
by Cecily the bard

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weapon (longsword), Artifact (requires attunement)

One of 3 swords forged from the human love felt by an Archdevil for a human woman, the Yamato represents the split nature between the archdevil's love for his wife, and the evil of his nature.

Legend has it the blade is so sharp, it holds the ability to cut through anything and everything which has ever existed, including the fabric of reality itself.

The Yamato counts as a +3 long sword, and has the siege property.

Demensional cuts: The Yamato holds the ability to cut through the very reality of the world and planes themselves. As an action, the sword can cast teleport a number of times each day equal to the attuned creature's intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and can cast Plane shift once per day. Reuses of this ability return with the dawn.

Emotional: The Yamato imposes emotion upon the person who wields it. The one who is attuned to the Yamato will feel the desire for power, knowledge and trickery which pervades the souls of all devils. The person will always feel a need for more power, and a desire to ascend from their current flesh.

Separation: The Yamato's nature is one of duality and separation. As part of a 10 minute ritual, the sword can be used to separate the nature of an object or creature into its two halves, so long as they remain in melee range. What this means exactly is up to the dm, and should be discussed, as the intent of the wielder can mean much in this. A tiefling conflicted between his two natures might separate into a devil of some form and a normal human, one evil, the other good. A magic armor separated into normal armor and a field of unstable magic. Using this on a vampire might create a succubus and the original person the vampire was, a predatory creature feeding on humans and the original.

What ever it is used on, usually one half of the transformation is dominant, based upon the wielder's choice. Any attuned items have their attunement carried over to the dominant creature, and all class levels are transfered over as well. If the original creature's nature was of a magic nature, the non dominant creature may be granted either sorcerer or warlock levels equal to the old level amount, based on dm discretion.

However, no matter what the case, there can be only one soul in the world for a single creature. Over the course of the next 1d6 weeks, the non dominant creature will slowly erode in nature until they no longer exist. Permanently dying. This process can only be postponed up to a year by a wish spell, or by the remerging of souls through one half killing the other.

Destroying Yamato: To destroy the Yamato one must use the Rebellion in order to merge it with another weapon or creature.

Credit: Devil May Cry 5


weapon (longsword), Artifact (requires attunement)

The second sword forged from the love felt by a dying archdevil, the Rebellion represents his defiance of his nature of the combined love he felt for his human wife.

Where the Yamato was granted the ability to split nature itself, the Rebellion represents the ability to combine two things very nature together. Legend holding it has the abiity to close even the most permanent of portals, and was once used to close a tear made into the very fabric of reality by the demogorgon.

The Rebellion counts as a +3 longsword. Additionally, Rebellion deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage against creatures of a split nature, such as tieflings, half-orcs, aasimar, half elves, undead, and others at the DM's discretion.

Emotional: The Rebellion imposes on its wielder a strange contentness with themselves. The creature attuned to it will feel as though they're strong enough, and good enough for most situations. This could cause trouble for the creature, but mostly creates a cocky attitude.

Merging nature: The Rebellion holds in it the ability to merge creatures and objects, and create whole new possibilities.

Over the course of a 10 minute ritual using Rebellion, the attuned creature may merge two creatures or objects into one, so long as they are within melee range. The exact nature of this merging is up to the DM, but a few examples are listed below. More options are possible, as the nature of Rebellion is much harder to define then Yamato's.

Merge reality: the Rebellion closes a portal or gateway to another plane, or other part of the Material plane.

Combine souls: You take two creatures and combine them into one. This is rare to do, and even rarer to end well. If it is two creatures with souls, each makes a wisdom saving throw and the one with the higher result is dominant. The creature combines all skills and knowledge of the two. The exact meaning of this is up to the DM.

Combine magic: The Rebellion combines two magical weapons or armor into one. The exact nature of the new weapon or armor is up to the DM, but will generally be the combined powers of the two objects, and slightly improved in where they overlap.

Grant soul: the Rebellion was forged from the love of a souless devil and a human woman. This means where the Yamato could separate a soul, the Rebellion can grant one from the magic of its creation. When this feature is used on a fiend, dragon, undead, or similar creature without a soul, the creature is granted a human's soul and morality. It must make a DC 25 wisdom saving throw. One a failed saving throw its alignment moves one step closer to Neutral and Good. On a successful saving throw it makes a step toward one or the other.

Additionally, the creature will find itself viewing life with a more human set of morals, and may need to spend time trying to fight its new morality, or seek out the Yamato for freedom from this new conflict.

Destroying Rebellion: In order to destroy Rebellion, it must be forged with another artifact weapon, or have its magic separated by the Yamato.

Credit: Devil May Cry 5

Credit: Devil May Cry 5

Devil Sword Sparda

weapon (longsword), Artifact (requires attunement)

The third and most powerful weapon created from the love of the Archdevil, the Devil Sword Sparda was the original power of the Archdevil, and bears his name sake.

Legend holds he sword was that which the Yamato and Rebellion were originally brought forth from, as scholars of the Blood Wars have supposedly found images of the Archdevil using the Devil Sword Sparda upon both Demon and Devil alike, before he fell in love.

The Devil Sword is a +3 long sword. Additionally, all fiends are considered vulnerable to its attacks, and takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage from it.

Emotional: The Devil Sword Sparda puts upon its wielder hatred for the Hells and Abyss, and a rejection of the fiendish. The attuned creature will find itself having a complete loathing for anything having to do with these, unless truly trusted first. Even the most scholary wizard, infernal warlock, or even powerful Devil will find nothing but hatred for these things after attuning.

Safe from Prying eyes: The Devil Sword Sparda and its attuned owner are both unable to be scryed or located through magical means. Additionally, any attempt to scry for creatures within 60 feet of the sword fail as well.

Strength of Sparda: The creature attuned to the Devil Sword Sparda has their strength and constitution score increase by 2, to a maximum of 24 each. This increase goes away if ever unattuned from the sword; however remains so long as they are attuned and on the same plane of existence.

Destroying the Devil Sword Sparda: In order to destroy the Devil Sword Sparda it must either be forged into a new sword by Rebellion, with one the other two swords of the Archdevil's love, or have its power further split into more artifacts by the Yamato.


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