Player Race: Ibisean

by Witchfire

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Race: The Ibisean

A Witchfire Homebrew

We spent the rest of the afternoon searching through stack after stack of ancient scrolls, looking for the one containing the atlas but alas had no success. The task was laborious, we almost gave up but then we found him. Blocking the lone ray of moonlight entering the vault (our only light source I should note) was a robed figure, humanoid in form but its face, oh its face-- it was not human, it resembled that of the night creatures. And it spoke to us! But by the gods, it did not speak through its voice, it spoke through our minds! It spoke of great wonders and ancient secrets, of majestic lands and nightmare visions. The only repayment it desired was more knowledge, our scrolls to add to its collection.

The primordial ibisean are a race of bird-like humanoids crafted from air. They are a mostly solitary owlfolk born with a divine wisdom.

Created by a God

In an effort to carry forth its dying spirit, an ancient god of knowledge created a race of living artifacts: the ibisean. To achieve its task, the god blessed them with a long life, an incredible capacity for knowledge, an an open mind.

Since the full details regarding their creation have been lost to time, some ibisean will take it upon themselves to unearth these secrets, while others adopt the gods of other races.

Marvelous Appearance

Ibisean were made to resemble one of nature's night creatures. Despite the absence of wings, ibisean have a coat of feathers and a bird-like tail. Their hands are long and slender, with a covering of rough skin, and their faces are entirely like those of wild owls. They have large eyes that appear to dimly glow during nighttime, allowing them to hunt small animals by moonlight and transcribe literature by candlelight alike.

Despite their unusual appearance, ibisean are generally regarded as peaceful, in part due to their mild nature. Folklore often shows them as heralds of wisdom, and they are often welcomed into society with open arms— provided they have access to a nearby library.

Those who attempt to integrate with society rarely have trouble finding food or shelter, and quickly find jobs as priests, healers, sages, and scholars.

Ancient Seekers and Sages

Ibisean rarely see other creatures in person, let alone another ibisean. On the rare occasion that two ibisean do meet, they will spend hours, if not days translating valuable resources. Ibisean collect knowledge like owls collect twigs for their nest.

While ibisean highly value all types of knowledge, each individual will specialize in a specific field. An ibisean will decide upon its specialty on its own, but all ibisean develop such a focus. Ibisean are always willing to pay a good price for a rare piece of literature.

Most ibisean find their homes in quiet places where they can study, usually among stacks of literature or in abandoned structures. An ibisean who finds a comfortable home will rarely leave its confines, spending its time studying. However, others prefer to conduct their research first-hand through exploration and adventure.

Ibisean Names

Ibisean will create their own names using their native primordial tongue. These names are often quite complex, made up of compound words which do not translate well into Common. Since their true name is often difficult to pronounce, ibisean will instead adopt the nicknames given to them as their own, only using their true names when authoring new discoveries.

Ibisean nicknames are rarely gendered, and reflect upon their specialty. They will often be in the language of the surrounding areas, and can even change across regions.

Ibisean Names: Aiuegrogr'xal, Aiungeztarc, Aivh'aagnnash, Iucthogh'krolb, Kthiocnarh, Ovuzithost, Ucnaothrholbh, Ud'aoxh'zhi, Xethlexz'kes, Yivathrh'gnish, Yocthoth'lag, Yvrexh'muth

Ibisean Nicknames: Aegis, Aqua, Arcana, Astro, Diva, Lin, Lux, Mortis, Nature, Nocturne, Pyro, Sea, Sol, Star, Planus, Theo

Ibisean Traits

The key differences among ibisean are in their coloration and research. As an ibisean, you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and Wisdom score by 1; or your Intelligence score increases by 1 and your Wisdom score by 2.

Age. Ibisean are nearly timeless, though not immortal. They reach maturity relatively quickly around 30 years of age and can live for up to a thousand years.

Alignment. As their motivations lie in self enlightenment, ibisean are usually neutral or good aligned. They are slow to anger creatures with a more lawful lean in nature.

Size. Ibisean are shorter than humans, but their feathers increase their apparent size. They remain relatively lightweight due to their hollow bones. Your size is Medium. To set your height and weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier.

Size modifier = 2d8

Height = 4 feet + your size modifier in inches

Weight in pounds = 90 + (1d6 × your size modifier)

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. As primarily nocturnal creatures, ibisean have adapted to see clearly in moonlight. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

From the Stacks. You have proficiency in one of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.

Archival Mind. Your faultless memory eclipses that of other creatures. If you spend at least 1 minute listening to, observing, or studying something, you can recall its exact details indefinitely.

Magical Research. Select either the cleric, druid, or wizard spell list. You gain one cantrip from the chosen spell list, and when you finish a long rest you can exchange it for a different one from the same spell list. Your spellcasting ability for it is either Intelligence for wizard, or Wisdom for cleric or druid.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Auran, and one other language of your choice.

Variant Trait: Timeless Magic

The following trait replaces your magical research.

Timeless Magic. Select either the cleric, druid, or wizard spell list. You know one 1st level spell with the ritual tag from the chosen spell list, and when you finish a long rest you can exchange it for a different one from the same spell list. While you know the spell, you can cast it as a ritual. Your spellcasting ability for it is either Intelligence for wizard, or Wisdom for cleric or druid.

Birth of an Ibisean

As they were originally created by a god, all ibisean are born of magic. Their recluse nature requires ibisean to become powerful mages for the continuation of their race.

Ibisean eggs can only be created by ibisean who reach the peak of their potential— usually at 20th level. Creating a single egg consumes material components worth 5,000 gold, and requires the ibisean to spend a month manually crafting an arcane egg. The egg grows in size with magical power over the course of a year, after which it hatches into a newborn ibisean.

A single ibisean can create multiple eggs over its lifetime, but unfortunately most rarely ever achieve the amount of knowledge needed. Since these eggs are rare and protected by magic, powerful wizards and crime lords will send armies in search of these eggs, leading to the occasional ibisean being born in the depths of the underdark or the confines of a castle.

Arcane Egg

Tiny wondrous item, very rare

This mythical egg contains a developing embryo of magical origin and pulsates with a wondrous aura, emitting dim light in a 20-foot radius. The egg has AC 13, can't be harmed, and offers total cover to the embryo inside— which has a single hit point. If the embryo dies, the egg loses all of its magic.

Dispel Vulnerability. If the egg is targeted by the effects of dispel magic, there is a 25% chance that the embryo immediately dies. Otherwise its magic is neutralized for 10 minutes.

Cynosure of Magic. The egg emits a magical aura in a 20-foot radius. Creatures in this area recover the maximum amount possible from any healing received, do not require material components when casting spells (other than components with a gold cost), and automatically succeed on saving throws to maintain concentration.

Unstable Surge. The egg is unstable and can unleash a surge of magic. The egg has a 10% chance to surge the first time each turn it is moved from its current location or hit with an attack. At the DM's discretion, it can also surge when violently shaken or disturbed, such as if hit by an earth tremor spell. When it surges it unleashes a wave of arcane magic centered on itself, which has a random effect. Roll on the Arcane Surge table (on the next page) to determine the effect each time (save DC 17).

Arcane Surge Table
Magical Effect
1 Abjuration. Each creature within a 20-foot radius recovers 2d8 hit points, and a random condition or disease ends on it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
2 Conjuration. A cloud of prismatic crystals fills the area in a 20-foot radius sphere, spreading around corners. The cloud lasts for 1 minute or until dispelled by dispel magic. Until the effect ends, the area is heavily obscured and any creature that moves through it takes 1d8 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.
3 Divination. Each creature within a 20-foot radius must make an Intelligence saving throw as a vision of its next action manifests. On a failed save, a creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and attacks against it have advantage until the end of its next turn.
4 Enchantment. Each creature within a 20-foot radius, other than constructs and undead, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep and remain unconscious for 1 minute. A creature awakens if it takes damage or if another creature uses its action to wake it.
5 Illusion. Each creature within a 20-foot radius must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or perceive itself to be trapped in the feywild for 1 minute. An affected creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its turns, ending the effect on itself on success. Until the effect ends, the creature is effectively blind and deaf to the outside world.
6 Evocation. Roll a d6 to determine one of the following damage types: 1 = acid, 2 = cold, 3 = fire, 4 = force, 5 = lightning, 6 = thunder. Each creature within a 20-foot radius must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8 damage of the specified type, or half as much on success.
7 Necromancy. Each creature within a 20-foot radius, other than constructs and undead, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 necrotic damage. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it dies and a shadow appears in its place.
8 Transmutation. Each creature within 20 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On success, the effect ends, otherwise the creature is petrified.
9 Contained Surge. For the next minute, the egg creates a swirl of captivating colors. It emits bright light in a 20-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
10 Spatial Disruption. Roll on this table again. If the new roll is a 9 or lower, use the new roll instead, otherwise everything within a 20-foot radius gets teleported to a random location in the Astral plane.
Detect Balance
Feat Value
ASI +3 12
Weak ASI combination (Int + Wis) -2
Darkvision (60 ft.) 3
Keen Senses / From the Stacks (2 skills) 4
Archival Mind (ribbon) 2
Magical Research (cantrip++) 5
Languages (common + 1.5) 1
Total 25

Alice Witchfire — Concept, author, and designer
Lazario ReisisOwl Monk Warrior Concept (Art)
Christina WuOwl Wizard (Art)
HandyguardyAncient Temples (Art)
SavedraUnearthed Secrets (Art)
Ty CartonMonster Egg (Art)

Version 2.17