The Singularity Class

by Wayweaver

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The Singularity

The Singularity

A seemingly young elf flies forward as she hunts her target, her eyes bearing all the stars and stories hidden in the inky blackness of the night sky. Though she has flown fast and far, she does not tire, for the energy of the stars suffuses beneath her skin.

A wizened half-orc with thick clothing fights vigorously against a pack of kobolds, leaping up high. Though he appears to weigh nothing at all, his mighty strikes crash down from the heavens with all the force of a meteor.

A human woman with veiled eyes dances wearing a cloak made of silvery stars. She brings her hand down, tracing lines of cosmic power, and a great cosmic downpour of shimmering rain washes away the ambient magic that holds her party down.

In all cultures lies one universal question: what lies beyond the stars? To a Singularity, this question has a simple answer: Everything. As a Singularity, you learn to harness the power of the heavens to gain the freedom you crave. The sky holds no limit for you, both figuratively and literally, as you soar through clouds and stars alike to reach whatever new lands interest you.

The Great Ocean of Stars and Suns

Singularities are souls that have broken free from the shackles of the mundane, infusing their physical bodies with the celestial power of the heavens that lies all around them. Some Singularities tap into this ocean of power to unleash upon the ground below great feats of strength, skill, and unparalleled intuition, while others still use their feel of the Great Cosmic Current to weave masterfully through any obstacle in their way. Either way, Singularities strain their power from the mysterious gravitational forces that lie between them and the rest of the universe.

The Cosmos is not truly an entity with which one can form a pact, though such pacts are known to occur. It is a force, constant and violently shifting and bursting on scales the mortal mind cannot comprehend. It is said that to map this great ocean of activity is to understand all of Existence, a feat as remarkable as it is impossible. Singularities, for mysterious reasons, resonate with these forces (though do not necessarily understand them) and use them to shift gravity to their whims.

The Singularity Class Table
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Gravity Force Damage Die Asterisms Found
1st +2 Gravity Force, Gravity Shift d4 -
2nd +2 Stellar Genesis, Asterisms d4 1
3rd +2 Grand Choice d4 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement d4 1
5th +3 Extra Attack d6 2
6th +3 Choice Feature d6 2
7th +3 Stasis Field d6 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement d6 3
9th +4 Cosmic Guide d8 3
10th +4 Choice Feature d8 3
11th +4 Extra Attack d8 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement d8 3
13th +5 Stasis Field Improvement d10 4
14th +5 Choice Feature d10 4
15th +5 Event Horizon d10 4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement d10 4
17th +6 Reality Shift d12 5
18th +6 Stasis Field Improvement d12 5
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement d12 5
20th +6 Sky Sovereign d12 5

Sky Seekers

Singularities all tend to have similar beliefs regarding the ground, and the avoidance of it. After all, why shackle yourself when there's an infinite sky above you? However, though they value such freedom, Singularities understand that there is a greater force affecting all things. Some call it fate, some call it gravity, and some call it instinct, but all understand that it is a connection that binds together all that exists. Each story leaves behind a tapestry of information within the Great Cosmic Ocean that can be read and remembered.

Those who realize this connection cherish it, and though Singularities are very few and far between, they all share a kinship in the knowledge that they come from the same basic stardust.

Creating a Singularity

When creating a Singularity, think about what led your character to reach into the great cosmic flow. Maybe they come from a family of scientists who study the stars for a living, or perhaps your character itself is a stargazer. Those filled with wanderlust or who seek adventure often look to the

stars for guidance. Perhaps you are a traveler or artisan, seeking fame and fortune, only to find yourself seeking the art in the night sky. Do you seek to understand the powers you've gained? Or do you simply use them to get what you want, no matter the bridges you must burn?

How did your character come to desire these powers? Did they choose this power? Perhaps it was thrust upon them in a wild and dangerous situation, and now they must live with the consequences. Regardless, your character must have some reason for being a Singularity, and it is important to consider this when building their identity.

Quick Build

You can make a Singularity quickly if you follow these suggestions. First, make Wisdom your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Then select the Far Traveler Background.

Class Features

As a Singularity, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Singularity level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution Modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Singularity level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons
  • Tools: Cartographers's Tools

  • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Perception, Intimidation, and Investigation


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a dagger and a quarterstaff or (b) two simple weapons of your choice
  • (a) a shortbow and 10 arrows or (b) a sling and 10 pieces of ammunition
  • a cherished nonmagical item of your choice

Gravity Force

Your connection to the great cosmic flow allows you to manifest this energy to protect yourself. You gain a new attack option that you can use with the Attack action, or you may use it as a bonus action if you have not already made an attack on your turn. This special attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 15 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add your Wisdom modifier to its attack and damage rolls. It deals magical Force damage, and its damage die is a d4. This die changes as you gain Singularity levels, as shown in the Gravity Force column of the Singularity table.

Gravity Shift

At second level, you have learned to harness the powers of gravity. You gain a flying speed of 15 feet, but you find it difficult to fly unless moving in straight lines, and move as if by difficult terrain if you try to curve your flight path. Additionally, you may use this ability to walk along walls and ceilings, but if successfully hit by an attack, you must make a Constitution Saving Throw as if you were concentrating (though this is not actual concentration) or fall to the ground.

Stellar Genesis

Beginning at Level 2, you have learned to condense your cosmic powers into small but powerful stars. Each time you strike an enemy with your Gravity Force, you generate a single glowing star that swirls around you. The stars shed dim light out to 5 feet, and for every two stars that surround you, you may increase your AC by 1, to a maximum bonus that cannot exceed your Wisdom modifier. These stars fade away if not used or renewed by your Gravity Force within 1 minute, and you may have a maximum of 10 Stars at Any time.


Upon reaching level 2, your spiritual quest through the stars has granted you portions of your insight. You may choose one Asterism to follow at this time, granting you passive bonuses. The Singularity Class Table shows how many Asterisms you may choose to follow at your current Singularity Level. The Asterisms are detailed at the end of this class.

By using a bonus action, you may combine stars created by your Stellar Genesis to invoke the abilities of powerful Starsigns, detailed within each Asterism. Each Starsign requires a certain number of Stars to invoke, which the Starsign consumes. You may invoke only one Starsign per turn

The Grand Choice

When you reach the third level, you commit to mastering the cosmic forces about you in a more advanced way. This grants you one feature at this level, and furthur features at 6th, 10th, and 14th level as well. The Choices are listed at the end of the Class Description.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This includes Gravity Force Attacks.

Stasis Field

At Level 7, you have learned to generate a field of stabilized gravity around yourself, holding objects in a fixed position. For 1 minute, as a bonus action, you may generate a Stasis Field around yourself for ten minutes. You may hold up to 10 tiny, 6 small, or 3 medium objects, and these objects remain a fixed 5 foot distance from your body at all times, and are considered Restrained. These objects can only be manipulated if not fixed to their current owner or position in some way, and these objects cannot be removed from your stasis field for the duration unless magically shifted from their position.

Additionally, the weight of your equipment can no longer encumber you or your movement while you are flying, and your flight speed increases by 15ft .

Cosmic Guide

At 9th level, the small fraction of understanding you may have gained from the cosmos has affected you deeply, and a portion of the gravitational energy you radiate has gained sentience. You gain your choice of one of the following Cosmic Familiars, as if by the find familiar spell. The familiar has true sight out to 15 feet and can see into the ethereal plane. The creature also has the ability to use your Gravity Shift ability. While the creature is within 5 feet of you, you gain additional benefits depending on which creature you choose. The familiar cannot attack, and is invulnerable to damage. If it moves more than 1 mile from you, it disappears and reappears by your side. The familiar can communicate with you telepathically out to a range of 1000 feet.


Your cosmic familiar is a black cat speckled with stars. While within 5 feet, you share it's TrueSight, and your Gravity Force attacks push creatures back 5 feet.


Your cosmic familiar is a crow who's feathers are speckled with stars. While within 5 feet, you share it's TrueSight, and flying no longer costs you extra movement.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 11th level, you can attack three times, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This attack must be a Gravity Force attack.

Stasis Field Improvement

At level 13, you have learned to improve the strength and elasticity of the gravity you shift. You may now use your stasis field to carry other creatures, regardless of their weight. You can carry up to 3 medium-sized or smaller creatures, if they are willing, though they are considered Restrained. If they choose, they may attempt to free themselves as they would free themselves from a Restrained condition.

Creatures in your stasis field cannot be moved from your stasis field by any means other than magical teleportation. Your stasis field now lasts until you choose to end it as a free action.

Additionally, your flight speed increases by another 15 feet.

Event Horizon

At level 15, you have gleaned cosmic energy of significantly higher power, gaining the ability to transcend mortal flesh for a short period of time. For 1 minute, you may undergo a transformation into an Archon of cosmic power, gaining a number of bonuses:

Fluctuating Gravity. Rapidly shifting gravity greatly hinders ranged attacks. All ranged attacks made against targets within 15 feet of you gain a -10 penalty to their attack roll.

Heavy Influence. The gravity of the area within 30 feet of your position becomes to intense for normal creatures, and is considered difficult terrain. Additionally, enemies that fly in this space must make a Strength Saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier or fall to the ground.

River of Stars. You are immediately surround yourself with 10 Stars, and you birth an extra Star with every Gravity Force Attack.

Any Stars generated during the duration fade away once the transformation ends. You may perform this transformation once per long rest.

Reality Shift

At level 17, you have learned to exert such powerful gravitational force that you can now cause subtle shifts in space and time. By spending an action to give up all your current stars, you can select a number of creatures equal to your Wisdom Modifier and force them to make a Charisma Saving Throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier. Willing creatures and Allied Creatures can choose to automatically fail this saving throw.

On a fail, you may shift the positions of those creatures by 10 feet for every Star expended. Creatures gain advantage against this saving throw if you are shifting them to a position that is directly lethal to them, such as over a cliff or into a lethal hazard.

This movement is instantaneous repositioning, and as such does not provoke opportunity attacks, and it bypasses all magical and nonmagical traps, wards, bars, and other such spells so long as those spells do not prevent planar travel.

Stasis Field Improvement

At Level 18, you have mastered subtle as well as massive shifts in gravity. You may now carry double the number of objects or creatures. Additionally, your stasis field now has the capacity to carry up to 2 Large objects or creatures, or 1 Huge object or creature, regardless of their weight.

Additionally, your flight speed is increased by another 15 feet.

Sky Sovereign

At Level 20, you have obtained some mastery of the cosmic currents that run within and around you. You gain advantage on any attacks made from the air.

Grand Choices

The Great Choice that a Singularity makes with their power shapes both their understanding of the world as well as the forces that drive it. Led to this Choice by the nature of their power itself, Singularities must choose what the power they have gained is for, and what purpose it serves in their life and their wishes. Though Singularities of different Choices all of course still value Freedom and choice, all differ in the desires that push them, and it is important to consider these desires when making your Choice.

Planetary Choice

Planetary Singularities seek to understand the world, and perhaps shape the world they live in. Though they share the Singular love for travel and seeing new things, these Singularities are far more grounded than their counterparts, though this hardly means they are closer to the actual ground.

Possessing a great deal more strength of will, these Singularities seek to use their power to exert their will and cause direct change, drawing strength from the great cosmic flow to alter and enhance their own bodies.

Red Giant

At third level, you have gained the power to more deeply immerse yourself within the great flow, and it bolsters your endurance and reaction ability. You gain a +2 bonus to your AC, and advantage against saving throws that would knock you prone.

Terminal Velocity

At sixth level, your Gravity Force attacks gain significantly more weight. Once per turn, on any 1 rolled on a damage die, you may treat that one die as having rolled its maximum value.


At 10th level, your vitality becomes almost limitless. Once per long rest, you may take an action to heal health points equal to twice your character level.

Extra Attack

At 14th level, you can attack four times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, but only to make a Gravity Force Attack.

Nebular Choice

Nebular Singularities seek to understand the mystical forces that drive all things. Delving much further into the great cosmic flow than others, these Singularities do not come back unchanged. Knowing secrets to great cosmic power, these beings begin the journey to their true understanding, when they finally shed mortal flesh and become beings of pure wisdom and energy.

Possessing a much broader mind than others, Nebular Singularities seek to discover lost knowledge, often times at the potential sacrifice of all else. This desire fuels their ability to reach into the cosmic flow and pull forth great mystical energies almost akin to magic.

Wisdom of the Cosmos

Beginning at third level when you make this Choice, your understanding already begins to deepen. If you spend at least 24 hours in the presence of the same creature or creatures, then for the next 48 hours, you know the distance and direction these creatures are from you at all times, as long as they are on the same plane of existence as you. If the creature is no longer alive, you are unable to sense them in this way.

Seer of Suns and Moons

Upon reaching level 6, your frequent cosmic shifting has granted you an inoculation against being blinded. You cannot be magically blinded by any means.

Additionally, you gain the ability to cast Moonbeam once per dusk, and Sunbeam once per dawn.

Maker of Ties

Upon reaching level 10, your understanding of the forces that tie creatures together has granted you some semblance of control over them. As a bonus action, you may attempt to thread together up to 5 targets you have struck with your Gravity Force within the last minute. All targets must pass a Dexterity Saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier or be threaded. Threaded enemies can not move any further away from each other than they were upon being threaded, and they gain a -1 penalty to their AC for every enemy threaded to them.

The cosmic threads last 1 minute before disappearing, and enemies can make a Strength Check (Athletics) against a DC 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Wisdom Modifier to break the thread binding them. If an enemy in the middle of a chain of enemies successfully breaks this thread, then the chain splits into a series of smaller chains based on where that enemy was in the chain.

Blessings of the Mystic

At 14th level, you have learned to master the new mystical energies that course within you. You may choose glean two additional Starsigns from any other Asterims you have not chosen.

Orbital Choice

Orbital Singularities seek one thing and one thing only: a life to live full of fulfillment. They want to see and do everything, and take the classic Singular love of the skies to the maximum. Soaring quickly over hill, house, mountain, and meteor, Orbital Singularities seek only to broaden their own horizons.

Significantly less restricted than others, Orbital Singularities choose to forgo significant increases in power for significant increases in mobility, speed, and skill. Their fast lifestyle is often known to get them into trouble, but thankfully they are as slippery as they are troublesome.

Shooting Star

At 3rd level, when you make this Choice, you have already begun to far outstrip other flying creatures in terms of speed. Your flying speed is increased by 15 feet.

Upon striking an enemy with your Gravity Force, you gain an additional 10 feet of free movement that does not provoke opportunity attacks from that enemy.

Circle Crescent

Upon reaching 6th level, your ability to strike enemies from the air becomes unmatched even among other Singularities. When striking an enemy from the air, you may maximize the damage die dealt to any creature that is prone.

Stasis Storm

Your Stasis field becomes a tool for defense and offense when you reach level 10. As a reaction while your stasis field is active, you may attempt to catch any projectile that enters it. Roll a number of d8s equal to your Wisdom modifier, reducing the projectile damage by the total. If you reduce it to 0, the projectile becomes one of the orbiting objects in your stasis field, and doesn't count towards your maximum.

Additionally, as a bonus action while your stasis field is active, you may choose to fire one of the orbiting objects in your stasis field. Make a ranged weapon attack against a target within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes damage equal to your character level. The damage type is appropriate for the object that is fired.

Grand Chariot

At 14th level, you have mastered your abilitiy to shift Gravity. You can no longer be forced to the ground by any means, and you do not provoke opportunity attacks when you take flight from the ground.


Asterisms are unique and powerful clusters of Starsigns from which Singularities can glean cosmic and historical power. By taking in the power of these great aspects, Singularities bolster their own strength in hopes of becoming a great story of their own.

Each Asterism can be chosen only once, and each one grants both passive power as well as the ability to invoke the Starsigns that lay within its borders. You may invoke each Starsign only once per turn. You may invoke any number of Starsigns as long as you have the Stars to powerthem, but certain Starsigns have their own additional limitations. The DC for any Starsigns that require it is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier.

The Pugilist

When gleaning the power of the Pugilist, your Gravity Force attacks lose their range and become melee unarmed strikes, but they gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls for every 10 feet of range given up in this way, to a maximum of +5. This does not include long distance range.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 2 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force attack gains advantage and deals an extra 1d8 force damage.


Cost: 4 Stars

Effect: You may make two extra Gravity Force Attacks this turn, but these do not generate stars.


Cost: 6 Stars

Effect: You may teleport to any space within 5 feet of an enemy you have struck with your Gravity Force within the past minute.

The Guardian

When gleaning the power of the Guardian, you grant the same AC bonus granted to you by your Stellar Genesis to all allied creatures within 5 feet of you.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 3 Stars

Effect: You gain a +3 to your own AC until the end of your next turn.


Cost: 5 Stars

Effect: Until the end of your next turnYou impose disadvantage on all attacks made within 15 feet of you, unless they attack you.


Cost: 10 Stars

Effect: You may give up half of your hit points to heal another ally for double the amount. This Starsign may be used once per Long Rest, and cannot be used in the same turn as other Starsigns.

The Mystic

When gleaning the power of the Mystic, you become able to read all writing regardless of language, and you permanently gain the effects of the Detect Magic spell.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: up to 5 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force becomes the Ice Knife spell, the level of which depends on the stars expended. The DC is 8 + your PWisdom Modifier.


Cost: 4 Stars

Effect: You cast the Fire Shield Spell on yourself or an ally within 15 feet.


Cost: 7 Stars

Effect: You cast the FireBall spell. The DC is 10 + your Wisdom Modifier.

The Warrior

When gleaning the power of the Warrior, you may substitute your Wisdom Modifier for Strength for any weapon you are proficient in, and your weapon attacks are considered Gravity Force attacks.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: up to 10 Stars

Effect: You regain health equal to the amount of Stars used.


Cost: 4 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force attack attempts to grapple the target in place, using your base Wisdom in place of a Strength Check.


Cost: 6 Stars

Effect: You may end one of the following conditions you are under: Blinded, Deafened, Poisoned, or Restrained.

The Medic

When gleaning the power of the Medic, you gain health equal to your Wisdom Modifier whenever you heal an ally. This effect can occur once per turn.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 6 Stars

Effect: You cast Lesser Restoration on an Ally within 15 feet.


Cost: 10 Stars

Effect: You cast Greater Restoration on an Ally within 15 feet. This Starsign may be used once per Long Rest, and cannot be used in the same turn as other Starsigns.


Cost: 4 Stars

Effect: You cast the Healing Word spell at second level.

The Marksman

When gleaning the power of the Marksman, your Gravity Force Attacks gain an extra 45 foot normal range, as well as a 120 foot long distance range.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 3 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force can strike up to 3 enemies.


Cost: 3 Stars

Effect: You can roll a number of d8s equal to your Wisdom modifier and reduce the damage of incoming projectiles by that amount.


Cost: 1 Stars

Effect: You cast the Hunter's Mark spell on a single Enemy.

The Demon

When gleaning the power of the Demon, you gain 1d6 Temporary Hit Points whenever you strike an Enemy with your Gravity Force.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 7 Stars

Effect: You cast the Confusion spell on a single enemy. This Starsign may be used once per Long Rest, and cannot be used in the same turn as other Starsigns.


Cost: 3 Stars

Effect: The next Gravity Force attack you make forces the target to make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom Modifier. On a failure, the target takes 3d8 fire damage at the start of their next turn.


Cost: 5 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force Attack heals you for the damage you deal.

The Champion

When gleaning the power of the Champion, you deal critical hits whenever you roll a 19 or 20.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 2 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force distracts your target, causing the next attack from your allies to hit them at advantage.


Cost: 4 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force attack moves the target up to 15 feet in any direction if they fail a Strength Saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier.


Cost: 2 Stars

Effect: You may take the Dodge action, even if you have already attacked this turn.

The Charioteer

When gleaning the power of the Charioteer, you increase your flight speed by another 15 feet.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 4 Stars

Effect: You cast the Fly spell on an ally within 15 feet, and it lasts 1 minute. When the duration is over, they float safely to the ground.


Cost: 6 Stars

Effect: Your next Gravity Force attack forces the Target to make a Charisma Saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom Modifier or have their position switched with yours.


Cost: 3 Stars

Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you take no damage from spells or effects if you succeed on their saving throws.

The Invoker

When gleaning the power of the Invoker, you gain an extra Star whenever you strike an enemy with your Gravity Force, but you may only gain up to 4 stars per turn. Each additional Star birthed after this number heals you for 1 health and fades away.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 10 Stars

Effect: You may mimic the last spell cast by a creature you can see, provided they cast that spell within the last minute. This Starsign may be used once per Long Rest, and cannot be used in the same turn as other Starsigns.


Cost: 2 Stars

Effect: You may cast Spare the Dying on any creature within 15 feet of you.


Cost: 4 Stars

Effect: For one minute, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible, and you can see into the Ethereal Plane. Ethereal creatures and objects appear ghostly and translucent.

The Exorcist

When gleaning the power of the Exorcist, you gain advantage against any Saving Throw that causes a creature to be charmed or frightened.

Additionally, you learn the following Starsigns and may invoke them if you have the proper number of Stars.


Cost: 7 Stars

Effect: You may cast the Banishment Spell. This Starsign may be used once per short rest.


Cost: 10 Stars

Effect: You call down a great cosmic downpour of magical rain in a 15 foot radius centered on a point you choose within 60 feet of you. This rain washes away magical effects if cast at first level or lower. For every round the rain continues to fall, the level of spell it can wash away increases by 1, to a maximum of 7, and after 1 minute, the rain removes any Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, or Poisoned conditions on the targets in its area. The rain cannot remove any condition or magical effect created by the Wish Spell or any spells above 8th level. The Rain lasts up to 10 minutes, or until you choose to end it as a bonus action. You may invoke this Starsign once per long rest.


Cost: 6 Stars

Effect: You cast the Dispel Magic spell on one magical effect you can see.


This is a Mess.

Hello all. I playtested the Cosmic Class I made a while ago and realized it needed a new name, and... with the new name a whole bunch of other stuff just magically changed. But I'm proud!

The basic concept of this class is a class that gets steadily more powerful as time passes, just like the gravity exerted by a Black Hole gets steadily stronger until it dies.

My inspirations for this class lie in a couple places. First, the wonderful people over at Riot Games for their Amazing Cosmic Skin Splash arts. They have no idea I exist and I'm happy to let it stay that way. Second, to a number of Different Redditors who helped me balance the first iteration of this class, The Cosmic. It really helped, but then this Singularity Fever dream happened and stole all my money and my life force. Thanks you guys!

Cover Art: Made by the artists at Riot Games

This document was created on the lovely GM Binder.

Art Credits

There should be more art besides the cover art, but it's currently 10 pm and I need to watch Stranger Things, so just the Cover Art for today.

Cover Art: Cosmic Queen Ashe, drawn by Alex Flores in the League of Legends Artist Team


This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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