##### Weapon Proficiencies
This workshop removes many of the (often arbitrary) distinctions between the different weapons of the *Player's Handbook*. Because of this, certain class and racial features may be affected when determining which weapons you can be proficient with when using this workshop. If you have a feature that grants you proficiency with certain weapons, like the High Elf's Elf Weapon Training or the Rogue's weapon proficiencies, you should work with your DM to determine which weapons you can create.
Having proficiency with longswords might mean you have proficiency with any slashing sword; or proficiency with hand crossbows might allow you to use any light ranged weapon. It might also be reasonable that proficiency with any martial weapon justifies proficiency with all martial weapons.
Melee weapons require you to get up close and personal in order to attack as they have an effective range of 5 feet. At your option, apply either the Ammunition or Thrown property to the weapon. In specific regard to melee and ranged weapon attacks, the weapon is considered a ranged weapon if it has the Ammunition property. You decide if the weapon is considered a melee weapon or a ranged weapon if you apply the Thrown property to it.
##### Ammunition
This weapon requires you to have ammunition to fire from it.
* **Base Cost.** The cost increases by 1 step.
* **Damage Die.** The damage die decreases by 1 step.
* **Size Category.** No change.
* **Effects.** This weapon has an effective range of (80/320). When you use this weapon to make a ranged attack, you must roll your ammunition's usage die.
* **Restrictions.** None.
##### Thrown
This weapon was made for throwing, either with a streamlined construction or an off-set weight for lobbing.
* **Base Cost.** The cost decreases by 1 step .
* **Damage Die.** The damage die decreases by 1 step.
* **Size Category.** The size of this weapon decreases by 1 step.
* **Effects.** When thrown, this weapon has an effective range of (20/60).
* **Restrictions.** None.
#### Step 4. Weapon Grip
In this step, determine the grip of the weapon.
At your option, apply either the Two-Handed or Versatile property to the weapon.
##### Two-Handed
This weapon requires two hands to use, either due to its heft or to the balance required to wield it.
* **Base Cost.** No change.
* **Damage Die.** The damage die increases by 1 step.
* **Size Category.** No change.
* **Effects.** This weapon requires two hands to use.
* **Restrictions.** None.
##### Versatile
You can use this weapon with one or two hands.
* **Base Cost.** The cost increases by 1 step.
* **Damage Die.** No change.
* **Size Category.** No change.
* **Effects.** When this weapon is used with two hands to make a melee attack, increase the damage die by 1 step.
* **Restrictions.** The Versatile property can only apply to melee weapons.
#### Step 5. Weapon Heft
In this step, determine the heft of the weapon.
At your option, apply either the Heavy or Light property to the weapon.
##### Heavy
This weapon is bulky and requires a fell-hand to use properly.
* **Base Cost.** The cost increases by 2 steps.
* **Damage Die.** The damage die increases by 1 step.
* **Size Category.** The size increases by 1 step.
* **Effects.** If the weapon also has the Ammunition property, its effective range is increased to (150/600).
* **Restrictions.** The Heavy property can only apply to martial weapons. This weapon requires a Strength score of 13 or higher to use.
##### Light
This weapon is smaller and easy to handle.
* **Base Cost.** The cost decreases by 1 step.
* **Damage Die.** The damage die decreases by 1 step.
* **Size Category.** The size decreases by 1 step.
* **Effects.** This weapon can be used for two-weapon fighting. If the weapon also has the Ammunition property, its effective range is decreased to (30/120).
* **Restrictions.** None.
#### Additional Properties
In this step, finish customizing the weapon with additional properties.
At your option, apply any of the following properties, abiding by any restrictions.
##### Dependable
This weapon will almost never disappoint when your strike finds its target.
* **Base Cost.** The cost increases by 2 steps.
* **Damage Die.** No change.
* **Size Category.** No change.
* **Effects.** The damage die for this weapon's base statistic changes to 2d4. When a weapon property refers to increasing or decreasing the damage die by one or more steps, you change the damage die for the weapon according to the alternate progression shown below.
* **Restrictions.** The Dependable property can only apply to martial weapons.
##### Basic Property Statistics
|Property|Cost Step|Damage Die Step|Size Step|Requirement|Restricted|
|Dependable|+2|—|—|Martial weapon|—|
|Heavy|+2|+1|+1|Martial weapon, Str 13|Light|
|Reach|—|-1|—|Melee weapon|—|
|Versatile|+1|—|—|Melee weapon|Two-Handed|
##### Sample Weapons
|*Simple Melee*||||||
|5 gp|1d6 piercing|M, 2|—|*Reach*, *Two-Handed*|
|10 gp|1d4 piercing|S, 1|—|*Finesse*, *Light*|
|*Simple Ranged*||||||
|2 sp|1 piercing|T, 0.2|—|*Light*, *Thrown*|
Stone bow
|15 gp|1d4 bludgeoning|S, 1|—|*Ammunition*, *Light*, *Loading*|
|*Martial Melee*||||||
Breaching Axe
|15 gp|1d10 slashing|L, 3|Str 13|*Heavy*, *Thrown*, *Two-Handed*|
Washing Pole
|50 gp|1d6 slashing|L, 3|—|*Finesse*, *Reach*, *Versatile*|
|*Martial Ranged*||||||
|2 gp|1d4 slashing|S, 1|—|*Light*, *Thrown*|
Recurve bow
|110 gp|1d6+1d4 piercing|XL, 6|Str 13|*Ammunition*, *Dependable*, *Heavy*, *Two-Handed*|