty. He's very, very old; legend has it that he was risen from the dead by some fickle fey thing after a "prank" went too far and accidentally killed him. Bonely didn't take very well to being resurrected, and time has not been kind to him. As long as anyone can remember, he has always been destitute, insane and obsessed with becoming human again. Bonely earnestly believes that he can become human again if he just collects enough flesh, and attaches it to himself. Bonely is convinced that he just hasn't found the right method of reattachment to make it permenant. As a skeleton, he requires no food, water or shelter, so he spends most of his time begging or scavenging for meat and pondering ways to use it. Bonely is mostly docile, and easily convinced that poultry, pork or beef are actually human meat. He isn't really a danger; more like a local curiosity.
Motivations: Bonely is a very amicable and talkative guy, though his ghastly appearance and inconsistent lucidity makes it difficult for him to be as social as he'd like. He'll routinely collect enough meat to cover himself up a good bit and believe he's figured it out and looks normal again, then go excitedly chat up the townsfolk only to be dismayed by their inevitable reaction. Some times, he'll sink into a depressive, inactive state until he's thought up a new method. Some of the more sympathetic townsfolk have learned to stomach the sight of him, and treat him kindly.
Relationships: Bonely is a tenacious skeleton who always seems to find his way back to town. The town has hired several groups of mercenaries to dispose of Bonely, but he keeps popping back up. By now, he's a town fixture. Bonely seems to like the new captain of the town guard. Whenever he needs to step in on a disturbance between Bonely and some hapless folk, Bonely seems to calm down rather quickly. Rumor has it that some quality of The Captain reminds Bonely of someone he used to know.
Other: Bonely speaks in very outdated jargon. He's always eager to talk about his research into meat re-application, looking to trade theories and show off his hand-written tomes. The suggestion of a method of reattaining his humanity that doesn't involve slapping meat onto himself would shock and surprise him, but players may be able to move him toward a healthier mechanism. Someone with real training in the arcane might be able to actually help him. He is very, very old, so if any quest requires firsthand knowledge of some ancient event, he may be just the person to go to. Although, getting him to understand what you're asking, and relay an answer in a helpful manner is quite the undertaking.
Combat Stats: Bonely is a skeleton without any weapon proficiencies. He cannot be permenantly killed without vigorous application of radiant damage, or high-end disenchantments.
By u/kmscmt
Greedy McNothic
Greedy used to be a human wizard. He was esteemed by the community in which he lived, and used his mastery of the arcane arts to help defend the community against various threats. In its former life, Greedy was maimed, and fitted with a mithril prosthetic.
Greedy was once a respected and admired member of the arcane community. However, Greedy was secretly plotting to become a lich. The final ritual was foiled by a group of adventurers, and Greedy's "grand transformation" resulted in his current form.
Motivations: Greedy hides inside a labyrinth of caves, or within the local sewers. It still experiments on travelers and locals from time to time, but with a broken mind. The experiments serve no real purpose, apart from creating misery. Greedy is motivated to accumulate magical items and secrets in the hope that one of them will allow it to revert back to its true form and abilities.
Relationships: Greedy uses remaining fragments of its arcane mastery to turn corpses (that it finds) into undead. In its mind, this is necessary research and also a form of justice. It keeps a menagerie of undead beasts in its lair, its only "friends". Many of Greedy's friends may recall echoes of their past lives. For example, an undead mule may exhibit aggression against the cruel driver that once owned it.
Combat Stats: Greedy uses Nothic stats from the Monster Manual with added spells, adjusted HP or magic items to fit the CR required. I like giving it a bunch of wands that don’t recharge, and having Greedy unable to remember which wand does what.
By u/1Jusdorange
Katrio Doorbell
Katrio Doorbell is a young Kenku lady, with a long, blue veil that covers her face. She likes to sit in the tops of trees, playing with her music box, her pet weasle or other trinkets. Katrio is in charge of helping lost adventurers travel across the woods where she lives. Katrio's eyes are cursed; a petulant fairy caused her to always be able to see through illusions (a grave curse to a Kenku). Katrio loves it when people are able to trick, or deceive her, as she cannot participate in the traditional Kenku pastime of playing "spot the trick". Katrio has a blue silk purse that she keeps seeds in. She will share these seeds with people she likes.
Motivations: Katrio loves the quiet of the forest; she likes staying in the tops of the trees, where the forest is relatively still. When foreign creatures show up in her woods, Katrio is very interested in learning about them. Katrio is a bit of a romantic; she has read quite a few fairy tales, and tries to conduct herself as a proper "fairy tale participant". Katrio likes making up stories about her woods. You can't ever be sure what is made up, and what is true.
Relationships: Katrio's only friend is a human druid named Chamo. These two think of themselves as the protectors of their little forest. Katrio is also on speaking terms with a few fairies, and a strange, lone kobold who lives inside of a large mushroom deep inside the woods.
Other: Whenever Katrio comes across a new creature, she'll make up an elaborate back story for that creature. She's sometimes crestfallen to find out that her imagined adventures are contradicted by reality. She likes people who successfully (harmlessly) trick her in some way. Katrio will become very angry if anyone tries to remove her veil, or look at her eyes.
By u/Naxken
Fio’El Vash’ya
Fio’El is a stryx, a owl-like monstrosity created by Fey experimentation in crafting new creatures. She can pass as a normal sooty owl, so as long as she doesn’t speak. Like her fellow stryx, she has a large mouth hidden under her beak (on her neck) filled with gleaming human teeth. The mad experiment that created her blended shreds of mortal souls and dark magic in an unpredictable ritual. As a stryx, she’s expected to spy for her creator, acting as their eyes and ears.
Motivation: Fio’El wishes to find a way to break the magical bond that ties her to the Fey Lord who made her. Fio'El is motivated by a desire for freedom, and the will do almost anything to attain it. Until she does, she will pretend to delight in serving others. She may even put herself into danger, only to be "rescued" by them. She'll relay information along to her creator, but only the bare minimum that will keep her master happy.
Relationships: Fio’El has no friends but she's made a few allies in various circles. She’s hesitant to show her true intelligence though and will work hard on pretending to be subservient. Her only real relationship is with her creator, master and enemy. With the party, she'll act like a good, little companion. Useful, obedient and unimaginative. She's eager to strike up some kind of deal with the kind of spellcaster who could help her break her ties to her master.
Other: Fio’El has served many spellcasters and has learned a few spells along the way. She can form a familiar bond with a magic user, favoring wizards. Fio’el may make a show of hard bargaining, if her rescue ploy can’t be executed.
By u/1Jusdorange
Ianbalar is a Firbolg and the keeper of an isolated forest. He wears only a loincloth made from leaves, and has very colorful intricate body paint over his entire body. He is visibly used to a life of fighting for survival.
Motivations: Ianbalar and his brother Naeris fought constantly for dominance. Out of desperation, Ianbalar pleaded for help from The Arch Feys. Ever since then, Ianbalar has had the upper hand against his ferocious brother. HOwever, this power did not come without cost. He bound to his forest, as a servant of the Fey spirits. His orders are to protect his forest, and the nearby dimensional gate into the Feywild.
Relationships: Ianbalar is always anxious for another attack by his feral brother. However, he does love his brother and wishes him no harm. Bound by the Fey who grants him his power, he must do whatever he can to keep everyone out of his forest.
Other: Ianbalar can be convinced to let adventurers into the Feywild if they can permenantly stop his Naeris' assault, without killing him.
By u/DazzleFeet
Kamenjed is a xorn with a black, rocky hide. Kamenjed is a merchant that travels the Underdark in search of coins and precious metals. He can often be found in deep ends of treacherous caverns, waiting for customers. He has a Bag of Holding, which he keeps tucked away inside of his mouth. Kamenjed keeps his wares inside of that bag. Kamenjed is willing to haggle quite a bit, especially if he smells refined ingots on somebody.
Motivations: Kamenjed is always hungry. He eats raw ores and igneous stones. Refined ingots (such as what a blacksmith might have) are rare delectable treats to him.
Relationships: Kamenjed considers himself to be an outstanding merchant. He always tries to please his customers, in case he meets them again. Once he sells you something, he proclaims you a "Had-sold". He wishes nothing but the best to all his "Had-solds", and holds them in high regard, but he has never had the good fortune to meet a "Had-sold" twice.
Other: Kamenjed will try and use debris to setup a makeshift counter for his shop. He will decorate it with whatever available. He keeps his shops near a wall so he can quickly flee. Among other goods, Kamenjed often sells information about his current location, such as dangerous areas and safe spots for resting. He also has a unusually large diamond with impurities inside it that resembles a face. He calls it "Mondymond". He won't eat it, but he also tends to keep it secret, as he is afraid someone else will try to eat it.
By u/R_bubbleman_E_6
Milcheax is a humanoid-sized cricket. His exoskeleton is solidly shiny black, though his wings have golden-brown highlights along the "veins". He stands upon his rear (jumping) legs and leans upon his abdomen to bring his head close to human height. Otherwise, he prefers to walk around on all sixes. From head to the tip of his abdomen, he measures approximately six and a half feet. His antennae protrude an additional two and a half feet from his head, and his cerci (the antenna-like protrusions from the rear of his abdomen) are about an additional foot in length. As a tailor of fine silks and unusual thread-like materials (you should see his mammoth-gut ballet slippers or his giant-sinew little black dress) he is not at all what you'd expect in an oversized flower-munching bug person. He has no outward voice, instead speaking directly with all via broadcast or directed telepathy. Note: This telepathy is only used for communication and not for scanning memories or reading minds.
Motivations: As an astute merchant of all things cloth-based, Milcheax is a go-to for the clergy, noblewomen and governmental officials for miles around. Money is nice, but making people Look Good(tm) is better. He would rather work with a client than turn them away. He also is a connoisseur of flowers, but only from the "I am hungry and I like the taste of flowers" perspective. As such, Milcheax can be persuaded to give private audiences (measurements and the like) to persons who bear rare or unique floral gifts.
Relationships: V'lani, a mid-level human clergyperson at the local temple, is teaching Milcheax how to project a humanoid face when speaking with non-cricket people. It's not working out so well.
Her lover, Lumsia, a half-elven bard, adores Milcheax for the preternatural chirping he produces and will often perform duets with him at festivals or at a tavern or three.
There's a homeless little human girl with grimy blonde hair that Milcheax leaves protective clothing out for from time to time, but he knows she is deathly afraid of him.
The personnel at V'lani's temple (and many of the neighboring shops) are fiercely protective of Milcheax and will stand up for him if someone denigrates or disparages him (let alone attack him or burgle/vandalize his shop and home).
Other: He is more likely to give fashion advice and a small discount (or a procurement mission) for those who are, shall we say, couture challenged than to judge them for "lacking" in his compound eyes. He would rather stay in business than anger any of his customers, sparing no expense for rare or unique materials. His name is pronounced "MIL-Key-axe". (Primary emphasis on first syllable; less on second.) He dislikes being referred to by nickname.
Mister Eight
Mister Eight is a giant, intelligent spider. covered in white fur, Its body is roughly the size of a cow, its legs a couple of meters each. It has settled itself in a human town and has made a fortune selling its own silk. Light and extremely resilient, it's an incredible material for armours. It's also very expensive, and only a selected clientele can deal in it.
Motivations: Mister Eight, name given to it by the locals, is a friendly fellow that loves eating and good music. Lacking opposable thumbs it's not great at doing it himself, but can pay others to do it, it likes to throw extravagant parties and know people. It wants to always have thumb-using creatures around, to do all the things that it can't.
Relationships: It is very well known in the region, being a wealthy spider, and any person that matters in the area is gonna protect themselves with its silk, as strong as steel but much lighter. it's like chainmail, but you can wear it under a shirt all day long. People love him.
Other: Worshippers of lolth kinda hate it, considering it a race traitor, and more than one drow assassin has tried to take it out. It pays a hefty sum to be well protected.
by u/dIoIIoIb
Mr. Helter
Mr. Helter is a skeletal lich who runs a magic shop in town. Though unsettling to be around, he is ultimately harmless (as long as you ignore the strange noises and ominous glow coming from behind the purple curtain). He is a well-dressed skeleton with several life times worth of knowledge which he will happily share while trying to remember if that potion was a healing potion or the one that turns people into crickets.
Motivations: Mr. Helter was once an adventurer himself but now prefers the simple shopkeeper life where townsfolk aren't constantly trying to set him on fire. He lives vicariously through other adventurers by inspiring them to explore places of interest which he 'heard about from another customer'.
Relationships: Mr. Helter has an uneasy relationship with the local chapel. The holy men would outright condemn him if it weren't for his valuable expertise on curses. The local guard enjoy having him around since 'that town with the lich' often deters would be attackers.
Other: Mr. Helter was forcibly made into a lich by a group of wizards who wanted an immortal subject to experiment upon. After killing his captors and escaping, Mr. Helter spent a century searching for the mastermind who ordered the experimentation. He became somewhat depressed after failing to find the culprit. He has been known to just close his shop and move to another town when he gets moody.
By u/TooManyPossums
Naeris the Feral Firbolg
Naeris is a druid Firbolg who has lived most of his life in the shadow of his brother Ianbalar, cast out of the forest, into the swamp. On places he got wounded there are now fungi growing. His chipped ear, the claw wound on his cheek, and multiple wounds over his torso and limbs all have fungi growing on them. The fungi put his mind into a state of animalistic ferocity.
Motivations: Naeris is a spiteful and territorial Druid who lives by the 'eat or be eaten' mentality often seen in animals. Ever since he got affected by the fungi on his body, he is overcome by rage.
Relationships: Naeris hates his brother Ianbalar for backstabbing him and keeping him out of the forest. Even the animals left him for his brother, all he has left are the fungi that he seems to talk to.
Other: Naeris might be uncharismatic and unintelligent, but don't underestimate his skill to read creatures, if he feels like he is being tricked he will attack ferociously with his poisonous attacks at the most opportune moment.
By u/DazzleFeet
Tom (formerly known as Brazgannaus)
Tom looks like a male human in his 40's, but he is way older. He is a devil whose lord died and, instead of fighting to death for the throne against his thousand brothers, he decided to escape to the material plane. He runs a quasi-fancy port tavern and inn named "The mute mermaid"
Motivations: He just wants to live a relatively quiet life among mortals. He is no longer evil and actually he will frown upon demon or devil related people, fearing that one of his brothers might end up showing up in his tavern and literally blowing up his new life to hell.
Nevertheless, he still has a few supernatural contacts, a good amount of power and he is still capable of striking minor deals. But he no longer answers to hell hierarchy and is not likely to twist too much a contract.
Instead of making magical deals (only offering them to the old and well-known customers or the highly desperate ones), he prefers to trade intel and information, which is way safer and brings less suspiciousness upon him.
Relationships: He's been around town for a long time, and thus, a few important people owe him something or have dealt with him before.
For example, Alhar, the elf who owns of the "Mermaids tear" distillery got his bussines by striking a deal with him, only paying back having to offer the lowest possible price to the devil.
Other: He HATES people fighting in his place, he wont mind to help someone to dispose of a corpse that was killed outside, but having punches flying around will make him boom up his voice in order to strike fear in the troublemakers hearts. He has banned dice and card games for this reason. He is one hell of a chef, being Fried flounder with champignon sauce his best (and most expensive) dish.
He has really gentlemanly manners, and tends to speak in a flourished and hard to follow manner. Old habits die hard, but if he results confusing, he will apologize and try to speak more plainly.
Combat Stats: If threatened, Tom will cast Command and say "out", or will cast Hold Person and push them out of the tavern. If things REALLY get out of control, he will cast a modified version of "Banishment", which will send the objective in a short and harmless but horrifying trip to hell.
By u/elbilos
Page Turned
Page is a Kenku of advance age. His beak is cracked, he has feathers missing in places and his back is bent. He’s been a member of the Black Flock for most of his life, but his lack of ambition and imagination have prevented him from rising in rank. In his travels he has accumulated a vast repertoire of sounds, voices and vocabulary though and is apt at conversing with all the races. For this reason he’s been appointed as one of the faces of the Flock, in charge of negotiating with clients on the road.”
Motivation: Page has made peace with his low rank and has no motivation to rise within the hierarchy of the Flock. His motivation is freedom. He knows of the dreadful curse that robbed his people of their wings, creativity and speech. In secret, he has been looking all his life for a way to free himself from this curse. His only wish is to be soaring through the air, singing with his own voice words a poem own creation before he dies.
Relationships: As a member of the Black Flock, albeit a low ranking one, Page can count on the rogue organization’s support and protection in most things. He doesn’t really have friends, but his truthfulness and fair dealings have earned the respect of most of his regular clients.
Other: Page owns a coat of useful items filled with strange, sometimes useless, sometimes immensely opportune items.
By u/1Jusdorange
Petram the highly intelligent mimic is a travelling beggar, only nobody knows that. He travels to towns that have popular statues of deities, the kind where people have left lots of donations. Petram, in the middle of the night will remove the statue and take on its form, he’ll remain motionless whilst villagers and travellers donate all manner of objects and currencies to their deity. Every night Petram will collect up the items and eat them.
Motivations: Petram loves coins, he understands the concept of currency but he prefers the tangy metallic taste of them. He couldn’t believe his luck the first time he saw a pile of donations at the feet of a statue of the goddess Tymora. He was chased out of town for devouring them but quickly realised mimicking statues would be a much less dangerous way of obtaining his favourite food.
Relationships: Petram doesn’t really have friends, he’s a simple creature with simple desires, though there is this one pigeon that likes to follow and sit on him from time to time. Petram has named the pigeon, Bird. Petram has realised that having Bird around adds to the credibility of his deceptions so he lets Bird eat any foodstuffs donated to him.
Other: If donations to Petram in statue form aren’t to his liking, when no one is around he will change his facial appearance to show a displeased statue of the deity. He’s realised this in turn ends up sparking a small hysteria in the deities followers resulting in an influx of donations. He’s also not particularly fond of canines as they tend to urinate on him, passers by may think they heard the statue growl at passing dogs.
Combat: If threatened, Petram has been known to vomit or spit coins and gems at enemies. (Treat as normal ranged thrown improvised weapon attack, but the missiles actually have monetary value to the victim.)
Squelch, The Mudgrubber
Squelch is a cantankerous and grouchy elderly goblin, standing at a hunched 3 feet tall. His hair is greasy and gray, suffering from a receding hairline. He has severe cataracts, and is missing several of the teeth on his lower jaw. Squelch owns a rot grub farm, and is a MudGrubber. He bosses around the younger members of his clan, rooting rot grubs out of the mud fields to sell in town. He speaks in a mixture of Goblin and Common, and expects everyone to understand him.
Motivations: Squelch is a simple goblin. He wants the respect of those younger than him, and he wants to make a living off selling grubs. He secretly desires to return to a life of adventuring as he did in his younger days, but someone has to run the farm.
Relationships: Splat is Squelch's oldest son. If he was to leave the farm to anyone, it'd be Splat. Squish is Squelch's second oldest son, who recently got involved with a local gang. Splat and Squish work well together, but often bicker when not supervised.
Other: Squelch tries to hide his former adventuring life, but still maintains his skills with a rusty shortsword. He has some PTSD, reacting to loud noises by reaching to his belt for a sword no longer there.
by u/Notorious_bear_
Unnamed Goblin
Unnamed Goblin (known by variations on "the chosen one" or "high priest" in his native tongue) is the central religious figure of a remote tribe of jungle goblins who worship the demigod Pongo. Pongo appears as a multi-ton orangutan and lives in the heart of a volcano in the same remote jungle as the goblins. As deities go, Pongo is incredibly insignificant, to the point that only the most well-read of clerics even know his name, and even then only as an idle "fun fact"; however, to the goblins, Pongo is their living god, as important as Heironeous or Olidammara or any other.
Unnamed Goblin is currently roaming the world in order to fulfill part of his duties as the religious leader to proselytize the word of Pongo. It isn't going especially well, mostly because he doesn't speak Common, but not for lack of enthusiasm.
Motivations: Unnamed Goblin is a religious zealot, motivated to spread the word of Pongo, which is a sort of apocalyptic gospel. He is, however, highly intelligent and fairly empathetic for a goblin.
Relationships: UG is the de jure leader of an entire civilization where he comes from, and so he may be a bit standoffish to random adventurers, but he is cute in a weird sort of way. He doesn't know anyone when he comes out of the jungle, but he may fall in with any convenient group of misfits.
Other: He looks like a typical jungle goblin, which means he resembles a small primate as much as a regular goblin, and he is painted bright orange in imitation of his god.
By u/cdthunchback
Cutpurses and Rogues
Darius Galto
Darius Galto is a half-elf lowlife with vengeful tendencies. Darius is recognizable by his piercing blue eyes, long braided strains of dark hair, snow-pale white skin and the resting face of a stern yet broken man. His mother was an elf courtesan and his father, a half-elf tradesman. Darius grew up on the streets as an urchin but quickly got promoted as an assassin for his ruthless pragmatism. He used the money from this job to provide for his mother.
Motivations: Darius lost his mother after she was murdered by Paladins when they learned she followed the Elven pantheon. He is hell-bent in making the superiors of these paladins pay for their actions, no matter the cost and no matter how high the chain of command goes. If needed, he is ready to mount an insurrection against an Empire. Should he become a rebel leader, his lowlife upbringing might push him to become somewhat tyrannical as his rebellion comes to fruition.
Relationships: Darius has an estranged brother, Cornelius, whom he hasn’t met in person for a few years. Indeed, they had a fundamental disagreement on whether to integrate into human society or stay true to their elvish roots. This disagreement was so severe Cornelius changed his last name to Bianco. Cornelius followed his absent father’s path and became a wealthy associate of a trading company. This disparity in wealth may bring the brothers to violently clash, were they to meet again.
By u/Vicotaco
Devlin is a town crier who sneaks secret information into his official public announcements using Thieves cant. He stands in one of the city squares and rings a brass bell. He is a gray-haired human, sports a handsomely waxed mustache, and is dressed in gaudy uniform. Hidden behind this personage is a member of the citys underground society of thieves. He uses his day job to inform fellow members about the latest criminal news. After working hours, Devlin swaps the uniform for everyday clothes and partakes in various forms of theft.
Motivations: Devlin has sworn an oath to the thieves society. This bond has strengthened over the decades, and society issues take precedence in his life. Lately, he has made it a point to mentor young members.
Relationships: Devlin mentors a young cutpurse, named Rose, who hangs out in the busy town square where he works. Rose will aid and defend him if anything goes wrong. Additionally, Devlin has built a strong rapport with the city guards who work in the square. So much so, that they will take Devlins side in any dispute.
Other: Devlin twirls his mustache when he is nervous. If approached by a non-member and confronted about his secret messages, he will become wary and claim ignorance of any additional meaning to his announcements.
By u/Langston723
Morrigan Jack is a tall, young, handsome human, dressed in simple yellow robes and a necklace bearing a holy symbol of Waukeen. His black hair is neatly trimmed and swept back, and his face is cleanly shaven. His voice sings like a choir of angels, convincing most of his good intentions.
Beneath the illusion he projects over himself, however, Morrigan Jack is actually an older fallen aasimar with a much harsher voice, scruffy grey hair and goatee, and flowing gold cloak. Rings, necklaces, and other jewelry hang from his body, and gold teeth shine from between his cracked lips.
Motivations: Morrigan Jack portrays himself as a servant of Waukeen, out to stand for the poor and downtrodden and expose the corruption of merchants and nobles, encouraging his listeners to rise up and put an end to their tyranny. In truth, however, Jack is a servant of the Cult of Mammon, with a rather unique job. Whenever the cult seeks to remove a meddlesome noble or remove rival merchants, they task Jack with inspiring peasant revolts directly aimed at them. His high charisma, combined with his illusionary facade, allows him to perform his task well, and he takes enjoyment in watching the peasants break down their doors and burn their manors to the ground. When not assuming his role as priest, Jack spreads dreadful rumors about the wealthy in the back alleys and slums, making even the most generous of lords seem like villains in the public eye.
Relationships: Morrigan Jack's companion is his imp familiar, Hariette. Hariette aids Jack in turning the poor against the nobility, often using a superior shapechange ability to transform herself into prominent nobles and merchants to commit corrupt acts and ruin their good name. Hariette secretly lusts for Jack, and thus has an unusual devotion to him unseen in other imps; she would even give her life for him.
Other: Morrigan Jack has an unusual loathing of paladins. If he should encounter one, he will set aside his current target and focus his efforts on making them suffer. Why this is is unclear.
By u/Devcon101010
An orphan boy who trades information for orc, goblin and kobold ears (better the ears, better the information). Upon the initial interaction, he would appear as a human boy with a slight frame, platinum blond hair down to his shoulders, and sneaky green eyes; however, only a few observant party members would be able to notice the subtle curvature at the tips of his ears, giving away his half-elf status. He wears a silver chain around his neck. Most of the townsfolk don't know who his parents were or really where he came from, but he "keeps the streets quiet" by taking care of the other orphaned children.
Motivations: Mott does not want his half-elf race known to others. If the focus is on other ears, who has time to pay attention to his own?
Relationships: The townsfolk love Mott because he is always willing to do odd jobs for anyone in need. For the party members, he is an information broker. He started the ear-trading circle with the other orphans when he realized how fascinated the human children were with different types of ears and how quickly they are willing to give up information for them. He has created his own espionage using this token system.
Other: Mott traveled with his human mother prior to her being killed in a raid several years ago. He has no interest in meeting his elven father, assuming that he had abandoned them. However, Mott wouldn't be opposed to hearing any information on this man if it just so happens to come across him.
By u/sir_reality_bones
Rinaldo Trivaldo
Rinaldo is a member of the city guard. He is short and skinny, with a short crop of curly black hair that can be seen sticking out from a worn helmet that is too big for his head. He takes great pride in his mustache, which is well-maintained: it is long, curled and waxed. He is most often found with his fellow guard and business partner, Ubrik, who towers over Rinaldo in stark contrast. Rinaldo fashions himself to be a sly and cunning businessman who is above his station, but most see him as the corrupt, petty and pompous man that he is.
Motivations: Rinaldo is not a very good guard, but that does not prevent him from exercising his "authority." He and Ubrik hassle a handful of smaller, independent thieves for a fee in exchange for overlooking most of their petty crimes. This racket has earned a meager but consistent fortune for Rinaldo and Ubrik, and he'll do almost anything to keep that money flowing and out of the purview of any higher authority.
Relationships: Ubrik is Rinaldo's business partner and fellow guard, and is an imposing, physical man of equal ineptitude and very few words. Ubrik acts as the brawn of the operation in exchange for a 50% cut. Despite the unwelcome arrangement, most of the thieves are content to continue paying their tax in exchange for a safe and stockade-free working environment. Rinaldo and Ubrik are also smart enough to avoid any entanglements with the larger criminal organizations that may be in play, but it is likely only a matter of time before they shake down someone they wish they hadn't.
Other: If the adventurers get wind of the operation, they can easily use it as leverage. (Ubrik is strong, but he is not stupid enough to enter combat with a party of seasoned adventurers.) If they do so, they gain advantage on any Charisma (Intimidation), (Deception) or (Persuasion) checks when speaking to either party. Rinaldo will offer to point the adventurers in the general direction of a larger criminal organization if he feels his livelihood is threatened.
By /u/schm0
Shelley Livsey
Shelley is a young halfling woman who ran away from a peaceful life with her family for adventure and excitement. She picked up a knack for disguises and espionage on the road. She is often found in various cities attending fancy parties or disguised as a servant in a nobles house. All of this is to grow legal and illegal operations of theft, espionage, blackmail, racketeering, and other manners of organized crime.
Motivations: Shelley seems to have a love for fancy things; clothes food and people. She will hire adventurers to do her dirty work. It may come out that she answers to someone and is not the mastermind in all the criminal networks, but she holds her boss' information in very close confidence.
Relationships: Shlley is known in among various thieves guilds as someone who can get stuff done for you at the right price. Its just unfortunate that sometimes that price just puts you more and more into her debt.
Other: Shelley had a very unhappy home-life despite her family presenting as idyllic from the outside. Unfortunately on the road she attracted the attention of an unscrupulous elven lord, who recruited her to run a spy network and grow his operations. She joined his operation at knife point and must do what he says or she'll be found dead in a river.
By u/DignityInOctober
Scholars and Spell Casters
Allister and Mr. Crowley
Allister is a thirteen-year-old boy sorcerer who specializes in Necromancy, deception and ice magic. He wears a long black robed that is never buttoned. His thin black hair shoulder length hair is straight but messy. He is never seen without his all black cat with blue-glowing fir Mr. Crowley nearby.
Motivations: Allister is the only magic user in his family. His skills are frequently regarded as party tricks and treated as such, especially late night in the pub. He feels like the people around him are lying to keep him captive, and he has a real family elsewhere. He needs to get away from them and find out the truth.
Relationships: He loves his cat more than anything or anyone else and will go to great lengths to protect it. While his parents have given him food and shelter, they contribute little else to his survival. His grandmother, who runs the local pub, has never liked or trusted him.
Other: Allister witnessed his father being killed by a ghost. He suspects his mother sent it to kill both of them. He leaves home seeking revenge and his real family. Has a Spell that creates 2D6 Gas Spores that resemble dandelions.
By u/morandomdanu
Anaxis is a female elf divination wizard. She is an older woman, closing in on about 700 years old. She lives on the outskirts of the local town, Obrin. She usually can be seen skulking around her tower in a simple mage robe. Nothing ornate or flashy about her. Her magic comes out in a deep purple hue when she is in the middle of casting something.
Motivations: Anaxis strives to help all who come to her. She has taken up a local girl to teach the things that she knows. And she feels like her powers can help a group of adventurers with a very troubling villain.
Relationships: Anaxis is thought of as the crazy ol' wizard at the edge of town. They don't fear her or really dislike her, just that they don't always trust the magic that she preforms. She is very close friends with the local herbalist, Kyrene and often can be found walking the woods with him discussing the world and their role in it. Anaxis has a female human apprentice that she treats like a daughter and a servant, depending upon her mood.
Other: Anaxis is an older woman and prone to bouts of forgetfulness. And if the conversation or the topic is too boring, she is likely to fall asleep while you are speaking.
By u/jbagky
Arcanis Peltwine
A Human looking quite young for his actual age, Arcanis Peltwine is often known by Arcanis, the Omnipotent. While no one knows his true age, and despite him looking middle aged, it is rumored that he is over a century old. With knowledge beyond his years, and a passion for the Arcane arts, Arcanis runs the local library and an under the table spell scroll shop. With little respect for most, Arcanis chooses to pick his allies with utmost care and usually focuses on those with a passion for discovery and experimentation. With his focus on the uses of magic, Arcanis prefers to try and keep his nose clean from the law, but is often finding ways to bypass, bend, or change the local status quo... however he often is on the radar of the town guard for his... "unconventional" lifestyle. You can often find Arcanis deep into study or exploring the world with his companion Psuedodragon, Chibz, together eager to see what the world has to provide.
Motivations: Arcanis Peltwine is known above all else to be a scholar and a collector of rare books and scrolls. With his deep delves into magic, he has discovered the existence of other planes of existence in the multiverse. If able, he would want to either develop a system/ portal that would allow him to teleport to these worlds or find a way to travel seamlessly between the planes.
Relationships: Outside of his tight knit bond with his psuedodragon, Chibz, Arcanis has ties throughout the black market and thieves guild to help supply his collection in his library and a steady supply of material components for spellcrafting. He also has a romantic interest with a Sorceress who tries to keep her magical prowess under wraps, he desires to learn more about her and discover not only what powers and abilities she possess, but also know her on an intimate level.
Other: Arcanis is overall a good person and avoids evil tendencies when possible, however tends to get in trouble with the local law even though he has easily skirted around their past attempts at arrest. Through his study he has unlocked many aspects of magic and is well versed in multiple spells and can quickly identify magic items. Lastly, Arcanis's mind is centuries old, however his body is not, he was trapped in a "slow time loop" during a delve into a dungeon where the physical body becomes comatose takes much longer to age and deteriorate but the mind is able to remain in a constant speed in real world times however is trapped in an alternate "dream dimension". After escaping the loop, he returned to his world centuries later where he was now a stranger to all and was without any living kin.
By u/TheRealJHamm
The Caretaker
The Caretaker is a human necromancer with a unique and special duty to their family. The Caretaker's job is to maintain and guide the spirits of their deceased family members so that they may live a fulfilling afterlife. The Caretaker uses their family's spirits to accomplish many tasks throughout the city and beyond, though their family is still viewed with some concern. The Caretaker lives at the graveyard and works to help both the living and the dead in whatever way they can.
Motivations: The Caretaker is a kindly individual that never uses their powers of necromancy to force a soul to do anything it does not wish to do. They openly speak with the dead to seek their guidance and permission before performing any rites or rituals that utilize their anima.
Relationships: The Caretaker's family spans dozens of generations and has grown into a clan of hundreds upon hundreds of souls. Not everyone in the family takes the Living Death though, and instead choose to slip peacefully into their destined afterlife. But the Caretaker has a genial relationship with their lingering relatives as much can be expected of any family. And of course they maintain relationships with their living relatives as well, doing their best to act as a guide and friend to everyone in the family.
By u/Kami-Kahzy
Cassandra Astalon
Cassandra, or Cassi to her friends, is a young, sheepish and quiet wizard with a passion for cartography. She wears plain clothes, soft, nervous mannerisms and avoids eye contact. When she speaks, its soft and quiet; prompting many to ask her to repeat what she's said in a louder tone. The only time she seems to act with any strong passion and conviction is when discussing geography, cartography or the wonders of exploration to unknown places. She wears practical travelling clothes, a old but sturdy leather shoulder bag and well-worn, but secure hiking boots. Her arcane focus is an old wooden walking stick with a small, uncut sapphire gem at the top.
Motivations: Cassi was raised by her father, a librarian, and was taught wizardry by him. It wasn't long before the stuffy library, with its same corridors and shelves, quickly bored her, and she began to explore parts of the library that were off limits, for no other reason than to see something different. This spiralled quickly into a desire to explore outside the library and, eventually, the city. From there, she uses her skills and knowledge of wizardry to fulfil a strong desire to document and map every place ever. However unreasonable she knows the goal is, she delights in travelling and exploring, and when her notes and maps become too much for her shoulder bag, she compiles them for publication, where her father proudly displays each and every copy at his library.
Relationships: Her father was a huge influence on her life, despite her displeasure at remaining at the library and taking over him when he retired. Instead, his encouragement for her to go out and explore was the driving force in her mounting passion turning into a profession. Whilst her travels take her far from home, she remains in contact with him as often as possible, and the pair spend ample time discussing her latest notes or cartography via Sending and spells. Unfortunately, her travels, constantly mobile lifestyle and naturally shy disposition makes it both difficult and unpractical to form other long lasting relationships, but she has made few passing friendships as a guide, or as an arcane assistant to other adventurers.
Other: Her spellbook is a loose collection of random pages and scribbles, typically on different types of paper, all tied with a bit of string at one corner. Whenever she adds a new spell, it's hastily written on whatever is at hand and slotted into the bundle. She also has many trinkets and curio's, gathered from far off exotic locations or bought as souvenirs.
Combat Stats: Cassi uses the Mage statblock, with a bend towards Divination magic. She also uses the Divination Wizard class feature, Portent as a trait.
By u/Axiie
Collin Franek
Collin is a human man of about 40 winters. He’s bald with an unshaven beard and sunken eyes that have seen too much. Collin is a travelling coroner and cleric of the god of death. He goes from village to village, investigating deaths, looking for signs of unnatural or dangerous elements such as plagues or magic. He also provides last rites, presides funerals, counsels grieving folk and keeps an ear out for rumors of undeath. As a travelling coroner he has a small retinue, but often has to recruit adventurers to help him in his duties. Collin has a deep respect for the cycle of life and great empathy for those forced to transition to the other side before their time. He’s a deeply logical man that can appear cold from time to time. Collin struggles with depression and alcoholism.”
Motivation: Collin wishes to help preserve the Balance of the world and protect the innocents from the evil of undeath. He’s motivated by bringing closure, peace and justice to families of the deceased. Collin serves his god as best he can, but he serves the people first.
Relationships: Collin has a bodyguard, a man called Fonkin (veteran stats) who always keeps his skin covered and his helmet on in public since he suffers from a skin disease that, while not contagious, makes everyone uneasy. Fonkin is a polite, respectful, good hearted man who admires and respects Collin and protects him, even from himself sometimes. The other member of his retinue is a young ghostwise halfling woman called Silaï (druid stats) who owes Collin her life. Silaï is more at ease with animals than people, but she means well and understands the Balance.
Other: Collin has a secret fear for his soul upon his death. He’s even afraid of his own death. He has read and knows about the cosmic powers that hunger for souls and would rather remain in the material world then transition to the other planes. This anxiety fuels his self-hate and depression as he has grown to believe himself a hypocrite.
By u/1Jusdorange
Conni Bonnsdottir
Conni appears to be a Human woman in her early forties, living a simple life as a wisewoman in a lively village. She wears utilitarian garb and carries a feathered staff, has soft green eyes and auburn hair, and a calming smile. She is skilled in many professions, from farming and herbalism to engineering and medicine.
Motivations: Conni is a kind, yet firm woman, always ready to teach others, and always willing to learn herself. She seeks out orphans and young children as apprentices in her craft, ever seeking to blend the arcane with the mundane to help others.
Relationships: Conni has friends within various druid circles, especially among the long-lived Elves. Within her village, she is well regarded for her healing hands and knowledge. She has two adopted children: Munder Connison, an adventurous druid who seeks to fill Conni's boots as an elder, and Tenna Connisdottir, more interested in herbalism and alchemy.
Other: Conni's appearance belies her age and power: She's actually a centuries-old Archdruid. A retired adventurer, she travels the world, spreading knowledge and defending the weak. She will hum ancient tunes to herself and occasionally dance to a song only she can hear.
By u/ohilevoe
Diroduil Glynfael
Diroduil is an ancient wood elf. He favors a cloak of magically preserved leaves, a dappled tapestry of autumn colors that billows ominously in the wake of his deliberate stride. Tattooed on his temples are stylized black antlers wreathed in gray flames. His elven eyes draw you in, like staring into a dark well, vertigo threatening to topple you into the depths. The gnarled oaken staff he wields casts an oddly long shadow no matter the angle of the light, and shifts eerily in the breeze though its caster is still as stone.
Motivations: Diroduil seeks vengeance for his fallen brother, and the empowerment of his Patron.
Relationships: Ellisar Glynfael, Lord of the Morning, Summer Knight and brother to Diroduil, was brutally slain by a mysterious warrior in an attack on the Tree of Life. Diroduil, a mighty Archdruid in his own right, made a Pact with Archfey Patron "The Grand Elusa," Queen of Spiders, hoping her sly and subtle machinations would help him find his foe and deliver vengeance.
Other: Diroduil is remarkably impatient and blunt for an elf, contrary to the nature of his Patron, as well as the personality of his late brother, who was known for kindness and social grace. He is inclined to cast Firestorm now and sift through ashes later, and when he casts this signature sorcery his tattoos grow into antlers of flame.
By u/BillyBobWinkydinks
Eghan Pryderi
Eghan Pryderi is the grave keeper of a small, sleepy village. He is a shadow sorcerer, which led him to his current job. He is irritable and jaded, due to being passed over for the village's annual pilgrimage in favor of taking over the job of grave keeper
Motivations: Eghan believes that his magical bloodline gives him great potential, and wants nothing more than to leave the small village that suppresses his aspirations. Due to the importance of his job, however, he can't bring himself to abandon his duties and reluctantly continues serving.
Relationships: The people of the village have sympathy for the young man stuck in such a grim job, but tend to avoid him due to his sour attitude. His friend, Felicity, was sent on the most recent pilgrimage, sparking jealousy and indignation. He suspects that the leader of the village chose her to leave because she is his adopted daughter, even though as cleric, Felicity is better suited for the job.
Other: As the grave keeper, Eghan is privy to information passed down the grave keeper line. This is what ties him to his job and prevents him from abandoning it. (In my campaign, one of the tombs in the mausoleum houses a demon who had made a pact to receive the town founder's body upon death. The grave keeping rituals keep this tomb sealed.)
By u/hosszap
General Mildred the Calm
General Mildred is a human female in her 50s. She is an extremely powerful military wizard who fits well into any magistocracy or army that allows her the freedom to pursue her research. Her skin has an almost supernatural translucency, as though her physical body is slipping out of this plane of existence by magical means. She is affectless (though not emotionless), and as her name implies, unnervingly imperturbable.
Motivations: General Mildred is motivated by curiosity. Knowledge for its own sake. She advanced through the military for no other reason than it was the most prudent option to fund and remove barriers to her studies. Her primary focuses are planar research, illusion magic and alchemy.
Relationships: Mildred the Calm most likely oversees a broad swath of the military population. Her closest relationship is to her personal research assistant, a young half-elf woman. As a practical matter, she publicly holds herself and others very strictly to military code, but privately, she cares very little about concepts of loyalty, insubordination or even treason as long as it doesn't affect her ability to conduct research. She is slow to form opinions of people, whether positive or negative.
Other: General Mildred is capable of casting the 7th level spell simulacrum. She uses her Simulacrum to conduct long-term independent research into multiple topics simultaneously from different locations or to attend mandatory events in her place while she continues her work.
By u/tabletopfeels
Keothi Kal Kazzir
Keothi is an older goliath woman of 60 years of age with still impressive physical attributes and a body covered with traditional tattoos depicting her great deeds. For a long time she was the leader and lore-keeper of her small mountain community, but with advancing age and declining physical abilities it was time to step down and let the young have their turn. In true goliath tradition Keothi bid her family fair well and stepped into the blizzard naked and unafraid, welcoming death after a life lived without regret.
Only, Keothi didn’t die. She walked to the point of exhaustion and passed out with a smile on her lips. She was confused when she woke up in a warm bed. A traveling party of adventurers had stumbled on her frozen body while travelling and saved her. While originally angry at the adventurers for ruining her death, she decided that the ancestors simply weren’t ready for her.
Motivations: Keothi has decided that her new purpose in life is to record the adventures of the party that saved her for posterity. She remains a goliath at heart and admires self-sufficiency and individual skill. She has a compulsion to keep score, counting deeds and tallying accomplishments to compare to others. While her body is weaker than before she has found that her mind is just as sharp and works on expanding her bardic skills as she helps the party.
Relationships: Keothi admires the party for their strength of body, mind and magic. She’s loyal to them as long as they don’t show too much weakness. She can never go back to her community and family who believe her dead.
Other: Keothi has a tendency to compli-shit the party she follows. She’ll collect the lore on how they defeated a dragon and congratulate them on a great victory but then she’ll add how it was nothing compared to the Remorhaz she killed with her bare hands when she was young. She’s also used to be the ruler and her transition to follower sometimes gives her trouble.
By u/1Jusdorange
Krieg The Professor
Krieg is a half elf man in his early 40s, with a completely bald head and facial hair, usually wearing clothes that allows him to be just a face in the crowd as much as possible, who works at the local magical college as a professor teaching magic theory. He is usually found in the local inn, playing darts with friends, or drunkenly ranting about the latest conundrum the world of magic has encountered. Krieg is rather friendly, although hard on himself and his physical appearance. He will pester any warforged he comes across with questions about their thought processes and mechanics, and has a tendency to not give context to things he says involving magic.
Motivations: Krieg is secretly working on a magical device to turn himself into a warforged, as he is disgusted by his half elf form, and has sacrificed much to complete his goals. He also wishes to convince his wife, who he does not talk about often, that he is not using the time he spends to build the complicated knot of gears and runes to cheat on her. Krieg is not a very big fan of sorcerers or individuals who gained power through luck, as he thinks that he got the short end of the straw, being born in what he thinks is a horrific body.
Relationships: Krieg loves his wife, who to him seems to be one of the only people that understands the headache of the constantly shifting field of magic theory. Their relationship has deteriorated recently, as his wife thinks that he is cheating on her, and Krieg thinks that she hates what he looks like. Krieg has a good relationship with his buddies, a gnomish man named blitz who works as city guard, and a human man named corlion, who is the bartender at the inn he frequents. They think him to be a bit bonkers, but they would never admit it.
Other: Krieg snaps his fingers when he is trying to remember something, and uses common phrases incorrectly.
By u/darkus4566-2
Laroy is a middle aged, but still spry, halfling cleric of Yondalla (or any other lawful good deity). He dresses surprisingly urbane for a cleric, but still very conservative; you might think he was a merchant or a master artisan. He is affable, if a little serious, and will discuss the finer points of just about anything, but expertly avoids revealing any details about himself.
Laroy is actually a high inquisitor of his respective church, currently incognito after revealing something downright devastating about a high-ranking official in the church (in my campaign it was that some high clerics had been stripped of their power and were using lower-ranking clerics to cover it up)
Motivations: Laroy's motivation is half detective, half philosopher; he is constantly seeking to test his faith and others' in real-world situations. Asking him a simple question sometimes results in a long epistemological lecture. He is accustomed to a dreary academic setting, and being out among the people spreading his faith is a welcome change of pace.
Relationships: Laroy is currently keeping a low profile within his faith community, but he is a well-respected and sometimes feared clergyman. Those loyal to the clerics he revealed will likely be hostile, but others will hold him with a quiet reverence.
Other: Laroy makes a game out of learning as much as he can about everyone he meets; this may not sit well with everyone.
By u/cdthunchback
Lilna Galgyra
Lilna is a grey-haired, reclusive gnome with a wise soul who keeps an eccentric collection of books in an unmarked, alleyway store. The book's topics lean heavily toward the mysterious, the fey, and fiends. She doesn't sell or lend her books. Instead, she requests a small fee to read the books while remaining in her shop. There is also a small, private room that customers can rent for a slightly larger fee.
Motivation: Lilna is helplessly curious about information regarding fey. Her few friends would say obsessed. This obsession stems from an encounter with satyrs early in her life. She now spends vast amounts of time hunting down, collecting, and studying texts on the subject. She will also investigate local rumors of fey or fiend and document them in a book that she is currently writing. As such, she is sometimes out of town for extended periods of time.
Relationships: Lilna spends most waking hours in the store. She also sleeps in the store. Several times per week, she eats meals at a nearby tavern and engages in pleasant conversation with the patrons. She is familiar with the regulars and the staff and is on a first name basis.
Other: She has an excellent memory, chews on her pen absentmindedly, and will enter an uncontrollable rage if anyone damages or attempts to steal one of the books about the fey.
By u/Langston723
Loennen is a human librarian from the Sterling Academy in Mizgirlinn. She is noticeably a human woman from Mizgirlinn, having a blue skin tone with pink spots here and there and very dark hair. She likes to dress herself in simple yet elegant clothing, but closer inspection would reveal there is not much quality to it, and that it has likely been used quite a few times (perhaps even by different people). Noticing this, it becomes clear that she is out of place in such an aristocratic city.
Motivations: Loennen wants to discover everything about all the different beliefs and cultures in society. Like your regular Mizgirlinn, she is fascinated by the diversity in culture among different human civilizations. She was born into a poor family, and taking the job to organize the books of the Library has been her only opportunity thus far to reach her goal.
Relationships: Many scorn her poverty, as would be expected in such a high-tier place. Consequently, making friends at the Academy has become a nigh-impossible task. She has a better time making friends with cooks, serving boys and other servants of the Library, and even teaches them how to read sometimes. And she has her parents, far away at Angelden, on whom she can always trust.
Other: It wasn't by chance the Library accepted her, a peasant from Angelden, and taught her how to read and write. She had met a Sminsonian (The Sminsonian Realms compose the neighboring nation) man who was influential enough to have her accepted. The truth is they fell in love, and now the man is an important political figure, who had to marry another woman from a wealthier family. Loennen always tears up a little when there are mentions of the Sminsonians, remembering her lost love.
By u/gui_guy_
Minister Craw Gadbird
Craw Gadbird is something like a vulture and a crow: an anthropomorphic, hunched, long-and-crooked-necked bird person. Jet black in places, in others ruffled white and grey, sparse over mottled skin. He is wretched and loud and old, and very skilled at the subjugation of minds; an invasion of autonomy which he finds no issue with, and employs at every turn. An excellent Minister of Information Control.
Motivations: He boasts constantly of his pure loyalty to the Party, his selflessness. I don't doubt he believes what he says, though I'd bet it's no coincidence how often the Party's needs align with his.
Relationships: Everyone hates and fears Craw in equal measure, at least when he hasn't inhibited their ability to do so. The only person he ever treats like a person is the strange middle aged human who tends to his office. He is simpleminded and mute - one would expect Craw to detest him - but he treats him with nothing but patience and kindness. Nobody knows who that man is or where he came from; I imagine Craw ensured that.
Other: Scribes his spells onto gastroliths, which he readies each morning by swallowing in a very unappealing ritual.
By u/kmscmt
Description: At a glance, Miyuki is nothing more than a white house cat with an orange and blue robe on and a strange reddish gem in her forehead. She speaks to others telepathically and has a soothing feminine voice. Those who study the arcane arts feel somewhat uneasy around her.
Motivations: Miyuki is hard to read due to her feline indifference. She will often gift trinkets and charms to those who offer her secrets. She feels they are worth more than gold regardless of their importance.
Relationships: Miyuki is normally quite welcome among a community due to her kind demeanor and incredibly soft fur (like a baby bunny). A town guard claims he once shooed her away and was suddenly lit on fire with strange infernal words ringing in his mind (he has since 'retired' from the guard).
Other: Miyuki is a powerful warlock who found a way to break her patron's contract and destroy the ancient demon. This act corrupted her physical body forcing her soul into the nearest living being at the time - a white cat. Despite her new form, she maintains most of her powers.
By u/TooManyPossums
Professor Tobin Wendlecreek
Professor Wendlecreek is an aged, halfling wizard who specializes in teleportation spells. He wears your typical wizard garb; fantastically dyed robes, spectacles and a strange hat. Although he is friendly and helpful to any student of the arcane arts, Professor Wendlecreek does not brook the disrespect of his lectures, or of his height.
Motivations: Professor Wendlecreek is a genial old man, who will gladly pontificate at great lengths about teleportation theory, interdimensional travel and the possibility of time as a dimension that can be traveled through. He is always looking for interns, apprentices or guinea pigs that will suffer his teleportation experiments.
Relationships: Professor Wendlecreek is a respected member of the Wizard's college. In my setting, he is the Dean of Teleportation, and an influential member of the local Halfling community. He sees himself as a father figure to young wizards, especially halflings.
Other: Professor Wendlecreek is infamous for a "tongue incident". After repeated warnings, he teleported an unruly, disruptive dwarf out of his lecture hall, sans tongue.
By u/PantherophisNiger
Senphyn Cormristyn
Senphyn is a lovesick drow mage who spends his days in a dark tavern languishing over a cup of wine. He behaves discretely but is also willing to share his breakup story with anyone who enters the tavern. Senphyn found his wife in bed with one of her students and reacted, as an evil, jealous magic-wielding husband would, by blasting them with a massive lightning bolt. The student perished, but his wife, although badly-burned, survived. Senphyn then fled the drow homeland.
Motivations: Senphyn doesn't like change, so the breakup and running away are hitting him hard. He's struggling between wanting to return to his homeland and wanting to avoid his wife. Beneath it all, he's still a devote follower of the Spider Queen (which he won't share with others) and has zero compassion for the patrons of the tavern.
Relationships: His wife, Zilvala, is outraged by the death of her lover. When she learned that Senphyn fled to the surface, she created a nightmarish blob of mouths and eyes (i.e., a gibbering mouther) and compelled it to hunt down and attack her husband. She is lurking nearby, seeking revenge.
Other: Senphyn suspects that someone or something has tracked him down. He spends his evenings carefully searching for clues. Given the opportunity, he will exploit the PCs to draw out his pursuer(s).
By u/Langston723
Spelldriver Einion Sildarsson
A stereotypical 'cranky wizard', like most who draw from the Weave Einion looks younger than he actually is. He keeps himself clean and well-tended, and wears clothing that is, technically, illegal - the blue robes and red right glove of his mage's guild.
Motivations: Protected from the Mage Purge by an unfeeling mistress, Einion masks his spiralling despair and ennui behind irascibility, competence, and a deep-seated (but well-hidden) hunger to help those less fortunate. He lost the Guild that raised and sheltered him, most of his friends, allies, and family, and now seeks to hold on to the last vestige of that still-recent bereavement. He is particularly focused on tracking down, recovering, and otherwise assisting the apprentice wizards he was once responsible for as Master of Novices.
Relationships: Magistrix Yorra, The sole leader of the Guild to survive the Purge, Yorra only did so by means of 'betraying' her compatriots, and the simple fact that she lives in a flying wizards' tower and is thus difficult to bring to account. Yorra was able to shield certain Mages under her aegis, with Einion being one, but it is a fractious relationship. Certain others who survived the Purge view Yorra with an attitude close to worship, but Einion is far less trusting and more bitter towards her. In order to keep her state of 'diplomatic immunity' from the Church, Yorra is adamant that her faction gives arcane support to the Kingdom's military. They are given special dispensation for this, and are held to constant, laborious scrutiny.
Other: Einion does not concern himself with combat, unless necessary. He is frail, sickly, and extremely intelligent, but more in a background/support role for the party, once they have earned his trust.
By u/astakhan937
Tabitha Bluebarrel
Tabitha is a middle-aged halfling woman with gentle eyes and smile lines. Her brown hair is streaked with gray and kept in a braid, and she wears a sprig of rosemary over her ear. Tabitha is an apiarist -- she keeps bees and harvests their honey. Despite the fact that she goes without protective gear, she has never been stung. She sings to the bees, which she credits for her affinity with the insects. Villagers from the surrounding countryside often make the trek to her farm to ask her for advice or healing, knowing that they'll be leaving with a smile on their face and lemon drops in their pocket.
Motivations: Tabitha was chosen at a very young age by what she recognizes as a "voice on the wind". Her calling -- as the voice said -- is to act as a guide for all creatures that enter her life. Recognizing her people as creatures in their own right, she strives to extend this goodwill to her surrounding community.
Relationships: Tabitha has been married to her husband Eustace for almost 100 years. Although he's quite the crotchety sort nowadays, he's a hardworking man who appreciates a good meal. Her only son Ewan is off in a nearby town, having recently been accepted into the town guard thanks to his skill with a crossbow. She is very proud.
Other: Tabitha recently encountered the decapitated corpse of a crow on her window sill. Fearing this omen, she has become a shut-in, hesitant to travel to the nearest village on market day.
by u/TheLaugh
Torzael is a Small Aarakocra; more hummingbird than eagle. A previous adorer of Volo whose admiration has turn to scorn. After meeting him in the Yawning Portal, Torzael realized how much of a fraud Volo actually is. This disdain fueled him to show the world the real creatures of the wilderness; not this romanticized filthy gossip that Volo spreads like the plague.
Motivations: Being a druid, Torzael has traveled all the way to the Snout of Omgar to research first the tortle race, then expand northward into the lands of Chult, researching goblins and aarakocra, as well as documenting a few dinosaurs and other beasts. Torzael's findings focus on the humanoid races of the wilderness, not the beasts that hide in the shadows.
Relationships: Resentment for Volo as mentioned before. Torzael has a good relationship with one of the leaders in Waterdeep, mister Glinter. Glinter supplies him with a small crew and supplies to further his research.
Other: Torzael has finished one book "Torzael's Tribal Guide" which details rare subraces for the likes of dwarves and halflings and their culture, including a cleric-like elder that exists in each of these tribes. Glinter recently found evidence of an ancient Insectfolk that still resides underneath Waterdeep, hidden away deep in the caverns below. Torzael has been summoned and is on his way back to research this mystical kingdom.
by u/DougtheDragonborn
Victor Prollist
Victor Prollist is a well-mannered, reserved gnome that was on his way to Waterdeep, when ambushed by bandits. He had his entire life and many of his treasured art objects and art pieces in his caravan. Unfortunately, the guards that he hired to escort him were corrupt and turned on him, along with their friends, in order to steal everything he had.
Galen Elrung had been returning from one of his trips for his studies, when he came upon Victor's ransacked caravan and Victor himself, badly injured and left to die. Galen helped him get healing and brought him to his family's manor in Cherryseed, a wealthy resort town. Victor realized that Galen was part of the Starpetal family, an "old money" family that's well known throughout the Sword Coast and the family ended up hiring him on as their public liason.
Motivations: After this experience, he's extremely frugal and always scared of being left with nothing. He's got a small fortune saved. He's also a perfectionist. He often spends his weekend at markets, art studios haggling with artists and vendors. He deeply wants to be a father and adores children, but he worries about being able to protect them in this world.
Relationships: He has a deep sense of gratitude to the Starpetal family, especially Galen. Each year, on Highharvesttide, gifts the family a commissioned art piece that commemorates the year.
Other: He feels lucky to be able to do what he loves for work - teaching people about art, purchasing new work, investing in new talent, and giving back to the community. He has his own bedroom in the Starpetal manor and leads public tours of their galleries a few times a week. He is quite knowledgeable about art and art objects.
On the tour, he has several small suit jackets and gowns for children to try on and have their own "ball" of sorts in the grand ballroom. They are then treated to a small, three-course meal in the dining room that consists of chicken soup, ham and potatoes, and ice cream.
Yaztromo Denmel
Yaztromo (or Yaz) is a barely 49 years young forest gnome wizard who specializes in illusions. Having grown up relatively alone in a forest setting, he prefers functional garb - darker clothes are easier to hide in, after all - but he did recently commission a fine hat from an unusual cricket merchant. Although he is friendly, he is slow to trust (having been a forest hermit since his mid-teens). His dark eyes dart around seeking out knowledge or gathering observations to add to his personal map collection.
Motivations: Though young, Yaz prefers to study magic to help protect his family's home forest. He has little brain-mouth-filter and tends to say what he thinks, often rambling to the point of breathlessness (and incoherency). He detests seeing children or small animals suffer, and carries a small pouch of treats for both (which he sometimes mixes up).
Relationships: A ward of the bladesinger Kaitlyn, and a purveyor of oddities and materials for the blacksmith Dragonborn Wragar, Yaz will assist with his company's occasional adventures treating his cohorts like he is their "den mother" but preferring to get to know new people on the road. At home, he will invest some time in training with a wizard here or a cleric there to expand his arcane knowledge. His forthrightness tends to cause most people to shy away from him. His siblings, both druids, detest that he didn't receive the family "gift" of druidic intent but grudgingly respect the work he has done (at home and otherwise).
Other: Yaz has an affinity for Mage Hand, Shadow Blade, and Witch Bolt spells, using them to keep his family's lands safe from interlopers. He uses Mage Hand extensively as he is always picking things up, fiddling with them, and dropping them.
Combat Stats: Use equivalent of 5th-level Wizard, primary focus Illusion.
By u/Blackwoodbear79
Zigor Keenisk
Zigor is a human in his late 50s, and a wizard by trade. Affected by a rare type of sight rot as a child after being exposed to contaminated reagents during his time as a student of magic, he was cured by Verla Goodleaf, a halfling druid, and recovered with his eyesight intact, although the incident was enough to make him choose to continue his studies on his own and not under another full-fledged wizard. He feels greatly indebted to Verla.
Motivations: Zigor will do anything to help Verla. The reason why he pursued the study of transmutation magic is because Verla's son was turned into a lycanthrope and he wishes to help her in finding a cure. He spends every coin he can spare in materials to conduct research on werecreatures and shapechanging spells.
Relationships: Verla Goodleaf and her son Milo. His former mentor, Serdam Jinnod, against whom he still holds a grudge and who he blames for having been infected by sight rot. Zigor, however, tries very hard to keep appearances so he can remain an ally of Serdam and obtain his aid in researching a cure for lycanthropy. Serdam, however, does not know the reason behind Zigor's interest in the topic.
Other: More than once, Zigor has considered a morally questionable course of action in his quest to help Verla. So far, he's managed to resist the temptation, but he fears his duty to her will sooner or later lead him to do things for her sake that she would not approve of.
Combat Stats: Zigor uses the stats of the Mage NPC from the Monster Manual, with a customized selection of spells to reflect his study of Transmutation.
By u/WildWereostrich