
by FartinSpartan88

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Chapter 1

House Rules

House Rules

Rules for Table Etiquette

Below this are the rules that are in place while the game is in session for acting appropriately in and out of game. Breaking these rules repeatedly will result in your removal from the game.

Pay Attention

While the game is in session I ask that you avoid being on your phone and pay attention even when it is not your time in the spotlight. This helps keep everybody informed so that we can avoid repeating what has already happened. While I do not require taking notes, I highly recommend it.

Staying focused

Its okay to joke around a little bit for a fun break, but no drawn out stories or jokes when we are actively trying to play out a scene or run combat. The only times this is acceptable is when I am preparing content and need time, or when we are on a break.

NSFW Content

While there may be some content within the world, such as brothels and nudity, there will be no acted out scenes of sexual content. Along with that there is no circumstances where rape is allowed. If anyone has any problems with content that has been presented or is uncomfortable with things in or out of game please let me know and I will do my best to remedy that.

Resolve Conflict Away From the Table

Any issues that players have with each other should be taken outside of the table or voicecall and resolved. If assistance is needed I can help outside of game time.

Be a Team Player

While "It's what my character would do" is a fantastic excuse, I would like to ask that everyone do their best to stick together and not break plans unless there is genuine good narrative reason to do so. Deliberately sabotaging plans made by the group for the sake of your own fun is not allowed and will result in a talk about your position within the campaign.

Respect the Schedule

If D&D is scheduled for Sunday at 12:00 I expect that, unless there is an emergency, you will not schedule events during that time.

Character Creation Rules

These are all the rules that I have about the character creation process.

Character Age

Every character must be at least 18, unless they are a construct and ageless because of that. Any character younger than that age will be rejected immediately.

Character stats

While I allow the use of Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) and the Point Buy system, I prefer the use of either of the systems below.

  • Roll 4d6 Drop the Lowest die for each stat. If you have a score below 10 you may reroll it and take the larger result. You may only do this reroll on one of your rolls of 4d6.
  • Roll 2d20 for each stat, alternating between taking the lowest roll, and the highest roll. This option is mostly a joke and has lead to some really crazy results, both good and bad.

Rolling For Health

Whenever you gain health upon a level up, roll for the amount to add, then if you roll below the average for your hitdice, take the average. Otherwise take the number you rolled.


The Wizards of the Coast's Unearthed Arcana version of mystics never has been and never will be allowed at my table. If you find a homebrew version online it follows the same rules as all other homebrew.

Source books

I allow anything that has been officially published by Wizards of the Coast without needing to be approved by me. The only exception to this rule is Unearthed Arcana, which must be approved by me beforehand.

Alternate to Racial Stat Bonuses

If you wish, you can forgo all racial stat bonuses in favor of class based stat bonuses from this document. If you are playing a homebrew class I can come up with a list of options for that class.

Homebrew Content

Homebrew content is allowed if I approve of it. If you have something you are curious about feel free to show it to me! Below this is some content that is pre-approved.

  • Artificer: While WoC has put out an artificer class, I still prefer the flavor of KibblesTasty's artificer and think it fits better into this game world.
  • Drafter: A magic class that can take the colors they see in the world and create whatever they imagine.
  • Dragon Knight: A martial class with a dragon companion! Who hasn't wanted a pet dragon?
  • Gunslinger: A fully fledged gunslinger class. Pew pew!
  • Warden: A newer version of this class is coming soon and I will update this when it releases.
  • Witcher: A great martial class with unique flavor and some magic sprinkled in. Based on The Witcher series.

Intelligence Bonuses

Additional proficiencies

Your Intelligence gives you a greater capacity to master different skills and languages. You gain an additional proficiency from the following table if you meet the Intelligence modifier prerequisite.

If you gain an additional skill proficiency, your choice must come from the skill proficiencies offered by your class.

For example, a Wizard with a +3 Intelligence modifier gains one additional tool proficiency and learns one language of choice, and also gains one skill proficiency from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine and Religion.

Intelligence proficiencies
Min. modifier Proficiency
+1 tool proficiency
+2 skill proficiency
+3 language
+4 tool proficiency
+5 skill proficiency

Temporary effects that change your Intelligence score (such as magic items and spell effects) have no effect on the number of proficiencies or languages you gain from this feature.

Combat Rules

Combat Options from the DMG

Climb onto a Bigger Creature

A suitably large opponent can be treated as terrain for the purpose of jumping onto its back or clinging to a limb. After making any ability checks necessary to get into position and onto the larger creature, the smaller creature uses its action to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the target's Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If it wins the contest, the smaller creature successfully moves into the target creature's space, the smaller creature moves with the target and has advantage on attack rolls against it.

The smaller creature can move around within the larger creature's space, treating the space as difficult terrain. The larger creature's ability to attack the smaller creature depends on the smaller creature's location, and is left to the DM's discretion. The larger creature can dislodge the smaller creature as an action — knocking it off, scraping it against a wall, or grabbing and throwing it — by making a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the smaller creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The smaller creature chooses which ability to use.


A creature can use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item from a target's grasp. The attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If the attacker wins the contest, the attack causes no damage or other ill effect, but the defender drops the item.

The attacker has disadvantage on its attack roll if the target is holding the item with two or more hands. The target has advantage on its ability check if it is larger than the attacking creature, or disadvantage if it is smaller.


When a creature tries to move through a hostile creature's space, the mover can try to force its way through by overrunning the hostile creature. As an action or a bonus action, the mover makes a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the hostile creature's Strength (Athletics) check. The creature attempting the overrun has advantage on this check if it is larger than the hostile creature, or disadvantage if it is smaller. If the mover wins the contest, it can move through the hostile creature's space once this turn.

Shove Aside

A creature uses the special shove attack from the Player's Handbook to force a target to the side, rather than away. The attacker has disadvantage on its Strength (Athletics) check when it does so. If that check is successful, the attacker moves the target 5 feet to a different space within its reach.


A creature can try to tumble through a hostile creature's space, ducking and weaving past the opponent. As an action or a bonus action, the tumbler makes a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the hostile creature's Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If the tumbler wins the contest, it can move through the hostile creature's space once this turn.


When you are using a weapon that requires ammunition, you must keep track of how many pieces of ammo you currently have and how much you use.


You may drink a healing potion yourself as a bonus action, but to feed one to another person is a whole action.


When you and one or more characters are on at least 2 different sides of a character you count as flanking when you are next that character, and they suffer a -2 to their AC when you make an attack. If you wish, you may forgo the -2 to the AC in order to perform a skill check to gain advantage on an attack roll.

This check can be any that you wish, such as a Stealth check to get out of their sight, or a deception check to do a "look over there!" moment. So long as you can describe the action taken and justify it, I will say if it will work and allow you to make the check. The DC for this check is determined by me depending on what action you are trying to perform. On a successful check you gain advantage on all of your attacks until the end of your turn.

At my discretion, creatures that are not disadvantaged by multiple opponents due to their type (like Oozes) are immune to being flanked.

Critical Fails on Saving Throws

If a creature or player roles a natural one on a saving throw for an attack that attack counts as a critical. This includes saving throws for spells.

Dropping to 0 Hit Points

If damage reduces you to 0 hit points and fails to kill you, you suffer the regular effects and must also succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion. You automatically succeed on the saving throw a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 0). You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Critical Hits

The rule for calculating critical hit damage is replaced with the following:

When you score a critical hit, you roll all of the attack`s damage dice, add any relevant modifiers like you would for a regular hit, and then add additional damage equal to the highest possible value for all damage dice you rolled.

For example, if you score a critical hit with a dagger, roll 1d4 for the damage, add your relevant ability modifier, and then add another 4 damage for the critical hit. If the attack involves other damage dice, such as from the rogue's Sneak Attack feature, you include those dice in the damage calculation as well.

Hitting Cover

The optional rule from the Dungeon Master's Guide, p272, applies when hitting targets behind cover:

If an attack roll falls within a range low enough to miss the target but high enough to strike the target without the bonus provided by cover, the object used for cover is struck. If a creature is providing cover for the missed creature and the attack roll exceeds the AC of the covering creature, the covering creature is hit.

Monster Combat and Paragon Actions

Below are the combat rules I use from Giffyglyph's Monster Maker to make combat more engaging when facing more powerful creatures. These options take the place of Legendary Actions for any creature that may have those.

What are Paragon Actions?

Paragon Actions let monsters act multiple times per round, helping them to even the odds and be a much bigger threat in combat—essential for elite and solo monsters who often find themselves outnumbered.

Elite monsters have one paragon action per round, while solo monsters have one per player (minus one) per round-this helps to balance the action economy.

How Paragon Actions are Used

A paragon action can be used at the end of any other creature's turn to do one of the following:

  • Move: The monster can move up to its base speed if it is free to do so. This movement may trigger opportunity attacks and reactions as normal from your enemies.
  • Perform an Action: The monster can perform a single action—such as Attack, Dodge, or Help.

In addition, whenever a monster uses a paragon action it regains its reaction and can make saving throws against any ongoing damage or effect—such as Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Phantasmal Killer, etc—as if it were the end of its normal turn.

A monster regains any spent paragon actions at the start of its turn, so make the most of your actions each round to keep the players in danger.

Ongoing Effects and Paragon Actions

Taking a paragon action does not count as a full turn. If your monster would normally suffer an effect at the start or end of its turn—such as ongoing damage, status effects, etc—these effects don't trigger during a paragon action.

General Rules

Resurrection Rules (From CR)

If a character is dead, and a resurrection is attempted by a spell or spell effect with longer than a 1 action casting time, a Resurrection Challenge is initiated. Up to 3 members of the adventuring party can offer to contribute to the ritual via a Contribution Skill Check. They party members must each make a skill check based on their form of contribution, with the DC of the check adjusting to how helpful/impactful I feel the contribution would be.

For example, praying to the god of the devout, fallen character may require an Intelligence (Religion) check at an easy to medium difficulty. Advantage and disadvantage can apply here based on how perfect, or off base, the contribution offered is.

After all contributions are completed, I then roll a single, final Resurrection success check with no modifier. The base DC for the final resurrection check is 10, increasing by 1 for each previous successful resurrection the character has undergone. For each successful contribution skill check, this DC is decreased by 3, whereas each failed contribution skill check increases the DC by 1.

Upon a suwccessful resurrection check, the player’s soul (should it be willing) will be returned to the body, and the ritual succeeded. On a failed check, the soul does not return and the character is lost.

Hero points

Every character starts with 5 hero points at 1 st level. Each time the character gains a level, he or she loses any unspent hero points and gains a new total equal to 5 + half the character's level.

A player can spend a hero point whenever he or she makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw. The player can spend the hero point after the roll is made but before any of its results are applied. Spending the hero point allows the player to roll a d6 and add it to the d20, possibly turning a failure into a success. A player can spend only 1 hero point per roll.

In addition, whenever a character fails a death saving throw, the player can spend one hero point to turn the failure into a success.

Proficient Passive Passing

Every skill you are proficient with gives you the ability to automatically pass certain skill checks, permitted your passive skill score level meets or beats the DC. To figure out your passive skill you add 10 + your roll modifier for that skill. For example: A level 3 character proficient in religion with 17 Intelligence has a passive religion score of 15. Any religion check with a DC of 15 or lower they would automatically pass.

Chapter 2


Trouble is stirring...

500 years ago, the Great Split occurred, tearing the landscape of Karaka asunder, changing the world forever. Since this time, change in Galtara has been relatively small; rulers have come and gone, battles have been fought, and new technology has been discovered. The land is at relative peace, but change is coming. Powerful creatures feel something coming, for it has been far too long since the last major event in the world. Cataclysm, or Divine Salvation, no one knows what will happen, but Galtara will never be the same afterwards.

Welcome to Galtara

Galtara is a high magic campaign setting, filled to the brim with adventures to be had, and stories to tell. The people of Galtara range from simple farmers and peasants, to great and powerful sorcerers and Emperors of great kingdoms. However, amongst these people adventurers are an uncommon sight, and because of this they are always in high demand. As an adventurer you have recently received a message containing one hundred gold pieces, and vital information to your quest, and your anonymous benefactor has asked you to meet him at the Lazy Kobald Inn, within Prismgate in Karaka.

The Deities of Galtara

Within Galtara the gods are split across 7 different domains, with each domain containing three gods, a good god, a neutral god, and an evil god. The table below contains the names and domain of each god, along with the option to jump to each individual section for the god or goddess at the end of the handout.

Good Neutral Evil
Magic Belra Velza Zan'nt
Creation Kaldorna Virasha Rhysion
Knowledge Halzen Xorlob Kreena
Nature Breallo Gaddora Urglott
War Dionelle Boarren Thrawn
Life Arennex Callima Krellax
Death Opheria Altera Shevna

Map Scale

3 Different maps are provided, one very high definition, one 4k, and a 4k hex map. The hex map is what is used for determining travel time, as each hex is equal to 3 days travel on road. The hex map and non hex map can be found HERE. If you're wanting the 8k version message me and I will send it your way due to map size.

Chapter 3



A Magical Land

Karaka is the country leading in all things magic. This is largely due to the Karakan Uprising that lasted from 423-429. In which the Zythan Mage order rebelled and formed Karaka. Since this time the country has flourished as the center of all magical innovation and invention.

Torn Asunder

Perhaps the defining feature of Karaka is its landscape. Karaka consists of a multitude of large landmasses, with large chasms between them. These great expanses are due to an event 500 years ago, when the god Xorlob in a fit of rage to end the war between Zythm and Karaka caused the earth to open up, swallowing up large amounts of Karaka's forces. The effect of this being Karaka ending their rebellion and seeking peace, splitting the countries ending the war. This event has since been known as "the Split." However, the earth was never repaired, and due to the large amount of Divine energy that was required to cause this, and the great amount of magical energy that fell into it, the chasms constantly spew out large amounts of mostly untapped arcane energy. Bridges have been constructed over these areas but there is still a large mystery surrounding what lies down within the chasm.


As the capital of Karaka, Caldaria is where true magical wonders of the world are brought to life. Caldaria is unique in the fact that it harnesses the arcane energy that runs throughout Karaka to power many things within the city. Within the capital you can find almost anything you can desire: colleges for different schools of magic, master craftsmen and artificers creating the impossible, and a welcoming population. Caldaria seeks out new thinkers and magicians at all times, anyone from any culture is welcome to come and live in the ever expanding city, so long as they can contribute positively. The capital is the heart of Karaka, and Karaka is ruled from Caldaria by a council of eight elected officials. Every year, one of these positions is opened for election or re-election, in a cyclical fashion.

The Red Leafed Forest

The Blood Forest of Uurun is shrouded in mystery. Some of the trees are older than recorded time, and there is no logical explanation as to why the trees within the forest all carry leaves of deep crimson. Great mages have gone deep into the forest to try to find an explanation to this and have never returned. Due to this the mythos of the forest has grown and many legends have grown to surround it.


Nature Provides

Nature is the center of all life on Brygenfall. While not everyone within the forested country is a druid, they are all provided for by the forest. As more people from around the world come to live within the forest, the forest provides shelter, housing, and food for all of its inhabitants. Due to the kindness shown to them by the forest, the inhabitants of Brygenfall protect the forest when they must. However, while they are considered a peaceful peoples, all invasions or incursions into the country have failed due to unknown reasons.


The Capital of Brygenfall is located on the North West side of the continent, however it is much deeper within the forest than many other settlements. What makes the city unique is its structure. At the center of the city is a large tree that has opened up to the people, creating a trading center for goods to be bartered and a place for people to come together for festivities. Then, from that center, the branches of the tree form thirteen different bridges to other trees, creating a network of homes, shops, and public areas that spreads outwards, much like the roots of a tree might. Despite being the capital of Brygenfall, Tyrdren is not the location of the rulers.

Ruled by Druids

Brygenfall contains thirteen different major towns and cities, and in each of these, a different druid governs over the area. Two times per year, on the summer solstice and winter solstice, the druids all come together in an undisclosed location within the forest to discuss the state of each area of the forest. Each of these leaders have an understudy of their choice. These understudies must go through intense training and trials in order to be considered full druids, and upon the completion of their training and the passing of their master, they take on the role of the druid they studied under.

Scalrezza, The Heart of the Forest

Despite numerous peaceful expiditions to Scalrezza, not much is known about the large tree that can be seen for miles around. Some people report seeing strange beings made of wood, while others say they've seen natural wonders that they could not comprehend. The only fact established is that those who have undergone the journey to the Heart of the Forest have come back changed, staying in Brygenfall to lead new natural lives.


The Dwarven Homeland

The majority of the population of Alteria is Dwarven. This is largely due to the mighty mountains that cover most of the continent and the mighty trove of riches that lie beneath the mountains. The Dwarves were the first to inhabit this land, and some say that this is the birthplace of the Dwarves. After some time, some began to migrate south for warmer weather and a life outside of the seclusion of the mountains. Thus the towns on the southern side of Alteria were created, and other people started to immigrate into Alteria. Most Dwarves hail Alteria as their homeland and will always answer to the King of the Platinum Throne.

Mystical Mountains

While some of the dwarves left the mountains to become more connected with the outside world, others do the exact opposite. Besides the dwarves, the other inhabitants of these mountains are powerful wizards. Often times, the crowds and prying eyes within Karaka become too much for a strong wizard who seeks to keep secrets, so they seek a new home within the mountains. On top of some of the mountains, the Dwarven King has sanctioned the construction of Wizard towers for the ability to call on them for some favors.


The great dwarven keep of Fanjrang is truely a sight to behold. Completely held under the tallest mountain in Alteria, the dwarven homeland is a vast and expansive city. The city lies ontop of the largest mine known to Galtara, stretching down many miles. It is richly decorated with gold and silver, and in the floor all across the kingdom are lines of platinum that all trace back to the Platinum Throne.

Jurgin Kandrin, King of the Platinum Throne

Jurgin Kandrin is the 9th in a long line of dwarven kings to rule over Alteria. He is well known for his generosity and his bravery in battle. Unlike other Dwarven kings of the past, he has welcomed wizards and others into the mountains and in exchange, he requires favors from these wizards. This has lead to him becoming a very fearsome opponent for anyone seeking to invade Alteria. He is married to Elandra Kandrin, who has been the queen of Alteria for the past 120 years.


The Lawless Wastelands

Wybrin is unique when compared to every other country in the fact that it has no ruling body governing over the country in it's entirety. Due to the large uninhabitable desert that covers most of the continent, the major towns keep their own set of rules and protection, and keep trading set to a certain schedule to protect caravans. While life is hard in Wybrin, it isn't impossible, and those that come from Wybrin are some of the most hardened and tough folk around.


The term 'Capital' isn't exactly the correct term to Rinjest. It is mearly a title given to the city, as over time it has become the largest settlement within Wybrin. The King of Rinjest is named Orhlem Taeko, a man possessing untold riches and knowledge. While to the outsider he may seem like the perfect target for assassination or robbery with all of the gold he hoards, he uses that gold to buy loyalty from the major bandit factions and assassin's guilds. Over time he became untouchable, and these men have become his closest guards and allies. With this protection he was able to build his city, and protect it from outsiders. Within the city wall life flourishes due to the lake that is nearby providing a steady stream of water, and Taeko's contributions to the arts and the genereal wellbeing of the city.

Outlaws and Bandits

While most people find safety in town and city walls, others choose to embrace the lawless life within Wybrin. There are many different Bandit groups and Outlaw gangs throughout the desert continent, ranging from small groups of people, to larger factions, such as the Warboys, or the Baltaran Company. These groups roam free throughout the desert, pillaging and stealing as they please, and killing those that stand in their way. The only reason for the continued existence of these groups is that the constant battling between them leads to relative safety within the walls of a well fortified town. However, this does not stop people from fearing one group, the Hellfire Gang.

Gunpowder and Hellfire

One of the unique features that Wybrin is known for is the creation of gunpowder, and the invention of firearms, at least in a rudimentary form. No one knows how or who created gunpowder within Wybrin, but at one point the Hellfire gang got ahold of gunpowder, and engineered the first crude firearms. From there they were refined within the country to where they are today. A large portion of Wybrin's income is from the exporting of firearms.


Ruled By Paladins

The Land of Rathlem is currently ruled in it's entirety by an order of paladins called the Knights Galtan. In the past they were an order that set out to conquer the world, but over time they abandoned the idea of conquering the world and set out to be peace keepers, helping fight evil big and small across the world. Most of the recruitment within the order comes from helping and inspiring others to join the knights, as they provide home and a family for those with good in their hearts. Most everyone from Rathlem has come to believe in the greater good, and seeks to help those in need.


Those who see the white spires of Highguard never forget the sight of it. As the capital of Rathlem, Highguard is center of all paladin operations. It is a beautiful city, bustling with soldiers, scholars, and common folk who want to help the efforts of the paladins. At the capital is one of the largest libraries containing books on the histories and evils of the world. In the center spire is also located a vault of powerful magic weapons and artifacts, both good and evil, kept away from those who would seek to use them no matter the goals. Those who wish to become a paladin should seek it out to follow that wish.

A Never Ending Battle

To this day Rathlem is embroiled in a war with the Giants, and it seems like they will be until the end of time. Most years are calm, with neither side launching assaults, but others are very bloody, with heavy loss of life on both sides.

Born from Conflict

Paladins have ruled the frozen plains of Rathlem for the past 502 years. Originally, the holy order of the Knights Galtan were a force born from Zythm when it still controlled the land that is now Karaka. When the Karakan uprising occurred the Paladins were in the middle of an occupation of lands owned by Venmara, Battling on two fronts. On one side Venmara was battling fiercely for their land, while on the other side the paladins had angered the Giants by pushing into their mountains, bringing down the wrath and might of the giants down upon them. The Order was forced to fall back from the mountains and focus on holding the south, and then, the Split happened, leaving the order without an emperor to follow.

In the wake of this Master Commander Walkon, the military leader took control of the army and ordered them to hold the ground they have taken. After a few years of constant conflict Venmara relinquished the land to the Knights Galtan, and Master Commander Walkon established the Military country of Rathlem, determined to succeed in their holy purpose of bringing justice to all lands of Galtara.


Diverse and Beautiful

To those who seek refuge, a simpler life, or even an entirely new life, Venmara offers a chance at prosperity. Venmara is the only Democratic country within Galtara, with a new ruler being elected ever 8 years. The humid landscape is home to a diverse cast of characters, along with one of the largest deserts in the world. From it's Monastic temples in the cloudy mountainous center to the beautiful beaches that line the coast, there is a place for everyone in Venmara, no matter your past or present.

The Monastic Life

Along with the diverse peoples that live within Venmara there is a monastic order that makes it's home within the mountains. They are known as the Petals of Ka. Within the Petals of Ka there are 7 different traditions, each taught at a different monastery within the Giants Spine. They live a peaceful lifestyle, and tend to stay within the temples in the mountains throughout all their lives. They spend their days studying the ways of the world, gathering stories, and helping others. Despite their peaceful ways, in times of war they seek to protect the land they call home, and can be quite the fierce opponent given the many years they spend training their mind, soul, and body.

A Coastal Paradise

One of the many things that Venmara is known for is it's beautiful cities that line the coast. Boats are the main form of transportation across Venmara, and because of this each and every town and city takes great pride in their ports. Over the years the towns and cities have created a yearly competition to see who has the most beautiful and well kept port and beaches. The winner of this competition becomes that summer's host of "Alten the Rad's Summer Surf Fest."

Besides the competitions, the ports of Venmara are the only ports in all of Galtara that are a safe haven for all. Because of this, any small ships being chased by the numerous pirates on the open seas can find respite at the docks, and any pirates can find safety from law enforcement. While stolen goods may not be sold legally within Venmara, these rules have made it a popular location for offloading stolen goods.

The Veiled Desert

While a death trap to most, The Veiled Desert is quite the attraction for archaeologists and treasure hunters from around the world. The reason behind this being the large amount of ruined structures within the desert, and the fabled lost city of Ishtal.


The Holy Empire

Zythm is a beautiful land. The sun shines down upon it's gentle rolling hills and farmland, providing plentiful crops. The land is viewed as a paradise due to the many blessings from the gods. Breallo has blessed the lands to always be fertile, and the Empire is ruled by wise men hand selected by Xorlob.

A History of Conquest

Before the Karakan Rebellion, Zythm was set to conquer the world. With the greatest magical minds, along with the largest army ever amassed they first set off west and claimed current day Rathlem in an attack on Venmara. They pushed the giants back into the northern mountains, and claimed towns up to Phondra on the Eastern side of the continent. Venmara was set to fall, until the Karakan Rebellion ripped Zythm in two. For the next 4 years Zythm found itself battling on two fronts. On one side, trying to quell the violence from the archmages within their own country, and on the other they struggled to support their already deployed soldiers within Zythm. In the end, after almost all hope was lost for Zythm, Xorlob appeared and stopped all internal conflict with the split, forcing peace to be reached. Even after this event, with the loss of Zythm's western seaports they could no longer support their war and had to abandon the troops they had there.

An Age of Improvement

It has been 500 years since the end of the rebellion, and Zythm has yet to wage war against another country. With their focus pulled away from war, the next 4 High Palentors each went about improving their homeland in some way. Since this time the economy has been improved drastically, housing is widely available, food is plentiful, and the people are happy. While most citizens consider Zythm to be a Utopia, some still seek to have it return to it's former glory and rightfully conquer the world. No matter what the citizens of Zythm have a strong feeling of nationalism, and if war were to come the people would do everything they could to protect their home.


The Capital city of Zythm is a sight that everyone should see at one point in their lifetime. Everywhere you go there is grand and ornate architecture on display. There is beautiful parks, a museum with art that astounds, and a library with perfectly preserved copies of most every book ever published. The most recent addition to the city is it's new trade district. A large circular area separated into 8 different sections has been laid out to create a world wide trading hub that links everywhere together. You could come here to buy goods from Brygenfall, then return home to Rathlem. If finished it will make Zythm the Economic leader of the world.


Strength conquers all

Kielbron is a land where the strongest thrive. When the land was first populated Boarren, God of Conquest and Strength, Enchanted the land and all who walk it. This has been considered a blessing to some, and a curse to others. The enchantment granted the option for anyone to challenge another person, for the right to their strength, knowledge, or position of power. Those who cannot fight live out simple lives as shopkeeps, farmers, and household help. However, those that can fight rise to great levels of power, reaching limits and breaking those limits them with ease.

An Eternal Battleground

To say the soil of Kielbron is blood soaked would be quite the understatement. Because of Boarren's blessing, there is rarely, if ever, a time of peace within the country. People fight, nobles fall, and heads roll, but despite this there is a small sense of stability within the country. There is a chain of power, and while fights may happen to move up or down the chain, most of the chain is stable. This allows the country to function, with those at the bottom providing for those at the top, and those at the top protecting those at the bottom. Very rarely does the country plunge into total chaos, and people are able to live normal lives for the most part. Especially with the help of the Dragoons.

The Dragoons

While there are many great warriors within Kielbron, most pail in comparison to the great Dragoons that make their home atop the mountains. The Dragoon's are an ancient order of Warriors who after acquiring great power, sought out Drakes and Dragons across the world, and tamed them. They now ride upon these mighty beasts, and do as their order sees fit. Most of the time, their time is spent keeping some semblance of peace within Kielbron. Other times they go out far and wide and seek new members for their ranks. No one besides the Dragoons themselves know their goals, or their homeland.

The Great Throne

The Great Throne is the home of the current ruler of Kielbron, High King Hrothgar Jörmun, a warrior of great strength that has ruled for over 300 years now. As a god amongst men he has relaxed his conquest, and focused on keeping peace along with the Dragoons. Through these efforts, the Great Throne has become the safest place to live within Kielbron, where people may lead normal lives.

Chapter 4

Orders and Organizations

Orders and Organizations of Galtara

Below this there are the major organizations that operate within Galtara. Some are mysterious and nefarious, while others are there to right the wrongs of the world. All of these organizations below are open to players. These are only basic descriptions of each organization. If you commit a new character to one of these you will gain more information on that organization.

The Magi Order of Caldaria

The Magi Order of Caldaria is the worlds leading magic scholarly order. They offer free teaching to all that have the smarts to get into their order, and beyond that they offer funding and job opportunities for magi within the order. Every great wizard has to start somewhere, right?

The Whispers of Kreena

The Whispers of Kreena are a deceptive worldwide organization of only the best thieves, spies, and assassins. They sew discourse into noble courts and remove key political powers, for the right price. No one knows how to join or find the organization, but if you are good enough at one of the above, they'll notice.

The Knights Galtan

While they were once a religious order dead set on bringing the world under their righteous rule, they have changed over many years, and now they serve as neutral protectors of the world. They seek out evil wherever it lies in the world, and destroy it.

The Petals of Ka

The Monastic Order of Venmara offer a more spiritual and balanced life for those who look to master their minds and their bodies. Their beautiful temples in the mountains are the perfect training grounds for fierce warriors with a calm heart. They welcome all into their home, offering wisdom to those who seek it.

The Dragoons

Warriors who bonds with a dragon and ride it into battle command fear and respect, a knightly order of these warriors is something no nation wishes to face. These honor bound warriors use an iron code to protect those in need and establish peace within Kielbron. While the Knights Galtan deal with smaller matters, issues of global importance are handled by the Dragoons.

Storymasters of the Tower

Any self respecting bard worth his salt will have visited the Tower, and joined the Storymasters. This group is dedicated to the collection and storage of every song and story of the world. If a great tale of heroism is told, they want to know it. This group has existed for well over 600 years, and because of this they have become the worlds best repository for knowledge.

The Iron Legionaries

To be an Iron Legionary is to be a sellsword, albeit with standards. They represent a worldwide network of strong steel and hardy men that can be hired as a large army, or individually for smaller jobs. As a swordsman of the Iron Legionaries you get paid a good rate for your work, and will always find comfortable lodging in major towns and cities.

Gaddora's Circle

Druids, Wardens, and all who seek to protect nature most often are a part of Gaddora's Circle, the druid organization that rules Brygenfall. They seek to protect the forests of Brygenfall, and overall help protect natural life around the world. Their operations are frowned upon outside of Brygenfall, but their work is invaluable.

The Hands of Kaldorna

The Hands are a guild of craftsmen, be it blacksmiths, woodworkers, or artificers, all are welcome to study and work under their symbol. The headquarters are located within Zythm where they hold a biennial gathering to share knowledge and marvelous creations with each other. To be one of the Hands is to dedicate yourself to the furthering of technological knowledge, for the betterment of all peoples.

Chapter 5

The Pantheon

Velza - God of Magic

As God of all other magic, Velza is not prayed to as often as many of the other gods. Many wizards instead view Velza as a great teacher, and learn from his teachings. There is an innate magic running through the world and its peoples, and it was Velza who documented and recorded how to take in and wield this magic. Through a select few ancient texts written by the god himself the people of Galtara have been able to learn his techniques, and a select few have been able to follow in his footsteps and create their own techniques.

Only the greatest of Wizards find their prayers directly answered by Velza, though other people have sworn that a mysterious stranger has helped in their studies and in times of need.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Caldaria Wishing Well, The Bestowment

Artifact: The Concordance Arcanum

Belra - Goddess of Healing

Belra is the Goddess of all healing, magical and natural. Due to this she is often worshiped by clerics and paladins alike in order to channel and empower their healing. Worshipers of Belra can easily be identified by her symbol, a 7 pointed star with a snake curled in the center. She doesn’t spend as much time on the material plane as her siblings might, she instead chooses to stay in her own plane.

From there she spreads her power across the land to help those who pray to and worship her. Although sightings of Belra are rare, she has been known to go through and heal entire cities during times of great strife, or help heal wounded warriors to turn the tides of a battle.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Healing of Fanrun, The First Resurrection

Artifact: Belra's Heart

Zan'nt - God of Blood Magic and Necromancy

Zan’nt is the evil god in charge of blood magic, and the forceful resurrection of the unwilling dead, necromancy. Zan’nt is rarely seen in full by common people. And often hides his guise behind a disguise, where he sulks and hands out dark and cursed books to those most desperate to accept his magic. Cultists often pray to him before performing a ritual, and many great terrors over time have been caused by this god directly.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Cleanse, The Haunting of Phondra

Artifact: Falben's Osmium Skull

Kaldorna - Goddess of Birth, and Invention

As the good goddess of creation, signs of Kaldora can be found across all of Galtara. Kaldora is one of the most popular gods across Galtara, as she is prayed to during or after childbirth, and the invention of new things. Some have reported to have seen the Goddess during labor, and there are some confirmed reports of children being blessed by the goddess herself, and then going onto become great inventors and architects.

Prayers to Kaldora are directly inscribed into the bases of buildings and the metalwork of artificer’s creations to strengthen those creations.

Notable Acts of Divinity: Construction of the Tower

Artifact: The Lenses of the World Maker

Rhysion - God of Destruction and Monsters

Rhysion is a terrible and powerful god. As the evil god of creation, Rhysion represents all aspects of destruction, and the creatures that would seek to cause it. All fearsome creatures that terrorize towns and cities are the creation of Rhysion. The only reasons that Rhysion is ever prayed to is by those seeking to cause destruction themselves.

This is done through prayers etched into the casings of explosives and the ends of warhammers, along with direct prayers by those laying siege to a city. On rare occasions it has been said that Rhysion can be found on the battlefield of the greatest battles, taking down city walls with a single blow and reveling in the bloodshed.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Void Days, The Destruction of Halhome

Artifact: Rhysion's Shard

Virasha - God of Dreams

Virasha is a mysterious god, and not much is known about them. The only known appearances of this god have occurred within people’s dreams, making it hard to tell if it truly was the god of dreams or a figment of your imagination. If Virasha is to appear in your dreams, they will take a form familiar to you, and they often deliver great prophecies or warnings. Prayers to Virasha are never directly answered, but some have claimed that their dreams have held the answers to their prayers.

Notable Acts of Divinity: Unknown

Artifact: Unknown

Halzen - God of Justice and Sanity

Halzen is one of the most prevalent gods within the material plane of Galtara. Halzen is one of the few gods that does not require a prayer for his help, as he seems to seek out injustice throughout the world and thwart it. Many paladins seek to follow in his example, and find themselves empowered by following in his teaching. Halzen is also known to aid his wisdom in court cases, along with other small quarrels, hoping to lead people down the right path.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Sparing of John Bard, The Cold Treaties, Jallen's Release

Artifact: Halzen's Gavel

Xorlob - God of Knowledge and Wisdom

As the neutral god of knowledge, Xorlob is the wisest being across the planes of existence. Xorlob is known for helping lead many great kings and leaders to greatness, and is in charge of selecting each and every new High Palentor to rule Zythm. Rulers across the land pray to him for advice in dire times, but only those he deems worthy receive it.

While he is generally regarded positively across all countries, there are still some within Karaka who harbor anger towards the god for destroying the landscape and making large parts of Karaka uninhabitable.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Split

Artifact: The High Palantor's Crystal Crown

Breallo - God of The Heavens, Agriculture and The Sea

Breallo is one of the most prevalent and kind gods known to the material plane. According to legends, each light in the sky is an arrow he shot to lead the way for lost sailors at sea. He is prayed to for bountiful crops, and for safe travels upon the seas. To have a star fall from the sky and strike your fields is a great boon and a sign of answered prayers, as it is said to lead to plants of platinum and gold growing. He helps those in need and makes the world a beautiful and bountiful place for all.

The most devout of his followers are said to be taken directly into the sky upon their death, where their soul is fashioned into a new arrow, and shot into the heavens to become a star.

Notable Acts of Divinity: Ending the famine of Alteria, Imprisoning the Kraken

Artifact: The North Star

Kreena Goddess of Madness and Deception

The title of most mischievous god of the pantheon falls to Kreena. She is known to have drive dukes mad, destroy relationships between royalty, and start wars between nations. The most famous of these being her catalyzing the Karakan Rebellion.

While she is destructive in nature, there are those who find her to be a benefactor when needed most, like pickpockets, thieves, or con-artists. Those who hide in the shadows and take what they want look up to her, and may even find her hand guiding them.

Notable Acts of Divinity: Starting the Karakan Rebellion, The Fall of Duchess Thalia.

Artifact: The Red Veil

Gaddora - Goddess of the Elements and Nature

As the Goddess of the elements and nature itself, she seeks to protect and nurture all natural life. It is said in the early days of the world, she was the most active of the gods. She would send all manor of beasts after those who dared harm nature. But this work was tiresome, and never ending. She grew weary of this work and over time understood she alone could never end the destruction of the natural world by mortal creatures. She decided she would help bring up a group of people to protect nature and wield it against their foes. Thus the nation of Brygenfall, and it's druidic circle was born.

The Druids of Brygenfall all follow in Gaddora's footsteps and seek to emulate her teachings. They have found ways to live in perfect harmony with nature, where even the most fierce of beasts will not harm one of them. They go out into the world and attempt to convert people to preserving nature where they can, and seek out those that harm it for sport.

Notable Acts of Divinity: Planting Scalrezza

Artifact: Gaddora's Will

Urglott - God of Rot, Pestilance, and Disease

Urglott is the antithesis of all beauty in the natural world. Hearing his name is enough to make most clerics squirm in their seats, inspiring images of maggots, rotting corpses, and plague. Where he goes, misery follows, as he introduces never before seen sicknesses only dedicated clerics can hope to heal. When the smells of rotting flesh wash over you, you know a terrible fate is about to befall you.

When one prays to Urglott they do so not to call for his help, but to plea for his mercy. Common people pray to keep him as far away as they can.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Last Night of Fanrun, the rotting fields of Alteria

Artifact: The Claws of Ulben

Boarren - God of Conquest and Strength

War is a constant within the world, and Boarren made sure of that. If you are in the middle of the battle, and see an onlooker watching wisely from the side you can almost be certain that is Boarren himself. Every battle that is fought is observed by him, and small changes in luck can almost always be attributed to his meddling. Whether that is troops suddenly gaining newfound morale and strength, or war machines breaking down mid use he tends to aid those he thinks are worthy.

In order to make sure he always had conflict to observe and entertain himself with, he cursed the land of Kielbron to always be embroiled in conflict, large or small.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Bloodied Soil of Kielbron, Altan's Great Strength

Artifact: The Helm of Boarren

Dionelle - God of Mercy and Metalic Dragons

Metallic Dragons are bastions of wisdom and good within Galtara, as is the god of them, Dionelle. He inspires warrior to spare lives, and guides civilians away from war. When one worships Dionelle, they dedicate themselves to the protection of the common people, and will never take a life unless it is absolutely necessary to save other's lives. Paladins of Rathlem worship Dionelle commonly, and can be identified by the unique Platinum Armor that they wear.

Most of his work is done by his children, the Metallic Dragons, who keep evil creatures away from populated areas. They have come to work closely with the Dragoons to reform Chromatic dragons and help establish peace.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Radiant Blessing, Saving Prismgate

Artifact: The Platinum Wings

Thrawn - God of Wrath and Chromatic Dragons

Thrawn and his worshipers relish the site of a bloodbath, as they are often the cause of it. Bandits and marauders often follow Thrawn and his teachings, taking what they want by force, and often leaving behind many dead as an act of worship. Thrawn stands against everything Dionelle stands for, and actively seeks the slaughter of the many.

His Chromatic Dragons seek out and cause destruction across Galtara, burning crops of honest farmers, and razing towns to the ground. If there is no wildlife around an area, you best be wary of a chromatic dragon around.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Burning of Albren

Artifact: The Dragon's Bite

Arennex - God of Beauty, Love, and Charity

Arennex is never seen in the same form twice, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you spot love at first sight, odds are it's either a spotting of Arennex, or a meeting guided by the hands of the god themselves. They look to provide for the poor, and unite those who are truly meant to be together. When people pray to Arennex they hope to find love, and if you are deemed good, you may even have your prayers answered.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Marriage of Jurgin Kandrin

Artifact: Arennex's Rings of Beauty

Krellax - God of Sin

Krellax is not a god to trifle with. His power and influence over people is unprecedented, pushing people to do unspeakable things to one another, and is often affiliated with many of the other evil gods. Along with this, he is known to offer people great powers and rewards for carrying out his orders and doing his misdeeds. Even the consideration of committing a crime, whether it be immoral or illegal, calls out for his hands to guide you. Krellax can be beneficial to those who seek his help, and catastrophic to all those who are at the other end of it.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Murder of Palentor Yallow

Artifact: Krellax's Bag of Gold

Callima - Goddess of Emotions and Willpower

The Goddess of Emotions and Willpower is not one commonly prayed too, but her influence is widespread. She is the one that steels the nerves of those about to face danger, and inspires others to greatness. Prayers are offered to her by those who need bravery, or to have their nerves calmed. She is a relatively minor god of the pantheon, but her place within it is important nonetheless.

Notable Acts of Divinity: Unknown

Artifact: Jaina's Charm

Opheria - Goddess of Life and Health

Opheria is the god that watches over all living beings good and evil, small and large. She cares not what one does with their lives, only that the soul is kept whole and that all creatures are kept from the dreadful curse of undeath. She works closely with Altera to allow beings extended stay on the mortal plane if they are brought back through normal revivification magics, on the agreement that all who live will eventually pass on from this world. To work under Opheria is to protect all life, no matter the quality of that life or use of it. Clerics often worship her and her teachings, but it isn't uncommon for her depiction to be in the homes of commoners.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Silver Bridge, The Pact of The Cycle

Artifact: New Beginnings

Altera - Goddess of Death

Death, while viewed by many to be an evil foreboding eventuality, is a neutral force in the world. It does not care for race or creed, nor does it care for your acts on the mortal plane. Altera does not care how long it takes for creatures to reach her cold embrace, as she knows they will come eventually. She does not influence the world as much as the other gods, as her work lies in the journey after one dies. However, it is known that she may grant easier passage to those back from death if proper prayer is offered to her in the time of need.

All things that live, must die, such is the way of the world. And in death there is a whole new journey to be had.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Pact of The Cycle

Artifact: Altera's Mark

Shevna - God of the Undead and Sacrifice

All creatures brought back to life through magical means, or otherwise, are under control of Shevna. This is what makes Necromancy, and the study of it, such a dangerous position, as when you summon a creature back from the grasp of Alteria, you attract the gaze of Shevna. They then recognize one's abilities, and seek to manipulate such a person. This is the reason why only the greatest of necromancers is considered good, as they are able to resist the temptations of Shevna. Most undead creatures are of their design, and Vampirism is a curse originally bestowed by them, which has spread over time.

Notable Acts of Divinity: The Rise of Morkarh the Terrible, The Dead Night

Artifact: Shevna's Crimson Dagger




I love y'all

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