Bard Subclass: College of Grace

by MaverickMD

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College of Grace

There are some bards whose innate magic comes from beyond the melodies of musical instruments. Bards of the College of Grace, also called Dancers, are able to use their own body as their instrument, channeling their magic through their rhythmic and fluid movements. Dancers can be found as high as the grandest concert halls, and as low as the smallest tavern or brothel. Wherever they may be, these bards are able to use the power of dance to entrance and inspire onlookers without making a single sound.

College of Motion Features
Bard Level Features
3rd Unarmored Defense, Arcane Step
6th Diverse Repertoire
14th Grace of the Coryphée

Unarmored Defense

When a Bard enters the College of Grace at 3rd level, they learn how to use their fluid movements to avoid harm. While you are not wearing armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Arcane Step

As a Bonus Action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration feature to begin a dance, provided you aren't wearing armor or using a shield. While dancing, you gain the following benefits:

  • The dance acts as your spellcasting focus, and replaces any verbal (V) spell component with a somatic (S) component.
  • Your speed increases by 10 ft.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks.

The dance lasts one minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you don armor or a shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. You can also choose to halt your dance at will (no action required).

Version 3.0
By ColdFusion

Diverse Repertoire

Starting at 6th level, you expand your mystical repertoire with dances that inspire those around you. When you initiate a dance, choose which dance you want to perform. All friendly creatures within a 20 ft radius, excluding yourself, gain the chosen dances's benefits. A creature can only have the benefits of one dance at a given time.

Lion's Prance. All friendly creatures have advantage on Strength checks while within the dance's radius. They also gain a die equal to your Bardic Inspiration die. Once before your dance ends, the creatures can roll this die and add its value to an attack roll. They lose this die if the dance ends or if they leave the radius.
River's Rush. All friendly creatures have advantage on Dexterity checks while within the dance's radius. They also gain an increase to their speed of 10ft until the dance ends.
Knight's March. All friendly creatures have advantage on Constitution checks while within the dance's radius. They also gain a die equal to your Bardic Inspiration die. Once before your dance ends, when targeted by an attack, the creatures can use their reaction to roll this die and add its value to their AC for the duration of the attack. They lose this die if the dance ends or if they leave the radius.
Dolphin's Leap. All friendly creatures have advantage on Intelligence checks while within the dance's radius. They also gain a die equal to your Bardic Inspiration die. Once before your dance ends, the creatures can roll this die and add its value to a spell saving throw. They lose this die if the dance ends or if they leave the radius.
Owl's Glide. All friendly creatures have advantage on Wisdom checks while within the dance's radius. At the start of the dance, you roll a Bardic Inspiration die. The friendly creatures gain temporary Hit Points equal to double the value rolled.
Siren's Seduction. All friendly creatures have advantage on Charisma checks while within the dance's radius, and all creatures within the radius have disadvantage against your spells that cause sleep, fright, or charm.

Grace of the Coryphée

Starting at 14th level, your dancing takes on a masterful grace. While you are dancing, you can treat concentration saving throws as Charisma saving throws.


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