Circle of Pyromancy
"Pyromancy is the art of casting fire. Produce flame, then channel it; just as our ancestors did. A pyromancer must be in tune with nature herself. My home, the Great Swamp, is an abundant store of nature. You will understand, one day; it only takes time."
— Laurentius of the Great Swamp
Circle Spells
"Pyromancy has a, well, rather primitive aspect to it. It meshes poorly with advanced culture, and pyromancers are considered rather unsavoury."
— Laurentius
Your study of primal pyromancy grants you access to additional spells. At 2nd level, you learn the produce flame cantrip. When you join this circle at 2nd level, and again at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels, you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of Pyromancy Spells table.
Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Circle of Pyromancy Spells
Druid Level | Circle Spells |
2nd | burning hands, hellish rebuke |
3rd | Aganazzar's scorcher, Melf's Acid Arrow |
5th | fireball, Melf's minute meteors |
7th | fire shield (warm only), wall of fire |
9th | cloudkill, immolation |
Pyromancy Flame
"When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself."
Gifted the flame necessary to channel pyromancies, at 2nd level you gain the ability summon fire into your empty hand. You can use your action to make a melee spell attack with it, which deals 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier in fire damage to a single creature. This damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level in this class, and again at 11th and 17th levels. This flame exists within you, so as long as you have a free hand, you can summon it at any time. While it is out, you can use it to make the melee spell attack or to act as a druidic focus for your Circle of Pyromancy spells, and any other druid spell you know that deals fire damage. The flame persists until you dispel it or fall unconscious.
Ascended Pyromancy Flame
"Always fear the flame, lest you be devoured by it, and lose yourself."
— Quelana of Izalith
Also at 2nd level, you can use your action and expend a use of your wildshape feature to channel the chaotic power of fire for one minute. During that time, the damage dice of any fire damage you inflict increases by one die size. 3d8 becomes 3d10, 4d4 becomes 4d6, 8d6 becomes 8d8, 2d10 becomes 2d12, and so on. In addition, you take no fire damage from spells that you cast.
You can dismiss your ascended pyromancy flame early and release the channeled power freely, requiring no action.
Pyromancies of Carmina
"Carmina, the most accomplished pupil of Salaman the Master Pyromancer, pioneered new directions for the art of pyromancy. She harnessed the power of the flame to actualize the inner-self."
— Flash Sweat spell description
Starting at 6th level, you learn novel, forbidden pyromancies. Whenever you deal fire damage with a druid spell of 1st level or higher, you can gain one of the following benefits for the next minute:
Flash Sweat: You gain advantage on saving throws against poison and disease, and against effects that inflict fire, cold, or poison damage.
Iron Flesh: Your base AC becomes 12 + your Wisdom modifier, but your speed is halved.
Power Within: Whenever you deal damage you can add another 1d6 damage of that type, but you lose 1 hit point at the start of each of your turns.
You can end these features at any time, requiring no action, and can only be under the effects of one at a time.
Chaos Pyromancy
Starting at 10th level, the power of chaos causes your spells to leave your mark on the battlefield. Whenever you cast a druid spell that deals fire damage on your turn while your ascended pyromancy flame is active, enchanted magma covers the area the spell affected, if any. After the spell ends, all creatures that end their turn within that area take an additional 1d8 fire damage. This lingering magma disappears at the start of your next turn. You are immune to this damage.
In addition, whenever you deal fire damage, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage roll if you don't already, and your druid spells ignore resistance to fire damage.

Heir to Izalith
"The Flame of Chaos engulfed them, and molded them into deformed creatures."
— Quelana
Starting at 14th level, whenever you ascend your pyromancy flame, you can expend an additional use of your wild shape to transform yourself into a fiend with a CR no higher than your druid level divided by 4.
In this form, you can cast any druid spell that deals fire, acid, or poison damage as normal, as well as using all the fiend's features. If the fiendish form is not immune to fire damage normally, you are immune to it in this form. In addition, druid spells that you cast in this form deal half damage to creatures that are immune to fire, instead of no damage. You can remain in this form for up to 1 hour, or until you drop to 0 hit points, after which you revert to your normal form. As with wild shape, any remaining damage carries over to your normal form.
Finally, your ascended pyromancy flame can remain active for up to 10 minutes.
Recommended Spells
Not every pyromancy spell is on the circle of pyromancy spell list. Some additional druid spells that might be appropriate to take are create bonfire, healing spirit, flame blade, flaming sphere, investiture of flame, and fire storm.
Art:Dark Souls Pyromancer, pizza-surgeon
Quotes:Dark Souls